2022 Stranger FULL HOT MOVIE

  • 2 weeks ago
2022 Stranger FULL HOT MOVIE
00:01:32Yeah, she needs to be on set on Monday for that.
00:01:37So make sure everything goes okay.
00:01:44Sounds good.
00:01:46Yeah, we just pulled up.
00:01:49Yeah, it's like two hours away.
00:01:54Okay, keep me posted.
00:01:55Come on, it's time to unplug.
00:01:57You're gonna love it.
00:01:59Yeah, I'll be here until Monday,
00:02:01so service seems to be fine.
00:02:05Just call me.
00:02:06Let me know if you need anything.
00:02:10Okay, talk soon.
00:02:13Call if you need anything.
00:02:16Come on, baby, it's supposed to be our time.
00:02:19I love you, and I'm very happy to be here with you,
00:02:22but just don't, okay?
00:02:25All right.
00:02:33Isn't this great?
00:02:35No, it's lovely.
00:02:36Thank you for doing this.
00:02:38All right, especially for unplugging.
00:02:40John, you know this is just...
00:02:41No, seriously.
00:02:42I meant that sincerely.
00:02:44All right, as much as you can be present,
00:02:46I'm appreciative of it.
00:02:55Ooh, cute.
00:02:59Not bad.
00:03:00Not bad.
00:03:01Not bad at all.
00:03:09This is exactly what I've been needing.
00:03:13I will tell you what you've been needing.
00:03:15Oh, boy.
00:03:21All right.
00:03:25Glasses, glassware.
00:03:44Wow, this is such a cute room.
00:03:47Yeah, it is.
00:03:50You know, we should do this with Paul and Danielle sometime,
00:03:53like a couple's getaway.
00:03:55Yeah, it's a good idea.
00:03:57But I'm glad that we get to do this together first.
00:04:03Me too.
00:04:08Wait, should we break in every room as we go?
00:04:11Is that a challenge?
00:04:13Maybe after you make your proper cocktail,
00:04:15we can discuss it.
00:04:16All right.
00:04:17Are you extorting me for my cocktail-making abilities?
00:04:20That's kind of the only reason we're together.
00:04:22Is it?
00:04:29I love it up here.
00:04:31Yeah, me too.
00:04:33Isn't there another bedroom downstairs?
00:04:35Yeah, there's a few.
00:04:37Let's check them out.
00:04:38All right.
00:04:40Didn't realize this place had so many bedrooms.
00:04:42Yeah, it's not bad.
00:04:44Should I go grab our bags?
00:04:46No, let's just chill and have a drink for a bit.
00:04:52You want another drink?
00:04:57Do you remember where you put the speaker?
00:04:59Oh, it's in your backpack.
00:05:04What'll it be?
00:05:06Um, surprise me.
00:05:19You and this man.
00:05:21I know you love me.
00:05:23Always makes me want to kiss you.
00:05:28You and this man.
00:05:29I know you love me.
00:05:31Always makes me want to cook.
00:05:34Should I get started on dinner?
00:05:40I'll go grab the things.
00:05:53Hey, I'm sorry.
00:05:54What the fuck?
00:05:55Who are you?
00:05:57I'm Ben.
00:05:59I'm the caretaker, groundskeeper, whatever you want to call me.
00:06:02I just live up the way.
00:06:04I saw you guys drive in, so I wanted to come introduce myself
00:06:09and let you know that I'm here should you need anything.
00:06:12All right.
00:06:14Yeah, sorry, man.
00:06:16You caught me off guard there.
00:06:19But I appreciate you letting us know you're here.
00:06:22But we're good, man.
00:06:23We have everything we need.
00:06:24Love this place.
00:06:25Well, I'm so glad to hear that.
00:06:26And again, I'm really sorry.
00:06:27I didn't mean to scare you.
00:06:29It's fine, man, really.
00:06:31You know what?
00:06:33It looks like you guys are running low on firewood.
00:06:36How about I chop you some?
00:06:37Oh, no, no, no.
00:06:38Come on.
00:06:39No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:06:40Come on, I don't want to get off on the wrong foot.
00:06:41Let me do this for you.
00:06:42It'll make me feel better.
00:06:44Listen, I won't even bother you.
00:06:46I'll just leave it by the front door.
00:06:52Appreciate that.
00:06:54Really, it's nothing at all.
00:06:58You all enjoy your stay now.
00:07:01Thanks again.
00:07:12Were you talking to someone?
00:07:16It's a really creepy old groundskeeper guy.
00:07:21Scared the shit out of me.
00:07:23What do you want?
00:07:25Nothing, really.
00:07:26He was just welcoming us and introducing himself.
00:07:31Anyways, what all do you need for dinner tonight?
00:07:33Okay, I need one of the onions, and then ground beef, chorizo,
00:07:39tomatoes, pasta, pasta sauce, and then whatever veggie you want tonight.
00:07:45Oh, really?
00:07:46Whatever veggie I want?
00:07:49I get to choose?
00:07:53Thank you for this.
00:08:03Okay, how about you go sit down, relax,
00:08:06and pick out whatever terrifying movie you're going to make us watch tonight.
00:08:10Hey, this is not solely my tradition, okay?
00:08:13I don't like it any more than you do.
00:08:15So then why do we do this to ourselves?
00:08:18It's just what we do, honey.
00:08:24Here, move it.
00:08:25I get it.
00:08:26I know how sensitive you are with onions.
00:08:30Of course.
00:08:32Hey, should I make us a cocktail?
00:08:34Yes, please.
00:08:35Let him bring the bar in.
00:08:36I'll go get it.
00:08:37Go ahead.
00:09:21Hey, what are we drinking?
00:09:32I'll make it.
00:09:34How about a martini?
00:09:36Ooh, whatever you want.
00:09:40Although, being up in the woods like this does put me in the mood for a whiskey sip.
00:09:45Ah, I'm down for a whiskey sip.
00:09:50I'm enjoying these, baby.
00:09:53Thank you for doing everything else.
00:09:55Of course.
00:10:07I'm going to make a Manhattan.
00:10:09Sound good to you?
00:10:10Yeah, as long as you don't let me have six of them.
00:10:13Oh my gosh, that was hardly my fault.
00:10:14I had just as many as you had.
00:10:16And I blame that bartender.
00:10:19Some people are just too good at their jobs.
00:10:20Public health.
00:10:21Yeah, yeah.
00:10:22So, if you don't have at least six of mine, I'm going to be offended.
00:10:25I thought I was your favorite bartender.
00:10:27Ah, you are.
00:10:29Especially because your drinks are free.
00:10:38Your sink.
00:10:54To us.
00:10:55To us.
00:11:02Alright, I'm going to enjoy this drink on the back deck.
00:11:05Enjoy the view.
00:11:07You should join me.
00:11:08Uh, let me just get this sauce going a little bit and then I'll meet you out there.
00:12:09The sauce will be good to simmer for a bit.
00:12:23I love it out here.
00:12:25It's nice, huh?
00:12:29Want to mention?
00:12:30What's that?
00:12:31We forgot the key ingredient to our dinner tonight at the store.
00:12:37The pasta.
00:12:39Damn it, really?
00:12:41Okay, not a problem.
00:12:42I went to the store and grabbed it real quick.
00:12:43No, it's okay, baby.
00:12:44I'll go with you.
00:12:45No, seriously.
00:12:47I'll be back for you now.
00:13:32In a press conference today, the mayor has announced the reopening of the North Trail to the public.
00:13:36This renovation has requested twice the time and budget that the town had initially approved due to the pressure of the city.
00:13:48When you're around I know it's true
00:13:51The way you make me feel is so good, baby
00:13:54So good, so good
00:13:57The city board stated in their press release that the decision to increase the budget has allowed to rebuild the old fence and secure the whole area,
00:14:04which is commonly used for walks and hikes by family and tourists.
00:14:07The opposition party had run a campaign for the measure to be assessed to prevent more accidents similar to the one that caused a major concern in the public opinion last year
00:14:15when 23-year-old Caroline Dunant slipped and fell off the trail while running, which nearly cost her her life.
00:14:21The mayor allegedly ordered the variation to contrast the growing popularity of the opposition leader,
00:14:27who is expected to run for mayor in the city election next year.
00:14:30The press office of the mayor has denied the rumor.
00:15:46Jesus Christ!
00:15:49I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.
00:15:52What do you want?
00:15:53I'm banned. I met your husband out front. I told him I'd bring you some firewood. I'm the caretaker.
00:15:59Why didn't you just knock at the front door?
00:16:01I know, I know. I probably should have. I just, I had this whole bundle of wood that I was carrying.
00:16:06Okay, well you just really scared me.
00:16:09Again, I'm sorry. I'll just pile this wood up and I'll be on my way.
00:16:13It's okay, you just caught me off guard is all.
00:16:17Well, that was not my intention. I saw your car drive down the road,
00:16:21so I assumed that you guys would both be out and that this would be a good time to drop the wood off.
00:16:26Yeah, no, that makes perfect sense. Sorry for my reaction.
00:16:33Are you okay there?
00:16:35Oh, uh, yes, yeah. I just caught myself cooking dinner.
00:16:41Well, be careful there. There's a lot of things out here that want to kill you.
00:16:47No, I just mean that, you know, you should get that cleaned up. It's easy to get an infection.
00:16:54You got a first aid kit in there with you?
00:16:57I'm not sure.
00:16:59Well, you know, I could run home and grab some stuff for you and come back if you like.
00:17:04No, no, no need. I'm sure we have stuff around here. I just haven't had a chance to look yet.
00:17:10There's no need for you to come back. We're good.
00:17:12Okay. Well, that should do you then.
00:17:17Should be plenty for the next few days, but, you know, if you guys run out or you need anything,
00:17:22you know, don't hesitate to call or, you know, just come on by my place. It's just down the road.
00:17:29Yeah, thank you. It's very kind of you.
00:17:32All right. No trouble at all.
00:17:34Okay. Thanks again.
00:17:36Yeah. I'll see you around.
00:17:59Back to your favorite local radio station.
00:18:01This is still Quilt Robinson here with my fellow community citizens.
00:18:04It's Friday night.
00:18:10As in the rest of the country, we are officially in summer.
00:18:13As a matter of fact, it's been a hot summer already, and it looks like we're going to have a very long summer this year.
00:18:18Let's keep updating you on the unusual tropical situation, which is predicted to reach the peak next weekend.
00:18:23Tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday, we're going to track the skies given the monsoonal moisture from the south.
00:18:28Some areas may...
00:18:31...of 71 and a maximum of 79, with sky conditions that are mostly clear and sunny.
00:18:36We're warning you, though, the temperature will drop to a minimum of 65 and a maximum of 72 on Tuesday and Wednesday,
00:18:43where the chances of rain will have a peak with an average 65 percent of rain.
00:18:47We will then bounce back to...
00:19:53Who is it?
00:19:56Who is it?
00:19:58It's me. Who do you think it is?
00:20:00Sorry, I just... I got freaked out a minute ago.
00:20:03Hey. Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, why do you have a knife?
00:20:07Because that creepy groundskeeper came by.
00:20:10Oh, dammit. He came off to drop off the wood, didn't he?
00:20:14Yeah. And you didn't think to mention to your fiancé, who was here all alone, that he might be stopping by, so...
00:20:20I'm sorry. I forgot. All right?
00:20:23Yeah, and...
00:20:24I'm sorry you got scared.
00:20:26Did you know this place doesn't have a TV?
00:20:31Yeah, yeah, yeah. I realized that when I got here.
00:20:35You have your laptop, right?
00:20:40Sorry, I just got really scared. I mean, he, like, came by the kitchen window when I was at the sink and just, like, came out of nowhere.
00:20:47By the kitchen sink? Why didn't he go to the front door?
00:20:50He thought that we had left together when you went to go get pasta, so he didn't know I was here.
00:20:57Hey. Hey, what's this?
00:21:00Nothing. I just cut myself when I was...
00:21:02Nothing? Let me see.
00:21:03It's not that bad.
00:21:08It's not that bad.
00:21:09Not that bad? You almost cut your finger off.
00:21:11You're ridiculous.
00:21:12Did you clean it?
00:21:13I just ran water over it.
00:21:15Oh, that's...
00:21:17All right, look, I'm gonna get some stuff and I'm gonna clean it up for you, all right?
00:21:21Or at least pour some whiskey over it.
00:21:27You can take the boy out of the cell.
00:21:30Hey, I heard that.
00:21:57All right.
00:22:03Oh, come on. It's not gonna hurt, all right?
00:22:06Plus, the whiskey's really poor, right?
00:22:10Okay, fine. Let's just get it over with.
00:22:12All right.
00:22:14Wait, should we trust that? Is it expired?
00:22:19Do I even care?
00:22:20It's fine. It's fine.
00:22:23All right, just a little bit to make sure you don't get infection.
00:22:31Oh, you okay?
00:22:33All good.
00:22:37All right.
00:22:39Now, just a quick Band-Aid and you'll be good.
00:22:46All right, good as new.
00:22:49Although, I don't know if you should be drinking alcohol.
00:22:53You know, it's a blood thinner.
00:22:55It should probably finish this for you.
00:22:57Well, in that case, Dr. Taylor can go fuck himself.
00:23:03Wow, a little harsh.
00:23:06You know, this house is expecting sex.
00:23:09And we wouldn't want to disappoint the house, now would we?
00:23:13Patience, Doctor.
00:23:29Okay, so, we have about nine minutes before the pasta's ready.
00:23:35So, in the meantime, we could...
00:23:38So, what can we do in nine minutes?
00:23:40Is that what you're asking?
00:23:43You're such a perv.
00:23:45You should appreciate my completely appropriate level of perviness.
00:23:49That's a word.
00:23:51For you, yes.
00:24:03So, still got about six minutes before the pasta's...
00:24:08No way.
00:24:13Shut up.
00:24:16Is that the car?
00:24:36Stay here.
00:24:38I'm sure it's nothing.
00:24:40Oh, I'm not going anywhere.
00:25:04Car's fine.
00:25:06I'm sure it's just a squirrel.
00:25:09Nothing to worry about.
00:25:10Okay, I'm going to go drain the pasta so it doesn't get sticky.
00:25:13Come on.
00:26:41John, dinner's ready.
00:26:45I'll be right out.
00:26:52What are you doing down there?
00:27:00What's up?
00:27:01Nothing, there's a pipe leaking.
00:27:03I'll notify the owner in the morning.
00:27:05Okay, well, come up and eat because the pasta's getting cold.
00:27:09We've got to watch a movie.
00:27:11Yeah, I'll be right out.
00:27:23So, what kind of wine did you get?
00:27:27Pinot Noir, of course.
00:27:29Come on, it's your favorite.
00:27:32All right, you ready?
00:27:34Um, am I going to hate it?
00:27:36Probably, yeah.
00:27:39All right.
00:27:46All right, you hate it.
00:27:48Oh, come on.
00:27:49Give it a chance.
00:27:51I will, I will.
00:27:52I'm sorry.
00:27:59Do you remember one time when we were small, we were out here?
00:28:03It was from right over there.
00:28:05I jumped out at you from behind the tree, and you jumped out at me.
00:28:09I jumped out at you, and you jumped out at me.
00:28:12It was right over there.
00:28:13I jumped out at you from behind the tree, and Grandpa got all excited,
00:28:16and he shook his fist at me, and he said,
00:28:18Boy, you'll be damned to hell.
00:28:21Remember that?
00:28:22Right over there.
00:28:24Well, you used to really be scared here.
00:28:28You're still afraid.
00:28:30Stop it now.
00:28:31I mean it.
00:28:36They're coming to get you, Barbara.
00:28:39Stop it.
00:28:40You're ignorant.
00:28:41They're coming for you, Barbara.
00:28:44Stop it.
00:28:45You're acting like a child.
00:28:46What an asshole.
00:28:47They're coming for you.
00:28:49There comes one of them now.
00:28:52I hope this movie gets better.
00:28:54I know.
00:28:55I'm getting out of here.
00:28:56I'm relatively sure it does.
00:29:07Help me.
00:29:08Help me.
00:29:11Help me.
00:29:30What's that noise?
00:29:35It must be the pipe.
00:29:37That's ridiculous.
00:29:38Well, look.
00:29:39The pipes are right below us.
00:29:40You're going to hear it.
00:29:41Are you sure?
00:29:44Calm down.
00:29:46Calm down?
00:29:47You calm down.
00:30:10I remember why we did this to ourselves.
00:30:21I think you still just look creeped out from that groundskeeper guy today.
00:30:33Finally, a reasonable choice from this chick.
00:30:37She ain't that useless.
00:30:38We'll see.
00:30:41Hey, but if this was 1968, you'd be cuddled up to me, clenching my arm right now.
00:30:53Oh, yeah?
00:30:55Oh, yeah.
00:30:57And then you would have your hand on my knee.
00:31:02Oh, yeah.
00:31:03And slowly work it out my way.
00:31:06And then what?
00:31:08And then you'd give me a foot rub.
00:31:13A foot rub?
00:31:14Is that what I would do?
00:31:16What were you thinking?
00:31:17I was thinking about something else.
00:31:31Here we go.
00:31:32I knew it was coming, but now it's on.
00:31:34Oh, it's been on for a minute.
00:31:58It's nice to get out of L.A., huh?
00:32:01So nice.
00:32:04It's crazy how you can see the stars out here.
00:32:12The town is so cute, too.
00:32:17But it's so crazy how, like, the stores are only open, like, a couple days a week at really weird times.
00:32:26It's a family town.
00:32:28You get a lot of people come up here to raise families, raise kids.
00:32:39Hey, remember, we got to get this stuff out of the car.
00:32:41Uh, yeah.
00:32:44We should do that.
00:32:48On some person.
00:33:24I'm gonna brush my teeth really quick.
00:33:27I'm gonna change first.
00:34:20You're all wet.
00:34:27So long?
00:34:32I'll take a maybe.
00:34:34Okay, I know you will.
00:34:36Hey, what time is it?
00:34:38It's like 11.30.
00:34:43You better put that lid down before you flush that toilet.
00:34:46Don't I always?
00:34:49You know how many germs fly up when you flush a toilet?
00:34:52Like a million.
00:34:54I mean, yeah.
00:34:55It's gross.
00:34:56Like, what do you want to do?
00:34:57Brush your teeth with a poop toothbrush?
00:35:00I don't think so.
00:35:01Oh, my gosh.
00:35:02It's like some, uh, synthetist thing we should talk about.
00:35:05Okay, okay.
00:35:06Look, I'll flush the toilet now and forever.
00:35:11Hey, do you want to go on a hike in the morning?
00:35:14Do I look like I want to go on a hike in the morning?
00:35:17Well, not yet.
00:35:19Then you guessed right.
00:35:20You mean to get sex?
00:35:22You mean to get sex or a hike?
00:35:27Which one do you think I'm gonna choose?
00:35:31I know which one.
00:37:48good morning
00:38:12wake up johnny boy
00:38:14wake up
00:38:20want me to make you some coffee?
00:38:28yeah that'd be great
00:38:42you can come back in then
00:39:12here you go
00:39:18smells great
00:39:22I'll join you in a minute
00:39:42John, did you leave this door unlocked last night?
00:39:52uh shit um yeah I might have
00:39:56are you fucking kidding me?
00:39:58after that creepy guy scared the shit out of us you're going to leave this door unlocked
00:40:02like it just came out to have a smoke
00:40:05we're fine it's not that big a deal
00:40:07forget it
00:40:18why thank you
00:40:20oh it wasn't a compliment
00:40:22thank you
00:40:52how about I make us some breakfast?
00:41:00you hungry?
00:41:02yes please
00:41:04do you want one egg or two?
00:41:06uh two
00:41:20wow so cute
00:41:26come look at this
00:41:36they're available for fostering
00:41:40just saying
00:41:42wow I'm just saying that'll be really nice for whoever fosters them
00:41:46anybody but us
00:41:48hey since we're on the subject
00:41:52I could do a baby instead
00:41:58we haven't even started planning our wedding yet
00:42:02have you set a date for that?
00:42:06okay we're not about to have this conversation right now on our vacation
00:42:19I'll just go back to making breakfast
00:42:38mmm delicious baby thank you
00:42:41you're welcome
00:42:43hey so I know you said you didn't want to earlier but
00:42:47it's nice outside
00:42:49I would love to go for a hike or a walk around the neighborhood
00:42:55and you're invited if you'd like to join
00:43:01I don't know I uh
00:43:03don't worry about it
00:43:07I'm probably just gonna go after breakfast
00:43:09yeah I just I love that for you baby
00:43:11I just don't really feel like it so
00:43:13no pressure
00:43:15but I think I'm gonna go
00:43:17take my mat out
00:43:19do some yoga on the deck
00:43:23that's great
00:43:25I won't try to convince you
00:43:27thank you
00:43:31couldn't even make it through breakfast
00:43:33no I just have to send a quick email I forgot
00:43:39I'm just messing with you
00:43:43what are you mad?
00:43:45no no
00:43:47I better go get ready though
00:44:21all done
00:44:23should be good for the rest of the day
00:44:25that's great
00:44:35you gonna be like this all day?
00:44:39I'm not being like anything
00:44:41I just want to get outside, go for a hike
00:44:43get out in some nature
00:44:45why did you move my toothbrush?
00:44:47I didn't
00:44:49John it's okay
00:44:51if you knocked it over or something just tell me
00:44:53Rebecca I didn't touch your toothbrush
00:44:55I only do when it's to put it on the charger
00:45:01I know what I did with my toothbrush last night
00:45:03I finished brushing my teeth and I put it right there next to the soap
00:45:11I don't know what to tell you
00:45:13well I know I didn't move it so
00:45:17had to have been you but
00:45:25oh shit
00:45:35oh shit
00:46:01what the fuck
00:47:19damn it
00:47:25who is it?
00:47:27oh just a neighbor
00:47:33I said who is it?
00:47:35oh I just live down the street
00:47:37how did you get in through the gate?
00:47:39oh I'm an old friend of the owner
00:47:41he gave me an extra remote in case for emergencies
00:47:53hi how can I help you?
00:47:55I sincerely apologize for disturbing you but
00:47:57my little piglet got out last night
00:47:59your cat's name is piglet?
00:48:01yes ma'am
00:48:03okay well I haven't seen him
00:48:07that's strange
00:48:09I swear I saw him come this way
00:48:11and this is the only house that
00:48:13you know
00:48:15it's okay ma'am
00:48:17if you could just do me a favor
00:48:19if you happen to see him running around
00:48:21do you mind just calling that number on the back of the picture
00:48:23we just live a ways down the road and well
00:48:25there aren't that many neighbors
00:48:27are you sure he's not in here?
00:48:29I know what I saw and if you could
00:48:31just let me come in and take a quick look
00:48:33it's okay I have your number right so I'll just
00:48:35give you a call I'd rather you not come in the house so
00:48:37are you hiding my piglet?
00:48:39are you hiding my baby?
00:48:41I know he's in here okay I know what I saw
00:48:43please just let me come in just for a second
00:48:45you're crazy
00:48:47let me in
00:48:49let me in
00:49:33suck it
00:49:57suck it
00:49:59suck it
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00:50:03suck it
00:50:05suck it
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00:57:17suck it
00:57:19suck it
00:57:21suck it
00:57:23suck it
00:57:27Alright, hey what can I do, huh?
00:57:29What can I do?
00:57:31Tell you what you can do. How about you feel
00:57:33that shaky with the ice, and grab
00:57:35everything you need, in order to make one of those
00:57:37perfect martinis of yours.
00:57:41Yes, John, now.
00:57:43If it takes more than a minute, I shoot
00:57:45your wife. Chop, chop!
00:57:47Don't do
00:57:49anything stupid. I can see her
00:57:51forehead from here perfectly.
00:57:54It's okay, sweetheart.
00:57:58Hurry up, John.
00:58:00The clock is ticking.
00:58:06Thank you, John.
00:58:10Thank you kindly. Have a sit.
00:58:13Whoa, this is a perfect martini, John.
00:58:17It's like a confession for a bartender.
00:58:23Why you don't drink?
00:58:25Sweethearts, come on. Have a sip.
00:58:30You're a sick man.
00:58:34I'm sorry, John.
00:58:36I'm sorry.
00:58:38I'm sorry.
00:58:39You're a sick man.
00:58:49Do I look like sick to you?
00:58:52Do I look like sick for you?
00:58:54I mean, John, do I look like sick for you?
00:58:57Because I feel so healthy right now.
00:59:02Fuck, I just want to play. I want to win the game.
00:59:09I need you to put this on, guys.
00:59:13Come on, John. Have a sit over there.
00:59:16I said now, John. Have a sit over there.
00:59:19All right. Okay. Okay. All right.
00:59:23Chop-chop, sweetheart. Have a sit there.
00:59:27I want your left hand and right hand.
00:59:33He never told us your name.
00:59:35My name is what? My name is who?
00:59:37What's your name?
00:59:38Hey! Hey!
00:59:40Are you okay?
00:59:41Okay. Okay. All right. All right.
00:59:44Put them on.
00:59:47Could you squeeze them a little bit more?
00:59:49You know, there is something so satisfying about that sound.
01:00:00There you go, John.
01:00:02What now?
01:00:04That's the question, John.
01:00:08We could watch a movie. How about that?
01:00:10I'm not sure. Did you guys ever finish The Night of the Living Dead?
01:00:14Or maybe you can lead us to some yoga.
01:00:18That would be nice, Becky.
01:00:26It's okay.
01:00:27No, John. It isn't okay at all.
01:00:30But it will be. I promise you.
01:00:33Why are you doing this? Huh?
01:00:41I've been playing this game since I was 16 years old.
01:00:49My father passed it on to me.
01:00:53And I must play one per year.
01:00:55Every year.
01:00:57Until I die.
01:00:58I must play one per year.
01:01:00Every year.
01:01:02Until I lose or I die.
01:01:05It is what it is.
01:01:06This is the way it has to be.
01:01:10But why us?
01:01:12Why do you have to do this to us?
01:01:14We don't deserve this.
01:01:19Why not you?
01:01:20Why not you?
01:01:22I mean, what makes you more special than any other couples?
01:01:26In any other cabin in this little town?
01:01:31Why you?
01:01:35Well, I'm afraid just the lack of my draw.
01:01:40I'm curious though, would you ever replace yourself with an innocent couple?
01:01:50I'm always so intrigued at this moment between any couples.
01:02:00Okay, what happens now, huh?
01:02:02Straight to the point.
01:02:03I like that about you, John.
01:02:05But you know, maybe sometimes Becky would love a little bit more foreplay.
01:02:12Alright, John. Alright, John.
01:02:14I think it's time to play our game.
01:02:24Now, I assume you both are familiar with the game of war.
01:02:38This is my beauty.
01:02:40My extremely reliable beauty.
01:02:44I'm going to place a bullet in one of the chambers.
01:02:57We play by the rules of war.
01:03:02Then the loser, they're going to play their own game of Russian Roulette.
01:03:08We play until the last bullet.
01:03:13There are only two of us left.
01:03:19And I'm going to be in every bit as much as you are.
01:03:25Exciting, right?
01:03:30Who goes first?
01:03:33Me, me, me, me.
01:03:38Let's put our fate in Rebecca's hands.
01:03:42Would you like to draw it first?
01:03:47What do you mean no?
01:03:52I'm not going to take part in your sick little game.
01:03:56You want to see someone dead? You can pick up that gun and take your own life.
01:04:01This isn't on us.
01:04:04This is you being a psycho, okay? We didn't do anything.
01:04:12Back in.
01:04:15The rules are simple.
01:04:18If you refuse to play, that's called forfeit.
01:04:23So, any card that we draw will be higher than yours.
01:04:30So if you keep this route, this game will be fairly easy.
01:04:37So if you keep this route, this game will be fairly quick.
01:04:47The choice is yours, baby.
01:04:54John, what do we do?
01:04:59Draw a card, Rebecca.
01:05:01Bravo, John. Bravo.
01:05:07Draw the card.
01:05:21I mean, there is plenty below, of course.
01:05:26Action on you, Johnny, now.
01:05:51Lucky number seven.
01:05:53Not so lucky today, huh, John?
01:06:07I told you this was exciting.
01:06:20How many times have you done this?
01:06:23You sure you want to know that?
01:06:27Seventeen people, they come and go at the touch of this gun since it came into my life.
01:06:33Yes, John. Now you know.
01:06:38Well, I'm not a believer.
01:06:42But if the Bible is true, I'm sure it's on your side.
01:07:09You're not dead yet, John. You're not dead yet.
01:07:21How they say? Winner, winner, chicken dinner, right?
01:07:24God damn it.
01:07:28It's okay. It's okay, baby. It's okay. It's okay.
01:07:34Oh, my God, John.
01:07:35It's okay. Hey, I'll take it.
01:07:36Don't you fucking touch that gun or I'm going to shoot her.
01:07:41If you don't play by the rules, I'll both shoot you.
01:07:43Okay. Okay. I get it. I get it.
01:07:46Don't do it again, John. Don't do it again.
01:07:49I'll play by the rules.
01:07:53God damn it.
01:07:58It's okay. It's okay.
01:08:01Now, you bring up an interesting caveat.
01:08:09Rebecca can take this gun, she can put it to her head,
01:08:14or she can choose to turn the gun on you.
01:08:19No. No, I could never. No.
01:08:24No, you have to.
01:08:28No, you have to. I couldn't live with myself without you.
01:08:33All right, you have to do this. All right, you have to do this for us.
01:08:36Okay? Okay?
01:08:38No, no, no, no, no. Please, please, sir. Please.
01:08:43I'm sorry for everything, but please just don't make me do this, okay?
01:08:48I will do anything. Please.
01:08:51I will kill you.
01:08:54And don't do anything stupid. It's your choice.
01:09:02Baby, just grab the gun, okay? One step at a time, okay? Okay?
01:09:16Come on, you got it. Come on, there you go.
01:09:20There you go, baby. There you go. There you go.
01:09:28John, what if the bullet is in the chamber when I shoot?
01:09:38Honey, look, it has to be me. All right? You have to pull the trigger on me.
01:09:43Honey, look, I know this isn't fair of me to ask for you, honey, but I need you to do this, okay?
01:09:48John, I can't hurt you.
01:09:51Oh, no, you're not hurting me. All right?
01:09:55You're giving me what I want, and you're giving me a chance to see you live.
01:09:59All right? Whatever happens, it's okay. It's okay. Okay?
01:10:05Okay? We've had a beautiful life together, huh? Right?
01:10:11We have. We have. We have.
01:10:18It's okay. It's okay. All right? You have to do this. You have to do this.
01:10:26It's all right.
01:10:30Okay. Okay.
01:10:33Just grab the gun.
01:10:35Grab the gun.
01:10:37Grab the gun.
01:10:43This is how it ends.
01:10:49Yeah, it's gonna end one way or the other, right?
01:10:54I love you, Rebecca. I love you so much.
01:10:58I love you so much. I love you. I won't be without you.
01:11:03Pull the trigger. Pull the trigger.
01:11:14No. No, you son of a...
01:11:44I love you.
01:12:14I love you.
