• last year
1953 Glen or Glenda Full HOT MILF MOVIE ( Bela Lugosi )
00:00:30Then comes the major surgery, the removal of the man and the formation of the woman, a woman born at the age of 24.
00:00:40A new life has begun.
00:00:44The body of the woman within begins to appear now. The world is shocked by a person who changes his sex.
00:00:51Thus the strange case of Glenn who is Glenda, one and the same person, not half man, half woman, but nevertheless man and woman in the same body.
00:01:02He dares to enter the street dressed in the clothes he so much desires to wear.
00:01:07Glenn is engaged to be married to Barbara. Glenn's problem is a deep one, but he must tell her soon.
00:01:14She's begun to notice things. Soon she will realize.
00:01:18He learned that foreign doctors were doing marvelous work with the sex change, man to woman, woman to man.
00:01:24Say, did you read about the guy that had his sex changed to a girl? Says he was perfectly normal too.
00:01:31How can a guy be normal and go and do a thing like that to himself?
00:01:35What about their children, doctor? Would their children become the same way their father is?
00:01:41Glenda has made the decision.
00:01:44If the newspapers had not gotten hold of the story, it would have gone untold, unnoticed to so many others in medical history.
00:01:50Why is the modern world shocked by this headline? Why?
00:01:55Do you realize what would happen if every man in the country that wanted to wear women's clothes or felt like a woman went to their doctors and wanted a sex change?
00:02:03Glenn and all the hundreds of thousands of other Glenns across the nation face quite a problem.
00:04:49Man's constant groping of things unknown, drawing from the endless riches of time, brings to light many startling things.
00:05:11Startling because they seem new, sudden, but most are not new to the signs of the ages.
00:06:39It has begun.
00:07:05People, all going somewhere, all with their own thoughts, their own ideas, all with their own personalities.
00:07:27One is wrong because he does right, and one is right because he does wrong.
00:07:43Pull the string, dance to that which one is created for.
00:08:15A new day is begun.
00:08:27A new life is begun.
00:08:41A life is ended.
00:09:01Let me see that note.
00:09:03The records will tell the story.
00:09:14I was put in jail recently.
00:09:19Because I, a man, was caught on the street wearing women's clothing.
00:09:24This was my fourth arrest for the same act.
00:09:28In life, I must continue wearing them.
00:09:31Therefore, it would only be a matter of time until my next arrest.
00:09:36This is the only way.
00:09:38Let my body rest in death forever, in the things I cannot wear in life.
00:09:53Inspector Warren is here to see you, Dr. Alton.
00:09:55Oh, yes, show him in, Miss Stevens.
00:10:08Sit down.
00:10:15You're a very busy man, Dr. Alton, I know.
00:10:19I appreciate this time you're giving me.
00:10:22Business or pleasure, Inspector?
00:10:25In a way, business.
00:10:29From policeman to inspector, 20 years of it.
00:10:33I guess I've seen everything there is for a policeman to see.
00:10:38Yet I wonder if we ever stop learning.
00:10:41Learning about which we see.
00:10:44Trying to learn more about an ounce of prevention.
00:10:52I'm a man who thrives on learning.
00:10:56We only have one life to live.
00:10:58If we throw that one away, what is there left?
00:11:04Doctor, I'm hoping to learn something from you.
00:11:11And with that knowledge, maybe save some human from a fate which I just witnessed a few days ago.
00:11:18A four-time loser.
00:11:20This type of case comes to me as well as yourself, many times during the course of one month.
00:11:26The suicide?
00:11:28The suicide.
00:11:30Most of us have our idiosyncrasies.
00:11:32This fellow's was quite pronounced.
00:11:35Yes, but I wonder if it rated the death warrant it received.
00:11:39I don't think so.
00:11:41Well, that's why I'm here today, Doctor.
00:11:43What do we do about it?
00:11:46I've always heard you to be a hard-hearted policeman, Inspector.
00:11:50Isn't that what's thought of most policemen?
00:11:53The laws are written.
00:11:54The policeman is hired to see that those laws are enforced.
00:11:58We have a job to do.
00:12:00As in most jobs, there's always somebody who doesn't want that job to be done.
00:12:05In most factories today, the employer has put up suggestion boxes.
00:12:09Even the employer needs advice once in a while.
00:12:13I think in the case that we're referring to, I need advice.
00:12:18Maybe it shouldn't have happened as it did, but it did.
00:12:22Perhaps the next time, we can prevent it.
00:12:26Let's get our story straight.
00:12:28You're referring to the suicide of the transvestite?
00:12:31If that's the word you men of medical science use for a man who wears woman's clothing, yes.
00:12:37Yes, in cold, technical language, that's the word.
00:12:40As unfriendly and as vicious as it may sound.
00:12:43However, in actuality, it's not an unfriendly word,
00:12:46nor is it vicious when you know the people to whom it pertains.
00:12:49Would the sex operation do these people any good?
00:12:52I understand you were quite prominent in a case that hit the headlines a few weeks ago.
00:12:56In some cases, yes. Others, no.
00:12:59Well, the paper certainly had a field day with that one.
00:13:02Strange as it may seem, even though it was a field day, as you so aptly put it, it's not a new story.
00:13:08Sex change has been performed many times.
00:13:11Those whose sex can be changed, they're the easy ones.
00:13:15But what of those who so desperately want to be of the opposite sex, yet can't change their sex?
00:13:21Such as was the case with Patrick, Patricia, the suicide.
00:13:25I'd like to understand this, doctor, as best you can tell me.
00:13:29You can only fully understand the sex change by taking two entirely different cases.
00:13:34Two men with exactly the same background,
00:13:37from childhood to manhood and onto their own decisions and destinations.
00:13:41I'd like to hear the story to the fullest.
00:13:44Only the infinity of the depths of a man's mind can really tell the story.
00:14:01Dr. Barton.
00:14:06A young man, though he is, speaks the words of the all-wise.
00:14:15No one can really tell the story.
00:14:19Mistakes are made.
00:14:23But there is no mistaking the thoughts in a man's mind.
00:14:34The story is begun.
00:14:45The Story of a Man
00:15:01One might say, there but for the grace of God go I.
00:15:09Why is the modern world shocked by this headline?
00:15:14Once, not so very long ago, the people of the world were saying,
00:15:18Airplanes, ha!
00:15:21Why, it's against the creator's will.
00:15:24If the creator wanted us to fly, he'd have given us wings.
00:15:29But we fly.
00:15:32Maybe some of you may still remember an even sillier remark.
00:15:35Automobiles, bah!
00:15:38They scare the hosses.
00:15:40If the creator had meant for us to roll around the countryside,
00:15:44we'd have been born with wheels.
00:15:46Silly? Certainly.
00:15:49We were not born with wings.
00:15:52We were not born with wheels.
00:15:54But in the modern world of today, it's an accepted fact that we must have them.
00:15:59So we have corrected that which nature has not given us.
00:16:03Strangely enough, nature has given us all these things.
00:16:07We just had to learn how to put nature's elements together for our use.
00:16:10That's all.
00:16:11Yet, the world is shocked by a sex change.
00:16:15If the creator had wanted us to fly, he'd have given us wings.
00:16:21If the creator had meant us to roll around the countryside,
00:16:24we'd have been born with wheels.
00:16:26If the creator had meant us to be boys,
00:16:29we certainly would have been born boys.
00:16:33If the creator had meant us to be born girls,
00:16:36we certainly would have been born girls.
00:16:39Are we sure?
00:16:42Nature makes mistakes.
00:16:44It's proven every day.
00:16:46This person is a transvestite,
00:16:48a man who is more comfortable wearing girls' clothes.
00:16:52The term transvestite is the name given by medical science
00:16:55to those persons who wear the clothing of the opposite sex.
00:16:59Many a transvestite actually wishes to be the opposite sex.
00:17:04The title of this can only be labeled behind locked doors.
00:17:09Give this man satin undies, a dress, a sweater, and a skirt,
00:17:13or even the lounging outfit he has on,
00:17:15and he's the happiest individual in the world.
00:17:18He can work better, think better, he can play better,
00:17:21and he can be more of a credit to his community and his government
00:17:25because he is happy.
00:17:27These things are his comfort.
00:17:29But why the wig and makeup?
00:17:31He dares to enter the street dressed in the clothes he so much desires to wear,
00:17:36but only if he really appears female.
00:17:39The long hair, the makeup, the clothing,
00:17:42the actual contours of a girl.
00:17:44Most transvestites do not want to change their life, their bodies.
00:17:48Many of them simply want to change the clothing they wear
00:17:51that is worn by the opposite sex.
00:17:53Glenn is engaged to be married to Barbara,
00:17:56a lovely, intelligent girl.
00:17:58Those fingernails have got to go.
00:18:01You know, I didn't realize they're as long as they are.
00:18:04My goodness, they're almost as long as mine.
00:18:07Maybe even prettier.
00:18:09We'll have to paint them sometime just for the fun of it.
00:18:12We'll trim them.
00:18:14That's for sure.
00:18:17You know, honey, you've invited me to dinner so many times in the last couple of months,
00:18:21it's almost like we're married already.
00:18:24I wish we were, darling.
00:18:26It's been a long year.
00:18:28For both of us.
00:18:30But now, my studies are through, college is concluded,
00:18:34and I'm free at last.
00:18:36Free? For the time being?
00:18:39Huh? Oh.
00:18:42How about joining me for an after-dinner drink?
00:18:46The living room? Mm-hmm.
00:18:52Modern man is a hard-working human.
00:18:55Throughout the day, his mind and his muscles are busy at building the modern world
00:18:59and its business administration.
00:19:01His clothing is rough, coarse, starched,
00:19:04according to the specifications of his accepted job.
00:19:08At home, what does modern man have to look forward to for his body comfort?
00:19:15The things provided for his home.
00:19:18A wool or flannel robe.
00:19:20His feet encased in the same thick, tight-fitting leather that his shoes are made of.
00:19:25These are the things provided for his home comfort.
00:19:29It doesn't look so comfortable, does it?
00:19:32And get the hat.
00:19:34Better still, get the receding hairline.
00:19:37Men's hats are so tight they cut off the blood flow to the head,
00:19:40thus cutting off the growth of hair.
00:19:42Seven out of ten men wear a hat, so the advertisements say.
00:19:47Seven out of ten men are bald.
00:19:49But what about the ladies?
00:19:52Yes, modern woman is a hard-working individual also,
00:19:57but when modern woman's day of work is done,
00:20:00that which is designed for her home comfort is comfort.
00:20:05Hats that give no obstruction to the blood flow.
00:20:08Hats that do not crush the hair.
00:20:10Interesting thought, isn't it?
00:20:13Just for comparison, let's go native.
00:20:16Back to the animal instinct.
00:20:19There in the lesser civilized part of the world,
00:20:22it's the male who adorns himself with the fancy objects such as paints, frills, and masks.
00:20:28The true instinct.
00:20:30The animal instinct.
00:20:32Bird and animal life.
00:20:33Is it not so that it's the male who is the fancy one?
00:20:37Could it be that the male was meant to attract the attention of the female?
00:20:42What's so wrong about that?
00:20:44Where is the animal instinct in modern civilization?
00:20:48Female has the fluff and the finery as specified by those who design and sell.
00:20:53Little Miss Female, you should feel quite proud of the situation.
00:20:58You of course realize that it's predominantly men who design your clothes,
00:21:02your jewelry, your makeup, your hair styling, your perfume.
00:21:07But life, even though its changes are slow, moves on.
00:21:12There's no law against wearing such apparel on the street,
00:21:15as long as it can be distinguished that man is man and woman is woman.
00:21:20But, what is it that would happen were this individual to appear this way on the street?
00:21:27You're doing it now.
00:21:30Yet, it's not a situation to be laughed at.
00:21:35Thus, the strange case of Glenn who is Glenda, one and the same person,
00:21:40not half man, half woman, but nevertheless, man and woman in the same body,
00:21:45even though by all outward appearances, Glenn is fully and completely a man.
00:22:05My sister let me borrow her dress.
00:22:08You want to borrow your sister's dress? What for?
00:22:12I want to wear it to the Halloween party.
00:22:14There are names for boys who go around wearing girls' clothes.
00:22:18Oh, don't be silly, darling.
00:22:20You go ahead and wear your sister's dress, Glenn.
00:22:23You always did look much better as a girl than you do as a man.
00:22:27Glenn did wear the dress to the Halloween party.
00:22:30He even took first prize.
00:22:33Then, one day, it wasn't Halloween any longer.
00:23:04I wish I had the sight into such things to be able to advise you, Sheila.
00:23:09Maybe, maybe if you took the problem to a doctor.
00:23:14It's Glenn that needs the doctor.
00:23:18But, but when things like this go wrong with someone so close and in your own family,
00:23:26it's so hard to believe.
00:23:28It's not really hard to believe.
00:23:30It's not really hard to believe.
00:23:32It's just hard for you to accept.
00:23:34Well, of course it's hard for me to accept.
00:23:37Suppose I were to come home with Roy or one of my other boyfriends some night
00:23:42and find Glenn like I did last night.
00:23:45Yeah, that would be hard to explain.
00:23:49That's the understatement of the year.
00:23:52Just how does one go about introducing your friends to your brother
00:23:56when brother's wearing your vest sweater and your skirt and makeup to boot?
00:24:10Glenn is not a homosexual.
00:24:12Glenn is a transvestite, but he is not a homosexual.
00:24:16Transvestism is the term given by medical science to those persons
00:24:20who desperately wish to wear the clothing of the opposite sex.
00:24:24Yet, whose sex life in all instances remains quite normal.
00:24:29Would you be surprised to know that this rough, tough individual
00:24:32was wearing pink satin undies under his rough exterior clothing?
00:24:37He is.
00:24:38Then there is your friend the milkman who,
00:24:42who knows how to find comfort at home.
00:24:50I can't stand it any longer.
00:24:52He wears all my clothes.
00:24:54Nothing is sacred to him.
00:24:56Even my briefs.
00:25:00He has every one of my sweaters stretched out of shape.
00:25:04Of course he has always replaced them.
00:25:07But then, they didn't last long either.
00:25:13But your honor, ruffles on his shirts and shorts.
00:25:20Glenn and all the hundreds of thousands of other Glenns across the nation
00:25:25face quite a problem.
00:25:27Glenn is engaged to be married to Barbara, a lovely, intelligent girl.
00:25:32The problem, Glenda, Glenn's other self.
00:25:36The girl that he himself is, his other individual personality.
00:25:43You look tired tonight, Glenn.
00:25:45Yeah, I guess I am.
00:25:47It's been a long day.
00:25:49Have you seen the paper yet?
00:25:50No, why?
00:25:51It's headlines.
00:25:52A man had his sex changed to a woman.
00:25:56Isn't that a strange case?
00:25:58I wonder how some people's mind works.
00:26:02Some people aren't happy the way they are.
00:26:05I suppose so, but to change one's sex,
00:26:08that's a pretty drastic step to take.
00:26:13If it's the only way, I'm for it.
00:26:17I wonder what I would do in a case like that,
00:26:20if I were in the mental turmoil that that person went through.
00:26:24Or if I suddenly realized that something was mentally wrong with you.
00:26:28Well, it's hard to visualize.
00:26:31Here we are, two perfectly normal people,
00:26:35about to be married and lead a normal life together.
00:26:39And there's this poor fellow who never could have been happy
00:26:42if it wasn't for modern medical science.
00:26:46Our fourth term in psychology explains a lot of the facts,
00:26:50but I'm afraid the end of study is only the beginning of reality.
00:26:55Glenn's problem is a deep one, but he must tell her soon.
00:27:00She's begun to notice things, his nails,
00:27:03his eyes when he looks into a lady's store window,
00:27:06so many of the little things that are hard to hide.
00:27:09Soon she will realize.
00:27:12Then there was the time Barbara was wearing the sweater
00:27:15Glenn had always wanted to feel on his own body.
00:27:18It was becoming an obsession to him. He must have it.
00:27:21What's the matter, Glenn darling?
00:27:24I guess I was daydreaming.
00:27:27Something seems to be troubling you.
00:27:30Why don't you tell me?
00:27:32It's nothing.
00:27:34Once, long ago, just after we started going steady together,
00:27:38we promised we'd never lie to each other.
00:27:41Are we going to start now just because we're engaged to be married?
00:27:45It's just that...
00:27:48Barbara, it's nothing that a little sleep won't cure.
00:27:50It's been an awful long day.
00:27:52It's more than that.
00:27:54Come on, tell me, darling.
00:27:56Who knows? Maybe I can help.
00:27:59That's just it. You could.
00:28:01Then something is troubling you.
00:28:04Do I have a right to know?
00:28:06You have a right to know.
00:28:08But let's just say for the moment that...
00:28:11I'm afraid to tell you.
00:28:13I'm afraid I'd lose you.
00:28:15Nothing could be as bad as all that.
00:28:18I love you, and you love me.
00:28:21And nothing in the world can change that.
00:28:24I hope not.
00:28:26I really hope not.
00:28:30Glenn, is it another woman?
00:28:39Pull the string! Pull the string!
00:28:44A mistake is made.
00:28:51A story must be told.
00:28:57Always the same.
00:28:59He's not had the nerve to tell her.
00:29:01But he must soon come to some conclusion or forget the marriage.
00:29:05Should he tell Barbara of his Glenda now, before the wedding,
00:29:08or hit her between the eyes with it after,
00:29:11when it might be too late for either of them?
00:29:17The world is a strange place to live in.
00:29:20All those cars, all going someplace,
00:29:23all carrying humans which are carrying out their lives.
00:29:29The world is shocked by a person who changed his sex.
00:29:33Glenda is shocked also, but by another reason.
00:29:37Someone like her had the nerve to do something factual about their situation.
00:29:42There are so many problems for Glenn and all the other Glenns.
00:29:46Perhaps the fear of discovery of the underthings they wear beneath their regular outer clothing,
00:29:51or that which they wear during their nightly visit to Morpheus, god of sleep.
00:29:57Thank you very much, and I'm sure she's going to enjoy it very much.
00:30:00If you want to return it, be sure that you bring the sales slip. Thank you.
00:30:10Can I help you, sir?
00:30:14Let me see a nightie.
00:30:15Well, what size?
00:30:19The color and the material?
00:30:22Black and very sheer.
00:30:25Just a minute.
00:30:27Well, we have this here.
00:30:30Would you like that? Something like this?
00:30:33As lace?
00:30:36Perhaps she admires the material too long.
00:30:39You can see how sheer the material really is.
00:30:45You see, it's all pure nylon, and only $21.95.
00:30:49And of course, it will never snag.
00:30:57But Glenn and Glenda, and all the Glends and Glendas, have an even bigger problem.
00:31:20The homosexual, it is true, at times, is a man.
00:31:24The bisexual, it is true, at times, does adopt the clothing or the makeup of a woman to lure members of his own sex.
00:31:32But this is not so for the transvestite.
00:31:35The transvestite is not interested in those of their own sex.
00:31:39The clothing is not worn to attract the attention of their own sex, but to eliminate themselves from being a member of that sex.
00:31:53Hi, Joe.
00:31:54Hi, Jack.
00:31:55Monday again.
00:31:56You know, I think Monday is about the worst day of the week.
00:31:59A perfectly wonderful weekend, then back to the sweatshops.
00:32:04Too bad we was born to work.
00:32:07Say, did you read about the guy that had his sex changed to a girl?
00:32:11Says he was perfectly normal too.
00:32:13How can a guy be normal and go and do a thing like that to himself?
00:32:17All the same, it must take a lot of guts to pull a stunt like that.
00:32:21That's a problem I don't ever intend to face.
00:32:24Maybe it's a problem we should all face.
00:32:26I don't get you.
00:32:27Just think of the unhappy life.
00:32:29The miserable time this world of ours must have given that poor guy.
00:32:33I still don't get you.
00:32:35Now, here is a guy who wanted to be a girl.
00:32:38Supposing there had been no way to change his sex.
00:32:42You sound as if you're really head up on this thing.
00:32:44I guess I am.
00:32:46Do you realize what would happen if every man in the country that wanted to wear women's clothes
00:32:50or felt like a woman went to their doctors and wanted a sex change?
00:32:54Of course.
00:32:55That's why I say perhaps society should be a little bit more lenient with them.
00:32:59Maybe society should try to understand them as human beings.
00:33:06Another day done.
00:33:08Thank goodness.
00:33:09See you tomorrow, Jack.
00:33:14So long, Joe.
00:33:16Until tomorrow.
00:33:29Hi, Glenn.
00:33:30Hi, Johnny.
00:33:31Come on in.
00:33:32And hit it right for the kitchen.
00:33:34I can't let that dinner burn.
00:33:36You know, I thought I was going to have to eat alone tonight.
00:33:39Well, you probably will because I've already eaten.
00:33:54What's up?
00:33:55Nothing much.
00:33:56Say, you really look down in the dumps.
00:34:00I guess I got a problem.
00:34:02Haven't we all?
00:34:03I mean a real problem, one like I've never had to face before.
00:34:08Our whole existence is one big problem after another.
00:34:12I want to get married.
00:34:14You have a problem.
00:34:18When did this all come about?
00:34:21For nearly a year I've been engaged to a very wonderful girl.
00:34:25Now the time is getting very close to the man with the book.
00:34:29I'm scared to death.
00:34:32I'm scared to death.
00:34:34You love her?
00:34:35Very much.
00:34:37Does she love you?
00:34:40There's no problem.
00:34:42Marry the girl.
00:34:45Are you forgetting about my other self?
00:34:48You'll have to tell her, of course.
00:34:53I have to tell her.
00:34:56But when?
00:35:01Or after?
00:35:02I think you know the answer to that one yourself.
00:35:07My mind's in a muddle.
00:35:09Like in a big fog.
00:35:13I can't make sense to myself sometimes.
00:35:17I thought I could stop wearing these things.
00:35:20I tried. Honestly, I tried.
00:35:24I haven't had a stitch of the mind for nearly two weeks until tonight.
00:35:30Then I couldn't stand it anymore.
00:35:34I had to put the moniker out of my mind.
00:35:39I'm afraid I'll lose her.
00:35:43I don't want that to happen because I really love her.
00:35:50Here's a story from fact.
00:35:54Johnny tells his story.
00:35:56He had not too long ago been married himself.
00:35:59He'd kept quiet about his transvestite desires in the hopes that the new wife would never discover it.
00:36:04However, one day, the little woman came home unexpectedly an hour early.
00:36:19That marriage ended here.
00:36:23Will your problem be like mine?
00:36:28Most probably it will.
00:36:31Because a love hasn't been built up for such a thing.
00:36:35She, your wife, she will not have been taught enough about the problems to cope with it.
00:36:45Then, Glenda must now make her decision.
00:36:50Or forever forget the marriage to Barbara.
00:36:54Glen, Glenda, should consult a competent psychiatrist.
00:36:58But then very few transvestites wish to change their strange desires.
00:37:03This is their life.
00:37:05To take it away from them might do as great a harm as taking away an arm or a leg.
00:37:09Or life itself.
00:37:12Many even carry their transvestite desires to the grave with them.
00:37:19Yes, it is a problem.
00:37:21But Glenda, remember back almost a year ago when Glen and Barbara accepted each other?
00:37:30Good night.
00:37:32That's the sixth time you've said good night.
00:37:35I guess it is.
00:37:39Come on over here a minute.
00:37:41What is it?
00:37:42Never mind, just sit down.
00:37:50Oh, I was beginning to think you'd never get around to it.
00:37:54Did you mean you will?
00:37:55What do you think?
00:38:05I must finish college first.
00:38:07Twenty-seven months to go.
00:38:09Well, that's hardly long enough for you to get a trousseau together.
00:38:12How would you know about such things?
00:38:20Glenda, what's the matter?
00:38:24All of a sudden you seem a thousand miles off.
00:38:27Yes, I guess I was, huh?
00:38:31That's a mighty pretty dress you're wearing tonight.
00:38:34I wear my best to please you.
00:38:37You know, when, when you were a little girl,
00:38:41I used to think you were a little girl too.
00:38:44I wear my best to please you.
00:38:47You know, when, when you look at me, you just tie me in knots.
00:38:51I love to tie you in knots.
00:38:55Oh, I'll be so happy when these next few months are over.
00:38:58Some special reason?
00:38:59Of course.
00:39:01So you can stop kissing me goodbye at the door every night.
00:39:07So you can hold me close to you always.
00:39:11Then all you'll have to do is call and close your eyes to feel my lips on yours.
00:39:36Beware of the big green dragon that sits on your doorstep.
00:39:43He eats little boys.
00:39:47Puppy duck tails and big fat snails.
00:39:56Take care.
00:43:18Tell me, dragon.
00:43:21Do you eat little boys?
00:43:25Puppy dog tails and big fat snails?
00:43:32Puppy dog tail.
00:43:34Puppy dog tail.
00:43:36Puppy dog tail.
00:43:39Everything is fine.
00:43:41Everything is fine.
00:43:43Ha ha ha.
00:43:46Puppy dog tail.
00:44:16Ha ha ha.
00:44:19Ha ha ha.
00:44:22Ha ha ha.
00:44:25Ha ha ha.
00:44:28Ha ha ha.
00:44:31Ha ha ha.
00:44:34Ha ha ha.
00:44:37Ha ha ha.
00:44:40Ha ha ha.
00:44:43Ha ha ha.
00:44:46Ha ha ha.
00:44:49Ha ha ha.
00:44:52Ha ha ha.
00:44:55Ha ha ha.
00:44:58Ha ha ha.
00:45:01Ha ha ha.
00:45:04Ha ha ha.
00:45:07Ha ha ha.
00:45:10Ha ha ha.
00:45:13Ha ha ha.
00:45:16Ha ha ha.
00:45:19Ha ha ha.
00:45:22Ha ha ha.
00:45:25Ha ha ha.
00:45:28Ha ha ha.
00:45:31Ha ha ha.
00:45:34Ha ha ha.
00:45:37Ha ha ha.
00:45:40Ha ha ha.
00:45:43Ha ha ha.
00:45:46Ha ha ha.
00:45:49Ha ha ha.
00:45:52Ha ha ha.
00:45:55Ha ha ha.
00:45:58Ha ha ha.
00:46:01Ha ha ha.
00:46:04Ha ha ha.
00:46:07Ha ha ha.
00:46:10Ha ha ha.
00:46:13Ha ha ha.
00:46:16Ha ha ha.
00:46:19Ha ha ha.
00:46:22Ha ha ha.
00:46:25Ha ha ha.
00:46:28Ha ha ha.
00:46:31Ha ha ha.
00:46:34Ha ha ha.
00:46:37Ha ha ha.
00:46:40Ha ha ha.
00:46:43Ha ha ha.
00:46:46Ha ha ha.
00:46:49Ha ha ha.
00:46:52Ha ha ha.
00:46:55Ha ha ha.
00:46:58Ha ha ha.
00:47:01Ha ha ha.
00:47:04Ha ha ha.
00:47:07Ha ha ha.
00:47:10Ha ha ha.
00:47:13Ha ha ha.
00:47:16Ha ha ha.
00:47:19Ha ha ha.
00:47:22Ha ha ha.
00:47:25Ha ha ha.
00:47:28Ha ha ha.
00:47:31Ha ha ha.
00:47:34Ha ha ha.
00:47:37Ha ha ha.
00:47:40Ha ha ha.
00:47:43Ha ha ha.
00:47:46Ha ha ha.
00:47:49Ha ha ha.
00:47:52Ha ha ha.
00:47:55Ha ha ha.
00:47:58Ha ha ha.
00:48:01Ha ha ha.
00:48:04Ha ha ha.
00:48:07Ha ha ha.
00:48:10Ha ha ha.
00:48:13Ha ha ha.
00:48:16Ha ha ha.
00:48:19Ha ha ha.
00:48:22Ha ha ha.
00:48:25Ha ha ha.
00:48:28Ha ha ha.
00:48:31Ha ha ha.
00:48:34Ha ha ha.
00:48:37Ha ha ha.
00:48:40Ha ha ha.
00:48:43Ha ha ha.
00:48:46Ha ha ha.
00:48:49Ha ha ha.
00:48:52Ha ha ha.
00:48:55Ha ha ha.
00:48:58Ha ha ha.
00:49:01Ha ha ha.
00:49:04Ha ha ha.
00:49:07Ha ha ha.
00:49:10Ha ha ha.
00:49:13Ha ha ha.
00:49:16Ha ha ha.
00:49:19Ha ha ha.
00:49:22Ha ha ha.
00:49:25Ha ha ha.
00:49:28Ha ha ha.
00:49:31Ha ha ha.
00:49:34Ha ha ha.
00:49:37Ha ha ha.
00:49:40Ha ha ha.
00:49:43Ha ha ha.
00:49:46Ha ha ha.
00:49:49Ha ha ha.
00:49:52Ha ha ha.
00:49:55Ha ha ha.
00:49:58Ha ha ha.
00:50:01Ha ha ha.
00:50:04Ha ha ha.
00:50:07Take care.
00:50:10I'm a girl.
00:50:13I'm alive.
00:50:15You're a boy.
00:50:17A puppy dog's tail.
00:50:19Ha ha ha.
00:50:22Ha ha ha.
00:50:25Ha ha ha.
00:50:28Ha ha ha.
00:50:31Ha ha ha.
00:50:34Puppy dog's tail.
00:50:36Puppy dog's tail.
00:50:38Puppy dog's tail.
00:50:46I'm a girl.
00:50:50I'm alive.
00:50:52Everything's right.
00:50:54Everything's right.
00:50:56Ha ha ha.
00:50:59Puppy dog's tail.
00:51:04Ha ha ha.
00:51:07Ha ha ha.
00:51:10Ha ha ha.
00:51:13Ha ha ha.
00:51:16Ha ha ha.
00:51:19Ha ha ha.
00:51:22Ha ha ha.
00:51:25Ha ha ha.
00:51:28Ha ha ha.
00:51:31Ha ha ha.
00:51:34Ha ha ha.
00:51:37Ha ha ha.
00:51:40Ha ha ha.
00:51:43Ha ha ha.
00:51:46Ha ha ha.
00:51:49Ha ha ha.
00:51:52Ha ha ha.
00:51:55Ha ha ha.
00:51:58Ha ha ha.
00:52:01Ha ha ha.
00:52:04Ha ha ha.
00:52:07Ha ha ha.
00:52:10Ha ha ha.
00:52:13Ha ha ha.
00:52:16Ha ha ha.
00:52:19Ha ha ha.
00:52:22Ha ha ha.
00:52:25Ha ha ha.
00:52:28Ha ha ha.
00:52:31Ha ha ha.
00:52:34Ha ha ha.
00:52:37Ha ha ha.
00:52:40Ha ha ha.
00:52:43Ha ha ha.
00:52:46Ha ha ha.
00:52:49Ha ha ha.
00:52:52Ha ha ha.
00:52:55Ha ha ha.
00:52:58Ha ha ha.
00:53:01Ha ha ha.
00:53:04Ha ha ha.
00:53:07Ha ha ha.
00:53:10Ha ha ha.
00:53:13Ha ha ha.
00:53:16Ha ha ha.
00:53:19Ha ha ha.
00:53:22Ha ha ha.
00:53:25Ha ha ha.
00:53:28Ha ha ha.
00:53:31Ha ha ha.
00:53:34Ha ha ha.
00:53:37Ha ha ha.
00:53:40Ha ha ha.
00:53:43Ha ha ha.
00:53:46Ha ha ha.
00:53:49Ha ha ha.
00:53:52Ha ha ha.
00:53:55Ha ha ha.
00:53:58Ha ha ha.
00:54:01Ha ha ha.
00:54:04Ha ha ha.
00:54:07Ha ha ha.
00:54:10Ha ha ha.
00:54:13Beware of the big green dragon that sits on your doorstep.
00:54:18He eats little boys, puppy dog tails, and big fat nails.
00:54:28Beware, take care.
00:55:05Ah, ah, ah.
00:55:08Glenda has made the decision.
00:55:13Glenn has decided to tell Barbara of his dual personality.
00:55:17To tell her of the nighties and negligees, the sweaters and skirts, the robes and dresses,
00:55:22the stockings and the high-heeled shoes, the wig and the makeup.
00:55:26All that goes to make Glenn into Glenda.
00:55:29He tells Barbara he cannot cheat her of the knowledge that she, as his fiancé, should possess.
00:55:36He tells her all the facts.
00:55:38He tells her softly, hurriedly at first, then slowly as he becomes more technical.
00:55:44His hands move to caress the smooth material of her angora sweater,
00:55:49which he has so long and so desperately wanted to put on his own body.
00:55:54He tells of this to her and she looks to the sweater and to his hand.
00:55:59Then, when it is all over and that much of the story he knows is told,
00:56:05Barbara is not sure of her own thoughts.
00:56:08That's about it, darling.
00:56:11I wanted to tell you for a long, long time, but just couldn't bring myself to do it.
00:56:15I've been too much afraid of losing you.
00:56:18© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:56:48© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:57:11I don't fully understand this, but maybe together we can work it out.
00:57:42Is that the end of the story?
00:57:44Not quite. I'll get back to it in a minute.
00:57:46Glenn's case is really the lesser advanced type cases.
00:57:50The second case is an extremely advanced one.
00:57:53However, I'll get to that in a moment.
00:57:55First, you must realize that the world over has its own particular problem.
00:57:59Each case must be handled individually according to the person, his past life, and his problem.
00:58:05Did this Glenn have any homosexual tendencies?
00:58:08Absolutely not.
00:58:09It's very rare that a true transvestite does.
00:58:11And he isn't a hermaphrodite?
00:58:13No more than he's a pseudo-hermaphrodite.
00:58:15Glenn's case was entirely of his mind, brought on by the environment of his early youth.
00:58:20What about their children, doctor?
00:58:22Would their children become the same way their father is?
00:58:25No. Transvestism is not hereditary.
00:58:28Well, what makes these men want to wear girls' clothes?
00:58:31Many things.
00:58:32But as I've said before, it usually starts in early childhood from one cause or another.
00:58:37Technically, each case has the same beginning, just a different set of circumstances.
00:58:42Are any of them actually cured?
00:58:44Oh, yes. Many, many of them.
00:58:46Once the source of supply is found, it can be stopped,
00:58:49unless the patient refuses to cut off that source of supply.
00:58:53Then the way I get it, this Glenn and the character he created,
00:58:57much as an author creates a character in a book,
00:59:00was invented as a love object to take the place of the love he never received in his early youth,
00:59:05or lack of it, from his parents.
00:59:07The character was created and dressed,
00:59:09and lives the life the author designs for him to live,
00:59:12and dies only when the author wants him to die.
00:59:16Except that for the character Glenda to die, the elements must be right.
00:59:20But to enlighten you a little further, there's the second story,
00:59:23that of an extremely advanced case.
00:59:25Let's call this person Alan, Ann.
00:59:29Alan had a mother who wanted a little girl.
00:59:32The father didn't care much one way or the other.
00:59:35Alan did not enter the competitive sports that the other boys at the school did.
00:59:39However, he was an extremely studious boy,
00:59:42and always had above average marks in his subjects.
00:59:45Yet, sports, girls' sports, he always was interested in.
00:59:49But he was rejected by the girls, and also rejected by the boys.
00:59:53It seems he belonged to neither of them.
00:59:56After school, Alan would go home to find the mother who had always wanted a girl,
01:00:00and the father who didn't care one way or the other.
01:00:03He enjoyed doing the woman's work around the house.
01:00:07Alan was becoming a woman and didn't realize it.
01:00:10A woman in mind only, but the mind rules.
01:00:14Then came the fateful year of 1941.
01:00:17Alan was drafted. He was accepted.
01:00:20In the army, he successfully passed his vigorous training.
01:00:23He did not like it, and there were the weekends for his particular diversions.
01:00:28On his weekend passes, he would go to the nearest town,
01:00:31where he had a suitcase checked in a public locker.
01:00:36In the suitcase, he had the things he loved to wear,
01:00:39that which made his body appear to be what his mind believed it was.
01:00:46Then the day of embarkation came.
01:00:49But wherever Alan went, the suitcase was sure to go.
01:01:29Sound of gunfire
01:01:42Sound of explosion
01:01:53Sound of gunfire
01:01:59Sound of explosion
01:02:05Then, as quickly as it had begun, the war was over.
01:02:09Alan came home.
01:02:11Alan had learned all the terms directed at men like himself,
01:02:14but no one had found out his aversion.
01:02:17He was honorably discharged from the service at the end of the war.
01:02:20He had received the Silver Star and the Bronze Star for gallantry and action.
01:02:24While he was in an army hospital recuperating from a wound,
01:02:27he had received in New Guinea, he learned a very interesting fact.
01:02:30He learned that foreign doctors were doing marvelous work with the sex change.
01:02:34Man to woman, woman to man.
01:02:36Shortly after his separation from service, Alan came to me for advice.
01:02:41There followed many long sessions with my clinical reports
01:02:44and the reports of eminent doctors.
01:02:49It had been found that Alan was really a pseudo-hermaphrodite.
01:02:53A hermaphrodite is one who has the organs of both the male and female in plain sight.
01:02:58A pseudo-hermaphrodite is one who has one perfectly formed organ of either sex
01:03:03and one imperfectly formed one that's difficult to detect.
01:03:06Alan was of the latter.
01:03:13Alan was then given his choice.
01:03:16That which nature had given him was a mistake.
01:03:19It was up to us to correct that mistake one way or the other.
01:03:22Alan had to decide whether he wanted to become a man or she wanted to become a woman.
01:03:27Both were completely possible.
01:03:29Small bone, fair of complexion, his hair thin like a woman's,
01:03:35his body slim, hips slightly girlish.
01:03:39It was easy to see his decision.
01:03:41Along with the fact that he had been brought up from early childhood
01:03:44to believe that a woman was the thing to be.
01:03:46Alan decided to become a woman.
01:03:49This, after all the help I could give him, was only the beginning.
01:03:54During the following two years he was to go through the tortures of the dam.
01:03:58But never was there a whimper from him because he knew that at the end of it all
01:04:02he would at last be that which he had always dreamed.
01:04:05Hundreds of hormone shots were injected into various parts of his body.
01:04:09Alan's face was worked on with plastic surgery to smooth out the female elements.
01:04:14Long, tedious hours of work.
01:04:20The big day, or the starting of many big days, for it was to take many.
01:04:25A series of operations are performed slowly and at intervals
01:04:29to prevent any unnecessary shock to the nervous system.
01:04:32Till the hormone shots continue.
01:04:36Day after day, week after week, month after month.
01:04:40And even then, when the operation is over, the sex is changed,
01:04:44the shots must continue as long as Alan lives.
01:04:50First the breasts are brought out.
01:04:54The body of the woman within begins to appear now.
01:05:49Then comes the major surgery.
01:05:51The removal of the man and the formation of the woman.
01:06:54But in time, Alan is Ann,
01:06:58a very happy, lovely young lady that modern medicine and science
01:07:02has created almost as a Frankenstein monster.
01:07:05The newspapers heard of it and hit the story with their usual fullness.
01:07:09If the papers had not gotten hold of the story,
01:07:12it would have gone untold, unnoticed to so many others in medical history.
01:07:16The sex change has been performed hundreds of times.
01:07:20However, right here in this particular sex switch, it's not the end.
01:07:24Acting the woman and being the woman are two entirely different things.
01:07:28Alan had all his life acted the part of the woman.
01:07:31Now he is that woman and must learn how it's done.
01:07:36Ann must learn how to do her own hair,
01:07:39how to make the correct styling for her facial contours.
01:07:45The proper walk must be adopted.
01:07:47A lady is a lady, whatever the case may be.
01:07:50Continuing my own psychiatric treatment,
01:07:53it was my duty now to explain to Ann the duty of a woman in her sex life.
01:07:57Alan, of course, had known the man's, but he was soon to realize
01:08:01he knew very little about a woman's.
01:08:04Yet, through it all, Ann loved every minute of it.
01:08:08Ann was indeed meant to be a woman,
01:08:11and now that the sex change had been completed,
01:08:13Ann was a very happy woman and a woman who was eager to learn
01:08:17and now was accepted by society.
01:08:20A woman born at the age of 24
01:08:23in a world that for 24 years she had seen as a man,
01:08:27but a woman who now would and was properly instructed
01:08:31in how to accept a woman's world.
01:08:35Thus, this case, which has a happy ending,
01:08:38is due entirely to the corrections made by medical science.
01:08:41I've had several such cases.
01:08:43In fact, in my 20 years of practice, I've been prominent in seven.
01:08:47However, my colleagues have had hundreds.
01:08:49Then you believe that the Glenn of the first story should have the sex change?
01:08:53In Glenn's case, no. No, indeed.
01:08:55Glenn would never be happy with a sex change.
01:08:58The Alan of your story ended happy?
01:09:00I'll tell it to you exactly as I told it to them.
01:09:04Shortly after Glenn told Barbara of his love for girls' clothing,
01:09:08he started treatments with me.
01:09:10In the last treatment, both he and Barbara came to me.
01:09:13I told him the same story of Alan and, as I've told it to you, Inspector,
01:09:18Ann was a pseudo-hermaphrodite.
01:09:21Even though one of the sexes was imperfect,
01:09:23she had the organs and the characteristics of both the male and female.
01:09:28Glenn's case is an entirely different type of case.
01:09:31Remember I said, no matter what the case, it's a different thing,
01:09:35a new problem to be looked into, then solved,
01:09:38a new challenge to the psychoanalysis.
01:09:40Glenn's body holds only one sex, that of the male.
01:09:44In all our talks, I've learned these pertinent facts.
01:09:48Glenn's father had no love for his son.
01:09:52His father wanted Glenn to be a football hero or a baseball player
01:09:57so that he could brag to his cronies down at the corner saloon
01:10:00as his cronies bragged to him about their own sons.
01:10:05Thus the ruse of Glenn's fictitious character.
01:10:08He invented it when he could find no love from his mother and no love from his father.
01:10:12His mother had hated her own father.
01:10:15Glenn reminded her of her father.
01:10:17Therefore, she gave all her affection, love, and attention to her daughter.
01:10:22Glenn then decided also to become a daughter.
01:10:25Glenn, you can kill this fictitious character of yours anytime you wish.
01:10:29For your happy ending, it's the only way.
01:10:32Then you think I can kill this second character by transferring her qualities to Barbara.
01:10:38Exactly, but as the author and his character, the elements must be right.
01:10:42It's up to you, Barbara.
01:10:44You must take the place, give the love, and accept the facts that Glenda has always accepted.
01:10:49If you love each other as you now believe you do,
01:10:52then it'll be a hard job, but you'll enjoy doing the job.
01:10:55Should I let him continue to wear girls' clothing, or should I put my foot down?
01:11:00If you put your foot down, you'd only go behind closed doors.
01:11:03Love is the only answer.
01:11:05Glenda must be transferred to you.
01:11:07Supposing Glenn never gets over wearing girls' clothing?
01:11:11Would it matter to you very much?
01:11:15I love Glenn.
01:11:17I'll do everything I can to make him happy.
01:11:31The End is Only the Beginning
01:11:42The end is only the beginning.
01:11:46Time passes.
01:11:48Soon, due to a happily married life,
01:11:50the remembrance of the psychiatric treatments,
01:11:53and Barbara's love and understanding,
01:11:56Glenda begins to disappear forever from Glenn.
01:11:59Glenn has found his mother, his little sister, his wife,
01:12:03and his Glenda, all in one lovely package.
01:12:06Thus, Glenn's case has a happy conclusion.
01:12:11Therefore, two entirely different cases,
01:12:13handled in two entirely different ways,
01:12:15have a happy ending.
01:12:17Yeah, those two.
01:12:20But what of the hundreds of other less fortunate Glenns the world over?
01:12:29The End
01:12:55But what of the others?
01:12:59The less fortunate Glenns the world over?
01:13:10Oh, snips and snails and puppy dog tales.
01:13:29The End