• last month
00:00Continuation of the most scientifically-heated
00:05classic wrestling feud going on today.
00:09Champion Eddie Guerrero defending against that man,
00:12the shooter Dean Malenko.
00:15And word at the Malenko camp this week
00:18was that if Malenko could not regain the title
00:21here in his hometown of Tampa, Florida,
00:24he would no longer petition for any further title matches.
00:30Guerrero takes Malenko down with the hammer-line.
00:45Guerrero trying to turn Malenko over on his shoulders.
00:50Does to count on Lee.
01:01Guerrero tying up Malenko's arm.
01:13One, two and no.
01:17The shooter escapes.
01:30Malenko with the arm of Guerrero this time.
01:37Guerrero with the reversal.
01:40Malenko not to be outdone.
01:43They exchange hammer locks.
01:46Single leg sweep by Malenko.
01:48One by Guerrero.
01:54If you want to see wrestling,
01:56you're watching the right promotion.
02:00And as we have seen in the past,
02:04these two may be the most evenly matched opponents
02:09competing in the sport today.
02:21Test of strength coming up.
02:24I am tempted to give the strength advantage to Malenko,
02:26but as you can see,
02:27leverage is already playing a part in this contest.
02:37Nice bridge by Guerrero.
02:54And one by Malenko as well.
03:02Nice monkey flip, Guerrero lands on his feet.
03:12And the fans here in Tampa very appreciative
03:15of the athletic prowess of both competitors.
03:25Malenko now all over Guerrero.
03:32Referee Frankie Reyes right there at Guerrero says no way.
03:43We don't have a sleep guard.
03:45We don't have a sleep guard.
03:48We don't have a sleep guard.
03:54Guerrero escapes the front baseline.
04:06Takes Malenko over from a hammer lock.
04:09But the shooter escapes him too.
04:15You'd like to see the definition of classic wrestling.
04:20You don't have to ask any dean.
04:23You're looking at it right now.
04:32Malenko shot in, Guerrero ducks down from him,
04:34goes Malenko, and Malenko dropped by Guerrero.
04:40Scoop and a slam.
04:43Sleep shot, somersault splash.
04:46Cover, one, two, two count of five.
04:50Malenko is down and out of the ring.
05:01Guerrero now pulling back on the arm of the Malenko,
05:03the knee placed firmly between the shoulder blades
05:06of the shooter.
05:10Now using the head for leverage.
05:16Malenko fighting off the pain.
05:18Let's go, yeah!
05:33Malenko standing on the back of Guerrero's knee
05:37reverses the hold.
05:48Malenko, Malenko, Malenko, Malenko, Malenko, Malenko.
06:00Well placed elbow by Guerrero.
06:02There's an uppercut and a chop.
06:08Malenko set in, tip up in the corner.
06:12Reversal on the waist lock, once again by Malenko.
06:14Malenko hits the turnbuckles.
06:19Flying head scissors of sorts by Guerrero.
06:22Malenko shot in, up and over.
06:24There's a flying head scissors from the shooter.
06:31Guerrero holds on, Malenko with the kip up,
06:33drops down, up and over, goes Guerrero off the ropes.
06:35Drop kick in midair by Guerrero.
06:49Malenko and Guerrero putting on a wrestling clinic.
06:55Guerrero drop kicks Malenko in the knee.
06:57Oddly enough, tore that page out of the shooter's book.
07:04And Guerrero with the submission hold on the shooter.
07:09Referee Frankie Reyes asking Malenko
07:11if he wants to give it up.
07:13Malenko with no answer, that's a negative.
07:17STF by Guerrero.
07:24Malenko with the submission hold on the shooter.
07:39Guerrero pulling back on the head of Malenko.
07:45But Malenko will not give it up.
07:58Malenko reaches the bottom rope.
08:00Malenko with the submission hold on the shooter.
08:08Guerrero, Guerrero breaks the hold.
08:13But does not let up on the challenger.
08:18Rehearsal on the Irish whip.
08:20Elb place knee by Malenko.
08:44Guerrero's in trouble.
08:47And the television title is now,
08:49for the first time in this matchup, in serious jeopardy.
08:56One, two, no.
09:08Guerrero is hurting and battling.
09:13Malenko knows that full well,
09:15immediately slaps on the abdominal stretch.
09:31Guerrero shot in, rolls up Malenko out of nowhere.
09:35Two count only.
09:38Arm ringer into a pump handle.
09:43Into a back breaker.
09:44Cover, two and up.
09:55That was a sign.
10:00Guerrero trying to stretch out the spine of Malenko.
10:05Guerrero trying to stretch out the spine of Malenko.
10:10Did I say trying?
10:11Guerrero stretching out the spine of Malenko.
10:21Malenko escapes, rolls up Guerrero.
10:34Power slam on the shooter.
10:43Guerrero sends to the top turnbuckle, frog splash.
10:47One, two and no.
10:50Malenko gets the shoulder up.
10:54One, two again and Malenko escapes.
11:04Malenko vaults over the top turnbuckle,
11:06ascends once again, high thrust body from the top.
11:10One, two and no.
11:18You don't see Malenko go to the top turnbuckle very often.
11:22He's pulling out all the stops
11:24in his quest to regain the ECW television title.
11:34Guerrero escapes the vertical suplex.
11:39Malenko does not.
11:44Cover, one, two and no.
11:55Guerrero going up top, gets caught by Malenko.
11:59Up goes the shooter as well.
12:04One, two and no.
12:10Sunset flips the second turnbuckle, two count only.
12:27Malenko with just his weight in midair, two count only.
12:35One, two and no.
12:38Guerrero escapes.
12:48One, two and no, Guerrero escapes.
13:08But Malenko seems to be as exhausted as Guerrero is.
13:13Makes the cover, one, two and no.
13:21What does it take to pin either one of these men?
13:25One, two and no.
13:31Frankensteiner by Guerrero, hooks the leg, Malenko escapes.
13:48Guerrero going up top once again.
13:52He gets caught.
13:55He gets caught.
14:00Oh my God, they tumble to the floor.
14:08Both competitors in trouble now.
14:12And the television title belt hangs in the balance.
14:18The shooter fighting to get back to his feet.
14:26Guerrero blocks the punch, has one of his own.
14:29Malenko meets the top turnbuckle,
14:31Guerrero ascends to the top.
14:33Drop kick to the back of the neck.
14:36Guerrero says that's all.
14:38German suplex, there's a bridge, two count only.
14:50Fisherman suplex.
14:52Fisherman suplex, two and no.
15:03Malenko goes downstairs, tiger ball.
15:06Two and no, Guerrero escapes.
15:09Two and no, Guerrero escapes.
15:21Both men now fighting exhaustion as well as each other.
15:28Malenko slides to the legs of Guerrero.
15:31Frankensteiner by Guerrero, hooks the legs of Malenko,
15:33Malenko rolls through.
15:36One, two, three, he got him.
15:39Malenko has regained the extreme championship
15:42wrestling television title.
15:57What a fantastic matchup from both wrestlers.
16:09Guerrero wants to hand the belt to Malenko,
16:11there's a handshake.
16:13Great sportsmanship on the part of Eddie Guerrero.
16:22Another handshake, that's where the short arm clothes lie.
16:26Well I guess we haven't seen the last of this feud.
16:34These two will clash again for that title.
16:37Again for that title, you can bet on it.
