• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shaya. Hi, Shaya.
00:07For those watching, I thank you for watching. This is going to be some crime against me, and none of this information can be used against me or my twin flame, Shaya.
00:18You'll be used, or will be used against, or you will be framed, sued, and put to prison for illegally framing me.
00:30So, I have to have the fan blowing really fast, because it's still 88 degrees in here.
00:59It's definitely cooled off, though, because the sun is down. It doesn't really feel like 88 degrees, and I might have to put my hair in a ponytail.
01:09So, I'm going to show you some things, Shaya, to catch up on the things I didn't show you.
01:14Things on the camera, then the notes, and then some security camera footage.
01:21And I noticed, I didn't review all the videos, Shaya. Hold on. Let me record this. Back up.
01:39So, hi, this is Alyssa. In this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shaya. Hi, Shaya.
01:46For those watching, I thank you for watching. I am a little bit behind on the notes to tell Shaya, and whoever else is watching, the only people who are watching are the ones who want to help Shaya not hurt and attack Shaya Alyssa.
02:00And if you do, you will be sued and sent to jail for trying to illegally frame me. Anything in this video may or may not be true.
02:08So, I have some photographs to show you, Shaya. Then I have some notes, and I looked back at a few pages and highlighted some notes that I skipped.
02:17And then I want to show you the security camera footage in part two.
02:21And I was really worried about telling you that I was going to make a video tomorrow morning.
02:28I'm actually going to do my laundry tomorrow morning, most likely.
02:34I have like no clean clothes, and it's getting, my sheets are getting gross, so I'm going to go to the laundromat.
02:47I've been so food shopping tortured all day long, with maybe 10-15 minute breaks here and there.
02:54So, if I'm acting, looking sick and upset, it's because I'm getting tortured right now.
03:03And it's all going to be returned back to whoever is doing this to us. It's all going to be returned back, and a lot more.
03:21But just continue to do the acupressure, Shaya, because we'll have less chances of getting a stroke or injured if we continue doing the acupressure.
03:32Which reminds me, well, I can't really do acupressure while making these videos.
03:40So, I'm not sure if I showed you this one, but this is a little bit, so I'm skipping through photos I forgot to show you.
03:51This is noodles with carrots and pudding.
03:53And this is with no fridge, no stove, no sink, no freezer, no water.
04:05This was when I logged into YouTube.
04:11Paralysis, finally monetized.
04:16The amount of strokes I got since 2017, you would not imagine the amount of attempts.
04:30And, obviously making fun of my view count.
04:37Which was a constant, kills the spirit that nobody's looking and watching.
04:43Actually, I don't care anymore, Shaya. That doesn't bother me anymore.
04:49Now that I'm talking to you, but it did before.
04:55Daily motions.
05:06And this is when I did my first one and I don't even remember what happened.
05:11I was in the middle of another one so I can't remember what happened.
05:16And this is when I did my second one.
05:18And this is when I did my third one.
05:21Miss Mojo
05:51Hello, this is MojoJojo.
06:20I went to log in on YouTube and once again, there's an odd
06:30Scammers panic after I hack this live CCTV camera
06:41There's no reason why that should be on here
06:44By the way, this channel, I don't look at that channel
06:57This I don't believe I don't listen to that channel
07:07And I have to show you the new apps that have been downloaded
07:12And I'm not deleting them
07:17I think did I delete one of them? No
07:26I didn't even look at him until now
07:30Gin and rummy
07:37Bubble shooter
07:41And I'm not going to figure them all out
07:48And that's local news. I didn't I didn't download that app local news
07:58So let me look at settings
08:02And this all came down to
08:05It may have increased a little bit
08:09However, this is the consistent pace over the course of 15 years
08:14On and off there'd be ways where I would get away from it
08:21And I'm not going to do that
08:25I'm not going to do that
08:28On and off there'd be ways where I would get away from it
08:34The way I'd be able to get away from it and just not use a computer and barely use a cell phone
08:41So these apps are died and I went under settings to make sure that I wasn't automatically getting apps
08:51I forget how I did it
08:57Water sort puzzle
09:03Swaddle mania
09:08Bubble shooter
09:12I don't think my this computer would do this
09:19WSOP poker
09:23Bingo those were the older ones bingo blitz
09:26Where's the newest ones the ones I just showed you
09:31I never put local news
09:39It's weird how I can't delete them
09:43There's no way to delete the app look
09:47See how it's it's not able to press on the button
09:52That's odd
10:12Look at that. I go to click on it
10:19It's not you can't delete it you're not able to delete it
10:30So those are the apps
10:36And I have
10:3988% storage use so there's no way I can use this phone as a backup for the camera
10:57Someone's a criminal is playing with my eyes right now like like moving them around
11:07When I went to the mall to try to find those shirts that I could not find I really like this dolphin fountain
11:14See how the dolphins are
11:17the dolphin fountain
11:19The problem is they made it look demonic
11:27This one is turned on his head flipped upside down
11:35That's demonic because this is a shallow
11:41It should the dolphins should not be like that
11:47It's a the other dolphins are in the front like this
11:53I believe that that is
11:58Evil like not good
12:03Dolphins are the light and this is a very wealthy mall. Oh, yeah
12:10It shouldn't look like this that's that's not the way they should have placed the dolphin like that
12:23I'll show you this because this gives you
12:31This is like a vortex
12:54And if I looking up uncomfortable it's because I'm getting tortured
13:01So this is my skull
13:08It shouldn't look like that, I don't know if you can see it from here
13:26Played the hair loss. Yeah, like four times today
13:31I still got plenty of food. Unfortunately, but you have to cook everything. So, you know, I look up your
13:41Family members
13:44On the search button
13:46Well, look at look at what's the people you may know
13:51Pops up and then there is a someone look-alike
14:01To try to intimidate me
14:04And scare me
14:07So this was supposed to try to prompt me to look up the public news
14:13what they would do is I'd be like
14:16I have to like figure out what's going on so that I don't get like
14:24Scared or intimidated or threatened or jealous or angry or whatever else?
14:31So this setup complete
14:35See what applications were installed
14:38Why is this track phone updating these stupid apps, I don't believe they are and this is how my voice by the way
14:45So they're definitely playing around with my voice
14:49And these were the apps installed when I clicked on apps installed
14:55I'm not really gonna figure it out in
14:59The criminals just say oh it's subliminal so you don't have to figure out anyways
15:08Under YouTube
15:21I don't know what this I don't really get this but
15:28It shouldn't be in my thing a line up on a tree
15:37I'm not going to explain. I'm not going to explain it
15:49Well apparently
15:53I was lied to and said that I was killed by a shark in a past life
16:01For a long time
16:04I was forced to believe that I was a famous fashion designer. I'm not going to say who for a very long time
16:17I've already told you shy. I don't want to bring it up
16:24Daily motion know your rights
16:29You should be told how much you'll be paid
16:35On a gig
16:39A constant obsession with I tried so hard my whole life to try to
16:50Gigs on Craigslist part-time work
16:54It was impossible I didn't know the reason why
17:15So this was the
17:18And so I just so you know
17:24Obviously, that's me
17:26Just so you know, this is very painful
17:28There's all kinds of words to steal my adrena-chrome. My adrena-chrome is being stolen right now. Just
17:34Reveal it to me
17:36I don't know what's going on
17:38I don't know what's going on
17:40I don't know what's going on
17:42I don't know what's going on
17:44My adrena-chrome is being stolen right now. Just reviewing these I get very very weak and sick
17:52This this is murder this is pure murder
18:04And I got no help anytime I tried it
18:09I didn't help but neither did my brother my mom
18:14And this is how it's supposed to look when you're cooking, and this was decreased, there's
18:30no lamps, weren't red, so my potato was not cooking.
18:31This is going on for a while now.
18:32I just wanted to show you, we'll get straws dry up for our paper cups.
18:33Because I got that at Chick-fil-A, I put some ice cubes in a cup, it's amazing the difference
18:50when you have ice cubes in a straw.
18:51It took me two years until I finally got an ice cube tray, and I fill it with spring water.
18:52It's so nice to have an ice drink.
18:53So the pool storage limit, so I run out of data on my HF campaign, and I'm 100% full
19:19storage on Google.
19:20But the thing is, I'm not going to pay for more storage, because if my storage and data
19:21decreases from 100% to any percent, we will know for sure, Shia, that the hacker has deleted
19:22my data.
19:23So I'm going to just leave it as that, as 100% filled storage.
19:24So I'm going to go back to Google, and I'm going to go back to Google, and I'm going
19:25to go back to Google, and I'm going to go back to Google, and I'm going to go back to
19:26Google, and I'm going to go back to Google, and I'm going to go back to Google, and I'm
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