Challenge video #mrbeast

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00I just dropped off five men and five women in the middle of the wilderness!
00:04And whichever group survives the longest wins that $500,000!
00:08I give y'all three days.
00:09Their money's all ours!
00:10That is your side of the woods, and that is your side of the woods.
00:14And you are not at any point allowed to cross sides or you'll be disqualified.
00:18You should go start prepping for your first night.
00:20We out!
00:20Maybe I'll be entering your favor!
00:22Men or women, let's see who wins.
00:25There's no way the girls are beating us.
00:26They're not five men!
00:28How do you think the guys are doing?
00:30They've probably stopped by now.
00:32We're not going to survive. We're going to thrive.
00:33As long as we're good at being a little hungry.
00:35Oh yeah.
00:35We'll be fine.
00:36Oh, we got strawberries.
00:38Anything that's around here is on our food list.
00:40I'm already seeing a shelter in my head.
00:43There it is!
00:44This would be their shelter.
00:45Welcome home, brother!
00:46And miles away on the other side, the girls found a spot to set up their camp.
00:50The water looks pretty bad right here, so I'm hoping we can follow it back
00:53and maybe find a clean source to gather from.
00:55This is nice.
00:56Yeah, this might be the spot, you guys.
00:58Things might be going smooth now, but compared to all my other videos,
01:01this challenge might be the most brutal one that I have ever filmed.
01:04If I left now, I would regret it.
01:05It's so hard out here.
01:07I just hope someone will move in there, bro.
01:08I don't think we're alone out here.
01:11Okay, let's check what supplies we have.
01:12Fruits, granola, sausage.
01:14Dude, you got all the meat.
01:16I also gave each of them a water bottle and some key survival gear.
01:19That's not a lot of food.
01:20We're going to have to figure out how long we want to stretch this.
01:22Attention! Can all of you hear me?
01:24We hear you loud and clear.
01:25We're all here.
01:25I just want to make sure we're all on the same page on how this challenge works.
01:28To make things more interesting,
01:30if a person leaves this challenge,
01:32they will still get their share of the prize money.
01:34The only thing that matters is which team lives in these woods the longest.
01:38We were not expecting that.
01:40No one ever does.
01:41It's up to each of you to decide whether you stay to help your teammates
01:44or leave to save them more food.
01:46Also, for this entire challenge,
01:48you will never know how many men are still left on their side
01:51and the men will have no idea how many women are left on your side.
01:54It's a game of strategy.
01:55This will be fun.
01:56That food goes a lot further for, like, two people than five.
01:59Are we really only going to be able to sustain one or two people?
02:02Cross that bridge when we get there.
02:03If anybody does quit, I do not hold it against you.
02:06I will 100% hold it against you.
02:07Yeah, all right.
02:08Come on, bro.
02:09Hey, after that first week, I think it's strategy, though.
02:11We got to strategize.
02:12Hey, we're a team, bro.
02:13We're making it.
02:14We're staying.
02:14Girl thrill, boy thrill.
02:17For the rest of the night,
02:18both camps began constructing their shelters
02:20to prepare for any upcoming storms.
02:23And the guys built theirs out of the first twigs they found.
02:26We have a whole teepee built and everything.
02:27The girls are not doing that.
02:29Actually, they are.
02:30And they're doing it way better than the boys.
02:32And up.
02:33We got it.
02:33I'm going to try and get a fire craft.
02:36I bet we beat the guys in that.
02:38There we go.
02:38There we go.
02:39Let's go!
02:40What a freaking start of a journey, boys.
02:43Night number one was kind of rough.
02:45It took me a long time to go to sleep.
02:47Good morning.
02:48We need more walls for the teepee still.
02:50Let's get making our house!
02:51I think the girls are doing way better than the boys right now.
02:53We are going through the woods because we need water.
02:56And to get clean water,
02:57the boys had to travel miles through an undrinkable, filthy swamp.
03:00I hope the girls have to go through something like this.
03:02I'm not going to lie.
03:03You can't see anything in this water.
03:04I do not want to drink swamp water.
03:06We're over a mile and a half, two-mile walk.
03:08It's day two.
03:09And after hours of searching,
03:11the boys finally found a water source.
03:14By day three, the women had a crazy strategy.
03:16Self-eliminate some of their teammates
03:18so those who stayed had more food to consume.
03:20If we as a team want to win this,
03:22diving into this is not sustainable,
03:24even for two people.
03:25I would like to have two people here at least till the end.
03:28I would agree, yeah.
03:29And it was very clear to the whole team
03:31who those two girls would be.
03:32Phaedra and Julia are our survival mommies,
03:35and so we kind of are at their beck and call
03:37to help and do whatever we need.
03:38The boys, on the other hand, had absolutely no clue whatsoever.
03:42We are definitely not rationing it.
03:43Like, no.
03:44There's no talking strategy amongst us.
03:46Five people's a lot of people, like, not for that food stash.
03:49We can't last to the end with five people.
03:51Day four.
03:52Josh and I were talking about us having to be the providers
03:55while they are the entertainers.
03:57TJ and I were carrying the weight.
03:59Just been building, building, building, building for the team,
04:02and there's those three still sitting around the fire
04:05doing nothing.
04:06They just want to be served.
04:07Josh, were you going to tell us if the food was done?
04:11Did you know the food was done?
04:13I know it went on at one.
04:14Yeah, I thought so. Silence.
04:15By this point, the boys weren't even a week into the challenge,
04:18and they were already teaming up against one of their own.
04:21I will directly say to Josh,
04:22it looks like you're chilling all day,
04:24and then we're burning gods amounts of energy day in and day out.
04:28And that hurt a lot.
04:29I mean, if anything, half burning these calories
04:31that he's so tired about doing backflips and showing off
04:33in front of the camera.
04:34So it made me contemplate today
04:36whether I really want to do this anymore.
04:38While tension was making some of the boys consider leaving,
04:40the women were ready to do the same,
04:42but only as part of their strategy.
04:44This food load might have to change.
04:45It can't change.
04:46We're still not getting into rations.
04:48It is time to start, as a team,
04:50sending people home for the goal of winning.
04:52It can't be more than two people touching the rations.
04:56So we have a team decided that it's time for me to go home.
04:58This is Hannah, and I'm ready to leave.
05:00We will discreetly evacuate you out of the forest
05:03without alerting the boys.
05:04Let's do it with a discreet monster truck.
05:06We're about to pull up on their camp for their first elimination.
05:09I'm going to step away as a team strategy.
05:12That makes sense. More food for the other four.
05:14Well, let's get you out of here.
05:15I love you women, okay?
05:16It's so fun!
05:18If the women end up winning, you're the smartest one here.
05:20You're the first out, but you'll get 100 grand.
05:22A lot of people have said, well, Fallon just left.
05:24While Hannah can consider herself lucky,
05:26because for the next two days,
05:28intense rainstorms force both of the teams
05:30to stay in their shelters and survive solely on their rations.
05:33We definitely can't live off this food for much longer.
05:36So come day 10, I decided to throw in a twist.
05:39And if you've ever seen one of my videos,
05:40you know that means it's time for a challenge.
05:42But to make it even more intense,
05:44every 10 days, the boys and girls
05:46will have to elect a leader to face each other.
05:49And we're going to kick things off by visiting the girls.
05:52Hi! It's day 10. What do you think that means?
05:54You're going to give us some great news.
05:56It depends.
05:57I need you to pick a leader
05:58and face one of the boys for a potential prize.
06:01I'll meet you at the bridge in an hour, whoever you pick.
06:03This is where we take the video up a notch.
06:05We choose Phaedra.
06:06Let's go see how the boys are doing.
06:08Welcome to the men's camp.
06:10You guys look so official.
06:11I need you guys to elect a leader
06:13that in one hour will meet me at the bridge.
06:17Killer P.
06:18Man, I feel like they shouldn't be confident.
06:19Inside, I feel a little scared.
06:21Come on in!
06:22These walks are so dramatic.
06:23Congratulations on surviving 10 days.
06:25How's it going?
06:26Really well, actually.
06:27And remember, they have no idea
06:29how many people are still left on the opposing team.
06:32How many women do you think are still in?
06:34There's three.
06:35How many men do you think are left?
06:36I'm going to say three, too.
06:37The funny thing is, both of them are completely wrong.
06:40And neither will know the truth
06:41until this video is uploaded.
06:43This challenge is simple.
06:44You're going to take turns firing at that target.
06:46And hanging from beneath the target
06:48is a bag full of perishable food.
06:50If you hit the target, it'll drop it.
06:52But if you miss, move it to the other side.
06:54She will then get an opportunity to try to win it.
06:57I'm so good at archery.
06:58I'm definitely second-guessing this decision
07:00of Sen and Patrick and not me.
07:01Oh, Phaedra is going to kill it.
07:04Whatever it lands on fires first.
07:08Not in the water!
07:10Miss! OK.
07:11Fire away.
07:12Shot number one, we're out of here.
07:13Have you ever shot an arrow before?
07:15I have not.
07:16All right.
07:17I feel like I'm watching a Super Bowl.
07:19First time shooting an arrow?
07:22First time shooting an arrow.
07:23Bro, what happened?
07:24Did I miss?
07:25Move the target to the other side.
07:27Let's see if the women's team can make it.
07:28Whoa, she's taking the jacket off.
07:30Oh, it's going time!
07:32Phaedra, your team desperately needs those rations.
07:35Will you be the one to bring them home?
07:40She got it!
07:41She got it!
07:45What's going on?
07:46Dude, that was like watching The Hunger Games.
07:50All right, let's go grab it.
07:54Cheers to victory.
07:57Cut to a shot of the boys.
07:58They're struggling.
07:59Let's go.
08:00Let's go.
08:01So you also need to eat a lot and quickly.
08:03I've noticed you keep saying y'all.
08:06Wait, what?
08:07We had to dip into our rations after the rain.
08:09And looking at this, this is primarily perishable.
08:11So although it adds for a while, it's not going to add long-term.
08:14And so we had the conversation that I would go.
08:16You're thinking about leaving right now?
08:18Conveniently, I'm already here if you just want to hitch a ride back.
08:20Yeah, now.
08:21And so with a toast to Feastables and hugs to say goodbye...
08:23Bye, D-Bug!
08:24We'll see you on the outside!
08:25The women's team was down to just three survivors,
08:28while the men's team still had all five.
08:30I know we can win this entire challenge for her.
08:32I do too.
08:34With plenty of food and one less person to split it with,
08:36the girls' morale was through the roof.
08:38I'm feeling really good, really optimistic.
08:40We've been really pushing ourselves hard,
08:42so to be able to have this meal is going to mean a lot.
08:44Cheers, guys.
08:47However, losing the challenge took a real toll on TJ.
08:50I'm beating myself up pretty badly about the archery competition.
08:54Everyone thought it should have been me.
08:57Killer P.
08:58Killer P?!
08:59I should have stepped up when I had the chance.
09:01But when I was sitting on that chair,
09:03and I saw the bows and arrows,
09:06I just thought,
09:07it should have been me.
09:09The next challenge will be me.
09:11The girls enjoyed their abundance of food for the next few days.
09:15The boys, unfortunately, had to still catch their food.
09:18Let's go, baby.
09:24No way!
09:27With their rations running dangerously low at this point,
09:29the boys' team was starting to become hopeless.
09:32Bro, Kim, I'm so glad that I got you here, bro.
09:34I know I may seem sluggish and stuff,
09:36but this is all mental.
09:37Like, I have nothing in me.
09:38The pressure had really started to get to Cameron.
09:40And while Sammy tried to lift his spirits a little,
09:42by the morning of day 13,
09:44he had already made up his mind.
09:46The sleep deprivation has taken its toll.
09:48I set my breaking point.
09:50I'm proud of you, bro.
09:51Hold it down, man.
09:52I appreciate the journey, man.
09:53Bye, Cam.
09:54That was a big bummer, losing Cam today.
09:56How's today for a dark day?
09:58But the boys weren't the only ones taking a loss.
10:00Today is Ellie's day.
10:02We're going to miss her very much.
10:04We are.
10:05While the girls were leaving strategically,
10:07with half a million dollars in mind,
10:08the boys, on the other hand,
10:09were leaving from the difficulty.
10:11I'm so defeated.
10:12I'm grateful for this.
10:14It's just...
10:15This is freaking tough.
10:16Just had a breakdown, bro.
10:17Do you think you can make it to the next challenge?
10:19Oh, no.
10:21It's about to break me, bro.
10:23Come on, bro.
10:25So after draining his remaining calories
10:27upgrading their shelter,
10:28the boys went to bed
10:29and made their radio call in the morning.
10:31What up, boys?
10:32I got a message on the walkie.
10:33That's going to have to be mine to explain, Jimmy.
10:35I'm not going to be the big macho man
10:37and say this isn't hard.
10:38All right, everyone.
10:39Let's walk him out of the challenge.
10:40Come on.
10:41Leaving the boys' camp for the last time,
10:43Sammy gave the guys a parting gift.
10:44Do you want the T-shirt?
10:45I'll take the T-shirt.
10:46The literal clothes on his back.
10:48Let's get those shirts.
10:49Now that you've taken everything from this man,
10:51is he free to go?
10:52He's free to go.
10:53He is now in the Sherpa,
10:54which means he's officially eliminated Carl.
10:56Get him out of here.
10:57Now we're down to three.
10:58Is the train going to continue?
10:59Two days from now, we're going to be a one?
11:00Absolutely not.
11:01Just two weeks into the challenge,
11:02and we have already lost half the players,
11:04and things are only going to get worse.
11:06I looked at that truck that picked him up,
11:08and my first thought was jealousy.
11:11I don't know if I can make it to the end.
11:13With Josh already on the verge of quitting,
11:15things got even harder as a massive storm rolled in.
11:18Oh, oh, oh.
11:20It's raining right here.
11:21Unlike the girls,
11:22who can sleep soundly in their well-built shelter,
11:25back at the boys' camp,
11:26their home was not equipped to handle all this rain.
11:28This is not how I want this to end.
11:30The torrential downpours continued for the next two days.
11:34My raincoat had drenched through,
11:36and my whole belly was soaking wet,
11:38and my waders and my pants were soaking wet.
11:40I was, like, ready to quit.
11:42The rain has finally cleared up,
11:45and Mama Phaedra is making us a little breakfast this morning.
11:50Got a little beef stew.
11:51It's delicious.
11:52I bet the boys are enjoying a happy meal.
11:54I bet they're not.
11:55Bad news ran into my worst enemy.
11:57Poison ivy.
11:58It's spreading everywhere and unbearably painful.
12:01I start wondering if my time here is coming up.
12:05We're in a better spot than the guys.
12:07It has to be, right?
12:08Not a lot of people can take this for a long amount of time.
12:11Hey, guys, we need to talk.
12:14The things I wanted to do, I definitely did,
12:16and at some point, there is just the need to get out.
12:19The selfish part of me says,
12:20you quit, I get a bigger meal.
12:24Hey, this is Josh at men's camp.
12:26I think I am ready to go today.
12:29And just like that, Josh was out.
12:33Hop on in.
12:34Let's go, Carl.
12:35Let's hit the road.
12:36I'm going to say this, like, honestly,
12:37I believe 100% we just got stronger.
12:39We have enough food to last us as long as possible,
12:42plus win all the challenges.
12:43That's a pretty bold statement.
12:45So let's put that claim to the test.
12:47What day is it, Taylor?
12:50Stay 20.
12:52Stay 20.
12:53Which means it's time for our second challenge.
12:56Alert, alert.
12:57Pick a captain and send them to the bridge.
12:59Easy work.
13:00All right, I'll see you in a minute, okay?
13:01Sounds good.
13:02I'm going to show her that no matter what,
13:04she will never win.
13:05Since both of you didn't come last time,
13:07I need to make it clear,
13:08if you step across the middle, you're eliminated.
13:10Which may affect your team's chances of winning $500,000.
13:14Taylor, can you give me something to mark the middle?
13:16Okay, we'll put it back.
13:17Yeah, there we go.
13:20Nice to meet you.
13:21Yeah, you too.
13:22My team and I are offering you
13:23and whoever's still at camp $50,000
13:25if your team quits right now.
13:27Sounds like you might be scared
13:28that you might not make it to the 500K.
13:30Anyone else feel the tension here?
13:32We'll see you in day 33 when it's all over.
13:35You're only giving yourself till day 33?
13:37I'm giving you till day 33.
13:41You guys are being as nice as possible,
13:42also talking so much smack at the same time.
13:44Let's bring it together.
13:45So, because the storms are decimating your shelters,
13:48in this challenge, you're going to be competing
13:50for your own ginormous tent.
13:52This thing is waterproof.
13:53Hurricane season's coming in, so this will be clutch.
13:56Would you want something like this?
13:57I mean, I'll take it,
13:58but if the guys get this taste of comfort,
14:00maybe they'll leave.
14:01Or it can make them last longer.
14:02Doubt it.
14:03Oh, this is very nice.
14:04It's decision time.
14:06So, this is different than the last challenge
14:08because both your teams could win a tent.
14:11I'm going to be in that tent.
14:12It would sit really nicely right there.
14:14All you have to do is eliminate yourself.
14:19If Julia does take this,
14:20we won't have one more night together.
14:22That'll be hard.
14:23Since the women won the first challenge,
14:25I need you to make your decision first.
14:27Oh, come on, Julia.
14:28Do you want to eliminate yourself
14:29so your team can have that tent?
14:35I'm going to take the tent.
14:39So, it looks like I am now officially by myself.
14:43I honestly can't believe you took that.
14:45Now it's your turn, which is more important,
14:47you or that tent.
14:58All right.
14:59My team.
15:00Thanks for coming out.
15:02That was crazy.
15:03Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
15:05I think it would really be huge
15:06for the overall strategy and the win,
15:09but I thought I was actually going to get a chance
15:11to give her a hug goodbye.
15:13This isn't 100% rainproof.
15:16That could really end the competition.
15:18My whole mood has just changed.
15:20Back at the bridge,
15:21while Phaedra was gathering her new tent,
15:23TJ secretly stayed behind to investigate.
15:25Wait, no way.
15:27And what he found was like striking gold.
15:29It's weird to send only one person to pick up that tent.
15:32Now I know there's only one woman left.
15:35She will not outlast the two of us.
15:38I got to tell Pat.
15:39Patrick, are you awake?
15:40I spied on them, and it's one person left.
15:43The person that you win against on that first challenge.
15:46And we have two.
15:47Less food, less shelter.
15:49Now that you say it like that,
15:50I feel like I made the wrong decision.
15:51Would you have preferred the tent or me?
15:54The tent.
15:55Unfortunately for TJ,
15:57the intel he gathered at the bridge
15:59seemed to only make matters more tense for the boys.
16:01He turned down dry shelter.
16:03Come back.
16:04What kind of brother would do that?
16:05It's TJ.
16:06If he would have took the tent,
16:07it would have sealed the deal.
16:08Because we all know shelter is everything.
16:10And at the girls' camp,
16:11Phaedra was officially carrying the team,
16:13setting up her brand new tent in just a few hours.
16:16Look at that.
16:17It's awesome.
16:18Just in case people are wondering who's going to win this.
16:21Nice and cool in here.
16:23No bugs.
16:24There is more room than I know what to do with in here.
16:27While Phaedra had more room,
16:28the boys, on the other hand,
16:29were betting on each other
16:31to get themselves to that half a million dollar prize.
16:34You may have that tent,
16:35but you're all alone.
16:36Us here at the guys' camp,
16:37we still got two,
16:38so we could always be socializing.
16:40And by challenge three,
16:41she's going to want to leave for sure, bro.
16:44It was a pleasure being around Julia.
16:46Having such a lovely human to interact with
16:49got me spoiled, honestly.
16:51But it wasn't just camaraderie
16:52that was keeping the boys going.
16:54About to go crawdad hunting.
16:55This is where Killer Pat comes in.
16:57Need to get some food.
16:58Living off the land was going much better than expected.
17:01There we go.
17:02And that's the snapping turtle right there.
17:03But while the boys were finally thriving,
17:05Phaedra had found herself in a dark place.
17:07I do miss having some physical contact with people
17:11and, like, being able to give somebody a hug
17:13or just, like, even a handshake
17:16or a high five would do.
17:21How about a high five?
17:23At this point,
17:24Phaedra literally began talking to herself
17:26out of loneliness.
17:27However, the boys' bond was continuing to grow.
17:30Dang, dude, that's as big as you.
17:32Look at the size of that thing.
17:34Dude, that's literally five and a half feet long.
17:36Sorry, six foot five.
17:38I'm so excited for challenge day right now.
17:40I'm hoping that we just go ahead and win.
17:42I'm ready to go home to my family.
17:44I'm ready for this to be over.
17:45We're gonna see how challenge three goes.
17:46With TJ's and Patrick's bond having grown stronger than ever,
17:49I knew exactly how to test them on the day 30 challenge.
17:52Are you gonna be the captain?
17:53I was asking around, but nobody else was here.
17:56By default, I'm the captain.
17:58Okay, you did day 10.
18:00You did day 20.
18:01Who's gonna be the day 30 captain?
18:05Back to back.
18:06Let's go, my man.
18:07Go get that dub.
18:08All right, this time we painted a line instead of using a plant.
18:11Been a while since you saw each other.
18:12I'm really surprised to see you here, actually.
18:17Are you two ready to hear the challenge?
18:19Yes, sir.
18:20Here's the deal.
18:21We have the families of every single contestant
18:23still in this challenge on the other side of the woods.
18:25And you guys have a choice to make.
18:27You can see your family,
18:28or everyone in your camp can see their family.
18:33You know, I do have a son that I would really like to see.
18:36So, um, I'm gonna choose myself.
18:39Phaedra could have just tricked Patrick
18:41into thinking she's not the only woman left.
18:43How about you?
18:44Are you picking your camp or yourself as well?
18:49I gotta see my kids.
18:50I choose myself, too.
18:52The decisions have been made.
18:54Load the helicopters and fly them out.
18:57Oh, it's so good to see you.
18:59It's good to see you, too.
19:05Say, Mr. Beast.
19:11Let's go!
19:12Let's go!
19:13Let's go!
19:14Hey, beautiful.
19:15I missed my mom, and I really missed my son.
19:18My family is the main reason why I was out here
19:21and the reason why I'm still standing here.
19:23My time has just been really valuable.
19:25My time has just been reset.
19:26I'll see y'all in 10 days.
19:30I'm just gonna sit here and just feel sad.
19:33I haven't felt, like, the best today.
19:35I've had some time to reflect on the last challenge.
19:38I'm super grateful for that experience
19:40and for having him come.
19:42But after seeing Lincoln, I really want to go home.
19:46I'm not going anywhere.
19:47I was a little bit worried when Pat got to see his family.
19:50I'm locked and loaded for Challenge 4.
19:52But it just lit a fire underneath him
19:54to say, I'm gonna win this.
19:55Obviously, I've got to this point
19:56because of me trusting another person.
19:58This right here is about to prove
20:00how important a strong and good friendship is
20:03compared to doing things on your own.
20:04And although having someone by your side
20:06can ward off the boredom,
20:07being alone also does have its perks.
20:09I don't even know if I can eat this all.
20:11I literally have more food than I can eat out here.
20:13I'm not going anywhere men's camp.
20:15And so it was the battle of rations versus companionship.
20:19That was until the night came,
20:21and the men's camp got a surprise visit
20:23from an uninvited guest.
20:25What the heck is that?
20:27There's something out there.
20:31Oh, shh, shh, shh.
20:33Stay still.
20:41When the morning came, TJ set out to investigate
20:44what exactly that noise was.
20:46Yeah, that's definitely from a bear claw.
20:48Verified by our trail cam,
20:50a bear came up right behind the men's shelter,
20:53which would be enough to scare any sane person.
20:56Last night, a bear came through camp.
20:59And although Patrick was feeling confident
21:01about staying yesterday...
21:02I'm not going anywhere.
21:03...this close encounter had him thinking otherwise today.
21:06Having just seen my family,
21:08that bear got me realizing, like,
21:10I don't do outdoors.
21:12It's, like, breaking news.
21:14I'm a DJ.
21:16Yo, TJ, we got to talk about something.
21:18Yeah, what's up?
21:19Me and TJ were just speaking.
21:20The rations would make more sense if I leave
21:23so that TJ can finish this.
21:25Him saying to me,
21:26I trust you, and I'm going to leave,
21:28is huge.
21:30Yes, for this is...
21:34Um, he's going to be fine.
21:37Please, let me grab this one, kid.
21:39This is Patrick at man's camp.
21:40I am exiting the competition.
21:43On my way.
21:44And since I have Logan Paul and KSI with me,
21:46I guess I'll bring them along, too.
21:48Dude, this is gorgeous.
21:49If you're going to survive in the wilderness,
21:51this is, like, the environment to do it.
21:53Well, how do you know where anything is?
21:55What? What?
21:57Oh, no, I just saw a little fly run.
21:59Yo, Patrick, I got the call that you wanted to go.
22:02Yeah, I'm going to leave him with the most amount of food.
22:05Can I see how much food you have left?
22:06Oh, yeah, absolutely.
22:07Come over to our pantry.
22:08Now that he's leaving,
22:09how long do you think this food will last you?
22:11This will get me to day 60, challenge 6.
22:15How long do you think the girl or girls have left?
22:17By challenge 5, it's going to be over.
22:19No shot.
22:20She already has 13 days in isolation,
22:22and I'm just starting out one.
22:23We have the advantage.
22:25I am alone!
22:27So with both camps now down to one remaining survivor,
22:30it was all up to TJ and Phaedra to fight the isolation
22:33and win their team $500,000.
22:35And while TJ was hunting animals
22:37to make up for his dwindling rations...
22:39Big belly.
22:40...Phaedra was hunting them to keep as pets.
22:42Little princess Shirley.
22:43Neither TJ or Phaedra were showing any signs of giving up,
22:47which brought them all the way to day 40,
22:49also known as another challenge.
22:52Welcome back. It's been 10 days.
22:55Dude, it's awesome that you spent this time alone,
22:57but how do you logically plan to beat me?
23:00Because we have enough rations to last us 80 days,
23:02so I don't have responsibilities back home.
23:04And then on top of that, we're having fun at camp.
23:06There's nothing to do.
23:09I don't like to get ahead of myself and be like,
23:11I've got 90 days, I've got this in the bag,
23:13because, like, when you start to get arrogant...
23:15But in 20 days, 30 days, do you really want to be here?
23:18What about Lincoln?
23:20I don't really think you should use people's children's names
23:23as weapons against them. That's not appropriate.
23:25I will use whatever weapon I can.
23:27It's getting intense.
23:29How you decide to treat me has no factor
23:31on how long I decide to stay out here.
23:34Well, time for our day 40 challenge.
23:36Both of you will be presented with a survival item.
23:38If you want it, then simply write it down on your board,
23:40and you'll keep it.
23:42However, if both of you write it down,
23:44neither of you will get it.
23:46That means that you'll have to try to convince each other
23:48to actually let you keep an item.
23:50And for our first item, we have a fishing pole
23:52and all the bait you could ever need.
23:54Can one of you give up an item
23:56without guaranteed receiving something in return?
23:58They both wrote fishing rod.
24:00We're not off to a good start.
24:02Our next item is dude wipes.
24:04Who helped me pay for the video?
24:06Dude wipes are made from 99% plant-based materials
24:08and water.
24:10Ooh, very refreshing.
24:12It's time for what might be the most important vote of your life.
24:14Not only are they better than toilet paper,
24:16but dude wipes also work well for showering,
24:18which these two could use.
24:20He wrote dude wipes, and she wrote...
24:24Congratulations. Here you go.
24:26Woo! I got dude wipes!
24:28Item number three is more dude wipes,
24:30because they're the sponsor of the video.
24:32What do you think of the dude wipe?
24:34It's time to vote.
24:36Did you write anything? He did not.
24:38All right, here's your dude wipes.
24:40If you want to be like these two and try dude wipes for yourself,
24:42just go to Walmart, Amazon, or basically anywhere you shop at.
24:44They sell them there.
24:46Stop using normal toilet paper. That's for losers.
24:48Getting to clean themselves after over a month
24:50was a real boost, and at this point,
24:52either one of them can win it for their team.
24:54But thanks to the girls' strategy
24:56of intentionally eliminating most of their team early on,
24:58Phaedra was not worried about food at all.
25:00They say, oh, how much gas do you have in the tank?
25:02And truly my answer is
25:04until they decide
25:06they don't want to be here anymore.
25:08As the days passed, TJ was getting more confident
25:10he would win it for the boys.
25:12I'm just so set on this ending Challenge 5.
25:14I'll be heavily surprised
25:16if this goes past Challenge 5.
25:18Everything in my heart, soul, mind
25:20is saying Challenge 5.
25:22Even though it's come down to a 1v1,
25:24both TJ and Phaedra are fighting
25:26to win their team this $500,000.
25:28And as for TJ, a victory
25:30couldn't come soon enough.
25:32I'm gonna have a double portion of rice.
25:34Just make sure that I'm going to have
25:36a fantastic winning day
25:38of Day 50.
25:40And now it is time to put all that talk to the test
25:42and see if our Day 50 challenge
25:44will really be in TJ's favor.
25:46Contestants, come on in. Come on in.
25:48I couldn't make Day 50
25:50because I'm currently spending seven days
25:52in a cave, so I'm hologramming in.
25:54How's the cave?
25:56Oh my gosh, this is insane!
25:58It's pretty brutal, not gonna lie.
26:00You guys haven't seen each other in a while. You want to talk?
26:06All right. What do you two think
26:08the Day 50 challenge is?
26:10I have no idea. I see a container that says supplies
26:12on it.
26:14For Day 50, we're gonna celebrate
26:16and you both get Feastables.
26:20But little did they know, there was a twist coming.
26:22You each get a multi-pack of chocolate.
26:24That's so nice! Yay!
26:26Feastables are available at Walmart, Albertsons, and Kroger's
26:28nationwide. Go buy Feastables
26:30and see if you like the taste. That's it!
26:32Go back to your camps. Enjoy your chocolate or save it.
26:36See you on Day 60.
26:38Are they far away? Yeah.
26:40Okay. What they don't know, Chandler,
26:42is inside one of those chocolate bars
26:44is a message that tells them
26:46to come back to the middle to get
26:48three days' worth of food. You show the viewers
26:50the food. Let's see who
26:52finds the message first and wins that food.
26:54I'll see you in a couple days, Chandler.
26:56I love you.
26:58Wait. Say it back.
27:00He didn't say it.
27:02Challenge 5.
27:04We finally got our Feastables.
27:06These are chocolate. Chocolate will
27:08melt. So I need to find
27:10the best way to store these.
27:12I think I might just open another one, because honestly,
27:14I know it seems excessive, but
27:16it's for a win. I have one square
27:18after every meal. That should last
27:20me throughout the rest of the competition.
27:22My mental health right now, after Challenge 5,
27:24is through the roof. While TJ
27:26was feeling confident, he was so strict on
27:28rationing that he barely made a dent
27:30in the Feastables. I feel like I'm better rationing
27:32my chocolate, because that's a better
27:34commodity. So I know I have to save it.
27:36And save it he did. TJ went the next
27:38three days without touching a single
27:40piece of chocolate. Then, on Day 57,
27:42he found his favorite flavor.
27:44Peanut butter Feastable.
27:46Whoa. Wait. What? There's something on the back.
27:48If you're reading this, there is
27:50three days worth of food on the bridge
27:52for the first person to grab it. Good luck.
27:54Feastable. You'll have to wait. Let's go.
27:56Three days worth of food. So much. Let's go.
27:58I don't see her. This might be
28:00a man victory.
28:02Looks to be.
28:04She already got it.
28:08Phaedra actually beat out TJ, because
28:10just four days ago, this happened.
28:12Three days worth of food.
28:14Oh, sh**. It's still here, people.
28:16Wow, you guys. Feels really good
28:18to win this. Dang.
28:20Phaedra's not even here to gloat about it.
28:22I just feel so sad now. I ran for nothing.
28:24Feels like I've been here for nothing.
28:26If TJ isn't careful, that feeling could
28:28quickly become a reality. One of these contestants
28:30will win their team $500,000,
28:32while the other will have spent months
28:34in the wilderness, and potentially go home
28:36with nothing. I can't live off the land,
28:38because it'll take too many calories.
28:40And it's not even a guarantee every day.
28:42We just killed the last of our
28:44egg scramble. It has been
28:46difficult for me to
28:48be alone out here. Every day is
28:50hard, and it's kind of taken its toll on me.
28:52It is night 59.
28:54I will run out of
28:56rations tomorrow. I am praying
28:58that the prize for tomorrow
29:00is more rations. I don't want to give up
29:02just yet. It's time for the Day
29:0460 Challenge. So you guys met on
29:06Day 40, Day 50, and
29:08once again on Day 60, it's the
29:10two of you. How was the three days of extra rations?
29:12I was going to ask you, how was your candy bars?
29:14Yeah, how are you feeling?
29:16You got ten days left in you? Oh, I got
29:18ten days left in me. The Day
29:2060 Challenge is simple. Both of you
29:22will write down anything you want. You'll
29:24then show each other what you wrote. And if you
29:26approve of each other's items, you can have
29:28both of them. But, if just one of you says
29:30no, you both get nothing. You can ask
29:32for a lot, and there's a high chance she says
29:34no, or you can ask for a little, and
29:36potentially get it. Do you have what you want written down?
29:38I do. Do you have what you want written down?
29:40Yes. Three, two, one,
29:44Phaedra wants
29:46an art kit, and TJ
29:48wants a private chef for seven days,
29:50two meals a day, fully equipped with spices
29:52and food. Do you approve her getting
29:54an art kit? Oh, yeah. TJ
29:56approved you getting an art kit. So,
29:58so nice. Do you approve
30:00his private chef for seven
30:02days, two meals a day, with spices?
30:04I will run out of
30:06rations tomorrow.
30:09Oh, man.
30:11I would love to, but I can't. I'm going to have to say no
30:13on that. What?
30:15You were too greedy.
30:17That was day 60. You're free to talk
30:19as much as you want. Good luck in the next
30:21seven days. See you day 70?
30:23Yeah. Alright. Bye.
30:25For me, the physical aspects
30:27of things out here are not the problem, it's
30:29the mental things.
30:31There goes that idea. I had
30:33everyone's hopes and dreams on my back.
30:35I think I'm going to have to put
30:37that stone down.
30:39I want to go home so badly. I've just been out here
30:41for so long.
30:43I just
30:45received a radio call saying
30:47someone wanted to leave. The person
30:49leaving is waiting in the vehicle.
30:51Bring out the teams! Each contestant
30:53here is about to find out if their
30:55team just won half a million dollars.
30:57Will it be the men
30:59or the women? The contestant
31:01who forfeited will now
31:03reveal themselves.
31:05The boys lost
31:07and the girls won!
31:09We didn't want you guys
31:11to go home empty handed so we're going to give each of you
31:13ten grand for at least competing.
31:15Phaedra is still alone at the
31:17girls camp and has no idea she's
31:19just won.
31:21Phaedra, are you here?
31:23You're back. Yeah. Come with me real quick.
31:25I found this backpack and I was curious if it
31:27was yours. It might be. That was actually a lie!
31:29You just won!
31:31You did it!
31:33I really missed you guys.
31:35I thought of you guys every day.
31:37You did it though.
31:39You all just won
31:41$100,000 each.
31:43Maybe next time boys.
