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"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel di Program Power Breakfast, Selasa (10/09/2024) dengan Tema Intip Peluang Investasi Pasar Modal Memasuki Bulan September."


00:00Thank you for joining us on MarketBuzz.
00:04I'm still talking with Mr. Herman Cahyadi,
00:06Chief Investment Officer of BRI Management Investasi.
00:09Let's talk about the development of investors in BRI Management Investasi.
00:13What is it like?
00:15And what are the investment instruments
00:18that are getting more attention from investors
00:23under BRI Management Investasi?
00:25What is the trend, Mr. Herman?
00:28In the last year,
00:30our AUM growth in Reksadana
00:33is very good.
00:35It's more than 15% year-on-year per July.
00:39We also see that
00:42the interest of BRI investors
00:46in our ecosystem
00:48is that they are very used to
00:53investing in the financial market
00:55and balance fund.
00:57Why is this an investment instrument
01:01that has been favored by investors
01:05under BRI Management Investasi?
01:07In the last year,
01:09when there is a lot of volatility in the market,
01:12we educate our clients
01:16that money market is one of the
01:19Reksadana that has a stable performance
01:22in high volatility in the last year.
01:26And also for our mixed Reksadana,
01:29such as Balanced Regular Income Fund,
01:31it is also a fairly conservative Reksadana,
01:34but also provides dividends every month.
01:37So it is very suitable for
01:39most of our client's risk profile.
01:43It means that the risk can be measured,
01:45but in terms of outside potential,
01:47there are still possibilities to get money.
01:49It's still interesting.
01:51That's why this is favored by investors
01:54under BRI Investment Management.
01:57Talking about the market conditions,
01:59of course, this is influenced by several things.
02:02Then it becomes a sentiment
02:04that becomes a concern from the point of view of investors.
02:07For example, the chance of a 12% increase in PPN
02:09which affects the drop in purchasing power.
02:14Then there are other phenomena
02:18related to the middle class
02:20whose share then drops.
02:23How far does this become a discussion?
02:26And actually, if it is analyzed,
02:28what is the significance of Mr. Herman's influence
02:33related to investment climate in Indonesia?
02:37So if we look at it,
02:38indeed the PPN increase of 12%
02:43can indeed be one of the factors
02:47that can stimulate the sentiment of the domestic market.
02:52From the point of view of the people's purchasing power.
02:55But we are still optimistic
02:57that the cabinet that will be formed in October
03:01will of course also calculate the positive and negative.
03:06So we see that they will have a certain strategy
03:10to boost the consumption of purchasing power in this society.
03:15So we still have to wait for their policy in the future.
03:21Okay. What are the incentives prepared
03:24for the middle class in Indonesia
03:26so that the purchasing power does not decrease?
03:28As we know, in the future there will also be
03:31some mandatory pensions
03:34which are then deducted from the salary of the employees themselves.
03:37One of them is related to additional pensions.
03:40Then there is also a mandatory vehicle insurance.
03:45Then there is also a pension that is done.
03:48Does this also become a discussion, sir?
03:51And when will this finally become a concern?
03:58Because when we talk about funds allocated by the community
04:02to invest,
04:04of course, although some communities have already posted,
04:08it has become a fixed budget.
04:10But if we talk about urgent needs,
04:13it seems that there are other budgetary posts that can also be taken.
04:17It means that the investment portion may also be reduced.
04:21What is your point of view, Mr. Herman?
04:25Yes, so of course, if the additional expenses are still carried out,
04:33it will of course also increase the purchasing power of the community.
04:37That's why we still have to wait for the policies
04:41that have been managed by the newly formed cabinet.
04:45And we are sure that they already have their own assessment
04:49regarding the current economic situation in Indonesia.
04:52And for the future, we also see that there is a positive
04:56with the reduction of the BI rate in the next few months.
05:01It will also be very helpful.
05:03And also, the program will be free of charge,
05:07which will be launched after the cabinet is formed.
05:10It will of course also help the export from the middle to the bottom.
05:17Especially the ones below.
05:19Okay, then what is your point of view on the property-based sector,
05:22Mr. Herman?
05:23Is it related to the issue or sentiment related to the reduction
05:28of the BI rate in Indonesia?
05:30Is it recommended or is it on the radar?
05:33Yes, so the interest rate-sensitive sector,
05:37such as banking and property,
05:39will be the main beneficiary of the sentiment of the reduction of the BI rate, sir.
05:45So the property sector is included in our investment radar, sir.
05:51Okay, hopefully we will have one more segment in the next session, Mr. Herman.
05:56We will continue and stay tuned, we will be back soon.
06:00Thank you for staying tuned with us, sir.
06:02And now we will look at the opening of ISG.
06:05This morning, ISG is still operating in a positive zone with 0.5% strength
06:09at level 7,741.439.
06:12Meanwhile, from the sectoral movement,
06:15Finance, one of the financial sectors,
06:17is leading the strength on this occasion in the opening of the C1 system,
06:20strengthening 1.59%,
06:22then supported by infrastructure-based companies
06:25and also property,
06:27with 0.82% and 0.79% each.
06:31Top Gainers are PANI, BRPT, PTPP, KLBF,
06:39then Top Losers are ITMG, Filmsy, Logoto,
06:43MLPL, Avias, Mill, Kitchy, and Pico.
06:47Okay, I will continue the conversation with Mr. Herman Cahyadi,
06:50Chief Investment Officer of BRI Investment Management.
06:53If we talk about the energy sector or the oil and metal sector,
06:58Mr. Herman, in your opinion, what is the view?
07:02Yes, so if we analyze it more deeply,
07:05if we look at the history,
07:07every time there is a decrease in the FED rate,
07:11the cycle of the decline of the flow rate by the FED,
07:14it means there is a global economic weakness.
07:18And if there is a global economic weakness,
07:21it will have a negative effect on the price of commodities.
07:25So that's why we see that the price of commodities
07:29may not go up fast either,
07:31there may still be a downside risk.
07:35Especially in China now there is a deflation,
07:39not inflation, but they are experiencing a deflation.
07:42It means that for the oil and metal sector or the commodity sector,
07:45it has not yet been seen as interesting from your point of view.
07:50Mr. Herman, the last tip on capital market investment for investors,
07:53wherever they are, what is it?
07:56Yes, so for investors or those who have been investing for a long time
08:03in the business or beginners,
08:05we always remind our clients
08:07that it must be adjusted to each individual's risk profile.
08:12Maybe there is one emitter that is suitable for investors who are more aggressive,
08:17but maybe it is not suitable for investors who are more conservative.
08:22So everything must be adjusted to each individual's risk profile
08:26and the valuation must also be looked at.
08:30Get to know yourself, don't be a FOMO,
08:32and also be careful or maybe look in detail
08:35about the fundamentals of Samsung
08:38which has been talked about for a long time, more or less.
08:42Mr. Herman, thank you for joining Market Plus this time.
08:45Good luck to you. Stay healthy, Mr. Herman. See you.
