Marc-Olivier Fogiel quitteBFMTV date de départ, propositions, projet personnel... Nos infossur son

  • 4 days ago
Marc-Olivier Fogiel quitteBFMTV date de départ, propositions, projet personnel... Nos infossur son


00:00On Friday, September 16, your magazine Closer will tell you more about the upcoming departure of Marc-Olivier Fogiel from BFM TV.
00:11Between the proposals received and his personal project, we tell you everything.
00:16Copyright co-authors said that Geerak Bestimage will be sold by September 16, your magazine Closer will tell you more about the upcoming departure of Marc-Olivier Fogiel from BFM TV.
00:28Between the proposals received and his personal project, we tell you everything.
00:33In short, on July 22, 2024, Marc-Olivier Fogiel announced his departure from BFM TV after 5 years at the head of the chain.
00:44If his replacement is already found, Marc-Olivier Fogiel is, for the moment, still in office.
00:53This September 2024, Closer reveals to you the departure date of Marc-Olivier Fogiel and the projects he is waiting for.
01:03It is a maturely thought-out decision. At the end of last season, Marc-Olivier Fogiel announced his surprise departure from BFM TV.
01:14At the head of the news channel continuously since 2019, he wished to leave his functions.
01:23With a lot of emotion but the feeling of the duty accomplished, I decided, at the end of a quinquennat, to leave BFM TV.
01:34This personal choice was not imposed on me until after a long reflection started for several months, he wrote on July 22 in an internal letter.
01:46In the wake, the group announced that it had fired LCI Fabian Amias to replace him at the post of General Director of the channel.
01:57When Marc-Olivier Fogiel will leave BFM TV. But when the TV return started, Marc-Olivier Fogiel is still in office.
02:08It must be said that he had specified that his departure would only be after it is installed.
02:16Once the return is installed, it will be the right time to let you write a new page of the channel, he assured.
02:26According to our information, to be found in your magazine Closer, in the kiosk this Friday until September, Marc-Olivier Fogiel will stay for a few more months.
02:39Since the relay passage with Fabian Amias will only be done in January 2025.
02:47Which does not prevent him from receiving delightful offers. Thus, during the summer, the 55-year-old man was courted.
02:58These projects await Marc-Olivier Fogiel in particular by France 2 which offered him to return to animation by taking the reins of Telematin, alongside Flavie Flaman.
03:11Offer swept by a reverse of hand. After long negotiations, the channel finally threw its devolus on Julien Arnaud, at the great teeth of Jean-Baptiste Marteau who was breaking the post.
03:25An important production company has also come into contact with Marc-Olivier Fogiel, by offering him the title of Editor-in-Chief.
03:37But at first, it is away from the media that Marc-Olivier Fogiel sees his future.
03:45The father of Mila and Lily, respectively aged 13 and 11, would rather envisage new and distant adventures.
03:55Since he plans to undertake a long humanitarian journey. Marc-Olivier Fogiel's next few months are therefore already loaded with gold.
04:05How to buy Closer? Your magazine is on sale from Friday, September 6, 2024 at your newspaper store, on Android, iPad and KioskMag.
