Sach Ki Jeet cartoon Stories

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Sach Ki Jeet cartoon Stories


00:00In a village called Ratanpur, there used to live a milkman named Santosh.
00:15Santosh used to start his day in the dark.
00:18Santosh used to wake up early in the morning, clean the cowshed, and feed Moti.
00:23This was Santosh's first job.
00:26Santosh loved Moti and Moti was his beloved cow.
00:30Santosh used to spend his entire day taking care of Moti.
00:34Santosh used to live with his old grandmother.
00:37Santosh's parents had passed away when he was a child.
00:40Santosh used to sell Moti's milk and take care of his grandmother and the house.
00:45Because Santosh's cow's milk was fresh and pure, it was very famous in the entire Ratanpur village.
00:51All the residents of Ratanpur used to take milk from Santosh.
00:55As soon as Santosh woke up in the morning, he would take his cow's milk and go out to sell it in the village.
01:03Buy fresh milk! Buy fresh milk! Buy cow's milk! Buy pure milk!
01:18Santosh Kaka, Santosh Kaka, give me one kilo of milk.
01:26Here you are, one kilo of cow's milk.
01:29Santosh used to sell pure cow's milk in every lane of the village.
01:34Just like this, Santosh used to roam around the village all day and spend his entire day.
01:40Seeing Santosh's progress, his neighbor Mayawati was very jealous.
01:47Mayawati thought and went home and told her husband,
01:53Ramlal was sleeping after selling the horses.
02:02Hey, Munni's father, are you listening?
02:05You are sleeping all day like a buffalo.
02:09Hey, Mayawati, why are you shouting so much?
02:14You are not happy even after doing one thing. Go outside and see.
02:20Hey, what happened, Mayawati? You look very angry today.
02:25Santosh, buy cow's milk all day. Buy cow's milk. He is shouting and selling it in the whole village.
02:32We also have cows in our house. You can also sell cow's milk like Santosh.
02:39Hey, Mayawati, Santosh's cow's milk is famous in the whole village.
02:44So, who will buy our milk?
02:47Dear, I have an idea with which all the customers of Santosh will leave Santosh and buy milk from us.
02:56What is the idea, Mayawati?
02:59I will sell milk to half of the people with the price of Santosh's cow's milk.
03:04In the beginning, I will sell cow's milk at a very low price.
03:07As soon as Santosh's cow's milk business will stop, I will start mixing cow's milk.
03:14Thinking this, Mayawati started selling cow's milk.
03:25The next morning, Mayawati takes cow's milk pot and goes to the village to sell cow's milk.
03:33First, Mayawati goes to Santosh's customers.
03:44Hey, Mayawati.
03:47Yes, mother.
03:49Hey, Mayawati, buy cow's milk. It is pure cow's milk.
03:53Once you buy cow's milk, you will remember it again.
03:56No, aunty. I buy cow's milk from Santosh only.
04:00His cow's milk is pure and fresh.
04:04Mayawati, will I give bad cow's milk?
04:07Is my cow's milk better than Santosh's cow's milk?
04:10It is better. I am giving half of Santosh's cow's milk.
04:14What? Half of Santosh's cow's milk?
04:17Chhoti, why are you thinking of buying so much cow's milk?
04:21First, you buy cow's milk. If you like cow's milk, pay for cow's milk.
04:26Okay, aunty. If you are saying so much, then pay for cow's milk.
04:30Chhoti was very happy.
04:32And Chhoti liked Mayawati's cow's milk very much.
04:36And Chhoti told this to the whole village that Santosh is a thief.
04:40Then Santosh took out some cow's milk and started selling it in the neighbouring village, Vijaypur.
04:47One day, Santosh was selling his cow's milk in the neighbouring village, Vijaypur.
04:53Then a villager came there and shouted at Santosh and said,
04:57Santosh, I used to think that your cow's milk is pure and fresh.
05:02But Mayawati's cow's milk is better than your cow's milk.
05:06And it is half of your cow's cow's milk.
05:08Santosh was listening to the villagers quietly.
05:12Moti, tell me, what is my fault in this?
05:15All these villagers misunderstood me.
05:18Why did they misunderstand me? Tell me, why did they misunderstand me?
05:21After returning home, Santosh was very sad.
05:30Mayawati's happiness had no place.
05:33Her sales had increased even more.
05:36What I wanted has happened.
05:39Santosh's business has stopped.
05:41Now Santosh will never forget to sell milk in this village.
05:45What I had thought, it is time to do it.
05:49I am not a fool that I will sell milk to these villagers at such a low price.
05:54Now it is time to mix this milk.
05:57The price of milk will be the same, but the milk will not be the same as before.
06:01Mayawati started mixing white powder and water in the milk.
06:12One day, at the house of the village headman.
06:15Krishna, you must know that today is the birthday of my daughter Champa.
06:20Yes sir, I know that today is the birthday of your daughter.
06:25And like every time, you will arrange food this time too.
06:29In which you have to invite all the villagers.
06:32Yes Krishna, you don't worry about it.
06:35I have invited all the villagers to my daughter Champa's birthday.
06:42You must know how much my daughter Champa likes milk pudding.
06:47Yes, so you take the milk from Santosh and give it to the village headman to make milk pudding.
06:54No sir, Santosh is a fraud.
06:58He has fooled the villagers.
07:01Then Krishna told Santosh everything that was happening in the village.
07:08No sir, nowadays Mayawati is also selling milk.
07:12Mayawati's milk is pure and fresh.
07:15Santosh's milk is sold at half price.
07:18Ok then, you take the milk from Mayawati and give it to the village headman.
07:23But tell Mayawati that the milk has been ordered by the village headman.
07:27The milk should be pure and fresh.
07:31Then Krishna left the house of the village headman.
07:34Then the village headman thought.
07:36I don't believe Krishna's words that Santosh can do this.
07:42Krishna found Mayawati on the way.
07:45Hey Mayawati, I was coming to your house, but I met you on the way.
07:52Uncle Ramesh, why were you coming to my house?
07:55What did I do?
07:58Hey Mayawati, I want 10 kilos of milk.
08:02What? 10 kilos of milk?
08:04Hey Mayawati, today is the birthday of the village headman's daughter.
08:08So I wanted milk to make milk pudding on his occasion.
08:11Yes, why not? I will give, I will give.
08:14Here is 10 kilos of milk.
08:17Then Krishna took the milk from Mayawati.
08:31Then after eating the milk pudding, the village headman and the whole family,
08:36even the village headman's daughter fell ill.
08:41Then the village headman immediately called Krishna to his house.
08:45Krishna, where did you get that milk from?
08:48Whoever ate that milk pudding, all of them fell ill,
08:52even my daughter has a stomach ache.
08:55I am telling the truth, sir.
08:58I brought that milk from Mayawati.
09:01First you were saying that Mayawati's milk is absolutely pure.
09:06So what happened now?
09:08Then what is all this?
09:09How did people fall ill after eating that milk pudding?
09:12Sir, I don't know anything.
09:15If anything happens to my daughter,
09:18then I will not spare you and that milkman.
09:21Seeing the village headman's anger, Krishna left from there and went straight to Mayawati's house.
09:28Hey, today the powder is over.
09:31I mixed all the powder in yesterday's milk.
09:34But it's good that the village headman bought all the milk from yesterday.
09:37Today I will get the powder from the market,
09:40after that I will sell the milk.
09:42Krishna hears all the talks of Mayawati from the window.
09:51Oh, Mayawati, I never thought that you would fall so low.
09:56After eating your milk pudding,
09:58all the villagers, even the village headman's daughter fell ill.
10:02Oh, let's go to the village headman now.
10:07Krishna tells the village headman whatever he heard.
10:11Then the village headman says,
10:13Mayawati, you are a woman, but you have no shame.
10:16Don't you feel pity?
10:18If anything happens to my daughter,
10:20and you defamed that poor Santosh in the whole village,
10:24does anyone do this?
10:26You are a woman, otherwise I would have thrown you out of the village.
10:29Forgive me, sir.
10:31I have made a big mistake.
10:33I was very greedy.
10:34I kicked that poor Santosh's stomach.
10:36Forgive me.
10:38From now on, I will stop selling milk.
10:41Krishna tells the villagers who the real Milavati is.
10:45Then all the villagers understand who the real Milavati is.
10:49Then everyone goes to Santosh's house,
10:52even Mayawati.
10:54Santosh uncle, forgive me.
10:56You had to face a lot of trouble because of me.
10:59No problem, Mayawati sister.
11:01I forgive you.
