WWF Raw Is War 1999/01/04 (Full Show)

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00:00:00Sean Michael's illustrious career is about to begin.
00:00:03Sean Michael's illustrious career is about to begin.
00:00:05Sean Michael's illustrious career is about to begin.
00:00:07Sean Michael's illustrious career is about to begin.
00:00:09Sean Michael's illustrious career is about to begin.
00:00:11Sean Michael's illustrious career is about to begin.
00:00:13Sean Michael's illustrious career is about to begin.
00:00:15Sean, you're fire.
00:00:17Sean, you're fire.
00:00:18You're fire.
00:00:21Sweet chin music!
00:00:23Sean with sweet chin music to Mr. McMahon!
00:00:27With one swift kick,
00:00:28Sean Michael's illustrious career in the WWF may have come to an end.
00:00:34Sean's storybook career began over ten years ago
00:00:37when a bright-eyed young kid captured our hearts with his undeniable charisma.
00:00:43We watched Sean Michael's grow up and transform into the Heartbreak Kid,
00:00:49a brash and cocky manifestation of his own personality.
00:00:54It was the Heartbreak Kid's flamboyance
00:00:57that made him the most popular,
00:00:59and at times, a most controversial WWF superstar.
00:01:04HBK's trademark showmanship, coupled with unparalleled athleticism,
00:01:09propelled Sean Michaels to become the most decorated competitor in WWF history.
00:01:14The boyhood dream has come true for Sean Michaels!
00:01:18Sean's relationship with WWF owner...
00:01:20Get that off the titan, Tron!
00:01:21Get it off now!
00:01:22Get that sentimental crap off the titan, Tron!
00:01:28Well, what a way to kick off Raw, King.
00:01:30Mr. McMahon and the Corporation heading to the ring.
00:01:33And last week on Raw, Mr. McMahon fired Sean Michaels as commissioner.
00:01:38Right, he got his notice!
00:01:39And he... then Sean delivered sweet chin music to Mr. McMahon in the center of the ring.
00:01:45And an irate Mr. McMahon went on WWF.com immediately following Raw
00:01:50and said if Sean Michaels ever steps foot in a WWF arena again,
00:01:55the Corporation will dismember HBK.
00:01:58Yeah, and then that idiot Sean Michaels last night on Heat,
00:02:01he vowed that he's gonna be here tonight.
00:02:03Surely Sean Michaels is not that stupid.
00:02:05He won't show up here tonight.
00:02:06Well, you've known HBK for a very long time.
00:02:09He's always been a man of his word.
00:02:10But that sweet chin music, that super kick hurt around the world,
00:02:14has definitely severed a relationship,
00:02:17a ten-year relationship between Mr. McMahon and Sean Michaels.
00:02:22It's no secret that Sean Michaels has threatened to show up here tonight on Raw.
00:02:32I would suggest, as a piece of advice, that none of you hold your breath.
00:02:37Because if you do, you are likely to turn blue and pass out due to oxygen deprivation.
00:02:46Because Sean Michaels will be a no-show here tonight.
00:02:51Told you.
00:02:55You see, Sean Michaels has a lot of admirable qualities.
00:02:59However, bravery is not among them.
00:03:04I don't know about that.
00:03:05And I hope indeed that you will find it in your hearts to forgive me
00:03:09for firing Sean Michaels as the Commissioner.
00:03:13Again, I did what I thought I had to do.
00:03:17I had to make an example out of Sean Michaels.
00:03:20And damn it, I did.
00:03:22That sign said, Briscoe Bodyshop.
00:03:27You see, no one, and I mean no one, will ever again disparage my son Shane.
00:03:35And indeed, anyone, and I mean anyone, who even remotely had anything at all to do
00:03:47with the recent emotional scarring of my son Shane
00:03:53Emotional scarring.
00:03:55Will indeed pay.
00:04:00They will be derided.
00:04:02They will be humiliated.
00:04:04And they will be punished by me.
00:04:11So then, let that be a warning.
00:04:15Let that be a warning.
00:04:17Wait a minute.
00:04:18King, that's a live shot right in the arena.
00:04:21HBK is here.
00:04:22Sean Michaels is here.
00:04:24Sean Michaels is in the arena?
00:04:26He's coming out here.
00:04:28That's backstage.
00:04:29It looks like he's headed out here, King.
00:04:31That's backstage.
00:04:32It looks like he's headed out here, King.
00:04:33Sean Michaels is here.
00:04:35He has not heeded the warning of Mr. McMahon.
00:04:41It's gonna be a showdown.
00:04:44If he comes out here, I want you to kick his butt.
00:04:47I want you to dismember him.
00:04:49And Sean, break his bones, King.
00:04:55It's him.
00:04:59It's Sean Michaels.
00:05:02He found backstage to show up.
00:05:04And he is here tonight.
00:05:06Well, he fits the block into a trap.
00:05:08Because Mr. McMahon's gonna have all his associates.
00:05:11They're gonna ship Sean Michaels and dismember him.
00:05:14Come on down, Sean.
00:05:16You've got the guts.
00:05:19Obviously, the sheriff is back in town.
00:05:24And that he is.
00:05:27And this time, Vinny, I brought the cavalry with me.
00:05:34Break it down.
00:05:37Oh, no.
00:05:38It's DX.
00:05:43DX with Sean Michaels.
00:05:46Wait a minute.
00:05:47I don't get it.
00:05:48It was Sean Michaels and Triple H which formed this group.
00:05:52Are they back together again?
00:05:53I just don't get it.
00:05:57Mr. McMahon is living.
00:06:01Sean has brought backup.
00:06:02Now, Vince, according to my overpriced lawyers,
00:06:09my contract as WWF commissioner is ironclad.
00:06:16My contract as WWF commissioner is ironclad.
00:06:24In fact, it was you, Vince McMahon, who said on national TV
00:06:32that this commissioner would answer to no one,
00:06:36including Vince McMahon.
00:06:40He did say that, King.
00:06:41Oh, no.
00:06:42You heard it.
00:06:44So, guess what, Vinny?
00:06:47You can't fire me.
00:06:50In fact, the only way that Sean Michaels would be incapable
00:06:57of being the WWF commissioner would be if I were to resign.
00:07:04And, Vince, there is no way in hell that is ever going to happen.
00:07:11Oh, my gosh.
00:07:13We got a lousy president.
00:07:14Now, we're stuck with a lousy commissioner.
00:07:17So, you may safely assume that you will be singing to the tune
00:07:23of Sweet Chin Music for a long, long time.
00:07:32I can't believe this.
00:07:34So, now that I'm back in office, let's get to business.
00:07:43Vince, you yourself have said that you can make dreams come true.
00:07:51Well, Vinman, you've made mine come true.
00:07:56So, now I'm going to make your dreams come true.
00:08:01B-roll the footage.
00:08:04What's he talking about?
00:08:05What is he doing?
00:08:06Now then, just to show you that this luck of the draw is on the up and up,
00:08:12Shane, I want to know what number I'll be entered at,
00:08:17and I just hope it's number two.
00:08:24That was the Royal Rumble drawing.
00:08:25Now, Vince, as you know, I have say-so over all WWF competitors,
00:08:35with the exception of Stone Cold Steve Austin.
00:08:42Wait just a minute now.
00:08:43Well, Vinny boy, when you entered the 1999 Royal Rumble,
00:08:50you yourself became a WWF competitor.
00:08:56That's right.
00:08:57What's he driving at here?
00:08:58Wait a minute.
00:08:59So, Vince, it is I that has control over you.
00:09:11Vince McMahon will not be entering the Royal Rumble as the 30th competitor,
00:09:19as he picked.
00:09:21No, no, no, no.
00:09:24Stone Cold Steve Austin will be the first man to enter the Royal Rumble.
00:09:35I don't like the sounds of this.
00:09:36And the second man who will be entering the Royal Rumble will be Vince McMahon.
00:09:46No way.
00:09:47Mr. McMahon, Ryder, the Royal Rumble number two.
00:09:51Can he do this?
00:09:52Can he get away with this?
00:09:53Do what he wants.
00:09:54He's the commissioner.
00:09:55So as best I can tell, that ought to give old Stone Cold all night
00:10:00to open a can of whoop-ass on you.
00:10:05No way.
00:10:07Oh, my.
00:10:09Now, Vince, before I leave, I want to leave you with just one small detail.
00:10:20There's more?
00:10:22Sometime this evening, sometime within the next two hours,
00:10:31the Heartbreak Kid is going to leave this building
00:10:35and go out and get you a surprise.
00:10:41Late Christmas present.
00:10:45We don't want a surprise.
00:10:46And, Vince, I guarantee you that this surprise is going to drive you Stone Cold crazy.
00:10:59Oh, my God.
00:11:01A Stone Cold surprise from Mr. McMahon.
00:11:09Now, hit our music.
00:11:16Oh, no.
00:11:17What else can happen tonight?
00:11:18Shawn Michaels is still commissioner.
00:11:20Shawn has stuck with Mr. McMahon.
00:11:23And apparently, Shawn has D-Generation X to back him up.
00:11:27I can't believe it.
00:11:28This is bad, Michael Cole.
00:11:29This is real bad.
00:11:32McMahon is number two in the Royal Rumble.
00:11:35Stone Cold is number one.
00:11:37McMahon's two.
00:11:38Stone Cold is one.
00:11:40Oh, my.
00:11:41I can't believe this, Michael Cole.
00:11:42This is not right.
00:11:43This is an outrage.
00:11:45Shawn Michaels is forcing Vince McMahon to be the number two entrant
00:11:49into the Royal Rumble.
00:11:50And now he says that tonight he's going to go out and get Mr. McMahon
00:11:54a Stone Cold surprise.
00:11:56A Stone Cold surprise right here tonight on Raw,
00:11:59plus the Hardcore Championship up for grabs.
00:12:02The Road Dogg defends against Al Snow.
00:12:05But don't worry.
00:12:06Look, Mr. McMahon has the Corporation Unified.
00:12:09He'll get even with Shawn Michaels somehow tonight.
00:12:12We're back on Raw on what's already been a shocking night.
00:12:16The World's Most Dangerous Man, Kent Shamrock,
00:12:19the Intercontinental Champion, set for action.
00:12:21A fully non-title contest is scheduled for one fall
00:12:24with a 20-minute time limit.
00:12:26Making his way to the ring from Sacramento, California,
00:12:29weighing in at 243 pounds,
00:12:32he's one half of the Tag Team Champions
00:12:34and the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion,
00:12:38the World's Most Dangerous Man, Kent Shamrock.
00:12:43And, Kent, in the past few weeks, Shamrock has been hounded by Billy Gunn.
00:12:47B.A. Billy Gunn wants a shot at the Intercontinental Championship,
00:12:50but Shamrock won't give it to him.
00:12:52Why would anybody in their right mind want to be in the same ring
00:12:55with Kent Shamrock?
00:12:56Well, Billy Gunn defeated Kent Shamrock a few weeks ago
00:12:59in an odd title matchup.
00:13:00Billy Gunn believes he's the number one contender.
00:13:03Well, I know one thing.
00:13:04And his opponent from Annville, Pennsylvania,
00:13:07weighing in at 246 pounds,
00:13:10the Lethal Weapon, B. The Flick Man.
00:13:15Billy Gunn can want everything he wants,
00:13:17but Kent Shamrock doesn't want to be in the same ring
00:13:19with a degenerate.
00:13:20It's as simple as that.
00:13:21Shamrock will have his hands full in this one
00:13:23against the Lethal Weapon, Steve Blackman,
00:13:25whose skills match up with Kent Shamrock.
00:13:27But what a night it's already been on Raw, King.
00:13:30Shawn Michaels is still commissioner, apparently.
00:13:32And he says that Mr. McMahon's going to get a stone-cold surprise
00:13:36before this night is through.
00:13:37That's if Shawn doesn't get dismembered first.
00:13:39Oh, my.
00:13:40Shamrock with an elbow to Blackman.
00:13:42Blackman with an elbow to Shamrock.
00:13:44Off the ropes now.
00:13:45Shamrock misses with a kick.
00:13:47And what a kick to the midsection by the Lethal Weapon.
00:13:50Well, you know, you got it right about one thing there, Michael.
00:13:53Shawn Michaels just might get dismembered
00:13:55before he can get anything done to Mr. McMahon here,
00:13:58before he can deliver that stone-cold surprise.
00:14:00But don't forget, Shawn Michaels apparently has backup.
00:14:02It looks like he's joined his ties with D-Generation X.
00:14:06I guess DX is letting bygones be bygones.
00:14:09Oh, forgive him.
00:14:10I hate that kind of stuff.
00:14:12Shawn Michaels has done a lot to D-Generation X in recent weeks.
00:14:16DX in Shawn Michaels' corner tonight
00:14:18as Shamrock now hammers away on Steve Blackman
00:14:21and Blackman with the right hand of his own.
00:14:22I know what it is with Shawn Michaels.
00:14:24He's looking at guys like Shamrock and The Rock,
00:14:26and he heard Mr. McMahon tell these guys to dismember him.
00:14:29So Shawn Michaels figures there's safety in numbers.
00:14:31I bet he went back there and he begged DX.
00:14:33Look, let me hang up.
00:14:34Wait a minute.
00:14:36What's up with this?
00:14:38Look at this now.
00:14:39That's Dan Severin coming down the ramp.
00:14:41Great power slam by Ken Shamrock.
00:14:43There's a cover now, hooks the leg,
00:14:45and Blackman gets the shoulder up.
00:14:47I mean, you know, what is Dan Severin showing up here?
00:14:50I thought this guy's injured.
00:14:51Well, last week on Raw,
00:14:52we saw Dan Severin for the first time in two months.
00:14:54He was watching Owen Hart's match.
00:14:56You see the neck brace on Dan Severin.
00:14:58Severin's suffering a severe neck injury
00:15:00at the hands of Owen Hart not once, but twice.
00:15:03And, of course, Severin's had issues in the past
00:15:05with Mr. Shamrock.
00:15:07Oh, Dan Severin thinks Owen Hart did a number on him.
00:15:10He don't want to mess with Ken Shamrock, I can assure you.
00:15:12Their rivalry dating back to the UFC days
00:15:15between Shamrock and Severin.
00:15:17Severin now right out in front of us, neck brace and all.
00:15:21And Shamrock now in total control
00:15:23of the lethal weapon, Steve Blackman.
00:15:26So Shamrock, with Severin outside,
00:15:28also, of course, been worried about Billy Gunn
00:15:30in recent weeks.
00:15:31Billy Gunn claims he's the number one contender
00:15:33to the Intercontinental Championship
00:15:34and wants a shot at Shamrock.
00:15:36I'm gonna tell you something about Blackman.
00:15:37Rolls him up here.
00:15:38Here's two.
00:15:39Shamrock kicks out almost a three count.
00:15:41Oh, what a clothesline.
00:15:43I don't even know if Ken Shamrock even realizes
00:15:45Dan Severin's out here yet.
00:15:46He gets in that zone.
00:15:47Oh, I think he sees him.
00:15:48Now he realizes it.
00:15:49Sees him right now.
00:15:51And, folks at home, you couldn't see it,
00:15:52but we had that good vantage point of Shamrock there.
00:15:55He just yelled to Shamrock, or to Severin, I should say,
00:15:57what are you doing here?
00:15:58Yeah, that was one of those icy UFC stares, wasn't it?
00:16:02And here's Blackman now.
00:16:04Shamrock whipped into the corner,
00:16:05face first, and a drop kick from behind.
00:16:08The lethal weapon, so quick, martial arts expert,
00:16:11really giving Shamrock a run for his money here
00:16:13across the top rope.
00:16:16Blackman and Severin have been pals in the past as well.
00:16:20Blackman now with Shamrock back across the knee.
00:16:24See, this is not good.
00:16:25As soon as Ken Shamrock realized that Dan Severin
00:16:27was out there, it threw him off his game mentally.
00:16:29I mean, that's a distraction, big time.
00:16:31Shamrock, nice duck down that time.
00:16:33Blackman missed with a kick,
00:16:34and belly to belly by Shamrock.
00:16:36Great maneuver by the world's most dangerous corporate man.
00:16:40And again, he's yelling at Severin,
00:16:41and Severin's up on the apron.
00:16:43In a neck brace.
00:16:44Oh, my.
00:16:45Shamrock didn't care.
00:16:47Wait a minute.
00:16:48Look at this.
00:16:49From behind is Billy Gunn.
00:16:50Watch it.
00:16:51Hey, ref, look at this.
00:16:52Oh, my.
00:16:53Billy Gunn, Shamrock face first.
00:16:56Ref, turn around.
00:16:57No way.
00:16:58The referee missed it.
00:16:59No way.
00:17:01It's over.
00:17:02Clarkman wins.
00:17:03Give the assist to Billy Gunn.
00:17:05With a lethal weapon, Steve Blackman.
00:17:09Lightning-like quickness of Billy Gunn.
00:17:11Come on, ref, did you not see Billy Gunn in here?
00:17:15So the distraction of Severin combined with Billy Gunn
00:17:18helped Blackman with a victory.
00:17:19There goes Shamrock,
00:17:20obviously going after the number one contender, Billy Gunn.
00:17:24Boy, that doesn't bode well for the corporation here tonight.
00:17:27Well, King, I'll tell you,
00:17:28the corporation has topped the latest edition
00:17:30of Southwest Airlines' Spirit Magazine.
00:17:32The Rock and Mr. McMahon on the cover.
00:17:34I'm telling you, if you thought the Rolling Stone was something,
00:17:36this cover story in Southwest Magazine
00:17:38proves that the corporation is red hot.
00:17:41Did you see the ring leader there?
00:17:42He looks great.
00:17:44And now, the WWF Rewind brought to you by 10-10-220.
00:17:49Dial it and talk up to 20 minutes for only 99 cents.
00:17:53Severin's on the apron.
00:17:54Shamrock distracted.
00:17:55Look at it.
00:17:56Billy Gunn from behind.
00:17:57Billy Gunn.
00:17:58He's in the ring, ref.
00:17:59Turn around.
00:18:01The lightning-like quickness of Billy Gunn
00:18:03and Steve Blackman is going to pick up the victory
00:18:05over Ken Shamrock.
00:18:07I can't believe it.
00:18:08Billy Gunn did it.
00:18:10That was the WWF Rewind brought to you by 10-10-220.
00:18:15Dial it and talk up to 20 minutes for only 99 cents.
00:18:18My God.
00:18:19King Billy Gunn.
00:18:20Shamrock going at it in the locker room.
00:18:23Shamrock and Billy Gunn hammering away at each other.
00:18:26I don't blame Shamrock.
00:18:28Billy Gunn has been stalking Ken Shamrock for weeks.
00:18:31He wants a shot at the Intercontinental Championship.
00:18:34Hold on.
00:18:35He just came out of his cushion.
00:18:36Ken Shamrock was mad.
00:18:37And now Shamrock is taking it to him.
00:18:39Go ahead.
00:18:40Get him.
00:18:41Teach him a lesson.
00:18:42Referees and officials trying to pull Ken Shamrock away
00:18:44from B.A. Billy Gunn.
00:18:46Let him go.
00:18:47Here you go.
00:18:48This is all about Billy Gunn wanting a title shot.
00:18:51Shamrock not giving it to him.
00:18:53Let me ask him.
00:18:54Who died and made Billy Gunn the number one contender
00:18:56for the Intercontinental title?
00:18:57Wait a minute.
00:18:58What the hell is Mankind doing here?
00:19:03He's not scheduled for a matchup.
00:19:08Let's go back to two weeks ago on Raw.
00:19:11Shane McMahon challenged Mankind.
00:19:14Mankind dismantled Shane.
00:19:16And then he gave Mr. Jocko to Pat Patterson.
00:19:22And Mr. McMahon has not forgotten that attack on his son Shane.
00:19:25I've got to tell you.
00:19:27It's been a crazy couple weeks.
00:19:30And I think I've learned a little bit about myself.
00:19:34I've done a couple things for the first time.
00:19:38Maybe you saw it on Raw, but I swear it was the first time
00:19:43I'd ever grabbed a man's testicles in my life.
00:19:51And I've got to tell you, in a rugged, manly type of way,
00:19:54I kind of enjoyed it.
00:19:57Oh, come on.
00:19:58This guy's an idiot.
00:19:59Poor Pat Patterson.
00:20:01It was also the first time that Mick Foley has ever used the words
00:20:06suck it without a please in front of them.
00:20:12Hey, and I just found out.
00:20:15You like that, huh?
00:20:17No, I don't like that.
00:20:18I just found out that I've got a new hobby that I like best of all,
00:20:22and it's called kicking the McMahon family's asses.
00:20:31How dare him?
00:20:33He's done it for a couple of straight weeks.
00:20:35So, Mick McMahon, although you hate my guts,
00:20:40and I hate every single inch of you,
00:20:43I guess I've got a little favor to ask.
00:20:47I would like a shot at the Rocks title at the Royal Rumble pay-per-view.
00:20:56Oh, he wants a favor now, huh?
00:20:58And I think I deserve it.
00:21:01Not because I made your son Shane cry and whimper like a 2-year-old
00:21:05with a poop in his pants.
00:21:07Oh, you're going to get it.
00:21:11Not because I bounced your head off those beer kegs
00:21:15like Ricky Ricardo playing Babalu on the bongos.
00:21:19Yeah, he's a comedian.
00:21:23But because I see all these signs out here that say Foley is God.
00:21:33But I think they got one letter wrong.
00:21:35You see, Foley is not God, but he is pretty damn good.
00:21:40And I beat The Rock.
00:21:42I shoved a sock down his throat.
00:21:44And I deserve the shot at the Royal Rumble.
00:21:47King, he did beat The Rock at rock bottom,
00:21:50only to have it ripped away from him.
00:21:52What I humbly am asking you right now is to get your...
00:22:00Can I say ass on television?
00:22:04Get your ass out here now, Dad!
00:22:07He said it!
00:22:09Mankind demanding Mr. McMahon come out.
00:22:13I'm waiting for you, Mr. McMahon.
00:22:16He's asked Mr. McMahon for a favor.
00:22:18He didn't even call him Dad.
00:22:20A shot at the... Uh-oh.
00:22:22And there he is, the owner of the World Wrestling Federation.
00:22:25Will he grant Mankind his favor?
00:22:28At least anybody think I'm going to be surprised.
00:22:31I won't be.
00:22:32The corporate team is right behind me.
00:22:35Of course.
00:22:36As far as you go, Mankind,
00:22:40you're nothing but a disillusioned,
00:22:44decrepit, disfigured monster.
00:22:50You asking to be the number one contender
00:22:55for the World Wrestling Federation title
00:22:58simply stains that sacred honor.
00:23:02Your name connected with the WWF title
00:23:05stains, indeed, the World Wrestling Federation itself.
00:23:09You see, you've had your opportunities in the past.
00:23:14And quite frankly, you blew it.
00:23:17You didn't listen to me.
00:23:19Had you listened to me, you may be the WWF champion now.
00:23:23But no, you had to do what you always did.
00:23:26You listened to them.
00:23:28What is it with you?
00:23:30All the cheap motel rooms, all the bad food you eat,
00:23:35all the sacrifices you put your physique through,
00:23:39and for what?
00:23:41Just for the roar of them.
00:23:47They love it.
00:23:48God, how pathetic.
00:23:50How pathetic.
00:23:52I like that roar.
00:23:55I like that roar.
00:23:59You see, you crossed over the line.
00:24:03Because in essence, what you did was
00:24:07you stained, you soiled the good McMahon name
00:24:12when you put your filthy, slimy hands on my son Shane.
00:24:19And you've got the guts
00:24:22to ask me to be the number one contender against The Rock
00:24:27for the Royal Rumble.
00:24:29I'm amazed.
00:24:32Let me say this.
00:24:33You know and everyone in this building knows
00:24:36you don't deserve the right to be the number one contender.
00:24:41That's true.
00:24:42No, it isn't.
00:24:45You haven't paid your dues, Mankind, Mick Foley,
00:24:50Cactus Jack, Dude Love, whatever the hell your name is,
00:24:54if you even know, you haven't paid your dues.
00:24:57That's not true.
00:24:58Maybe one day you might come back up the ladder
00:25:01to attempt to take the hardcore title away,
00:25:04but you've even failed in that as of late.
00:25:07You, the number one contender for the WWF?
00:25:12No, no, that's not even funny.
00:25:14That's not laughable at all.
00:25:17You see, Mick, not only will you not have an opportunity
00:25:22to win the WWF title at the Royal Rumble,
00:25:26as far as I'm concerned,
00:25:28you will never ever again have that accolade.
00:25:34Thank goodness.
00:25:36However, being the benevolent individual I am, Mick,
00:25:40I'll tell you what I will do for you and I'll do it tonight.
00:25:44You will have the opportunity to enter the Royal Rumble.
00:25:48You see, you can get close to the title, but no cigar.
00:25:51Story of your life.
00:25:52Tell you what I'll do.
00:25:54You and Triple H, Hunter Hearst Helmsley,
00:25:57can go at it in that very ring tonight.
00:26:00Whoever wins the match is entered into the Royal Rumble.
00:26:05However, just one other thing,
00:26:08and I'd like to direct your attention to the titan trot.
00:26:11I have a little piece of footage I'd like to remind you of.
00:26:20Poor Shane. Look at this.
00:26:22But keep in mind, this was a challenge Shane laid out to mankind two weeks ago.
00:26:27He challenged mankind, King.
00:26:29All right, get it off. Get it off the screen.
00:26:33The match tonight, you versus Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
00:26:37The winner gets to go to the Royal Rumble.
00:26:39There's only one thing.
00:26:40There will be a guest referee,
00:26:42and that guest referee will be impartial.
00:26:44That guest referee will call it right down the line.
00:26:47Indeed, that guest referee will be my son, Shane.
00:26:52Oh, come on. That's not fair.
00:26:55Oh, just one other thing.
00:26:57Have a nice day.
00:27:01Now that's what mankind deserves.
00:27:03So tonight, it's mankind versus Triple H for a spot in the Rumble match.
00:27:07Shane McMahon is the special guest referee.
00:27:09That's great.
00:27:10So apparently, Mr. McMahon is still trying to drive a wedge.
00:27:13Wait a minute.
00:27:14That's Chyna and her girlfriend.
00:27:17We saw them last night on Heat.
00:27:18They're here again tonight on Raw.
00:27:23We're back on Raw, getting set for Zyko.
00:27:25Listen to this great, sexy entrance music.
00:27:38This is it, Chyna.
00:27:40I'll tell you what I think.
00:27:43Let's get you in the mood, King.
00:27:45Sexual Chocolate heads to the ring.
00:27:47Last night on Heat, Mark Henry losing to Triple H
00:27:50after being distracted by his love interest, Chyna.
00:27:53What do you mean, bring it up?
00:27:56It happened, didn't it?
00:27:58We're living in the past.
00:27:59Well, Mark Henry is smitten by Chyna, to say the least.
00:28:04Sexual Chocolate getting ready for action tonight on Raw.
00:28:07The world's strongest man.
00:28:09And tonight, Raw is presented by the motor oil
00:28:12that provides maximum protection,
00:28:14Castrol GTX.
00:28:16Drive hard.
00:28:17And by WWF, the music, Volume 3.
00:28:19Hear the original entrance music of your favorite WWF stars
00:28:22on sale now at record stores and other fine retail.
00:28:25And by Burger King.
00:28:27If you ask us, it just tastes better.
00:28:33Great reaction for Goldust.
00:28:35He's set for one-on-one competition against Mark Henry.
00:28:38And those of you in the Springfield, Massachusetts area,
00:28:40tickets go on sale this Saturday at the Civic Center
00:28:44for a huge February event.
00:28:46And you can meet Zabel King from noon to 1 at the Civic Center.
00:28:51I can?
00:28:52This Saturday.
00:28:53I'm there!
00:28:54So Goldust set to take on Mark Henry.
00:28:56And to say the least, Mark Henry is a bit smitten with Chyna.
00:29:01He's walking around the locker room area, all smiles.
00:29:04He couldn't even concentrate on his match with Triple H
00:29:06last night on heat.
00:29:07How's he going to concentrate on Goldust?
00:29:09I don't know.
00:29:10I can't concentrate on anything after watching Goldust lick that rope.
00:29:13I mean, this guy's twisted.
00:29:14He's perverted.
00:29:15He's sick.
00:29:16I usually like that in a person, but not Goldust.
00:29:19We're getting set, folks.
00:29:20Tonight, we just found out that Mankind's going to take on Triple H.
00:29:24A spot in the Royal Rumble match is at stake.
00:29:28And Shane McMahon's going to be the special guest referee.
00:29:30Now, you can't tell me that's fair.
00:29:32What do you mean?
00:29:33Of course it's fair.
00:29:34Just what Mankind deserves.
00:29:36I'm just a little worried about that stone-cold surprise
00:29:39that Shawn Michaels has promised for the corporation later.
00:29:42And Shawn Michaels apparently still the Commissioner of the World Wrestling Federation.
00:29:46Mr. McMahon vows that the corporation will dismember Shawn Michaels,
00:29:51but Shawn has some backup.
00:29:52D-Generation X apparently in HBK's corner.
00:29:55Did you see the strength of Mark Henry there?
00:29:57I mean, he can toss a 250-pound man around like a feather.
00:30:01The 400-pounder from Sillsby, Texas seems the only thing that can control Mark Henry
00:30:05as of late is China, or I guess PMS for that matter.
00:30:11Big right hand.
00:30:12Mark Henry now locked up in the center of the ring with Goldust.
00:30:14There's a knee to the midsection.
00:30:16Oh, man.
00:30:17What's going to happen when Road Dogg puts that hardcore title on the line against Al Snow?
00:30:21I wonder if Al Snow's taken a bath this past week.
00:30:24I should certainly hope so.
00:30:26After that bloodbath at the hands of the Brood a few weeks ago.
00:30:29Goldust off the ropes now, whipped into the other side.
00:30:32Look at Henry.
00:30:33Misses with the right hand, and Goldust goes to work on those big tree trunks and legs
00:30:36for Mark Henry, who rakes the eyes of Goldust.
00:30:40Oh, what's this?
00:30:42Oh, no!
00:30:44Great maneuver by Goldust.
00:30:45Quickly into the cover, hooks the leg.
00:30:46There's two, and Mark Henry kicks out with authority.
00:30:50I got to give Goldust credit.
00:30:51That was a great move.
00:30:52Again, Mr. McMahon attempting to drive a wedge between D-Generation X and their adopted member,
00:30:58Mankind, forcing Triple H into a match against Mankind with a slide of the Royal Rumble on the line.
00:31:06Power slam by the 400-pounder.
00:31:08Who's the smartest man in the world, and why is Mr. McMahon?
00:31:11Good question for you.
00:31:13Mr. McMahon, smartest man in the world, according to you, King.
00:31:17Well, I'm telling you.
00:31:18You're right.
00:31:19He knows exactly what to do.
00:31:21Driving that wedge between DX and Mankind.
00:31:25That means Mankind's going to be out here.
00:31:27He'll have no backup.
00:31:28He'll have no help.
00:31:29I'll tell you what, though.
00:31:30Mr. McMahon better get back in that gym.
00:31:33He's no longer number 30 in the Royal Rumble match.
00:31:36The new commissioner has said Mr. McMahon will enter the Royal Rumble at number two.
00:31:41Oh, man!
00:31:42And guess who goes in at number one?
00:31:44Stone Cold.
00:31:45OK, OK.
00:31:46So Mr. McMahon and Stone Cold are going to be one-on-one for a few minutes in that Royal Rumble match.
00:31:51Well, don't forget that Mr. McMahon also offered $100,000 to anybody that eliminates Stone Cold Steve Austin.
00:31:59So that's 100,000 reasons that we don't have to worry about Austin winning the Royal Rumble.
00:32:03Oh, man!
00:32:04Oh, my!
00:32:05What strength by Mark Henry.
00:32:06So perhaps if Mr. McMahon can eliminate Stone Cold Steve Austin, more incentive for the owner of the World Wrestling Federation.
00:32:12Oh, man!
00:32:13Think of the money he'd save.
00:32:15Mark Henry now went for the cover, but look who's here.
00:32:17Look who's here.
00:32:18China and a girlfriend.
00:32:22We saw them on heat last night.
00:32:24Cost Mark Henry a match against Triple H.
00:32:30I think Mark's a little bit confused here.
00:32:32He better not be confused because Goldust's in behind.
00:32:35And he's going to pay for it.
00:32:36Back of his head into the mat.
00:32:40And Goldust now asking the fans, do you want some shattered dreams?
00:32:48So China once again has come out to the stage with a friend that we saw last night on heat.
00:32:55What is that all about?
00:32:56This is a major distraction for Mark Henry.
00:32:59He can't keep his eyes or his mind off China.
00:33:01Well, he better get his mind on Goldust and shattered dreams here.
00:33:04Oh, no!
00:33:05If this happens, you might as well forget about China.
00:33:09Mark Henry still stinging from that blow to the back of his head.
00:33:13No, ref, no!
00:33:14Oh, man!
00:33:15He got him!
00:33:16Shattered dreams delivered from Goldust to Mark Henry.
00:33:21It's got to be a disqualification.
00:33:22Yeah, the referee's called for the bell.
00:33:24Goldust will be disqualified.
00:33:28Mark Henry again distracted by China.
00:33:33Look at Goldust.
00:33:35He loses the match, but he just doesn't seem to care.
00:33:39Right now, poor Mark Henry looks like a loser.
00:33:41And what about Mark Henry, King?
00:33:42He is so smitten.
00:33:44He's like a 16-year-old in love with China.
00:33:47I know, he's like a lovesick kid.
00:33:50Two nights in a row now, he's allowed China to distract him from his business in the ring.
00:33:58And now China into the ring now with that friend of hers.
00:34:01Come on, China, Mark Henry needs some love and attention.
00:34:05Mark Henry stinging from the shattered dreams.
00:34:09There you go, help him.
00:34:10Oh, look!
00:34:11A kiss!
00:34:12That'll help him back to his feet.
00:34:14I hope you're not hurt too bad, Mark, because there's something I need you to listen to, okay?
00:34:20Now, listen.
00:34:25I have a little confession to make.
00:34:30The other night with you
00:34:34was incredible.
00:34:37The other night?
00:34:38No, I'm serious, it was.
00:34:41But I'm afraid
00:34:44that I'm not enough woman for you.
00:34:48No, I'm serious.
00:34:50Because the fact is that you're way too much man for one woman's sexual chocolate.
00:34:55Well, everybody knows that.
00:34:57You are.
00:34:59So I want you to meet my friend, Sammy.
00:35:02Now, I know you like tall women.
00:35:05Hello, Sammy.
00:35:06And I know that you like exotic dancers.
00:35:13So I have a little proposition for you.
00:35:19I thought
00:35:21that if it was only okay with you
00:35:25that Sammy and I
00:35:26that if it was only okay with you
00:35:30that Sammy and I
00:35:32can help you take a load off your mind.
00:35:38Wait a minute, he faded!
00:35:42Mark Henry has faded!
00:35:46Chyna's offering
00:35:49Oh my!
00:35:50What is she offering, King?
00:35:52Did I mean you don't know?
00:35:56And I'll tell you what I mean.
00:36:15Oh my!
00:36:16King, wasn't that Dennis Knight hanging there?
00:36:19I don't know, but that looked horrible.
00:36:21Where was he?
00:36:23Last week on RAW
00:36:24we saw Dennis Knight attacked in the parking lot
00:36:27by the Acolytes
00:36:28and thrown into a truck of a car
00:36:30and now he's hanging somewhere.
00:36:33I'll tell you what, speaking of hanging
00:36:35The Godfather!
00:36:37And the Godfather!
00:36:39So the Godfather's set for action
00:36:41this week on RAW
00:36:42and the sign says it all
00:36:44but last weekend wasn't easy for the Godfather
00:36:47he was supposed to meet
00:36:48BA Billy Gunn in singles action
00:36:50but the corporation attacked the Godfather
00:36:52putting him out of action
00:36:53to set up a matchup between
00:36:55Kane and Billy Gunn
00:36:57Apparently Mr. McMahon had Billy Gunn next on the DX Hit List
00:37:01Yeah, Kane got him a little bit of that action too, didn't he?
00:37:06If you like what you're looking at
00:37:11Let me hear you say
00:37:14Pimpin' ain't easy!
00:37:16It ain't easy?
00:37:17He doesn't mean you, King.
00:37:18I like what I'm looking at
00:37:26And look at this guy
00:37:27And his opponent
00:37:28He weighs in at 281 pounds
00:37:33E. King is the corporate team's hired gun
00:37:37He is Tess
00:37:38who was in action last week
00:37:41It was now Venus vs. The Road Dog
00:37:43for the Hardcore Championship
00:37:46And the hired gun did just that
00:37:48He took out Val Venus
00:37:50Yeah, and then Val Venus came back later on
00:37:52and tried to do a number on Tess
00:37:55Didn't get the job done, though
00:37:57So Tess goes 6'6", 280 pounds
00:38:00Tremendous athlete
00:38:03He was a professional bodyguard
00:38:05His last gig as a bodyguard
00:38:07for the rock band Motley Crue
00:38:09before being discovered by the corporation
00:38:12And he's now the corporate team's hired gun
00:38:14And the corporate team
00:38:15may need that hired gun tonight
00:38:17Shawn Michaels has promised
00:38:18a stone-cold surprise
00:38:20for Mr. McMahon
00:38:21Quit reminding me
00:38:23I'll tell you what
00:38:24The Godfather's thinkin' the fight ain't easy
00:38:25And that's wrestling Tess!
00:38:27Godfather whipped into the rope
00:38:28Now, oh, Tess telegraphed that one
00:38:30Caught a boot to the face
00:38:31And there's a clothesline
00:38:32by The Godfather
00:38:36Godfather now with ease
00:38:37slamming Tess to the middle of the canvas
00:38:39Off the ropes now
00:38:42Leg across the sternum
00:38:43Cover now
00:38:44Could be a quick one
00:38:45There's two
00:38:46And Tess just gets that right shoulder up
00:38:48Now you got me thinkin' again
00:38:49about that stone-cold surprise
00:38:51I mean, what do you think he means?
00:38:53What does Shawn Michaels mean by that?
00:38:54He's got a stone-cold surprise
00:38:56for Mr. McMahon and the corporation
00:38:57Shawn Michaels says
00:38:58he has an ironclad contract
00:39:00He's still the commissioner
00:39:01of the World Wrestling Federation
00:39:03And here comes The Godfather now
00:39:05Choo-choo train!
00:39:06Caught him!
00:39:08And Tess face-first
00:39:10And wait a minute
00:39:13Look at this now
00:39:14Val Venus!
00:39:18He was put to the test last week by Tess
00:39:20Boot to the face!
00:39:22Val Venus
00:39:23He's a close friend of The Godfather's
00:39:25And I think of the hoes
00:39:27I'm not sure
00:39:28And look at the athletic ability
00:39:30Tess just stepped over those top ropes
00:39:31but he caught a boot to the midsection
00:39:33Slammed into the barricade now
00:39:34by Godfather
00:39:35And there's a right hand
00:39:37on the corporate team's hired guy
00:39:40You see this action outside the ring
00:39:42You're gonna see a lot more of that
00:39:43later on
00:39:44when Road Dogg defends
00:39:45the Hardcore Championship
00:39:47against Al Snow
00:39:48Hey ref!
00:39:49How about doing something here?
00:39:50Watch all those fists from The Godfather
00:39:52Val Venus likes what he sees
00:39:54He mentioned a good friend
00:39:55of The Godfather's
00:39:56And Godfather into the ring post
00:39:58Shoulder first
00:39:59And the referee's gonna call for the bell
00:40:02We got problems here
00:40:03Look at this!
00:40:04Val Venus
00:40:05Head-on with Tess
00:40:06And they're going at it
00:40:07outside the ring
00:40:08Come on, Tess!
00:40:09Get him!
00:40:11Val Venus and Tess hammering away
00:40:15This boiled over last week
00:40:17Tess cost Val Venus a shot
00:40:18at the Hardcore Championship
00:40:22We got a melee going here
00:40:24Get them apart!
00:40:26Referees and officials pulling apart
00:40:27Val Venus and Tess
00:40:30Val Venus wants some more
00:40:31Here he comes again!
00:40:32Look out now!
00:40:35Going at it on the ramp
00:40:36Tested Val Venus
00:40:38Hit him!
00:40:42And Tess just said it's not over
00:40:43Wait a minute
00:40:48Shawn Michaels with D-Generation X
00:40:52They're back together
00:40:53I'm telling you
00:40:54He thinks there's safety in numbers
00:40:55That's why he's hanging with them
00:40:58And now
00:40:59The Glover Slam of the Week
00:41:01New for Nintendo 64 and PC CD-ROM
00:41:03Gotta love the Glove
00:41:05No, watch it!
00:41:07Mankind has decapitated him
00:41:09Double on DDT
00:41:12No, no, Shane!
00:41:13Shawn, let him come!
00:41:14Mankind hammering away
00:41:15Now it's Shane
00:41:18A knee to the face of Shane
00:41:20And there it is!
00:41:21Somebody call Mr. McMahon!
00:41:22Mr. Socko!
00:41:24Shane gets Socko
00:41:25That was the Glover Slam of the Week
00:41:28New for Nintendo 64 and PC CD-ROM
00:41:30Gotta love the Glove
00:41:33And we're back on RAW
00:41:34We're set for Mankind
00:41:35Mankind vs. Triple H
00:41:36The winner gets a slot
00:41:38In the Royal Rumble match
00:41:40In just three weeks
00:41:41Ladies and gentlemen
00:41:42The special guest referee
00:41:43And one of the owners
00:41:44Of the World Wrestling Federation
00:41:46Shane McMahon
00:41:49And there he is, Jay
00:41:50I'm gonna tell you
00:41:51I don't see how he can look so cool
00:41:53Calm and collected
00:41:55This is a young man
00:41:56That has been emotionally scarred
00:41:58We heard his father Vince McMahon
00:41:59Tell you, I mean
00:42:00To be
00:42:01To be at the mercy
00:42:02Of a freak like Mankind
00:42:04And then to realize
00:42:05That your friends
00:42:06The rest of the corporation
00:42:08Are not allowed to help you
00:42:09Because they're being held back
00:42:10By Shawn Michaels
00:42:13That did permanent damage
00:42:14To Shawn Michaels
00:42:16For Shane
00:42:29And keeping my king
00:42:30Mr. McMahon
00:42:31Says anyone who comes
00:42:32Anywhere near
00:42:33Shane McMahon
00:42:35Will pay
00:42:37The permanent damage
00:42:38Is gonna be done
00:42:39Sometime tonight
00:42:40To Shawn Michaels
00:42:41He will be dismembered
00:42:42One way or the other
00:42:45Look at Shane right here
00:42:46In the ring
00:42:55You heard that
00:42:56Didn't you, Michael?
00:42:57Well, despite what happened
00:42:58Two weeks ago
00:42:59Shane McMahon just said
00:43:00That he will call this match
00:43:01Down the middle
00:43:02That he will be
00:43:03An impartial official
00:43:04For this big matchup
00:43:10You know, Mankind
00:43:11Comes down here
00:43:12In this ragged shirt
00:43:13The ragged tie
00:43:14The mask
00:43:15The tattered pants
00:43:16He might as well
00:43:17Just have a bullseye
00:43:18Painted on his chest
00:43:19You know what he might as well do?
00:43:20He might as well
00:43:21Just take a hike
00:43:22And leave the WWF
00:43:23He's been denied
00:43:24The chance to ever wrestle
00:43:25For the WWF title
00:43:27So what future
00:43:28Is there for him here?
00:43:29He's got the future
00:43:30If anybody ever
00:43:31Deserves a shot
00:43:32It's Mankind
00:43:33And if he can win this matchup
00:43:34He'll be in the Royal Rumble match
00:43:36And could get a shot
00:43:37If he can win
00:43:38The Royal Rumble
00:43:39I'll agree
00:43:40He deserves a beach shot, maybe
00:43:41But why does he just put
00:43:42Look at him, he's a freak
00:43:43Why does he just put a bullseye
00:43:44On his chest
00:43:45Line up and let the corporate team
00:43:46Shoot arrows at him
00:43:47That's what it's like
00:43:48Mr. McMahon is just trying
00:43:49To do all he can
00:43:51To knock Mick Foley down
00:43:52Look at that look
00:43:55Poor scarred Shane
00:43:57Scarred Shane
00:43:58There's a little smile
00:43:59On his face there
00:44:00But he claims
00:44:01He will be impartial
00:44:02A slot in the Royal Rumble
00:44:04Is on the line
00:44:05We already know
00:44:06Two participants
00:44:07Number one
00:44:08Stone Cold Steve Austin
00:44:10Number two
00:44:11And an edict handed down
00:44:12Tonight from Commissioner
00:44:13Shawn Michaels
00:44:14Mr. McMahon
00:44:16My prediction
00:44:17To win the Royal Rumble
00:44:19Stone Cold
00:44:20Mr. McMahon
00:44:21Oh come on
00:44:22Well Mr. McMahon
00:44:23Has been in training
00:44:24He's in tremendous shape
00:44:25But he may have to be
00:44:26In even better training
00:44:27For the next three weeks
00:44:28He's gonna be number two
00:44:29In the Rumble
00:44:30At Triple H now
00:44:31With a right hand
00:44:32To Mankind
00:44:34Mr. McMahon
00:44:35Attempting to drive
00:44:36A wedge
00:44:37Between Mankind
00:44:39And his new family
00:44:40D-Generation X
00:44:43That much is apparent
00:44:46Triple H now
00:44:47You know what they say
00:44:48All's fair in love and war
00:44:49In the WWF
00:44:52Shane McMahon
00:44:53The official in this matchup
00:44:55Promises to call it
00:44:56Down the middle
00:44:57As Triple H now
00:44:58Working on the left hand
00:44:59Left arm I should say
00:45:00Of Mankind
00:45:02Would you be a little quieter?
00:45:03I don't think
00:45:04I don't think Shane can hear
00:45:05Mankind if he gives up
00:45:08A slot in the Royal Rumble
00:45:09On the line
00:45:10Don't forget
00:45:11Mr. McMahon
00:45:12Is putting a hundred thousand
00:45:13Dollar bounty
00:45:14On the head
00:45:15Of Stone Cold Steve Austin
00:45:17Any superstar eliminates
00:45:18Him from the Rumble
00:45:20They get a hundred thousand dollars
00:45:22That's a
00:45:23That's a hundred thousand
00:45:25That Stone Cold will not win
00:45:26The only sad thing
00:45:27About that is that money
00:45:28Is gonna come out of
00:45:29Out of Shane McMahon's
00:45:30Trust fund
00:45:32Well one of them at least
00:45:33Shawn Michaels
00:45:35Has promised a
00:45:36Stone Cold surprise
00:45:38For Mr. McMahon
00:45:39And the corporation
00:45:41Sometime tonight
00:45:42That's not right
00:45:43Triple H with a
00:45:45On Mankind
00:45:46The former
00:45:47Intercontinental champion
00:45:48Triple H
00:45:49And the rest of
00:45:50D-Generation X
00:45:51Has adopted Mankind
00:45:52In recent weeks
00:45:53Has given Mankind
00:45:54That family so to speak
00:45:55Oh hey!
00:45:56Forget about Mankind
00:45:57Let's talk about Steve
00:45:58Look at how
00:45:59Impartial he's being
00:46:00He's calling it
00:46:01Right down the line
00:46:02Mr. McMahon
00:46:03Giving credit
00:46:04Mankind now
00:46:05Off the ropes
00:46:06Look out!
00:46:07Drop kick
00:46:08Baseball slide
00:46:09Triple H
00:46:10Off the barricade
00:46:11Triple H and Mankind
00:46:12Obviously don't
00:46:13Hate each other
00:46:14But this is
00:46:15The WWF
00:46:17Both of these men
00:46:18Have business
00:46:19To take care of
00:46:20And that business
00:46:21Is getting a slide
00:46:22In the Royal Rumble
00:46:23Wait a minute
00:46:24Be careful Shane
00:46:25You get more than
00:46:26Emotionally scarred
00:46:27If you mess with that idiot
00:46:32Who twice before
00:46:33In the past two months
00:46:34Look at Triple H
00:46:35Now over the top rope
00:46:36That's good
00:46:37Good move
00:46:38Triple H
00:46:39Wait a minute
00:46:40It's over
00:46:41That was a quick count
00:46:43That was a quick count
00:46:44Good move Mankind
00:46:45You're not going to be
00:46:46In the Royal Rumble
00:46:47The McMahons have once again
00:46:49Screwed Mankind
00:46:51Well if anyone
00:46:52Deserves it
00:46:53If anyone deserves to lose
00:46:54It's him
00:46:56Mankind is not eligible
00:46:57For the Rumble
00:46:58That was a quick count
00:46:59You saw it
00:47:00That will teach Mankind
00:47:01To ever put his
00:47:03On Shane McMahon
00:47:08Hey I'm sorry
00:47:09But business
00:47:11Is business
00:47:12That's right
00:47:13Business is business
00:47:14A win
00:47:15Is a win
00:47:16And when it comes to
00:47:17The WWF title
00:47:19I'll take it any
00:47:21I can get it
00:47:23You got it
00:47:24Well Triple H
00:47:26But I will say one thing
00:47:28Happy New Year
00:47:30Wait a minute
00:47:31Triple H
00:47:32He's got Shane
00:47:33No wait
00:47:34Wait a minute
00:47:38Triple H delivers
00:47:39The Pettibre
00:47:40To Shane McMahon
00:47:46Shane's hurt
00:47:48He's all yours
00:47:52We need help out here
00:47:53Well the match
00:47:54Was all about business
00:47:56Mr. McMahon
00:47:58Look at this
00:48:01I'm gonna show you
00:48:03A little move
00:48:04That Jim McGonagall
00:48:05Taught me
00:48:06Back in Warren Melville
00:48:09What's he doing?
00:48:10Shane's already
00:48:11Hurt from the Pettibre
00:48:13I'm gonna break your
00:48:14F***ing shoulder
00:48:16He's gotta snap his neck
00:48:17Who here in Worcester
00:48:18Wants to hear Shane scream
00:48:23Hold it right there
00:48:24I'll break it off
00:48:25I'll break it off
00:48:26God help me
00:48:27I'll break your shoulder
00:48:29This is Mr. McMahon
00:48:31Let him up
00:48:32Let him up
00:48:33You son of a bitch
00:48:35I've changed my mind
00:48:38You see
00:48:39I no longer desire
00:48:41A title shot
00:48:43At the Royal Rumble
00:48:44Do I Shane?
00:48:47Let him up
00:48:49I want a title shot
00:48:56Just let him up
00:48:59What'd you say?
00:49:02Let me think it over
00:49:03Let him go
00:49:05Not good enough dad
00:49:07Let him go
00:49:08I want a stipulation
00:49:09What do you say Shane?
00:49:10Let go
00:49:14Let him go
00:49:16Thank you
00:49:17What do you say dad?
00:49:19All right
00:49:20No DQ
00:49:21What'd you say?
00:49:22No DQ?
00:49:23You got it
00:49:24I guess we've got ourselves
00:49:26A little deal
00:49:28Let him go
00:49:31It's gonna be Mankind vs The Rock
00:49:33No DQ
00:49:36Use Shane McMahon
00:49:37As bait
00:49:38The WWF championships
00:49:40On the line
00:49:41Mankind vs The Rock
00:49:43I can't believe that this is awful
00:49:45This is awful
00:49:46Getting the medical attention
00:49:48A drastic measure
00:49:50By Mankind
00:49:51A bizarre man
00:49:52Who's obviously
00:49:55I mean
00:49:56Let's face it
00:49:58Mr. McMahon's been coerced
00:50:00Mankind used Shane McMahon
00:50:02As a hostage
00:50:03As bait
00:50:04Mankind is snapped
00:50:07And now
00:50:08Now Mr. McMahon has given Mankind
00:50:10A title match tonight
00:50:11And no disqualification
00:50:15And here comes the champion
00:50:16The Rock
00:50:17Towards Shane
00:50:20You damn champ
00:50:21How are you just gonna give in
00:50:22So damn easy
00:50:23Regardless of who it is
00:50:24I'm not even ready
00:50:25The Rock got no clothes or nothing
00:50:26It's my son dammit
00:50:28I'm the champ
00:50:30It's my son
00:50:31I know it's your damn son
00:50:32But damn I'm the champ
00:50:33No get ready
00:50:34You're a champ
00:50:35Come on
00:50:36Get ready
00:50:37You're a champion
00:50:38It's The Rock
00:50:40The championship
00:50:41No disqualification
00:50:42Don't talk to him dammit
00:50:44A few moments ago
00:50:45Mankind vs. Triple H
00:50:46A slide on the rumble on the line
00:50:47Shane the referee
00:50:48And Shane helps Triple H here
00:50:50And look at the quick count
00:50:52The McMahon's once again
00:50:53Screwing Mankind
00:50:54Yes it was a quick count
00:50:55And Mankind damn well deserved it
00:50:58And then Triple H
00:50:59Had this to say
00:51:00But I will say one thing
00:51:01Happy New Year
00:51:03Shane didn't deserve this
00:51:04Well he delivered the pedigree
00:51:05To Shane McMahon
00:51:06A New Year's gift
00:51:07To Mick Formley
00:51:10Who took advantage
00:51:11Yeah and then the hostage crisis
00:51:13Please don't
00:51:15I want a title shot
00:51:21What do you say dad?
00:51:22He's agonizing in pain
00:51:24He was forced to grant Mankind his demand
00:51:28I'll tell you who was agonizing in pain as well
00:51:31The Rock
00:51:32Who has to defend the WWF championship
00:51:34Against Mankind
00:51:35In a no disqualification match
00:51:40Our camera's searching for him
00:51:42There he is
00:51:43The elusive edge
00:51:44A member of the brood
00:51:46He is unique
00:51:47To say the least
00:51:49Set for one on one action tonight
00:51:52But I cannot wait
00:51:53I can't believe
00:51:55Will have another shot
00:51:57At the WWF championship
00:51:59Right here
00:52:01I cannot believe it
00:52:02That's just not right
00:52:03Taking the 1999 Royal Rumble
00:52:05From the sold out Arrowhead Pond
00:52:07In Anaheim, California
00:52:08In three weeks on pay per view
00:52:10Is proudly presented by 10-10-220
00:52:13Dial it and save up to 20 minutes
00:52:15For only 99 cents
00:52:22And fresh off what he calls
00:52:23A relaxing trip to Aruba
00:52:25Comes D'Lo Brown
00:52:26And D'Lo and Mark Henry
00:52:27Have had a few problems with
00:52:29Jackie and Terry Runnels as of late
00:52:32And last week
00:52:33D'Lo set TMS straight
00:52:36Now what you need to do
00:52:37You need to back up
00:52:38You two glorified ring rats
00:52:41Now you're damn sure
00:52:42You gotta recognize
00:52:43And you're damn sure lucky
00:52:45That I'm a gentleman
00:52:49So D'Lo Brown
00:52:50Set to do action
00:52:51Against Edge
00:52:52In what should be
00:52:53A tremendous contest
00:52:57D'Lo was impressive
00:52:58I'm telling you
00:52:59So D'Lo now locks up
00:53:00The center of the ring
00:53:01Side headlock
00:53:02On Edge
00:53:03Saw Mark Henry
00:53:04A bit earlier on
00:53:05Smitten by Chyna
00:53:06Second night in a row
00:53:09You know what I'm still
00:53:10Worrying about?
00:53:12That stone cold surprise
00:53:13We've been promised tonight
00:53:14Shawn Michaels promising
00:53:15A stone cold surprise
00:53:17For the corporate team
00:53:18Nice dropkick by Edge
00:53:19Kicked to the midsection now
00:53:21D'Lo whipped into the ropes
00:53:23Tried for the hip toss
00:53:24D'Lo blocked it nicely that time
00:53:26Grabs the neck of Edge
00:53:27Edge kicked to the midsection
00:53:29Oh watch what
00:53:30D'Lo's got it
00:53:31Edge kicked to the midsection
00:53:32Oh watch what
00:53:33What a maneuver by Edge
00:53:35What a tremendous athlete
00:53:38Look out D'Lo
00:53:39And there goes D'Lo over the top rope
00:53:43I can't wait for that
00:53:44Hardcore championship match tonight
00:53:46Road Dogg versus Al Snow
00:53:48Look at this
00:53:49Wow! Edge over the top rope
00:53:51Just took out D'Lo Brown
00:53:53Thank goodness for that chest protector
00:53:56You think this action's tremendous?
00:53:58Wait till Mankind takes on The Rock
00:54:00For the WWF Championship
00:54:03We gotta take another look at this fly kick
00:54:05Look at this off the top rope
00:54:08Yeah look at that
00:54:09Oh D'Lo counters
00:54:10Face first into the barricade
00:54:12Goes Edge
00:54:15The odds stacked against Mankind tonight
00:54:17In that championship matchup
00:54:19Of course the corporate team
00:54:20You know is gonna be sniffing around ringside
00:54:23Yeah and I'll tell you something
00:54:24About the corporate team and Mr. McMahon
00:54:26They're not gonna take
00:54:27Oh that was beautiful
00:54:28He's not gonna take
00:54:29Shawn Michaels little uh
00:54:31Words that he said tonight
00:54:32Lying down
00:54:33It's a little announcement
00:54:34I can assure you that
00:54:35He's gonna get Shawn Michaels dismembered
00:54:37Mr. McMahon is one way or the other
00:54:39Yeah he may have Mankind dismembered as well
00:54:41After what Mankind did to Shane
00:54:43Mr. McMahon said
00:54:44Anybody who comes anywhere near Shane McMahon
00:54:47Lays any hand on Shane McMahon
00:54:49Will pay
00:54:51Deservedly so
00:54:53Edge backed into the corner now
00:54:54The former European champion
00:54:56Shot to the chest of Edge
00:54:59Listen listen
00:55:01Okay what if Mick Foley would somehow
00:55:03Pull it off
00:55:04Win the championship tonight
00:55:06What kind of champion
00:55:07Would Mankind Mick Foley make
00:55:10I know you're kidding me right
00:55:11No I mean he
00:55:12He has a chance
00:55:13It's a long shot
00:55:14He's the underdog
00:55:15But what if he wins
00:55:17Theoretically right
00:55:18Theoretically in your mind
00:55:20Oh what a maneuver by D'Lo
00:55:22I can just tell you
00:55:23That if Mankind were to win the WWF title
00:55:25It would be the blackest day
00:55:27In the history of the World Wrestling Federation
00:55:29I mean come on let's face it
00:55:31You know what Mr. McMahon thought of
00:55:32Stone Cold Steve Austin as champion
00:55:34And Stone Cold would look like Prince Charming
00:55:37Compared to Mankind
00:55:39Cover now by D'Lo on Edge
00:55:40A kick out after two
00:55:42Let's take another look now
00:55:43At this tremendous move
00:55:44By D'Lo Brown
00:55:46Running powerbomb
00:55:49Can't believe Edge even got up from that
00:55:50The WWF champion
00:55:51The Rock King
00:55:52He embodies Mr. McMahon
00:55:55He is the champion Mr. McMahon wants him to be
00:55:57I guess The Rock
00:55:58Well sure
00:55:59He's rich
00:56:00He's good looking
00:56:01He's educated
00:56:02He's got charisma
00:56:04I mean he's got intelligence
00:56:05He's got it all
00:56:06But King Mankind's a tremendous talent
00:56:08And you gotta give him credit
00:56:10He's a freak
00:56:11He has tremendous heart King
00:56:13Tremendous heart
00:56:15You can't take that away from him
00:56:16And keep in mind
00:56:17He already defeated The Rock at Rock Bottom
00:56:20It can be done
00:56:21I'm so sick of hearing you talk about Mankind
00:56:24Look at this
00:56:25Watch it D'Lo
00:56:27What an athletic move by Edge
00:56:28D'Lo in trouble
00:56:29He's in La La Land
00:56:30Edge on the top rope now
00:56:31Watch yourself D'Lo
00:56:32He's gonna fly
00:56:33What a cross body
00:56:34Into a lateral press
00:56:36And D'Lo gets the shoulder up
00:56:39Wait a minute
00:56:40Here comes trouble
00:56:41It must be
00:56:42That time of the month
00:56:43And Jacqueline and Terry Runnels
00:56:47Terry didn't look too well
00:56:48Well I guess not
00:56:49She's showing in clubs
00:56:50I understand she's
00:56:53You've been having morning sickness
00:56:54Morning sickness?
00:56:55Well you know
00:56:56They get those weird cravings at night
00:56:57They eat pickles and ice cream
00:56:58Sure they're gonna be sick in the morning
00:57:00Terry Runnels
00:57:02Of course pregnant
00:57:04Oh look at D'Lo
00:57:05Terry still not telling who the father is
00:57:08She's up on the apron now
00:57:09She doesn't know
00:57:10Look out
00:57:12Wait a minute
00:57:13Terry just
00:57:14She slipped off the steel stairs
00:57:17Uh oh
00:57:18And D'Lo can't believe it
00:57:21Go get some help out here
00:57:23Terry's hurt
00:57:24Terry is hurt
00:57:28We need some help
00:57:29D'Lo never touched her
00:57:30He didn't touch her
00:57:32She climbed up on the apron
00:57:34A verbal confrontation with D'Lo
00:57:37Come on
00:57:38And apparently she
00:57:39She slipped off the stairs
00:57:40We need some help
00:57:41Somebody help please
00:57:44Come on
00:57:51Oh my god
00:57:56We gotta get the paramedics out here
00:57:57Somebody's gotta call the paramedics
00:57:58Well listen
00:57:59D'Lo never touched her
00:58:00She fell
00:58:01She slipped
00:58:04D'Lo very upset
00:58:06D'Lo can't believe it
00:58:07EMT's here
00:58:11I'm telling you
00:58:12This match has come to a standstill
00:58:15Can't blame it
00:58:22This doesn't look good King
00:58:26Terry Runnels
00:58:27Clutching her stomach
00:58:39Keep in mind
00:58:40Terry Runnels is several months pregnant
00:58:44Oh my god
00:58:47There's a great deal of controversy
00:58:49About that pregnancy
00:58:50As to who the father is
00:58:51But I mean
00:58:52She had no business
00:58:53Coming out here in that condition
00:58:55That D'Lo's fault
00:58:56Terry Runnels
00:58:57Slipped down the stairs
00:58:58And fell
00:59:02They need to hurry up
00:59:04Terry Runnels needs help serious concern over the well-being of Terry Runnels a
00:59:12few moments ago a confrontation with D'Lo Brown and look look she slips D'Lo
00:59:17never touched her she slipped off the stairs after a verbal confrontation and
00:59:22during the break EMTs led her back to the locker room area Terry clutching
00:59:27her stomach of course Terry Runnels a few months pregnant and this is live now
00:59:31in the locker room area they must be afraid to move her D'Lo Brown in the
00:59:38background obviously distraught
00:59:48as Terry Runnels says she's pregnant she's obviously concerned about her baby
00:59:52this this King is tragic it is just tragic oh my
01:00:01what in the world is going to happen tonight what else is going to happen
01:00:10Shawn Michaels is still the Commissioner
01:00:16mr. McMahon was named number two in the Royal Rumble Shawn Michaels still the
01:00:21Commissioner mankind will meet the rock for the WWE championship with no
01:00:26disqualification and there's a stone-cold surprise somewhere in the mix
01:00:32surprise I mean here's Shane McMahon coming back out here
01:00:36Shane McMahon leading Kane to the ring he had his shoulder latched
01:00:43you gotta give Patterson credit and that's kind of funny I think they think
01:00:47pain is just a corporate gopher so make it a mockery of them they're making fun
01:00:51of them they're making a mockery of the newest member of the corporate team
01:00:54Kane like a big corporate billboard shade still favoring the shoulder
01:00:59wrenched almost out of socket by mankind who was holding Shane McMahon hostage
01:01:06what is Shane doing out here now
01:01:09obviously something to do with with that man Kane that Shane is gutsy look at Pat
01:01:15Patterson this is ridiculous he's mocking Kane King
01:01:22there's a special announcement tonight a special event it is a handicap match
01:01:28what tonight you will see Kane take on about to make their way down the aisle
01:01:36weighing in at 422 pounds combined ladies and gentlemen give it up for
01:01:43Gerald Briscoe and Pat Patterson
01:02:01mr. Patterson remember I said everyone who was remotely responsible for my son's
01:02:09emotional scarring had to pay Kane make them pay
01:02:19Kane's got Briscoe
01:02:30Briscoe's telling Kane not to listen to Shane
01:02:34he's offering a cigarette
01:02:37Patterson trying to bribe Kane
01:02:43what was that now Briscoe behind you're gonna take the humiliation
01:02:52Briscoe brothers body shop sign on your back that's it oh yeah
01:02:57just the offer from Kane to Briscoe
01:02:59now Patterson's got a chair
01:03:01Kane watch your chair watch your chair
01:03:03watch your chair Kane
01:03:07oh come on now
01:03:09yeah have a seat
01:03:11wait a minute
01:03:13yeah baby yeah baby
01:03:15Patterson going for the ride
01:03:17oh my gosh
01:03:19that is gonna leave a mark
01:03:21I mean wait a minute
01:03:23Pat Patterson and Gerald Briscoe
01:03:25just an associate of mr. McMahon
01:03:27I mean they've been loyal to Mr. McMahon for years
01:03:31it shows you how powerful Mr. McMahon and the corporation is
01:03:33that's it Kane one last time
01:03:35look at that
01:03:37Uncle Pat
01:03:39this is awful this is just awful
01:03:41well it's just obvious
01:03:45and I mean anyone
01:03:47who comes close to Shane
01:03:49wait a minute
01:03:53get off me
01:03:55I said get off me
01:03:57you go back
01:03:59you're going back
01:04:01they're talking about the insane
01:04:05that's right Kane
01:04:07ladies and gentlemen
01:04:09the winner of the match
01:04:11my arm
01:04:13is Kane
01:04:15Kane who's been remanded
01:04:17to the custody of Mr. McMahon
01:04:19yeah it was Mr. McMahon
01:04:21you got your own Briscoe brothers body shot now don't you
01:04:23that's what happens when you don't take care of me
01:04:25let's go Kane
01:04:27it was Mr. McMahon who bailed Kane out of the
01:04:29insane asylum a few weeks ago
01:04:31the loony bin the nut house tell it like it is
01:04:33it says if he doesn't work for the corporation
01:04:35he's going back
01:04:37well he did a nice little piece of work
01:04:39right there
01:04:41and Mr. McMahon Kane has
01:04:43grabbed Shane Mr. McMahon
01:04:45bailing out his son
01:04:47what are you thinking
01:04:51good job over there
01:04:53you don't touch me
01:04:55Kane it shows you
01:04:57how powerful
01:04:59Mr. McMahon in a corporation
01:05:01really is
01:05:03this is a touching moment right here
01:05:07something special about the bond
01:05:09the love between a father
01:05:11and a son
01:05:13I owe you a damn bonus
01:05:17next Al Snow and Road Dogg
01:05:19hardcore title on the line
01:05:33no no no
01:05:35no no no
01:05:37it's time he's ready for you
01:05:39no come on
01:05:41what does everybody want
01:05:43Kane what the hell is going on
01:05:45Dennis Knight hanging with steel
01:05:47clamps around his wrist
01:05:49Bradshaw Farouk the act like saying
01:05:51it's time
01:05:53he said he's ready for you
01:05:55what is going on
01:05:57what are they talking about who's he
01:06:01what's happening here now
01:06:03introducing the challenger
01:06:05Al Snow's got a hardcore championship
01:06:09249 pounds
01:06:11this guy is nuts
01:06:13he's certifiedly nuts Kane
01:06:15and he's still wearing that blood soaked shirt
01:06:17from two weeks ago
01:06:19the brood made him that way
01:06:21I guess he thinks that head's gonna fight this hardcore match for him
01:06:23look at the head
01:06:27hardcore matchup
01:06:29anything goes
01:06:31no disqualification or count out
01:06:33there's the champion
01:06:35the Road Dogg
01:06:37kick that head into the third row
01:06:39and here we go now
01:06:41Al Snow ambushing Road Dogg
01:06:43using head as a decoy
01:06:45and the mask is on
01:06:47again this is for the hardcore championship
01:06:49no holds barred
01:06:51falls count anywhere
01:06:53and I mean anywhere
01:06:55I'm telling you Michael
01:06:57the winter weather's got the nation in a grip
01:06:59it's cold outside as a matter of fact it's even snowing here
01:07:01but it's hot inside
01:07:03the action has been unbelievable here tonight on RAW
01:07:05he won the world heavyweight championship last week
01:07:07with a win over Mankind
01:07:09thanks in part to The Rock
01:07:11that was ridiculous
01:07:13Rock again sticking it to Mankind
01:07:15yeah Mankind unbelievably
01:07:17gets a shot at the WWF title tonight
01:07:19and I told you this was gonna get hardcore
01:07:21oh man oh man
01:07:23Road Dogg just threw a steel chair at Al Snow
01:07:25and Al Snow jumped face first into it
01:07:27look at Al Snow this guy's nuts
01:07:29he hasn't taken a bath in two weeks
01:07:31oh you finally realize this guy's nuts huh
01:07:33he suffered that blood bath at the hands of the brood
01:07:35wearing that blood soaked shirt
01:07:37can you imagine
01:07:39can you imagine the stench
01:07:41oh man wow
01:07:43look at Al now
01:07:45chair to the midsection
01:07:47the hardcore championship
01:07:49on the line
01:07:51watch it watch it
01:07:55Al Snow launching into Road Dogg
01:07:57this is the hardcore action
01:07:59this is the kind of action you're gonna get from WWF superstars
01:08:01they're not just gonna walk and talk
01:08:03like some people we know
01:08:05these guys are gonna give you 100% all action
01:08:07watch this
01:08:09the first of two titles on the line tonight
01:08:11the WWF championship up for grabs
01:08:13a little too close
01:08:15oh chair to the head
01:08:17this is great
01:08:19feeling it
01:08:21what is Al Snow doing now
01:08:23it's no telling
01:08:25I don't think he even knows
01:08:27Al Snow up on the barricade
01:08:29Road Dogg sliding out of the way
01:08:31and Al Snow just snapped that table in half
01:08:33that was great
01:08:41we gotta take a look at the 10-10-220 double feature
01:08:43look at Al Snow
01:08:45a so-and-so
01:08:47over the barricade
01:08:49look at this cover by Road Dogg now
01:08:51and a kick out
01:08:53falls count anywhere
01:08:55Road Dogg went for the quick win
01:08:57this match is no disqualification
01:08:59as a matter of fact it's just like
01:09:03just like the WWF title later on
01:09:05no disqualification
01:09:07and Al Snow looks like he likes it
01:09:09look at him
01:09:11he's whacked
01:09:13he didn't like that
01:09:15for Road Dogg
01:09:17another cover of Al Snow now
01:09:19and a kick out again
01:09:21Road Dogg won the hardcore championship
01:09:23two weeks ago with a victory over
01:09:25the boss man
01:09:27right out in front of us now
01:09:29I love these hardcore matches
01:09:33right hand from Al Snow
01:09:35kick to the midsection
01:09:37no telling where this thing's gonna wind up
01:09:39could go to the locker room
01:09:41could go to the backstage technical area
01:09:43could end up in the satellite truck
01:09:45for all we know
01:09:47wouldn't that be great
01:09:49what a right hand by Al Snow
01:09:51no rules in this one
01:09:53no holds barred
01:09:55where they going now
01:09:57falls count anywhere
01:09:59into the lighting trussle there
01:10:01Al Snow now
01:10:03trying to climb up to the stage
01:10:05and Road Dogg from behind
01:10:07you think the old Road Dogg ever regrets the day he won the hardcore title
01:10:09now he has to keep defending it
01:10:11not a bit King
01:10:13he's a fighting champion
01:10:15he might be fixing to regret it right now
01:10:17Al Snow with a table now
01:10:19and Road Dogg from behind
01:10:21what action
01:10:23hardcore championship on the line
01:10:27Road Dogg setting up the table
01:10:29what's he gonna do here
01:10:31I don't know nobody's safe in this match
01:10:33look out
01:10:37another table and a half
01:10:43Road Dogg the champion
01:10:45that two words for you there Al
01:10:51across the back of the head
01:10:55these two are giving it everything
01:10:57they have King
01:10:59two tremendous athletes
01:11:01in perhaps the toughest match
01:11:03in the world wrestling federation
01:11:05stay away from that equipment
01:11:07those electrical wires
01:11:09where they going now
01:11:11back in that technical area now
01:11:13Road Dogg into that steel
01:11:15steel crate that steel dolly
01:11:17you're real funny
01:11:21backstage in the arena
01:11:23look out folks
01:11:25oh Road Dogg
01:11:27into the wall
01:11:29even the police are safe
01:11:31that's a janitorial area
01:11:33that's a hose
01:11:35wrapped around Road Dogg's neck
01:11:37look at this
01:11:39Road Dogg maybe heading to the showers early
01:11:41hot water on the head of the Road Dogg
01:11:43here at the hose down a couple of dogs
01:11:45look at this
01:11:47I hope that's two ply toilet paper
01:11:51oh watch it
01:11:53oh a broom
01:11:55across the back
01:11:57these guys are wiping themselves up alright
01:11:59can you imagine
01:12:01tremendous punishment
01:12:03no holds barred
01:12:05false count anywhere
01:12:07look out
01:12:09Al Stowe into that cart full of
01:12:13what's left of flowers
01:12:15I think those are some old Christmas
01:12:19folks this is for the hard core championship
01:12:21this matches
01:12:23oh man
01:12:25don't let that hit you
01:12:27across the head
01:12:29that's a potted plant
01:12:33he planted it alright
01:12:37Road Dogg into those steel
01:12:43oh man the midsection
01:12:45this match back in the
01:12:47backstage area
01:12:53anything goes no holds barred
01:12:55you can use anything you want there's no disqualification
01:12:59I think this is one title I wouldn't want to have
01:13:01wait a minute
01:13:03those things gotta weigh
01:13:0580-90 pounds each
01:13:07hard core baby hard core
01:13:11the beer's for you Al
01:13:13and Road Dogg now in control
01:13:15Al Stowe into that heavy steel case
01:13:21Road Dogg the hard core champion
01:13:23Al Stowe would love to become the hard core champion
01:13:25I think Al Stowe is
01:13:27you're right he's loving this match
01:13:29shot to the side of the face
01:13:31Al Stowe whipped into those steel
01:13:33steel grates look at it
01:13:35this is right down his alley
01:13:41didn't matter it was empty
01:13:43where are they going now
01:13:47Al Stowe and Road Dogg are headed outside the arena
01:13:49you gotta be kidding me
01:13:51these guys are outside in the snow
01:13:53look at this
01:13:55again false count anywhere
01:13:59Road Dogg and Al Stowe
01:14:01battling outside the arena
01:14:03a snow shovel
01:14:05a snow shovel
01:14:07for Al Stowe how appropriate
01:14:11what do you think the temperature is out there
01:14:13a 1
01:14:15no no look out
01:14:17look at this
01:14:21into that steel door
01:14:23we were outside earlier
01:14:25snow and temperature in the 20s
01:14:27and these guys are out here
01:14:29having a match a hard core match
01:14:33Road Dogg in control
01:14:35Al Stowe they're fighting in the snow
01:14:37outside I'm telling you
01:14:39Michael only in the WWF would you
01:14:41see something like this
01:14:43the referee Jack Doan can't even keep his foot
01:14:47and these guys are hammering away
01:14:49this is great
01:14:51Road Dogg into that steel fence
01:14:55no parking no road work
01:14:57Al Stowe working on the Road Dogg
01:14:59hey that's a snow cone
01:15:01kick to the midsection
01:15:03oh no you gotta be kidding me
01:15:07Road Dogg just piledrived Al Stowe
01:15:09that man broke his neck
01:15:13Al Stowe is motionless
01:15:15here's the cover
01:15:17it's over
01:15:19Road Dogg is with a hard core championship
01:15:21in the snow outside the arena
01:15:29the Road Dogg
01:15:33you gotta hand it to Al Stowe
01:15:35I am not an Al Stowe fan
01:15:37but I gotta give him credit
01:15:39that was one hell of a match
01:15:41but I gotta hand it to the Road Dogg as well
01:15:43that was one hell of a match
01:15:45the hard core champion
01:15:49he's the champ
01:15:51he's the king of hard core
01:15:53wait a minute let's not go too far
01:15:55what's he doing
01:15:57looks like he's heading back into the arena
01:16:01Road Dogg gonna celebrate with his fans
01:16:05he's gotta be chilled to the bone
01:16:07what a matchup
01:16:09that is what they mean
01:16:11when they call it the hard core championship
01:16:13and what an ovation
01:16:15for the Road Dogg
01:16:17yeah I gotta admit
01:16:19that's a well deserved ovation
01:16:21let's take another look
01:16:23at this tremendous action
01:16:25in the turning point of the matchup
01:16:27a pile driver
01:16:31and those wooden flats out there
01:16:33in the snow
01:16:35as we say
01:16:37balls count anywhere folks
01:16:49I got a plan
01:16:51I got a plan for McMahon tonight
01:17:17So Shawn Michaels obviously off
01:17:19the stone cold surprise he promised
01:17:21earlier on
01:17:39This is a live shot outside the arena
01:17:41this is what's left king of Shawn Michaels
01:17:43after a brutal savage
01:17:45attack just a few moments ago
01:17:47well I mean you know
01:17:49he had it coming
01:17:51Mr. McMahon warned him this is what was gonna happen
01:17:53he said he was gonna get dismembered
01:17:55as we left the air Shawn Michaels having problems
01:17:57getting into that car
01:17:59went back to the door area
01:18:01and then he heard someone yell out
01:18:03well watch this right here he realizes
01:18:05he's been had
01:18:07he realizes he's in trouble
01:18:17get him
01:18:29back now live
01:18:31the emergency medical technicians
01:18:33attending to Shawn Michaels after that
01:18:35savage attack by the corporation
01:18:39nobody can condone this
01:18:41but obviously Mr. McMahon did
01:18:43look they put his face right through the windshield of that car
01:18:47I thought I heard
01:18:49Mr. McMahon's voice
01:18:51as Shawn turned around
01:18:53could this be the dismemberment
01:18:55of Shawn Michaels
01:18:57that Mr. McMahon promised
01:18:59I don't know but I don't
01:19:01think he deserved this
01:19:05the corporate team has gone too far
01:19:07we saw the big boss man
01:19:09attack Shawn Michaels
01:19:11before the camera was knocked out of the camera
01:19:13there was more people than the big boss man
01:19:15who else was involved
01:19:17shoved his face through the windshield
01:19:19of that car
01:19:23this is brutal
01:19:25Shawn Michaels did not
01:19:27deserve this
01:19:33trying to put that neck brace on Shawn Michaels
01:19:35who had his face shoved through
01:19:37that windshield of that car
01:19:41King is this what Mr. McMahon promised
01:19:43is this the dismemberment
01:19:45that Mr. McMahon promised
01:19:47what do you think
01:19:49you're seeing it just like I'm seeing it
01:19:51nobody deserves this
01:19:59so obviously Shawn Michaels
01:20:01on his way to a medical facility
01:20:05hopefully we'll get some sort of word
01:20:07on the condition
01:20:09of the heartbreak kid Shawn Michaels
01:20:11this is pathetic
01:20:15wow look at that windshield
01:20:17the remains of the car
01:20:29so it's Mankind
01:20:31next on the corporate team's hit list
01:20:33Mankind to take on
01:20:35The Rock for the WWF championship
01:20:37no disqualification
01:20:39in case
01:20:43I think if I'm Mankind right now
01:20:45if I know what happened to Shawn Michaels
01:20:47I gotta be real worried
01:20:49Mankind holding Shane McMahon hostage
01:20:51earlier on
01:20:53forcing Mr. McMahon
01:20:55to agree to this matchup against The Rock
01:20:57in the no disqualification stipulation
01:20:59wait a minute
01:21:01here comes DX
01:21:03DX is adopted
01:21:05Mankind is part of the
01:21:07family in recent weeks
01:21:09this is really getting interesting now
01:21:11and here is Mankind
01:21:13the kid who played
01:21:15Cowboys and Indians as a kid
01:21:17and he said he's always the Indian
01:21:19because he stood up for the
01:21:21underdog and that's what he is in this
01:21:23matchup, an underdog
01:21:25he's an underdog not only
01:21:27against The Rock
01:21:31here's what I'm wondering
01:21:33does DX know what happened to Shawn Michaels
01:21:35I don't know
01:21:37I don't know
01:21:39I don't know what to believe
01:21:41I don't know what to think anymore
01:21:45all I know is the WWF championship
01:21:47is up for grabs
01:21:49there's no disqualification
01:21:51The Rock against Mankind
01:21:53and the odds are stacked against
01:21:55Mick Foley
01:21:57not only the great athlete The Rock
01:21:59but the entire corporation
01:22:01will obviously
01:22:03be on the ring side
01:22:05and there's no disqualification
01:22:07I'm worried because The Rock was not prepared
01:22:09for this match
01:22:11he still doesn't have his wrestling attire on
01:22:13but he's a champion King
01:22:15he should always be ready
01:22:17The Rock
01:22:19is what Mr. McMahon wants a champion to be
01:22:21he embodies
01:22:23the WWF championship
01:22:25but can you imagine if Mankind
01:22:27could somehow pull it out
01:22:29and win the championship
01:22:31you don't want to imagine it
01:22:33I mean look at him
01:22:35he's a freak
01:22:37even Mr. McMahon said he's a genetically altered
01:22:39mentally deficient freak
01:22:41come on and face it
01:22:43he's lost most of his teeth
01:22:45he's only got one ear
01:22:47he's pulled out most of his own hair
01:22:49and that's not even to mention
01:22:51all the thousands of brain cells that he's missing
01:22:53that gold is the centerpiece
01:22:55of this company
01:22:57the WWF championship
01:22:59Mankind on the cover of the Southwest Airlines
01:23:01magazine with Mr. McMahon
01:23:03oh come on that'd be a joke
01:23:05Mankind obviously
01:23:07the underdog
01:23:09and here we go now
01:23:11and Rock hammering away on Mankind
01:23:13this is for the WWF title
01:23:15take it to him Rock
01:23:17and there are no disqualifications
01:23:19the corporation on one side of the ring
01:23:21D-Generation X on the other
01:23:23why are they allowing DX
01:23:25to stay out here
01:23:27on the corporations out there
01:23:29why not DX
01:23:31no disqualification
01:23:33I think
01:23:35Ken Shamrock might have got in a little cheap shot there
01:23:37but that's ok
01:23:39watch it
01:23:43and Mankind now
01:23:45hammering away on the corporate champion
01:23:47the Rock
01:23:49I'll tell you King
01:23:51there couldn't be two more opposite
01:23:53men in this matchup
01:23:55he's a star
01:23:57he's good looking, he's rich and famous
01:23:59and he's the champ
01:24:01he's the corporate champ
01:24:03and this match is for that title
01:24:05let me tell you something now
01:24:07you realize this is no disqualification
01:24:09so I don't care if DX
01:24:11and all the corporation is out here
01:24:13this match is not going to end up by having
01:24:15a whole bunch of other wrestlers jump in the ring
01:24:17I mean it's not going to end up
01:24:19with some kind of wild schmoz out here
01:24:21this match is going to
01:24:23not like the other league
01:24:25as the Rock now hammers away
01:24:27on Mankind
01:24:29now goes for the steel stairs
01:24:31as you see Mr. McMahon looking on
01:24:33and there's your
01:24:35loser Mankind
01:24:37I'll tell you what King
01:24:39over his 15 year career
01:24:41Nick Foley has given it his all
01:24:43wait a minute
01:24:45that first one was for Mr. McMahon
01:24:47I think that second one was for Shane
01:24:49and you have to agree
01:24:51Mankind's greatest attribute
01:24:53is his heart
01:24:55listen to this
01:24:57steel stair to the back
01:24:59his greatest attribute is what?
01:25:01his heart, his perseverance
01:25:03I'm tired of hearing that word
01:25:05he's an idiot
01:25:07he doesn't deserve this title shot here tonight
01:25:09Mr. McMahon was coerced into giving it to him
01:25:11Mankind has
01:25:13put his body through so much pain
01:25:15over his 15 year career
01:25:17Mankind once said that
01:25:19doctors didn't think he'd make it past his
01:25:2130th birthday
01:25:23but he's here today
01:25:31well obviously the Rock is here
01:25:33obviously he's just checked Mankind in
01:25:35to the Smackdown hotel
01:25:37on the corner of Know Your Role Boulevard
01:25:39and Jabroni Drive
01:25:41maybe a little thirsty Mankind wants some water here
01:25:45look at him
01:25:47watching Rock
01:25:49look at this
01:25:51somebody help the Rock
01:25:53help him
01:26:01we have big problems over here
01:26:07wait a minute
01:26:09Mankind's looking real good
01:26:15look this way
01:26:23he's not looking so hot right now
01:26:27where you at Michael Cole
01:26:29you coward
01:26:31look at Mankind he's all choked up now
01:26:35come on Rock
01:26:37everything's ok
01:26:39everything's under control
01:26:49watch it watch it
01:26:51oh we got big problems
01:26:53here now
01:27:31you hear me
01:27:33is this thing working
01:27:35am I on
01:27:37I mean
01:27:39they ripped the headsets right off my head
01:27:41and look at our desk
01:27:43doing Rock
01:27:45finishing off
01:27:47can you hear me
01:27:49wait a minute
01:27:51I've never seen anything like this
01:27:53the WWF championship
01:27:55king is on the line
01:27:57no disqualification
01:27:59and the Rock is putting Mankind through
01:28:01a tremendous amount of punishment
01:28:03this is great
01:28:05and look at Shane
01:28:07this is not a title match
01:28:09that's gonna start 2 minutes before we go off the air
01:28:11we're talking action here
01:28:13this is the WWF baby
01:28:15Mankind with his shot at the WWF championship
01:28:17side Russian leg sweep
01:28:19into a cover this should be it
01:28:21hook of the leg and Mankind kicks out
01:28:23finishing Rock
01:28:25you know what this must be like for Mankind King
01:28:27I mean it must be like growing up in New York
01:28:29and wanting to play center field
01:28:31for the Yankees
01:28:33wanting to be quarterback of the Cowboys
01:28:35having a shot at the WWF championship
01:28:37oh my
01:28:41is a born right fielder
01:28:45and Mankind now battling back
01:28:47right hands at the Rock
01:28:49being third base
01:28:51reversal now
01:28:53Rock with the elbow to the face
01:28:55come on Rock
01:28:57Rock scoop slam
01:28:59wait a minute
01:29:01yes this is it
01:29:03the most electrified move
01:29:05in sports entertainment today
01:29:07the corporate elbow
01:29:09from the Rock
01:29:11yes and Rock plants it
01:29:13Rock plants the corporate elbow
01:29:15that could be it
01:29:17cover 2 and Mankind
01:29:19gets a shoulder up
01:29:21you've got to give him credit
01:29:23he has so much heart
01:29:25he perseveres
01:29:27he takes tremendous punishment
01:29:29but he continues to battle back
01:29:31but he's hideous looking
01:29:33Rock misses with the right hand
01:29:35here's Mankind now
01:29:37swinging neck breaker
01:29:39Rock's head bouncing off the mat
01:29:41and now can Mankind gain some momentum
01:29:45I don't like this
01:29:47look at the look on the face of Mankind
01:29:49he don't like this either
01:29:51wait a minute
01:29:53no disqualification
01:29:55and Rock has the belt
01:29:57you want the belt Mankind
01:29:59you got it
01:30:01belt to the face
01:30:03it's over now
01:30:05hook of the leg
01:30:07there's 2
01:30:09Mankind again
01:30:11got the shoulder up
01:30:13and Mr. McMahon can't believe it
01:30:15we got problems
01:30:17we got no desk here
01:30:19Rock again with the belt
01:30:21misses Mankind
01:30:23kick to the midsection
01:30:25oh no
01:30:27Mankind with the cover
01:30:29we can have a new champion
01:30:33and Rock gets the shoulder up
01:30:37Mankind has said for years and years
01:30:39all he's ever wanted
01:30:41was to become champion for a night
01:30:43and there's Socko
01:30:45there's Socko
01:30:49Mr. Socko
01:30:51Rock tasted Mr. Socko
01:30:53Mr. Socko at Rock Bottom
01:30:55he can taste it again
01:30:57and he does
01:30:59Mr. Socko
01:31:01Mankind is locked in the man of the claw
01:31:03with Mr. Socko
01:31:05Mr. McMahon you got to do something
01:31:07The Rock may be out
01:31:09no disqualification
01:31:11and there's Billy Gunn
01:31:13Billy Gunn on Shamrock
01:31:15DX and the Crawford team
01:31:17are going at it
01:31:19look out
01:31:23oh no
01:31:25Stone Cold is here
01:31:27oh no Stone Cold
01:31:29is here
01:31:31oh my goodness
01:31:33the rattlesnake is here
01:31:35look out
01:31:37Stone Cold with the chair
01:31:39he puts Mankind
01:31:41on the wall
01:31:45don't do it
01:31:53oh my god no
01:31:55Mankind did it
01:31:57Nick Foley did it
01:31:59no Stone Cold didn't
01:32:01Mankind has achieved
01:32:03his dream and the dream of everyone else
01:32:05who's been told you can't
01:32:07do it
01:32:09no you can't do it
01:32:11you can't do this
01:32:15Nick Foley has come a long way
01:32:17from his first match
01:32:19in Clarksburg West Virginia
01:32:2115 years ago
01:32:25Nick Foley has come a long way
01:32:27oh hell yeah
01:32:29Nick Foley
01:32:31he's come a long way
01:32:33since sleeping on the floors
01:32:35of Motel 6's
01:32:37from sleeping in his Ford Fairmont
01:32:39learning to wrestle
01:32:43he's been known as Dude Love
01:32:45Cactus Jack, Mankind
01:32:47for tonight and forever
01:32:49Nick Foley
01:32:51will simply be known as
01:32:53WWF Champion
01:32:55don't you realize this is the worst
01:32:57blackest day in the life of that man
01:32:59Mr. McMahon
01:33:01oh my god
01:33:03look at that decrepit
01:33:05freak of nature
01:33:07from the days he was called
01:33:09Moby Mick
01:33:11he's the champion of the WWF
01:33:13this is unbelievable
01:33:15he was once called Moby Mick as a pudgy kid
01:33:17but tonight, tonight
01:33:19he is champion
01:33:23he wanted to hear the people
01:33:25cheer for him
01:33:27for his ability, for his talent
01:33:29and they're cheering for him
01:33:31first he's champion
01:33:33without further ado
01:33:35I announce to you the new
01:33:37WWF Heavyweight
01:33:45you can't measure
01:33:47guts, heart
01:33:49and determination
01:33:51he may not be the most talented
01:33:53he may not be the best looking
01:33:59but he is champion
01:34:11I gotta tell you
01:34:13this feels pretty damn good
01:34:15he's no longer the
01:34:17kids who ate worms in a school yard
01:34:19as a teenager
01:34:21King, he is champion
01:34:23he represents the
01:34:25WWF as champion
01:34:27listen, at the risk of
01:34:29not sounding very cool
01:34:31I'd like to dedicate
01:34:33this match to my two
01:34:35little people at home and say
01:34:37Mankind did it
01:34:39this is the
01:34:41most legendary
01:34:43in the history of the WWF
01:34:45my god, anything can happen
01:34:47in the WWF
01:34:49Mankind's the champion
01:34:51Mick Foley said he was gonna walk out on top
01:34:53and damn it, he did
