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King of Loose Cultivators Episode 27 Subtitle Indonesia
King of Loose Cultivators Episode 27 Subtitle Indonesia
King of Loose Cultivators Episode 27 Subtitle Indonesia
King of Loose Cultivators Episode 27 Subtitle Indonesia
King of Loose Cultivators Episode 27 Subtitle Indonesia
King of Loose Cultivators Episode 27 Subtitle Indonesia
King of Loose Cultivators Episode 27 Subtitle Indonesia
00:30山之巅 巡礼让我成眠 The peak of the mountains, I'm looking for you
00:38悲怨存留在我指尖 The grudge is still in my fingertips
00:42生死剑 谁与我肩并肩 In life and death, who will stand by my side
00:47恩与怨都是过往永远 Love and hate are all the memories of the past
00:50明镜眼看淡 忽略未见 I look at the mirror, but I don't see it
00:55沉悲陷 如许欺骗 I'm filled with sadness, but I don't need to deceive
00:59彩蜂血之血 流在人间 The blood of the rainbow flows in the world
01:03灯火间 是暗香了眠 The light of the lamp is the darkness
01:07闯着通天路 却闹动十万山 The road through the sky is always noisy
01:12无从表达待何人 I can't express it to anyone
01:16闯着通天路 饮沙把魂回答 The road through the sky is filled with the soul
01:20心房在尘沙上风华 The heart is in the sand of the city
01:29秦时明月之夜尽天明 The Moon Embraces the Sun
01:46穿过这片蜜林就是弥天谷入口了 You'll pass through this dense forest and you'll reach the entrance to the Celestial Valley.
01:50你想好了吗 Have you made up your mind?
01:52开弓没有回头箭 来都来了 I didn't even turn around to shoot.
01:56没想到你小子还是个情种 I didn't expect you to be a lover.
01:59不仅豁出命 连遗产都留好了 You even saved your legacy.
02:02什么叫遗产 我就非得死吗 What is a legacy? Do I have to die?
02:08这些东西给你 These are for you.
02:09这些是 These are...
02:11我要出门办点事 I need to go out and do something.
02:13这混金短毛你留着 这两枚玉简 These gold and silver hairpins are for you.
02:15要是三天后我还没有回来 If I don't come back in three days,
02:17你就留一枚 另外一枚交给南宫雨晴 you can keep one of these and give the other one to Yuqing.
02:21还有 三天之内不能偷看玉简上的内容 And you can't peek at the contents of the jade hairpins for three days.
02:25你这话不对劲啊 What's wrong with you?
02:28不是要去做什么伤天害理的事吧 Are you going to do something bad?
02:31什么叫伤天害理 What do you mean by bad?
02:33你觉得像我这么聪明的人能做不靠谱的事吗 Do you think someone as smart as me can do something bad?
02:37那倒也是 That's true.
02:39你这猥琐的家伙不会干没好处的事 You're such a vulgar guy. You won't do anything bad.
02:42那你还废话 You're talking nonsense.
02:44你就说要不要吧 Do you want it or not?
02:45要 当然要了 I want it. Of course I want it.
02:48南宫丫头也有份 你果然想当害王 The girl from the South Palace has a point. You really want to be the King of Hades.
02:53狗渣男 You bastard.
02:55老头 别乱说了 Old man, don't talk nonsense.
02:58我在世上没有亲人了 I have no family in the world.
03:00他们是我生死与共的朋友 They are my friends in life and death.
03:02万一我真死在弥天谷里 If I really die in the Celestial Valley,
03:04玉简上的火球符和补填丹配方玉简上的火球符和补填丹配方 the Fireball Talisman on the jade hairpins and the elixir formula
03:07好歹能让他们得些好处 can at least do something good for them.
03:10放心吧 有赎呢 老夫代你致富 只要你不作死 Don't worry. I'll pay you back as long as you don't die.
03:17而且慕容老板不是说了 弥天谷里灵药无数 随便捞回来点就罢了 Besides, didn't Mr. Murong say that there are countless elixirs in the Celestial Valley? We can just get some back.
03:25有人来了 Someone's coming.
03:39前方就是弥天谷了 这二人的境界深不可测 望击术根本看不透 这个什么少主啊 掐子倒不小 Young Master, the Celestial Valley is just up ahead.
03:52这二人的境界深不可测 望击术根本看不透 这个什么少主啊 掐子倒不小 The two of them are in an unimaginable state. I can't see through their magic.
03:56这个什么少主啊 掐子倒不小 What kind of young master is he? He's quite strong.
03:59我东窑圣境原则上不想和其他门派起争夺 我东窑圣境原则上不想和其他门派起争夺 我东窑圣境原则上不想和其他门派起争夺 我东窑圣境原则上不想和其他门派起争夺 我东窑圣境原则上不想和其他门派起争夺 我东窑圣境原则上不想和其他门派起争夺 我东窑圣境原则上不想和其他门派起争夺 我东窑圣境原则上不想和其他门派起争夺 我东窑圣境原则上不想和其他门派起
04:29到宗主名单上的灵药一定会有奖励 弟子领命
04:40这么远都赶来了 看来雷霄宗此次也有志在必得的灵药
04:46为驾驶战车的恐怕就是宗主了 没错是雷姓宗
04:59看这少主的架势与这些大宗门弟子交手 恐怕是尸骨无存
05:29看那些人的法医 应该是巨星宗的人 幸亏没从那边走 不然准碰上
05:38再往前就是弥天谷南方的入口了 小心 有人来了
05:50抱歉 此处前方已经有我师门长辈布置了禁止 还请两位绕道从别处进入
05:59天一门果然霸道 占别人的路 让别人无路可走
06:05这些大宗门都是仗势欺人 垄断入口 只让他们的弟子在这个方位采集谷中灵药
06:13就凭天一门今日做法 我诸道人要是能出人头地 一定要给他们点苦头吃
06:31白窟门 有完没完啊 不会一圈都被这些宗门拦住了吧
06:38别绕了 你不有逃神域吗 从府级神光的地方进
06:43那儿一般修士进不去 肯定没有宗门占地方
06:48逃神域我没用过 万一有什么差错 怕来不及炼后悔药
06:53小明 你看这是啥
06:57怪吓人的 前面不会有个抓人脑袋练功的女魔头吧
07:04不能够 说不定人家只是射空人士 咱们路过 别打招呼就行了
07:16行 再说了 你咋能确定是个女魔头呢
07:22一本修真义诗上写过 有个女魔头和师兄相好 合伙偷了师父的天极功法
07:29小明 你们来真的呀
07:32等等 二位兄弟 你要干啥呀
07:37这位兄弟 有何指教 我只是想提醒二位
07:42前面有厉害阵法 一旦进去必死无疑
07:47多谢兄弟 要不是你啊 我们现在就已经死了
07:51是啊 没想到父美平生 兄弟这般仗义 谁就信了
07:58大家都是散修 天下散修是一家 不如我们一家人结伴而行
08:04好啊 好啊 好啊 还不知道兄弟尊姓大名
08:12我姓魏 魏兄弟
08:15好 这里不安全 我知道一个地方能觊觎天空
08:22腐击神光十分凶险 所以没有大宗们占据
08:33你带我们进去 魏兄弟 你真是好人
08:39不是 这 过奖啊
08:41魏兄弟不仅仗义 还见多识广
08:45要不我们认你当大哥吧 行啊
08:48不是 这 太客气了
08:51心虚啥呀 你不是就是想让他们试逃神域的吗
08:56谁心虚了 他们相信你了 你还犹豫啥呀
09:02但 我也是第一次进离天宫
09:05逃神域是否有用 我也不能确定
09:09大哥让我们进 肯定没问题
09:11对啊 刚才要不是大哥 我们已经死白空门手里了
09:27是 我们和大哥同生共死
09:31赴汤蹈火 万死不辞
09:46优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
10:16优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
10:46优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
