• last year
Understanding Me Means Understanding The Universe's Lingo


00:00Hello, this is the 8th free album and I am here to let you know I am truly intrigued
00:28at those who have ears to hear what I must express. I create content freely with no
00:38explanation. Only explanation I leave up to for explaining is your conscience, your mindset,
00:55whatever you feel is understanding of my content and expression. As long as it's positive
01:05and not destructive or in means of trying to make an attempt to harm me, your understanding
01:13is accepting. I am an entertainer and I display many forms of humor, satire and dark humor,
01:26so I may say things very surprising, very below the belt, very dig up grave and put
01:39back down back in the grave after I use whosoever type humor, but just know there are levels
01:53to entertainment and I am a lord of those levels. So therefore, when you hear all these
02:04projects, when you seek to understand all content from all these free albums I put out, you come
02:16with an understanding that this is content creation, this is work, a next level of entertainment that
02:25is not present in mainstream, it is underground, it is very open-minded and unique, experimental,
02:36experimental music and vibes, podcast music, audio book music, all in one. Peace and love. Have a nice day, like me, or wherever you are, and have a nice night, wherever you live.
03:05May the sun, wherever you are, shine good, or may the moon, wherever you are, guide you and shine as well, great.