Kaisi_Teri_Khudgharzi_Episode_1 Eng_Sub Danish_Taimoor Dur-e-Fishan ARY_Digital

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Kaisi_Teri_Khudgharzi_Episode_1 Eng_Sub Danish_Taimoor Dur-e-Fishan ARY_Digital


00:30I'm a green flower, I'm a green flower
00:37I'm a green flower, I'm a green flower
00:40The match is mine!
01:01I'm a green flower, I'm a green flower
01:06I'm a green flower, I'm a green flower
01:10I'm a green flower, I'm a green flower
01:30I'm a green flower, I'm a green flower
01:59Yes, Nida?
02:01Mom said dad shouldn't sit in the room for too long.
02:03If he comes out, the surprise will be ruined.
02:05Okay, just two minutes.
02:07Is everything done? Did you tell uncle?
02:09I told everyone, brother Ahsan, uncle, aunt, everyone.
02:11Just hurry up, please.
02:13Otherwise, everything will be ruined.
02:15I just had tea, you brought it again.
02:31Where are you going?
02:33Our Mr. Naveed Zaidi,
02:35Mr. Naveed Zaidi,
02:37an old acquaintance,
02:39his son's education was having some issues,
02:41he wanted to consult.
02:43So, I thought I would meet him.
02:47you can't go.
02:49Why can't I go?
02:51Because the black cat
02:53has blocked my way.
02:59The black cat has blocked your way.
03:01Go, I can't go.
03:03By the way,
03:05since when have you started believing in such superstitious things?
03:07Listen, I won't go.
03:09Why shouldn't I go?
03:11Who has blocked you?
03:15Your daughters.
03:17Oh God, my daughters.
03:19Why have they blocked me?
03:21I don't know.
03:23You can't go without their permission.
03:25Do I ever ask you?
03:29Okay, fine,
03:31do whatever you want.
03:39What are you doing?
03:41I am standing here.
03:51You are welcome.
03:57Let's go.
03:59I am going.
04:01What are you doing with me?
04:03Just two minutes.
04:05What two minutes?
04:07What two minutes?
04:09Where are you taking me?
04:11Dad, just do what I am telling you.
04:13I am doing what you are telling me
04:15but why are you doing this?
04:17He has opened up.
04:37He has opened up.
05:03Here is your tea.
05:05How did you like the birthday surprise?
05:07It was very good.
05:09I liked it a lot.
05:19Listen, I was thinking
05:21that you should talk to Rehan
05:23about Ahsan and Mehak.
05:29It's been so long since you got engaged.
05:31I was thinking
05:33it would be better if you get married.
05:41Look, Rahim,
05:43I am not educating my daughters
05:45so that I can get them married
05:47and send them to school.
05:49I want them to achieve something.
05:51I want them to stand on their own two feet.
05:55Ahsan is also studying there.
05:57It seems very sad to talk about this
05:59during this time.
06:01You got engaged
06:03at the right time.
06:05So, don't think like a mother
06:07and send your daughter off
06:09as soon as possible.
06:11When God wills,
06:13a good time will come.
06:15God will make it happen.
06:17That's what I was saying.
06:19Tell me,
06:21when are you going to finish your work?
06:23It's so late.
06:25I have work to do.
06:27I have to submit all the results
06:29in the morning. It's very important.
06:55Nida is still sleeping?
07:01Wake up! It's getting late for college.
07:03Your father is waiting downstairs.
07:09Is something burning?
07:11She left a paratha on the table.
07:13Wake her up. I am going downstairs.
07:25Wake up! It's morning.
07:27We have to go to the university.
07:29What is this, sister?
07:31I was having such a good dream.
07:35What dream did you have?
07:37Do you know?
07:39I saw a handsome hero.
07:41He is quite tall.
07:43He was wearing pants.
07:45He looked like a spoiled son of a rich man.
07:47He had a big car.
07:49The guards were sitting in the bigger car.
07:51Suddenly his car came
07:53and stopped near our car.
07:55He was holding my hand
07:57and was bringing it in front of everyone.
07:59Suddenly it started raining.
08:01It's 7 o'clock.
08:03Please wake up. Your father is waiting.
08:05You have already enjoyed the rain.
08:07Why don't you take a bath?
08:09Wash your face and come downstairs.
08:11Do I have to sacrifice my life for you?
08:13You are so boring.
08:15You had such a good dream.
08:17Didn't you like it?
08:19Nida, the dream is over.
08:21Come back to reality.
08:23There is no hero in reality.
08:25There is only a villain.
08:27A dangerous villain.
08:29He has been given the name of physics in your life.
08:33Oh, God! I forgot.
08:35Don't leave me tensed today.
08:37Oh, God!
08:41When did I do this?
08:45You didn't do this.
08:47I did this.
08:49If you don't watch these stupid videos
08:51on TikTok all night
08:53and focus on the books,
08:55then you won't be able to do the assignments
08:57and you won't be able to sleep.
08:59Come back. Your father is waiting.
09:01Get ready.
09:03I will be back in two minutes.
09:05Come back soon.
09:11Son, I was telling your mother
09:13that you will be able to help me
09:15in checking the copies.
09:17That's why I will do it.
09:19There is no need to ask anyone.
09:23Look at this.
09:25I told you that Mehak will do it.
09:27She does everything very well.
09:29Pay some attention to Nida.
09:31She is so weak in studies.
09:37My little girl is here.
09:39She changed as soon as she was born.
09:41What do you mean?
09:43Mom, tell me something.
09:45She looks like my sister from any angle.
09:47I mean, she is so intelligent
09:49and so beautiful.
09:51I had a doubt that she had changed
09:53in the hospital.
09:55Actually, Nida,
09:57before you came,
09:59we were talking about
10:01that we haven't told you this.
10:07you are not dad's daughter.
10:09We picked you up
10:11from the garbage bin
10:13in front of the house.
10:21is this true?
10:27What is this?
10:29You always do this to me.
10:31And you guys laugh so much
10:33that you guys also get along with sister.
10:35Everything else was a joke.
10:37But the garbage bin thing is true, Nida.
10:39What do you mean?
10:41Your brain is a garbage bin.
10:45You guys will make my daughter cry.
10:53What kind of tea did you make, mom?
10:55Do you know
10:57the price of milk these days?
10:59Your dad is a doctor in a government hospital.
11:01He is not the owner of the hospital.
11:03Such tea will be made
11:05at such a low salary.
11:07Why do you always cry about my salary?
11:09At least take care of it.
11:11He is my son.
11:13I am not pointing a gun at you.
11:15I am just saying that look at brother.
11:17He is also a government servant like you.
11:19But after getting a job,
11:21he comes home and gives tuition to the children.
11:23His wife fulfills the needs of the children.
11:25So what do you want?
11:27Tell me.
11:29Should I give tuition to the patients?
11:33Why are you creating a scene?
11:35I have told you so many times.
11:37Open a clinic.
11:39You will get some money.
11:41This is a crime.
11:43I will be jailed.
11:45As if all the doctors in the world
11:47are in jail except you.
11:55Ahsan, breakfast.
11:57That's it?
11:59Are you happy now?
12:01Are you satisfied now?
12:03It is all my fault as always.
12:09Yes, brother.
12:11Yes, brother. I am ready.
12:13I will be there in 10 minutes.
12:23A person will leave the house when
12:25he is in a bad mood.
12:27I don't know in which bad time
12:29dad got me this motorcycle.
12:31My life has become hell.
12:33Nothing is right in this house.
12:35Your uncle gave you your 19th birthday gift.
12:37It used to work fine earlier.
12:39I don't know why you have loosened
12:41all its hinges.
12:43Me? You?
12:45Mom sent breakfast for aunt.
12:47That's what I came to give.
12:49You tell me.
12:51Why are you in a bad mood?
12:55I don't get scared of mom.
12:57Dad gets scared.
12:59That's bad.
13:01You shouldn't talk to anyone about family.
13:03Greetings, uncle.
13:05Greetings. God bless you.
13:07Don't you have to go to the university today?
13:09No, I have to go.
13:11I just came to give breakfast.
13:13Then go and give it quickly.
13:15Brother is waiting outside.
14:07These people drive like wild animals.
14:09Who are they?
14:23The signal is off. Can't you see?
14:29The signal is off. Are you blind?
14:31Shamsher, leave it. He has left.
14:53What? Can't you hear?
14:55The signal is off. Why are you hitting me?
14:57Can't you hear?
14:59What's my fault?
15:01If the signal is off, should I break it and leave?
15:03It's my fault that I'm more blind.
15:05Why can't I see from the front?
15:07Isn't this the same car that hit us from the side?
15:09The signal is off. Can't you see?
15:11Let the signal be off.
15:13Yes, brother. It's there.
15:15But slowly.
15:17Nothing will happen.
15:19Why can't I see from the front?
15:21The signal will be off for me.
15:23Why can't you hear when I'm more blind?
15:25Don't you feel ashamed?
15:27What are you doing?
15:29You just hit me from the side.
15:31I almost died.
15:33Now you're hitting him.
15:35Is there any way?
15:47Uncle, go and sit in the car.
15:51Don't you feel ashamed?
15:53You're drunk and you're driving.
15:55Is there anyone to ask you?
15:57I'll ask myself.
16:13What are you doing?
16:15It was a mistake.
16:17Please don't hit me.
16:19It was a mistake.
16:21Please don't hit me.
16:23Please don't hit me.
16:25It was a mistake.
16:27Please don't hit me.
16:29It was a mistake.
16:53Please don't hit me.
17:23Please don't hit me.
17:39Your blood pressure is a little high.
17:43Did you take medicine?
17:45I think I took it in the morning.
17:47I forgot.
17:49What was the need?
17:51I was afraid that he would shoot me.
17:53What if he had shot me?
17:57Rehan, drop these girls to college.
17:59Rehan, drop these girls to college.
18:01Rehan, drop these girls to college.
18:03Why not?
18:05I'll stay with you.
18:07I don't have any important class.
18:11Give this to Nida.
18:13She can't miss this class.
18:15It's very important.
18:17Take care of yourself.
18:27Mother is right.
18:29Why did you get involved with him?
18:31Everything happened in front of you.
18:33He was misbehaving with them.
18:35He was misbehaving with them.
18:37He saw everything with his own eyes.
18:41Father, you have taught us one thing since childhood.
18:45That we are normal middle class people.
18:49We have some limits.
18:53We earn and live our lives.
18:57You didn't realize for a minute
18:59that if something had happened to you,
19:01what would have happened to us?
19:07Mother, I'm sorry.
19:11That's fine.
19:19That's fine.
19:43Welcome, sir.
19:45Thank you so much.
20:11I'm not used to talking nonsense.
20:13I'm not used to listening.
20:19By the way, you have become quite famous
20:21while sleeping.
20:23What do you mean?
20:25It would have been better if you had kept the cheque.
20:29You had to come to the streets in the first months.
20:31Now you will come in days.
20:33It's your wish.
20:37Take his signature.
20:39And send him home.
20:41Sir, please don't do this.
20:43Don't do this, sir.
20:45Please, sir.
21:15I'll come.
21:39How did you like the hotel?
21:41It's good.
21:45And the hotel?
21:49The hotel is also good.
21:51I liked it.
21:53It's a good property.
21:55Thank you, sir.
22:13What's the need for this?
22:15Keep it.
22:17You'll be happy.
22:19Thank you, sir.
22:23I'll leave now.
22:47Tonight at Mrs. Nayyar's house
22:49there is a feast.
22:51Did her daughter invite you?
22:55Mom, this dinner
22:57is just an excuse.
22:59I have heard that
23:01she has installed new Italian tiles
23:03and changed the furniture.
23:05She just wants to show off.
23:07That's only natural.
23:09Oh, Dara.
23:11Dara, how did you come back
23:13from office so early?
23:15I got free early.
23:17Where is Shamsher?
23:19In his room.
23:21Shahmeer is with him.
23:23He is not well.
23:25Shahmeer said he has high BP.
23:27How strange.
23:29I'll check.
23:31Anyway, we have to go in the evening.
23:45Is his BP high?
23:49Sorry, Dara.
23:53What kind of life is he leading?
23:57It's time for people to wake up
23:59and for him to sleep.
24:03Mom is at home.
24:05She is your sister-in-law.
24:07This is not the way
24:09to come home drunk every day.
24:15Did something happen that I had to handle?
24:17No, Dara.
24:19Everything is fine.
24:21Are you sure?
24:23Yes, 100 percent.
24:25It's a good thing that
24:27I came home with respect.
24:35Turn off the lights on the way.
24:55What are you doing?
24:57Brother, I made a mistake.
24:59What are you doing?
25:01Please don't shoot.
25:03I made a mistake.
25:05Please don't shoot.
25:07I am so sorry.
25:09Please don't shoot.
25:13Why are you showing me this?
25:15It's his daily job.
25:195000 likes
25:21and 2000 comments.
25:23Rich father's
25:25spoiled son.
25:27Young man.
25:29People are calling Shamsher
25:31with strange names.
25:33Yes, but I don't understand
25:35what you like about him.
25:37What is not there to like about him?
25:39He is a macho man.
25:41He is not scared of anyone.
25:43He has no fear.
25:45He has everything.
25:49And what is not there,
25:51he does everything.
25:53I find your choices very odd.
25:55If you remove Nawabzada Dilawar
25:57associated with his name,
25:59then what is his own standing?
26:01You are wrong.
26:05He doesn't need anyone's name.
26:09He makes a name while walking.
26:11Yes, yes.
26:13You were just telling me
26:15how much he has made a name.
26:17Okay, leave all this.
26:19I will come later.
26:21Listen, you don't need to give
26:23much attention to your mother.
26:25Expectations increase.
26:27Let me come home once.
26:29How to reduce
26:31increasing expectations?
26:33I know it very well.
26:49Do me, do me, do me, do me.
26:51Do me, do me, do me, do me.
26:53Do me, do me, do me, do me.
26:55Please, please.
26:57Don't shoot.
26:59Please, my father.
27:19Aunty said
27:21you woke up a while ago.
27:39It was an empty packet.
27:41I threw it away.
27:49Don't touch anything of mine
27:51in future.
27:53I don't like it.
27:55What is someone's interest
27:57in an empty packet?
27:59Anyway, this is my empty packet.
28:01I will do whatever I want.
28:03Why do you need to touch it?
28:05Drink sugar in tea.
28:07The bitterness in the accent
28:09will be reduced.
28:11What are you doing here?
28:13I have brought breakfast for you.
28:15Why? Are all the servants at home dead?
28:17Neither do I have the habit of
28:19talking nonsense
28:21nor listening.
28:25By the way, you have become
28:27quite famous while sleeping.
28:29What do you mean?
28:47WhatsApp me.
28:49I have done it.
28:51By the way, people are
28:53commenting quite negatively
28:55about you.
28:57What will people say?
28:59I am free
29:01from the disease.
29:03I am free.
29:15Mr. Pawar,
29:17according to the survey report,
29:19if we plant sugar
29:21in the upper cell,
29:23it will give a good profit
29:25in 3-4 years.
29:27We have land in Shahdaad Court.
29:29We have 500 servants.
29:32If you want to use it,
29:34you can.
29:37I will visit and see.
29:40Sir, the owner of the hotel
29:41has come from Shyam.
29:43If you want to meet him
29:44for 2 minutes, then…
29:47Why did he come?
29:48I don't know, Mr. Pawar.
29:51Call him.
29:53Bring him inside.
30:03I am sorry,
30:05but I cannot take this cheque.
30:07Please take it back.
30:11It is a small amount.
30:13No, sir.
30:15I thought you gave this cheque
30:17as a donation for my courage
30:19to visit the hotel.
30:21Mr. Shyam,
30:23I don't know
30:25why you gave this cheque.
30:27But your man came in the evening
30:29with the complete documents
30:31to transfer this hotel to you.
30:33You have not opened
30:35an orphanage
30:37that I will give you charity.
30:41I have built this hotel
30:43with a lot of hard work
30:45after a lot of hard work.
30:49I have only one hotel.
30:55it would have been better
30:57if you had kept the cheque.
30:59You had to come to the streets
31:01in the first months,
31:03now you will come in days.
31:05It is your wish.
31:07Take his signature
31:09and send him home.
31:13please don't do this, sir.
31:15Please, sir.
31:17I have small children.
31:19Please don't do this, sir.
31:35For God's sake, you should have called.
31:37The whole house would have woken up.
31:39You sent me a video.
31:41What is the need to send, sir?
31:43It has gone viral.
31:45That's good. Who is that girl?
31:47Don't think too much.
31:49Find out who that girl is.
31:51There is already a problem.
31:53The video has gone viral.
31:55Use your contacts
31:57and tell me where that girl lives
31:59and what she does.
32:01Tell me by morning.
32:03You are listening to what I am saying.
32:05I have asked you 11 times in the morning.
32:07How long will I make excuses?
32:09One more thing.
32:11There are a lot of comments
32:13on that video.
32:15I don't think you should have a problem
32:17in finding her.
32:19You don't care about me.
32:21You are not that stubborn.
32:23What is there in that girl?
32:25I won't sleep the whole night.
32:27I just woke up.
32:29Go and find out who that girl is.
32:31I will call you in between.
32:33Just tell me by morning.
32:37By morning.
33:01Antaleep, when did you come?
33:03Just a while ago.
33:05How are you?
33:07What has happened to me?
33:09They have made a big issue
33:11out of a small matter.
33:13We have seen it.
33:17I have heard that that boy
33:19is very rich.
33:21These days,
33:23we get a lot of money
33:25to get rid of such matters.
33:27If you say,
33:29I will ask Rehan
33:31to take this matter further.
33:33Antaleep likes
33:35the cardamom tea that you make.
33:39So serve him tea
33:41and send me to my room.
33:45I will talk to you later.
33:47I will bring it.
33:49You won't do it.
33:53We need lights in our life.
33:55The son of a famous landlord
33:57raped a helpless lecturer
33:59in the middle of the road
34:01along with the children.
34:05you have become
34:07a social media sensation in one night.
34:09Read the comments.
34:11What people are saying about you.
34:13Innocent girl.
34:15This girl
34:17must be in trouble.
34:19She must be hiding her face from people.
34:21I called you here for my help.
34:23If I was there,
34:25you would have seen
34:27what I would have done to that goon.
34:29You would have been in trouble.
34:31Did you see father's condition?
34:33He had to come home
34:35on a stretcher.
34:37What kind of a joke is this?
34:39Father has to submit
34:41this paper in the university tomorrow.
34:43He has given me a simple task to complete.
34:45And you are
34:47making fun of me.
34:49You are not helping me.
34:51I am telling the truth.
34:53If I was there,
34:55I wouldn't have let you scare that goon.
34:57You would have seen what I would have done to him.
35:07Mehak dear.
35:09Yes father. I am coming.
35:19Poor guy.
35:21No one gets you a lift.
35:25If you are there,
35:27there is no chance of getting a lift in this life.
35:29Then don't sit and
35:31leave me alone.
35:33Do one thing. Concentrate on doing the total.
35:35That's what I am doing.
35:59What is the matter?
36:01Why aren't you sleeping?
36:03I was just thinking something.
36:05I couldn't sleep.
36:07You know,
36:09no one
36:11has ever
36:13spoken to me like this.
36:15The children I teach
36:17must be of their age.
36:21What kind of parents are they?
36:23They have given up
36:25instead of holding a pen
36:27in their children's hands.
36:29And they are proud of it.
36:31They were so proud
36:33that they thought
36:35he would kill me.
36:37God forbid.
36:41you just
36:43overestimated yourself.
36:45If something happens
36:47to middle class people like us
36:49and they want to complain about it,
36:51they have no place
36:53where they can complain.
36:55And if they do,
36:57then we are forced
36:59to reconcile.
37:01To end the matter.
37:03The more you think,
37:05the more you will suffer.
37:09It's over.
37:11Let it go.
37:15From tomorrow,
37:17your routine will start.
37:21You will forget it slowly.
37:23You are right.
37:25I have given
37:27importance to this.
37:29Maybe in a few days,
37:31I will also
37:33forget this.
37:37Let's sleep.
37:39You must be sleepy.
37:41Let's sleep.
37:57You know that
37:59brother Ahsan likes you.
38:01I don't think like that.
38:03He is my cousin.
38:05He is my fiance.
38:07Whatever father wants will happen.
38:11But a person has his own choice.
38:13I mean,
38:15what have you thought about your life?
38:17Yes, I have thought.
38:19I want to finish my studies.
38:21I want to get a degree.
38:23And then a good job.
38:25I want to get married.
38:33Father will decide about marriage.
38:35What are you saying?
38:43Father brought us up.
38:45He raised us.
38:47What is not there in our life?
38:51He brought us here with so much happiness.
38:53Whatever he will think about us in future,
38:55he will think good.
38:59I don't understand what you are saying.
39:03You don't understand what the whole world is saying.
39:05What is the fault of the world in this?
39:07And anyway,
39:09if you get rid of this mobile,
39:11you will understand something else.
39:13You are always after my phone.
39:15I am sleeping.
39:17By the way,
39:19I will have time for my dreams in a few days.
39:21Good night.
39:23Good night.
40:07Yes, Shahmeer.
40:09Brother, we have found the girl.
40:11Her name is Mehak.
40:13Father is a lecturer.
40:15Younger sister is a blogger.
40:17And she has made all the comments.
40:19I have sent you the number.
40:23I know there is no point in me saying anything.
40:25But before doing anything,
40:27think about your family status
40:29and uncle's reputation.
41:13Greetings uncle.
41:15Greetings. Where is your father?
41:17He is getting late.
41:19Are you going?
41:21Yes, I am leaving for the university.
41:23Okay, go.
41:25Where are you? Come fast.
41:27Yes, father.
41:29Hurry up. We are getting late.
42:47What kind of selfishness is this?
