The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 499-500 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

  • 4 days ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 499-500 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from episode 499 to episode 500, don't forget support the channel by buy me a coffee from the link in the description or in the first comment.
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00:20Episode 499
00:23Let Grandfather Decide
00:25If I want to gain their trust, I have to show them some results.
00:30Jenna thought, if I can't handle this Switzerland incident, even if I take over the acting CEO role, Angel Bay just like before, and no one will feel they can count on me to get the job done.
00:43She sighed and relaxed into her chair. At least Emma isn't a threat, she thought. She's been in the entertainment industry for 10 years and has no idea how to run a business.
00:55I might not have the best track record, but at least I have a lot of experience in the business world, and she just can't compare.
01:04Thanks for your sacrifice, Susan. Now it's my chance to make my wish come true.
01:09When Susan's flight back to New York arrived late that night, Eric had sent more people to protect her as she left the airport, and they kept her hidden so that no one noticed her.
01:20After a short ride, she arrived at Emma and Eric's apartment in Tribeca. As soon as she saw Emma, she stretched out her arms and wrapped her in a big hug.
01:31Although Emma had known that their plan was airtight, she'd still been worried that something might go wrong, and Susan would be hurt.
01:40You sure have guts, Emma said. I can't believe you went through so much and made it back in one piece. Everything turned out okay in the end, Susan said as she removed her jacket and spun around to show that she was unscathed.
01:56Eric was looking out for me. I never worried that anything would go wrong with him involved. Mama smiled and led her over to the sofa.
02:05How's the situation with Jenna? Susan asked as she sat down. She seems to think that Grandfather will give her the role of acting CO tomorrow, Emma replied.
02:17She's probably racking her brain right now, trying to think of a way to save the collaboration with Switzerland and make a good impression on the shareholders.
02:27Susan looked into her eyes and asked, What are you planning on doing? Grandfather has recommended an administrative assistant for me, she said. I think it's best to get her to temporarily represent me when the time is right. I'll make an appearance.
02:44As for the collaboration with Switzerland, I've already called them more than 40 times. They haven't picked up once, but I'll keep trying to get through.
02:54She sure is persistent, Susan thought as she saw the determination in her eyes. If anyone can pull this off, she can. Are you sure about this? Susan asked.
03:07Although she believed in Emma's abilities, there was so much that could still go wrong. Emma nodded. Just trust me, she said. You should sleep here tonight. Already prepared the guest room for you.
03:21Susan was too exhausted from all that she had been through to protest, so she headed for the guest room and changed into some pajamas.
03:29Emma watched as she disappeared into the room before she picked up her phone to attempt another call to Switzerland. No one answered, so she kept calling for two hours until she fell asleep while calling.
03:41Eric walked out of the study to find her huddled up on the sofa with the phone dangling from her loose grip. He gently helped her lie down on the sofa and placed a blanket over her.
03:54He then picked up her phone and continued to make calls to Switzerland.
03:59Susan woke in the guest room as she heard movement in the living room.
04:04What's going on, she wondered. Why are they up at three in the morning? She got out of bed and tipped out over to see what was happening.
04:13Just as she reached the living room, she spotted Eric leaning over to cover Emma as she slept.
04:20He then sat down and continued to make phone calls.
04:23They are so lucky to have found each other, she thought as she stood quietly and watched the tender moment.
04:30I wonder if they know how lucky they really are.
04:33Eric attempted a few more calls before someone finally picked up.
04:37After switching to fluent Italian and talking for about ten minutes, he put down the phone and helped Emma to the bedroom.
04:45She woke up and looked at him sleepily.
04:48I'm still making phone calls, she mumbled.
04:51You should go to bed. If you're going to keep working this late, don't even think about taking over your family's business, he said.
04:59It's too much. You need to get more rest.
05:03It doesn't matter if I take over the business or not, she said, but there's something that's bothering me.
05:11Eric fell silent.
05:13She must be talking about Jenna's attempt to bribe her doctors.
05:17He thought, there's no way she'll just let her get away with that.
05:21But she's not likely to turn a family member over to the police.
05:25She has her own plans for her.
05:27Whatever she wants, I'm going to take it from her, she said with a stone-cold gaze.
05:33She deserves to suffer.
05:35I'll always be here to back you up, he said.
05:39Assuming she wanted him to be a spectator, as usual.
05:43The people in Switzerland finally picked up the phone, and I already told Luke to make arrangements.
05:49We sent a private plane to bring their representative here to meet with us.
05:54You always know what I'm thinking, she said, squeezing him tight.
05:59It's all I can do, he said.
06:02The rest is up to you now.
06:05She leaned into his shoulder and kissed his cheek, then whispered in his ear,
06:10This situation with Jenna has got me all worked up, but I know the perfect thing to help me sleep.
06:17Eric stared lovingly into her eyes, and the two of them quickly went to the bedroom.
06:23He pulled down the covers while she got ready for bed.
06:26The doctor recommended a position that would be more comfortable for me.
06:31She said as she began to blush, her pregnancy glow radiating from her.
06:36We talked about it when I went for my last checkup.
06:39So are you going to show it to me? he asked.
06:42Of course, she said as she nibbled his ear.
06:45Why do you think I mentioned it?
06:48If you insist.
06:50He said, pressing his body gently against hers and covering her with kisses.
06:55She's becoming more and more beautiful every day.
06:58He thought as he relaxed into her embrace and felt her soft skin pressed against his.
07:03She's impossible to resist.
07:06The next morning, Emma, Eric and Susan had breakfast in the dining room.
07:12After looking between the two of them, Susan said to Emma,
07:16Do you know that you fell asleep on the couch last night?
07:20Eric was making phone calls for you until three in the morning.
07:24I knew he was making some calls, but I had no idea he was up that late.
07:30She replied, It's fine.
07:32He said you were exhausted and I wanted to help you out.
07:35We should eat.
07:37The representatives from Switzerland will get here soon and the board meeting will be held in the afternoon.
07:43You have plenty of time to secure the deal with them.
07:47Before you hand the details to your assistant and have her take them into the meeting for you.
07:52She nodded.
07:54If something like this happens again, I hope you can ignore it and just wake me up to get into bed with you.
08:00She said, Nothing is more important than our time together.
08:05Are you confident about being able to renegotiate the deal?
08:09He asked.
08:10The representatives from Switzerland won't be easy to work with.
08:14She knew what he wanted to ask, and she also know he was trying to change the topic.
08:19So she replied with a smile.
08:21I'm more than just a model and an actress.
08:24I'll teach them not to underestimate me.
08:32Eric arranged for the representatives from Switzerland to stay in a hotel near Kaleidoscope's headquarters.
08:39The three women and two men seemed annoyed that they were even there in person.
08:45Didn't we already decide not to work with the Millers?
08:49One of the representatives asked as he sat on the sofa,
08:52Their CEO is missing, so there's no way to continue our collaboration right now.
08:57There are plenty of other companies waiting to work with us.
09:01Why did the boss insist that we come to New York?
09:04I don't have a clue.
09:06Another representative said he left us totally in the dark and sent us here to figure it out on our own.
09:13But just hang in there for a bit.
09:15We can leave right after we meet with their representatives.
09:18They gathered their luggage and followed a hotel staff member to a meeting room.
09:23But when they arrived, no one was waiting there to meet them.
09:271.2s, what's this all about?
09:30A representative asked as they looked around the empty room.
09:34Why isn't a Miller representative here to greet us?
09:37I've never seen a host arrive later than the guests.
09:41Another replied, are Americans really this rude?
09:45They were already frustrated that they had to travel all the way from Switzerland to New York,
09:50and when they saw that no one was there to meet them, their expressions quickly soured.
09:55After they had waited for five minutes and were about to call,
09:59and see if the meeting had been cancelled,
10:02the door to the meeting room was pushed open.
10:05Emma walked, Noelle trailing closely behind her.
10:09She greeted the group of representatives in fluent Italian.
10:13It's a pleasure to meet all of you.
10:16Out of the group of five, only one woman stood up to shake Emma's hand,
10:21while the remaining four leaned back in their chairs and glared at her.
10:25We flew all the way here from Switzerland, and you kept us waiting.
10:30You're really not encouraging us to work with you.
10:33Let's put business aside for now and have some food,
10:36Emma said, signaling the waiter to begin to serve them.
10:40The representatives continued to glare at her,
10:43as the waiter brought in one dish at a time and placed them on the table
10:48as she pulled the covers off of the dishes.
10:51Their eyes lit up with surprise.
10:54How did you know that I liked lasagna?
10:57A representative asked as he fanned the steam away from his piping hot food.
11:03This is my favorite biscotti to dip in my coffee, another said, nibbling on a cookie.
11:10After looking at everyone's meals, one of the representatives crossed his arms
11:15and he asked, How did you find out what we liked?
11:19We didn't make any special requests for the meeting's catering team.
11:23I looked at your social media profiles, Emma replied.
11:27Some of the foods were listed there, and I guessed the rest.
11:31For example, the woman beside you didn't seem to like tea, so I ordered her coffee instead.
11:37The woman nodded. Tea is just so bland. How did you know?
11:42I'm not a fan of it. That's a secret, Emma said with a smile.
11:47Enjoy your meals, and we can chat about how I figured it out afterward.
11:52Intrigued by her response, the representatives forgot about their previous frustrations
11:58and started trying the food that had been prepared for them.
12:02Emma lowered her head and smiled, sipping at her water as she watched them eat.
12:07Half an hour later, everyone had finished their meals.
12:11One of the representatives, a man called Eugene, put down his utensils and said to Emma,
12:16We appreciate the hospitality, but we've already decided to cancel our collaboration with the Miller Corps.
12:23We just flew here out of Resect for Kaleidoscope.
12:27I won't force you to work with us, but I have some statistics that you might be interested in.
12:33Emma said, gesturing for Noelle to distribute some information to the representatives.
12:39In this first section here, you can see our sales performance in the final months of last year.
12:45She said, opening the folder in her hands.
12:49The second section shows the product that we will promote in Europe.
12:53Research has found that Europeans have been fascinated with integrative medicine in recent years,
12:58but no one has fully invested in the market.
13:02We have always been a leader in the perfume industry and have always given preference to our partner companies.
13:09We're planning to invest in this new market with a range of aromatherapy perfumes with healing benefits,
13:15and we would like to give you the opportunity to be at the forefront.
13:19The representative looked at the information in their hands and then tossed it aside.
13:24There are plenty of big companies that have given us much better offers than yours, one man said.
13:30Do you even understand the perfume industry?
13:33What if I add on one year of free endorsement?
13:37Emma said, I'm a pretty famous model in Europe, and my endorsement would be bound to boost sales considerably.
13:44The people around the table froze in surprise as they looked her up and down.
13:48Are you the famous supermodel Emma Miller?
13:52A woman asked.
13:54I wouldn't call myself a supermodel.
13:57She replied with a smile.
13:59But I did have a modeling career for a long time.
14:02And you're the new CEO of the Miller Corps.
14:06She nodded and said, I'm the acting CEO while Susan is gone.
14:11But I hope to run the business with her blessing when she returns.
14:15I thought you looked familiar.
14:17The woman said as she clutched her hands to her chest in excitement.
14:22So you're that amazing model from New York who rocked the Asian trend show and walked the high class runways in Europe.
14:31We've heard a lot about you.
14:33Thank you, Mrs. Ed.
14:36Those days are behind me for now.
14:38But I learned a lot during my time as a model.
14:41My husband, Eric, who you all know is a skilled businessman, also taught me some tricks.
14:48We're well aware of Eric's abilities, but we're assuming that he has no role in this business.
14:54Jean said.
14:56Do you understand perfume?
14:58I don't understand perfume, but I know how to help you achieve the most rewarding return on your investment.
15:05She replied.
15:07He relaxed and smiled.
15:09I like your honesty.
15:10He said.
15:11You're definitely a lot more personable than the typical business people we work with.
15:16That's because I can read your minds and I know what you all like.
15:20She said, placing both hands on the table and raising her chin as she spoke.
15:25Do you believe me?
15:27If that's true, what am I thinking right now?
15:30He asked.
15:32She studied his face for a moment and then replied.
15:35You're wondering how you can resume the collaboration with the Miller Corps.
15:39He looked at her in surprise and clapped.
15:43What about me?
15:45The woman sitting across from her asked while dipping the last cookie in her coffee.
15:50You're wondering if you can have another platter of cookies, Emma said.
15:55How did you know?
15:58Because you just whispered to your colleague a moment ago and asked if you could get more.
16:03You really are incredibly perceptive and thoughtful.
16:06The woman said to Emma as the waiter brought her another plate of cookies.
16:11Those qualities help a lot in business to determine the customer's needs.
16:15Let's work together.
16:17Jean said.
16:18It's clear that with your skills, you can handle the collaboration.
16:22Emma shrugged.
16:24I'm just doing what comes naturally to me.
16:27She said.
16:28You showed us your exceptional observation skills just because you wanted to convince us, right?
16:33I have to admit that you succeeded.
16:36I have to admit that you succeeded.
16:39You're an expert negotiator, and your personality and charisma have convinced me that our collaboration will be a success.
16:48Emma smiled as she shook his hand.
16:51She's a famous supermodel married to Eric Roberts, and she seems to have a way with people.
16:57He thought as he felt her firm grip on his hand.
17:00We would be foolish to pass up this chance to work with her and the Miller Corps.
17:06I really appreciate your kindness.
17:09She said as she let go of his hand.
17:11Please go to our business offices this afternoon to sign the contract and finalize the deal.
17:16I might not be able to greet you there because of work commitments.
17:20So I apologize in advance if I'm not able to make it.
17:23Do what you need to do, he said.
17:26We can handle things from here.
17:28They really have no idea what they're in for next, she thought.
17:32Thank you so much for watching.
17:34Don't forget, subscribe to my channel, comment and like.
