• last year
The Stoic Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: This action thriller follows a group of mercenary leaders in a country retreat after pulling off a raid on a drugs gang. Things take a turn for the worse after they raise the attentions of "The Stoic" (starring Scott Wright), a man from an ancient clan of smugglers determined to save the hostages they have with them. The Stoic is both written and directed by filmmaker Jonathan Eckersley (aka Jon Eckersley),
00:05Stoics it's a different breed
00:09Live like monks
00:12Have their own morality you pull a weapon on the stoic he'll beat you to death with it
00:19It's a whistle yeah that
00:23You hear that it's too late
00:32People smugglers more coming when Jim, how will you do it kill?
00:55He's watching all of us
01:00We're dead we are dead men I
01:08Want my trophy
01:13Soon they'll be my men they'll match you know they won't