• last year
00:00The End
00:06The End
00:10The End
00:12The End
00:15The End
00:51沧海乌鸦任我漂泊 The vast sea and the crows let me float
00:53你我皆在岁月途中 You and I are in the journey of time
00:56别怕转眼万里成空 Don't be afraid to turn around and face the sky
00:59愿把藩篱冲破 I'm willing to break through the mountains
01:01挥剑去斩巨浪狂蜂 I'll use my sword to fight the giant wave
01:04你这汹涌波涛滚滚轰 You're a raging wave, a raging wave
01:07流也不闪躲 Flowing but not hiding
01:09求求命运之所 I'm begging fate
01:12轻易困住我的魂魄 To easily trap my soul
01:15迎着风去看天高海阔 Facing the wind, I'll go to see the sky and the sea
01:21祝耀眼的梦 I wish for a dazzling dream
01:33求求命运之所 I'm begging fate
01:35轻易困住我的魂魄 To easily trap my soul
01:38迎着风去看天高海阔 Facing the wind, I'll go to see the sky and the sea
01:44祝耀眼的梦 I wish for a dazzling dream
02:14优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
02:44优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
03:14这就糟糕了 This is not good.
03:22这姑娘如此固执 This girl is so stubborn.
03:24不知道是人命吧 I don't know if it's a life or death.
03:44沉啊 It's sinking.
03:46沉啊 It's sinking.
03:56沉得还挺紧的 It's sinking quite tightly.
03:58正好 It's just right.
04:00她想干什么 What does she want to do?
04:14这是 What is this?
04:16一个玉如意 It's a Jade Ruyi.
04:20如果这就是那个生而不知死不愿意放弃的东西 If this is the thing that I'm willing to give up for life and death,
04:24我怕那又来到了 I'm afraid it will come again.
04:32这 玉如意 This is a Jade Ruyi.
04:37糟了 Oh, no.
04:38身体不如意 The body is not in a good condition.
04:40怎么办 What should I do?
04:42糟了 Oh, no.
04:44身体不能动 The body can't move.
04:56谁在说话 Who is talking?
05:00有人吗 Is anyone here?
05:04只要神识不灵 As long as you have the power of God,
05:06所有力天神魔都将助你一臂 No matter how many times you use your power,
05:08不管轮回多少次 No matter how many times you use your power,
05:10你都有圣天的希望 You will have the hope of the gods.
05:13小半 小半 小半 Who are you talking to?
05:15你们在和谁说话 Who are you talking to?
05:17万古皆光 六道如我 The six realms are all mine.
05:20男儿 我们还会相见的 Boy, we will meet again.
05:24父亲 是你吗 父亲 Father, is that you?
05:28真的吗 Really?
05:32玉玉玉心 Jade Ruyi.
05:35当你老去的时候 When you are old,
05:37还能够想起一个叫玉心的女孩 you will think of a girl named Yuxin.
05:42玉心 Yuxin.
05:44糟糕 被迷惑心神发了空之内戏 Oh, no. I am bewitched.
05:48要坚持不住了 I can't hold on anymore.
05:57神海还是我的 The God Sea is still mine.
06:08奇怪 为何这神海一心感觉不到丝毫鱼 It's strange. Why can't I feel any fish in the God Sea?
06:15此地不宜久留 I can't stay here for long.
06:17先带回去 I'll take it back first.
06:34糟了 Oh, no.
06:36一时大意 I was too careless.
06:38姑娘成心了 The girl has fallen for me.
06:40不好 看来她拿到神海了 Oh, no. It seems that she has taken the God Sea.
06:49哇 那玉如意竟然融入了我的内心 Wow, that Jade Ruyi has actually merged into my heart.
07:02小心 Be careful.
07:06啊 Ah.
07:15真是麻烦啊 It's really troublesome.
07:35为什么要救我 Why did you save me?
07:46我救的不是你 是这神海 I didn't save you. I saved the God Sea.
07:50不行 撑不住的 No, I can't hold on.
08:03不过如此 That's nothing.
08:05不对 没那么简单 No, it's not that simple.
08:11它是不是 Is it...
08:13要爆炸 It's going to explode.
08:15糟糕 此时爆炸 Oh, no. It's going to explode.
08:17唯一的出口又被它挡在身后 The only exit is blocked by it.
08:19那能防住吗 Can we stop it?
08:21不行 No.
08:22即便我把全部功力灌输到连台之中 Even if I put all my power into the altar,
08:24也只能抵挡片刻 I can only resist for a moment.
08:26是吗 是片刻不够了 Is that so? Is a moment not enough?
08:29你做什么 这条是死路 What are you doing? This is a dead end.
08:31来不及了 相信我 It's not too late. Trust me.
08:33就现在 Now!
08:49无极神牌 Invincible!
09:02无极神牌 Invincible!
09:25凯文 师兄 Kaiwen. Senior.
09:27你已经在此守了两天两夜 You've been here for two days and two nights.
09:29我来替你 快去歇息吧 I'm here for you. Go have a rest.
09:30梦师妹还没醒 Meng hasn't woken up yet.
09:31我不会挪开半步 I won't leave her alone.
09:34据说神海会吞噬灵力 It's said that God's Sea will devour spiritual power.
09:37梦仙子将其带回 If you bring it back,
09:39一时半会儿或许难以恢复 you may not be able to recover in a short while.
09:42我带回了神海 I've brought back God's Sea.
09:45梦师妹 Meng.
09:46你终于醒了 You're finally awake.
09:49我怎么在这儿 Why am I here?
09:52我不是在遗迹山林里吗 Wasn't I in the abandoned mountain forest?
09:55你现在身体虚弱 You're weak now.
09:56别管这些了 Don't worry about it.
09:58先躺好 Lie down.
10:00我上去喊右副院长来 I'll go and get the right-hand man.
10:03两天前我找到你时 When I found you two days ago,
10:05你倒在了悬崖边上不省人事 you fell off the cliff and passed out.
10:08却紧紧握着神海 You were holding God's Sea tightly.
10:10是右副院长亲自为你诊疗板脉 It was the right-hand man who treated your pulse.
10:13说你灵力耗尽 He said your spiritual power was depleted.
10:15好在没有伤及根本 Fortunately, you didn't get hurt.
10:17休息两天便无大碍 You'll be fine after resting for two days.
10:20陈南呢 Where's Chen Nan?
10:22你们没发现他吗 Didn't you find him?
10:24师妹的意思是 Meng meant that
10:25陈南与你一起寻得了神海 Chen Nan found the God's Sea with you
10:28却在一级山林里失去踪迹 but lost it in the Yiji Mountains.
10:31我没听错吧 Did I hear it right?
10:42你们适才说的事情 It seems that
10:45似乎非同小可啊 what you just said is true.
10:47右副院长 Right-hand man,
10:49寻得神海的不止我一人 I'm not the only one who found the God's Sea.
10:51还有陈南 There's also Chen Nan.
10:53陈南 How did he know about the God's Sea?
10:55因为这是除了通过考试外 Because this is the only way to enter the school
10:58唯一的入学方式 except for passing the exam.
11:00看来你对他颇有兴趣啊 It seems that you're quite interested in him.
11:04这可不多见了 I've never seen this before.
11:06陈南 Chen Nan
11:08后乙宫的掌控者三阶武者 is the master of the Houyi Palace.
11:11他的过去 His past
11:13在东楚国一战之前却是一片空白 was a blank space before the battle of East Chu.
11:16这难道不奇怪吗 Isn't it strange?
11:21能得到神器认主 Being able to get the God's Seas
11:23此人多半不是奸邪之辈 he's probably not a traitor.
11:27我去寻他 I'll go find him.
11:30此事因我而起 This is all because of me.
11:32师妹现在灵力尚未恢复 Junior, your spiritual power hasn't recovered yet.
11:34还是我去吧 I'll go.
11:36院长 孟师妹 Dean, Junior Meng
11:38你们都被那小子骗了 You've all been fooled by him.
11:40我一定要揭穿他的真面目 I must expose his true face.
11:50牛屎 Cow dung
11:54这次绝境还怪别致的呢 This is a unique situation.
12:01陈达 陈达 你在哪儿啊 Chen Da, Chen Da, where are you?
12:06小姑娘 冻冻 我在这儿 Little girl, Dongdong, I'm here.
12:10你这个女人 能不能让人省点心啊 You're such a bad teacher. Can't you be more considerate?
12:14动不动就玩消失 You disappear right away.
12:18说来话长 It's a long story.
12:20老大 我还以为你已经 Boss, I thought you had already...
12:23没事就好 It's good that you're fine.
12:25这聚集都过来了 还能有什么事啊 What's the big deal?
12:37你这乌鸦嘴 你这胆小小八子 你怎么这么倒霉啊 说什么懒什么 You little crow, you're such a coward. How unlucky you are!
12:43老大 你怎么才出来啊 Boss, what took you so long?
12:46我一边找你 一边被这几条龙追了两天 I've been looking for you and being chased by these dragons for two days.
12:50两天了 怎么运过去这么久 It's been two days. Why is it taking so long?
12:53你拿到神骸没有 你把我们害得这么惨 Did you get the divine seal? You made us suffer so much.
12:56我好像没有拿到 I don't think I got it.
13:00老大 你们有没有见到孟可儿 Boss, have you seen Meng Ke'er?
13:03那个女的 难道是她把神骸拿走了 That woman? Did she take the divine seal?
13:06我就知道她不是什么好人 I knew it. She's not a good person.
13:08天竺靴的事可怎么办呢 What should we do about the dragon's blood?
13:10自然是要找那个女人讨回公道 We have to find that woman and get justice.
13:15糟糕 大家不要看她的眼睛 闭眼 Oh, no. Don't look at her eyes. Close your eyes.
13:24神骸 后羽弓呢 Where is the dragon's seal, Chen Nan?
13:27怎么不拿出来射一箭 Why don't you shoot it?
13:29我拉开弓 被他恍惚 I pulled the bow and he bluffed me.
13:31射谁还不一定呢 He won't shoot anyone.
13:33只剩死命长了 I'd rather die.
13:35用双手一举就完了 Let's use both hands.
13:37这下该如何是好 What should we do now?
13:39闪开 Get out of the way.
13:44陈先生 快闪 Chen Xiansan, get out of the way.
13:54跟我来 Come with me.
13:58谢谢学长 学长怎么会来这里啊 Thank you, Chen Xiansan. Why are you here?
14:01自然是来找你的 Of course I'm here to find you.
14:03陈南 事情我都大概知道了 Chen Nan, I think I know the whole story.
14:06此番找到神骸 你们鞠躬至尾 You've done a great job in finding Shen Hai.
14:10孟师妹很担心你 送回学院吧 Junior Meng is worried about you. Take her back to the school.
14:13她 为我说话 看来这人倒是不坏 She's talking for me. It seems that she's not a bad person.
14:17我们能进陈南学院了 我们能进陈南学院了 We can get into Chen Nan's school.
14:19太好了 太好了 That's great.
14:20同学们 眼下两位院长都在闭关修炼 Class, the two deans are practicing in seclusion now.
14:27今日大典只能由我这个老头子来为大家主持了 Today's ceremony can only be hosted by me, the old man.
14:32首先 这位是潭台派的孟可儿 First of all, this is Meng Ke'er from the Tan Tai Sect.
14:37本学年他来我神岚学院交流学习 大家要多与他切磋 In this school year, he came to our school to exchange and learn.
14:42太绝了吧 这就是潭台派百年难遇的天才吗 Is this the genius of the Tan Tai Sect?
14:46他修为那么高 又长得那么漂亮 还让不让人活了呀 His cultivation is so high and he is so beautiful. Is he still alive?
14:51此外啊 我还要向大家宣布 遗迹山林中的神海已经被孟可儿找到 By the way, I also want to announce that the God Sea in the Forbidden Forest has been found by Meng Ke'er.
14:59今日起 与之相关的禁令就此取消 From today onward, the related ban is cancelled.
15:05孟叔叔 你还说两句吧 Uncle Meng, please say something.
15:09晚辈不才 谢东方院长厚爱 但晚辈虽然不在此 I am not talented. Thank you for your kindness, President Dongfang. But I am not qualified to say anything.
15:13这神海不是靠我一人之力寻得的 神海一战十分凶险 我实力不足 若非陈南相助 或早已葬身水底 The God Sea was not found by my own efforts. The battle of the God Sea is very dangerous. I am not strong enough. If it weren't for Chen Nan's help, I would have been buried in the water long ago.
15:19可惜此人生死未卜 孟可儿已经被孟可儿找到 By the way, the God Sea in the Forbidden Forest has been found by Meng Ke'er.
15:23晚辈不才 谢东方院长厚爱 但晚辈虽然不在此 I am not talented. Thank you for your kindness, President Dongfang. But I am not qualified to say anything.
15:30这神海不是靠我一人之力寻得的 神海一战十分凶险 我实力不足 若非陈南相助 或早已葬身水底 The God Sea was not found by my own efforts. The battle of the God Sea is very dangerous. I am not strong enough. If it weren't for Chen Nan's help, I would have been buried in the water long ago.
15:41可惜此人生死未卜 多半是不能再加入学院了 It's a pity that this person is still alive. He probably can't join the school anymore.
15:46那也是他自己的损失 That's his own loss.
15:47不要跑啊 给我喘口气 Don't run away. Let me catch my breath.
16:07陈南 虽然你身上还有很多疑点 但神海确实是我们一起寻得的 没有你 我早已葬身湖底了 Chen Nan, although you still have many doubts, the God Sea was found by us. Without you, I would have been buried in the water long ago.
16:16不仅仅是我 若没有小魔女耗子 助我破开结界 引开恶龙 我早已死于恶龙掌下了 It's not just me. If it weren't for Little Demoness and Mouse to help me break the enchantment and lure the evil dragon away, I would have died under the evil dragon.
16:25他怎么没跟我说啊 Why didn't he tell me?
16:28瞧他这副小人得志的样子 直走 Look at him. He just left.
16:32你若是去一济山林 看看他一路的记录 多半就不会这样想 If you go to the Yiji Mountains to look at his records, you probably won't think like this.
16:38大师兄 Senior Brother
16:39大师兄 Senior Brother
16:41到底是谁找到的神海 你们算清楚了没有 Hey, who found the God Sea? Have you figured it out?
16:47小魔女 耗子 小魔女 小魔女 小魔女 Little Demoness, Mouse
16:53神海是我们一起找到的 缺了任何一个人都不行 The God Sea was found by us. No one is missing.
16:59反应挺快的嘛 You are quick to react.
17:02我说的都是事实 It's all true.
17:05陈南 楚玉 关昊 协助孟可儿一同找到神海 功不可没 Chen Nan, Chu Yu, Guan Hao helped Meng Ke'er find the God Sea.
17:14依照规定 从今天起 你们三个就是神蓝学院的正式学员了 Starting today, the three of you are official students of the Shenlan Academy.
17:23我 神蓝学院 我太幸福了 I'm so happy to be a student of the Shenlan Academy.
17:29这下可以好好玩 不用赶路了 You can have fun now. You don't have to hurry.
17:35神蓝学院 神奇的好样子 The God Sea is amazing.
17:41天原京就在那儿了 The Tianyuan Pavilion is over there.
17:43太羡慕他们了 I envy them so much.
17:45终于可以准备前行了 We can finally move forward.
17:52这神海上的鱼如意怎么不见了 Why is the fish on the God Sea gone?
17:57不过没关系 虽然神器下落不明 But it doesn't matter. Although the whereabouts of the deity is unknown,
18:01但神蝎成功进入学院 我的夙愿即将达成 the God Sea has successfully entered the academy. My wish is about to come true.
18:11没有幼福院主的庇护 神蓝学院谁认得我 I don't have a foster parent to protect me. Who will recognize me in the Shenlan Academy?
18:16前辈们 去来抓鹰贼 Guys, come and catch the eagle thief.
18:19说出来你可能不信 我不是有意的 You may not believe me. I didn't mean to do it.
18:23我要让全世界看清你的嘴脸 I want the whole world to see your face.
18:25陈公子要躲去哪里 Mr. Chen, where are you going to hide?
18:28别白费工夫了 Don't waste your time.
18:30这小子真是太胆了 He's too bold.
18:33陈公子 你不让他当心 Mr. Chen, don't let him down.
18:36我拿下了 I got him.
18:38他什么时候在那里 When was he there?
18:40我怎么完全没有察觉到他的气息 Why didn't I notice his breath?
19:00谁来为我解开封印的记忆 Who will untie the memory of the seal for me?
19:07忍着天涯云云终生遥不可及 Enduring the ups and downs of the world, I will never give up.
19:13夜远攀越山巅 一个人去寻 I will climb over the mountains and climb alone.
19:19难生难分难断 人生不过虚拟 Life is full of ups and downs. Life is nothing but an illusion.
19:25可悲可泣可叹 白鞠过心 Sadness, anger, regret, all are gone.
19:32狂笑狂怒狂乱 命中自有奥秘 Laugh out loud, live your life freely.
19:37伴我独步世间 披上风雨 Accompany me to travel the world in the wind and rain.
19:44纵然历尽残骸桑田 转眼万里一曲 Even though I have traveled through the vast mountains and fields, I have never forgotten you.
19:50我凝视犹在 怎敢困惧淋雨 How dare I fear the rain when I am lost?
19:56纵使黑白乾坤 颠倒沉默 又有何惧 What is there to fear when the world is black and white?
20:02热血与傲气 踏破长路崎岖 I will break through the long road with hot blood and arrogance.
20:07管他纷扰何去何来 如今世间花谢花开 No matter where he goes, the world will bloom.
20:12刮破天地 任何难屈 No more
