The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 529-530 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

  • 4 days ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 529-530 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from Episode 529 to Episode 530, don't forget from today, everyone supporting
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00:24Episode 529, Disappointment Sets In Pete's retirement was all over the news the
00:30next day.
00:32Pete McMillan announces retirement from the music industry, superstar Pete has performed
00:37his last concert.
00:39Pete makes a surprise announcement to empty the mater.
00:42Noel, have you seen the news today?
00:45It's pretty explosive.
00:47Noel's new artist exclaimed, Pete is retiring.
00:51Noel put down the magazine in her hand stunned.
00:56Can't be possible, she said.
00:59It's all over the news.
01:01It seems he's having a run of bad luck.
01:04By this time, Noel was no longer listening.
01:07She was devastated for him.
01:10Noel grabbed her cell phone and tried to call Peter, but the call went straight to voicemail.
01:15She tried to call Emma, but Emma's phone was off.
01:18This can't be happening, Noel thought.
01:22What's wrong?
01:23Her new artist asked, but Noel ran out of the room without answering.
01:28By the time she reached the concert venue, it was dark.
01:31Only a few staff members were in the building.
01:35Where's Pete McMillan? she asked.
01:37He left ages ago, a woman replied while coiling a microphone cord.
01:42It's such a pity.
01:43He has a lot of talent.
01:45Noel was overcome with guilt.
01:48After all, she was now managing the artist who was replacing him.
01:51Immediately after Pete's concert, Aria came out with a statement and the media went wild.
01:58Pete's supposed girlfriend steps up to clarify rumors.
02:01Aria denies rumors that Pete is the father a businessman is dating Aria.
02:07Aria started doing the talk show circuit, going out of her way to clear up any misconceptions
02:13about her relationship with Peter.
02:15This was all a big misunderstanding.
02:18She said, truthfully, we only met for the first time at the premiere of Weird Husband.
02:23If you guys want to blame someone, then blame me.
02:26This has absolutely nothing to do with Pete.
02:29And I would like to say something that I've been holding in for a while.
02:33She continued, if I were Pete, I'd be extremely disappointed in the fans who didn't show up
02:39for the farewell concert.
02:41She looked directly at the camera.
02:43I'm looking at you right now.
02:45You guys let him down.
02:48Peter's departure from the industry was a massive disappointment to his fans, and they
02:52turned to the online community for support.
02:55I can't believe I blamed him.
02:57He actually left.
02:59Is he really gone?
03:02We are so, so sorry.
03:04Come back to us.
03:05But it was too late.
03:07Noel spent an entire evening looking for Peter.
03:10She even went to the Miller's house.
03:13But he wasn't there.
03:15Not finding him anywhere, she realized that he had most likely gone to be with Emma.
03:21She returned home only to get a call from her new artist.
03:24Noel, where did you go?
03:27You suddenly disappeared.
03:30He said, did I blow it?
03:32She asked.
03:34Did I miss out on something beautiful?
03:36I looked everywhere so I could apologize to him, but I couldn't find him.
03:41Do you think he's hiding from me?
03:43She asked.
03:44I don't know what you're talking about.
03:47He said, Noel made herself take a deep breath to calm down and shook her head.
03:52Well, I ever see him again.
03:55She wondered.
03:56I thought we could be something special.
03:59And I don't understand how he could just give up singing so easily.
04:03Does his career really not mean anything to him?
04:07It wasn't clear to her what bothered her the most, giving up his singing career or
04:12giving up on their relationship.
04:15EPISODE 530
04:19After Peter announced his departure, his songs made their way to the top of the charts.
04:25But no matter how much support he received from the fans, his decision to leave the entertainment
04:30industry was final.
04:32As the year came to an end, he received several industry awards, all of which were accepted
04:39by a Kaleidoscope representative on his behalf.
04:43Each time the rep went on stage, he simply said, Pete thanks everyone for their support.
04:49Noel was devastated.
04:52Back at the Miller home, Peter was packing his luggage when Jeff walked in and saw the
04:57Are you sure you want to leave?
04:59He asked his grandson.
05:01I'm sure I'll be okay.
05:03Peter responded.
05:05Are you leaving because of that girl?
05:08Jeff asked.
05:09He had not seen Peter smile for quite a while and had a feeling that the relationship with
05:13Noel was the cause.
05:16Peter put down the shirt.
05:17He was folding and paused after what happened to me.
05:20I realized where my potential lies.
05:23I need to go back to business school.
05:25I want to be responsible.
05:28Emma was born to be an actress, and I can take the business route.
05:33I'd be delighted to work with you, but only if this is something you really want to do.
05:39Jeff said, this is what I want to do, but while I'm gone, be careful around Jenna.
05:45He noted.
05:47She's crazy.
05:48Jeff sighed and patted Peter on the shoulder.
05:51I'll drive you to the airport tomorrow.
05:54That's okay.
05:55I'll get a ride.
05:56Peter responded.
05:58Thanks anyway.
05:59To avoid being recognized, Peter arrived at the airport very early in the morning.
06:05Even that early, however many people noticed him.
06:08Is that Pete McMillan?
06:10He heard.
06:11I think it is.
06:13Hey, Pete.
06:15Someone called as the two friends approached.
06:18Peter just shook his head.
06:21You've got the wrong guy, he said and kept walking.
06:25Pete was relieved to settle into his first class seat.
06:29He vowed to himself to keep his name out of the spotlight from now on, but because his
06:33fans captured photos of him at the airport, his trip was quickly publicized.
06:39It's because of him that you've been in a daze over the past few days, isn't it?
06:45Noelle's artist asked, showing her the news headlines.
06:49He left town.
06:51Noelle froze for a few seconds, then called Emma in desperation.
06:55What is it, Noelle?
06:57Emma asked, even though she knew why she was calling.
07:00I need to know about Pete.
07:03Noelle said he's gone back to school.
07:05He'll probably be gone for the next few years.
07:08Emma replied.
07:09Oh, I'm happy for him.
07:12Noelle responded, not knowing what else to say.
07:15Tell him I say hi if you're talking to him.
07:18She got off the phone.
07:19Do you think Peter and Noelle are done?
07:22Emma asked as she leaned into Eric.
07:25I really don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised, he answered.
07:29Are you worried about him?
07:31I'm always worried about him, Emma responded.
07:34I'm glad he's left the entertainment industry, but I worry about how much he's going through.
07:40Can we talk about you for a minute?
07:42Eric asked.
07:44When Emma nodded, he said, I'm focused on your winning an award for Weird Husband.
07:50Did you know that in the short amount of time that Weird Husband has been out, it has already
07:54broken multiple box office records?
07:58Everyone is praising your performance.
08:00Even my grandfather is praising you.
08:03I hear that he's been invited to be a judge for the annual film awards.
08:07Emma noted.
08:09Did Lisa tell you that?
08:11It's true.
08:12But don't expect him to give you extra points, Eric noted.
08:17Of course not, she responded.
08:19I know this isn't going to be easy.
08:22Thank you so much for watching.
08:24Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, comment, and like.
