The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 531-532 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

  • 4 days ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 531-532 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening, from episode 531 to episode 532, don't forget from today, everyone supporting
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00:26Everybody knows that awards in the film industry aren't easy to come by.
00:30In my case, not only were the other nominees in her category incredibly talented, but they
00:36were also well established in the industry and had a lot of support behind them, as the
00:41winners weren't a foregone conclusion.
00:45Everyone who had been nominated was putting a lot of time and energy into securing one
00:49of those statuettes.
00:52Even so, Eric was certain his wife would win, and he really wanted her to get that recognition.
00:59She deserves this thought, and she deserves the world for bringing out the best in me.
01:04The awards would be decided by the members of the award committee.
01:08Nobody outside of that group would be able to directly influence the results, which made
01:12the voting system a lot fairer than the other awards.
01:16Oh, come on.
01:19You're an absolute lock for that award.
01:22Lisa stated,
01:23You can't tell me that there's a better actor out there than you right now.
01:26Lisa had come to visit, and the two of them were sitting in Emma's living room, scrolling
01:31through news feeds to find information about the other nominees.
01:35You know that's not true.
01:37Emma responded,
01:38But it's very sweet of you to say so.
01:41The truth is that I'm more than happy to just be nominated alongside these other amazing
01:47Really, it's an honor that I'm even being considered.
01:52Emma was sincere.
01:54Knowing that she was doing well in the eyes of other professionals in the industry meant
01:59a lot to her.
02:01So she was really proud of this nomination.
02:03Even though you've been hiding out at home for a few months, people are still talking
02:07about you.
02:08Lisa said,
02:09I don't think you've disappeared from the public's attention at all.
02:14You don't need to worry about attracting the attention of the voters.
02:17They know you're around, and they know what you can do.
02:21As long as they take me seriously, that's all that matters.
02:26Emma replied.
02:28Lisa fell silent for a moment as her eyes drifted down to Emma's baby bump, gesturing
02:32to it.
02:33She asked,
02:34When are you planning to announce that you're pregnant?
02:37There's no rush.
02:39She responded gently, patting her stomach.
02:42When the right time comes, we'll go public with it, thinking that Emma and Eric probably
02:47had a plan for releasing the news.
02:49Lisa didn't press the matter any further.
02:53Perhaps there's something else Emma wants to get out of the way before the big reveal,
02:58she thought.
02:59Meanwhile, a hint of steel flickered across Emma's features.
03:03She was preparing to hit back at Jenna, who had tried to prevent the pregnancy, and all
03:09the other people who had bought into Jenna's rumors.
03:13Isn't that Noelle?
03:14Lisa asked, catching sight of the young woman through the window.
03:18I can see her pacing back and forth down there.
03:22Why doesn't she just come up?
03:24She doesn't know whether or not she should speak with me.
03:28Emma replied with a sigh.
03:30What happened?
03:32Lisa asked in confusion, unaware of what had gone on between the two of them.
03:37It's fine.
03:39I'll sort it out.
03:40Emma walked over to the balcony and called down to Noelle to tell her to come upstairs.
03:45Once, Noelle looked like she'd been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, but she gathered
03:51her courage and finally made her way into the building.
03:56Soon enough, she was standing in front of Emma.
03:59We need to have a chat, Noelle eventually said as her eyes darted toward Lisa.
04:05Can we have some privacy?
04:07You can say whatever you need to in front of her.
04:10I promise that nothing will leave these four walls.
04:13Emma gestured for Noelle to take a seat.
04:16I know you're here about Peter, but I have no idea what's going on in his head right
04:21I'm really sorry about what happened, but I can't get in touch with him right now.
04:26Noelle admitted with a bitter smile.
04:29You don't need to apologize.
04:32He decided to leave the industry because he was sick of all the nonsense that comes with
04:37Emma responded in an attempt to comfort her, but her words fell on deaf ears.
04:43This isn't the first time he's had to deal with the darker side of the industry.
04:47Why is he so determined to stop performing?
04:51Noelle asked.
04:52Don't worry about that, Emma said.
04:55Maybe you should ask yourself why you are so desperate for my brother to be famous anyway.
05:00Is it really for his sake or is there another reason?
05:05Noelle froze when she heard this question.
05:07Emma felt compelled to answer it for her.
05:10You sacrificed yourself to pull him out of that awful situation that Millie had created
05:16and you gave him a second chance at love.
05:19However, you acted selfishly, even if you didn't mean to.
05:23He won't be able to stop himself from wondering if you've been using him all along.
05:28The color drained from Noelle's face.
05:31It seems like he's in a good place right now and you should move forward with your
05:34life too, Emma went on.
05:38There's no need to feel sorry for him and there's certainly no need to apologize.
05:43In other words, I need to let go.
05:47Noelle thought as the word sank in.
05:50It's out of my hands.
05:52Reeling from the conversation, she left the apartment.
05:56After a while, Lisa spoke up after mulling over what she had just witnessed.
06:01Noelle might not have fully understood what you were driving at, but I know you well enough
06:06to know when you're looking out for your own.
06:09You're protecting Peter, weren't you?
06:13Maybe, Emma responded.
06:17You don't have a lot of sympathy for people who hurt someone you love, whether they do
06:21it intentionally or not, Lisa said.
06:25You can't fool me.
06:27I was just telling the truth, Emma replied with a shrug.
06:31Noelle is great at her job, but her views on love are kind of ridiculous.
06:36Who could blame me for giving her a bit of tough love on my baby brother's behalf?
06:41Apart from taking it easy at home, Jeff had also started to count down the days until
06:46Jenna and Emma give birth to prepare for these major events.
06:51He met with his lawyer to set up trust funds for his great-grandchildren.
06:55In fact, he wanted to hand over 20 of his own shares to his first great-grandchild,
07:01and he was vocal about this wish with the rest of the family.
07:05Most everyone in the family knew that Emma was pregnant, but Jenna was still in the dark.
07:10She assumed, therefore, that when Jeff referred to his first great-grandchild, he was referring
07:15to her own child.
07:17But even if Jenna's baby was born before Emma's, Jenna was going to lose her position
07:22in the family long before she had the opportunity to engage in her usual underhanded tactics.
07:28Completely unaware of all these undercurrents, Jenna started to feel hopeful about her situation.
07:34Isn't 20 too much?
07:36She asked as she tempered her glee and smiled innocently at her grandfather.
07:41Of course not, Jeff replied cheerily.
07:45Episode 532 Planning a Celebration
07:50To be honest, I never really expected you to accept me and the baby, Jenna said to her
07:56grandfather, feeling a little choked up.
08:00Perhaps her heart isn't entirely made of ice, Jeff thought, but I won't fall for her tricks
08:07Leopards never really change their spots.
08:10Go and get some rest, he stated with a wave of his hand, eager for her to leave him.
08:16He didn't have the stomach to continue playing games with someone who would happily sell
08:21him and the rest of the family down the river.
08:25Good idea, Jenna said as she slowly got up while supporting her back.
08:31However, just as she turned around, she noticed Susan was standing behind them with a confused
08:37look on her face.
08:38Jenna assumed that Susan had overheard Jeff's intention to give away his shares so she couldn't
08:44stop a triumphant smirk from creeping across her lips as she walked away.
08:49What are you doing?
08:52Susan asked Jeff once.
08:54She was sure Jenna was upstairs.
08:56He gripped his cane with both hands.
08:59They're my shares.
09:00I can do what I damn well want with them.
09:03Of course you can, Susan began, but she was promptly interrupted.
09:08I've already made my decision.
09:11Jeff said, getting to his feet and lowering his voice, come with me to my study.
09:16There's no point in making a scene and letting Jenna overhear us.
09:21Susan quickly understood that all was not as it seemed, and she followed Jeff to his
09:27After looking around to check that there were no prying eyes around them, I've decided to
09:32step down as the chairman of Miller Corp. and announce Emma as my replacement in front
09:38of the whole company.
09:40Jeff said with a sigh as he leaned against his desk, Jenna's a lost cause after she gives
09:47She can go wherever she wants.
09:49I couldn't care less where that is anymore.
09:53So you were lying about giving a percentage of your shares to your first great grandchild?
09:58Susan asked, even if I do, what has that got to do with Jenna?
10:03Jeff asked, hoping his daughter understood.
10:06I know Emma isn't willing to take over the company, but I'm still getting old with you
10:10and Peter around now to take the strain.
10:14I think it's time to hand over the reins.
10:161.5s, I can see how that might work.
10:20Susan stated, mulling things over.
10:23Emma won't need to do much, as the chair of the board and the company can still grow.
10:29Are you sure, though?
10:31Jeff waved his hand to silence her again, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.
10:37It's already decided the holidays are coming up, so it's almost time for the company's
10:41annual celebration.
10:43I'll make the announcement then.
10:46We should make a big deal out of it for Emma.
10:49Okay, Susan said with a nod.
10:52We'll follow your lead on this.
10:55You can do whatever you want with Jenna.
10:57I'm past caring.
10:59Jeff exclaimed, even though Jenna was pregnant.
11:03Thinking about everything she had done banished any pity for her on Susan's part.
11:08The only thing she could do now was treat Jenna's child fairly.
11:13Emma sat on her bed thinking about her conversation with Noelle and her earlier phone call with
11:18her mother.
11:20My mother called and asked us to go to the Miller Corp's annual celebration.
11:25Emma said as she leaned back on her pillow.
11:28Do you think we should go?
11:30You're in charge there right now, so it would make sense for you to attend.
11:35Eric responded, crawling onto the bed next to her and then lacing his fingers through
11:39hers while Emma stared at her bump.
11:42I doubt we're going to be able to keep this baby a secret if I do go, she replied.
11:48We were going to announce it soon anyway.
11:51We can start with the staff at Miller Corp and go from there.
11:56Eric shrugged and kissed the back of his wife's hand.
11:59We can totally deal with this.
12:01We can pretty much do anything when we work together.
12:05Emma smiled at his reassurances and told him.
12:08You know, if we had a boy, maybe I could see what you looked like as a kid.
12:13It's funny you should say that.
12:16Eric responded with a grin.
12:17I was just thinking the same thing about having a girl.
12:21Does that mean I'm going to have to have one for each of us?
12:25Emma asked with a laugh.
12:27She found herself giggling as her husband nodded enthusiastically and eventually leaned
12:32against him as his arms slipped around her shoulders.
12:35Everybody else only sees Eric as the ruthless CEO of Kaleidoscope, but I know how kind,
12:42gentle and funny he really is and that I can imagine myself growing old with this man.
12:48The staff looked forward to Miller Corp's annual celebration, especially because they
12:53would be receiving their bonuses at this event.
12:56The company always marked the occasion with a grand ball, which allowed everyone to get
13:01dressed up and celebrate in style.
13:03However, this year's annual celebration was going to be a little different.
13:09Weird Husband was still being shown in the theaters, and the reviews and box office sales
13:14were surpassing everyone's expectations.
13:17This meant that the movie could hold its own against the other films that were out,
13:23and that Emma's public profile as an actor could be maintained, wanting to catch a glimpse
13:27of her.
13:29Many of her fans began to speculate about Emma's role in The Lost Relative and Glamour
13:33for a release date.
13:35Others were desperate to know when she would next appear in public.
13:39In reality, this kind of situation was highly unusual in an industry where fame could end
13:45in the blink of an eye.
13:47People tended to forget about someone who no longer made public appearances.
13:51However, Emma's popularity hadn't waned at all.
13:56In fact, it continued to grow as Weird.
13:59A Husband became more and more successful.
14:03Of course, Emma's enduring star quality attracted both lovers and haters, and nobody could have
14:08predicted that she was about to release another piece of explosive news that would set the
14:13media world alight.
14:15Thank you so much for watching.
14:18Don't forget, subscribe to my channel, comment, and like.
