The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 537-538 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

  • 4 days ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 537-538 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from Episode 537 to Episode 538, don't forget from today everyone supporting
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00:23Episode 537 Highs and Lows
00:27Anna tried to remember what Emma looked like the last time she had seen her.
00:31After a few seconds she gave up and grimaced, what does it matter to me if she's pregnant
00:36or not?
00:37I've already lost everything.
00:39She complained, nobody from my family cares what I have to say anyway.
00:44She thought bitterly, the nurse shrugged and joked, who knows maybe the paparazzi would
00:50pay good money to find out.
00:52As the year came to an end, everyone's attention was on the annual film awards.
00:58The entertainment industry and the public alike wanted to see who would gain recognition
01:04at the ceremony.
01:05The main judge was the previous winner of the Lifetime Contribution Award, and he supervised
01:11two team leaders, over 20 experienced artists, actors and directors, including Christopher.
01:19The judges were frantically trying to get all their votes in, as the time to announce
01:23the nominees came closer.
01:26They would be going through three rounds of voting to select the top ten candidates.
01:32Then through a series of eliminations, they would settle on the final five nominees.
01:38Emma had been nominated for the Best Newcomer Award for her role in Weird Husband.
01:43There was a large pool of equally talented candidates for that category, so fans were
01:49eagerly awaiting to see how Weird Husband would do.
01:52As soon as the audience began voting, fans flocked to the official website to cast their
01:59However, so many fans tried to log in at the same time that the website crashed.
02:05When voting resumed, it was clear the organizers had deleted many of the votes for Emma because
02:11her vote count was so high, they assumed that the fans had cheated and cast multiple votes.
02:17Lisa sat in front of her computer to watch the real-time results.
02:21The other nominees had hundreds of thousands of votes, while Emma was only in the single
02:28She pointed out the discrepancy to Luke.
02:31He leaned against the back of her seat and sipped his coffee.
02:35The awards system has always been fair.
02:38If they think someone cheated, then someone must have cheated, he replied.
02:42She whipped her head around to glare at him.
02:45Excuse me, he cringed at his wife's reaction.
02:49He quickly set his mug down and sat next to her.
02:52I'm not saying Emma cheated, but it's possible a competitor submitted fake votes on her behalf,
02:58he explained.
03:00She slowly nodded.
03:02But the votes only count for 20.
03:05Will it really make a difference?
03:07Right now, 20 doesn't seem like a lot, but it could be a deciding factor toward the end.
03:14So some people are going to fight for every vote they can get, he said.
03:19She glared at her computer screen as if it would fix Emma's votes.
03:23So what can we do, she asked, unless we know who did it.
03:28Nothing, he replied with a frown.
03:31So Emma can't do anything but take the blame, she asked.
03:35It may not be a bad thing, he said as he shrugged.
03:39She wasn't sure what he meant because she had only ever worked in the modeling industry.
03:44She didn't know what kinds of tricks people pulled in the film industry.
03:48Although she trusted her husband's judgment, she still felt anxious for Emma.
03:54I think I've had enough for tonight.
03:56Let's go to bed, he said.
03:58The two of them stood up and headed for the bedroom.
04:02As they got into bed, Luke said, I almost forgot, but there's something I want to discuss
04:07with you, he said.
04:09She looked at him curiously, waiting for him to continue.
04:14I'm okay with not having kids, he said.
04:19Her eyes grew wide.
04:21Are you just saying this to make me feel better?
04:24He shook his head.
04:26We haven't been married for long.
04:29It's normal not to have kids yet.
04:31He frowned.
04:33And why are you so hard on yourself?
04:35What if I'm the reason you can't get pregnant?
04:38She scoffed at him.
04:40You're fit and healthy.
04:43I doubt you're the problem.
04:45He shrugged.
04:46Well, I told my parents I was.
04:50Once what? she shrieked.
04:54Why would you tell them that?
04:57What if I get pregnant one day?
04:59They'll think I cheated on you.
05:01He burst into laughter.
05:03Then we'll tell them it's a miracle.
05:06Or there's been a breakthrough in science.
05:08She was still frowning.
05:10But you said you always wanted kids, she said.
05:13He pulled her closer.
05:15You don't know how much you mean to me.
05:18If I have to choose between having kids or being with you, I'll always choose you.
05:24He said, burying his face in her neck.
05:27She looked at him in surprise and became choked up as tears began rolling down her face.
05:34I'll never get enough time with you.
05:36He swore as he kissed away her tears.
05:39When he began kissing her neck, she grabbed his arm.
05:43It's my time of the month, she said.
05:46He rolled onto his back and kissed the side of her head instead.
05:50Better luck next time, he said, smiling at her.
05:55Are you scared?
05:56She joked, trailing a finger down his chest.
06:00He snorted, pushing her hand away gently.
06:02You're ridiculous.
06:04Go to sleep.
06:05She giggled and curled into his arms as she fell asleep.
06:09She thought, we may never have children, but I'll do whatever I can to make sure that we
06:15always have a loving home.
06:17The following morning, Mrs. Fans had managed to increase her vote count, but by nighttime,
06:24her votes had been cleared again.
06:26I think we'll be able to track down the culprit soon, Eric said, as he sat with Emma in their
06:31living room.
06:33She leaned on him and said, we can't avoid this.
06:37We can't guarantee that my votes won't be cleared every time.
06:40Realizing she was unfamiliar with the voting process, he explained, if someone is suspected
06:45of cheating three times, they're automatically disqualified from audience votes.
06:50It doesn't matter that you're being framed.
06:53All the public can see is that your vote count keeps jumping from the highest to the
06:58Episode 538.
07:01The Old Man Puts Up a Fight Emma was coming to the realization that her
07:06success meant that other people would perceive her as standing in their way.
07:10The realization made her heart sink, but she was more determined than ever to stop the
07:15person who was interfering with the awards votes.
07:19Whoever it is has gotten away with meddling with the process for too long.
07:23It's time to take action, Eric thought.
07:27After reaching out to his contacts in the business, he was able to convince them to
07:31clear the fan votes for all the nominees.
07:35It was clear that there was cheating on all sides, so it wasn't fair to just penalize
07:40The organizers took the opportunity to change the rules for the voting process as well.
07:46Moving forward, they decided that only one vote could be submitted per IP address, to
07:51give all the nominees a fair chance.
07:54That night, as the final votes piled in, Christopher called Emma.
07:58Is there anything you'd like to ask me? he said.
08:03She smiled and answered, Nope, I've done everything I can.
08:08I don't have any regrets, she said.
08:11That's the spirit.
08:13He said when he realized that his grandfather was on the call, Eric asked Emma for the phone.
08:18Shouldn't you be in bed, old man? he said jokingly.
08:22We youngsters are pretty tired already.
08:24Hey, you punk, shouldn't you be asking me to help out behind the scenes?
08:31Christopher joked back.
08:32Why does Emma need your help?
08:35Christopher grumbled at Eric for a bit and then said, Good night after Eric set his phone
08:41Emma scolded him for being rude.
08:44You shouldn't talk to your grandfather like that.
08:47He rolled his eyes and said, He knows I'm joking.
08:51He gives as good as he gets anyway.
08:54She laughed and followed him to the bedroom.
08:57The next day, the top five nominees would be announced outside the American Entertainment
09:02After a lot of back and forth, the judges placed an actress in a surrealist movie called
09:07Survive in fifth and Emma in sixth.
09:10Christopher was shocked when his team reported the results to him.
09:14He had thought she would rank at least in the top three.
09:17Emma should just be eliminated.
09:20She's the newest of the newcomers.
09:22The others have more experience and are probably better actors.
09:26One of the judges said, Christopher scoffed.
09:29It's the newcomer category.
09:31It's not based on experience.
09:33It's based on skill.
09:36The director frowned at him and said, Among us, we have decades of experience.
09:41Do you really think we can't tell who can and can't act?
09:45If you think you know, tell us which of the ten actors doesn't deserve to be nominated.
09:51Gladly, Christopher replied with narrowed eyes.
09:56He called for one of the interns to bring up the sample films for Survive and Weird
10:00Husband on the conference television so they could compare the climaxes of both films.
10:06Forget how long they've been acting and how many films they've started.
10:11Let's look at their acting ability.
10:13The main character in Survive was a blind engineer.
10:16The climax of the movie was an emotionally raw scene where the clever character struggled
10:23to defend herself, despite not being able to see her bullies.
10:28The actor's performance was flawless in the climax of Weird Husband.
10:33Emma's character frantically searches her body in the bathroom to determine whether
10:37she's contracted the virus and would turn into a monster.
10:41Her panic and horror eventually turn into relief when she realizes she hasn't been infected
10:47in only three minutes.
10:49Emma had successfully portrayed an extreme range of emotions.
10:54The excellent performance by both actresses made it difficult to choose between the two films.
11:00Christopher smiled and said, I'm not trying to protect anyone in particular, but I can't
11:05find a reason Emma should be eliminated based on her acting.
11:10In that case, are you saying we should eliminate the actress from Survive?
11:15A judge asked, and then accusatory tone, actually, I'm questioning whether nominees 1 through
11:224 performed as well as the 5th and 6th.
11:25I wasn't aware that we were in the habit of giving participation trophies just because
11:30someone has released a lot of movies.
11:32If you want to baby them, we can just buy them candy, Christopher replied.
11:38To emphasize his point, Christopher played clips of the films for the four other actors.
11:44It was clear by the other judges' faces that they too saw the issues in the other performances,
11:50but they still didn't change their decision.
11:53Can someone tell me why you're all so determined to eliminate Emma?
11:56He asked.
11:58When they remained silent, he threw his hands up in frustration.
12:02Absolutely ridiculous, he said.
12:05Christopher was determined to stand up for his grandson's wife, not knowing the worst
12:09was yet to come.
12:11Thank you so much for watching.
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