00:16From y'all y'all do tell tell change people you shot son. How are you?
00:23Fish and you don't see she's a she's a show some long long
00:42So I leave you won't see you for me. Just yeah, he's shit. I want shot
00:48So my mom and shit. Yeah, you shot. It's me. You can't get back
00:54What you can't quite you know, she don't want to watch it. Oh, yeah
01:00She's in blue one. You don't want young me. Don't you?
01:06Come y'all y'all do tell tell change people you shot
01:10Shankar, what do you know? Oh, yeah
01:12Fish and you don't see she's a show show. So long long you
01:18Should be one of you. What little true. She made Liao. Yeah, you did. She's a phone call
01:24He's alive and what do I do? She wrote that quite a shot
02:00She will manage all right
02:05She's gonna show me
02:11What are you doing?
02:14What kind of a bunch are you doing today? Yeah, it's my car. How you gonna do?
02:18Oh, what was it that you didn't go? Yeah, so I just can't you wait a lot
02:24Hey, it's a whoop
02:28So it's a woman get them a song go
02:33Who for what you thought it's all business
02:39Show me the picture
02:42So go to show me I should thank you hey who bomb that
02:47So yeah, I thought
02:49You know, they will go to a baby. Yeah, one of the chinchilla. I believe you're gonna die man. Tell me
02:54Can't you chill down the whole lot of
02:59What good time was it? Well, I'm gonna take you in
03:16Sweetie, good girl. So daddy
03:30Hey, she don't want me to change John you don't know how we found lady in you to see my
03:37Needy told me you have to go he'd be making a team, huh?
04:05Think I'll face it. Thank you
04:11You know something to be happy
05:24三夕 雨下震天 河汗浸 春梅拱过 远山云
05:47苏哥哥 我背完了
05:51行了 别回头看 我们回去吧
05:55哥 哥 哥 多亏了苏哥哥 我回来了
06:05回来就好 回来就好 苏姨 请收我兄妹二人一拜
06:16咱们兄弟之前可没这么客气 找个地方搬走吧 不住这里了
06:23不 这怎么好意思
06:27你不为自己想 也要为妹妹的安全想 安顿好你们 我才好了了一段心事 破译重整了
06:43我这么大一个黑虎帮 到底发生什么事了
06:46老大 我们 我们见到神仙了
07:16天地正开花火 丽江绕枝柔断了魂魄
07:22夜下灯火阑珊处 有绿荷许多 彼岸花开如火
07:28沾那海底下回眸 月下伴我 一生辗转漂泊
07:34流年变迁不蹉跎 千仙万水任执着
07:40心中有梦 热血一挪 天地正开花火
07:46一惊恩怨的起落 炽烟烈火 快隐隐消逝因果
07:52前方日风浪大作 又奈我几何
07:58挣脱凡尘的枷锁 生死跨破 荡起灰尘踏江河
08:04此生只愿把你 深藏
08:09无悔缘分的交错 风声催着 共看星月染秋薄