The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 547-548 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

  • 3 days ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 547-548 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from episode 547 to episode 548, don't forget from today everyone supporting me by
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00:25Episode 547 A Friend in Need
00:29If you're ever in any trouble, please come to me.
00:33Peter said no matter what the problem is, okay?
00:36Bear responded with a casual nod, but she had no intention of ever asking for help.
00:42After the incident at the engagement party, Claire and Peter once again made the headlines,
00:48as it had become clear that the relationship between Noelle and her former boss had now
00:53completely soured. Everyone knew that Noelle's fiancé had tried to humiliate Peter at their
00:59engagement party. Unfortunately for him, Claire had stepped up to put him in his place.
01:06Entertainment news always spread like wildfire, and the photos of Peter and Claire started to
01:11appear everywhere. Pete didn't mind at all, but it turned out to be disastrous for Claire.
01:17Her abusive father was furious to see her face plastered alongside the former pop star.
01:23He reacted by locking her in the house and refusing to let her leave.
01:28Peter was having lunch with Emma at her apartment when the conversation took a
01:32turn towards his love life. I'm assuming there's no longer anything between you and Noelle.
01:38Misstated. Grandfather used to have really high hopes for the two of you,
01:43but I was never quite sure if she was the best choice.
01:47She's a great assistant, but she doesn't seem to have a good grasp on her personal life.
01:52I'm pretty sure I know where this is going, her brother replied, rolling his eyes.
01:58We've all seen the newspapers and videos online. Claire really stood up for you.
02:03Emma said, all I'm saying is that it was nice to see someone fight in your corner.
02:08She sure is feisty, Peter said, unable to contain a smile. She doesn't pretend to be
02:16something she's not either. Obviously, he stopped mid-sentence, suddenly realizing that it had been
02:23an entire day since their presence at the engagement party had attracted public attention,
02:28and that Claire hadn't responded to his texts. The rumors about the two of you are spreading
02:34like wildfire, and I've heard that her father isn't a particularly nice guy.
02:40What Emma was inferring hung in the air between the two siblings.
02:44Do you think you should check on her? Thinking about the way Edward Baines had physically and
02:50emotionally abused his daughter in the past, Peter dropped his fork and quickly grabbed his
02:55jacket as he headed for the door. Sorry to run, but there's something I need to do, he said.
03:01Catch you later. Peter hadn't given any thought to how Claire's father was likely to react to
03:07her presence in the headlines. Now, though, he was becoming very worried. Her father must have
03:13lost his temper, he thought, hitting the gas as he rushed over to the Baines household. But when he
03:20arrived, he realized that knocking on the front door wouldn't get him very far. If Claire's father
03:26didn't want him to come in, he looked around the house and realized that a convenient tree grew
03:31just outside of Claire's bedroom window. After carefully making his way up, he caught sight of
03:38Claire and quietly tapped on the glass. Are you crazy? She asked in hushed tones while lifting up
03:47the window. Climb back down. This is dangerous. Are you locked in there? If you want to leave,
03:56I can help you. Peter stated, still clinging to the tree. Claire cautiously glanced at the door
04:03behind her and then turned back to Peter. I can't leave, she replied. I seem to remember you scaling
04:12the walls of the school dorms like it was nothing when we were kids. Are you too much of a chicken
04:18these days? Peter asked. If I leave, he'll cut off access to my money. I won't even have a credit
04:25card. Seeing the anxious look on her face, Peter laughed. Credit cards are the last thing you need
04:32to worry about right now. You'll be fine. You can stay at my place, he said. Are you asking me to
04:38move in with you? Claire asked in shock. I'm asking you to move in with me and several other members
04:45of my family. Peter was beginning to lose his grip, so he began to rush her. I can't hold on for much
04:52longer. We need to go. Once Blair thought for a moment before gritting her teeth and climbing out
04:59the window, soon enough she was demonstrating that she was still just as nimble as she had been when
05:05they were children. It's not every day that you see a woman climbing down a tree, he thought with a
05:11smile. No matter what methods her father tries to shape her into the straight-laced daughter
05:17that he seems to want, she's always going to have a wild streak. It wasn't long before the two of
05:23them were running out of the main gates and getting into Peter's car. As they closed the doors,
05:29they burst out laughing. I must admit that was pretty exciting. Claire said, I haven't climbed
05:36down like that since I was a kid. It was then that Peter noticed the bruises on her arms and the back
05:41of her neck. She had tried to conceal them, but the purple and red smudges peeked out from her
05:47collar and sleeves. Did your father hit you, he asked. It's nothing I can't handle. Claire responded,
05:56looking away from her friend. How could anybody do this to their own daughter?
06:02He wondered, feeling his heart sink. Listen, if you want to talk, I'm here for you, he said.
06:10So where are we going, she replied, clearly wanting to change the subject. Where do you
06:15want to go, Peter asked. He was prepared to take her wherever she wanted. We could pay our old
06:22school a visit. No way. I never wanted to be there when I had to be. I'm not willingly going back,
06:31Claire responded. I need you to be honest with me, Peter said, realizing she was trying to joke
06:36her way out of a difficult conversation. What would your father do to you if you went back home
06:42after this? Claire squirmed in her seat. What could he do to me? I'm his daughter, she responded,
06:51frustrated with her answer. Peter gently took hold of her wrist and rolled up her sleeve to reveal the
06:57bruises and red marks that covered her arm. At school, everyone always knew that your dad was
07:04violent. After all these years, I was stupid to think that he might have changed. It's no big deal.
07:11I'm fine, Claire replied, pulling her arm away. Peter sighed deeply and asked another question.
07:19Haven't you ever thought about getting away from him? I think about leaving every day. I imagine
07:25packing up my things and going somewhere no one knows me, so I can live my own life, Claire answered,
07:31leaning her head back on the headrest. He's still my father, though. Nothing's going to change that.
07:38Peter felt the pain of her dilemma, so he started the car. Forget about the road trip for now.
07:45I think we need to get you to a hospital. A wave of nausea hit him as he thought about the
07:51marks he had seen on her arms. Someone needs to check you over. Claire was clearly unsure
07:58about whether this was a good idea, but he wasn't going to back down. Let me do something for you
08:04now, he said. This time, she relented and sat quietly as he drove her to the nearest hospital.
08:12Peter was sure that he would be appalled by whatever Edward Baines had done to his daughter,
08:17but his jaw dropped when the doctor asked her who was responsible for the multiple new and
08:23old injuries that were all over her body. Peter thought as he froze to the spot,
08:35what kind of man would treat his own daughter like that? Although they're all external injuries,
08:41they're very extensive, the doctor continued, obviously taken aback by the situation himself.
08:47I encourage you to get an order of protection and file a police complaint. I would also like to
08:53refer you to a domestic violence agency. Claire just turned her head away. I also want to have
09:00someone from our social services department come talk with you. The doctor said, I can't do that.
09:08Claire responded. Please don't send anyone here. Can you please prescribe her something for the
09:14pain? Peter asked. We'll talk more about the other things when we're alone during the whole
09:19consultation. Claire had refused to look the doctor in the eyes, but now that the doctor had
09:25left, Peter was determined to talk to her. As someone who's known you for a long time,
09:32I can't sit by and let this happen to you. What can we do to stop your father from laying his
09:37hands on you again? He asked. This is really no big deal. I've had a lot worse. She said,
09:44almost as if it hadn't happened to her personally. Peter felt his nausea worsen.
09:50I've tried to defend myself, but he's so much bigger and stronger.
09:55Claire stated, feeling relieved when her friend took hold of her hand.
09:59If you try to hide me somewhere, it'll only make things worse. I agree that there's no point in
10:05hiding. Peter responded as he rubbed his chin. What are you thinking? She asked. Nothing concrete
10:12right now. Just get some rest. Peter sat on the chair in the hospital room and watched Claire
10:18try to drift off to sleep. What have I gotten myself into? He wondered. A few hours later,
10:25Claire woke up. I can't sleep anymore, she said. Will you watch Stupid with me again?
10:32I would suggest Weird Husband, but it's not streaming yet.
10:36Hang on a minute, Peter said. He pulled out his phone and gave Emma a call. Did you find her?
10:44His sister asked. Yes, I did. Peter said, smiling at Claire. Look, I was supposed to be flying out
10:51of the U.S. tomorrow, but that's not looking likely right now. Claire needs my help. You don't
10:59need my permission, Emma responded. Sounding a little amused, I'm well aware of that, her brother
11:06said. But I do need your help with something. Claire wants to watch Weird Husband, but she
11:13can't get to the theater right now. Is there any chance you could get a hold of a copy for us?
11:19Sure. Just ask Luke. Thanks, sis, Peter exclaimed and hung up. In the meantime, Claire's cheeks had
11:28turned pink as she realized just how much effort he was going to on her behalf. You honestly don't
11:35have to do all of this, she said. It's fine, Peter said. You just got me out of an awkward situation
11:42at Noel's engagement party. Let me take care of you for a change. Friends do this kind of thing
11:48for each other, don't they? He thought, reassuring himself that nothing else was going on. An hour
11:55later, the pair of them were watching Emma's latest film on the laptop that Luke had sent over.
12:01Peter had scooted next to her on the hospital bed and was holding a great big bag of popcorn
12:06that he had also sourced for them. Nobody's ever done anything like this for me before,
12:12Claire stated. I'm pretty overwhelmed. Please. Peter waved his hand dismissively. All I did
12:20was call a couple of people. That night, the pair of them stayed awake and laughed and joked their
12:26way through a movie marathon. All the while, neither of them dared to acknowledge the feelings
12:32that were growing between them. The next morning, Peter escorted Claire out of the hospital and
12:37helped her into his car. Where are we going? She asked. I think I should come with you to face your
12:44father, he said. Maybe I can talk some sense into him. You're never going to be able to do that,
12:50she said, looking panicked. I thought the whole point was for me to leave home, not go back.
12:58But as you pointed out, he responded, you're not going to be able to just hide from him
13:03unless you're willing to go to the police or get help from a domestic violence group.
13:08This is the next best choice. I'll be there with you, and I won't let him hurt you. I promise.
13:15He reached out and took her hand, looking into her eyes. Okay, she said. I trust you.
13:24Realizing that his friend had put her faith in him, Peter felt relieved. But once they arrived
13:30at the house, Claire's panic returned. I don't want to see him, she said. But almost before she
13:37had finished her sentence, Peter had already opened a door and was making his way around the
13:42car to help her out. I'll help you every step of the way, he said, holding out his hand. I need to
13:49do this, Claire thought while taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. Things can't get any worse,
13:56and I'm going to have to face my father sooner or later. Okay, let's go. She finally replied,
14:04taking Peter's hand and stepping out of the car. Meanwhile, as he watched her steal herself to
14:11face her father, Peter once again felt a wave of admiration flow over him. She's so courageous,
14:18he mused, gripping hold of her hand a little tighter. The two of them were soon standing in
14:23the living room, receiving furious glares from Claire's father and stepmother. The two families
14:29had business ties, but Janet had also lost out on an acting award due to Emma, which was a great
14:35source of irritation for Edward. And now her younger brother was interfering in his daughter's
14:40personal life. Where have you been? How dare you stay out all night? Edward spat, directing his
14:49anger at both his daughter and Peter. When Claire didn't respond, Peter said she was at the hospital.
14:56This has absolutely nothing to do with you, Edward snapped. Peter calmly turned to Claire and said,
15:03do you want to stay here or go upstairs and get some rest? I'm going to have a chat with your
15:08father. I didn't give her permission to leave. Her father responded, his face red with anger.
15:15She's an adult, Peter said. It's her choice. Then turning to Claire, he said, do whatever you're
15:22the most comfortable with. Janet was well aware that Peter was charismatic, but she doubted that
15:28he could face her husband's wrath and win, especially as it seemed highly unlikely that
15:33his diplomacy skills could match Emma's. After all, she thought, lightning doesn't strike in
15:40the same place twice. He's not going to be able to get Claire out of this mess. Claire was worried
15:46about Peter, but when she saw that he was prepared to stand his ground, she took a gamble and headed
15:52upstairs to her room. Are you seriously going to try to negotiate with me? Edward asked incredulously.
16:00I've reduced men to tears in the boardroom. So do yourself a favor and go home before you embarrass
16:07yourself any further. I've got Claire's hospital report. Peter replied, I'm sure you're aware that
16:14my family doesn't mind appearing in the headlines. If the public finds out that the CEO of Barnes
16:20International beats his daughter, I wonder how much your market value will drop. Are you trying
16:26to threaten me? Claire's father threw his hand in the air angrily. Go ahead and do it. She's my
16:33daughter. I can punish her however I want in my own home. The law says otherwise, Peter said,
16:41angering Edward even more. If that's all you have, then I really overestimated you.
16:47The older man exclaimed, I've obviously got more on you, Peter said with a defiant grin.
16:54I just thought we might be able to meet each other halfway.
16:57Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget, subscribe to my channel, comment and like.
