• last year
Which foods do you miss most from your childhood and what sort of meals did you grow up eating that you don’t often have anymore?


00:00I think for me the food that I have nostalgia that I miss a lot, I kind of miss sometimes my
00:06grandma's like potato pie. It's such a simple recipe, not that complicated, but I'm always like
00:13oh I'm going to my grandparents, oh it's potato pie. I'm so happy, I really enjoy it so much.
00:18I remember a long time ago my mother used to make something called rissoles, which was like
00:24kind of thick patty with minced meat and onion and breadcrumbs and that was great, I used to
00:31like them. I'd say the one that I miss from my travels, I really love danish frikadeller and
00:38brunsås and rødlød. I just remember when I first made it roughly in the UK, I was like wow.
00:45Something called Irel coffee, which was like a thick viscous black liquid in a jar, in a bottle
00:51about the size of I don't know like a tomato ketchup bottle and you just poured a bit of
00:56this into the bottom of a cup and that was coffee.
