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00:00Hell is a place where the evil ones who are still alive are often pushed down to bear the punishment.
00:04But the princess named Gemla of the Eastern Hell is a very scary person.
00:09She even feared the two names of her family, Hac Bach and Vo Thuong.
00:13However, Gemla's father was also the former prince who forced her to take his position.
00:19And every day she had to witness her brother's gang torturing the guilty ones.
00:23But just seeing them torture people with machines to the cellulose, Gemla was shocked.
00:28Gemla just woke up, the king of the Western Hell named Satan came to her house to play.
00:34And she was terrified when she saw his evil face that made the gang destroy everything.
00:39Satan came here to lure Gemla with him to carry out his plan to invade the human world.
00:44But Gemla did not want the world to be in chaos, so she refused him and let him go.
00:49On the way to Satan, she let Eric Can go with him, he knew that Gemla was not an ordinary girl.
00:54Even while talking, she always looked at Eric Can to guard against something.
00:59But in fact, Gemla was afraid of Satan, so she looked at Eric Can L for fear.
01:04Hac Bach Vo Thuong said that Gemla would have to take some missions in the human world to train her courage.
01:09And Gemla was quite comfortable because at least the human world did not have a scary ghost like in hell.
01:15But Gemla was extremely terrified when she learned that Hac Vo Thuong had sent her to a school with a ghost.
01:20Gemla suddenly discovered that the ghost was following a girl named Trang Giang The.
01:25And Gemla found out that the ghost was her new best friend.
01:30That night, Gemla followed her ghost because she was afraid that Trang Giang The would be in danger.
01:35And when Trang Giang The did not notice, Gemla used a book to catch her again.
01:40But because she could not see the ghost, Trang Giang The saw Gemla talking to herself like a madman.
01:45Trang Giang The still did not believe that her best friend had committed suicide.
01:48So she came to school that night to investigate and see what it was like.
01:53But as soon as the two of them stepped on the roof, a group of evil spirits suddenly appeared.
01:57And they tried to pull Trang Giang The down.
02:00However, when Trang Giang The was in danger, the ghost herself tried to save her.
02:06And Gemla immediately pulled out a leaf of firewood to summon her soldiers.
02:10So the other evil spirits were quickly beheaded along with the soldiers.
02:15It turned out that the ghost of her friend still followed Trang Giang The to protect her.
02:20And Gemla used her ability to help her soul rest in peace.
02:24But Gemla has been trapped in the closet since forever.
02:27Previously, Gemla did not know whether it was death or a ghost ghost or something else.
02:32But once in a while, Tôn Ngộ Không came to cause trouble with her father, causing chaos all over the place.
02:37And Tôn Ngộ Không had to threaten Gemla to make her panic to the point of going out of the closet.
02:42So from then on, every day she pulled out a gun to shoot at his statue to make him angry.
02:48After going to the heaven of the gods, Tôn Ngộ Không became a god.
02:51So Gemla thought that she would definitely not meet that hateful monkey again.
02:56But when she knew that she would have to do a mission with him in Trần Giang, she was so angry.
03:01Just met Tôn Ngộ Không, Gemla expressed all her fear even though he had used magic to turn into a human.
03:08And Ngộ Không took Gemla to Hoa Quảng Sơn Waterfall, which is also his old home.
03:12But Ngộ Không threw Gemla straight into the cave, causing her to be angry.
03:16Ngộ Không had been to the underworld to change the age of his children into thousands of years.
03:21And after thousands of years, there was still an old monkey that could not die as well as training to become a god.
03:26So Ngộ Không brought Gemla here to ask her to help him evolve to the other world.
03:30But before he could do anything, this little one was afraid to the point of spilling all his skin.
03:35Knowing that Ngộ Không did not want to destroy himself, the old monkey was angry and then attacked him.
03:40So Gemla immediately pulled out his machine gun to shoot the old monkey into a tube.
03:45And Ngộ Không expressed his gratitude to Gemla because he did not want to go to war with his subordinates.
03:50Thousands of years ago, a god named Erikan was seduced by Satan to destroy the Western world.
03:56But the strongest god in the world defeated Erikan and turned him into a Sangha god.
04:01And the god who defeated him was Beto.
04:04Seeing Beto meet him, Gemla thought that he was asking her to defeat Erikan.
04:09But in fact, Beto just wanted to show Gemla that he was the one who defeated him.
04:14Beto took Gemla to a monster that Erikan had released to cause chaos in the world.
04:19And Beto wanted Gemla to use her ability to protect his soul.
04:23But when he knew that it was a terrifying dragon, Gemla was so scared that she fainted there.
04:28Immediately after, the dragon was suddenly destroyed by the gods' spell and did not go out to destroy the city.
04:34And the gods had to lure the dragon to a deserted island to fight it.
04:38Beto also quickly turned into a god and rushed to help his teammates.
04:43But that dragon was too strong so it was easy to defeat Beto.
04:47When the dragon was about to kill Beto, Gemla's horse commander rushed to save him.
04:51And Gemla used the spell to create a helicopter.
04:55And she drove the helicopter and fired bullets at the dragon to destroy it.
05:01So after being destroyed by her, the dragon turned into a tiny spirit.
05:06Satan let Erikan know that his undead dragon had just been defeated by Gemla.
05:11So he decided to go to the underworld to kill Gemla to avenge his dragon.
05:16Gemla was now afraid to participate in the exorcism of a damaged monster.
05:21And after convincing her soul to have the name of Trang Gian's demon, Gemla let her be his guardian.
05:28That night, Gemla was asked by the doctor to watch over the dead.
05:33And on his way to the toilet to solve the sadness, Gemla had a slingshot.
05:38But luckily, the demon had time to destroy it with a melee weapon to save her.
05:43Right after that, a group of slingshots gradually appeared, causing Gemla to run around and die.
05:48So the demon pulled out two melee weapons and fired bullets at them to destroy them.
05:53And Erikan suddenly came and said that he was the one who had controlled Gemla's slingshot.
05:58Erikan had turned into the form of a god.
06:01So Gemla also transformed and used the method of learning from the void to create a body.
06:06But Gemla's body was useless because they were as weak as her.
06:10However, when Erikan decided to attack Gemla, the demon used a slingshot to attack him.
06:16And because he was injured after the demon shot him, he had to run away quickly.
06:20The ungrateful monk felt that his master, Gemla, was not very happy lately.
06:25So he posted on the Internet a long journey for her to escape the tension.
06:30But Gemla broke into tears when she learned that the journey was to visit the demon's house.
06:35However, Gemla still went to that demon's house to test her strength with a group of tourists.
06:40And that night, a group of slingshots appeared to attack them like the last time.
06:45But Gemla regained her consciousness and asked her to catch all the slingshots again.
06:50Gemla wanted to pretend to be caught to see who was behind the slingshots.
06:54But she panicked when she saw a slingshot appear and was really caught.
06:58Gemla was taken by that slingshot to the place where Erikan's fallen angel was.
07:03And when he knew that he was the master of the slingshot, the demon quickly cleared the floor for him.
07:08But he used a self-destruct spell to kill himself.
07:12Immediately after, Gemla and the demon discovered a tower sucking the souls of hundreds of dead people.
07:18And those poor victims were captured by Satan.
07:21And that tower is the one that Li Tianwang claimed to have lost all the time.
07:25Gemla took the tower of Li Tianwang to the underworld to save the souls inside.
07:30And she came to the place of a soul cleaner named Khuong Ba to ask for help.
07:35Khuong Ba agreed to save the souls in the tower and then return it to Li Tianwang.
07:40And in return, Khuong Ba asked Gemla to go to the Peach Blossom Village to find someone.
07:45Gemla let the demon know that the Peach Blossom Village was the place where the dead lived.
07:49So it can also be said that this village is the place where the dead live.
07:53But when it came to the village, the two of them were very shocked because it had turned into a pile of rubble.
07:58Immediately after, the villagers in the village suddenly appeared in the form of a wave of attack on the two of them.
08:03So the demon pulled out his gun and shot each of them to find a way to escape.
08:07And a young man named General Zhongshan rushed out to destroy all the villagers.
08:12It turned out that the person Khuong Ba wanted to ask Gemla to find was General Zhongshan.
08:17And he was extremely angry when he knew that the good people of the village had turned into monsters.
08:22So he decided to return to the territory with Gemla to investigate the person who did this.
08:27However, when he returned to the territory, Gemla did not investigate anything, but just played games all day.
08:32And the fairy told him that those who went to explore the haunted house had encountered some problems after being attacked by the dead.
08:38Before going to investigate, Gemla came to ask Ton Wukong to teach her some magic.
08:43But Wukong forced her to call him by his master's name.
08:47From the time of the exploration of the haunted house, a girl named Langsham could see the soul.
08:52And the fairy was talking to the group of explorers when a group of satan soldiers suddenly attacked them.
08:57But the fairy used her magical gun to repeatedly shoot each name.
09:01However, a god-level demon of the satan called Ba Lei appeared right after that.
09:06And he hid a leaf under the haunted house to make the group of explorers see the soul.
09:11Ba Lei accidentally discovered that Gemla had become one of the members of the group of explorers.
09:16So he immediately rushed to attack the group of explorers to catch Gemla.
09:20But he panicked when he found out that the other two members of the group of explorers were transformed by Wukong and Nacha.
09:25The young men in the group of explorers were actually traveling in Hawaii.
09:28Wukong and Nacha beat Ba Lei one round and caught him to erase Langsham's ability to see the soul.
09:34But Langsham wanted to keep this ability to see the gods because she admires them very much.
09:39So Gemla gave her a magical gun with a command to make herself vulnerable.
09:44Gemla and her two subordinates went to investigate a murder at an antique shop.
09:49And Langsham said that this place was related to the abandoned temple of Li Tian Wang.
09:54While talking, they suddenly saw the black cat of the owner of the antique shop.
09:58But Gemla just poked it up once and the cat woke up and scratched her face.
10:03Right after that, people went into the antique shop to investigate the death of the owner of this place.
10:08And Gemla discovered that the murderer was a soldier of the eastern world.
10:13Gemla immediately went to the heaven to meet Li Tian Wang.
10:16And she said that a subordinate of Li Tian Wang took a treasure chest at the antique shop.
10:21Then returned the real treasure chest of him to give to Satan.
10:24The subordinate of Li Tian Wang secretly killed the owner of the shop with his soul to cover his head.
10:30But the black cat saw everything so Gemla easily discovered him.
10:34The soldier was about to run away when he was caught by Nacha immediately by the sword.
10:39And Gemla asked Li Tian Wang to let her punish him for his crime.
10:43However, the general of the gate of the temple again wanted Gemla to give back the name of that heavenly soldier to him for his crime.
10:49Because the temple said that the soldiers of the heavenly temple committed a crime must be treated according to the law of the heavenly temple.
10:53But Gemla returned the temple and decided to ask for the name of the heavenly soldier for his punishment.
10:58When the situation seemed tense, Li Tian Wang said a few words to Gemla.
11:02So the temple gave it to Gemla this time because she was just a kid anyway.
11:06And after that, Gemla was sure that there was Satan in the heavenly temple.
11:12After many days of training courage in the human world, Gemla finally took a break.
11:17And she was named by the crown prince of the South Hai Long Cung as Little White Dragon even though she went to the sea to play.
11:21But this little girl swam so hard that she swallowed a whole bucket of round seawater.
11:26Immediately after that, people suddenly saw a fish fairy fish floating on the shore.
11:30And just woke up, that fish fairy fish was in a trance as if it saw Gemla.
11:35But everyone was terrified to discover that there were a lot of fish being killed off the coast.
11:40Gemla and the fairy fish were swimming out to sea to investigate when a crocodile suddenly appeared.
11:44And when the crocodile attacked the two girls, Little White Dragon turned into a dragon to fight it.
11:50However, the crocodile was too strong so White Dragon told Gemla to go to Long Cung to borrow a weapon.
11:55And he created two balloons to help Gemla and the fairy fish breathe underwater.
12:00As soon as they went down to Long Cung, the two girls were immediately stopped by the shrimp soldiers here.
12:05But when they knew they were coming to borrow weapons, they were afraid to take off their clothes.
12:10Because before, Little White Dragon had also come to borrow weapons and destroyed the entire East Sea of Long Cung.
12:15Little White Dragon was afraid that Gemla would also come here to loot his stuff as the crocodile had once looted the East Sea of Long Cung.
12:21And he also took Gemla to a palm tree like Little White Dragon.
12:26Right after that, Gemla also turned a small palm tree weighing 1,000 kg into a tree-like branch.
12:32It made the entire East Sea of Long Cung move very fast.
12:35And the East Sea of Long Cung was afraid to give Gemla an armor to invite her down.
12:40Little White Dragon was now completely overwhelmed by the crocodile.
12:44And Gemla flew up from the sea with her branch to help him.
12:48But this little one still fought very fiercely even though it had just been locked in a pile of glass.
12:53The crocodile turned its entire body and then created a giant dragon shell to attack Gemla.
12:58So she turned her branch into a tree and made the crocodile's body collapse.
13:03A few days later, Gemla went to a research company about ancient gods from ancient times.
13:09But when she saw the director here with a bird-like head, she was extremely terrified.
13:14And Gemla came here because she wanted to ask their company to find her some ancient gods.
13:19So the director sent a female staff member who was able to see the ancient gods following her.
13:24The female staff member led Gemla and Little White Dragon to a snowy mountain to find that ancient god.
13:29And everyone was very surprised to know that the ancient god that Gemla was looking for was a dragon called the Dark Lord.
13:35But the Dark Lord now only communicates with each god.
13:39The Dark Lord used to be an old friend of Gemla's father.
13:42So when he found out that Gemla was the heir to the throne, he didn't do anything to her.
13:46And she asked the Dark Lord for a little bit of his power and told the Dark Lord to put them in a giant vase.
13:52In order to train her courage this time, Gemla and the Dark Lord had to go to the forest.
13:57But this little boy was always there when Gemla didn't notice and hit her in the face.
14:01So Gemla was very angry and wrapped the little boy in a blanket to keep him out of trouble.
14:06That night, when everyone was sleeping, Gemla suddenly saw a ghost on the ceiling.
14:12And she was afraid that the Dark Lord would break in, so Gemla and the little boy rushed to the house to check.
14:18When they ran upstairs, they found a magic circle of Satan.
14:23And inside that circle, there were dozens of evil spirits lurking, scaring Gemla to death.
14:28But the little boy quickly fought the evil spirits and then killed them with her gun.
14:32However, a mysterious creature flew out of the circle and chased after Gemla.
14:38So the little boy couldn't fight back because he was still in Gemla's body.
14:43And the Dark Lord took the little boy's gun and shot her right away.
14:47It turned out that the one who was invading Gemla was one of the seven evil spirits of Satan named Amon.
14:53And the Dark Lord was about to kill the little boy, when Gemla suddenly regained control of her body.
14:57So Gemla pushed Amon out and made him hurry and ask him not to hit her in the face.
15:02But she was still angry and wrapped a blanket in her face because of the little boy's gunshot.
15:07Seeing that the little boy was injured, Gemla quickly took her to the underworld to treat her.
15:11And as soon as she woke up, the little boy was very happy to see that Gemla was back to normal.
15:16The two chief generals, Chau Mat Ngua and Chau Mat Ngua, tortured the traitorous heavenly soldier to try to get information about Erikken.
15:22But this heavenly soldier refused to tell anyone because he used to be known as King Lydon.
15:27However, Gemla suddenly went to throw Amon for Chau Mat Ngua's head to get the word out.
15:32And Gemla said she had to torture him really hard, if they died, she would take responsibility.
15:37So the two traitors were extremely terrified and quickly revealed everything they knew.
15:42Because the little boy was injured, Gemla told the chief general to temporarily guard her.
15:47And Gemla returned Amon's treasure as a tree that had been confiscated by her father before.
15:52But unexpectedly, inside Amon's treasure was a harem capable of extreme combat.
15:57In the east, there are still frequent visitors from the west to travel or live.
16:01So the lord of the east will have to allow the dead of the west to pray to the poor westerners.
16:06Gemla was worried that among the dead gods there were also spies of Satan.
16:10And when she went to investigate, she found a dead god here who had not yet asked for permission.
16:16So she told the chief general to call his harem out to fight him a battle.
16:20It turned out that the dead god was named the soul of this place to come here to pray to a poor westerner.
16:26But when she saw the two husbands of the westerners were happy together, she did not dare to raise her hand.
16:32And Gemla forgave her for such a good god, which could not be a spy.
16:36Gemla asked the dead god where all the dead gods must go to the east.
16:41So she told them to go to a warehouse located in the outskirts of the city.
16:46And they had to touch the feet of the dead gods in the Greek mythology called Thanatos.
16:51It turned out that due to the strength of Thanatos, Satan pushed him to this area of ​​the east.
16:57But Satan still kept the network of Thanatos to help manage the dead gods in this place.
17:02And Thanatos fought with Gemla and the chief general because he thought they came here to drive him away.
17:08Just after a few blows, the chief general defeated Thanatos.
17:12And after hearing the story of Thanatos, they learned that Satan did not like Satan.
17:18Therefore, Thanatos could not be a spy sent by Satan to the east.
17:22However, the real god of the dead god was a spy sent by Satan and Erikson.
17:28And Thanatos, along with a fallen god, secretly transmitted information about the western hell.
17:32But fortunately, Gemla and the chief general found out in time and stopped them.
17:37Thanatos beat the dead god in a fight because he dared to betray him to follow the Satan.
17:42And Thanatos handed the dead god back to Gemla and immediately flew away.
17:47Meanwhile, Thanatos could not follow Gemla because her wound was not healed.
17:52So, Erikson took Thanatos to the human world to try her charm.
17:57But she had no feelings at all because her memories were erased after drinking her soup.
18:02While walking on the street, Thanatos suddenly met his best friend, Trang Than Thay.
18:07And due to the effect of the soup sold to two people, they could not recognize each other.
18:11However, Thanatos and Trang Than Thay still had the feeling that they had met somewhere.
18:16So when he saw Trang Than Thay seemed very familiar, Trang Than Thay invited her to have a meal.
18:21And she suddenly burst into tears when she took Trang Than Thay home
18:25because she suddenly remembered that the two of them used to be close friends.
18:28However, Thanatos still had to accept the fact that she was now from the underworld.
18:32And everything related to her when she was alive was just the past.
18:36After a period of research, Khuong Ba understood that the disease was caused by Erikson to turn others into living beings.
18:42So she quickly proceeded to treat the disease.
18:45However, it was necessary to have the blood of a person who was seriously infected to be able to make medicine.
18:49So Zimla went to the Western hell to meet Dracula to ask him for some blood.
18:55And just stepped into his dark abode, the little Zimla was terrified.
19:00Zimla and the general suddenly discovered that Dracula's daughter had been murdered.
19:05And a man suddenly rushed out to attack them so the general had to fight him.
19:10But Zimla realized that he was Van Helsing, Dracula's enemy.
19:15Van Helsing came here to kill Dracula, but Dracula was captured by Erikson.
19:21And Zimla realized that Erikson wanted to catch Dracula to stop her from making the antidote.
19:26So Zimla decided that they had to quickly chase Erikson to escape for him.
19:31Immediately after, Erikson and his subordinates were taking Dracula away,
19:35Van Helsing suddenly stopped them.
19:37And Zimla took the opportunity to sneak into the back of the carriage to escape Dracula.
19:42But Dracula was so lazy that he had to take the carriage to his new home.
19:47Everyone was discovered after Van Helsing was completely defeated by Erikson's subordinates.
19:53So a black-clothed band of criminals rushed up to fight the general.
19:57And he shot the general so hard that his mask was broken.
20:02However, Zimla said that mask was actually used to seal the general's power.
20:07And after losing the mask, he turned into a giant with extremely powerful power.
20:12But he became a black-clothed man and lost control every time he transformed.
20:16Because the general was too strong, Erikson said the name of Dracula and then retreated.
20:21But Van Helsing had a sword through Dracula's neck before he had time to attack Dracula.
20:27Seeing himself at a disadvantage, Erikson ordered his entire army to retreat immediately.
20:32And Zimla gave Van Helsing his command and told him to use it to get Dracula out of the Western Hell.
20:39Meanwhile, the general still could not regain his consciousness.
20:43So Zimla summoned the general's harem to temporarily suppress him.
20:48And Zimla gave the general another mask to help him return to normal.
20:53Because he gave the command to Van Helsing, Zimla could no longer move back to the Eastern Hell.
20:59And they will have to cross a gate of the nobility to get out of the Western Hell.
21:04Zimla used his hair to turn into a dragon god with a hippopotamus.
21:09And she turned into Erikson to be able to cross the gate of the nobility.
21:13Zimla then summoned the general again to break through to the gate of the nobility as he was suppressing the prisoners.
21:18But the nobility and the dragons this year did not agree with each other.
21:23So the nobility's commander did not allow Zimla to go through the hidden side without permission.
21:28However, Zimla controlled the soldiers that she created to fight with the nobility's soldiers.
21:33And she deliberately let her fake soldiers be killed by his own guards.
21:39But she still pretended to fly to the nobility's camp and then forced him to give up his life for his subordinates.
21:44So he felt a little guilty and sent the guards to open the door for the two of them to go through.
21:49Erikson had a letter for the girl in his armor after being stabbed by Van Helsing with a sword.
21:55And she came to find Erikson to confess because she knew she had just been tricked by Zimla.
22:01Meanwhile, Zimla and the nobility arrived at a town in the Middle East.
22:06So Zimla called Langsham to bring orders to hell to help them get home.
22:11And she remembered that she had given Langsham an order sheet and a gun before.
22:15Zimla wanted to find a place to rest while waiting for Langsham to bring the order sheet.
22:20But when the nobility put her on the green floor to rest, she was extremely embarrassed.
22:25However, Zimla still had to go there to rest because there was no other shelter here.
22:30And while sleeping, she suddenly sensed the transition gate to the human world opened by Langsham.
22:34So she and the nobility hurriedly ran through the gate when they realized what was going on in the human world.
22:39Just passing through the gate, they panicked and saw a city in the human world being attacked.
22:44And Langsham was seriously injured after fighting with a very large number of zombies.
22:48Langsham begged Zimla not to let her drink the lost soup of Khuong Ba after she died.
22:53Because she did not want to forget Zimla as well as the gods she had met before.
22:58And moved by Langsham's love for her, Zimla turned her into a spirit like a devil.
23:03And the nobility discovered that this place was the first ghost of the god Mo Loc.
23:07Meanwhile, Khuong Ba was taking the devil to visit the garden of flowers planted by her.
23:12But she was very angry when she saw a bunch of flowers that had been cut off all the time.
23:17And she thought that only the soldiers of the new emperor could come here to pick flowers.
23:22Just returned to the devil's room to find out that Hac Bac Vô Thường was going to hold a party in heaven.
23:27So they gave the devil an iPhone to make contact.
23:31But when she looked at her iPhone, she suddenly panicked and ran away immediately.
23:35Khuong Ba was chasing the soldiers who were eating flowers and successfully caught him.
23:40And just returned to the palace, Khuong Ba received a notice that the devil had gone to the human world.
23:44Because her best friend was now being captured by the gods.
23:48After becoming a spirit, Langsham was much stronger than before.
23:52So she easily destroyed the living corpses created by the ghost Mo Loc.
23:56And the nobility was still fighting against Mo Loc.
23:59But being the most powerful ghost of Satan, Mo Loc caused him a bit of trouble.
24:04Langsham jumped into a pool and shouted for the nobility to lure Mo Loc there.
24:09And he tried to lure Mo Loc close to the pool as soon as he realized Langsham's plan.
24:14Mo Loc just got close to the pool, then Langsham smashed it to pour all the water on her.
24:19And while she was being trapped, everyone jumped on a supercar to escape.
24:24At this time, the party at the heaven was officially started by the Ngoc Hoang organization.
24:28But Ngoc Hoang and everyone felt curious because they had been waiting for a long time but Langsham had not arrived yet.
24:33So the nobility had to rush to report that she was meeting a bit of trouble on the way here.
24:38Ngoc Hoang was preparing to raise 1, 2, 3, then prepare a gun to shoot them.
24:43And thanks to the third eye, Duong Tien discovered that the person who assassinated him was the devil.
24:48As a result, Erick Cun had kidnapped the devil to force the nobility to assassinate Ngoc Hoang according to his order.
24:54And he transferred a little of his power and the body of the nobility to control her mind.
24:59After discovering the nobility, Hao Thien Khuyen and Thien Minh Thien Tung came to catch her again.
25:03But the nobility themselves fell into the abyss as soon as they were dragged to the same path.
25:08Duong Tien decided to lead the army to look for Zimla because the nobility were under her.
25:13And the nobility at this time also realized that their territory was about to become large.
25:18Meanwhile, Zimla had told the nobility to bring Langsham to her territory for her order.
25:22And she will go to the heaven to hold the banquet of Ngoc Hoang.
25:26But just before the door of heaven, she was immediately blocked by Duong Tien with Thien Minh.
25:31And she was very surprised to know that the devil had just assaulted Ngoc Hoang.
25:35Duong Tien wanted to catch Zimla again to investigate because he suspected that she had given the order to the devil.
25:40But the nobility also pulled an army of soldiers to protect their master.
25:44The situation was tense when Zimla suddenly received Khuong Ba's phone call.
25:48And she panicked when she knew that the army of Ba Lay was approaching their territory.
25:53So the nobility tried to take Duong Tien's soldiers to bring her back to the territory.
25:58However, the nobility suddenly stepped out and stood with Duong Tien.
26:02And it turned out that the nobility was sent by the heaven to lie in the area below the territory.
26:07So the nobility was angry and fought a battle to teach this traitor a lesson.
26:11Meanwhile, Zimla had raised a tree as he intended to fight Duong Tien.
26:16But the level was too different, so Zimla was defeated by the devil in an extremely easy way.
26:20And the devil was planning to catch Zimla again, so Ngoc Hoang appeared in time to save her.
26:25Ngoc Hoang and Duong Tien were about to fight, but were blocked by Nha Tra Lao.
26:30And the devil gave Ngoc Hoang the signal to bring Zimla back to the underworld to stop Ba Lay's army.
26:34The soldiers of the East Emperor and the nobility of the Western Hell are still fighting very fiercely.
26:39And Satan wants to take advantage of everything that is falling into chaos to attack the whole world in the east.
26:44Zimla and Ngoc Hoang were in time to fight.
26:47But when they knew that the nobility was being held by Eric Can, Zimla wanted to go rescue her first.
26:52And Langsham gave her a jar of medicine from Khuong Ba that could dispel Eric Can's spell.
26:57Next, Ngoc Hoang immediately stopped Zimla flying straight to Satan's tower because Eric Can was next to his house.
27:03Ngoc Hoang and Zimla arrived at Satan's tower deep inside the Western Hell.
27:07And just in front of Satan's house, a three-headed dog appeared to stop the two of them.
27:13But Ngoc Hoang took this opportunity to teach Zimla how to use a whip like Vipro.
27:18Ngoc Hoang turned the big tree into his whip and swept away the three-headed dog in the blink of an eye.
27:22And after the dog pulled back, a giant dragon flew up from below to fight them.
27:28But the white dragon suddenly flew over to help the two of them in the shape of a dragon.
27:32So Zimla and Ngoc Hoang were able to continue to run inside to rescue the demon.
27:36The two of them went into the golden room to face Satan and Eric Can directly.
27:41And Satan had gathered all the members of the evil group to fight them.
27:46But this fight was nothing compared to Ngoc Hoang, so they were quickly defeated.
27:50And Zimla ran straight to Eric Can to get the demon out of his control.
27:55When it came to Eric Can, Zimla had announced that she would give him a face-to-face fight.
28:01So Eric Can transformed back into a fallen angel to let her know how strong he was.
28:06Meanwhile, Ngoc Hoang ordered his men to withdraw from the heaven to support Khuong Ba.
28:11And Nha Tra had a battle with Dương Tiễn to prevent him from chasing Zimla.
28:16At this moment, Ngoc Hoang also appeared to support Ba Lê to fight Khuong Ba with the General.
28:21But Ba Lê received news that his army was being attacked by Ngoc Hoang from behind.
28:26While everyone was fighting, Satan was just sitting and watching their battle.
28:31And Zimla tried her best to attack Eric Can, but he was much stronger than her.
28:36Zimla transformed into a broken tree like her idea, just like how Ngoc Hoang did to face Eric Can.
28:41But she didn't have enough strength to break the tree fast enough, so Eric Can easily avoided it.
28:46And after a huge pile of broken trees, Zimla quickly ran out of all his strength.
28:51Ngoc Hoang used the Three-Headed Six-Handed Spell to fight Satan's evil group.
28:56But this group was very stubborn and didn't want to lose, even though Ngoc Hoang was stronger than them.
29:00And two of them suddenly appeared to help Ngoc Hoang fight the evil group.
29:05Ngoc Hoang realized that those two were the two former emperors who had not yet fallen with his evil spirit.
29:10And Tieu Bạch Long had defeated the monsters who guarded the gate with the other dragon.
29:14Meanwhile, Nha Tra and Dương Tiễn had used the Three-Headed Six-Handed Spell to fight each other.
29:19And the battle of the two of them had turned the Heavenly Palace into a pile of broken trees.
29:24But they quickly fell down after using up all their magic.
29:28The side of the Western gods also knew about the chaos that Satan was causing.
29:32So the female leaders of the gods ordered the monsters to lead the army to stop him.
29:37With overwhelming strength, Ngoc Hoang's three emperors were more advantageous than Lũ Thất Hình Đại Tổi.
29:42And after a round of battle, Ngoc Hoang fell to the ground along with a kid.
29:47But that kid fell to the ground and beat Ngoc Hoang to the ground.
29:51However, Ngoc Hoang was still fine because he had a tough body like a diamond.
29:56So he continued to fly to the ground with the kid in the form of Lũ Thất Hình Đại Tổi.
30:01On the other side, Diem La and Erik Cần were still having a very intense battle.
30:06But Diem La threw Erik Cần into the face, an electric bomb that caused him to be seriously injured.
30:11And Diem La tried to wake up Tieu Quỷ from Erik Cần's spiritual control spell.
30:16However, Erik Cần ordered Tieu Quỷ to use her gun to shoot at Diem La.
30:21Even Tieu Quỷ accidentally hit Diem La in the face as if they were real enemies.
30:26And Erik Cần wanted to make Diem La unprotected to attack her.
30:30But Erik Cần's sudden attack made him feel extremely terrified.
30:35Meanwhile, Lý Thiên Vương temporarily stopped the assassination of Ngoc Hoang and led the troops to support the emperor.
30:41And with the help of the heavenly soldiers, the Eastern Hell was pushed back by the Western Hell.
30:45While trying to escape for Tieu Quỷ, Diem La was accidentally pulled down by her.
30:51But Diem La was still calm with the antidote in her mouth for Tieu Quỷ to drink to calm her down.
30:55And Ngoc Hoang used his head to save them in time before he fell into the abyss.
31:00Erik Cần was now in a state of panic after being beaten by Ngoc Hoang for a match.
31:04And Satan was happily watching the combat, then Beto suddenly appeared in front of him.
31:10Beto came here to ask Satan's sin for causing the heavenly temple and the Eastern Hell to fall into chaos.
31:15And Satan took out his wings and flew straight up to face Beto.
31:20But Erik Cần beat him to death with a sword in front of everyone's surprise.
31:24After being hit by the sword, Satan's body slowly disintegrated into dust.
31:29And Erik Cần announced that this week, after him, he would be the king of the Western Hell instead of Satan.
31:35And Beto had to leave him alone because he didn't want a war between heaven and hell.
31:41Beto also advised Ngoc Hoang to end this battle here.
31:44Because in the end, they also achieved the goal of saving the devil from Erik Cần.
31:50And Ngoc Hoang agreed with Beto's proposal and took Satan and the devil out of the Western Hell.
31:55But before leaving there, Ngoc Hoang beat Erik Cần to death for a match.
32:00After everything ended, Ngoc Hoang also returned to Hell due to his health deteriorating.
32:04And Ngoc Hoang asked to stay with Duong Tien because he was his great-grandson.
32:09Bạch Vô Thường, after betraying Satan, was also sent back to the garden of religion.
32:13And Bạch Vô Thường was transferred to work as a librarian at the local office.
32:17In fact, she was infected with the devil along with Lăng Sâm to make a new pair of Bạch Vô Thường.
32:21And she has now officially become the king of the Western Hell.
32:25Thank you for watching the video of the animation series of the King of the Underworld.
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