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Love you all!!!
00:00In the previous match, Karasuno's team won against Seijo in the semi-final and they are preparing to face the strongest team in the province, Shiratori-Jawa, in the round of the Miyagi province, but Su will still try to beat Shiratori-Jawa to get into the national competition.
00:15Karasuno's team came to practice in the field on the day of the final match in the province, and some of the girls in the women's basketball team came to wish the Daichi team a good game.
00:24The audience came to see the final match more crowded than the previous matches, so the two Noya with Tanaka are determined to play really bright to be able to impress the girls, but people look back and think that these two guys are being deceived.
00:36Su was very surprised to see two of his friends from the same high school basketball team, Izumin and Kuji, also here to cheer for him.
00:42And the two of them did not expect their old enemy Kageyama to be in the same team with Su, but they were still very happy to know that they were having extremely reliable teammates.
00:51As they entered the field, Karasuno's team saw an old man sitting in front of their team, but the 53-year-old boys will try to play really well to make him proud.
00:59Right after that, Karasuno's team stepped outside the field with the determination to win, and some of Ukai's neighbors with many Karasuno high school students came to cheer for the basketball team.
01:09The coach came here directly to guide everyone to cheer for Karasuno's team, but the entire Karasuno team was feeling a lot of pressure before this important match.
01:18Sako found a young man who looked like a spy sent by his friend, but it turned out to be Suki's brother Akiteru, who came here to watch him play.
01:26The audience of the Shiratori-Jawa team stood up to surprise Karasuno's team, because the audience there looked more professional than the Karasuno team.
01:35And Ushijima and the entire Shiratori-Jawa team stepped out in front of the audience.
01:40Last night, Ukai told everyone a few things about Shiratori-Jawa, and the Shiratori-Jawa team is not a perfect team like Seijo that they fought before.
01:49Because the entire Shiratori-Jawa team is based on Ushijima's ability to hit the ball.
01:54Back to the present, the members of the two teams have repeatedly hit the ball to start the match, and Su and Kageyama are very eager to fight a bloodbath with Ushijima.
02:04The audience of the Shiratori-Jawa team was impressed when they saw Karasuno have a guy like Su.
02:09But when Su and Kageyama did a quick job, the Shiratori-Jawa team felt that their upcoming match would not be easy.
02:16However, the youngest student of Shiratori-Jawa, named Sutomu, is still full of young blood like a fist, and he will prove his ability to hit the ball with Ushijima in this match.
02:27After the start, both teams gathered in the middle of the field to start the match.
02:31And according to his neighbor Makoto, the final match will be as long as 5 rounds with 3 rounds like the previous matches.
02:38Ukai still hasn't put Su in the field to keep him, and the match has officially started with a shot from Daichi's Karasuno team.
02:45However, just a few seconds later, Ushijima hit a shot through Karasuno's white line, and Ushijima helped his team score the first point in this match.
02:54Right after that, Karasuno's team continuously lost points from Ushijima's shots, and they were very worried after seeing Ushijima's ability to hit the ball.
03:03However, Su gave them a shot to calm them down.
03:08Due to the fear of being hit by Su, Daichi had to try to avoid Shiratori-Jawa's shots, but Noya still couldn't stop Ushijima's shots.
03:17Everyone realized that Ushijima was left-handed, so his shots would be more difficult to predict than others.
03:24Not to mention, his shots were as powerful as a Taipei ball.
03:27Tanaka scored the first point in front of the joy of the members in the team.
03:31But the gap between Karasuno and his team was still quite large, so Ukai had to ask for a meeting to re-evaluate the strategy.
03:39Last night, Ukai came up with a way to deal with Ushijima's shots.
03:43That is, the white line would close the corner of Ushijima's shots instead of blocking it.
03:48And they would make Ushijima have to hit the ball to Libero's position to make it easier for Noya to block the ball.
03:53However, Noya was still not used to Ushijima's powerful shots.
03:57Not to mention, the shot from the left hand had a completely different way of turning the ball with the shot from the right hand.
04:02Suki realized that he and other players often hit the ball too early compared to his teammates' shots.
04:07But it's not easy to stop time.
04:10Akiteru was still watching his brother play.
04:13And Akiteru believed that as soon as possible, Suki would be able to block Ushijima's shots.
04:18During the break, Noya said that Ushijima hadn't used all of his strength yet.
04:23But Suki's hand was still slightly injured after trying to block some of his shots.
04:27When the game continued, it was Ushijima's turn to shoot.
04:30And everyone knows that Ushijima can't shoot powerful shots like Oikawa's.
04:35But his shooting ability was enough for the Karasuno team to not be able to help.
04:39The Shiratorizawa team is currently leading the Karasuno team by quite a lot of points.
04:43But it seems that by now, Noya is getting used to Ushijima's shots.
04:47And it's true that Noya succeeded in avoiding his brother's shot in front of the team's joy.
04:52When the ball flew to Kageyama's position, he immediately passed it to Tanaka to score.
04:56And the Karasuno team was very happy when they started to catch up with the game.
05:01Right after that, Suki was put in the field for the first time since the game started.
05:06And the two teams continued to compete with each other with a lot of tension.
05:09Suki took the ball and ran straight up to make a quick attack with Kageyama.
05:13But it was no surprise that Ushijima managed to block their combined shot.
05:17Shiratorizawa's second pass passed the ball to Ushijima,
05:21so he made a shot that left Suki with both hands.
05:24And the Shiratorizawa team won the game after Ushijima's combined shot.
05:28The Shiratorizawa team realized that Ushijima was very attentive to Suki.
05:32But in fact, he is now trying to cover up his lack of confidence.
05:37Ukai thinks that continuous strong shots will make Ushijima exhausted quickly.
05:41So the Karasuno team only needs to wait until Ushijima is weak to win.
05:46Both teams then went to the field to start their second game.
05:50But this time, the Karasuno team played better, so the gap was not as large as in the first half.
05:55Su and Kageyama once again made a quick attack.
05:59But Shiratorizawa's red-haired 53-year-old blocked that shot.
06:03And he is the center of Shiratorizawa, named Tendo.
06:07The Shiratorizawa team made the next shot, but Daichi easily blocked it.
06:11And as soon as he got the ball, Kageyama jumped up to score.
06:15However, Tendo once again avoided the ball and let it fall to the Karasuno team.
06:20And Kageyama was very aggressive after Tendo blocked the ball just now.
06:24The Shiratorizawa team continued to shoot.
06:27And when he got the ball, Kageyama and Su made a quick attack.
06:31But Tendo continued to guess the direction of Su's shot and blocked it again.
06:35Everyone realized that Tendo was able to guess the direction of the ball by watching the expression of his hand.
06:39So Ukai had to use the right to discuss to re-evaluate the strategy.
06:43Ukai said that Tendo's skill is to block by guessing first.
06:47In other words, he guessed the direction of the opponent's shot accurately and then blocked it again.
06:51The match was then continued as usual.
06:54But this time Kageyama passed the ball from the middle to Su to score.
06:58And Kageyama made that risky shot to catch up with Tendo.
07:02In the next shot, Su made a lot of Tendo to let Kageyama pass to Daichi.
07:07And Su kept running back and forth, making Tendo unable to chase in time to stop him.
07:12And Tendo realized that Kageyama's paths were getting more and more difficult.
07:16Until now, no team has come forward yet.
07:19And both sides are still competing with each other in a very fierce match.
07:23But Uchijima made a strong shot to score to defeat the other team.
07:27Suki was just put in the field, Tendo immediately said that he was the one who didn't know how to block the ball.
07:32And when the match continued, the Shiratorizawa team passed the ball to Tendo to attack.
07:36But Suki blocked Tendo's shot in front of everyone's surprise.
07:40Suki caught up with Tendo after blocking his shot.
07:43But in the next shot, Tendo made a risky shot to let Uchijima score.
07:48However, Suki was still able to block the shots of the members of the Shiratorizawa team.
07:53Even the Karasuno team took advantage of the gap in Shiratorizawa's formation to score.
07:58And Tanji, the coach of Shiratorizawa, was very angry when he saw them lose focus.
08:03Suga was just put in the field to replace Suki, and he was immediately pushed back to pass the ball.
08:08But Suga and Kageyama exchanged places for each other so that both teams could perform a combined attack.
08:13And Suga passed the ball to Kageyama to score in front of everyone's surprise.
08:17Tanji, the coach of Shiratorizawa, used to be an opponent of Ukai's team.
08:21And Ukai knows that Tanji always chooses those who have overwhelming power in his team.
08:25Ukai surprised Yamaguchi to use his jam-float shots.
08:31And the Shiratorizawa team was broken when trying to avoid Yamaguchi's jam-float shot.
08:36But Ushijima was still able to score in front of the Karasuno team's helplessness.
08:40Ukai had to put Suga in the field to replace Yamaguchi.
08:43And Suki suddenly asked the whole team to allow him to save time for the 3-man defense.
08:47The two teams then continued to stick close to each other at each point where one of them was defeated.
08:51But this time, Suki had saved time to close the corner of Ushijima's shot.
08:55So Noya in the back was able to easily block his brother's deep shot.
09:00And everyone named this Karasuno team's strategy as a total defense.
09:04The Karasuno team believed that they would definitely be able to stop Ushijima with this strategy.
09:08And Asahi then scored a perfect goal in front of everyone's happiness.
09:13Right after that, Asahi continued to shoot, but this time Tsutomu was able to stop him.
09:18And Tendo quickly scored another point for the Shiratorizawa team to reduce the score.
09:23When it was Ushijima's turn to shoot, Daichi successfully blocked that shot.
09:27And when the ball flew to Shiratorizawa's field, Tendo immediately jumped up as if he was going to shoot.
09:31But it was no surprise that Shiratorizawa's number 2, Shirabu, played a small game again.
09:36Then Tanaka immediately hit a block-out shot into his teammate's field to regain the score.
09:41And the numbers of the two teams after the last shot were still equal.
09:44The two teams continued to fight fiercely for each other, hitting the ball to the field.
09:48And Kageyama made a small shot to make up for Shirabu's previous trick.
09:52Karasuno has reached 25 points ahead of Shiratorizawa.
09:56But to win, they have to score more than their teammate by 2 points.
10:00Ushijima ran back and forth on the field to make up for his teammate.
10:04So Kageyama was able to easily pass the ball to other players to score.
10:08However, to score more than 2 points compared to the Shiratorizawa team is not easy.
10:13Because the Shiratorizawa team members also continue to score, not equal.
10:18Shiratorizawa's number 2, named Semi, shot in the middle of Karasuno's field to confuse their formation.
10:25But it was no surprise that Kageyama was able to pass the ball to Ushijima at the corner of the field.
10:29Karasuno's team also got used to Ushijima's shots,
10:33so his shots were no longer a threat to them.
10:36In a fight, Ushijima jumped up to hit the ball to Shuki's hand and then turned around.
10:41But luckily, Shu quickly chased after the ball and hit it back to the field.
10:45And Shu quickly ran back to the net and made a quick attack shot to Kageyama to score.
10:50After the last shot, Karasuno's team led Shiratorizawa's team by 1 point.
10:55So Ushijima told Shirabu to focus on passing the ball to him until he ran out of breath.
11:00However, Karasuno's defense was too firm, so Shiratorizawa's attacks were very difficult to penetrate.
11:06And their defense made the Shiratorizawa team members feel extremely uncomfortable.
11:11After a fight, Shirabu immediately passed the ball to Ushijima as he had told him before.
11:16And when he jumped up to hit the ball, Ushijima saw a gap between Shuki and Asahi.
11:21But Shuki suddenly reached for the gap when he saw Ushijima hit the ball into it.
11:26Shuki scored the last point for Karasuno's team in front of everyone's surprise.
11:30And Shuki couldn't hide his happiness after winning the game for both teams in the second half.
11:35It turned out that Shuki deliberately left a gap in the middle for Ushijima to hit the ball into it.
11:40And it was clear that Ushijima's previous mistake had crossed his mind.
11:43But Shuki turned up to face Asahi on this occasion, making Shukai unbearable.
11:47The Shiratorizawa team also realized that they had been fooled by Shuki.
11:51And Tanji thinks that it was Shirabu's fault because he passed the ball to Ushijima.
11:56Right after that, the second half was started by Daichi's shot.
12:00And the Shiratorizawa team still played well without any sign of losing their spirit.
12:04When I was in high school, Shirabu often came to watch Oikawa and Ushijima play.
12:09But he only admired Ushijima's way of hitting the ball.
12:13And for Shirabu, being passed the ball to Ushijima was the best thing in his life.
12:18Shiratorizawa defeated Karasuno in the third inning.
12:21And the Karasuno team just realized that Ushijima had a lot more power than them.
12:26When he ran back to the waiting area, Ushijima stood up and talked to Shu.
12:30But Ushijima blamed Shu for being a fool who didn't know how to use his brain,
12:33which made Ushijima unbearably shocked.
12:35Ukai believes that by now, the Karasuno team has also begun to get used to the way the Shiratorizawa team plays.
12:41As long as they don't cheat when they are on the field, they will definitely win.
12:45Immediately after that, both teams stepped out of the field to start the fourth inning.
12:48And Tsutomu opened the net with a shot, but unfortunately he hit it out.
12:52So the Karasuno team has the right to shoot.
12:55Tsuki and Asahi still blocked the two to close the corner of Ushijima.
12:59So Ushijima only has a way to hit the ball towards Noya to help him.
13:03And after receiving the ball, Kageyama immediately passed it to Asahi to jump on the mark.
13:09Tanji now curses Tsutomu for being a fool,
13:12and this young man is determined not to let everyone down anymore.
13:16When the game continued, Shirabu passed the ball to Tsutomu,
13:19and Tsutomu made a block-out shot to score in front of Kageyama's white line.
13:24The Karasuno team carried out a series of offensive tactics to regain points,
13:28but a white hand of Shiratorizawa named Taiji prevented that attack.
13:33At this time, Ukai's grandfather had just come here to watch the Karasuno team play,
13:38and he turned out to be a coach of some friends in the Ukai neighborhood.
13:42The numbers of both teams so far are still equal,
13:45and Shiratorizawa's team is still based on Ushijima's deep shot ability,
13:49while the Karasuno team continues to carry out a total defense strategy to stop Ushijima.
13:54Su is still exhausted after being criticized by Ushijima for not knowing how to use his brain,
13:58so he hurriedly backed off to get the ball and ran straight up in front of everyone's surprise,
14:02and he jumped really high and blocked a shot by Shiratorizawa's team.
14:07The audience all liked Su's playful way of playing,
14:10but if Su kept moving around too much, he would be extremely exhausted.
14:14And it is true that in the next phase,
14:16Su jumped headfirst into the net when the white ball made the team lose a point.
14:19Su also ran back and forth between the two wings to support,
14:22and Shiratorizawa's white line was not in time for Su to defend,
14:26so he scored a few points for his team.
14:29Meanwhile, Oikawa and Iwai Yumi were watching the game on the bench,
14:33and no matter which team won, Oikawa did not feel happy at all.
14:38Su continued to run back and forth to support the white line on both sides,
14:41making his team unable to attack,
14:43and so the Karasuno team scored another point to beat Shiratorizawa.
14:47Su's running back and forth pushed the Karasuno team to score a lot of points,
14:52and until now, Karasuno's score with Shiratorizawa is still the same.
14:57Shiratorizawa's team put Semi in to replace Shirabu,
15:01and Semi made a pretty strong shot,
15:03but Noya still managed to save Semi's shot.
15:05Then Kageyama saved the shot and passed it to Su.
15:09Tenno couldn't believe that Karasuno's team moved around so much,
15:12but he still didn't see them exhausted,
15:14and Suki was put into the field by Ukai to replace Noya.
15:16And when Su was knocked out,
15:18Yamaguchi came in to replace him.
15:21Everyone now put all their faith in Yamaguchi's deep floater shot.
15:25But unfortunately, a member of Shiratorizawa's team blocked his shot,
15:29and Shiratorizawa quickly made a counterattack to Karasuno's team.
15:34Kageyama waited for Shiratorizawa's white hand to jump up
15:38and then passed the ball to Suki to score,
15:40and after that, Karasuno's team scored two points in front of his team.
15:44Tanji's coach asked for an urgent meeting to scold Shiratorizawa's team
15:48for their poor play,
15:50not to mention that Karasuno's defense was temporarily dominating this match.
15:54When the match continued, Yamaguchi made a counterattack,
15:58but Shiratorizawa's team saved that shot and passed it to Ushijima to score.
16:02In a fight, Kageyama moved a little high and knocked Suki down,
16:07but surprisingly, Suki still quickly took the ball to his teammate's side to score.
16:11However, everyone now realized that Kageyama had exhausted himself
16:15after playing several games,
16:17and Ushijima also hit a shot to get a point for his team.
16:21Immediately after that, a member of Shiratorizawa also made a jump float,
16:25but Karasuno was able to avoid that shot and then switched to a counterattack to his teammate's side.
16:30Instead of Ushijima intending to hit the ball,
16:32Suki passed the ball to Karasuno's white hand to jump up,
16:35but Ushijima made another shot that made Karasuno's team unable to catch up.
16:39After a round of indisputable defeat,
16:41the scores of both teams exceeded 25 points,
16:44and Ukai put Suki in the field to change the course of the game.
16:47Due to a break, Nensu can still run as fast as before,
16:51and thanks to Suki's strategy of running back and forth,
16:54Karasuno's team quickly scored a point in front of his teammate.
16:56Kageyama made a shot, but Shiratorizawa's libero was able to save it,
17:02and when the ball returned to Karasuno's field,
17:04Kageyama and Suki immediately ran into position to make a quick attack combo.
17:08But because Kageyama passed the ball too short,
17:10Nensu used his hand to push the ball to the side of Shiratorizawa's team
17:13to score in front of their helplessness.
17:15Karasuno's team won the 4th set thanks to Nensu's foul play,
17:19and Kageyama praised Nensu's foul play with a full face of anger.
17:23And Nensu was very happy because he only needed one more set to win the final match.
17:28Tanji said that he would catch the whole Shiratorizawa team running back to school
17:32if they didn't win the last set,
17:34and Ukai wanted Suga to replace Kageyama to let him take a break outside for a while.
17:39However, Suga was very worried because the last set was the most important set of the match,
17:43and Kyoko suddenly held Suga's hand to encourage him,
17:46which made the whole team feel very jealous.
17:49Right after that, the last set was also officially started in front of everyone's excitement,
17:53and everyone was surprised to see that Karasuno's team switched to the 2nd set.
17:57In this last set, one of the two teams only needed to score 15 points to win the match,
18:02and Suga passed a very nice pass to Asahi to score right when the match started,
18:07but Uchijima helped the Shiratorizawa team to score with a shot right after that.
18:12The two teams were fighting fiercely,
18:14and the ball just flew to Karasuno's team,
18:16and Noya immediately rushed forward to pass the ball,
18:19while the other players performed a series of attacks to score.
18:23The Shiratorizawa team couldn't believe that Karasuno dared to rush forward
18:27without anyone defending,
18:29but if Karasuno didn't play like that, they wouldn't have won this set.
18:33At school, Tendo was the one who talked to Uchijima the most,
18:36and according to Tendo, Uchijima's father was a professional football player.
18:40From a young age, Uchijima's grandparents were not satisfied with the fact that his father was left-handed,
18:45but Uchijima's father still believed in him and trained him to play football.
18:50In the first half of the match, Karasuno's team led Shiratorizawa's team by 2 points,
18:54so Shiratorizawa's team had to ask for a meeting to find a way to deal with Karasuno's violent attacks.
19:00When the match continued, Asahi scored a goal to get a point back for the team.
19:05But in the second half of the match, Shiratorizawa's team managed to score a goal,
19:09and Shirabu immediately passed the ball to Uchijima to let him score.
19:13Right after that, Uchijima scored an extremely powerful goal that made Asahi unbearable,
19:18and Uchijima continued to score points to help Shiratorizawa's team win the initiative.
19:23When Uchijima regained his form, Shiratorizawa's team was very excited,
19:28and he then helped Shiratorizawa score several points in a row to beat Karasuno's team,
19:33but Karasuno's defenders also began to shine in the face of Shiratorizawa's team's attack.
19:38Suki showed his footballing skills without losing any of the death's walls,
19:42but Suki still couldn't stop Uchijima's powerful shots.
19:46And after a shot from Uchijima, his arm was quite seriously injured.
19:51Seeing Suki's arm bleeding, Ukai said a 52-year-old man named Narita replaced him,
19:57but Suki didn't feel comfortable when he had to leave the field just because of a scratch.
20:01Akiteru and two managers took Suki to the medical room for a scratch check,
20:06and Karasuno's team members still had to continue the game without Suki,
20:10but they were determined to try to hold on until he came back.
20:14However, because Karasuno's team lost a shot, Shiratorizawa's team took the lead,
20:20and Ukai decided to let Suki come back to the field to change the game again.
20:24While the two sides were fighting fiercely, Suki was accidentally shot in the face,
20:28but Suki still tried to run to the right wing to cover for his teammates.
20:32People didn't expect Suki to use his face to avoid the shot,
20:35and in that shot, Suki didn't have time to use his hand, so he had to show his face.
20:39After seeing Suki play like that, Uchijima began to doubt whether his team would win or not,
20:45and Suki hurriedly retreated after feeling the energy that Uchijima was emitting from the other side of the field.
20:50Karasuno's team continued to carry out a tactical attack to regain the initiative,
20:54and Shiratorizawa's wingers could only stand before such attacks.
20:58Immediately after that, Kageyama was put in the field by Ukai to replace Suga,
21:03but he didn't expect that just when he was resting, Kageyama was able to make a powerful shot.
21:08He even had time to run to the ball and make a quick attack combo with Suga to score.
21:13However, at the moment, Shiratorizawa's team is still leading by 2 points,
21:17and people still can't confirm which team will win this match.
21:22And Karasuno's students with Shiratorizawa on the bench are still actively supporting their school.
21:27After a break, the two teams continued to step out of the field,
21:31and this time Semi was the one who made the shot, but Tanaka was able to recover quickly.
21:35Uchijima just jumped up and hit the ball, and he didn't expect Sugi to stand still from a very far distance.
21:40And Sugi successfully flew to his teammate's field to score a point for Karasuno's team,
21:44and Uchijima with Shiratorizawa's team didn't expect that such a shot could be blocked.
21:50When Sugi turned around, Yamaguchi was put in the field to shoot instead,
21:54and he tried to shoot a shot to make Shiratorizawa's team confused.
21:59So when he missed the shot, Tsutomu accidentally touched the net to help Karasuno's team get a free point.
22:05The Karasuno's team's score at this time was ahead of Shiratorizawa's team's,
22:09and Yamaguchi made another successful jump float shot to score for the whole team.
22:13But Shiratorizawa quickly made a counterattack to get the point back immediately.
22:18Right after that, Sugi was put in the field to shoot for Yamaguchi's team,
22:22and the two teams were still undefeated, trying to win each point.
22:26Tanji's coach had also asked for a transfer to a high school baseball team,
22:30but Tanji was not allowed to play because of his short height.
22:34So Tanji only chose tall players in his team.
22:38Shiratorizawa reached the deciding point in front of Karasuno's team,
22:42and when he saw that the whole team was losing their minds,
22:44Ukai shouted loudly telling them not to give up,
22:46because the transfer was a sport team that always had to look up.
22:49At the same time, Sugi was also in time to return to the field after the injury was healed.
22:53Everyone was very happy to see Sugi return to the field,
22:56and Sugi asked Ukai to let him go to the field because his injury was not too serious.
23:01And Sugi let Sugi know that Yamaguchi had tried to score a few points to wait for Sugi to return.
23:06The situation at this time was very tense because Shiratorizawa only needed to score one more point to win,
23:12but Kageyama managed to make a small foul to help Karasuno reduce the score.
23:17Right after that, Sugi was put in the field to replace Narita,
23:21and Karasuno's team regained their strength with Sugi's return.
23:25And Uchijima told Shirabu to try to pass the ball to him in every situation.
23:30After playing almost 5 games, the members of both teams were exhausted,
23:34and they had to try their best to be able to move.
23:38Tanaka successfully scored a point for Karasuno's team to beat his team,
23:42so Tanji the coach was allowed to hold a meeting in front of this tense situation.
23:46And the members of the two teams also took this opportunity to take a break for a while to recover their strength.
23:50From the beginning of the match to now, Uchijima alone has scored up to 40 points for Shiratorizawa,
23:55and Ukai saw Uchijima's endurance surpassed everyone's imagination.
24:00Daichi clearly understood that his team had less strength than his team,
24:03but he thought that if they were united, a certain color would happen.
24:07Right after that, both teams left the field to continue the match,
24:10and in the next time they left the field, one of the two teams would be the champion of the Miyagi region.
24:15But Karasuno and Shiratorizawa were quite out of strength,
24:18so now no one can say which team will win.
24:21Uchijima started to feel extremely tired at this time,
24:25but he still tried to continue playing,
24:27and Karasuno's team had been exhausted for a long time.
24:31Tanji the coach was very careful to hit the main force with a small body like Su,
24:35but Su's transfer to the team made him feel that he was too weak in the past,
24:40so he decided that he would never acknowledge Su as a talented player.
24:44Su and his teammates started to be unable to go back,
24:47but they still tried to defend against Shiratorizawa's attacks,
24:51and Karasuno's team managed to get up ahead of Asahi's shot.
24:56In the final moments, Su was turned around to shoot,
24:59and as soon as he received the ball, Shiratorizawa's team hurriedly attacked the center position.
25:04However, Suki managed to stop Shiratorizawa's attack,
25:08and Su also rushed to the back of the net to make a quick attack combo with Kageyama.
25:13However, Shiratorizawa's team was able to stop Su's shot,
25:17and Uchijima also jumped up and shot right after that, but Su took the ball again.
25:21When the ball came back to Shiratorizawa's field,
25:24Shirabu saw that Uchijima was exhausted,
25:27so Shirabu continued to pass the ball to Uchijima again for him to score.
25:32Suki pointed at the white line and jumped up to make Uchijima unable to shoot straight,
25:37and when he shot at the corner, Kageyama quickly stopped that shot.
25:41Su and Karasuno's team all felt the tremendous pressure coming from Uchijima,
25:46but they were still determined to work together to carry out a simultaneous attack strategy.
25:50As soon as he jumped up, Su saw a gap in his teammate's field,
25:54and Su shot this way, making Shiratorizawa's team unable to react in time.
25:59Everyone was stunned when they saw the ball fall to Shiratorizawa's field,
26:03and the referee announced that the winner was Karasuno,
26:06which made everyone in the stadium feel overwhelmed.
26:09Karasuno's team shed tears of joy when they knew they had won,
26:13while Shiratorizawa was unable to believe this tragic reality.
26:17Right after that, both teams went to both sides to thank all the spectators,
26:21and the spectators at Karasuno were also very happy to see their team win.
26:26Shiratorizawa's team members were extremely emotional after losing to Karasuno's team,
26:31and Tanji said he would force them to train harder from now on.
26:36Ukai and Takeda did not stop praising Karasuno's team,
26:40and even praised Suki's performance in the previous match.
26:44Uchijima told Kageyama that he would definitely beat them next time,
26:49and the organization then handed the gold medal to Karasuno's team.
26:54They also congratulated Karasuno on becoming a team representative for Miyagi
26:58for the upcoming Spring Olympics.
27:01Uchijima and Tanji were lying on the floor because they were exhausted,
27:05and Karasuno's team had to do a lot of things to prepare for the Spring Olympics.
27:09Uchijima and Tanji also knew that Karasuno's team was undefeated,
27:13even though they did not come to watch the match.
27:15But since Uchijima was so excited,
27:17Tanji and Tanji still thought Uchijima was making fun of Karasuno,
27:20and Uchijima and Karasuno both hoped that they would be able to compete with Nekoma in the national tournament.
27:26The next morning, Uchijima just arrived at the stadium,
27:28and Kyoko called him to measure his height to make a registration paper for the upcoming tournament,
27:32and Uchijima and Kageyama wanted to race to see who had a higher height.
27:37After measuring, Uchijima was proud to show that he was taller than 1.4 cm before,
27:42and Kageyama was only 1.3 cm taller, so Uchijima thought he was still the winner.
27:47When he found out that Uchijima was 1.9 cm taller than Kageyama,
27:50he was very angry.
27:52Right after that, Karasuno's team measured the height of the members,
27:56and Kageyama was currently the tallest team with a height of 337 cm.
28:02In his turn, Uchijima was the second tallest team with a height of 333 cm,
28:07but Uchijima was not satisfied because he still lost to Kageyama by 4 cm.
28:12Mr. Takeda suddenly announced that Kageyama had been invited to participate in the Japanese youth talent training camp,
28:18and everyone was shocked as soon as they heard this news,
28:21because it was the place to choose the best players to represent Japan in the international competition.
28:26Everyone supports Kageyama going to the training camp because it only takes place within 5 days,
28:30so it has no effect on the spring tournament,
28:32but Su was shocked to know that he was not invited there like Kageyama.
28:37And everyone thinks that the training camp will only invite a few serious people,
28:40not young people who do not know how to think like this.
28:43Mr. Takeda also said that Miyagi Prefecture will also hold a training camp at Shiratorizawa school for the youngest recruits,
28:49and Suki was invited to that place by Miyagi Prefecture.
28:52Su once again expressed disappointment when he learned that he was not invited to the provincial training camp,
28:57and Kageyama burst into a smile that made Sukai unbearable.
29:01A few days later, Kageyama went to Tokyo to participate in the youth talent training camp,
29:06while the Karasuno members did not see Su coming to the training camp as usual.
29:11It turned out that Su was sneaking into Shiratorizawa school to participate in the provincial training camp,
29:16and Suki was so embarrassed that he did not know anything about this guy.
29:21The entire Karasuno team also knew that Su was sneaking into the provincial training camp,
29:25and Ukai with Mr. Takeda called Shiratorizawa school to scold Su for a brawl.
29:30However, Su said that he really wanted to be trained in a place with the most talented players
29:35and Tanji the coach agreed to let Su stay if he wanted to be a player.
29:40Kageyama had just arrived at the national stadium in Tokyo,
29:44and he met the number one Japanese player named Sakusa there.
29:48Takaki the coach of Jozenji also told Takeda to let Su stay here to train.
29:53But Ukai was a little worried because the person in charge of that training camp was Tanji the coach,
29:57and he used to only like tall players, so Su was not chosen to the training camp like Suki.
30:02Meanwhile, Kageyama will be trained by the coaches of the national team of Japan,
30:07and the players who train there are all young talents like Ushijima.
30:11Su agreed to make Tanji's shot to stay in the military training camp,
30:15and Tanji only trains the top 5 players from the schools in the province.
30:19And people don't understand why a first-class shot like Su was taken away like that.
30:24Su also had to do a few things like pouring water with a clothesline for everyone here.
30:29And if there was nothing to do, Su would have to stand at the end of the field to catch the ball,
30:33and he had to try to endure the feeling of not being able to hit the ball all day.
30:37At the end of the training camp, Su still stood up to throw the ball to relax his training,
30:41and Kindaichi realized the terrible power inside that person at that time.
30:45Right after that, Su apologized to Suki because his actions made Suki feel awkward,
30:50but Suki did not need Su's apology because this was not the first time he acted without thinking.
30:55When he came home, Su immediately met Ukai to explain everything clearly,
30:58but Ukai did not blame Su at all, he just told him not to look down on shooting.
31:03However, unlike Ukai, Su was teased by Takeda for a reminiscence match,
31:07but Tanaka and Noya were very excited to see Su dare to play a game like that.
31:12After school, Su went back to the training camp to work on his shooting skills,
31:16and today he was able to see Sutomu's advanced shooting skills.
31:21Everyone was practicing, and Ushijima and the Shiratori Zawa team suddenly stepped in,
31:25and the new recruits at the training camp today will be playing against the Shiratori Zawa team.
31:30Tendo quickly noticed Su and rushed to talk to him,
31:34but Su was extremely busy, so he hurriedly asked for permission to go to work,
31:38and Tanjii made Su stand in line when everyone was playing.
31:42When he came to talk to Su, Tendo just knew that he was not invited to this place,
31:46and Ushijima asked that if he was not invited, what was the purpose of him coming here.
31:51Meanwhile, the other members of the Karasuno team were still practicing in their school,
31:56and Ukai understood that Su was an important factor for their team to win in the spring season.
32:01Su suddenly walked into the warehouse and pulled his face in between the shelves
32:04to think about why he came here,
32:07and Su suddenly realized that he could stand from afar to observe how everyone was playing.
32:11Su confidently stepped out of the warehouse while Ushijima and Tendo were standing nearby,
32:16and they were feeling a little nervous in front of Su's determined face.
32:20Su was no longer a forward, but just a spectator standing outside,
32:24so he could closely observe the entire game of the new team with Shiratori Zawa.
32:29Su looked closely at a 5-year-old boy who tickled his feet every time he moved to avoid the ball,
32:34and this reminded Su of a good friend who played tennis when he was in grade 2 named Tama.
32:38Su often came to play tennis with Tama even though he played very well,
32:42and once Tama taught Su a move that was a light jump off the ground to move more smoothly.
32:48As soon as the opponent just touched the ball, Su immediately jumped up to reset himself,
32:52and he was able to avoid a fly from the other side of the net even though his nose was still bleeding.
32:57But at least Su knew how to pick up a lot of information on the court to develop himself.
33:02At the end of the practice session, Tanji said that Su was not allowed to sleep here like other people,
33:06and Ushijima and Tendo understood that Su was trying to take advantage of every opportunity to learn here.
33:11Koganegawa said that Kindaiji stayed to practice with him even though it was very late,
33:16and Su ran to praise Sutomu's extreme long shot,
33:20and Sutomu was very happy to be praised, so this guy immediately expressed his interest in Su's words.
33:25Right after that, everyone stayed in the yard to play a few games for fun before going home,
33:29and Su was assigned to pick up the ball to practice both the skill of picking up the ball.
33:33He was even trying to learn the skill of guessing the direction of the ball through looking at the posture of the hands.
33:39Getting ready to go home, Su suddenly felt that his belly was bulging because of the talk.
33:44And Su remembers that Ukai used to say that people always have to eat enough to recover after exhausting practices,
33:50so Su immediately called and asked Ukai what to eat to replenish nutrition.
33:55The recent Karasuno team is still practicing very hard to prepare for the spring season,
33:59and Tanaka is practicing the skill of shooting a really cool way for the guys to shake their eyes,
34:04but apart from the cool look, this guy has never been able to shoot through the net.
34:08Trainer Takaki realizes that Su's movement is getting more and more skillful,
34:12and Su's previous movements mostly came from his instinct,
34:16but now Su has begun to know the brain before making any move.
34:20Kindaichi doesn't understand why Su can always try his best like that,
34:24and Su says that he always wants to be better than Kageyama.
34:28Meanwhile, Kageyama is training with the top Japanese traditional football players,
34:33and the training atmosphere here is always very tense, unlike at home.
34:37People find Su very interested in shooting,
34:40and only Suki realizes that he is actually practicing the skill of shooting.
34:44But sometimes Su still loses focus to let the ball hit them right on the ground,
34:48and Tanji, the coach, scolded him for not paying attention to his work.
34:52At the end of that day, Suki asked Su to stay and practice with everyone for fun,
34:57and Su immediately agreed because Suki doesn't usually open up like this.
35:01Kageyama accidentally met a member of the Shenzhen team from Tokyo named Daiki,
35:06and they have known each other since the Karasuno team came to Tokyo to participate in the training camp.
35:11Kageyama was eating dinner when Sakusa came to ask why Ushijima could lose to the Karasuno team,
35:17while Sakusa was wondering who prevented Ushijima.
35:21Because Ushijima is also one of the top players like Sakusa,
35:25so it makes no sense for him to lose.
35:27Meanwhile, Tanji's assistant, Akira, was drinking with Takaki,
35:32and they felt that Tanji was being too harsh on Su.
35:36But Akira remembered that actually when Su scored the last goal in front of the Shiratori Jawa team,
35:41Tanji had a very strange expression.
35:43Su was now practicing with Suki after not being touched by the ball for many days,
35:47and everyone in the training camp thought Su was a liberal because he looked too weak.
35:51Right after that, the whole team turned to the white ball for the young man who liked to show Tsutomu,
35:55and Tsutomu ran around the field and hit a ball that made the white ball not return in time.
36:00Suki and Kanegawa still thought that Tsutomu would hit the ball, not the edge of the field.
36:05After dinner, Kageyama had to go out to practice again,
36:08and Kageyama tried to communicate with everyone to see if his path was good enough.
36:13But no one expected that Kageyama was once called the king because of his unique personality.
36:18In the practice session that day, there was a white-haired boy named Korai who was very good at shooting,
36:22and everyone didn't expect that Korai could jump very high while he had a color.
36:27At the end of the practice session, Korai had an argument with Kageyama
36:30because of the crime he didn't confess when he hit the ball.
36:33So Kageyama had to praise this guy a few times to lessen the confusion,
36:37but a transfer named Asumu suddenly provoked Kageyama again.
36:42Su's recent hobby is to stand on the second floor to watch everyone practice,
36:46because from here he can observe the overall game as well as their playing style.
36:51The Seijo team also has a young man invited here like Kindaichi named Kunimi,
36:55but Koganegawa doesn't like Kunimi very much because he is very lazy to follow the ball.
36:59Trainer Takaki told everyone to split up to play 2-2 with each other,
37:03and 2-2 is usually very tiring, but Kunimi still plays to get rid of all the fatigue.
37:07But Kunimi didn't feel comfortable when Su looked down on him from the yard.
37:12Hyakujawa is the one with the worst skill in the practice session,
37:15even though he is 2 meters tall.
37:17And it was only after a few practices that Hyakujawa's spirit completely collapsed
37:21when he couldn't keep up with everyone.
37:23Even Hyakujawa thought that Su deserved to be invited here to practice more than him.
37:27However, Su again thought that Hyakujawa's height was a great talent,
37:32and if allowed, Su would choose to have a height like Hyakujawa more than any other talent.
37:37Everyone realized that Su was encouraging Hyakujawa even though he came from the opponent team,
37:42but Hyakujawa was really confident to play better after hearing Su's encouragement.
37:47Even Su gave more advice so that Hyakujawa could score,
37:51and the relationship between Hyakujawa and Su began to get closer since then.
37:55Kageyama is a talent from the second grade, so he is very noticed by the coaches,
38:00and he is now trying to find a perfect path that Su really needs.
38:04In a practice match, Kunimi continued to play a trick to get rid of his fear,
38:08but it was no surprise that Tsutomu was able to guess his cat and then counterattack.
38:13Hyakujawa also played more skillfully, not as clumsy as before,
38:17but Hyakujawa was still not good enough to break through Suki's defense.
38:21And Suki and Tsutomu defeated Hyakujawa and Kunimi in a two-on-one match.
38:26Today, the main team of Shiratori Jawa came here to compete with the new team,
38:31and Semi and Shirabu are now wondering why Su was caught off guard.
38:36However, everyone did not expect that Su was confident enough to run to ask for Ushijima's advice,
38:41and Tsutomu was always good, so he never asked for Ushijima's advice.
38:46But this time, he had to let go of his pride to ask for Ushijima's advice because he was afraid of being caught off guard.
38:51Throughout the practice session that day, Su did not stop observing everyone's play,
38:55and he will take every opportunity to learn as well as improve his own skills.
38:59Similarly to Su, Kageyama is also trying his best at the national stadium,
39:04and he has been training with national players all day, so his level has also been clearly increased.
39:09Asumu is a 2-on-1 player who is capable of controlling the ball like Aokigahara,
39:13so Kageyama also often asks for advice from this man.
39:17Finally, the 5-day practice at the national stadium was over,
39:20and Kageyama said goodbye to everyone and promised to see them again in the upcoming spring season,
39:25but Kageyama did not know the way to the train station, so he had to ask Daiki to show him the way.
39:30The practice run of the new players in Miyagi was over at the same time,
39:34and Koganegawa asked for an exchange email with everyone to contact them from time to time.
39:39It is known that Kendaichi is very annoyed that Kageyama has changed his personality since he was in the 3rd grade,
39:44and Kendaichi is being haunted by Kageyama's unique way of passing the ball the other day,
39:49but Kendaichi and Kunimi can still say that they will definitely defeat Karasuno next year.
39:54The next morning, Su came to the school to practice with his Karasuno team as usual,
39:58and Su and Kageyama accidentally met in front of the school gate,
40:02so the two immediately ran to the club room to see which one ran faster.
40:06The two then told each other about their past 5 days of practice,
40:10and soon the Karasuno team will have a very fierce fight with the Death team.
40:15Thank you for watching the full video of the anime King of Football.
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