• last year
(Adnkronos) - “A questa terza edizione di Hydrogen Expo sono presenti 200 espositori, quando nella prima edizione del giugno del 2022 ne aveva poco più di 30. Il balzo in un lasso di tempo molto ristretto è stato quindi notevole. Siamo la più grande mostra-convegno italiana, nonché una delle più note a livello internazionale, grazie a un lavoro di networking e di promozione della manifestazione all’estero”. Così Fabio Potestà, direttore di Mediapoint & Exhibitions, a margine della giornata inaugurale della terza edizione di Hydrogen Expo, la più grande mostra-convegno italiana interamente dedicata al comparto tecnologico per lo sviluppo della filiera dell’idrogeno, in svolgimento al Piacenza Expo dall’11 al 13 settembre 2024 e organizzata da Mediapoint & Exhibitions.


00:00The expectations are high because they are also encouraged by the participation of exhibitors and associations of categories and personalities of the industrial, entrepreneurial and even political world.
00:16Very encouraging. If it is from dawn that you see the day, it will be a beautiful day.
00:22There are 200 exhibitors. I want to underline that the first edition of June 2022 had just over 30, so the leap in a very short period of time was remarkable.
00:38We are certainly the largest Italian convention exhibition and one of the largest and most famous internationally, thanks to the networking and promotion work abroad.
00:51So today important international operators have already come, we have seen them, we have greeted them, we have welcomed them.
00:59A positive note are, for example, the 24 conventions. 24 extremely specialized conventions.
01:08It is a manifestation that is transversal, evidently, for the application field of the extremely vertical multiple hydrogen is a really encouraging fact.
01:19So to these 24 conventions, to date, this morning, they told me that 1,531 delegated operators have been pre-registered.
01:31Mediapoint was the first in Italy to believe, to have the vision and the strategy, evidently also the financial resources, to launch this hydrogen fair at the right time.
01:44Now, of course, there is still no scale economy of hydrogen, but it should be underlined that at a time when on a planetary level we speak more and more alarmingly of climate change,
02:04hydrogen constitutes, in my opinion, and not only in my opinion, an energy vector that is at the same time very performing and also extremely eco-sustainable.
02:16So the request is not mine, but of the associations of category, starting with H2IT and not only, but also from Confindustria Piacenza,
02:27is to ask the institutions to look at hydrogen with greater attention,
02:38so that the use of hydrogen is facilitated, or even by financial incentives, so as to enter the scale economy that can make hydrogen much less expensive and much more widespread.
