Days of our Lives 9-11-24 (11th September 2024) 9-11-2024 DOOL 11 September 2024

  • last week
00:18Connie Wynnynski? Are you there?
00:20It's commissioner Hunter.
00:23Miss Vininski, I need to speak with you about Everett Lynch.
00:30Sorry I'm late.
00:31I, um, I got caught up talking to the kids' teachers.
00:38Nothing to be sorry for.
00:42I know how hectic the first day of school can be.
00:54Very hectic.
00:55So, what do you want to do?
00:59We already scattered the ashes.
01:02You did?
01:03Everybody left already?
01:04Alex and Leo couldn't make it and Xander's busy with Sarah, obviously.
01:11It was just you?
01:12Well, Gina was here too.
01:14Which was fitting, I suppose, for it to be us two.
01:19Since, even though neither of us knew Everett the way that we thought we did, we knew him best.
01:28Right, yeah.
01:31Although Leo mentioned this woman, Connie Vininski, said that she was friends with Everett,
01:39but when I called to invite her to the memorial, she had no idea who he was.
01:48I'm going to take Stefan for all he's worth.
01:53And I wouldn't even mind keeping it up with EJ, you know?
02:00I mean, that one night with him, it doesn't have to be a one-off, does it?
02:05Of course not.
02:06Why should it be?
02:11Either way, Connie, I am living the good life.
02:18All right.
02:24Not for long, sluts.
02:40Okay, so I have all I've tried.
02:44Begging, pleading, cajoling.
02:48The only thing I haven't tried is pulling rank.
03:01Okay, here goes.
03:04Wake up, Ray Hernandez.
03:07Now, that is an order.
03:09Do you hear me?
03:10This is your mayor speaking to you.
03:13If you don't respond, I just might have to give that acting commissioner a job for good.
03:40God in heaven!
03:42I can't believe that actually worked!
03:45Oh, you're awake!
03:48You're finally awake!
04:02Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
04:19So, this woman Connie, she said she didn't know Everett.
04:24And she was emphatic about it.
04:27But who knows, with all the lies that Everett was keeping, maybe he didn't give her his real name, or maybe Leo didn't get his facts straight.
04:37Well, it wouldn't be the first time.
04:41Still, I'm sorry that there wasn't much of a turnout. I know this must have been an emotional day for you.
04:50I'm sure it was for you, too.
04:56You know, it wasn't the first time Thomas and Charlotte have gone back to school since Abby's been gone.
05:03But today, seeing the kids with their parents, you know, it just, it was different.
05:13I really wish Abby could have been there.
05:16Are you sure you did?
05:19I can't imagine how much it'll mean to sweet Charlotte and Thomas to have their mom back.
05:26Yeah. Well, hopefully it's just a matter of time before they do.
05:42The way you look at me.
05:48You can't stand me, I get it.
05:51Lying to your son.
05:55About being his dad, why?
06:02But, you know, just so you're aware, Mr. Stefano DiMera.
06:11I don't like it either.
06:14Pretending to be someone I'm not.
06:28I'm just doing what I have to do.
06:33Ray, Ray, can you hear me?
06:37It's Paulina, Paulina Price.
06:41Oh, of course you can't answer me with a tube down your throat.
06:47I'm going to get Kayla.
06:49I'll be right back.
06:52Just stay awake, stay awake.
06:57Oh, good.
07:24Governor DiMera?
07:31No, don't do anything. I'll take care of it.
07:36I need you to find Melinda Trask. Now.
07:48Ms. Vansky?
08:00Hello? Is anyone home?
08:06This is Commissioner Jada Hunter with the Salem PD.
08:26Ms. Vansky, are you in there?
08:36You need me to find Melinda Trask? Why?
08:40Well, she took some notes from me a while back on the home spring line. Copious notes, actually.
08:45She never sent them to me. I should have just typed them up myself.
08:49It's too late now.
08:51Right, well, I'd be happy to tell Melinda that, but...
08:55But what? What's the problem, Connie?
08:57I guess with your marriage imploding, you haven't heard.
09:00Heard what?
09:02With your marriage imploding, you haven't heard.
09:04Heard what?
09:06Ms. Trask took a leave of absence.
09:11Why would she do that?
09:13No idea. Maybe this job was too much for her.
09:16Guess she couldn't hack the pressure.
09:29Ms. Vansky?
09:33Hunter here.
09:35Jada? Jada, it's Melinda. I'm at the hospital.
09:39Did something happen with Rafe?
09:41Oh, it sure did.
09:43He's awake. Jada, he's awake.
09:47I'll be right there.
09:49No, I'm conscious.
09:52I'm conscious.
09:54I'm conscious.
09:56I'm conscious.
09:58I'm conscious.
10:00No, okay, just breathe easy, okay?
10:04Some deep, slow breaths.
10:07Your throat is gonna be sore for a few days.
10:09I'm gonna get the nurse to get you some rice chips.
10:11That'll make it feel better.
10:17I'm listening. Just take your time.
10:27You are so welcome.
10:29We are all so happy to have you back.
10:37I wanna...
10:46So, your meeting with Abby, how did it go?
10:50Pretty well.
10:53She didn't remember me, of course, but that didn't stop me from telling her all about our relationship,
10:58how close we were.
11:00Reminded her of some of our childhood exploits.
11:03I know you two got into more than your fair share of trouble.
11:07Abigail told you that, huh?
11:09When we first met, she told me some stories.
11:11She didn't give me all the details, so if you wanted to give me some of them nuggets, I'll take them.
11:16Oh, no, I'm taking my cousin's secrets to the grave.
11:22I'm glad you had a good time.
11:25We did.
11:27But, um...
11:31But what?
11:33Well, there was this one weird thing that happened.
11:40And another thing.
11:42You, of all people, should understand the position that I'm in.
11:46I mean, I don't know that much about you, but Chad did say that...
11:50that family meant everything to you.
11:54Just like it does to my brother and me.
12:06I didn't mean to startle you.
12:08Harold let me in.
12:10No, no, you're fine.
12:12I'm sorry, you are...
12:14I'm Steve Johnson.
12:16I'm your uncle.
12:19Well, um, nice to meet you.
12:23It's good to see you again.
12:27So, um...
12:30You were talking to Stefano, huh?
12:33I couldn't help it over here when I walked in.
12:38I talk to portraits.
12:40I mean, I don't make a habit of it.
12:42I don't think...
12:45It's just, he seems to loom large over the family, so...
12:49I don't know, I thought I would introduce myself.
12:52I get it.
12:55He has a commanding presence.
12:57Even from the afterlife.
13:01Seems to be so.
13:04But I heard you say something about family meaning everything to him.
13:09And to you and your brother?
13:13My brother.
13:15Um, everyone told me that he and I were really close.
13:22You're talking about JJ, right?
13:25Yeah, of course.
13:27Who else would I be talking about?
13:43So, when I got there, Abigail was on the phone.
13:46She was talking to someone about making a plan.
13:51And when I asked her about it, she said that she was talking to my mom.
13:54That they were coming up with some sort of treatment plan.
13:59Okay, yeah, that makes sense.
14:01Kayla was the first doctor that Abby saw when we brought her back from Missouri.
14:05Right, so it made sense to me too, obviously, but...
14:09When I brought it up to my mom later, she had no idea what I was talking about.
14:15She said that she and Abby had never had that conversation.
14:21So, your brother JJ.
14:23He's a great guy.
14:25Just so you know, it's short for Jack Patrick Jr.
14:29Oh, please.
14:32I'm having a hard enough time as it is remembering everybody by their first names.
14:37I know.
14:38It's not an easy task.
14:41You know, I have a dear friend, Abe Carver.
14:45Someone you know too.
14:47He had a similar situation.
14:49He lost his memory a while back.
14:51And he used flash cards to help him keep everything straight.
14:56Well, maybe I'll try that.
14:58It couldn't hurt, right?
15:01Anyway, it took a while, but he got his memory back.
15:08So, listen.
15:10I'm Steve.
15:12Your Aunt Kayla is my wife.
15:15Your Aunt Kayla is my wife.
15:17No last names required.
15:22That's a relief.
15:24And Aunt Kayla is my doctor, which she is.
15:27She is.
15:29And I understand that you were introduced, or reintroduced, to my daughter Stephanie.
15:35Yeah, she stopped by yesterday.
15:38She said you had a nice visit.
15:40It was.
15:41It was very nice.
15:42She told me all about my childhood.
15:46It sounded amazing.
15:48I just, well, I wish that I could remember it, but, you know.
15:53Well, you will.
15:54I'm sure.
16:00Stephanie also told me that, um,
16:04you said you were working on a treatment plan with my wife.
16:09I am.
16:10Um, yeah, we are.
16:12Uh, Aunt Kayla's been a huge help.
16:16No, I wouldn't be surprised by that if, uh,
16:22If what?
16:24If it was true.
16:31Well, your heart and your lungs sound good, but we will get an MRI just to make sure.
16:38They just called me and said,
16:40Oh my God.
16:42Oh my God, you're awake, you're awake.
16:47Thank God that you've come back to us.
17:03If Melinda's gone, then I guess I'll never get to see those notes.
17:07That's too bad.
17:09And I just need to grab my own notepad.
17:12It's on your desk.
17:21I don't see it.
17:30Gabby DiMera.
17:32Oh, hi, Gabby.
17:34This is Paulina Price.
17:36I'm sorry, Paulina, this isn't a good time.
17:39Oh, it sure is a good time.
17:43I'm here at the hospital and, well, your brother, he just woke up.
17:53You're just awake?
17:55Yes, yes, I'm not quite, you know, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, not yet, but he's definitely on his way there.
18:03Gracias a Dios.
18:05I'll be right there.
18:07My brother's awake.
18:09He's awake.
18:12Oh, my God.
18:31It doesn't make any sense.
18:32Why would Abby say she was talking to her mom if she wasn't?
18:35No idea.
18:37But she definitely said that she was talking to her mom.
18:39She referred to her as Dr. Johnson.
18:41Right, but is it possible that that was another Dr. Johnson?
18:46Sure it is.
18:47It's a common name.
18:48But when I said Kayla to Abigail, she didn't correct me.
18:54So she probably just confused about who she was talking to.
18:58She seemed pretty sure about it.
19:02Which is why when my mom said they didn't talk...
19:07Chad, I hate to even think this, but...
19:09Think what?
19:12That Abigail is lying.
19:20Your wife didn't mention that we spoke?
19:26And when Stephanie brought it up, Kayla said that the two of you hadn't spoken at all yesterday.
19:35Maybe it was a privacy thing.
19:38Doctor-patient confidentiality.
19:40No, no, it wasn't that.
19:42Kayla has no problem setting boundaries professionally or otherwise.
19:48But for her to say emphatically that she had not spoken to you...
19:56It's a little strange, isn't it?
19:59Yeah, it is.
20:02But it's been a really confusing time, you know.
20:07So I...
20:10Yeah, I know.
20:12Come on.
20:14The truth is, you didn't talk to Kayla yesterday about a treatment plan or anything else, did you?
20:23I've spoken to a lot of doctors recently.
20:27It's possible that I mix things up, but I mean, surely you can understand.
20:32Everyone is telling me that I'm this person and I don't remember any of her life.
20:37I see pictures of her and she doesn't look like me.
20:42I see framed photos and memories everywhere and I look at them and I feel nothing at all.
20:49And it's like...
20:53It feels like I'm a different person.
20:57Well, I could definitely relate to that.
21:03It wasn't so long ago that I thought I was that guy.
21:11You're serious.
21:13Yeah, I'm dead serious.
21:15It's a long story, but I was 100% convinced that I was Stefano DiMera.
21:24I was a completely different person to myself and to everybody else.
21:30But of course it wasn't true.
21:34I wasn't Stefano DiMera at all.
22:00Why the long face?
22:02You're not happy to see me?
22:04At least from you I get a smile.
22:08Oh, don't mind me. I need to get the front door fixed. It's sticking.
22:12I can log in from the inside, but when I go to work, someone could just walk right in.
22:16And we can't have that, can we?
22:18I said you were going to work.
22:21What was that?
22:24No wonder I couldn't understand a word you were saying. I had that on real tight, didn't I?
22:30I said...
22:32I thought you said you were going to work.
22:35I was, but something came up before my mission was accomplished.
22:40Commissioner Hernandez is awake.
22:52You have no idea how many hours I've spent just sitting here in this chair, waiting for this moment.
23:01I just... I just wanted to look into your eyes, see that awful smile.
23:10And now it's happening.
23:14Oh, I can't believe it.
23:17Believe it.
23:25Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
23:28It's true. It's really true.
23:32Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
23:40It is.
23:44I still don't know. I still don't know what happened to me.
23:50Can you tell? Oh, I've been a little preoccupied.
23:59You were out for two months in a coma.
24:03Oh, my God.
24:04Two very, very long months.
24:09Someone tried to kill you.
24:11You'd been stabbed in the back.
24:14It was in the cemetery.
24:17Don't you remember?
24:23I was...
24:26on the phone.
24:29With who?
24:38Yes, Polina. I'm at the gravesite now.
24:40And we've finished processing the scene.
24:43Hey, make sure you send someone down here to fill in this hole.
24:53I felt...
25:00I'm sure it was very painful.
25:04Aretha, do you remember who was there?
25:09Do you remember who stabbed you?
25:26Why would Abby lie about talking to your mom?
25:29I have no idea.
25:31Okay, so then it's like we said. She must have been talking to another doctor.
25:35You know, with all the names and faces she's had to get familiar with.
25:38It's, it's, it's, you know, she probably just got confused.
25:41That could be it.
25:43Yeah, it has to be it.
25:45Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
25:47Because, I mean, if she wasn't talking to another doctor,
25:51who else would she be meeting a plan with?
25:56Well, it must have been strange for you,
26:00believing you were this person that you weren't.
26:03Well, it was a hell of a lot more than strange for me,
26:07and for everybody else.
26:10You know, I, I had my doubts when Tad found me.
26:16But now I know I'm Abigail DiMera,
26:20because of the DNA results.
26:28Look, I don't have Abigail's face.
26:31I don't have her memories.
26:36I understand why people have their doubts.
26:41Including my mother.
26:45Well, that must have hurt, getting that reaction from her.
26:49Not accepting that you really were Abigail.
26:55It was upsetting.
27:02Well, you know, my brother Jack
27:05and his wife Jennifer lost their daughter.
27:11They thought they married her,
27:14grieved for her,
27:16and you can imagine how that would turn their lives upside down
27:20to suddenly hear that she's alive.
27:28It takes a lot to believe the unbelievable.
27:38I was just sharing the wonderful news with Abraham,
27:42I was just sharing the wonderful news with Abraham,
27:45who is real, of course.
27:47Oh, we all are.
27:49So, well, how's the patient? How is he?
27:52Well, Ray, he's doing remarkably well, all things considered.
27:57Jada and Gabby are in with him now.
28:02Ray, did you see the person who stabbed you?
28:10What does it matter what Ray saw? We already know who did it.
28:17It was Jada's ex.
28:25Apparently he wanted you out of the way
28:28so that he and I can get back together.
28:35You arrested him?
28:37Actually, he's dead.
28:40He committed suicide.
28:45My God.
28:49Well, I guess that's it then, huh?
28:56The end?
28:58Yeah, the end.
29:08Oh, wow.
29:11So, Ray Fernandez is awake?
29:14Yep, after all this time, I guess he decided to join the living.
29:21That must make you worried now.
29:23I mean, a man that you almost stabbed to death is capable of speech.
29:30Seems like he might be a problem for you.
29:32He could be, if he knew I was the one who did it.
29:37Yeah, an open grave can definitely be dangerous.
29:45Looks like that open grave was the least of your worries.
29:54But since Ray didn't see me, there's nothing for him to remember.
29:59If that were true, why do you seem so nervous?
30:08The End
30:15Well, I guess I should get going.
30:19I just wanted you to know that we're all thinking about you.
30:25I appreciate that.
30:28Yeah, you really should give your Aunt Kayla a call.
30:32I'm sure she'd be happy to help you out with that treatment plan.
30:38We'll see you soon.
30:56I think Uncle Steve is going to be a little bit of a problem.
31:00Well, I should get back to work.
31:05Thanks for coming today.
31:07Of course.
31:09Sorry I didn't make it in time for the memorial.
31:12You got a lot going on with the kids and Abigail.
31:16I just appreciate you making the effort.
31:19Oh, and Abigail and I talked about seeing each other again sometime soon, maybe getting dinner.
31:25Yeah, let's do that.
31:28I think it's more comfortable if she gets around everyone in her family.
31:32The sooner she'll want to be a part of the kids' lives.
31:36It'll happen, Chad.
31:39It will.
31:44Lattes from Sweet Bits.
31:46You deserve better than that.
31:49Thank you, Paulina.
31:51You deserve better than that sludge over there.
31:54Thank you, Paulina. Wonderful, my favorite.
31:57You know, we really should be collecting the champagne and throwing a party, right?
32:00To celebrate the wonderful news.
32:02Yes, we should. And we will make a point to do that.
32:06I'm just so happy for Jada and Gabby and all of us who love Rafe.
32:11I'm assuming that he'll be the same man as he was before.
32:15Well, you know, all the preliminary tests show that he is a very lucky man.
32:19And there shouldn't be any lasting effects from the coma.
32:22Oh, more wonderful news.
32:24Yeah, mind you, he doesn't remember anything about the stabbing.
32:28But the rest of his memory seems to be intact.
32:37No more?
32:40My girlfriend feeding me.
32:43Makes me feel...
32:46You better not say emasculated.
32:53Well, you better get over it, okay?
32:57Because in the future, until you are a hundred percent,
33:00I am going to be doing a lot for you, okay?
33:05So, I'm gonna need you to just grin and bear it, alright?
33:15I got it.
33:21Is there a new commission?
33:25Well, you are looking at her.
33:28It was just temporary.
33:31I was giving her some work for you.
33:34She's been doing a great job.
33:39I bet.
33:45What's been going on?
33:49What, you want us to tell you now?
33:53I mean, Rafe, you just got out of a coma.
33:58Alright, well, since you're not gonna back off, fine.
34:02There is a high-profile hit-and-run case that I think you should know about.
34:06Technically, it's still open.
34:09Looks like that open grave was the least of your worries.
34:17Rafe, you okay?
34:26I'm not nervous.
34:29I'm perturbed.
34:32And why wouldn't I be?
34:34Things have not gone as I hoped.
34:36What things?
34:38Well, if you must know, Gabby told me she went to bed with EJ, Stefan's brother.
34:43You're kidding.
34:45They hate each other.
34:47Yeah, well, there's a fine line between lust and hate.
34:51Okay, but still...
34:54Isn't that exactly what you wanted?
34:57For Gabby to exact revenge on Stefan?
35:01An eye for an eye.
35:03An eye for an eye.
35:06Well, it was when I thought it was going to make the witch miserable.
35:10But this morning she was banging on about how she's gonna make the DA her side piece
35:14while she takes Stefan for everything he's worth.
35:17That floozy is on cloud nine.
35:19What kind of revenge is that?
35:23I can see why you'd be so frustrated.
35:28I wanna pull my hair out.
35:31And I know you don't want me to kill anyone, but damn it, Lee,
35:35I may have to disobey you just this one time.
35:45Because there's only one way to make Gabby pay for what she's done.
