DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE Hidden Easter Eggs & Deleted Scenes Everyone Missed

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DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE Hidden Easter Eggs & Deleted Scenes Everyone Missed
00:00No, no, no, no, with the whole multiverse thing.
00:03It's just been miss after miss after miss.
00:08Welcome back everyone it's Charlie Ryan Reynolds and the director of Deadpool and Wolverine
00:12just confirmed a bunch of new Easter eggs that I haven't seen a ton of people talking
00:16about recently.
00:18Some were a little easier to spot than others and some were some super deep cuts for much
00:22older movies.
00:24All of them in most cases were meant to be Ryan Reynolds ripping on Hugh Jackman which
00:28he does every chance he gets as much as the references in the movie make fun of Disney
00:33Marvel Kevin Feige every turn Fox Marvel movies.
00:36Most of the movie is Ryan Reynolds making fun of himself and making fun of Hugh Jackman.
00:41So will break it all down.
00:42If you're brand-new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the videos there's
00:46a bunch of big stuff is getting started the next couple weeks.
00:50This first one actually comes at the beginning of the movie during the opening dance number
00:54the hidden detail isn't the in sync bye-bye-bye everybody spotted that like even if you never
00:58listen to in sync.
01:00I think people got that reference is actually when Deadpool pulls Wolverine's adamantium
01:05skeleton from his grave in the Logan movie inserts using it as a weapon against the TVA
01:10agents during the dance montage when he goes full Wolverine pool trying to use the class
01:15himself the opening dance titles when they shift between regular speed slow motion.
01:19You start swinging the body parts around Ryan Reynolds said that he wanted Wolverine's
01:23skull to still have a tiny bit of skin left on it when he pulled it out of the grave.
01:28So when he waxed the TVA agent with like a morning star the blow is supposed to rip the
01:32rest the skin off of that skull to reveal the adamantium skull and even though this
01:36is already meant to be a big joke on the Logan movie ending like a big Hugh Jackman joke
01:41the real reference like super deep cut here when they're still in the slow motion part
01:45of the sequence.
01:46You can see the underside of Wolverine's skull and he's got the number 24601 etched on the
01:52underside of his mouth.
01:54If you have not followed Hugh Jackman's non-Wolverine non-Marvel movies over the years or you're
01:58not a huge fan of musicals just in general 24601 is a prisoner 24601 reference to his
02:05character Jean Valjean from the Les Mis movie back in 2012.
02:14Even Reynolds is made several jokes about this over the years Deadpool makes the same
02:19joke during Deadpool 2 when he's playing the heist to yoink fire fist from the prison convoy
02:24later in the movie with X-Force there's a ton of Easter eggs and references all over
02:27his drawing here, but this is meant to be right before all the X-Force team members
02:31die in hilarious ways personally you know side note I like the theory that Domino stole
02:36all their luck with her special power with her mutant ability and that's what caused
02:41them to die like they're not idiots Domino just stole all their luck how exactly did
02:45that happen while the police say gravity, but if just between us they didn't test well
02:50in the focus group particularly cable Hugh Jackman is also a famous song and dance man
02:55in real life.
02:56That's why he had the greatest showman references in the Deadpool and Wolverine movie to like
03:00there's a greatest showman Deadpool in the Deadpool core he's in a ton of musicals in
03:05real life ton of Broadway plays most of you have probably seen some of the somewhere you
03:09can let me know in the comments of you actually gone to one of his Broadway shows they even
03:13use the greatest showman theme song during their fight in the minivan when they're messing
03:18with the dial the radio one of the stations it turns to as they begin the fight is the
03:22greatest showman theme song before they knock it again changing the station to another song
03:27like are we can have a fight here to the greatest showman note is going to be another song and
03:30maybe this shouldn't be surprised, but there's another deleted scene when they were going
03:34to make Hugh Jackman sing in the movie it would've been a big song and dance number
03:39when he's in his Wolverine costume like it would've come later in the movie when his
03:43Wolverine starts to open up about his traumatic past what really happened to his X-Men team
03:47how they all died and what happened to him after that you can guess why they chose to
03:52get rid of that song and dance number like the thought it was just too much for the movie
03:56both needing to reduce the runtime like it was a pretty short movie.
04:00If you're thinking about the runtimes most Marvel movies, but it also kind of drug the
04:03pacing of the movie down to a halt and they wanted things to move quicker towards the
04:08end of the movie yet imagine the sort of stopping the action of the movie for him to
04:12turn and start to do this extended song and dance number you can kind of feel the pace
04:17of the movie grind to a halt while he's doing that what they wound up doing though is they
04:21did most of his X-Men backstory from his universe when he's talking to X-23 and earlier when
04:26Cassandra Nova makes and relive those memories of his dead X-Men next all their graves.
04:32There's also another long-running Hugh Jackman Wolverine Les Mis joke that goes all the way
04:37back to X-Men days of future past before that movie came out, which was released in
04:412014 is a long time ago.
04:44He wound up singing a Wolverine musical to the theme song from Les Mis now I can't play
04:49the whole song that he sings because of copyright reasons, but this is what it sounds like.
05:02The other reason why Ryan Reynolds keeps making Hugh Jackman Les Mis jokes over the years
05:06is because that's his only Oscar nomination in his entire career like Hugh Jackman's only
05:11Oscar nomination for best leading actor.
05:13He did not wind up winning which Ryan Reynolds reminds him about often therefore separate
05:19John Candy references and Easter eggs.
05:21Most of them to planes trains and automobiles, but one of them is not if you didn't realize
05:26or you haven't seen him talk about him Ryan Reynolds favorite comedian in real life is
05:30John Candy like he's a huge John Candy stand.
05:33He grew up watching John Candy and all of his stuff.
05:35So anytime he gets a chance he loves talking about John Candy he even references a lot
05:39of real-life anniversaries on the social media John Candy is also a famous Canadian just
05:44like Ryan Reynolds and he grew up watching John Candy on SCTV.
05:48So that's why you see a lot of SCTV references that he makes in present day.
05:52For instance, he just did a mobile commercial with Rick Moranis not because of Rick Moranis
05:58is other movies these famous for, but because he's such a huge SCTV fan.
06:02The very first planes trains and automobiles reference is during the opening scene of
06:07the very opening scene was digging up Wolverine's body notice the mug clear and frame.
06:12I like me.
06:13He steals from the TV agent later in the movie.
06:15The quote on the mug is based on John Candy's iconic speech from that movie like my wife
06:23likes me my customers like me some the real article they also keep bringing that TV agent
06:30back in the movie.
06:31He's meant to give you John Candy vibes when Deadpool is changing out of his work clothes
06:36at the car dealership.
06:37Also the beginning of the movie into the Hawaiian shirt is also meant to be a John Candy reference
06:42technically is not planes trains and automobiles is John Candy and Brewster's millions, but
06:47is meant to be the same Hawaiian shirt inside his locker.
06:50You can see the book the Canadian mounted that's the same book the John Candy's character
06:54is reading during planes trains and automobiles later when Deadpool and Wolverine are stuck
06:59in the void about to meet nice pool aka Van Milder in dog pool.
07:04They walk past the wreckage of this car.
07:06The car is meant to be the exact same one from planes trains and automobiles during
07:12that movie the car gets totally wrecked.
07:14It's hilarious, but the joke is that the two of them cause the nexus event in the car then
07:19got pruned by the TVA.
07:20So theoretically for a while at least there was a version of John Candy running around
07:25on the void that at the very end of the movie when they're eating shawarma making the
07:29Avengers post credit scene jokes Ryan Reynolds said that this scene is framed to look just
07:34like this scene from planes trains and automobiles you know the Avengers discovered shawarma
07:43in one of the billion new projects that Ryan Reynolds is working on outside of all the
07:47Deadpool and Marvel stuff is that he's making a documentary about John Candy in real life,
07:52but it's not to be out for a couple years.
07:54One of the other big deep cut movie references I haven't seen a ton of people talking about
07:58is the Star Trek reference during the final battle when Deadpool and Wolverine are trying
08:02to destroy the time ripper Deadpool tricks Wolverine so that he can be the one to sacrifice
08:07himself he locks the door behind him.
08:09Notice that he makes the Spock live long and prosper symbol reference with his hand.
08:14It's meant to be a joke reference to the end from Star Trek to wrath of Khan when Spock
08:18sacrifices himself to stop the warp core from destroying the entire ship saving the crew.
08:24Then there's a couple new variants.
08:25They also revealed the past week or so they seem to reveal new variants like every single
08:30These are couple that didn't make the final cut.
08:32There was a weapon X version of Wolverine.
08:34He was going to be a variant the Deadpool saw during the montage at the beginning of
08:38the movie when he sees all the different versions of Wolverine in different realities presumably
08:42Deadpool would have seen this weapon X Wolverine literally right after he breaks out of the
08:47weapon X facility in Canada right after getting the adamantium bonded to his skeleton most
08:52of you will remember the Fox X-Men movies have reference this event multiple times in
08:58many different movies.
08:59There was the more on the nose X-Men apocalypse scene where the younger X-Men team find Wolverine
09:05literally having just gotten the adamantium bonded to his skeleton.
09:08They help him escape taking out a bunch of the guards on his way out the door Wolverine
09:13origins is literally the entire story of how that all went down in how he joined the weapon
09:17X program in the first place and even earlier during X-Men to he visits the old weapon
09:22X facility where he got the adamantium.
09:25Now there were some recastings of characters and even though it's meant to be the same
09:29timeline because of the days of future past that weapon X tank the facility looks way
09:33different from the ones in both Wolverine origins and then later during X-Men apocalypse.
09:38So like all the different weapon X scenes of Wolverine look a little bit different.
09:42One of the funny things that Ryan Reynolds said when he was sort of paying homage to
09:45all the Fox era of Marvel movies like it right after Deadpool and Wolverine came out.
09:49He basically said the entire movie was meant to be a love letter to that era of Marvel
09:53movies them sort of saying goodbye, which is why they use the NSYNC bye-bye-bye song
09:57at the beginning of the movie and why during the end credits they had all the behind the
10:00scenes from those different movies.
10:03One of the terms that he used to describe that era of Marvel movies at Fox was wildly
10:07inconsistent like very uneven just because the continuity was all over the place were
10:13like new movies would come out and just completely not care or forget about stuff that they did
10:17in previous movies.
10:19If you lived through that era of Marvel movies like you grew up watching all those movies
10:23you remember all those conversations like how come this is different.
10:26Like why they recasting this what's going on here.
10:28Well they don't care about all this old stuff they eventually did try to bridge all those
10:32timeline inconsistencies during days of future past to explain how everything was part of
10:37the same timeline, but there were still some questions that were raised later on, but it
10:41didn't completely solve all their continuity issues.
10:45There's actually a couple ways the Loki series is sort of tied up all those inconsistencies
10:49that's like a completely separate video I could do in the future.
10:52I'm sure will be talking about this when secret wars comes out and a lot of these other actors
10:56come back from those old movies.
10:58There's another Deadpool variant.
10:59This is meant to be a Lucha Libre Deadpool that would just been part of the Deadpool
11:03core and that big fight at the end of the movie.
11:05This one is just called pajama pool like a Deadpool in pajamas.
11:09It's a little bit younger in this grandma looking version of Deadpool is a big golden
11:13girls joke long-running thing the Deadpool is a golden girls stand in the comics that
11:18just carried forward into the movies his katanas used to be named B and Arthur they just updated
11:23that name is still a golden girls reference, but the name is slightly different for Deadpool
11:27and Wolverine.
11:28So that's why they had Betty white was also in golden girls doing promos for the first
11:32Deadpool movie when she was still alive RIP.
11:35So the joke here is that there was a version of Deadpool who actually was part of the golden
11:40girls in the reality that they came from like a golden girl Deadpool.
11:44But the other big new variant that we learned about metaphorically and literally was a female
11:48version of the juggernaut.
11:50I'm assuming they chose to go with the other juggernaut in the movie because they wanted
11:54someone that looked a little bit more like Vinnie Jones version from X-Men the last stand
11:59like this female version would've been two different.
12:01So maybe they thought the joke would get watered down too much because people be thinking more
12:05about it being a female version rather than just them clowning on Vinnie Jones version
12:09in general for those you asking why they got variants of all the X-Men characters from
12:14previous movies that when they just get the original actors to come back and play their
12:17characters most of it was because of budget and scheduling issues like some of the actors
12:22that would've come back if they could have were busy filming other things is also one
12:26of the reasons why he made the Chris Evans human torch joke about him destroying the
12:30budget of the movie like that's why they didn't get all the X-Men people to come back like
12:35the original actors.
12:36Do not worry if you're sad they didn't include some of the really big X-Men characters.
12:40That's because they're saving some of those for avengers secret wars.
12:44Also because the budget of secret wars is going to be like triple the budget of Deadpool
12:48and Wolverine speaking of which Deadpool and Wolverine is now the seventh highest earning
12:52Marvel movie of any kind from any studio.
12:56It's probably not going to be avengers age of Ultron, but it might actually get close
13:00to beating Black Panther will see about that is supposed to come out on DVD in October.
13:04So I think that's going to kill his chances for actually beating the Black Panther box
13:08office when it does come out all give away some of the copies in my Marvel related videos
13:13because of the budget big Marvel stuff happening during that period.
13:16I've already done several videos on a lot of the deleted scenes and Easter eggs from
13:19Deadpool and Wolverine.
13:20So I'll post links for some of those videos in the description below.
13:24There was a lot a lot of stuff that they cut out of this movie as you would expect the
13:27next real big things that are coming up is we have Captain America for the be more trailers
13:32for that soon because it's like the next big Marvel movie this coming out in February.
13:35So expect a couple really big trailers for that before the end of the year is a whole
13:39bunch of scarlet witch stuff happening during the agatha series I'll be doing episode videos
13:43for that starting next week and were supposed to get that Spider-Man TV show before the
13:48end of the year.
13:49Of course I will do episode videos for that to this is a brand-new venom the last dance
13:53trailer they're releasing later this week.
13:55Of course I'll do a video for that click here for that I'll update the link as soon as I
13:59post it and click here for that Deadpool and Wolverine Thor deleted scene and why Thor
14:04was crying in the first place.
14:06Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one!
