Female Zombie Riot 2016

  • last week
00:00:30Hi, I'm Dalton fingers and welcome to channel 12 news this evening
00:00:35We're bringing you our breaking story
00:00:37Pervo the clown
00:00:38Rockstar playboy and award-winning actor has been arrested again this evening for running naked through the streets of Newcastle
00:00:45Chasing one of our news reporters. So let's head downtown where we've got Jessica swallows on location
00:00:50So for the viewers at home, can you tell us a little bit more about the incidents that Pervo has been finding himself in?
00:00:58Absolutely, and obviously Pervo's rise to fame was quite meteoric in the past 12 months
00:01:04Since he rescued that group of women from the satanic cult. He was really set in the hearts and minds of the nation
00:01:11however, after all that partying and hardcore living and he had to go into rehab for alcohol addiction and drug problems and
00:01:20After that, we thought he was back on track. But unfortunately tonight's events have shown that perhaps he's not anymore
00:01:27Yes, but Pervo is a very crazy character in himself. I mean his autobiography was entitled Pervo the clown. Show me your tits
00:01:35Tonight wasn't his first arrest. He was arrested several weeks ago in a police sting operation
00:01:40Unfortunately, and there was a sting operation in place where Pervo didn't realize that there were several undercover police officers
00:01:48posing as prostitutes and unfortunately when he started asking to cover themselves in custard and
00:01:55Lay themselves all across him. That was when the police officers were not willing to go any further
00:02:00Mmm, and I also believe that when he was arrested he had various
00:02:05Erotic objects inserted in him. Can you tell me more about that, please?
00:02:09There were several objects and attached to Pervo as he was as he was pulled away from the undercover police women
00:02:16and several of them have did actually take a
00:02:20actual doctor to remove and
00:02:22So he had to go to hospital to get that done
00:02:25But hopefully he seems to be okay now
00:02:28Physically, we're not quite sure about mentally as of yet. Well, that's great. Jessica. Thank you very much
00:02:35Jessica swallows ladies and gentlemen, who knows what's next for Pervo the clown, but for me, that's all there is tonight
00:02:42I remember ladies
00:02:54They came out
00:04:43Someone's been a bad little boy, haven't they? What do we do with bad little boys?
00:05:02Where's my sexy clown one
00:05:05Mother would you stop your obsession with that murdering toe rag? I told you we're gonna kill your sexy clown, man
00:05:11Why are we gonna kill my sexy clown man? I told you this a thousand times before he killed our entire family
00:05:19my dad
00:05:20Your husband remember my brother and sisters your children. He deserves to die
00:05:27No, no, my sexy clown man wouldn't kill anyone
00:05:31She doesn't remember a thing. Does she?
00:05:34Anyway, why aren't you downstairs making the punch for the party? I was but uncle Cuthbert kept getting in the way
00:05:41What's uncle Cuthbert doing? He's meant to be going to the TV station to meet Pervo. You see? Oh my god
00:05:47That was the first part of the plan the plan
00:05:51What plan?
00:05:53What we're going to do is we're going to invite Pervo and a load of his friends to a big party
00:05:58Where we're going to lure them in with a group of sexy girls called the pervettes
00:06:02And then whilst he's busy partying we're going to infect the girls with our virus. It means he did a licious punch
00:06:09It would turn them into brain dead zombies so that they can kill all of her those friends
00:06:15Just like he killed our family
00:06:19Fifth and final time do you guys understand?
00:06:33Oh, you can't remember a thing because you were all too busy messing about as usual
00:06:38Right, get uncle Cuthbert and go to the garage immediately. I'll be finished with him shortly
00:06:44I'll be finished with him shortly
00:07:07Right, where were we we don't care we just want pain so we can go you get paid don't worry
00:07:14Anyway, it hasn't been three hours yet has it? Not quite. Well how long we got left?
00:07:1920 minutes. 20 minutes? Shit right everyone in the bathroom. Come on
00:07:25Why is the tub full of baked beans?
00:07:28No, no madam. No, no listen madam. I can assure you we do not allow that kind of thing in this hotel
00:07:35And we definitely don't allow that
00:07:40Okay, I will sort it out of course. Thank you for your call
00:07:45I'm gonna tell him a new asshole
00:07:59What the hell's going on in there? Now, now fuck off
00:08:02Fuck off
00:08:07Get out of my way
00:08:11What the hell is this?
00:08:15Are they hookers? No
00:08:17We only agreed to have you back here because your manager guaranteed you'd have a carer with you. A carer?
00:08:23I'm not a fucking retard. I beg to differ. Well, I've paid for the room
00:08:27No, you haven't. Your card's been declined now
00:08:31Pack up your stuff and get out. He's not going anywhere until we get our money
00:08:36Did somebody say money?
00:08:39Pervo the motherfucking clown. Why am I not surprised to see you here? You're still in the closet, eh Nick?
00:08:48I'm just where the fuck you think you're going sunshine. Have you met Stacey? He's a new muscle. My love muscle, so to speak
00:08:55His name's Stacey? Yes, it is. Of course, if you've got a problem with that, you want to take it up with him
00:09:02Excuse me, but who the hell do you think you are?
00:09:05My name is Nick the dick motherfucker. Nick is my name and wasting motherfuckers is my game
00:09:11Now, where's my money bitch?
00:09:14Now listen very closely
00:09:16The next words out of your mouth are what I want to hear or Stacey here is gonna rip your balls off
00:09:22Now, what have you got to say for yourself?
00:09:25Boris! What?
00:09:27Boris! Boris? Who the fuck is Boris?
00:09:36Hey, good stuff mate, come on
00:09:40Can I smell beans?
00:09:42Oh, you've got that TV interview to do anyway. See you girls
00:09:45Fuck off little dick
00:09:48What is it with you and fucking beans?
00:09:55Don't tell me to calm down! I've been through this three times already and you lot still don't remember it. I love you, but you're so bloody difficult. Oh, why don't you listen to me when I'm talking?
00:10:14We do listen to you. What did I just say then?
00:10:20It's not a hard plan to follow. Now go and sit with mother and uncle Cuthbert and I'll explain it to you lot again
00:10:31Anyway, the plan is that we're going to turn the entire country's population into brain-dead zombies
00:10:38By infecting the national water supply with dad's virus. So lovingly recreated by Dr. Bertie here
00:10:45And then when everybody's turned into zombies, then we're going to go and live in Buckingham Palace where mother shall be queen
00:10:56And you'll be Prince Octavia and I'll be Princess Bertie
00:11:00Darling, I think you'll find it's the other way around. But I want to be a princess
00:11:05Yeah, he wants to be a princess. Let him be a princess
00:11:08Okay then. First of all, we will pervert the fucking clown
00:11:15No, no, no, not my sexy clown mum
00:11:19Shh, shh, shh, mother
00:11:21Anyway, we're going to lure pervert here to a big, big party with a group of sexy girls called the perverts
00:11:28Is it his birthday?
00:11:29No, darling, it's not. With a group of sexy girls who we're then going to turn into zombies
00:11:35No, I don't want to be a zombie
00:11:38Mother, you won't be a zombie, don't you worry, because darling Bertie here's created the zombie rebellion spray
00:11:45Haven't you Bertie?
00:11:47Have you? Have you? No, no, yes, yes, yes
00:11:51Oh yes, oh yes
00:12:03Now watch this
00:12:09You see, she's completely rebelled
00:12:12Come on darling
00:12:17See, so we'll all be perfectly safe
00:12:20We'll spray pervert when he gets in too so the zombies don't kill him
00:12:24So he can watch all his friends die slowly
00:12:27Then we can capture him, torture him and finally heal him
00:12:37Right Uncle Cuff, you go get yourself changed and get to the TV station where Pervo's doing that show
00:12:43Go find his assistant and tell them about our party
00:12:46Then go get them to meet Bertie at the club tonight
00:12:48Aye aye, sir
00:12:51Bertie, you're going to go to the club to meet Pervo
00:12:56You make sure they definitely come tomorrow
00:12:58Mother, you can bake a cake
00:13:01I've got some friends coming tonight
00:13:03Yes Mummy, in a head
00:13:07Anyway darling, we've got a couple of hours to kill so
00:13:10Shall we go finish the hoovering?
00:13:32OK, I will do, bye
00:13:37Well that was the management, you're officially bankrupt
00:13:42What's that even mean?
00:13:44It means you're a skint prick
00:13:46It's not you
00:13:47He's right though, you've got no money
00:13:49Well how come?
00:13:50It's your fucked up lifestyle isn't it?
00:13:52Fucked up? It's awesome
00:13:54Not only are you skint but you owe thousands of pounds
00:13:57Not only are you skint but you owe thousands of pounds
00:14:00Like, who are the bad habits? You owe them a fortune
00:14:03Just some girls I know
00:14:07That's all you do, grass me up
00:14:09They're gorgeous, they'll do anything
00:14:12If you pay for it
00:14:14Pervo, you really need to create a good impression on this TV interview
00:14:18This is pretty much your last chance
00:14:20Pervo the clown, course I will
00:14:23Anyway, what do you care? It's your last date tomorrow isn't it?
00:14:26You still haven't even told us where you're going
00:14:28I'm travelling the world, that's all I'm saying
00:14:31Whatever, keep a little secret, I don't care
00:14:38What's your name?
00:14:39Doesn't matter what her name is, leave the poor girl alone
00:14:42I'm only asking what her name is
00:14:45Do you spit or swallow?
00:14:47Pervo, I said leave her alone
00:14:49You haven't dealt with the last harassment lawsuit yet
00:14:53Got awesome boobs you
00:14:55Ignore him darling, he's an idiot
00:14:57Look, you really need to be sensible in this interview and I'm being serious
00:15:01I will, I promise
00:15:09What the fuck?
00:15:15You won't lock me up mind
00:15:17Give me strength one more day
00:15:21Did you see the size of her boobs though?
00:15:23Dirty bastard
00:15:32Excuse me, is your name Kat?
00:15:35Yeah it is
00:15:36My name's Captain Cuthbert, I mean Cuthbert, my name's Cuthbert
00:15:40Nice to meet you
00:15:43What is that?
00:15:45It's a hanky
00:15:49Dear me, there's always a bit you can't get isn't there
00:15:55Anyway, I'd like to invite Pervo to a party thrown in his honour
00:16:01Oh, a party?
00:16:02Yeah, my boss Birdie Dumble owns a string of nightclubs and he'd like to invite Pervo to a party
00:16:08Oh, ok
00:16:11Hello and welcome back to the chat lab with me, your hostess, Miss Crystal Meth
00:16:21Now, we've just heard from international singing sensation Miss Sugar Deluxe
00:16:26Now, it's time for my next guest
00:16:29Now this man is known for his part in rescuing girls from a gruesome satanic cult that turned dozens of girls into sick, twisted killers
00:16:39And a movie about the massacre in where he plays himself has just been recently released
00:16:44Now, he's appeared in the headlines for all of the wrong reasons and he's become quite the victim of his own success
00:16:51But there are two sides to every story, so let's hear it from the man himself
00:16:56Ladies and gentlemen, I give you my next guest, the one, the only, Pervo the Clown
00:17:04So Pervo, how are you?
00:17:06I'm great, thanks
00:17:07Even better now I'm sat next to this bit of crumpet
00:17:10Well, funny you should say that, Sugar was looking to be getting on very well with someone that you know in the green room
00:17:15Oh, Dickie Licks
00:17:17What a guy
00:17:18What a guy, he's a cock
00:17:20Could you watch your language please?
00:17:22He's a cock though, look at him, thinks he's it
00:17:24He's a fucking knobhead man
00:17:26Fucking rockstar wannabe
00:17:28Didn't Dickie kick you out of a band that you were in together once?
00:17:31No, I left
00:17:34Okay, so, for those who don't know at home, could you tell the audience a little bit about the movie and what it's about?
00:17:40It's called Zombie Women of Satan
00:17:42Can I just say I think that that is a fantastic title, don't you agree ladies and gentlemen?
00:17:48But Satan doesn't actually make an appearance in the film
00:17:51Ah, shut up man, he's just splitting hairs, doesn't matter
00:17:54They're all evil bitches anyway, just watch the film, it's great, tits everywhere
00:18:00Now, sadly, on a more serious note, Harmony Starr and Sky and Rachel Brannigan, who survived the massacre, were tragically killed in a car accident recently
00:18:10Yeah, that was well weird, I mean, head-on collision with a truck driven by a midget
00:18:15Fucking hell, what's the chances of that?
00:18:17Sorry, I shouldn't have sworn, I should have stopped after midget
00:18:21No, I think midget was the actual problem there
00:18:25Now, Harmony's character, who was played by Dahlia Von Rose, was actually on the show here last week
00:18:32Was she? I think she's in London at the moment, isn't she, doing that, what's that film called, The Ox's Cock or something?
00:18:37It's Oxford, it's about the Oxford boat races, it's a period drama
00:18:40Is it? I thought it was some animal porn thing
00:18:43Anyway, she's a fucking idiot, I hate her, right minge bag
00:18:47Okay, well
00:18:49Could you shed a little bit of light on this subject for me?
00:18:51Now, there was a recent police sting operation at a massage parlour
00:18:56That was a total coincidence, I didn't even know there were hookers
00:19:00You were seen leaving with a ball gag on your mouth and a dildo inserted in your arm
00:19:04Yeah, alright, it was up my arse, the police put it there
00:19:07Okay, apparently, according to the headlines, you have spent a fortune on call girls
00:19:12Are you being treated for sex addiction at all?
00:19:15I am, yeah, I'm treating myself
00:19:17By shagging anything that moves
00:19:19You'd have it, wouldn't you?
00:19:21No thanks
00:19:22Oh, come on, don't touch the nose, you want it, don't you?
00:19:25Come on!
00:19:32Okay, just so I'm absolutely clear what you're telling me
00:19:36Pandora let that fucking idiot clown rack up 40 grand's worth of debt
00:19:40And you two thought the best way to get the money back was to do nothing
00:19:43And not even tell me
00:19:44It was Pandora's idea
00:19:46Well, did neither of you think that following a plan concocted by someone as thick as two short planks might be a bit, I don't know, fucking stupid?
00:19:52You know, back home in Russia, we chop people up when they don't pay, feed them to a dog
00:19:57I don't care about back home in Russia, Svetlana
00:20:00What I care about is that my, my escort agency is owed 40,000 pounds
00:20:04People come to the bad habits because of our reputation
00:20:07And I've worked bloody hard to make it so
00:20:09I'm not gonna let you three fuck it up
00:20:11The three of us? It was Pandora who let him rack up the debt, not us
00:20:15But you two knew about it, which makes you all as bad as each other
00:20:17Now come on, we're going now
00:20:19Going where?
00:20:20To get Pervo
00:20:22Right now?
00:20:23Yes, right now!
00:20:25Where is Pandora?
00:20:27She's upstairs, having a bath
00:20:28Having a bath? For fuck's sake!
00:20:33What's her problem?
00:20:42Hey, how about knocking first? What's the problem?
00:20:45The problem? The problem is that not only have you racked up a massive debt
00:20:49But those two knew about it all along
00:20:51Now get out of the bath and we're going, now!
00:20:54Why? Where are we going?
00:20:56To catch that fucking clown!
00:21:02Will do, my love
00:21:04Yes, yes, it'll be hanging from a tree the time we finish with him, I tell you that
00:21:10Yes, he's just come back, everything's fine
00:21:12Well, let's hope so
00:21:14Anyway, you best get to the club
00:21:16Just make sure you really sell the party to him
00:21:19Especially the girls, that'll get him hooked
00:21:21Yeah, yeah, he'll be hanging from a hook the time we finish with him, I tell you that
00:21:27Bye, my little squigglepuff
00:21:29Okay, darling, goodbye
00:21:31Have they got the addresses?
00:21:33Oh, yeah
00:21:36Let's go
00:21:40Hey, one best man, who left you?
00:21:46I need a lift, you
00:21:48Bastards, I haven't got
00:21:54It's okay, you can leave him with me now
00:21:58What the hell are you playing at?
00:22:00What? I was just having fun
00:22:02By pulling a girl's top down on live TV
00:22:05Ah, the viewers will love it
00:22:07Pervo, you've lost the plot
00:22:09I wish, it was hot as fuck, man
00:22:11Anyway, we've got a massive party tomorrow
00:22:14Some millionaire
00:22:15Hey, get amongst it
00:22:16Apparently he's sorted it with management, but they've not said anything to me
00:22:19Probably because tomorrow's your last day, isn't it?
00:22:21And then you're off gallivanting round the world
00:22:24Anyway, we're going to meet this Bertie tonight at Club Yearns later, so go get ready
00:22:28All right, no worries, boss
00:22:29I'm going, all right
00:22:30And hurry
00:22:31All right
00:22:37I didn't take my M-E-D-I-C-I-N-E medicine
00:22:43I didn't take my M-E-D-I-C-I-N-E medicine
00:22:49I didn't take my M-E-D-I-C-I-N-E medicine
00:22:55I didn't take my M-E-D-I-C-I-N-E medicine
00:23:01There's your drink, enjoy
00:23:03I've been told to fuck off now
00:23:07All right, go on then, fuck off
00:23:09What? Fuck off? What's he laughing at?
00:23:13Fucking hell
00:23:14Nutty and squirrel shit, isn't it?
00:23:16Looks like a French wave, doesn't it?
00:23:18Jesus Christ
00:23:20What are these drinks like, anyway?
00:23:22What, are you drinking water again?
00:23:24Let yourself go, man, let your hair down
00:23:26I'm going to shand you down
00:23:28So what's the crowd there? Who are they meeting?
00:23:30It's Bertie Dumbo, fella
00:23:31Apparently he's a big fan of yours and he's loaded, so you can impress him
00:23:36So you need to impress this one
00:23:42Is that fucking Dickie Licks?
00:23:44Fucking Dickie Licks, he's fucking everywhere I go
00:23:48Who's this guy next to him? Look at the clip of him
00:23:53Do you think that's Bertie, like?
00:23:56Aha, there you are, old bean
00:23:59How are you?
00:24:00How you doing, how you doing? You must be pervert, eh?
00:24:04I am, how are you?
00:24:05I'm Bertie
00:24:07You are Bertie?
00:24:08I'm Bertie Dumbo
00:24:09I like Bertie, man
00:24:10That's your cervix
00:24:12This is Cat, this is Cat, my personal assistant
00:24:14This is lovely to meet you
00:24:15This is Boris
00:24:16Boris, lovely to meet you too
00:24:18Hard as fuck, here
00:24:19You have a woman's hand, sir
00:24:23Well, what do you think, eh? What do you think?
00:24:25Yeah, mental
00:24:26Shithole, eh? Well, I'm going to get it done over, you know
00:24:28I'm an absolute rich bastard
00:24:30Calm down, son, come on
00:24:32More drinks, I say
00:24:47Potterville's left
00:24:48Damn it, where did he go?
00:24:50They don't know, they just complain they take big shit on Block Toilet
00:24:55Fuck, we missed him because you lot took too fucking long to get ready
00:25:00Let's just go
00:25:13Yeah, see
00:25:14I mean, hey, you see, he's a good shadow
00:25:18Anyway, you, my darling, I've got a party Saturday for you, OK?
00:25:22What, a party for me?
00:25:25Because you're so fucking great
00:25:27Well, at least someone fucking knows how great they are
00:25:33And it's my place, and it's for you, you see
00:25:37So a party for me on Saturday?
00:25:38Yes, because I'm so bloody rich
00:25:40So I keep telling you how rich I am
00:25:42You come to the party, and I'll make sure you have the most festive time in your fucking life
00:25:50Yeah, the most titties you've ever seen in your whole life
00:25:53Oh, brilliant
00:25:54Absolutely so
00:25:55Wall to wall
00:25:56Wall to wall
00:25:57Wall to wall
00:25:59Titty fest
00:26:00Oh, come on
00:26:01Andy, you'll be the biggest tittler
00:26:04Right, come on, guys, anyway
00:26:06Oh, dear
00:26:07We need to go
00:26:08Yeah, well, we're leaving then
00:26:10You saw, hey, Cuff
00:26:11Is it Cuff that sawed him out?
00:26:12I can't wait for his party, mate
00:26:14Sounds awesome
00:26:15Having these drinks and all
00:26:20They bought it, my little quimp
00:26:27Now get yourself home pronto
00:26:29I'm all wet and waiting for you
00:26:34I'm going to be right there, I'm coming now
00:26:50Thank you
00:26:54Can I just smell your hair?
00:26:55I have to
00:26:56I can't believe it's really him
00:26:57Who's it to?
00:26:59I just want to touch you
00:27:00Oh, my God
00:27:01There you are
00:27:02Thank you
00:27:03Thank you so much
00:27:04Yes, sure
00:27:05Thank you
00:27:06Yes, sure
00:27:07Oh, my God, you'd better post this
00:27:08No, that's all
00:27:09Please send it to me
00:27:10Why did I forget the bus?
00:27:11I'm like a right wanker
00:27:13What's wrong with forgetting limos?
00:27:15You keep forgetting your skint
00:27:17You keep spending all your money on hockers and beans
00:27:20Come on, I love you
00:27:21Thank you so much
00:27:22Thank you
00:27:23That's so nice of you
00:27:24Thank you a lot
00:27:25Thank you
00:27:26Thank you
00:27:28I'm so happy with that
00:27:30So cool
00:27:31You don't want my autograph?
00:27:40What are you doing with him?
00:27:41He's a real man, you're just a pervert
00:27:43Ha, pervert
00:27:46You were never good enough to be in my band
00:27:48Your band?
00:27:49My band?
00:27:50And we're starting a world tour next week
00:27:52With a bass player who can actually play
00:27:55Who does he think he is?
00:27:57Come on, man, just leave it, get inside
00:28:00Anyway, is Dahlia coming to this party tomorrow?
00:28:02Aye, she's on her way
00:28:03Do you think she's still pissed at us?
00:28:05Us? You're the one that keeps harassing her and taking her clothes
00:28:08Well, I do just borrow a couple of her dresses
00:28:11I bet you don't wash them, do you?
00:28:13I don't know what you're on about, man
00:28:14The last one had jizz all over it
00:28:16I told her, it was just an accident
00:28:18It's spelled Dahlia
00:28:20Anyway, where's Kat?
00:28:22She's at another party
00:28:23She's at another party?
00:28:25Who does she think she is? I'm the rock star
00:28:27I'm not getting into this with you again
00:28:29Get inside and stay off that phone
00:28:31What would I be on the phones for?
00:28:38What are you wearing?
00:28:41With flippers on
00:28:43What do you mean? Flippers and a gas mask?
00:28:47Oh, hang on
00:28:49Oh, I've got the spot, yeah
00:28:51Oh, yeah, that's a beauty
00:28:58What's your fantasy, then?
00:28:59What's yours?
00:29:00What is it?
00:29:03Is that possible?
00:29:04Yeah, yeah, yeah
00:29:06That's fucking making me rock hard, that, yeah
00:29:08Your nipples are
00:29:10Can you keep a secret, then? Yeah?
00:29:12I've got this bodyguard, right? He's called Boris
00:29:14Oh, he's fucking lush
00:29:16I've got this gimp collar in my room
00:29:17I'd love to put it on Boris and, you know, stroke his rectum
00:29:19I bet he's got a massive cock as well, I bet he has, like
00:29:21Oh, look at this cock
00:29:23Yeah, man's massive as well
00:29:24I bet we could have a cock fight, you know, me and Boris, yeah
00:29:27I don't know how big his bum hole is
00:29:29I bet he has a proper cock, you know
00:29:31Well, yeah, Boris' cock
00:29:32Oh, I'd love that with my arse, yeah
00:29:44That's the boy
00:29:46That's what I'm talking about
00:29:49Oh, yeah
00:29:59Will you shut your fucking noise?
00:30:01Oh, come on
00:30:03Fuck this
00:30:11What the fuck are you doing?
00:30:13Hello? You best open this door
00:30:17What are you fucking doing?
00:30:19Sleeping in a town like this? What's all that noise?
00:30:22It's nothing to do with me
00:30:23What's all the banging on the walls?
00:30:25It's the wall
00:30:26It's the wall
00:30:28It's haunted
00:30:29It's haunted. The walls are haunted
00:30:32If you don't wrap it in, I'll be haunting you
00:30:36You sleep in that make-up anyway?
00:30:37Yeah, course I do
00:30:39It never comes off
00:30:41There's something wrong with you, mate
00:30:52Boris tin club
00:30:54Boris tin club
00:30:56He loves his wig club
00:30:58Boris tin
00:31:06What the fuck is he doing?
00:31:09Fucking shut up
00:31:13Come and pack me fucking bags, will ya?
00:31:16Fucking clowns
00:31:18They ain't funny anyway
00:31:22Will you fucking shut up?
00:31:25Fucking white face
00:31:28Black nose dick
00:31:32God, you bastard
00:31:33Shut up
00:31:37Jesus Christ
00:31:39Fucking door
00:31:43I'm gonna kill him
00:31:44I'm gonna fucking stab him
00:31:46I'm gonna stab him
00:31:47Fucking Boris!
00:31:50Come and pack me fucking bags, will ya?
00:31:52You bastard
00:31:53Will you shut up, man?
00:31:57I know exactly what I'll do to him
00:32:00Come on, you furry cat
00:32:03Give me fucking shit
00:32:06Don't fucking try banging
00:32:08Oh, fuck off
00:32:10Fuck off
00:32:13What, you fucking what?
00:32:33I'm gonna get you
00:32:35What was that?
00:32:38Ow, ow, ow, ow
00:32:40Run, pal, run
00:32:44Oh, yeah
00:32:49Big baby
00:32:58Get under the bed
00:32:59What the hell are you?
00:33:00What's going on?
00:33:01There's a fucking gunman outside
00:33:02What are you doing?
00:33:03There's a gunman out there
00:33:04Get the hell out
00:33:05Get the fuck off
00:33:06There's a gunman
00:33:07What are you fucking doing?
00:33:08There's a gunman
00:33:09What are you doing?
00:33:10Stop being crazy
00:33:11What are you doing?
00:33:12There's a gunman out there
00:33:14Oh, my God
00:33:15I'm not interrupting a rant for someone like you
00:33:17Get out
00:33:18Get the fuck out
00:33:19There's a gunman out there
00:33:20Get the fuck out
00:33:21What the hell is wrong with you?
00:33:22There's a gunman
00:33:23Oh, fuck off
00:33:24Get off
00:33:25There's a gunman
00:33:26Get the fuck off
00:33:27There's a gunman
00:33:28Get the fuck off
00:33:29Don't touch your bloody nose, man
00:33:30Get the fuck off
00:33:31You're disgusting
00:33:32You're a fag
00:33:33You're a fag
00:33:35There's a gunman
00:33:36Get the fuck
00:33:38You're crazy
00:33:48What's wrong with you?
00:33:49It's my arse
00:33:50It's your arse
00:33:51What have you been doing?
00:33:52Someone shot me
00:33:53Yeah, in the corridor
00:33:55In my arse
00:33:56You got shot in the corridor
00:33:57I thought you were sleeping
00:33:58I was
00:33:59Last night in the corridor, though
00:34:00Someone shot me
00:34:02I'm not even going to ask about the dress
00:34:04Just get rid of it
00:34:05Get rid of it and get yourself sorted
00:34:07The girls are just finishing off their breakfast
00:34:09You've got to go to that Bertie's
00:34:11Now crack on and stop fucking about
00:34:15Yeah, so he was wearing a dress this morning
00:34:17when I went to wake him up
00:34:18and I swear it was one of yours
00:34:20Not the black and white polka dot one
00:34:23Even little shit
00:34:25Oh, God, he's like a kid, isn't he?
00:34:27Except he thinks with his dick
00:34:28That's a bit wrong
00:34:29Oh, yeah
00:34:31I've never known anyone to be so obsessed with boobs, though
00:34:34He'd have a pair of his own if he could
00:34:39I know I'm obsessed with boobs, but I can't help it
00:34:42I mean, I've even thought about getting implants
00:34:44How cool would that be, you know?
00:34:47You could free yourself all day long
00:34:49What kind of relationship did you have with your mother?
00:34:52What are you trying to say?
00:34:53I shagged my own mam?
00:34:54No, I don't mean that
00:34:56I mean, how did you get on with your mother?
00:35:00Yeah, it was fine
00:35:01We had fun
00:35:02Now I'm brought up in the circus
00:35:05Tell me
00:35:07What's your earliest memory you have of your parents?
00:35:18Aw, little Sydney
00:35:21Doesn't he look cute?
00:35:25He's biting me
00:35:29Is there room for me on the other one?
00:35:33Thirsty boy, eh?
00:35:40Can't think of any
00:35:44Honest, nothing
00:35:465, 4, 3, 2
00:35:48Stick your butt in the air
00:35:49Stick your butt in the air
00:35:51Stick your butt in the air
00:35:53In the air
00:35:54In the air
00:35:55Stick your butt in the air
00:35:56Stick your butt in the air
00:35:58This is fantastic
00:36:00Stick your butt in the air
00:36:27Stick your butt in the air
00:36:30Bertie Domer, what do you think you're doing?
00:36:35Huh? Nothing.
00:36:37You're supposed to be helping me get ready for the party.
00:36:41Anyway, I've just spoken to Kat and she's expecting Cuth to be with the perverts to go and collect pervo in an hour.
00:36:48Bertie, you come with me, Cuth, but don't get ready.
00:36:51And Mother, stay out of trouble.
00:37:00In the air, stick your butt. In the air, stick your butt. In the air...
00:37:05And tell that slag to fuck off!
00:37:20Why am I the only one working?
00:37:22Because out of you three fuckwits, you're the only one with what resembles a brain.
00:37:27Come on, get up.
00:37:30My turn.
00:37:46Oh, wow, Zara, your boob's getting bigger.
00:37:48Yeah, they're getting bigger all by themselves, Pandora.
00:37:53I've got something here.
00:37:57Pervo's going to a party. Tomorrow.
00:38:00It's being hosted by a guy called...
00:38:03Bertie Domer.
00:38:05What do we know about him?
00:38:07Here. Bertie Domer. Millionaire.
00:38:11He owns lots of nightclubs.
00:38:13According to his Facebook page,
00:38:16he describes himself as eccentric, crazy and unpredictable,
00:38:20with a fondness for science.
00:38:23OK, that's where we're going tomorrow, then.
00:38:26Now make this good.
00:38:33Where's Cat and Dahlia?
00:38:35They're supposed to be on me, not the other way round.
00:38:37Who do you think you are?
00:38:39What do you mean? It's me, Pervo.
00:38:42Oh, do I smell a threesome?
00:38:44No, you definitely do not.
00:38:46All I can smell is you.
00:38:48It's like lube and feet.
00:38:53So I was going to wear my lovely polka dot dress,
00:38:55and I couldn't find it.
00:38:57Any suggestions, Sydney?
00:38:58Yeah, she's nicked it.
00:39:00No, the black and white one.
00:39:01Oh, right.
00:39:03No, no, no. Have you seen it?
00:39:06No, no, no.
00:39:07Anyway, you, bless the bloody Sydney, will you?
00:39:09Bless the Sydney, it's Pervo.
00:39:11Come on, it's party time.
00:39:13You're not coming with us?
00:39:15What do you mean?
00:39:16Bertie insisted.
00:39:17Well, I'm going to get there.
00:39:32We're the Pervettes.
00:39:33Are you coming?
00:39:34Damn right I am.
00:39:36Hello, Mr Cloud.
00:39:37Oh, God.
00:39:44Pervo! Pervo! Pervo!
00:39:47Pervo! Pervo! Pervo!
00:39:49Pervo! Pervo! Pervo!
00:39:51I've still got to receive to the bar.
00:39:53Pervo! Pervo! Pervo!
00:39:55Pervo! Pervo! Pervo!
00:39:57Pervo! Pervo! Pervo!
00:39:59Hey, wow, that's awesome.
00:40:01Pervo! Pervo! Pervo!
00:40:07Well, that's him taken care of.
00:40:09What, no limo?
00:40:10No, management won't give him any more credit.
00:40:25Well, I think there should be enough in here
00:40:27to infect all the Pervettes on Pervo's coach.
00:40:29Don't you know Bertie Bossy Bear?
00:40:31Oh, yes, my little titbag.
00:40:33There's going to be zombies everywhere.
00:40:41I'm excited.
00:40:42Yeah, it should be good.
00:40:47Ooh, there's somebody at the door.
00:40:52Yeah, hi, it's Boris with Cat and Dahlia.
00:40:55Ah, Boris, gorgeous.
00:40:57Yes, just drive in, I'll open the gate.
00:41:02Guess what?
00:41:03What, my darling?
00:41:04Pervo's minions have arrived.
00:41:06Oh, that's brilliant.
00:41:07Pervo will soon be here on the Pervette coach.
00:41:09You better go and meet him.
00:41:10Better spray ourselves first, though.
00:41:16Goodbye, my lovely little darling.
00:41:27Will you lot fucking hurry up?
00:41:33When are you going to learn how to speak English?
00:41:36Why don't you both just stop complaining
00:41:38and learn how to speak Russian?
00:41:43You know what it is?
00:41:44It's always the same with you.
00:41:45No one understands a word you say.
00:41:47Stop bloody bickering and strapping.
00:41:51We've got a clown to kill.
00:42:10Bernie, man, how are you doing?
00:42:11All right, don't bean.
00:42:12What are these girls about? They're fucking gorgeous.
00:42:14I know, you see the ones inside, maybe.
00:42:16What, you got more?
00:42:17Absolutely hoards of them.
00:42:18What about these? I want to shag them.
00:42:19No, Cuthbert will sort them out, don't you worry.
00:42:21You'll see him again.
00:42:22Cuthbert's going to sort them out?
00:42:23I want to sort them out.
00:42:24Where's the boobs down here, yeah?
00:42:26I want the boobs, Bernie!
00:42:39Where's the boobs then?
00:42:40Well, I'm sure that big nose of yours can sniff them out.
00:42:43Where's the boobs?
00:42:52What's this hot tub of yours on about?
00:42:54Oh, yes.
00:43:02Oh, look at that.
00:43:03That's what I want to see, some boobs.
00:43:05Oh, come on.
00:43:12SHE GASPS
00:43:13Who the fuck are you?
00:43:14Did you do the hand with that?
00:43:15No, not of you, you creep.
00:43:16I'll pee, yeah?
00:43:19You're quick.
00:43:23Ow! It's not meant to go in there.
00:43:25Oh, it does, trust me.
00:43:27SHE GROANS
00:43:28Oh, Boris.
00:43:34Now, do come in, do come in.
00:43:36Oh, hello, man.
00:43:38Before you enter my big palace of boobs,
00:43:41you must give me your phones.
00:43:44Because in my world, to enjoy yourself as much as me,
00:43:47you must take yourself away from naughty little distractions.
00:43:52Hi, I'm Susie.
00:43:54Don't worry, don't worry, you'll get them back.
00:43:57Don't you worry.
00:43:58You'll be having so much fun, you won't even realise they're gone!
00:44:03What? Where's Purrboy?
00:44:05Where's Purrboy, here you say?
00:44:07Who knows, eh?
00:44:08All right, guys, I've found you!
00:44:10Here's the old Skyrim!
00:44:13Oh, I love it.
00:44:14Sorry, what? Who are you?
00:44:15Phone in.
00:44:16I haven't got a phone, she's got me phone.
00:44:18Top on.
00:44:19Pants off.
00:44:20Or you're not going in.
00:44:22Top on.
00:44:23Come on.
00:44:24Come on.
00:44:25You're me.
00:44:57Now, this is my kind of party!
00:45:00Fucking hell!
00:45:03There's plenty to do, all for you, darling.
00:45:05For me?
00:45:33Look at these girls, man!
00:45:35Oh, this is amazing.
00:45:36Fucking right it is.
00:45:37We've got a zoo too, you know.
00:45:38You've got a zoo?
00:45:40What's in it?
00:45:44Space on my boobs.
00:45:45How many boobs?
00:45:46You've got to run them wild, though.
00:45:47As many as you like.
00:45:48Can we go there now?
00:45:49No, we can't go there now.
00:45:50I've got to go and turn it on.
00:45:51But you get in there, have a good old mingle about.
00:45:53Come on, girls, Purrboy's coming.
00:46:18They've turned up!
00:46:19This is actually going to happen!
00:46:21Who is who going to plan, my little...
00:46:24Well, Susie's taken out the punch to Uncle Cuthbert,
00:46:27so he should be giving it to the pervettes now.
00:46:29Does Cuthbert know it's infected, though?
00:46:31Oh, of course.
00:46:32What about Susie?
00:46:37You are a little evil tinker, aren't you?
00:46:52Come on, girls, get your drinks.
00:46:54Lovely punch here.
00:46:56Get her before the party.
00:46:57Do your world of good.
00:47:00Oops, there we went there.
00:47:02Would you like one, my dear?
00:47:04Come on, punch.
00:47:05One for you, my dear. Enjoy.
00:47:08Oops, room for a little one.
00:47:10Oh, excellent.
00:47:12Come on, girls, enjoy your drinks.
00:47:14Drink up.
00:47:15Oh, shit!
00:47:16I think I'd better go.
00:47:53Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the wet T-shirt competition!
00:47:59Come on!
00:48:00Get to the purple and jump inside it!
00:48:02Come on!
00:48:04Get on the knees!
00:48:05Get them up!
00:48:06Out, out, out!
00:48:07Out, out, out!
00:48:08Have it!
00:48:09Come on!
00:48:10Oh, fucking awesome!
00:48:11Look at that!
00:48:12Fucking hell!
00:48:13Look at that!
00:48:20Come on, eh, titties!
00:48:22Show us the titties!
00:48:24Fucking come on!
00:48:26Look at the nipples!
00:48:30Come on, you can have it.
00:48:31I'm sorry.
00:48:32Fuck you, eh.
00:48:40Fucking awesome!
00:48:41Nipples like midget thumbs!
00:48:43Come on!
00:48:44Nipples like midget thumbs!
00:48:45Eh, purple magic!
00:48:49Eh, come on, eh!
00:48:50Come on, you fuckers, eh!
00:48:54Come on, eh!
00:49:01Captain Coke rules!
00:49:06Forgot the sprinkler.
00:49:08Ah, fuck it.
00:49:11Cheers to you all, you bunch of bastards.
00:49:38Oh, what's he done?
00:49:40What a nincompoop.
00:49:42What do we do now?
00:49:43Nothing, we stick to the plan.
00:49:45He was a liability anyway.
00:49:47OK, well, I'd better get up to the party then.
00:49:50I'm going to come.
00:49:51No, I'm going to stay and play with my new toys.
00:50:13Fucking titty heaven!
00:50:15You're sick!
00:50:17Hey, purple!
00:50:19What are you doing with him?
00:50:21He's fucking skint as well, you know.
00:50:23No, he's not.
00:50:24No, haven't you heard?
00:50:25We've just signed an amazing new record deal
00:50:27and Kat's our new PA.
00:50:30So that's the game, is it?
00:50:31To drop me for him?
00:50:33That dickhead!
00:50:34I'm sorry, purple, there's just no money in you anymore.
00:50:37I'm going to be fucking massive!
00:50:40I hope you're on a world tour or something anyway.
00:50:42I am!
00:50:43A proper tour.
00:50:44With Dickie and Iron Kidney.
00:50:51Where are you going?
00:50:52I'm going to shag myself to death with them fucking perverts!
00:50:58Leave him, leave him.
00:50:59But I feel sorry for him.
00:51:01He's all right.
00:51:03Besides, what am I supposed to do? I need to make a living.
00:51:05I certainly wouldn't do that through him, would I?
00:51:07Yeah, fuck him, man.
00:51:08Yeah, fuck him.
00:51:13Oh, God, Dickie.
00:51:14God, Dickie fucking Rick.
00:51:17Where's them fucking girls?
00:51:18I want to fuck them senseless.
00:51:31Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together
00:51:34for Speed Like This!
00:51:41Fly away.
00:51:43Ladies and gentlemen,
00:51:45thank you very much for coming to the party!
00:51:51Now, some of you may know our next special guest,
00:51:55but don't touch his nose!
00:51:59He's a man of great depth.
00:52:02There it is.
00:52:03Hey, boobs!
00:52:04And great courage!
00:52:06Girls! Girls!
00:52:08Girls, that ain't me!
00:52:10Come on, let's in, girls!
00:52:13Oh, fuck.
00:52:16Ah, tits, death, tits, death.
00:52:24Yeah, come on!
00:52:26Fuck the fancy boogers!
00:52:28Give it up for Purple Clown!
00:52:34Bop it, bop it, bop it!
00:52:37Bop it, bop it, bop it!
00:52:39Bop it, bop it, bop it!
00:53:07Come on, get out!
00:53:08Shut the door.
00:53:09Thanks, Pebble.
00:53:11Well, I said don't bloody light ya.
00:53:12Just as well you're hot.
00:53:13What's up with you?
00:53:14Fucking blood, man.
00:53:15What the fuck is that?
00:53:17It reminds me of Sugar.
00:53:18A big fucking pink pig?
00:53:20She's gonna be my future wife, man.
00:53:21Fucking idiot.
00:53:22What are you doing?
00:53:23There's zombies in there.
00:53:24I don't know.
00:53:25I don't know.
00:53:26I don't know.
00:53:27I don't know.
00:53:28I don't know.
00:53:29I don't know.
00:53:30I don't know.
00:53:31I don't know.
00:53:32I don't know.
00:53:33I don't know.
00:53:34I don't know.
00:53:35I don't know.
00:53:37Oh, yes she is!
00:53:40Dicky fucking Licks!
00:53:42What have you brought him for?
00:53:43Come on, let's just go.
00:53:44All right.
00:53:45Well, he can't run in these things.
00:54:06What the hell is that?
00:54:10I don't know.
00:54:11It doesn't sound like happy screaming to me.
00:54:15I don't care.
00:54:16Pervo's in there and we're gonna find him.
00:54:21But I don't like guns.
00:54:28Guns are great.
00:54:29Back home in the Russia?
00:54:30Okay, okay, my Russia.
00:54:31Right, let's go.
00:54:32I'm not going to meet you.
00:54:34I didn't bring any other shoes.
00:54:35Oh, I don't care, at least I have a fucking hat.
00:54:36This is brilliant.
00:54:37Kill him, kill him, kill him.
00:54:38Hang on, who are those bastards?
00:54:39I don't know, but they look delicious.
00:54:40Good enough to eat.
00:54:41Oh, I don't care, I'll lose the fucking hat!
00:54:46This is brilliant!
00:54:47Oh, kill him, kill him, kill him!
00:54:52Hang on, who are those bastards?
00:54:54Oh, I don't know, but they look delicious. Good enough to eat.
00:54:58Young hot zombie babes, and now, fresh tutties!
00:55:02Oh, this excitement gets me all emotive with pudding fart.
00:55:05Oh, me too, love.
00:55:06I'm going to do you over the table, right now!
00:55:09Oh, yeah!
00:55:10Oh, yes, I am!
00:55:30Who is this crazy bitch?
00:55:32Get away from me!
00:55:34Get away from me!
00:55:36Get away from me!
00:55:39Get away from me!
00:55:58What the hell is going on?
00:56:00They're just like the cult girls that were poisoned in the massacre.
00:56:02It's like the film The Perverts.
00:56:32Right, go.
00:56:45Come on!
00:56:47Zombie, man!
00:56:53Bloody lazy, man!
00:56:54Fucking lazy, man!
00:56:55He's in a trap, man!
00:56:57Help me!
00:57:01Fuck you, Dickie!
00:57:04Fuck you!
00:57:12Fucking zombie!
00:57:14Take it, you freaking dirty zombie!
00:57:18It's dirty!
00:57:20Dirty day!
00:57:23Oh, wait!
00:57:26They're getting away!
00:57:27Oh, God, we've got to go after them!
00:57:29Come with me!
00:57:30Come with me!
00:57:36Get in!
00:57:39Where did all the crazy zombie women come from?
00:57:41They were on the fucking bus!
00:57:42On the bus?
00:57:43Just a zombie day out, I suppose.
00:57:45I don't know, but the perverts are all zombies!
00:57:47Well, how did that happen?
00:57:48I don't know, but they're zombies!
00:57:50You thought the best way to get rid of them would be to bring them back to a party full of people.
00:57:53I didn't think, because I'm getting chased by zombies!
00:57:56Why would you? You're just a village fucking idiot.
00:57:58Why didn't you save Dickie? You could have helped him.
00:58:01Well, I didn't help him, but why do you think?
00:58:03Cos he's a fucking dickhead.
00:58:05No! You've had your 15 minutes, she's left you.
00:58:08And what? And you! You only knew Dickie for, what, 10 minutes?
00:58:11It was true love, though.
00:58:14It was lust, not love. It'll pass, trust me.
00:58:17My dad used to always say, love is like a fart.
00:58:20If you've got to force it, it's obviously just shit.
00:58:22What's he talking of shit? He's come and wiped my arse.
00:58:25No thanks, I don't want a boyfriend who's skinting with a tiny dick.
00:58:28Tiny? It's fucking massive! I've got a cock like a baby's arm!
00:58:33Oh, my God, are we all going to die?
00:58:35No, we're not. We just need to make a plan.
00:58:37Unless he's got 40 grand on him, yeah.
00:58:39But can't we just go home? These shoes are hurting me.
00:58:42Well, you shouldn't have fucking worn them then, should you?
00:58:44Look, it was you three who got us into this mess,
00:58:46so don't you dare try and wimp out on me now!
00:58:48We're not trying to wimp out. Well, come on, then.
00:58:54I'm not going to be a dickhead.
00:58:56I'm not going to be a dickhead.
00:58:58I'm not going to be a dickhead.
00:59:00I'm not going to be a dickhead.
00:59:02I'm not going to be a dickhead.
00:59:04I'm not going to be a dickhead.
00:59:16Prove yourself. Kill her.
00:59:19Do it! If you're going to help me get Pervo,
00:59:21then killing one lame fucking zombie shouldn't be too much of a problem.
00:59:32That's more like it.
00:59:34Let's finish her.
00:59:45Check you out.
00:59:47Right, let's go get that dumbass clown.
00:59:50Clowny, whiny, pudding and pie.
00:59:55Kissed the girls and made them cry.
00:59:59When the boys came out to play.
01:00:02Mother, you will wait here till we come back and get you, won't you?
01:00:06I'm not going anywhere. I'm playing.
01:00:10Oh, can I play?
01:00:12No, we've got a clown to kill.
01:00:16Clowny, whiny, run away.
01:00:20Run away.
01:00:31Be wary, wary, quiet.
01:00:33We are in Wombies.
01:00:35No, we need them alive so that they can kill everybody else.
01:00:45Oh, Bertie.
01:00:47Bertie Donald, come here.
01:00:48Did I tell you you could kill her?
01:00:50Anyway, we need to go find Pervo, so go.
01:00:53Go on then.
01:01:05Bertie Donald, I told you not to shoot that woman.
01:01:08She was going to bloody gobble us up.
01:01:10She wasn't. Don't be ridiculous.
01:01:12She was. I won't do it again, I promise.
01:01:16You just did it again.
01:01:18No, I didn't.
01:01:20Oh, my God, Bertie. I want to go.
01:01:24There's one.
01:01:42I've never seen so much blood.
01:01:44Come on, ladies. Let's check the gardens again.
01:01:49OK, my idea is this.
01:01:52There's too many of them if we go outside, we're dead.
01:01:55So we let them in the caravan one by one,
01:01:57and we kill them one at a time.
01:01:59Yeah, let's do it.
01:02:01I thought you were supposed to be the brainy one.
01:02:03What's to say if we don't let them in, they don't kill us all?
01:02:05Well, it's a risk we have to take.
01:02:07And besides, I hate caravans.
01:02:09I just want to get out ASAP.
01:02:11There's got to be something in here we can use for weapons.
01:02:13Guys, what about these?
01:02:15I'm guessing Pervo's in that caravan.
01:02:17Can I look?
01:02:19Why not? You always get to look.
01:02:21Because I'm sure you'd find a way to fuck it up.
01:02:46Open the door.
01:02:50These are the clowns!
01:02:52Fuck off!
01:03:08When in doubt, get it in the clown.
01:03:10Boris! Boris! Find the fan!
01:03:23Boris! Boris!
01:03:25Look at these knockers!
01:03:27Oh, come on, get a bit of motorboating going there, girl.
01:03:30Come on, put your back into it.
01:03:34Boris, I've had enough now.
01:03:36Boris, man, give us a hand, will you?
01:03:41For fuck's sake, man.
01:03:43Watch me nose.
01:03:46Fucking hell.
01:03:48Have you got a hard-on?
01:03:51Of course I have.
01:03:53Dirty bastard.
01:03:55Do you want a bit of it like it?
01:03:57Fucking hell, guys, man, there's more of them!
01:03:59Come on, in the caravan!
01:04:06Fucking let us in, you daft bitches!
01:04:08And fucking lock the door!
01:04:10Fuck this, come on.
01:04:12I'm guessing Uncle Cuthbert didn't spray Pervo.
01:04:15Well, don't look at me. Cuthbert's the liability.
01:04:17Sit down!
01:04:19They can wait a minute.
01:04:21Anyway, you, give us a kiss.
01:04:23Or this killing's making me horny.
01:04:26They're getting away.
01:04:28They'll be back. They need to save the girls.
01:04:30Why don't you shoot him now?
01:04:32Because I've only got a few rounds left and I don't want to risk missing.
01:04:35Besides, I want to talk to him first.
01:04:42What the fuck are you doing?
01:04:47Come on, this ain't your time!
01:04:50Open the door, bitch!
01:04:52Who are you calling a fucking bitch?
01:04:58Find the fucking light switch, then.
01:05:00The light switch, you daft twat!
01:05:02I'm not a twat!
01:05:04I'm not a twat!
01:05:06I'm not a twat!
01:05:08I'm not a twat!
01:05:09Find the fucking light switch, then.
01:05:11The light switch, you daft twat!
01:05:13Not me fucking balls!
01:05:15Oh, sorry, mate.
01:05:17Come on!
01:05:19What's this?
01:05:21Some sort of fucked up grotto, man.
01:05:23Well, they're not going to help us kill the fucking zombies, are they?
01:05:26Come on, see what's going to do here.
01:05:28It might be a fucking tank or something.
01:05:33Fucking really is Christmas, isn't it?
01:05:35Yeah, yeah.
01:05:37I'm driving.
01:05:40Come on, bring them on, Boris!
01:05:42Come on!
01:05:44Let him have a go at this!
01:05:47Hmm, that one makes me moan.
01:05:49Hey, he's mine!
01:05:51Southpaw, Boris makes it.
01:05:53Shut up, all of you.
01:05:56You fuck off with your erection, man!
01:05:58Piss off, man, you fucking wish!
01:06:00Fucking hell, we're man, ain't we?
01:06:02You're slow, boss.
01:06:04What? You fucking know how to drive better than you?
01:06:06Aye, fuck, man.
01:06:08Drive like old people, fuck.
01:06:10Yeah, you've not.
01:06:12See, I've heard you down the fucking bingo halls, haven't you?
01:06:14Every fucking week.
01:06:16I've seen your fucking videos.
01:06:18Fuck off.
01:06:2060 plus and gagging.
01:06:22Fuck off.
01:06:24What you fucking doing, man?
01:06:26There's a fucking zombie head under it.
01:06:28Fucking, hang on.
01:06:30Fuck it, fuck it.
01:06:32Fucking, my mouth's flattened anyway.
01:06:34Come on, man.
01:06:36Give us a fucking axe, man.
01:06:38Fucking piece of shit anyway.
01:06:40Fucking slow as fuck.
01:06:42Fucking crawl faster than that.
01:06:44Whose idea was it to get on that anyway?
01:06:46Fucking yours!
01:06:48Hey, come on, we'll take these.
01:06:50Who the fuck's this?
01:06:52This one's getting an axe wound.
01:06:54Listen, you fucking fanny.
01:06:56Go on, get down.
01:06:58Fucking head off.
01:07:00Come on.
01:07:02Chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop.
01:07:04Fuck off, I'm chopping.
01:07:06Because you're a fucking idiot.
01:07:37Get the cunt out of here.
01:07:39I am in there, you cunt.
01:07:41Fucking moonstone.
01:07:45Hang on.
01:07:47I want everyone to be a fucking wailer.
01:07:50A fucking wailer, sir.
01:07:52Fuck you, Dean.
01:07:54See, I never fucking liked you, did I?
01:07:56This is what you get when you mess with Pervo and the Tinkler.
01:08:00You fucking fat whale.
01:08:02Oh, man, he's dead.
01:08:03Look at that, eh?
01:08:05You fat fucking bastard.
01:08:08Leave him with a bit of dignity.
01:08:10What are you taking his pants off for?
01:08:12Come on, freeze, will you?
01:08:14Fuck this, man.
01:08:16You're weird.
01:08:18Look at that, eh?
01:08:20Look at it.
01:08:22Boris, you got any wet wipes?
01:08:28It is a tap, eh?
01:08:30Do you want to wash the fat bloke off your hands?
01:08:32Eat him.
01:08:34The fuck are you looking at?
01:09:02What are you doing?
01:09:04Are you...
01:09:06Have you just shut your mouth, you dirty bastard?
01:09:10Oh, fucking get away, you horrible fucking piss-off.
01:09:18Oh, my God.
01:09:20Oh, my God.
01:09:22Oh, my God.
01:09:24Oh, my God.
01:09:26Oh, my God.
01:09:28Oh, my God.
01:09:30I'm sick of all this walking.
01:09:32Oh, man, you shandy.
01:09:34Give us a piggyback.
01:09:36All right, calm down.
01:09:38Bloody village people reject.
01:09:40Piss off.
01:09:44Midget zombie.
01:09:46It's a midget zombie.
01:09:48It's a kid.
01:09:50Kill it.
01:09:52I'm not killing a kid.
01:09:54Just kill him.
01:09:56You kill it.
01:09:57Kill it.
01:10:23That was close.
01:10:25What's wrong with you?
01:10:27Grabbing her boobs.
01:10:29There's kids in there.
01:10:30Have you got no shame?
01:10:33Oh, well, let's go and find Cat and Dahlia.
01:10:36It's a gorgeous day, isn't it?
01:10:38It's not bad, like.
01:10:39Get off.
01:10:48It's a crack with locking us out the caravan.
01:10:50We had no choice.
01:10:51I can understand him, but what have I done?
01:10:54You were in there having a bit of girl on girl, weren't you?
01:10:55Is that all you think about?
01:10:56Yeah, it is.
01:10:57I'm in, Uncle.
01:10:59Now we get Pervo.
01:11:00Come on, we need a plan.
01:11:01We need to get out of here.
01:11:02I'm going to force him first.
01:11:04Did somebody say force him?
01:11:06It's a crack with all these zombies.
01:11:08Zombies? Where?
01:11:09Oh, yes.
01:11:10What's a crack with all these guns?
01:11:13For fuck's sake.
01:11:17Come on, Pervo.
01:11:18Come on then, eh?
01:11:19Come on, Queensbury rules.
01:11:21It's a loaded weapon, you pansy.
01:11:23I don't care. Come on.
01:11:26Fucking shot me nose off.
01:11:36Forget the lube.
01:11:38Get the monster, man.
01:11:43Wakey, wakey, Pervo.
01:11:50Huh? What?
01:11:51What the...
01:11:53What the fuck?
01:11:54I thought we were friends.
01:11:57Oh, yeah.
01:11:58Don't make me laugh.
01:11:59You're pathetic.
01:12:01We knew that a simple lure
01:12:02and some tits and arse at a party
01:12:03would get you here.
01:12:06What have I done?
01:12:07What have you done?
01:12:09You've killed my whole fucking family.
01:12:11That's what you did.
01:12:12You fuck!
01:12:17Who are you, anyway?
01:12:19Titty Longstockings?
01:12:21I'm Octavia Zander,
01:12:23daughter of the famous
01:12:24Henry Zander the Third.
01:12:26So, were you in the cult, then?
01:12:27It wasn't a cult.
01:12:29It was a glorious paradise.
01:12:31Titty paradise?
01:12:33So, where were you?
01:12:34I never saw you.
01:12:35Well, out, obviously.
01:12:36Anyway, this isn't about me.
01:12:38It's someone that wants to meet you.
01:12:41Brad Pitt.
01:12:42Broody Dow.
01:12:44It's my sexy clown man.
01:12:46For fuck's sake.
01:12:49Don't fucking touch the nose.
01:12:51I told you about that last time.
01:12:53It's not worse than a dead trout.
01:12:55That's caviar to you.
01:12:57Don't you hurt my sexy clown man,
01:12:59you naughty, naughty boy.
01:13:03Oh, mummy.
01:13:09You lot are mental.
01:13:10You still haven't said what you want with us.
01:13:12We've got plans for Pervo.
01:13:15Oh, big plans, I see.
01:13:19When they come out,
01:13:20when they come out,
01:13:21I'm going to shoot Bertie.
01:13:22Then we can get Pervo.
01:13:36How are they?
01:13:37Snap them?
01:13:38Fucking trying.
01:13:39Well, try fucking harder.
01:13:40You fucking do it.
01:13:41Try? I fucking can't do it, man.
01:13:43Well, fucking try.
01:13:44I have tried.
01:13:45Try again.
01:13:47Oh, that was a bad idea.
01:13:48I think I've fucking shit myself.
01:13:50Fucking hell, man.
01:13:51I thought he was going to really stink.
01:13:53Oh, Harry, it wasn't that bad.
01:13:56Fucked up about Kat getting shot, like.
01:13:58Fuck her.
01:13:59That's fucking nice, isn't it?
01:14:01Fucking, she was useless, man.
01:14:02Didn't like her anyway.
01:14:04She wouldn't let us shag her.
01:14:05It was fucking useless.
01:14:06Fucking didn't like you.
01:14:08What, she liked you, didn't she?
01:14:09Fucking lot better than she liked you.
01:14:11Come on, snap it.
01:14:12I'm trying.
01:14:13Well, when are you going to fucking do it?
01:14:15I'm sick of waiting on you.
01:14:16I'll tell you what it is.
01:14:17If I get out of this, man, I'll fuck you up.
01:14:19You're as bad as snapping a bit of fucking rope
01:14:21as you are packing my fucking bag.
01:14:23Shut the fuck up, you stupid idiot clown.
01:14:26Ooh, what's up with you?
01:14:28I don't want to die.
01:14:30What, not do?
01:14:31At least you've got that repellent shit on you.
01:14:34And you really think that's going to work?
01:14:36At least you've got a chance.
01:14:37He hasn't, has he?
01:14:38Oh, cheers.
01:14:39Fucking idiots.
01:14:40So what?
01:14:41Fucking hell.
01:14:42Half the fucking world's fucking zombies, anyway.
01:14:43Fucking infecting the water.
01:14:44What type of fucked up plan is that?
01:14:47You're going to be all right, man.
01:14:48You'll be all right.
01:14:49Don't worry about it.
01:14:50This is not how my life was supposed to be.
01:14:52Doing that zombie film was supposed to be the start of it,
01:14:55not the end.
01:14:56How stupid do you have to be to do zombie women of Satan?
01:15:00Well, we all do stupid things, didn't we?
01:15:02I took a job with this wanker.
01:15:04You fucking love it.
01:15:05Don't try and pretend you don't.
01:15:06I know you do.
01:15:07I've seen you.
01:15:08You love it.
01:15:09I've seen the way you look at me.
01:15:10I've seen the way you look at me, mate.
01:15:12OK, girls, let's go.
01:15:14You fucking love it.
01:15:15Don't try and give me that shit.
01:15:17I knew I should have took that job with Susan Boyle.
01:15:21Oh, what the fuck now?
01:15:23Oh, it's the zombies, Boris, eh?
01:15:24Let's see if it works.
01:15:25I'm a bet.
01:15:26Five quid says it does.
01:15:27Five quid.
01:15:30All right, Zara.
01:15:31Hey, hey, hey.
01:15:33Yeah, perfect.
01:15:34Oh, shit.
01:15:36Payback time.
01:15:37You thought you could steal money from the bad habits
01:15:40and get away with it?
01:15:41I don't fucking think so.
01:15:47You lot are fucking useless.
01:15:49Pandora, go and keep an eye out for zombies.
01:15:51Why me?
01:15:52Because if they come over here, I want them to kill you first.
01:15:55Fuck's sake.
01:16:07I lost you.
01:16:11I'm going to pack my zombie bags now, you selfish twat.
01:16:23Let me out!
01:16:24Let me out!
01:16:25Don't leave me.
01:16:31I'm scared.
01:16:49Oh, poor little Boris.
01:16:53He was ten times the man he'll ever be.
01:16:56Come on, I'm tired.
01:16:57I'm sick of this.
01:16:58Get us up.
01:16:59I will.
01:17:00But only if you agree to stand beside Mother as King Pervo.
01:17:04Yes, I'll be King Pervo.
01:17:06First, you'll need to consummate the relationship with Mother.
01:17:09What, I've got to cook with her?
01:17:10No, you idiot.
01:17:11It means have sex with Mother.
01:17:12What, have sex with your fucking mother?
01:17:14No way.
01:17:26Fuck off.
01:17:33Oh, mighty evil one.
01:17:36We ask you to witness this clown's body
01:17:41and to join his soul with mine,
01:17:44for he is the one who truly belongs to me.
01:17:49What are you doing?
01:17:51You lot are mental.
01:17:52Along... Jesus Christ.
01:17:54..with my own.
01:17:57I give you the offering of this man's blood.
01:18:02All I ask, oh desolate one,
01:18:06is that you give this clown to me in the underworld
01:18:12so we may spend the rest of eternity together.
01:18:17Think yourself lucky.
01:18:19Mother wanted you to be King of England
01:18:22and I wanted to rip your fucking head off.
01:18:25So, me and Mother came to a compromise.
01:18:28You will be King, but you're going to be a zombie king.
01:18:32Someone help me! Help!
01:18:35Oh, fuck, he's a zombie.
01:18:37Sexy clown man, do you willingly offer yourself...
01:18:41No. ..to the desolate one?
01:18:43Course I fucking don't.
01:18:44I'd rather the desolate one than you.
01:18:46Then I shall take what is yours.
01:18:50Ow, you fucking bitch.
01:18:54Oh, lick me. Lick it.
01:18:55Go on, lick it good, you ginger bitch.
01:18:58You sick fucking bastard.
01:19:02Now, we shall be together
01:19:06for your sacrifice...
01:19:08Someone help us! ..followed by mine
01:19:11will unite us forever.
01:19:14Mother, what are you doing?
01:19:16What are you doing, you stupid ginger fishwife?
01:19:18Put the knife away, man.
01:19:23She's fucking done it wrong.
01:19:25Did you just do the sacrifice the wrong way round?
01:19:28Oh, shut up, you dick bitch!
01:19:30Die! Fucking die!
01:19:32What did you stab her for?
01:19:34I know she was fucking useless, but you didn't have to kill her.
01:19:37Oh, my God.
01:19:40Oh, my God, she's dead.
01:19:42No, she can't be dead. Oh, my God, yeah.
01:19:44If she's dead, then who's going to be queen of zombies?
01:19:48Well, I suppose we're going to have to still put the virus in the water
01:19:52and you and me could be king and queen of England.
01:19:55Oh, yeah.
01:19:57But first...
01:19:58Fuck off.
01:19:59..let's kill this ugly bastard.
01:20:01I can have a blowjob first.
01:20:03Bloody Alberti! Defend my honour!
01:20:06That's it!
01:20:07You lacerate!
01:20:09Die, pervert!
01:20:28Quick! Octavia's getting away!
01:20:47Drive this bitch.
01:20:49Oh, fuck!
01:20:53I'm glad to see you.
01:20:56Hey, good shoot, my Russian doll.
01:20:59No problem, baby.
01:21:01Well, if you insist.
01:21:03Oh, just untie me.
01:21:06I never wanted to kill you.
01:21:08It was Ara who wanted you dead.
01:21:10She has a hell of a temper.
01:21:12I bet she was great in bed too, eh?
01:21:14But, hey, hey, no worries.
01:21:16But there is still the matter of 40,000 pounds, Dad.
01:21:21Oh, eh?
01:21:23No, I'm only joking.
01:21:27Now go and get your clothes on and let's get the fuck out of here.
01:21:30My clothes are in the shed. They're all tied up.
01:21:33Why don't you just strip off too?
01:21:35OK, boss.
01:21:37Go and get your clothes.
01:21:40Poor Dahlia.
01:21:42Stuck up tight.
01:21:43I never wanted to shag you anyway.
01:21:45Fuck you!
01:21:47Fuck you!
01:21:51Get me shag under that spit liner.
01:21:54Where's my clothes?
01:22:02Oh, Boris, look at this state of you.
01:22:08This will do.
01:22:10Oh, not again.
01:22:13For fuck's sake.
01:22:18Sorry, big man.
01:22:24Sorry, big man.
01:22:28Oh, Boris.
01:22:30I'm sorry.
01:22:32Oh, Boris.
01:22:34I'm sorry.
01:22:36Sorry, big man.
01:22:38Fucking hell.
01:22:40I didn't mean to get you, look.
01:22:42I didn't mean to chop your cock.
01:22:44You weren't a big man after all, were you?
01:22:46It doesn't matter. I loved you anyway. I loved you.
01:22:49Oh, Boris.
01:22:51We could have been so good together.
01:22:53We could have gone rambling,
01:22:55matching cagoules, anything.
01:22:59Oh, you still smell so sexy as well.
01:23:03Oh, your tash.
01:23:05I wish I could have felt that between me legs.
01:23:08Oh, Boris.
01:23:10I didn't mean to end like this.
01:23:14Oh, Boris.
01:23:21Oh, just...
01:23:23I'll never forget that smell.
01:23:25I'm going to take your willy with us.
01:23:27I'm going to keep that forever to remember you by.
01:23:34All right?
01:23:36What have you been? Killing zombies?
01:23:41Let's see if anybody else is left alive.
01:23:44Let me wash this blood off first.
01:23:54Oh, I needed that sleep.
01:23:56I can't believe we're the only survivors.
01:23:59I can't believe I killed Boris.
01:24:01He was so gentle and protective.
01:24:04I'm going to miss him.
01:24:06Would you like a hug?
01:24:12That Russian bitch.
01:24:26He's mine.
01:24:36I don't think she was a zombie.
01:24:39I don't think she was a zombie, you know.
01:24:43Well, why did you shoot her, then?
01:24:45Because you're a shouted zombie.
01:24:46She was screaming like all the others.
01:24:48Oh, fuck her!
01:24:49I did.
01:24:51A few times.
01:24:52Oh, she was great.
01:24:57Do you think I'm that easy?
01:25:01I'm warming to you.
01:25:03Let's go find the car.
01:25:09Hey, cool car.
01:25:11It was ours.
01:25:13But it's mine now.
01:25:15So, now what?
01:25:17Well, I'm taking over the bad habits.
01:25:21Yes, but you won't be able to afford us.
01:25:25We'll cost more and fuck harder.
01:25:28Well, maybe I'll give you a few freebies.
01:25:31I like the sound of that, aye?
01:25:33I mean, I remember her.
01:25:39No, no, hang on, hang on, hang on.
01:25:49Look at that!
01:25:50Come on!
01:25:52Look at that!
01:25:53She can't get me!
01:26:01She can't get me!
01:26:02Ha, ha, ha!
01:26:03Hey, look at this!
01:26:06Hey, can't get me!
01:26:07Ha, ha, ha!
01:26:08Just kill her already!
01:26:09Oh, hang on, wait!
01:26:13Oh, what are you doing?
01:26:15Have some respect.
01:26:17Look at them!
01:26:18Oh, I'm going to waste!
01:26:19Come on.
01:26:21I wanted to shag a zombie, though.
01:26:28Look at this!
01:26:30That was Pandora's.
01:26:31Hey, awesome!
01:26:33So, where now, babe?
01:26:35I don't know.
01:26:39Let's just see where the power of our magic takes us.
01:26:42Hey, get amongst it.
01:27:01Hey, what's going on?
01:27:17Bertie Dumbledore.
01:27:20You have been saved, my child.
01:27:30You have been saved, my child.
01:28:01Gooch of a griffin.
01:28:05The nipple of a porker.
01:28:08Arse of rabbit.
01:28:10Sweat of a ginger.
01:28:12Acting skills of Daniel Radcliffe.
01:28:15The essence of Thatcher's rabbit.
01:28:17Spaff of dragon.
01:28:52We beseech you, Dark Lord,
01:28:54keeper of the seven gates of hell,
01:28:57accept this life so that we can command the essence of death.
01:29:58They came out of nowhere
01:30:00Coming and gone
01:30:02On a mission from Satan
01:30:05They're evil to the core
01:30:07Fucked up and crazy
01:30:09Eyes budding hate
01:30:11Bleeding all over
01:30:13Head up your head on a plane
01:30:16Zombie with an incontinence
01:30:21They'll rip you to shreds
01:30:27Zombie with an incontinence
01:30:30They'll rip you to shreds
01:30:39They're any fucking fiction
01:30:41Wicked and malicious
01:30:43They want to destroy
01:30:45Antivirus and me
01:30:48Rolling for flesh
01:30:50No shame for me
01:30:52God forsaken heathen
01:30:55Head up your head on a plane
01:30:57Zombie with an incontinence
01:31:00They'll rip you to shreds
01:31:03They'll rip you to shreds
01:31:08Zombie with an incontinence
01:31:11They'll rip you to shreds
01:31:14They'll rip you to shreds
01:31:25. . .
01:31:55. . .
01:31:58All they do is kill
01:32:00Nothing's gonna stop them
01:32:02There's almost a thrill
01:32:04Beautiful funny
01:32:07. . .
01:32:25. . .
01:32:28. . .
01:32:31. . .
01:32:34. . .