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McGee and Me! is an American television series by Focus On The Family from 1989-1995.
Each episode centers on Nicholas, his cartoon friend, McGee, and the moral lessons they learn as Nick grows up after moving to a new town.


01:30Never forget to be truthful and kind.
01:41Hold these virtues tightly.
01:43Write them deep within your heart.
01:46Telling lies about someone is as harmful as hitting him with an axe.
01:51We're wounding him with a sword.
02:12We're shooting him with a sharp arrow.
02:39This is my grandma's house.
02:41We've just moved in, and now I've got to start all over again.
02:45New school, new friends, new haircut, new everything.
02:51My family's kind of figuring out the move, too.
02:54Boy, was it crazy those first few days.
03:01Where's my denim jacket? Anybody seen my denim jacket?
03:04That is the third bug I have killed today.
03:07Toast's about ready.
03:10I've already called the pest control people. I should be out this afternoon.
03:14You hear that? Better make yourself scarce, pest.
03:18Nicholas, better hurry. Don't want to be late your first day of school.
03:22Right, Mom.
03:24There you go. Salad is a rock.
03:28Whatever. Get out of there.
03:30Daddy, why are you always picking on whatever?
03:32Come on. Come on. Come on.
03:35Honestly, you've got to learn to loosen up.
03:37Well, no.
03:40You're right, honey.
03:45For heaven's sake.
03:47That phone hasn't stopped ringing since you got here.
03:50Hello? What?
03:53No, I didn't order a pizza.
03:56Two for one's great.
03:58Would you look at the time? I was supposed to be at the paper by 7.30.
04:02First day on the job. Can't be late.
04:06So long, everyone.
04:08Bye, honey. Okay.
04:10Bye, Daddy.
04:20Like I said, it was crazy.
04:32Here's looking at you, kid.
04:35McGee, what are you doing?
04:37First day of school, huh?
04:41Cheer up, buckaroo. It's like I've always said.
04:44Make a big first impression, and the rest is a piece of cake.
04:48Yeah, remember the last time you told me to make a big impression?
04:51Sure. At the all-school play.
04:53Yeah. You told me to push my way to the front of the stage so everybody could see me.
04:57Hey, you were a smash.
04:59Sure. When I fell over the edge and the Bobby Russ goes trombone.
05:03Well, at least you made an impression.
05:06Honey, better get going.
05:08Right, Mom.
05:12Grow up.
05:20Here I am at my new school.
05:25Well, somewhere in there.
05:30All I need to do now is find my home loan.
05:34Unfortunately, Coach Slater found me first.
05:38Little soon to be cutting class, isn't it, mister?
05:50Then there's lunch. Time to, you know, make those big first impressions.
06:01And recess. I mean, what could go wrong at recess?
06:06You didds, come back here!
06:19Okay, okay, so it wasn't the best day I ever had.
06:27But at least it was finally over, and so were my problems.
06:35Well, not exactly.
06:41What do you think you're doing?
06:45Come here.
06:50See my skateboard? They almost put Nick in it.
06:54What's your name?
06:58Oh, you're a funny man, aren't you?
07:01Nicholas! My name is Nicholas.
07:04Oh, say Nick, huh?
07:08Got a present for me?
07:12If you come down my alleyway throwing cans at me, you better have some kind of peace offering.
07:18Money, stupid!
07:20Man, you're one lucky dude, kid.
07:23Beat it, Lewis!
07:25Sure, man. But I just want him to know what an honor it is to be beaten up by somebody like you.
07:31Bet you don't even know that this guy is the most baddest, roughest dude in the whole neighborhood.
07:37I mean, he normally stomps guys twice your size.
07:41But he's willing to risk it all to beat up somebody as wimpy as you.
07:45I mean, my little sister could beat you up. Ain't that right, Derek?
07:50Go ahead, smash his face in.
07:52People aren't going to fear him like they used to.
07:54His reputation will never be the same.
07:57But Derek Rider, a man of principle, is willing to sacrifice all that on a little nothing like you.
08:06Don't you wish?
08:08I might forget you, squid.
08:11You either, Lewis.
08:13Hey, I'm your man.
08:16Thanks, uh...
08:17Lewis, forget it, man.
08:20I'll see you tomorrow.
08:23Hey, what are you doing?
08:25I was going home.
08:26Not that way, you don't.
08:28Sure, I just live over on the other side.
08:30Man, what are you thinking? No one cuts through there.
08:34Why not?
08:36He's a crazy Indian, man. He eats live animals.
08:40They say anything that goes through there, don't come out again.
08:45What, you mean like pets and stuff?
08:56Nick! Nick!
08:58Where have you been?
09:00Never mind that. This is your chance to make the big impression.
09:05Are you cracked? Didn't you just hear what he said?
09:08Come on, kid. Just go up and rap on one of those windows and we'll be heroes.
09:26Nick, get out of there!
09:27Nicholas! Nicholas!
09:29Get out of there! Get out!
09:31Watch out!
09:34Get out of there!
09:36Get out of there!
10:11Nick, come on, let's go!
10:14Nick, come on, don't leave me!
10:22I decided that maybe it was time to be running along.
10:28I bumped into Lewis on the way.
10:32Just to say hi.
10:36The next day, things hadn't changed much.
10:39There he is now, the man that knows no fear.
10:43They changed a lot.
10:45Did you get a good look at him?
10:48The man, the crazy Indian man. Was he big?
10:51Well, I knew it.
10:53Like a monster, huh?
10:55He was big.
10:57I told you.
10:59Were there any animals?
11:01Yeah, there were animals everywhere, but...
11:03I knew it.
11:04Did you see him eating any?
11:06Well, he had a rabbit.
11:08He had a rabbit? He was eating a rabbit?
11:11He was alive, you know.
11:12He was eating a live rabbit?
11:14Yeah, I guess.
11:15Yeah, yeah, it was alive, whatever was left of it.
11:18This is incredible, man.
11:27By the time I got to school,
11:29everybody knew, or thought they knew, what happened.
11:32Gigantic claw!
11:35There was this big, tricky alligator.
11:37It was like ten stories tall.
11:39I wasn't quite sure that this was the big impression I wanted to make.
11:43There he is!
11:50So, Squid, you some big hero now?
11:54Hello, Nicholas.
11:57Well, I ain't buying it.
11:59What kind of fool do you take me for?
12:01What kind of fool do you take me for?
12:03How many kinds are there?
12:05Don't change the subject.
12:07If that guy's such a monster, eating all those animals,
12:10where'd you get the guts to stand up to him?
12:12What do you know about guts, Derek?
12:15You're scared to even go near the place.
12:17Hi, Nicholas.
12:19Oh, hi.
12:21That Indian is as good as gone.
12:32Shameful, just shameful.
12:34Hi, hon.
12:36Oh, hello, dear.
12:38Well, Mom, so what exactly happened?
12:40Well, it seems that somebody broke into
12:42George Ravenhill's cellar yesterday
12:44and scared the poor man half to death.
12:46Now, is that the house over a couple blocks that's so...
12:49Yes, it is run down, all right.
12:52But he's got arthritis so bad,
12:54he can barely get himself around.
12:56Such a sweet soul, too,
12:58Such a sweet soul, too,
13:00taking care of all those poor, injured animals.
13:03I don't care what his house looks like.
13:05He's just about the sweetest man you'd ever want to meet.
13:08I don't care what his house looks like.
13:10He's just about the sweetest man you'd ever want to meet.
14:01Oh, no, I've got the bear!
14:08You take that.
14:15Do not let it come out of your hands.
14:36All right, you hooligan! I'll do the slammer with you!
14:42Nice work! There'll probably be a big reward in this for you!
15:06Can I come in?
15:19I'm sure fixing this place up in a hurry.
15:24Missed your dinner.
15:27Boy, you know, living here with Grandma is going to be great. Talk about memories.
15:33Watch out, Nick.
15:41What do you mean?
15:47I don't know.
15:50What if...
15:55What if he said something about someone and, you know, they got in big trouble for it?
16:09Well, son, nobody likes to get somebody in trouble.
16:13But if it's the truth, then...
16:22Of course, if it's not the truth, then a lot of people could get hurt.
16:28There's a person that's being lied about, but also the person that's doing the lying,
16:34because not only will the truth eventually find him out,
16:38but the very fact that lying is a sin,
16:43well, that sin starts to cut off his relationship, his friendship with God.
16:51But there's also a third person that gets hurt.
16:56Yeah, there is.
17:00You remember Jesus says that whatever we do to others, we do to him.
17:05So it only stands to reason if we lie and hurt another person,
17:13we actually hurt Jesus.
17:18What do I do?
17:23What do you think?
18:18Love, love never lies.
18:22Love never lies.
18:28No matter what you may have done, no matter when or why,
18:34there's never any reason the truth won't get you by.
18:49In a moment's hesitation, you let it slip by.
18:56Who's gonna give you the hook? It's just one little lie.
19:02Love, love never lies.
19:08Love never lies.
19:15No matter what you may have done, no matter when or why,
19:21there's never any reason the truth won't get you by.
19:30Love never lies.
19:33Love never lies.
19:40All day long, everyone was talking about what Derek and his buddies had done last night.
19:49Hey Nick, if you don't move it, you're gonna miss the action.
19:54Derek and his dorks, they're gonna put the finishing touches on old Cochise.
19:59What, now?
20:00Should be good.
20:07What are you doing?
20:08This is it, loyal minion. Time to right the wrong, to return justice to its right.
20:13McGee, they'll kill me.
20:15Well, what about Mr. Ravenhill?
20:20What can I do?
20:22There isn't much time, kid.
20:28Come on!
20:38Come on!
20:42Come on!
20:47Come on!
20:50Good, go, go!
20:53Go, go, go!
20:55Love never lies.
20:58Love never lies.
21:04No matter what you may have done, no matter when or why,
21:10there's never any reason the truth won't get you by.
21:23In a moment's hesitation, you let it slip by.
21:33So who's gonna really hurt? It's just one little lie.
21:39Love, love never lies.
21:45Love never lies.
21:51No matter what you may have done, no matter when or why,
21:57there's never any reason the truth won't get you by.
22:03Love, love never lies.
22:09Love never lies.
22:15Love, love never lies.
22:21Now who's heroes, Quinn?
22:28Now who's heroes, Quinn?
22:58Now who's heroes, Quinn?
23:28Now who's heroes, Quinn?
23:43Now who's heroes, Quinn?
23:56you said did you know I didn't see a thing Louis yeah I wouldn't want to be
24:04in your shoes Monday you're gonna catch it good from everybody I should have
24:11told the truth well it was fun while it lasted
24:27I never thought I'd be able to face mr. Ravenhill again after what I did to him
24:32I mean saying you're sorry is one thing but you know this is real good I was
24:37helping like this yes sir II Bob you know it's like I always say you missed
24:42a spot watch you so you shall sweep what I really can't make up for what I did
24:52McGee I mean I know God's forgiven me and stuff but I don't know when you're
25:02through there you can start on the cellar steps yes sir
25:11I know
25:22I felt a lot better mr. Ravenhill did and I think God was happier with me too
25:31McGee why don't you do something to help I'd love to all be but the Lone Ranger
25:46here has offered to help me babe sure they always wash their food before they
25:52eat it right oh they always wash their food
