• last year
In his state address, the Pope highlighted Singapore's modernity, resilience and policies, while reminding us to care for the poor, the elderly and migrant workers.

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00:00Singapore is a story of growth and resilience.
00:06From humble origins, this nation has reached a high level of development,
00:12demonstrating that this is the result of rational decisions, and not by chance.
00:20It is the result of a constant commitment to carry out well-weighed projects and initiatives
00:30in line with the specific characteristics of the EU.
00:36These days is the 101st anniversary of the birth of Lee Kuan Yew,
00:45the first Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore,
00:49who, from 1959 to 1990,
00:55kept this commitment and gave a strong boost to the rapid growth and transformation of the country.
01:06It is also important that Singapore has not only prospered economically,
01:14but that it has also made an effort to build a society
01:20in which social justice and the common good are taken into great consideration.
01:28I think in particular of your dedication to improving the living conditions of citizens
01:35through public housing policies,
01:39high-quality education and an efficient health system.
01:45I hope that these efforts will continue until they fully involve all the people of Singapore.
01:55In this regard, I would like to point out the risk
02:01that a certain pragmatism and a certain exaltation of merit
02:08may lead to the non-intentional consequence of legitimizing the exclusion of those
02:16who are at the margins of the benefits of progress.
02:21On this front, I acknowledge and praise the various policies and initiatives
02:26put in place to support the weakest,
02:29and I hope that particular attention will be paid to the poor, to the elderly,
02:36whose efforts have laid the foundations for the Singapore we know today,
02:42and also to protect the dignity of migrant workers,
02:48who contribute greatly to the construction of the society
02:52and to which an equal wage must be guaranteed.
02:58The sophisticated technologies of the digital age
03:03and the rapid developments in the use of artificial intelligence
03:08cannot make us forget that it is essential to cultivate real human relations,
03:16concrete human relations,
03:19and that these technologies can be used precisely to bring people closer to each other,
03:27promoting understanding and solidarity,
03:31and not to isolate ourselves dangerously in a fictitious or impenetrable reality.
03:40Singapore is a mosaic of ethnicities,
03:48a mosaic of cultures and religions that coexist in harmony.
03:55Harmony is a very important word.
04:00The achievement and preservation of this positive inclusiveness
04:06are favoured by the impartiality of the public authorities
04:10engaged in constructive dialogue with everyone,
04:15making it possible for everyone to make their own contribution to the common good,
04:22without allowing extremism or intolerance to acquire strength
04:28and put social peace at risk.
04:31Reciprocal respect, collaboration, dialogue,
04:35and the freedom to profess one's own belief in loyalty to the common law
04:41are determining conditions for the success and stability obtained by Singapore,
04:49requiring a non-conflictual and chaotic development,
04:57but a balanced and sustainable development.
05:03The Catholic Church in Singapore, since its inception,
05:09has tried to offer its own peculiar contribution to the path of this nation,
05:16especially in the areas of education and health,
05:21using the spirit of sacrifice and dedication of the missionaries and the faithful.
05:29Always animated by the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
05:33the Catholic community is also at the forefront in the works of charity,
05:39contributing significantly to humanitarian efforts
05:44and managing, for this purpose, various health institutions
05:49and many humanitarian organisations, including the Charity, which we all know.
05:56In addition, the Church, according to the Declaration of Our Age
06:03of the Vatican II Council on Relations with Non-Christian Religions,
06:12has constantly promoted inter-religious dialogue
06:18and collaboration between different communities of faith,
06:23with a spirit of openness and reciprocal respect,
06:29fundamental for the construction of a society that is just and peaceful.
06:39This visit of mine dates back 43 years,
06:45since the diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Singapore were established.
06:53The Church proposes to confirm in the faith the Catholics
06:58and to exhort them to continue with joy and dedication
07:02the collaboration with all men and women of good will
07:08for the construction of a civil, healthy and cohesive society
07:14for the common good and for a crystalline testimony of their faith.
07:22Singapore also has a specific role to play in the international order.
07:29Let us not forget this.
07:35This international order is threatened today by bloody conflicts and wars,
07:44and I am glad that it has meritoriously promoted multilateralism
07:51and an order based on the rules shared by all.
07:56I encourage you to continue to work for the unity and fraternity of the human race
08:05for the benefit of the common good of all, of all peoples and of all nations,
08:12with an understanding that is not exclusive nor restricted to national interests.
08:22Let me also remind you of the role of the family,
08:29the first wolf in which one learns to relate to others, to be loved and to love.
08:39In today's social conditions, the foundations on which families are based are questioned
08:48and risk becoming weakened.
08:52They must be placed in the condition of transmitting the values that give meaning and shape to life
09:02and to teach young people to form solid, healthy relationships with each other.
09:10Therefore, efforts must be made to promote, protect and support family unity
09:20through the work of various institutions.
09:24We cannot hide the fact that today we live in an environmental crisis
09:36and we must not underestimate the impact that a small nation like Singapore can have on it.
09:48Your unique position offers you access to capital, technologies, talents and resources
09:57that can drive innovation to ensure the health of our common home.
10:07Your commitment to sustainable development and the safeguarding of the Creator
10:16is an example to follow.
10:19And the search for innovative solutions to face the environmental challenges
10:25can encourage other countries to do the same.
10:31Singapore is a brilliant example of what humanity can achieve
10:38by working together in harmony, with a sense of responsibility
10:45and with a spirit of inclusiveness and fraternity.
10:52This is a summary of your attitude.
11:00Working together in harmony, with a sense of responsibility
11:07and with a spirit of fraternity and inclusiveness.
11:12I encourage you to continue on this path,
11:16trusting in God's promise and in his paternal love for all.
11:23Mr President,
11:25Ladies and Gentlemen,
11:27God helps you to meet the needs and expectations of your people
11:34and encourages you to experience that with those who remain humble and grateful
11:40he can accomplish great things for the good of all.
11:45God bless Singapore.
11:57For more UN videos visit www.un.org
