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Chanel West Coast On Her New Reality TV Show, Ozempic vs Lipo, & More


00:00So this outfit is by a brand called Sex. That's the vibe we're giving tonight, sex.
00:05I have a lot of pins on though, so I'm very scared that one wrong move we might poke a titty or something.
00:10But yeah, that's, you know, we're going for the sexy vibes tonight.
00:14For the sex, and you accomplished that.
00:16How do you feel with the show being out, that people get this inside, like, rare glimpse into your life?
00:22Are you happy with the response?
00:24I'm just happy that people got to see a whole different side of me.
00:28You know, I've been laughing on TV for so long and smiling, which I still do a lot of,
00:32but people got to see a lot deeper side.
00:34I'm crying a lot on the show. I had just had a baby, so my hormones were going crazy.
00:38I also was filming very overweight after having a baby, my first time being on camera, like, that heavy.
00:45So it was very nerve-wracking, but I just wanted the fans to get to see, like, me in the rawest, realest form, and they got that.
00:52I mean, postpartum is the rawest that you could ever possibly be.
00:56Yeah, yeah, seriously.
00:58What's the latest in Bowie's milestones?
01:01So she's entering the terrible twos.
01:03Buckle up.
01:05Definitely getting into tantrum mode, but she's so smart.
01:08She's not even two yet. She knows her whole entire ABCs.
01:11She can count to 20. Most talkative baby ever.
01:14Like, she's going to be an even bigger talker than myself.
01:17Love that so much.
01:19You know what I also love about you is that you're so open about your lipo journey as well,
01:22and why you wanted to do that over taking something like Ozempic, right?
01:26Yeah, I'm just, like, I've never, like, been into, like, pills or, like, I don't even know how people take Ozempic.
01:31I think it's a shot. I'm just, like, scared of stuff like that.
01:34I heard that if you stop taking Ozempic, you could possibly gain more weight.
01:38I'm like, well, that's not what I want to do.
01:40And I, you know, I knew a few people had done lipo, and they had a good experience.
01:45I will say it was a lot rougher than my friends made it out to be, like, sound.
01:49But that's why I wanted to be open, because I think a lot of girls don't know how rough these things are,
01:54and they think, oh, you just pop out skinny, and it's like a miracle.
01:58It's like, no, it's a long recovery process. It's very strenuous.
02:01And I just wanted to be open about it so other girls could see that, like, you know, this is really what it takes.
02:06Any regrets?
02:08Not really, no. You know, it took a little while to heal from it,
02:11but it jump-started my weight loss process, and I'm very happy about that.
02:17You know, closer to marriage, is that still something that you're even thinking about? He's over there.
02:22You know, I don't like to be that, like, naggy girlfriend.
02:25You know, we're not going to bug him about that.
02:29He's been bugged enough about that.
