【热门短剧】 《完蛋!朕被奸佞包围了》 (上)

  • last month
00:00:00帅哥美女们,今天又成功牵手了一对!Haha, the beautiful boys and girls, you have successfully held hands again today!
00:00:20放心,是专业的,不会让怀孕三个月的女孩上来相亲的!Don't worry, it's professional, you won't let a three-month-old girl come to your wedding!
00:00:30那个小伙子,你,就是你,上来!That boy, you, it's you, come on!
00:00:38我一看你啊,就是单身,说出你内心真实的想法,别害羞!As soon as I see you, you're single, tell me what you really think, don't be shy!
00:00:47你真要我说呀?You really want me to say it?
00:00:48当然是真说呀,你到底想要一个什么样的姑娘啊?Of course! What kind of girl do you want?
00:00:53哇塞,太刺激了,说出你的想法!Wow, it's so exciting, tell me what you think!
00:00:58陈,加油,加油,说!Chen, come on, come on, say it!
00:01:02大大夫,圣于天地之间,岂能孕于九军连下,必能心上大泉,醉人美人心,一刻怎么能够?A man who is superior to heaven and earth, how can he be in love with nine kings? How can he have a beautiful heart?
00:01:13陈,下了你!Chen, come on!
00:01:28别跑!Don't run!
00:01:35穿越了,大同王朝,赵太后寝宫,我们是九五至尊景帝!We've crossed the Dapeng Dynasty, the Empress Dowager Zhao is sleeping in the palace, we are the nine emperors!
00:01:44皇儿,似乎心情不错,那就趁热品一品这西域的贡茶吧!Huang'er, you seem to be in a good mood, why don't you have a cup of tea in the west?
00:01:51好,朕多谢太后赐茶!Good, thank you for the tea!
00:01:58谁还有心思喝茶呀,只能丧气加厉还等着翻牌呢,一个字,真特别的爽!Who still has the mood to drink tea? I can't wait to turn the tables at home.
00:02:15你看这够人的模样,妥妥的青春网红啊,这侍女都如此绝美,那朕的那些妃子岂不是……Look at this beautiful woman, she is so beautiful, my concubines will be...
00:02:43难不成你是被朕这封神之子所折服,那要不然朕让太后将你赏赐给我,怎么样?Is it possible that you have been seduced by my son? Then why don't I ask the Empress Dowager to reward you to me?
00:02:50怎么样?What do you think?
00:02:53陛下的意思是让卿尘到下面给陛下陪葬吗?Your Majesty, do you mean to ask Qingchen to be buried with you?
00:02:58对,陪葬!Yes, to be buried!
00:03:02啥玩意儿?What's going on?
00:03:09茶水里有毒,你……There is poison in the tea water, you...
00:03:20陛下喝下八贤王所赠的贡茶,当场毒发身亡,驾崩之前传位给猎王爷,现在速宣猎王爷觐见!Your Majesty, drink the tea from the King of Baxian, you will be poisoned to death, and you will pass the throne to the Prince of Lies before you die!
00:03:31现在速宣猎王爷觐见!Now, summon the Prince of Lies!
00:03:42这是,刚才就这么干了?Is this what you did just now?
00:03:45皇儿似乎心情不错啊Your son seems to be in a good mood.
00:03:57这回哥们发达了!This time I'm getting better!
00:04:07我和你们一样,小学我上了七年,初中上了四年,高中上了五年!I'm the same as you, I've been in elementary school for seven years, junior high school for four years, and senior high school for five years!
00:04:15人类高质量男性,三千年帅哥,还能被你们这些原始人给偷偷了?Humanity is a high-quality man, a handsome man for three thousand years, and you primitive people are stealing him away?
00:04:24老妖婆,你想让你亲儿子猎王继位,然后再嫁祸给前王,你咋不去死呢?Old witch, you want your son to be the Prince of Lies, and then you want to frame the former king, why don't you go to hell?
00:04:33给老子,给朕弄死他!Give it to me, kill him!
00:04:46哼,陛下胆子肥了,可惜在哀家这慈宁宫,还轮不到你这个昏君放肆!Hm, you're so bold, it's a pity that it's not your turn in my Cining Palace!
00:05:01我告诉你们啊,朕可是当今天子,你们这是要造反吗?I'm telling you, I'm the current emperor, are you going to rebel?
00:05:06陛下,造反的可是八仙了,这一步哀家会昭告天下,动手!Your Majesty, it's the Eight Immortals who rebelled, I will announce this to the world, do it!
00:05:18小网红,你真狠啊,你主子有事你是真敢上啊!Xiao Wanghong, you're so cruel, you really dare to attack your master?
00:05:24如果再重来一次机会的话,我一闹,一个就把你弄死了,来吧!If I have another chance, I'll kill you right away, come on!
00:05:36你这是被朕的黄发之计蛰伏了?Are you bewitched by my yellow hair?
00:05:41你放心,小网红,以后你都把你大哥朕当定了,而且是看到素颜都不会跑的那种!Don't worry, Xiao Wanghong, from now on, I'll take you as my big brother, and I won't run away when I see you!
00:05:46陛下休要胡言,请大人助理推换!Your Majesty, don't talk nonsense, please let your assistant retreat!
00:05:51等朕回来就弄死你!I'll kill you when I come back!
00:05:53好啊,那你得有这个本事,能够活着走出我的慈宁宫!Good, then you have to have the ability to leave my Cining Palace alive!
00:06:00追不上我吧?Can't catch up with me?
00:06:05闪开,闪开,闪开,闪开!Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way!
00:06:17皇兄啊,臣弟救驾来迟,还请见谅啊!Brother, I'm late for the rescue, please forgive me!
00:06:21八贤王谋反,于慈宁宫前刺杀陛下,并且还丧心病狂地想要挟哀家!King Baxian rebelled and tried to assassinate His Majesty in front of Cining Palace, and he was so desperate that he wanted to threaten me!
00:06:29烈王虽救驾来迟,但陛下甚有心脉,临终前传外给烈王,虽无圣旨,但有哀家亲眼见证,烈王登基无碍!King Baxian was late for the rescue, but His Majesty was very compassionate, and he sent a message to King Baxian before he died!
00:06:39虽无圣旨,但有哀家亲眼见证,烈王登基无碍!King Baxian was late for the rescue, but he sent a message to King Baxian before he died!
00:06:45这么多钱啊?So much money?
00:06:46来!Come here!
00:06:53你可别想下去了!再玩儿……You better not think about going down. Play some more…
00:07:00Double Kill
00:07:06这皇宫这里处处是刀剑啊!又他妈又敢来一次!The imperial palace is full of swords! He's trying to kill me again!
00:07:11皇儿似乎心情不错Huang'er, you seem to be in a good mood
00:07:14Why don't you have a cup of tea while it's hot?
00:07:18Are you talking about a repeater?
00:07:20Which eye can tell that I'm in a good mood?
00:07:22I've been kicked out twice, how can I be in a good mood?
00:07:31It's okay.
00:07:32I made a mistake and saw through the red dust.
00:07:35I decided to officially pass the throne to the King in three days.
00:07:38Please be my witness.
00:07:40Your Majesty, are you serious?
00:07:42Yes, I'm serious.
00:07:45Are you serious?
00:07:48I'll go back to the palace right now.
00:07:53Brother, where are you going?
00:07:56Just wait to be the emperor.
00:08:05Mother, didn't you ask me to save the emperor and kill him?
00:08:10He found me.
00:08:12Why did you let him go?
00:08:15He saw through our plan.
00:08:17Go after him.
00:08:18What are you waiting for?
00:08:20Go, go, go.
00:08:21Go after him.
00:08:32The Noble Consort is my favorite concubine.
00:08:34How could she hide here?
00:08:36If I tell everyone that I'm here for justice,
00:08:38the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager can't kill me in public.
00:08:41The Noble Consort.
00:08:46Your Majesty.
00:08:47Your Majesty.
00:08:48Why are you here all of a sudden?
00:08:50I deserve to die.
00:08:55The Noble Consort, please rise.
00:09:03I'm telling you.
00:09:04The Empress Dowager and the King of Rui conspired to steal the throne.
00:09:06They even set me up.
00:09:07Tell everyone that I'm here.
00:09:17Do you feel it?
00:09:18A little bit.
00:09:21It's not as good as dumplings.
00:09:23It's not as fun as my sister-in-law.
00:09:25The ancient people can't afford to bully me.
00:09:27You can't bully me.
00:09:34You two.
00:09:35How dare you give me the green hat.
00:09:41It's all because my father's brain is confused.
00:09:43That's why he passed the throne to you.
00:09:44The throne belongs to me.
00:09:48The King of Rui is good at martial arts.
00:09:50He's talented.
00:09:53How can you be compared to him?
00:09:55When the King of Rui ascends the throne,
00:09:56I'll be the Empress.
00:10:03If you want to take the throne,
00:10:05I'll kill you.
00:10:16Am I too fast?
00:10:18In case the King of Rui and the Empress Dowager can't find him,
00:10:22they will erase the traces
00:10:25and find a chance to revenge.
00:10:27The King of Rui wants to capture the Empress Dowager immediately
00:10:31and then use the old trick to slander them as the king.
00:10:50Gao Nanyun.
00:10:52You're a pitiful person.
00:10:54This time, you'd rather waste a chance to vent your anger.
00:10:58My son seems to be in a good mood.
00:11:01Let's have a cup of tea together.
00:11:09Why do you drink tea?
00:11:11At this time, the King of Rui is in the Cloud Palace
00:11:13drinking tea with that bitch.
00:11:18I've seen through the world.
00:11:20I'll kill them both.
00:11:22I'll take the throne to the King of Rui.
00:11:26where are you going?
00:11:29Just in time.
00:11:30King of Rui,
00:11:31if you don't want your wife,
00:11:33if you don't want the throne,
00:11:34just open your mouth
00:11:35and follow me to kill the King of Rui and the Empress Dowager.
00:11:38I'll give you the throne.
00:11:41Are you serious?
00:11:42You should know that I'm not joking.
00:11:44I'm serious.
00:11:45I'm serious.
00:11:46What are you talking about?
00:11:50Follow him.
00:11:52If anything goes wrong...
00:12:03Your Majesty.
00:12:05Your Majesty, why are you here at night?
00:12:09My son,
00:12:10you are really a gentleman.
00:12:13Since you like Qingchan,
00:12:15I'll reward her to you.
00:12:19After drinking this cup of hot tea,
00:12:21take her back.
00:12:23Thank you, Mother.
00:12:30By the way,
00:12:32I have something to tell you.
00:12:41Your Majesty,
00:12:43how dare you!
00:12:45What do you dare to do to me?
00:12:47Do what?
00:12:49I'll beat you up.
00:12:51If you want to fight with me,
00:12:52you have to be tender.
00:12:54Your Majesty,
00:12:55you don't have to hide it.
00:12:56Come in.
00:13:06Our plan is perfect.
00:13:08How did you find out?
00:13:10You're a big shot.
00:13:11Who doesn't have two or three spies?
00:13:14Qingchan is my woman.
00:13:16What do you think?
00:13:17You didn't expect it, did you?
00:13:18This is called professionalism.
00:13:21I'll teach you a lesson.
00:13:25You talk too much, don't you?
00:13:30I told you to talk too much.
00:13:33Talk too much.
00:13:39With your IQ,
00:13:40you should watch more spy movies
00:13:41to improve your brain.
00:13:43Don't always think about
00:13:44framing the King of Xian.
00:13:46He's not a good guy.
00:13:48All of you
00:13:49want me to give up.
00:13:51So what?
00:13:52We don't have enough money.
00:13:54You want me to give up
00:13:55in such a hurry.
00:13:56I quit.
00:13:57Your Majesty,
00:13:58General Situ Lei
00:13:59has returned from the border.
00:14:00He will enter the city in three days.
00:14:02At that time,
00:14:03they will never have a chance.
00:14:05Is Situ Lei
00:14:07a great
00:14:09good minister?
00:14:10So what?
00:14:11Don't forget,
00:14:12he will come to replace you
00:14:13in three days.
00:14:15I have an old witch behind me.
00:14:17How dare you!
00:14:28Your Majesty.
00:14:39Your Majesty.
00:14:42Your Majesty.
00:14:43Your Majesty.
00:14:47Your Majesty.
00:14:59Tie up the King of Xian.
00:15:04What are you waiting for?
00:15:05Do as I say.
00:15:17Your Majesty.
00:15:23You're still laughing?
00:15:24You evil witch.
00:15:27Your Majesty.
00:15:28I'll kill you.
00:15:33You're already
00:15:34a grassland.
00:15:35You still want to explain?
00:15:36I'll kill you.
00:15:37I'll kill you.
00:15:46Look at you.
00:15:47How dare you
00:15:48conspire with
00:15:49the old witch
00:15:50of the Empress Dowager
00:15:51to usurp the throne.
00:15:52Do you think you're smart
00:15:53and can fool me?
00:15:55Since you already know,
00:15:58I won't let you live.
00:16:00Kill him.
00:16:02That being said,
00:16:03my move
00:16:04is pure revenge.
00:16:05See you in the next round.
00:16:21I've died four times.
00:16:22It's not easy to win this round.
00:16:26I'll count on you in this round.
00:16:28My son
00:16:29seems to be in a good mood.
00:16:31Let's drink
00:16:33the tea from the Western Regions.
00:16:46Please enjoy the tea.
00:16:51I know
00:16:52that old witch
00:16:53poisoned the tea.
00:16:54You'll see
00:16:55what I can do.
00:17:04Liang Xiaofei,
00:17:05you're a gentleman.
00:17:06You didn't poison the tea.
00:17:08That's great.
00:17:09When I ascend the throne,
00:17:11I'll make you pay.
00:17:13I didn't expect you to be so cruel.
00:17:16You won this round.
00:17:18I admit defeat.
00:17:19I'm going to
00:17:20kill that King Xian
00:17:22and blame
00:17:23everything on him.
00:17:26All of you are dead.
00:17:28The world
00:17:29is mine.
00:17:35we're going to test
00:17:36if you're from the Western Regions.
00:17:43My son
00:17:44seems to be in a good mood.
00:17:46Let's drink the tea from the Western Regions.
00:17:47I know
00:17:48the tea is poisoned.
00:17:49I know you want to save me.
00:17:51But with our abilities,
00:17:53we can't escape.
00:17:54Is there any way?
00:17:57Your Majesty.
00:18:00can't bear it.
00:18:05Little girl.
00:18:07let's go to the battlefield.
00:18:10Run faster.
00:18:11Run faster.
00:18:13Your Majesty.
00:18:15What did you talk to Qingchan about?
00:18:17Where is she going now?
00:18:19I like Qingchan.
00:18:21I want to play a game with her.
00:18:24When she runs,
00:18:25I'll chase her.
00:18:26If I catch up with her,
00:18:28she'll be with me.
00:18:31Good. Good. Good.
00:18:37Good. Good. Good.
00:18:41you're really a gentleman.
00:18:43You're dying,
00:18:45but you're still thinking of a happy ending.
00:18:48There's poison in the tea.
00:18:50If you choose to drink it,
00:18:52you can die with dignity.
00:18:54But you chose to die with no power.
00:18:58Prince Lie,
00:18:59it's your duty.
00:19:01Do it.
00:19:05after I ascend the throne,
00:19:07I'll definitely avenge you
00:19:09with this righteous method.
00:19:14Kill him.
00:19:15Kill him.
00:19:18Let me go. Let me go. Let me go.
00:19:21I'll kill myself.
00:19:26The best swordsman in the country.
00:19:28Zhan Fei.
00:19:31If I had known it would be so easy to save you,
00:19:33I wouldn't have wasted so many arrows.
00:19:40Why did you help me?
00:19:41Did you feel
00:19:43my anger?
00:19:46I'm a spy
00:19:47assigned to the Empress Dowager.
00:19:48I'm here to protect you.
00:19:52Is that so?
00:19:54you pretended to go out
00:19:56to save the soldiers.
00:19:58You're so scheming.
00:20:01The late emperor.
00:20:03You still don't trust me.
00:20:06Old witch.
00:20:07It's a good thing that the late emperor didn't trust you.
00:20:10Otherwise, I would have finished this round.
00:20:13Are you really so confident?
00:20:15What else can I do?
00:20:16I don't believe you can kill Prince Lie
00:20:18and ascend the throne yourself.
00:20:20Guard Zhan,
00:20:21go to General Situ Lei's camp.
00:20:24Guard Zhan,
00:20:25the earthquake is strong.
00:20:27The west mountain of Yitai has a long history.
00:20:31The sea of Wen Dynasty
00:20:32has a long history of three rivers.
00:20:34Guard Zhan,
00:20:35we are all from the religion of gods.
00:20:37Help me
00:20:38to kill this fatuous emperor.
00:20:41Pick it up.
00:20:46It smells good.
00:20:49should we turn it over?
00:20:51Your Majesty,
00:20:52run away.
00:20:54Stop them.
00:20:57Wen Jun.
00:20:59Don't you care about
00:21:00Qingcheng's life?
00:21:06Forget it.
00:21:08Forget it.
00:21:09I can't leave you.
00:21:10If you want to die, let's die together.
00:21:12I'll figure it out
00:21:13in the next round.
00:21:14Your Majesty,
00:21:15my death is not enough.
00:21:16Your Majesty, why?
00:21:20Take the lead
00:21:22to clean up
00:21:23the old mountain and river.
00:21:26Zhao Tianque.
00:21:32Damn it.
00:21:37I warn you.
00:21:38This is your last chance.
00:21:39If you die,
00:21:40I'll kill you completely.
00:21:43If I die again this time,
00:21:44I'll die alone
00:21:48You all want to kill me, right?
00:21:49If you don't play tricks,
00:21:51do you really think
00:21:52I'm Hello Kitty?
00:21:54You seem to be in a good mood.
00:21:57Then let's have a cup of tea
00:21:59in the west.
00:22:01As long as we let Qingchen
00:22:02escape to the camp
00:22:03and find the general,
00:22:04we can...
00:22:07Your Majesty,
00:22:08I don't have the mood for tea.
00:22:11What do you mean?
00:22:13I got a secret report.
00:22:16The King of Xian intends to rebel.
00:22:18He is now mobilizing his troops
00:22:20to my palace.
00:22:23Is it true?
00:22:26go to the side hall
00:22:27to summon Zhan Hui.
00:22:40you are a good brother.
00:22:42As long as you kill the King of Xian,
00:22:44I will abdicate immediately
00:22:45and give the world to you.
00:22:48Your Majesty,
00:22:49is it true?
00:22:52It's true.
00:22:53It's more true than pearls.
00:22:55The world is not worth it.
00:22:58King of Lian,
00:22:59you can rely on me
00:23:01in the future.
00:23:03Kill the King of Xian.
00:23:05By the way, Empress Dowager,
00:23:06I'll take the reward.
00:23:08King of Lian,
00:23:09come here.
00:23:10Come here.
00:23:13King of Lian,
00:23:14it's too late.
00:23:15Lead the troops
00:23:16to my palace right now.
00:23:18I'm afraid that the King of Xian
00:23:19will kidnap my beloved concubine.
00:23:20I'll bring the noble concubine
00:23:21right now.
00:23:25you are really infatuated.
00:23:28I'll go first
00:23:30to kill the traitor.
00:23:32Good brother.
00:24:18Your Majesty.
00:24:21Your Majesty.
00:24:23Why are you here so late at night?
00:24:26I received a secret report
00:24:28that the King of Lian
00:24:29has led troops
00:24:30to my palace
00:24:31to rebel.
00:24:37How about this?
00:24:38Go and inform the King of Xian
00:24:39right now
00:24:40and let him attack the King of Lian.
00:24:41Don't worry.
00:24:42After it's done,
00:24:43I'll pass the throne
00:24:44to the King of Xian
00:24:45and take you
00:24:46to travel around the world.
00:24:49Hurry up.
00:25:02It's a good opportunity.
00:25:09Your Majesty.
00:25:20The King of Lian is here.
00:25:21Your Majesty.
00:25:22Your Majesty.
00:25:23The King of Lian is here.
00:25:24Let's save the King of Xian
00:25:25and take the throne.
00:25:28Are you playing a conspiracy?
00:25:30How can the nickname
00:25:31Little Zhuge
00:25:32be the name of the waves?
00:25:33Your Majesty.
00:25:34Your Majesty.
00:25:35Let's go.
00:25:36The earthquake is coming.
00:25:37The west mountain of the Lian
00:25:38is a thousand years old.
00:25:40The sea of the Wen Dynasty
00:25:42is alive for thousands of years.
00:25:46You just need to be loyal to me.
00:25:48Your Majesty,
00:25:52You go out of the city
00:25:54and find the General
00:25:55to kill all these
00:26:02We must fight hard.
00:26:07Four positions.
00:26:08The palace
00:26:09will be controlled
00:26:11by us.
00:26:12At that time,
00:26:13we will succeed.
00:26:16At that time,
00:26:17we will call the General
00:26:19as Your Majesty.
00:26:21It's not good.
00:26:22Don't worry.
00:26:24Your Majesty.
00:26:25His Majesty came to the military camp at night.
00:26:27Please allow me
00:26:28to inform General Situ.
00:26:29This is confidential.
00:26:30Don't leak it.
00:26:31Zhang Hui.
00:26:32You stay at the door.
00:26:33Xiao Chan.
00:26:34You stay at the door.
00:26:35You stay at the door, too.
00:26:38After it's done,
00:26:40the General
00:26:41will reward the soldiers
00:26:43according to their merits.
00:27:05A military camp of 100,000 soldiers.
00:27:07It's not a steel box
00:27:09or a chicken feather.
00:27:10I'm done.
00:27:11I'm done.
00:27:12I'm going to use up all my energy.
00:27:14I have no chance to be reborn.
00:27:19Brothers, pack up.
00:27:20I'm tired.
00:27:22Give it to me.
00:27:23Here comes the Empress Dowager.
00:27:25Here comes the King.
00:27:27Here comes the King.
00:27:28Here comes the Queen.
00:27:30Here comes the Prime Minister.
00:27:36Are you surprised?
00:27:37Are you surprised?
00:27:38You're really
00:27:40my loyal subject.
00:27:45Your Majesty.
00:27:47Are you kidding me?
00:27:50I'll kill you sooner or later.
00:27:54Since you're kidding,
00:27:56shouldn't you kneel down?
00:27:59Your Majesty.
00:28:04Yes, Your Majesty.
00:28:14Your Majesty, how are you?
00:28:18Your Majesty said
00:28:19you wanted to see me tonight.
00:28:20But I haven't been able to wait for you.
00:28:22So I came out to look for you.
00:28:24I met the Empress Dowager on the way
00:28:26and followed her.
00:28:28I'm afraid the Empress is not an ordinary person.
00:28:30A bunch of demons and ghosts
00:28:31all want to eat sugar-coated haws.
00:28:33It's a piece of cake for us.
00:28:39I didn't expect you to be so concerned about me.
00:28:43I'm very pleased.
00:28:45Your Majesty, you patrol the military camp late at night.
00:28:47It's a great blessing
00:28:49to go through the process like this.
00:28:52But Your Majesty came here alone.
00:28:55It's easy to give the thief a chance to escape.
00:29:01I'm a loyal man.
00:29:03I can be seen day and night.
00:29:05But some people
00:29:07are so selfish
00:29:09that they listen to the government.
00:29:11How presumptuous!
00:29:12The Empress Dowager is worried about Your Majesty.
00:29:15How can you
00:29:16disobey her?
00:29:19Prince Fierce, you're wrong.
00:29:21I think General Situ
00:29:23is also concerned about the Empress Dowager.
00:29:26If it's spread in the harem,
00:29:28it's not good for the reputation.
00:29:32Prince Fierce is right.
00:29:34I'm also concerned about the Empress Dowager.
00:29:38In that case,
00:29:40I have to thank you.
00:29:42No need.
00:29:44It's my duty
00:29:46to solve the chaos.
00:29:49I didn't expect you, Situ Lei,
00:29:51to have the style of a censor.
00:29:53Your Majesty, please allow me
00:29:56to appoint Situ Lei as the censor
00:29:59and take charge of the censorate.
00:30:02You're so cruel!
00:30:04It's a good thing that you have a good heart.
00:30:06It's a joke.
00:30:07General Situ is the God of War of Feng.
00:30:10How can he be so small-minded?
00:30:12That's right.
00:30:13Xiyue is in turmoil.
00:30:16If I take over,
00:30:18the border of our country will be in danger.
00:30:20Your Majesty,
00:30:23do you think so?
00:30:25You're so old-fashioned.
00:30:27Even if you're old-fashioned,
00:30:28you're still a coward.
00:30:29You're not a man of steel.
00:30:32Of course,
00:30:33I'm not.
00:30:36Your Majesty,
00:30:37what do you mean?
00:30:40General Situ is the God of War of Feng.
00:30:43Isn't it a waste of talent
00:30:45to deal with a small country like Xiyue?
00:30:47Yesterday, the Prime Minister said
00:30:49to let General Situ take over the censorate.
00:30:53When did I say that?
00:30:55In the capital,
00:30:56General Situ will lead the army.
00:30:59He will give you 50,000 taels of silver.
00:31:03The former king will lead the army
00:31:06to conquer the border.
00:31:07No, no.
00:31:09If the former king doesn't take over the censorate,
00:31:12how can he lead the army?
00:31:15That's right.
00:31:18The former king.
00:31:19Let the former king lead the army.
00:31:20The former king is brave and invincible.
00:31:22He can attack with three bullets.
00:31:23He will definitely defeat Xiyue.
00:31:25That's even worse.
00:31:28The former king is brave and invincible.
00:31:30It's easy to fall into the trap of the enemy.
00:31:33How dare you!
00:31:34Situ Lei,
00:31:35do you want to disobey the order of the army?
00:31:37You can't let the former king take over the military power again.
00:31:40The former king is wrong.
00:31:41General Situ is also thinking for Feng
00:31:43and for His Majesty.
00:31:45That's right.
00:31:46It's a matter of hundreds of thousands of people at the border of Feng.
00:31:50Don't scold me.
00:31:52Are you kidding me?
00:31:54I'm kidding you.
00:32:07The national affair will be over soon.
00:32:10It's getting late.
00:32:11His Majesty should be sleepy.
00:32:13What's the matter?
00:32:14Let's talk about it tomorrow morning.
00:32:19I'll go with you for a while.
00:32:23Prime Minister,
00:32:24don't stand there.
00:32:25See Mother off.
00:32:31I went to the palace for nothing.
00:32:33Since none of you dare to attack me first,
00:32:35it's up to me to perform next.
00:32:38Your Majesty,
00:32:39are you going to rest in the Empress's Furong Hall tonight?
00:32:47The Empress looks like a white-haired, beautiful long-legged woman.
00:32:51She has a special smell of grape.
00:32:53How can I miss it?
00:32:57I'm tired.
00:32:58I want to talk to the Empress.
00:33:01But I often remember
00:33:03that Your Majesty has been very busy recently.
00:33:06I remember that
00:33:07Your Majesty has only been using the name of Noble Consort Ya recently.
00:33:10That vixen has planted a green grassland for me.
00:33:14Why should I use her name?
00:33:20What's the matter?
00:33:21Are you jealous?
00:33:23Your Majesty, you must be kidding.
00:33:24The Empress is the most important person in the harem.
00:33:26I dare not.
00:33:27I'm also very careful.
00:33:33Whether it's the Empress or Noble Consort Ya,
00:33:35they all know me better than Xiao Chanchan.
00:33:37Xiao Chanchan, you are my confidant.
00:33:42I'm willing to die for Your Majesty.
00:33:44Then today,
00:33:46do I need to serve the Empress together?
00:33:57It's okay.
00:33:58I'll give you a title as Noble Consort later.
00:34:04I'll go to the Empress first
00:34:06to test her.
00:34:07I don't know if anyone will enjoy it.
00:34:11As long as I can serve Your Majesty,
00:34:13I don't want any title.
00:34:18You go back and rest first.
00:34:20Wait for me in the Imperial Study before the morning court tomorrow.
00:34:24I have something to tell you.
00:34:27Yes, Your Majesty.
00:34:28Your Majesty.
00:34:35Oh, right.
00:34:36How did you know that I went to the old thief Situ?
00:34:40Now that it has come to this,
00:34:41I don't dare to hide anything anymore.
00:34:46I am the son of the late Emperor,
00:34:48who assisted in protecting Your Majesty.
00:34:49The old Emperor must have watched too many spy dramas.
00:34:52There are cases everywhere.
00:35:02Oh, no.
00:35:03It's real gold.
00:35:04If I can go back in time,
00:35:05I'll be able to spend a little money.
00:35:07After all, the gold price has now risen to 70 billion yuan.
00:35:10What kind of camp is the Empress?
00:35:13Forget it.
00:35:14I'll discuss it later.
00:35:15It's better not to fight the bastard.
00:35:19The Empress has contributed to saving the country.
00:35:20She must be rewarded.
00:35:22It's just...
00:35:23Did the Empress forget today
00:35:25that she still has important things to do?
00:35:29Your Majesty,
00:35:30I was just about to report that
00:35:31the late Emperor once had an iron box
00:35:33that contained the secrets of unifying all countries.
00:35:35I've been so secretive.
00:35:37Don't you understand?
00:35:45I said it was a double bed.
00:35:47You just want to give me a broken iron box.
00:35:49It's wrong after all.
00:35:51Your Majesty,
00:35:52no one can understand the monk Xuan Ao.
00:35:55The late Emperor said
00:35:56that if you take it apart,
00:35:57it will trigger the internal mechanism of the box
00:35:58and the jade stone will be destroyed.
00:36:01Does the late Emperor believe him so much?
00:36:03Don't they have something in common?
00:36:08Let me open it.
00:36:16Your Majesty,
00:36:17did you recognize anything?
00:36:18Why don't you just open it?
00:36:19All the students are back to Fang City.
00:36:21The late Emperor is also secretly a traveler.
00:36:25I seem to know him,
00:36:27but I don't seem to know him.
00:36:29I can't remember for a while.
00:36:35Your Majesty,
00:36:36did I think of something?
00:36:42I thought of
00:36:44the late Emperor's
00:36:46teaching to me.
00:36:48By the way,
00:36:49how did the late Emperor die?
00:36:52Your Majesty,
00:36:53the late Emperor
00:36:55caught a cold
00:36:57and died of a cold.
00:36:59The Imperial Academy of Medicine and...
00:37:02Don't be so nervous.
00:37:04I'm just testing the Empress.
00:37:07Let me think about
00:37:09how to open the iron box.
00:37:10At that time,
00:37:11I will share the secret
00:37:13with the Empress.
00:37:14What do you think?
00:37:18Thank you, Your Majesty.
00:37:20The old Emperor must not have died,
00:37:22or he wouldn't have written SOS
00:37:24to ask for help.
00:37:25This girl
00:37:26is not easy to win.
00:37:34Empress, you are...
00:37:36Of course,
00:37:37I'm serving Your Majesty.
00:37:39Oh, good.
00:37:40I like such dedicated actors.
00:37:46I prefer...
00:37:54I can't see.
00:37:56Let's get in the carriage.
00:38:19Little baby,
00:38:20you are mine.
00:38:24The woman in the tiger's cage
00:38:25is really a tiger.
00:38:26No wonder the late Emperor died.
00:38:27Your Majesty,
00:38:28where are you going?
00:38:33Before the morning meeting,
00:38:35I asked Qingchan
00:38:36to discuss something
00:38:38in the Imperial Study.
00:38:40You know,
00:38:41let's make an appointment
00:38:43next time.
00:38:45Your Majesty.
00:38:46Be good.
00:38:48My old waist.
00:38:54The late Emperor
00:38:55is not the same as before.
00:38:57It seems
00:38:58I have to work harder.
00:39:07now the three forces
00:39:09are gathering in the capital.
00:39:13Are we going to
00:39:14watch the late Emperor
00:39:16take the throne?
00:39:19don't worry.
00:39:21Today's morning meeting...
00:39:31It's a good plan.
00:39:38Now the late Emperor
00:39:39has Situ Leicheng.
00:39:43Do we
00:39:44let him
00:39:45be so carefree?
00:39:47Situ Lei
00:39:48is a man of ambition.
00:39:49How can a dog emperor
00:39:50surrender to a tiger?
00:39:51He is just like a tiger.
00:39:55I have prepared
00:39:56a big gift for him.
00:40:00That's great.
00:40:02This is General Shangguan.
00:40:04This is...
00:40:10Your Majesty.
00:40:13It smells so good.
00:40:14Your Majesty.
00:40:15It's urgent now.
00:40:17Your Majesty,
00:40:18don't fight anymore.
00:40:21Just a group of
00:40:22ghosts and snakes.
00:40:25can kill them all.
00:40:27Your Majesty.
00:40:28Do you know
00:40:29the Empress Dowager
00:40:30is in charge of 20,000 imperial guards?
00:40:31General Shangguan is in charge of
00:40:32a lot of finances.
00:40:33Even the King Xian
00:40:34and the King Lie
00:40:35have their own plans.
00:40:36All the courtiers
00:40:37are loyal.
00:40:40This is indeed
00:40:41the Empress Dowager's plan.
00:40:42There is not much sincerity.
00:40:43Xiao Chanchan.
00:40:44Just watch
00:40:45my operation.
00:40:48Your Majesty also has a plan.
00:40:50How about this?
00:40:51If you don't kiss me,
00:40:53I will tell you.
00:40:55Come on.
00:41:09This is called killing.
00:41:12It's all because of you.
00:41:22Everyone, calm down.
00:41:25His Majesty
00:41:26must have the old rules again.
00:41:27He has been late for two hours.
00:41:29Every time we go to court,
00:41:30the Prime Minister
00:41:31says whatever he wants.
00:41:32It's better to let the Prime Minister
00:41:33give us instructions
00:41:34and leave the court.
00:41:35Of course.
00:41:36If you want to talk,
00:41:37King Xian will talk to us.
00:41:38How qualified am I?
00:41:45I feel disgusted
00:41:46when I see these rascals.
00:41:47That's right.
00:41:48They are good at playing tricks.
00:41:50In terms of leading troops to war,
00:41:51who can compare to the General?
00:41:55Let's not wait for
00:41:56Xu Qingxiao.
00:41:57Go to the court
00:41:58and fight for 100 rounds.
00:41:59Then drink a little wine.
00:42:01Isn't it pleasant?
00:42:02That's right.
00:42:03But now
00:42:04the military situation is urgent.
00:42:05I don't have time
00:42:06to wait here.
00:42:08I'll wait
00:42:09for another hour at most.
00:42:13His Majesty has arrived.
00:42:35Long live the Emperor.
00:42:54How dare you!
00:42:55Do you think you can get away with this?
00:42:56I think you're going to rebel.
00:42:58Take the guard out
00:42:59and beat him to death.
00:43:02Your Majesty.
00:43:03Wait a minute.
00:43:04Wait a minute.
00:43:05Your Majesty.
00:43:06Did you take the wrong medicine?
00:43:13Your Majesty.
00:43:14Mr. Liu
00:43:15is the assistant minister of the Ministry of Works.
00:43:16He can't die
00:43:17because of a small matter.
00:43:18Please take back your order, Your Majesty.
00:43:21Guard Zhan.
00:43:22How's it going?
00:43:23He's dead.
00:43:24Cut his head off
00:43:25and take him to the city gate.
00:43:28What's going on?
00:43:30Shangguan Qiubo.
00:43:31What did you say just now?
00:43:32How's it going?
00:43:33Aren't you afraid
00:43:34to kill all the officials?
00:43:38Who of you
00:43:39is going to kill?
00:43:41Guard Zhan.
00:43:42Who of you is going to kill first?
00:43:43Take him out
00:43:44and cut him to death.
00:43:48I've never seen
00:43:49such a big tiger
00:43:50kill before.
00:43:53Tigers don't show off.
00:43:54Do you think
00:43:55this is Hello Kitty?
00:43:56Come out.
00:43:58Long live the Emperor.
00:44:03That's right.
00:44:05All ministers,
00:44:06stand up.
00:44:12Come on.
00:44:13Read the memorials for General Situ.
00:44:16It's a great honor
00:44:17to have General Situ
00:44:19teach me this skill.
00:44:21He's indeed
00:44:22the God of War
00:44:23of our Dafeng.
00:44:25Come on.
00:44:27I was wondering
00:44:29where did the Emperor
00:44:30learn that thunder skill.
00:44:32So it's from the Great General.
00:44:34I admire you.
00:44:35Just kill.
00:44:36I've long seen
00:44:37these scholars are not good.
00:44:38They are rude and unruly.
00:44:39They are brutal and cruel.
00:44:40Who are you?
00:44:41Who are you?
00:44:42Who are you?
00:44:43I'll kill you.
00:44:44You dog official.
00:44:45I'll kill you.
00:44:46I'll kill you.
00:44:47I'll kill you.
00:44:48You're a damn scholar.
00:44:49I'll kill you.
00:44:50I'll kill you.
00:44:51You're a damn scholar.
00:44:52I'll kill you.
00:44:53What a shame
00:44:54to disturb the court.
00:44:56Wait, who are you?
00:44:58Who allowed you to speak?
00:44:59Your Majesty, I am the imperial eunuch who serves the Empress Dowager.
00:45:02Is it not enough to convey the Empress Dowager's will and order?
00:45:06Yes, Your Majesty.
00:45:08Are you going to kill even my personal eunuch?
00:45:14Of course not.
00:45:16Goong-goong, come here.
00:45:18I have something to tell you.
00:45:19Your Majesty, what is it?
00:45:22I want to tell you a joke.
00:45:25Once upon a time, there was a great eunuch.
00:45:32What is below?
00:45:38Of course, there is nothing below.
00:45:50where did you get the idea to damage people?
00:45:54How bad is it?
00:45:56Look at me.
00:45:57But I really like it.
00:45:59Let me give you a round of applause.
00:46:01Minister Zhang,
00:46:03you have to learn from this.
00:46:05I will remember it.
00:46:06Your Majesty,
00:46:07Zhang Guanhe and all the officials
00:46:09did not mean to mock Goong-goong.
00:46:11That was mocking the Empress Dowager.
00:46:13How dare you!
00:46:14You all have this.
00:46:16It's fine to play the dead eunuch.
00:46:18Do you still want me to do such an unethical thing?
00:46:24I don't have time
00:46:26to listen to your gossip.
00:46:28Your Majesty,
00:46:30I have something important to discuss.
00:46:32Empress Dowager, please say it.
00:46:36has been
00:46:38talking to me about
00:46:40listening to government affairs.
00:46:42If that's the case,
00:46:44I will leave the court
00:46:46from today
00:46:48and ignore government affairs.
00:46:50Your Majesty and all the officials,
00:46:52what do you think?
00:47:00How dare you!
00:47:02Si Tulei, I know
00:47:04you must have a grudge against me.
00:47:06In front of all the generals,
00:47:08don't you feel ashamed?
00:47:12Empress Dowager,
00:47:14I don't want you
00:47:16to work day and night.
00:47:18I'm afraid
00:47:20you have been thinking about it
00:47:22for a long time.
00:47:26Empress Dowager, please don't be angry.
00:47:28As for leaving the court...
00:47:32The dead eunuch
00:47:34has no love for me.
00:47:36As you wish.
00:47:38I will leave the court.
00:47:40Your Excellency,
00:47:42this is a good opportunity.
00:47:44In this way,
00:47:46you can support your mother.
00:47:48And you can
00:47:50save some money.
00:47:52General, you are the pillar of the country.
00:47:54Take 40,000 soldiers
00:47:56and hand them over to King Lie and King Xian.
00:47:58You will have
00:48:00a happy childhood.
00:48:02King Lie, King Xian,
00:48:04you two
00:48:06should be fine, right?
00:48:08I will do my best.
00:48:10I will do my best.
00:48:14Your Majesty, you have improved a lot recently.
00:48:16Your Majesty, you have improved a lot recently.
00:48:18You have improved a lot recently.
00:48:20I don't know
00:48:22how to name your grandfather.
00:48:24I don't know how to name your grandfather.
00:48:32If there is nothing else,
00:48:34I will leave the court.
00:48:36Your Majesty, I have something to report.
00:48:38Recently, there has been a shortage of rice.
00:48:40The people have lost their homes.
00:48:42I ask Your Majesty to give me 300,000 taels of silver
00:48:44for disaster relief.
00:48:46Two useless people.
00:48:48It's obvious that they are trying to dig a hole for me.
00:48:50This is a big deal.
00:48:52Hurry up, sir.
00:48:54I don't have that much money.
00:48:58You brat.
00:49:00I know what you are up to.
00:49:04You can't even give me 300,000 taels of silver.
00:49:06It seems that you are not good at it.
00:49:08Your Majesty,
00:49:10it's 300,000 taels of silver,
00:49:12not 300,000 taels.
00:49:14How can I get it in a short time?
00:49:16What if I give it to you?
00:49:18It's up to you.
00:49:20300,000 taels of silver
00:49:22have been taxed by Dafeng for half a year.
00:49:24I have control of Dafeng's economy.
00:49:26Let's see how you can get it.
00:49:30I'll pay you back in a few days.
00:49:34What if His Majesty can't get it?
00:49:36What do you want to do?
00:49:38If His Majesty can't get it,
00:49:40I'll give him a death sentence.
00:49:44It's a deal.
00:49:46You are too young.
00:49:48I can easily dig a hole for you.
00:49:50Dig a hole for me?
00:49:52Let's see how I bury you.
00:49:54Your Majesty,
00:49:56why are there so many
00:50:00You don't understand.
00:50:02The life of a middle-aged man
00:50:04is to protect his concubine
00:50:06and dig a hole for her.
00:50:08Your Majesty,
00:50:10you were abandoned by those traitors.
00:50:12I can't do anything.
00:50:14I deserve to die.
00:50:16I'm just acting.
00:50:20I'm going out of the palace
00:50:22to make money tomorrow.
00:50:24Would you like to go with me?
00:50:26It's called
00:50:28playing with a stick.
00:50:30Your Majesty,
00:50:32I'm not good at
00:50:34playing with a stick.
00:50:36You'll be good at it
00:50:42I have a very important thing
00:50:44to give you.
00:50:48I'll do anything
00:50:50for you.
00:50:52Don't say that.
00:50:54All you have to do
00:51:00kiss me.
00:51:06Let's go
00:51:08to bed.
00:51:20What a romantic
00:51:22love story!
00:51:24It's about to start!
00:51:42What are you doing?
00:51:44Let me go!
00:51:52Let me go!
00:52:08What are you doing?
00:52:16Miss, are you alone?
00:52:18Let me go!
00:52:20Let me go!
00:52:22I'm the emperor.
00:52:24I'm the best!
00:52:26Why are you so arrogant?
00:52:30Zhan Hui,
00:52:32I can stand you.
00:52:34But I can't stand Shen Shen.
00:52:36Let's go to the capital.
00:52:38Your Majesty,
00:52:40this is Princess Xian's territory.
00:52:42We can't act rashly.
00:52:44Princess Xian?
00:52:46What a coincidence!
00:52:48Xiao Jiu Zi?
00:52:50What kind of woman is Princess Xian?
00:52:52Princess Xian was born in a noble family.
00:52:54She's arrogant and wild.
00:52:58Isn't this
00:53:00a decent concubine?
00:53:04I like her.
00:53:08Follow me.
00:53:10Let's go.
00:53:12Let me kiss you.
00:53:14Let me kiss you.
00:53:16Let go of that girl.
00:53:18I'll teach you a lesson.
00:53:20I've never seen such an arrogant woman.
00:53:22Why don't I let her go
00:53:24and you serve me?
00:53:26Let me tell you.
00:53:28I hate people like you the most.
00:53:30Zhan Hui, kill him!
00:53:32You dare to touch me?
00:53:34Do you know who my sister is?
00:53:36If you offend me, I'll kill your whole family.
00:53:42You're really something.
00:53:44Let me hear
00:53:46who your sister is.
00:53:48Listen up.
00:53:50My sister is Prince Xian, Zheng Fei.
00:53:54Are you scared?
00:53:56Are you scared?
00:53:58Come on.
00:54:00You can't kill me.
00:54:02You're my grandson.
00:54:04You heard him.
00:54:06He told me to hit him.
00:54:08I won't be polite.
00:54:14Don't hit him.
00:54:16Don't hit him.
00:54:18Don't hit him.
00:54:20Don't hit him.
00:54:22Don't hit him.
00:54:28I've never seen
00:54:30such an arrogant woman.
00:54:32Well done.
00:54:34Well done.
00:54:36Well done.
00:54:44Thank you, Master.
00:54:46Don't go.
00:54:48The plot is wrong.
00:54:50The following plot
00:54:52should be a love story.
00:54:54Your Majesty is wise.
00:54:56It's a blessing for the people.
00:54:58I left the palace
00:55:00to investigate the people.
00:55:02Where are you going to investigate?
00:55:04Of course I'm going to save
00:55:06those girls.
00:55:08Come on.
00:55:10Let's play.
00:55:12I haven't been here for a long time.
00:55:14How can I miss
00:55:16such a beautiful place
00:55:18in the capital city?
00:55:22I promise you
00:55:24I won't hurt you.
00:55:26Your Majesty.
00:55:28I just don't want to hurt you.
00:55:30The world laughs at me.
00:55:32I laugh at the world.
00:55:34I laugh at the world.
00:55:36I won't go to the brothel.
00:55:38Who will go to the brothel?
00:55:42Come on.
00:55:44Come on.
00:55:46Your Majesty is so generous.
00:55:48I really admire you.
00:55:50Let's go.
00:55:52Sir, look.
00:55:54This is our top brand.
00:55:56Take a closer look.
00:55:58Girls, show it to him.
00:56:02Come on.
00:56:04Come on.
00:56:06Pick me.
00:56:14Sir, please pick me.
00:56:20It's better to see than to hear.
00:56:22Yingchun Brothel in the capital city
00:56:24is just like this.
00:56:26Send the next one.
00:56:28No, sir.
00:56:32I heard that you like Cheng Shuxian.
00:56:34Sir, can you
00:56:36pick me?
00:56:40It's not necessary.
00:56:42Sir, well...
00:56:44How dare you!
00:56:46I'll pay for it.
00:56:5210,000 taels.
00:56:54I'll buy
00:56:56Yingchun Brothel.
00:56:58Sir, you can't go back on your word.
00:57:02The other side of Yifeng Brothel is the property of the Prince of Lian.
00:57:04Customers are coming in and out.
00:57:06It's about to close down.
00:57:08Today's Yingchun Brothel
00:57:10is neglected by them.
00:57:12Tomorrow's Yingchun Brothel, I'll make them pay.
00:57:14Sir, from now on,
00:57:16you'll be the new owner of Yingchun Brothel.
00:57:18Why are you standing there?
00:57:20Show it to the owner.
00:57:22Come on.
00:57:24Come on.
00:57:30That's enough.
00:57:32That's enough.
00:57:34That's enough.
00:57:36You can't wait to
00:57:38get rid of the straight-forward theme.
00:57:40It's boring.
00:57:42If you want to catch a man,
00:57:44you have to catch his heart first.
00:57:48Sir, what do you mean?
00:57:50If you want to say that a man goes to war to kill an enemy,
00:57:52our girl can't compare with him.
00:57:54But if you hook up with a man,
00:57:56our girl has never been afraid of anyone.
00:57:58That's right.
00:58:00Zhang Hui,
00:58:02bring the gifts I prepared for the girls.
00:58:06What gifts?
00:58:12The guest is going to make clothes.
00:58:14Yes, according to the drawing.
00:58:26Sir, please.
00:58:28100 taels.
00:58:30I want to use the best material.
00:58:32It must be breathable and light.
00:58:3450 pieces.
00:58:36Make it tonight.
00:58:38It's not that kind of
00:58:40waist folding for Hu Doumi.
00:58:42Little Chen.
00:58:44Hurry up.
00:58:46Hurry up.
00:58:48200 taels.
00:58:50200 taels.
00:58:52It's not impossible to fold the waist.
00:58:56All for you.
00:58:58300 taels.
00:59:00It must be done before tonight.
00:59:02Don't talk about making clothes.
00:59:04As long as the money is enough,
00:59:06my wife will make it for you.
00:59:20This is
00:59:22suitable for you.
00:59:26You can wear it.
00:59:28Make it comfortable.
00:59:30I'll give you a black one.
00:59:34You wear this.
00:59:36I'll give you
00:59:38a new hairstyle.
00:59:42Don't think about it. You wear it.
00:59:46this is...
00:59:48These are the treasures of Gouhun.
00:59:50But before that,
00:59:52you need to learn some dance.
00:59:54Come on.
00:59:56I'll teach you how to dance.
01:00:00You have a good body proportion.
01:00:02I'll teach you how to lift your butt.
01:00:04Look at my butt.
01:00:06Electric mouse.
01:00:14You must shake it.
01:00:18You have a good figure.
01:00:20You must make people fall in love with you.
01:00:22Stand here.
01:00:26First of all,
01:00:30you must
01:00:32make people fall in love with you.
01:00:40This is seducing.
01:00:42You have to change your mode.
01:00:44You can't just drink with others.
01:00:46You have to compete with others.
01:00:48You have to learn talents.
01:00:50You have to open a club.
01:00:52You have to live-stream.
01:00:56what is a club?
01:01:00what is a pick-up?
01:01:04what is a live-stream?
01:01:06Get ready.
01:01:08Let's start.
01:01:14Feng Niang.
01:01:16Feng Niang.
01:01:20I heard that you changed your clothes.
01:01:22Where is the wine table?
01:01:24Why is it so messy?
01:01:26That's right.
01:01:28I have been taking care of your business.
01:01:30Call Miss Fuxiang out.
01:01:32Have a drink with me.
01:01:34That's strange.
01:01:36Feng Niang,
01:01:38why don't I see any girl here?
01:01:40Are you going to serve us in person?
01:01:42You guys are so funny.
01:01:44I have upgraded myself.
01:01:46I will give you
01:01:48a royal treat.
01:01:50Look over here.
01:01:52Let's start.
01:02:14Ladies and gentlemen,
01:02:16in order to improve the quality of our service
01:02:18and to improve your grades,
01:02:20we decided to
01:02:22charge you
01:02:243 taels of silver.
01:02:263 taels of silver?
01:02:28What does that mean?
01:02:30It means that
01:02:32if we don't look for a girl,
01:02:34we will charge her 3 taels of silver
01:02:36even if we invite her to our club.
01:02:38Feng Niang,
01:02:40are you trying to steal our money?
01:02:42That's right.
01:02:44It was quite interesting.
01:02:46But we can't charge her 3 taels of silver.
01:02:48Ladies and gentlemen,
01:02:50please calm down.
01:02:52At the same time,
01:02:54we have a membership system.
01:02:56If you pay us 30 taels of silver,
01:02:58I will give you 1 tael.
01:03:00The discount is 90% off.
01:03:02If you pay us
01:03:0450 taels of silver,
01:03:06I will give you 3 taels.
01:03:08The discount is 80% off.
01:03:10The more you charge us,
01:03:12the more I will give you.
01:03:14The discount is 90% off.
01:03:18who would pay 30 taels of silver?
01:03:20Do you think we are idiots?
01:03:22We didn't see the girl,
01:03:24so we charged her 1 tael of silver.
01:03:26We thought we would have more girls
01:03:28if we changed the club.
01:03:30Forget it. Let's go to the opposite side.
01:03:32Wait a minute.
01:03:34Ladies and gentlemen,
01:03:36please calm down.
01:03:38Ladies and gentlemen,
01:03:40please calm down.
01:03:42Ladies and gentlemen,
01:03:44please calm down.
01:04:08Ladies and gentlemen,
01:04:10please calm down.
01:04:12Ladies and gentlemen,
01:04:14please calm down.
01:04:16Ladies and gentlemen,
01:04:18please calm down.
01:04:20Ladies and gentlemen,
01:04:22please calm down.
01:04:24Ladies and gentlemen,
01:04:26please calm down.
01:04:28Ladies and gentlemen,
01:04:30please calm down.
01:04:32Ladies and gentlemen,
01:04:34please calm down.
01:04:36Ladies and gentlemen,
01:04:38please calm down.
01:04:40Ladies and gentlemen,
01:04:42please calm down.
01:04:44Please calm down.
01:04:46Please calm down.
01:04:48Ladies and gentlemen,
01:04:50please clean up and stand in line.
01:04:52Pretty please stand in line,
01:04:54to be seen clearly.
01:04:56Ladies and gentlemen,
01:04:58please stop.
01:05:00We invite you to watch
01:05:02the performance of the香 dancing.
01:05:04Aiyo, my heart is beating so fast.
01:05:06I... I... I won 70 taels!
01:05:08Look, it's Ms. Cai Die!
01:05:10This dance is much more interesting than drinking with me.
01:05:13I won 80 taels!
01:05:14This is only the second show and it's already so exciting.
01:05:17Will there be more to come?
01:05:22Ladies, please go to the back first.
01:05:24Hey, Ms. Du, this is so much fun.
01:05:26How come all the ladies have gone back?
01:05:29Gentlemen, please calm down.
01:05:32Since you're here to make money,
01:05:34and you're all my VIP guests,
01:05:36you should be treated with respect.
01:05:38You must be here to enjoy what others can't, right?
01:05:43Of course I want to.
01:05:44That's why I'm so obsessed with you.
01:05:47That's right.
01:05:48Big Brother, Second Brother, let's make money.
01:05:51If we don't make money, then let's leave.
01:05:53That's right. We're VIP guests.
01:05:54We should enjoy the special treatment.
01:05:56Fangjia, let's go.
01:05:59Let's go.
01:06:00Let's go.
01:06:02I want 3 taels.
01:06:03I want 3 taels.
01:06:04Me too.
01:06:05Me, me, me.
01:06:0650 taels. I want 50 taels.
01:06:09it's time for the most exciting part of Yingchun Pavilion.
01:06:15The bet.
01:06:17What's the bet?
01:06:18The bet is that
01:06:19Yingchun Pavilion will choose two ladies tonight.
01:06:23The one with the least money
01:06:27will be punished to clean the toilet for three days.
01:06:31Do we have to pay for the bet?
01:06:35I, Lian Qiangxu, will not let this beautiful lady
01:06:39clean the toilet.
01:06:40It depends on how much money you have in your pocket.
01:06:43Since all of you are ready,
01:06:45the lady on my left is Miss Yuan Yang.
01:06:48The lady on my right is Miss Cai Di.
01:06:51The bet starts now.
01:06:54I'll give you 10 taels.
01:06:56Congratulations to Mr. Song for becoming Miss Yuan Yang's brother.
01:07:00Let's give him a round of applause.
01:07:07I'll be your bet.
01:07:09Love you, Mr. Song.
01:07:11Love you.
01:07:12You're not bad either.
01:07:13He won't give it to you.
01:07:15I'll give Miss Cai Di 20 taels.
01:07:18Congratulations to Mr. Wu for becoming Cai Di's brother.
01:07:21Cai Di is in the lead.
01:07:23Love you.
01:07:24Love you.
01:07:2650 taels.
01:07:28Thank you, Mr. Zheng.
01:07:30Mr. Zheng will give Miss Yuan Yang 50 taels
01:07:32so that Mr. Song can become a new brother.
01:07:36Brother, you forced me.
01:07:39100 taels.
01:07:48Your Majesty, I counted it.
01:07:50Miss Yuan Yang alone
01:07:52has been given 500 taels.
01:07:54I heard from Feng Niang that she usually gives 50 taels.
01:07:57That's right, Your Majesty.
01:07:58In order to pretend to be a brother,
01:08:00the three of them keep grabbing the chair.
01:08:02Why is that?
01:08:03You don't understand the life of a brother.
01:08:09It feels good.
01:08:11Your Majesty, your method is too good.
01:08:14I can't take it anymore.
01:08:16Feng Niang, can you not speak so casually?
01:08:21Mr. Song, you are in charge and you are in charge.
01:08:24The ladies and I admire you very much.
01:08:27I can't stand this kind of shock.
01:08:29All right.
01:08:30Just tell me how much you earned.
01:08:32In addition to the charge, there is a total of 13,000 taels.
01:08:3513,000 taels?
01:08:36That's a lot.
01:08:37A bridesmaid can earn so much money in one night.
01:08:39Before, we could only earn 200 taels a night.
01:08:42It was when all the ladies were exhausted.
01:08:51It's not enough.
01:08:52It's still not enough.
01:08:54I have to think of other ways.
01:09:02Ever since the new owner of the Yuncheng Pavilion
01:09:04took away 80% of our guests?
01:09:05That's right.
01:09:06The new owner has a lot of tricks.
01:09:08A lot of guests are working there.
01:09:10Hu Huaban probably won't come to us.
01:09:13You are a little smart.
01:09:15Boss, should we go back to Bianli?
01:09:18Don't bother me.
01:09:19I'm going crazy.
01:09:20It's your first day with me.
01:09:21Do you have to ask this kind of question?
01:09:23They are also worthy of Prince Lie.
01:09:27Notify all the taverns in the capital.
01:09:28From now on,
01:09:29whoever dares to sell wine to the Yuncheng Pavilion
01:09:30will be against Prince Lie.
01:09:33If you don't have wine,
01:09:34do you drink water to watch the show?
01:09:36the charge is to enjoy the wine.
01:09:38If you don't have wine,
01:09:39it's cheating.
01:09:40Hu Huaban.
01:09:53I have something urgent to talk to you.
01:10:01Qiao Chengcheng.
01:10:02We are even in this round.
01:10:04Bring me back.
01:10:05We have 300 rounds.
01:10:07Come in.
01:10:09The winter is not good.
01:10:10The three major taverns in the capital
01:10:11are not willing to sell wine to us.
01:10:13The wine we stocked in advance
01:10:14can only be sold for three days.
01:10:17Except for the three major taverns,
01:10:19what about the other small taverns?
01:10:20The other small taverns are not good.
01:10:22Those are the wines
01:10:23for some farmers.
01:10:24The taste must be very bad.
01:10:26The Yuncheng Pavilion
01:10:27always sends some young men.
01:10:29They must not be willing to drink.
01:10:32Isn't this money coming?
01:10:35You immediately collect
01:10:36the wine of the small tavern.
01:10:37The more, the better.
01:10:38It doesn't matter if the quality is bad.
01:10:41Boss, let's close the door.
01:10:43You said those young men
01:10:44were angry.
01:10:48All listen to the boss.
01:10:55You find some craftsmen.
01:10:56I'll give you a drawing later.
01:10:57Let them do it well today.
01:11:07Wait a minute.
01:11:08It's obvious that someone is targeting
01:11:09our Yuncheng Pavilion.
01:11:10What should we do next?
01:11:11Of course, we should prepare for the show.
01:11:37Why is there no osmanthus wine?
01:11:41How can there be no wine
01:11:42in this brothel?
01:11:46The Yuncheng Pavilion is very popular.
01:11:48It makes everyone
01:11:49spend a lot of money.
01:11:50They say that wine and food are discounted.
01:11:52Now, where is the wine?
01:11:58There is nothing to drink.
01:11:59Don't drink all the wine.
01:12:05What are you doing?
01:12:06What are you looking for?
01:12:08This is the manager of the Yifengmen next door.
01:12:09His name is Ma San.
01:12:18We are from the same family.
01:12:20Are you looking for trouble?
01:12:21So what?
01:12:22Didn't you say that wine is discounted?
01:12:24If you can't drink today,
01:12:25give me ten times my money.
01:12:26I'll smash your Yuncheng Pavilion.
01:12:29He's right.
01:12:30How can there be no wine
01:12:31in a brothel?
01:12:32That's right.
01:12:33You did a good job
01:12:34on the show.
01:12:35But as the saying goes,
01:12:36good wine goes well with good people.
01:12:37It's true that good people
01:12:38are a little boring.
01:12:39Give me ten times my money.
01:12:45Why are you laughing?
01:12:47I think you laugh
01:12:48louder than you laugh.
01:12:51Ma San.
01:12:52Give me some face.
01:12:53Let's forget about it.
01:12:56you will be embarrassed
01:12:57in the end.
01:13:00Give you face?
01:13:01I will be embarrassed?
01:13:04I want to see
01:13:05how I will be embarrassed.
01:13:08Our Yuncheng Pavilion
01:13:10is different from other brothels.
01:13:13Our performance
01:13:14is the most wonderful
01:13:15and professional.
01:13:17Our wine
01:13:18is also the finest in the world.
01:13:22Three taels of wine
01:13:24is garbage.
01:13:25I will never allow you
01:13:26to drink garbage again.
01:13:28From now on,
01:13:29you will drink
01:13:30a pot of
01:13:31the finest wine in the world.
01:13:36I wanted to get along with you
01:13:37as an ordinary person.
01:13:39But in exchange,
01:13:40I am a scholar.
01:13:42I don't pretend.
01:13:43I am a wine fairy.
01:13:44I confess.
01:13:47Smell it.
01:13:50It smells good.
01:13:52It smells good.
01:13:53It's really good.
01:13:56I will give you a pot.
01:13:58Let you taste it.
01:14:12Everyone saw it.
01:14:13Although it smells good,
01:14:14it's really poisonous.
01:14:15Report it to the authorities.
01:14:16Let the lord take the lawsuit.
01:14:17It's so delicious.
01:14:22You were so bitter just now.
01:14:24I can't drink spicy food.
01:14:26I'm sorry.
01:14:27I didn't make it clear.
01:14:30Others pay 30 taels of silver.
01:14:32You pay 50 taels of silver.
01:14:34Do you want to buy it?
01:14:35If you don't buy it, get out of the way.
01:14:36Why should we buy it?
01:14:38Are you envious?
01:14:40Are you jealous?
01:14:41Are you greedy?
01:14:43I almost fell into your trap.
01:14:44I missed the good wine.
01:14:48This wine
01:14:49is made by the ancient method
01:14:50that has been lost for thousands of years.
01:14:51The craftsmanship is complicated.
01:14:52It is divided into the upper, middle, and lower levels.
01:14:55The upper level is the worst.
01:14:57The lower level is the best.
01:14:58It's rare in the world.
01:15:00It's not rare.
01:15:01It's just that there are a few times when the craftsmanship is lost.
01:15:04What about the upper level?
01:15:06It's the lowest level.
01:15:08How is the upper level craftsmanship?
01:15:10Two pots.
01:15:11I guarantee you can't get out of our Xingchun Pavilion.
01:15:14Wait a minute.
01:15:15You can't get out with two pots?
01:15:17Then I, Ma San,
01:15:18want to bet with you.
01:15:19If we drink it and get out...
01:15:21Cut the crap.
01:15:22Let's bet.
01:15:23Each of our brothels
01:15:24adds 30,000 taels of silver.
01:15:26Do you dare?
01:15:28Okay, okay, okay.
01:15:29Come on.
01:15:30Everyone here is a witness.
01:15:33let's drink.
01:15:37I feel sorry for you.
01:15:39Change one of the worst wines
01:15:41to an ordinary one.
01:15:42Let's start.
01:15:43This pot can catch up with Li Jin's face.
01:15:45If you don't share the same wine,
01:15:47it's a waste of time
01:15:48if I don't make you drunk.
01:15:53I have no feeling.
01:15:58Don't waste your time.
01:16:22There is a bar in Jingyang
01:16:23that only has 30,000 taels of silver.
01:16:25If I drink 180,000 taels of silver,
01:16:27I can kill a rabbit on the mountain.
01:16:30you are...
01:16:36Take him out.
01:16:45From today on,
01:16:47the Yifeng Brothel opposite
01:16:48is also my property.
01:16:50To thank you all.
01:16:59we have set the price
01:17:01of the fresh brewed wine.
01:17:02From now on,
01:17:03100 taels of silver
01:17:04will be given to you
01:17:05one pot,
01:17:06two pots,
01:17:07three pots,
01:17:08five pots,
01:17:09and a beautiful cup.
01:17:10Get in the car.
01:17:11You sell 100 taels of silver?
01:17:13It's too expensive.
01:17:16How is it expensive?
01:17:18Oh my god.
01:17:20It has been the same price
01:17:21for so many years.
01:17:22Don't talk nonsense.
01:17:24It has been the same price
01:17:25for so many years.
01:17:26Don't talk nonsense.
01:17:27Think about it.
01:17:28For so many years,
01:17:29have you been working hard?
01:17:31Has your salary increased?
01:17:34You are right.
01:17:37I will buy five pots.
01:17:38I have a lot of silver.
01:17:40Give me
01:17:42200 taels of silver.
01:17:43I also have.
01:17:44I also have.
01:17:45I also have.
01:17:46I also have.
01:17:47I also have.
01:17:49This is my charm.
01:17:51This is my charm.
01:17:58Have you calculated it?
01:18:00How much money
01:18:01have you earned in these five days?
01:18:03So little?
01:18:08Are you beating the drum?
01:18:10Xiao Zhan, tell me.
01:18:11Four, four, four, four.
01:18:14What's wrong?
01:18:15Do you have a sore shoulder?
01:18:16Xiao Zhan, tell me.
01:18:17Can't you tell?
01:18:18I will beat your ass.
01:18:20It's a total of 400,000 taels.
01:18:26Go back tomorrow
01:18:27and smash them with money.
01:18:30Change it.
01:18:50Returning a full amount of money
01:18:54Returning a full amount of money
01:19:01Boss, let's do it.
01:19:02No rush.
01:19:03The shareholder gave 3000 taels.
01:19:07You are also the new owner of Yingchun Pavilion and Yufengジу.
01:19:10Don't make a mistake.
01:19:12Returning a full amount of money
01:19:15Returning a full amount of money
01:19:193,000 taels. That's a lot of money.
01:19:28Not only is he a small farmer, but even the Emperor would dare to kill him.
01:19:40That scared me.
01:19:42It's not too late to kill him now that I've caught him.
01:19:49Xu Qing, Wang Fuhui, and Li Changsheng.
01:19:57Am I right?
01:19:58Collecting people's money is helping people out.
01:20:01If it's you guys, get ready to go.
01:20:04Wait a minute.
01:20:06I want to ask.
01:20:07Since we're about to die,
01:20:09why is your name Dong Xiequan?
01:20:12Is there a secret?
01:20:14When I was reading,
01:20:16I didn't know how to write.
01:20:23Are you laughing at me?
01:20:26Are you laughing at me?
01:20:28No, no, no.
01:20:30Long Aotian is a very cunning name.
01:20:34You must be the most ruthless bandit among the scholars.
01:20:37You must be the most educated scholar among the bandits.
01:20:41Don't worry.
01:20:44I just grabbed the land.
01:20:47I have a five-year-old child,
01:20:49and an eighty-year-old mother.
01:20:51I also have seven concubines.
01:21:01Who can stop the iron legs from floating away?
01:21:05I came today to accompany you.
01:21:08I came today to accompany you.
01:21:11By the way, who is it?
01:21:13It's your life.
01:21:31Damn it.
01:21:33Good sword.
01:21:36Ordinary brothers fight wild chickens, shoot wild rabbits.
01:21:40That's all sword dance.
01:21:43All right, it's your turn.
01:21:52His Majesty has been out of the palace for seven days.
01:21:54There has been no news.
01:21:56Is there an accident?
01:21:58You know that you have lost the bet with me.
01:22:00You don't have the face to come back.
01:22:02According to Dafeng's law,
01:22:04the emperor can appoint a new emperor in seven days.
01:22:09If so,
01:22:11should the governor act according to the law?
01:22:16King Lie, you are too impatient.
01:22:19Yes, King Lie.
01:22:21Do you want me to give you my military power completely
01:22:25and help you ascend the throne?
01:22:29Don't think that I don't know your scheming.
01:22:34Even if you want to ascend the throne,
01:22:36I will follow the law.
01:22:41Brother, you can't hide it anymore.
01:22:45Follow the law?
01:22:50The emperor must be a man of virtue.
01:22:52Brother, you'd better forget it.
01:22:58King Lie, no.
01:23:00If you ascend the throne,
01:23:02you will be able to defeat the rest of the Iron Banners.
01:23:04In the end, you still have to rely on General Ban.
01:23:07Kill the enemy with blood and advance bravely.
01:23:10His Majesty has arrived.
01:23:1230,000 taels.
01:23:2730,000 taels.
01:23:39I'll give you 30,000 taels.
01:23:41All your men will follow me
01:23:43and become a secret army of the Dong family.
01:23:46The code name is Zhanyang.
01:23:5130,000 taels.
01:23:53Do you want your brothers to give up their professional careers?
01:23:59They are subjugated to the Dong family's personality and charm.
01:24:04Brothers, let's go.
01:24:16You seem to be surprised to see me back.
01:24:21I'm happy.
01:24:26King Lie.
01:24:29Your Majesty, why do you say that?
01:24:32I am loyal to Your Majesty.
01:24:39King Lie, it is rumored that Yifeng Brothel is your property.
01:24:44But after you lost to me,
01:24:46you have a grudge against me.
01:24:47You arranged an assassin to kill me.
01:24:55Then my suspicion is the biggest.
01:24:57But brother,
01:24:59that is the property of King Lie.
01:25:01If you want to ask, just ask him.
01:25:05This is slander.
01:25:06The king is getting smarter.
01:25:10Your Majesty, how can you believe the rumors?
01:25:13Let's talk about the 300,000 taels of silver.
01:25:18Prime Minister.
01:25:20You are my right-hand man.
01:25:23Let's stop talking about the 300,000 taels of silver.
01:25:27I am old.
01:25:29I don't know what you are talking about.
01:25:31Just do as I say.
01:25:33Do you admit defeat?
01:25:35If you lose,
01:25:36you have to punish me.
01:25:38Yes, Your Majesty.
01:25:39A person who has the position of supreme has the right to refuse.
01:25:42If you go out to learn,
01:25:44you will be punished.
01:25:47Your Majesty, you should resign as soon as possible.
01:25:49The 300,000 taels of silver
01:25:51can only be obtained by the great general
01:25:54Cao Chen is the senior of the three dynasties.
01:25:56How dare you humiliate him in public?
