• letztes Jahr
Katharine McPhee spielt in Depravity von Paul Tamasy eine Frau, die als Sundenbock für einen Mord herhalten soll.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/depravity


00:00I'm scared. I think there's been another one another one. She's the fifth woman in this neighborhood in less than a year
00:15You think that Evers killed his latest bimbo, tossed her in the incinerator, and you're sober?
00:29If we really did have a serial killer living on the floor, wouldn't you want to know?
00:35I'm going in.
00:37Oh my god. Tickling.
01:04You killed him.
01:06According to the law, we all killed him.
01:11She's alive. I talked to her face to face.
01:14Someone's watching us.
01:16We have to go to the cops.
01:18We're sitting on a million four. You just want to give that up?
01:22Where's the money?
01:31How many people would you kill for that kind of money?
