Luthier Daisy Tempest Workshop Tour

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Tempest Guitars was founded by luthier Daisy Tempest, in London 2020. Daisy has long been passionate about music, and making things. Tempest Guitars is the product of these two forces coming together, after years of fine lutherie training to learn the delicate nuances of the guitar as an instrument. The Tempest workshop creates bespoke guitars for clients globally, from famous musicians to art lovers and investors alike. Often commissioned by those looking for an instrument to perform with the highest of excellence both sonically and visually.
00:00Almost a year to the day ago, I moved into this beautiful workshop that I now, I think, is ready to show you.
00:07If you guys have a workshop of your own, or a workspace even, you'll know that it's really hard to put your own personal stamp on a place
00:14and it does take a lot of time working with a space to know where to put what and how to work, for want of a better word, rhythmically within your space.
00:24This is a lutherie workshop and over the last year I've been building guitars and moving things around and I think I'm at a point where I can happily say that this works for me.
00:34And I wanted to share with you guys the inside of my workshop because I don't really think I've done that before.
00:40Obviously you've seen it in the background of other videos, but I thought that I'd take you through my systems and my machines and all of my little drawers and weird tools
00:50so that you guys can not only see how I do it, but also perhaps understand lutherie as a craft a little bit more.
00:58So, without further ado, welcome to my workshop.
01:11So we're going to start with the table saw, guys. This is my newest tool in the shop, apart from my side bender, which I'll talk about in a minute.
01:19It's one of my newest, certainly my biggest tool.
01:23Now a table saw is something I always wanted because I've been using ones which I got from the Home Depot equivalent in the UK.
01:32And they were just, quite frankly, really unsafe.
01:35And I just thought getting a steel bed table saw with proper safety precautions, proper extraction, was just worth its weight and worth every penny.
01:46And I was right. So we've got a fence here, which is great.
01:50We've got one of these slidey miter boys, which is super exciting.
01:55I've actually got a fret saw blade in there at the moment, which you'll see for the full build.
02:00We've got an emergency stop down here.
02:02The blade can actually pivot, which is super useful, so that's what that's for.
02:06And then we have another controller on the side as well.
02:09In my background we've got some off-cut plywood and a guitar case, which I use for transporting guitars back and forth to the spray booth, usually.
02:18But obviously sometimes around town as well.
02:21Up here we've got a spray booth tent, which I use in emergencies.
02:25I've got the electrics, all of that kind of thing.
02:27A backgammon board I made for a previous video.
02:30And a charging station here.
02:32So I've got all of my gear for charging my batteries and my drills.
02:36And I've got a few table saw assorted accessories there too.
02:40Things like push sticks, very important.
02:42Down here we've got an air compressor that I used when I had to make a makeshift spray booth once, which nearly aged me 20 years, but here we are.
02:52And also an extractor for said spray booth.
02:56Not the best, I'll be honest.
02:59Not the best. Let's not dwell on those.
03:01Moving on, here I have a benchtop planer.
03:04Now I just gave you that spiel about the table saw, benchtop table saws being useless, but this thing is awesome.
03:10I love it.
03:11The Titan table saw, absolutely rubbish, but this little planer, I've never had any issues with it.
03:17I don't, to be honest. I normally plane timber by hand.
03:20But if I've got a long way to go, I will throw it in this thing and it will just do the trick.
03:25Not expensive, but actually quite solid.
03:28You know, that's a pretty solid bed.
03:30It's never given me any issues and it's been with me a while now.
03:34So very impressed with that.
03:36Down here we've got a dehumidifier, which I never need to use because this workshop is perfect.
03:41It seems in its climate control, self-maintained climate control.
03:46It's always at like 50% or 51% relative humidity, which is perfect for guitar making.
03:51So I have retired this pretty much.
03:54And then I've got my grinding wheel down here, which was a gift to me from my good friend, Harry Owen, who was at my last workshop.
04:02Thanks, Harry. I use it all the time.
04:04Up here, I have rigged up personal extraction, which you can see using some duct tape.
04:12Very efficient.
04:13But also from Axminster, I use their system there.
04:17To be honest, there are a couple of things wrong with this system, but the tubes are good.
04:21And you can see when stuff is caught and when it's not.
04:24And yeah, I've hooked up most of my machines to that.
04:26So I've got this belt sander here from Axminster.
04:29Honestly, it's not good.
04:31It's not a good thing, but I don't use it enough to upgrade.
04:34However, I will be upgrading at the next available opportunity.
04:38It will be the next tool that I buy is a really good belt sander and possibly a belt disc sander if I can.
04:44This is a spindle sander.
04:46And gosh, it's like a roller coaster.
04:48But God, I love this machine.
04:50I'm so impressed with it.
04:51It's got fantastic extraction.
04:54It's really impressive.
04:56And I've had nothing but a fantastic time with it.
04:58So if you're looking for a cheap spindle sander that is going to deliver, I would highly recommend this one.
05:04Oh, they've just started playing rap music next door.
05:07That's going to be fun.
05:08So moving on to this absolute beast.
05:12This is my newest tool in the shop, and it's the new Stumac side bender.
05:16Now, I'm just going to play a little clip of the first time I used this thing because it's hilarious.
05:21And then I'm going to tell you what happened.
05:38So if you saw that clip, you'll know that, of course, this is a US power tool.
05:44And I'm in the UK.
05:46Did I know what a transformer was?
05:48I do now.
05:49And I got one.
05:50So it's all good.
05:51But yeah, I've used this thing since.
05:53It's absolutely flawless.
05:55I'm chuffed as anything with it because I used to do all my side bending by hand.
05:59And to be honest, with the super figured woods, it's just not a good idea to do that.
06:04This sorted it right out first time, no problem.
06:09Did it in, like, no time at all.
06:11So I'm chuffed.
06:13You'll see this in the full build video that I'm doing, which will be fun.
06:16And yeah, literally these guys next door, Guy and James, are playing such wild rap music.
06:25I'm going to go tell them off later.
06:27So moving on, we have an extractor for the spray booth as well.
06:32And then just an extractor hood because it's super useful.
06:35Plus a battery thing there, which is cool.
06:40I've got a peaky little box under here that has all of my spray finish stuff in.
06:43So it's got, like, the spray finish hose line that connects to the extractor.
06:48It's got some sandpaper.
06:50Everything that I need is in that box, which is great.
06:52There is a spray booth on site.
06:54So I do just pick it up and move it to the spray booth when I'm ready to spray finish.
07:00And it just makes life so much easier.
07:02Next up, we've got a sanding scenario shelf, which is cool.
07:07This on top is the 3M Stick It stuff from Stumac, which is really useful.
07:13I do get through it, I'll be honest.
07:15So all of the grits that I usually use are not there at the moment.
07:19These are the finer grits for sanding up fingerboards.
07:21I've got offcut sandpaper in this basket here.
07:24So if I don't use, if I, like, cut some like this and I don't use all of it,
07:30it goes back in this little box here just to prevent waste.
07:34I've also got this sandpaper, which is for the belt sander, which we'll go into in a minute.
07:40This is the leftover stock, so when I need to cut some more, I'll do this.
07:44These are the pre-cut ones, all in there.
07:47They're all sort of labelled on the inside of the paper, which is handy.
07:51I've got another offcut bin for higher grits here.
07:56This is sandpaper cleaner, which is kind of cool.
08:00It is for the drum sander, but I also use it on the belt sander, and it's really, really good,
08:06and the spindle sander, which is great.
08:09So that lives there.
08:11This is just a bowl that my friend Mike made with a sanding attachment in it.
08:15It's probably the most bougiest way of storing a sanding attachment I've ever seen,
08:21but, you know, that is, that is the princess I am.
08:25Next we've got some generic sandpaper here.
08:27We've got some 240, 180, 80, and 120 just there, which is great.
08:34Right down here I store a couple of jigs.
08:36So this jig is essentially just a sled for my router.
08:42So if I'm doing, like, saddle slots, you can see I've done one down there and gone too far.
08:46It's like a locator pin, though, so I can see where it's lining up.
08:50It's a very, very quick jig I just made when I was, when I couldn't really be bothered,
08:54but it's actually super useful.
08:56This is also the jig that I use for binding.
08:59So, again, from Stumac, like, pretty much everything in here.
09:04It's a sort of router cradle with a tower carriage scenario.
09:10You'll see that in use during the full build.
09:13I've also got some nice art in here.
09:15I really need to get more on the walls, but this is done by my friend Hannah.
09:19She's a really great painter. I love her work.
09:22I'm going to put a link to her in the bio because she's just, I just love it.
09:27I just love it. I saw it, and I fell in love with it, and I knew that I had to have it in my workshop.
09:31Anyway, drum sander.
09:33Now, I do a lot of work with this guy, so, of course, we had to make him have a personality.
09:39Doesn't have a name yet, but, you know, that's okay.
09:42This one I've been really impressed with because during my apprenticeship I used a jet sander,
09:47and it had one motor on one side and not one on the other side,
09:53so what would happen is the motor would spin on one side,
09:58and it would sort of sacrifice the other end in power,
10:02so what you ended up with was timber that was on a slight, slightly on the piss, as they say.
10:08This guy, absolutely not. This guy's perfect.
10:11One thing I would say is that it's very hard to get extraction right for this.
10:15It does not suck up as much as it needs to,
10:18so I end up often with little pools of sawdust on the floor, which is a bit of a pain, to be honest,
10:24but that is not because of the machine.
10:26I guess it's because it's a job that requires a lot of extraction, so totally understandable.
10:33Moving on to that, on that note, this is my extractor.
10:36I got this off Facebook Marketplace here in the UK for about £300.
10:41I don't know how many dollars that is, probably like 400.
10:44I had to clean it out properly, had to get rid of a lot of dust in there,
10:50but it really runs clean as a whistle now.
10:54I like this little pyramid thing it's on.
10:56It's very useful to push around because it's on wheels.
10:59This is part of the routing jig.
11:01I used it for routing the binding channels with the jig that I just showed you from Stumac.
11:06I've got my bandsaw blades on this wall as well.
11:09I've been very disciplined in coiling them back up again
11:12because it is easy to sling them onto this hook when they are not properly coiled,
11:16as I'm sure we're all guilty of.
11:18Here we have a router table.
11:20Again, I don't use...
11:23Often I'm using hand tools, so I didn't invest in a particularly good one.
11:28To be honest, because the floor in here is so uneven,
11:32I'm not going to recommend this because it's just very flimsy,
11:37but for me it does the job,
11:39but I wish that I'd gone for something a little bit more sturdy.
11:43It's also supposed to fold away,
11:45but you need to undo a bolt every time you...
11:48God, what is going on outside?
11:50You need to undo a bolt every time you want to fold it away,
11:54which I just think defeats the object, personally, of a fold-away table.
11:58A slight elephant in the room with my workshop is the lack of windows.
12:04So I was looking for a decent fan.
12:07I found one, so I'm really happy with that.
12:10It kind of doesn't look super offensive, like my last one.
12:13I've been working without airflow in here for a long time,
12:16and then I found this fine gentleman of a tower fan.
12:21It's got all the kind of things that I need.
12:24I can switch it on here, but also it does have a handy little remote.
12:28And then it spins!
12:31Isn't that the sickest thing you've ever seen in your life?
12:34It's a big vibe, I would argue.
12:36I'm going to ramp up the air.
12:41It's pretty quiet as well, which is really nice.
12:44So when I am doing my thing, I can feel like a model.
12:51You know, those ones that you get the fan and then it's in your hair.
12:55I do actually keep it here for a reason, so I can just pop it up there
13:00and then set it on its little spinny thing and it'll do its magic, which is nice.
13:19Oh, I've got a little sweat dripping off me, guys.
13:22Feels good.
13:23For those of y'all who want to get one yourselves, the fan is from Dreo.
13:28And I've put a little link in my bio, friend, so you can go and take a look.
13:33Next up, we do have the hand tool wall, guys, which I am super stoked about sharing with you
13:38because this workshop is all about hand tools.
13:41I know that there's a lot of fancy power equipment,
13:43but the heart of the workshop is this tool, and I love it.
13:47And it's got some of my favourite tools on it, so I'm going to take you through those now.
13:50Starting off on the left-hand side, we've got my baby squirrel playing,
13:54which you may have seen a few times in videos.
13:56We've got some Renaissance wax, which is a bit random to have there,
14:01but in my head it makes sense because I just always know where it is.
14:04I've also got my friend here, who is a spokeshave by Trade.
14:10I've got my rulers up here as well.
14:12I've got a French cleat system, so if you want to see me build this,
14:16I do have a video of me building this wall, which is quite fun.
14:20So they're all secured with French cleats, and it means that I can move them around if I want to,
14:24although a lot of them are pinned to the actual board.
14:27However, simple unscrew, and you can flick them out and then move them wherever you want to go.
14:32I've also got my PPE here, by the way, guys, very important.
14:35This is from Stumac again, and it's a fret scale ruler,
14:41so I use that for my fret jig, which again you'll see in the full build video,
14:45if you stick around on the channel.
14:46This is from Crimson Guitars, it's a new acquisition.
14:49I recently got to know Ben at Crimson, and he's such a sweet man,
14:53and such a good entrepreneur, so that's cool.
14:56Go check them out.
14:57Got my Japanese saw up there as well, swinging merrily.
15:00This is also from Crimson, it's a neck carving radius gauge,
15:06so when I'm carving a neck, I can pop that over it,
15:10and then see exactly where I'm at with the neck carve.
15:12I feel like every workshop needs to feel like a familiar place,
15:16so I've got some pictures of me with my friends there,
15:19holding some flowers from an event we went to.
15:21This is my fret saw, these are Stumac fret templates as well,
15:26but I also use them as straight edges.
15:28And then I've got my reamer for bridge pins,
15:31I've got my fret crowning file,
15:35God, I'm forgetting what everything's called.
15:37And then of course, the piece de resistance,
15:40I have my Lee Nielsen No. 7 plane.
15:43Thomas Lee Nielsen gave this to me himself,
15:45which just makes it extra special.
15:47I did the Lee Nielsen Christmas card one year,
15:50which is here, under the Matt Essley marking knife,
15:54which is also something I'll talk about in a sec.
15:56So I did this Christmas card for Lee Nielsen,
15:59along with a couple of other designs,
16:01and Thomas, in exchange, gave me this beautiful plane.
16:03I go into that in another video, because in the early days,
16:07where I didn't have a lot of capital to buy my own tools,
16:10I was thinking of creative ways to get hold of the tools that I wanted,
16:14aka everything Lee Nielsen.
16:16I've also got a picture here of one of my best mates
16:19helping me bend some sides.
16:21Moving on up, we have the crown marking gauge,
16:24which I actually never really, to be honest, use anymore.
16:28And then I've got my crowning file from Stumac there, of course.
16:31Another crowning file, as if I needed more.
16:33And at the top, we have the overlord himself, Psyduck.
16:38You want to come down and say hi? No?
16:41Alright. He gets like that.
16:43Picture of my friend Florian and I.
16:45Florian is a potter, and he has a YouTube channel,
16:48and it's wildly successful because it's fantastic,
16:51so go and check that out.
16:52Here I've got my angle...
16:54uh, incra...
16:55angle finder...
16:57what do you call it?
16:58Protra... not protractor.
17:00I can't remember what it's called, but you know, you can see it.
17:02We've got a sliding square.
17:04We've got a engineer's square, which is my absolute workhorse.
17:07I use it all the time.
17:09I've got my gentsaw, which was one of the first tools I ever bought.
17:12Got some rulers here.
17:14These two are from Stumac.
17:15They're actually rules.
17:16Sorry, the difference between a rule and a ruler is that rules start at the end.
17:20FYI, rulers...
17:23This is from Moor & Wright, which are a fantastic tool manufacturer.
17:27Really, really bougie.
17:28Really nice.
17:29I've got a couple of them.
17:30I've got my cabinet scraper, which I use to scrape backs.
17:33And then I've got these really, really precise digital calipers from, again, Stumac.
17:38Big surprise there.
17:39I've then got my scalpel, which, again, proper workhorse.
17:42I use it every day.
17:43And then I saved this one, which is my Matt Essley marking knife.
17:46This was a gift from Matt, because he is the sweetest man in the world.
17:50And it's just beautiful.
17:52This is Padauk, and it's handmade by Matt.
17:56You can see it's got a few signs of wear.
17:58Apologies, Matt, but it's because I'm using it so much, because I love it.
18:01It's actually, I found, pretty useful for carving necks.
18:05Like, heels on necks, which is really cool.
18:08Moving up again, we've got a mallet.
18:09We've got various screwdrivers, pretty straightforward.
18:12And then we've got these deluxe fret tang nippers, which are super useful.
18:17They're a game changer, actually, because you can set the depth of the tang,
18:21which you can't do with a lot of pretty basic fret nippers,
18:25which is why... sorry, fret tang nippers, which is why they're called deluxe.
18:29Got some pliers up here.
18:30I've got some pliers down there, or cutters.
18:32These are fret cutters, so again, they kind of stick together.
18:36I've got a postcard up there that my friend gave me from wherever she was travelling.
18:40Then I've got my spanner set at the top.
18:42Adjustable spanners are problematic at the best of times,
18:45but they are just quite useful to have.
18:47I try not to use them, and I try to find the appropriate spanner for the appropriate bit,
18:52but, you know, needs must sometimes.
18:54Down here I've got my chisels.
18:56I've got my little one, for want of a better word.
19:00A slightly bigger one.
19:01This is a brace chisel, so it's scooped,
19:04which means you can scoop up the end of braces and not interfere with the measurement
19:08when you're tucking them into the sides.
19:09Again, I'll go into that more during my full build video.
19:13And then we have a micro chisel that I use for purfling,
19:16which I think you'll agree is the cutest thing...
19:19Oh, is it going to focus?
19:21Cutest thing I've ever seen, apart from the squirrel plane.
19:24We're then going to move on to this thing,
19:27which is actually a fretboard radiusing jig.
19:3016 foot.
19:31Nice and sturdy from Stumac yet again.
19:35And then here we have my chisels.
19:36So this two-cherries chisel from Stumac.
19:39These are Japanese chisels that I got from Workshop Heaven here in the UK,
19:43which is a beautiful company.
19:45Really nice, like, run company.
19:48Love it. They're so sweet there.
19:50Always really helpful.
19:51This was my great-grandmother's.
19:53I did a video of restoring this,
19:54but I think we've worked out since
19:56that this is not one that she turned by hand.
19:58She just engraved it.
20:00I think I left the one that she actually turned by hand
20:03at my mother's house.
20:04So that's a bit of a shame,
20:06but thanks to everyone who figured that out for me.
20:08And it's also ash, we decided.
20:10Moving on, this is my...
20:12another workhorse chisel.
20:13It's a Japanese chisel from Workshop Heaven.
20:15I got this three as a set.
20:17Moving on to my bench brush,
20:19which my step-mom gave me.
20:21Actually, she's not my step-mom yet.
20:22My dad will not hurry up and marry her.
20:24They're still engaged after God knows how many years.
20:27Hint, hint, dad.
20:28This is a edge chisel.
20:31It's okay.
20:32I'm not going to say it's the best tool in the world.
20:34I don't love it, to be perfectly honest.
20:36I think it's because I've been spoiled using Lee Nielsen.
20:38And then I got this from Axminster on discount
20:40because it was a showroom piece.
20:43I don't know.
20:45I'm not going to endorse that
20:47because I use it so rarely
20:49because I don't get joy from using it.
20:51I know that says a lot about a tool.
20:52Sorry, Axminster.
20:53You do great things,
20:54but I didn't love that.
20:56What I do love is this
20:58number five plane from Lee Nielsen.
21:00Absolute fantastic tool.
21:03I use it most days
21:05and it will forever be in my heart.
21:07I dropped it once
21:09and it was so sad,
21:11but I can fix that
21:13and it did not impact the plane.
21:15Lee Nielsen is such a quality man.
21:17I just, I love them.
21:18Moving on to my clamp rack.
21:20These are all from Axminster
21:21and I love these clamps.
21:22They're so good.
21:23So yeah, proper, proper useful.
21:26These ones are probably my favourite,
21:28but I've only got two of them.
21:30So I really need to get some more of those
21:32because they're really fantastic.
21:33They've got quite a wide mouth.
21:35These are from Rutlands
21:38and I hate them so much.
21:40I have nothing more to say about these guys.
21:42They are so annoying.
21:43They don't go, you know,
21:44they don't go quite far enough here
21:46and then, oh, they're a pain in the arse.
21:48These guys, however, very cute.
21:50Love them. New acquisition.
21:51And then I've got my sharpening station here,
21:53which is super cute.
21:54Again, I've got one of my friend Mike's bowls.
21:56You know when makers kind of
21:58just hate what they've done
22:00so they'll put it in the trash
22:01even though to another man it's their treasure.
22:03So I stole it back.
22:05Ha ha.
22:06Sorry, Mike, if you're watching this.
22:07I've got my sharpening honing guides in there
22:09and I've got everything I need to make tools really sharp.
22:11I've got a sink in my workshop,
22:13which is very useful.
22:15I've also got a bar to hold tea towels
22:17and then my mother did this sculpture,
22:19which I really love.
22:20She's a figurative sculptor
22:22and this is dip-dyed, as it were.
22:24That's not the proper term,
22:26but it's dip-painted,
22:28whatever that's called,
22:29in some paint.
22:30I just really love it,
22:31so I have that there.
22:32And then my cleaning,
22:35various cleaning things.
22:36This, I have a mirror here.
22:39You can see me.
22:40And then bins.
22:43Trash, recycling.
22:46Not very interesting.
22:47Got a hoover.
22:48Let's move on to something a bit more exciting.
22:49I've got a guitar on the bench at the moment.
22:51This is my go-bar deck.
22:52I've got various bits up there,
22:54but we're not going to talk about that
22:55because it's really messy.
22:56And, yeah, I've got this guitar on my bench at the moment,
22:59which went on sale yesterday with the rub report,
23:01so hopefully...
23:02Well, I'm just giving it a little set-up
23:04in case somebody does want it immediately.
23:07In other news,
23:08I have some templates and...
23:11And things that I'm working on up here.
23:13This is the 5,000-year-old oak build
23:15that I'm going to be doing a full video on,
23:17which is very exciting.
23:19I've also got a speaker,
23:20which is a workshop essential, I think.
23:22It's a Bose sound link.
23:23Really, really useful.
23:24Love it.
23:25Listen to my podcasts and whatnot on that.
23:27Then got a neck that I'm working on
23:29and the rim assembly for this 5,000-year-old oak guitar
23:32that I'm building as well.
23:34And here I've got on my bench
23:36as a sort of reminder of what is to come,
23:39I've got the piece of wood that I recovered
23:41from the Maasai Mara in Africa,
23:44which I'm going to be cutting up
23:45and inlaying into a guitar.
23:47And then there'll be more on that soon.
23:49Down here is a lot of bits, really.
23:53I've got a paintbrush thing,
23:56paintbrush holder.
23:58I've got, like, a first-aid self-care thing
24:00with nail files and glasses
24:02and stuff in there with sun cream.
24:04Got a Dremel buffing wheel thing.
24:07Got another one of Mike's bowls,
24:08which I snaked from under his nose.
24:11And then some scalpel blades in that orange pot there,
24:14which is actually really useful.
24:16These are drawers full of jigs and sanding blocks,
24:19which is cute.
24:21And in these drawers,
24:22I just have a bunch of specialist tools.
24:24So this is my turning drawer.
24:26I've got lots of screwdriver attachments in there
24:29and some countersink bits.
24:31In here, we've got a 45-degree fret beveler,
24:35which I never use because I do semi-hemispherical frets,
24:38but it's nice to have it.
24:39Got a bridge plate, cool.
24:40Everything bridge-related or fretwork-related
24:43is kind of in here, mainly bridge.
24:46Next one is fretwork stuff.
24:48So we've got my fret holder.
24:49We've got some fret leveling tools.
24:52We've got a string winder, that kind of thing.
24:56We've got nuts and saddles in there.
24:58And in this one, this is actually a router bit drawer,
25:02but it's obviously other things have made their way in,
25:04such as scales and calipers, which I don't use now.
25:08I've got the digital ones and a stamp for when I sell merch.
25:14And in the top there, we have another self-care drawer,
25:17which just has plasters, gloves, vitamin D, apparently,
25:20hand cream, all of that stuff.
25:22And apparently, somebody's put some googly eyes on here.
25:25I bet that was Mike. Mike, I see you.
25:27In here, we've got spanners, all kinds.
25:30In here, we've got all kinds of drill bits.
25:32And in here, we've got all kinds of Allen keys.
25:35So I'm not grasping around at straws,
25:37trying to find everything. It's all there.
25:39And this is my wood stash.
25:40Now, I don't keep huge amounts of wood in the wood stash.
25:44These are offcuts of spruce that I'm going to use for bracing
25:48that maybe came off old bits of bracing that I was using
25:52or things that I don't want to throw away
25:53because this stuff is precious and I don't want to be wasteful.
25:57I've got some old back and sides cut into bridge plates there.
26:01I've got bridges down here and in my Hogwarts.
26:07Hogwarts box. Isn't that so cute?
26:09I've got a test piece of cedar that I was trying to cut on the CNC
26:13to see if I could do it that way for cedar cores,
26:16which kind of went pretty well, actually.
26:18So I might start using that.
26:19There's also some binding blanks and some fret boards
26:22that you can see there, as well as these cedar go bars here.
26:26And finally, we've got some back and side sets there.
26:29Now, we've got some oak that I'm using in a current build,
26:33and we've got some spruce tops, which are all moon spruce,
26:37which are lovely.
26:38And we've just got a couple of rogue bits of timber
26:42that I picked up along the way in there as well.
26:44Also, I've got my apron hanging nicely here
26:47and a bit of my camera gear on the side
26:49if I need to flip lenses quickly.
26:51Moving swiftly on from that, we have a lamp,
26:53which helps me do stuff.
26:55And then we have my radius dishes are stacked here.
26:59I've also got a bin of offcuts here,
27:01which I just chuck things in that are too good to waste.
27:03For example, I was doing a test with bending this apple
27:06to see what would happen.
27:08Decided not to use it, so it goes in there,
27:10and I'll find a use for it at some point.
27:12I've also got a pillar drill here, which is great.
27:14I love this pillar drill.
27:15It's very reliable.
27:17It just does everything I want it to do, to be honest.
27:19I don't use it a huge amount,
27:21but when I really need to be very precise,
27:23I'll use it absolutely.
27:24I also got this cross vise and lined the drills with leather
27:27so that I can put delicate things in.
27:28This thing is really great.
27:30It's hard to keep maintained, weirdly.
27:32There are bits that come undone
27:34because you're using it on a wobbly tool,
27:37like a drill press.
27:39It inevitably moves around,
27:41but it's very useful for things
27:43that need really precise drilling work,
27:46and it's fairly repeatable as well.
27:49This is where I keep the dustpan and brush.
27:51Weird, but it makes sense for me, you know?
27:54Here we have another lamp,
27:55which is really throwing off my camera settings,
27:58but there you go.
27:59I'll be honest, the light in here is awful,
28:01so I turned off one of the main lights for this video
28:03because it just looks so clinical.
28:05So if you're wondering why it's so dark,
28:07that's why it just looks a bit nicer,
28:09but the light in here is very clinical,
28:11so I've tried to get lamps,
28:12but this is pretty useless.
28:14It doesn't really do much.
28:15It's only detail stuff that I use it for.
28:17Now let's take a step back quickly
28:18and look at this lovely vise.
28:21I have bolted it to the floor,
28:23which is super useful.
28:24There's one bolt that I need to put in still,
28:26but it's great.
28:28This is the Dan Irwine shop stand
28:31with the Stumac vise on it,
28:32and I use this thing for everything.
28:34It's so useful.
28:35It's actually a luthier's vise
28:37because it moves around.
28:39It can do compound radiuses.
28:40It can do whatever you want,
28:42especially with net carving.
28:43It's fantastic.
28:44And also this unbolts,
28:46and then this screws on.
28:49This is my buffing wheel.
28:50It's got a base,
28:51and when I'm doing finish work,
28:53I just pop it on the base,
28:57and it really nicely fastens on,
28:59and then I've got a buffing wheel,
29:00which is fantastic.
29:01Oh yeah, I've got invoices in there, by the way,
29:03if I need to do business things.
29:05I've got paperwork in there.
29:07But yeah, buffing wheel's great.
29:09It lives down there for now
29:10next to the table
29:12that I built fairly recently
29:14for my CNC machine.
29:17This is a new acquisition,
29:19and CNC is something
29:21I really wanted to get into for a while
29:23because of jig making.
29:24It's a challenge,
29:25but this machine is really great.
29:27It's from Mechanica,
29:28and they are very good
29:31with their customer service.
29:32I've said it in previous videos.
29:34I did a video fairly recently using it,
29:36and any time I have an issue,
29:38they're very good at that,
29:39which is exactly what I need.
29:41Very robust, good spec,
29:43everything you need.
29:44Would recommend, honestly.
29:46I put a sort of custom shelf in there
29:48with cladding,
29:49which was very exciting,
29:50and I keep all of my boxes of stuff here.
29:52I've got a bit of finished sandpaper
29:54that kind of thing.
29:55I've got another one of Mike's bowls.
29:57Oh, my God.
29:58He's going to tell me off so much
29:59for doing this,
30:00but I've got another one of Mike's bowls
30:02with all of my router bits
30:03that I use on the reg,
30:04and then under there,
30:05it's looking a bit busy,
30:06so we're going to move swiftly on.
30:08Got my laptop there
30:09because I was doing a bit of work
30:10before I jumped on this video.
30:12We also have a dust extractor
30:13just for the CNC machine
30:15because it can get, obviously,
30:17very dusty,
30:18but this is great.
30:19This is from Axminster.
30:20When it was new,
30:21I think I paid like £300 for it,
30:23and you can get them second-hand
30:25pretty cheaply on Facebook Marketplace,
30:27that kind of thing,
30:28so I repurposed this.
30:29It was my first extractor,
30:31and look at it now.
30:33Serving me well still.
30:34Here, we've got just random offcuts of wood,
30:37to be honest.
30:38Nothing particularly interesting to see there.
30:40Then we come on to my liquid
30:42and router machine station,
30:45which sounds counterintuitive,
30:47but they are on different shelves.
30:48So we've got my laminate vacuum press up there.
30:52We've got a fret press,
30:53or what's it called,
30:55like an arbor press,
30:56but I use that for fret work.
30:58Got my rosette jig from Stumac up there.
31:01I've got a few routers.
31:03These Makita ones,
31:05they keep breaking on me.
31:07Anyone else?
31:08Not cool.
31:09Need to find a brand of router that actually work.
31:12This one also broke on me.
31:13Maybe it's me.
31:14Maybe I'm the problem.
31:15It's me.
31:16My Dremel, however,
31:17ever, ever reliable,
31:19which is nice.
31:20Got a couple of router bases there for it too.
31:22Here I've got some tape
31:24and some pencils and pens
31:26and that kind of thing,
31:27and then inexplicably,
31:28some colloidal silica,
31:29which I use in conjunction with my West System epoxy
31:34for jobs that require maybe a bit of filler
31:37to go in them,
31:38for example,
31:39laminating guitar sides.
31:40Down here,
31:41we've got some glue.
31:42We've got some spray finish cleaning stuff.
31:45We've got some veneer spray.
31:48We've got some thinners
31:50and then loads of super glue,
31:53which is always highly useful.
31:56Also got some lacquer,
31:58some Touch Up 2K lacquer
32:00and some glass cast stuff
32:04that I use for my rosettes.
32:05At the bottom here,
32:06we have all the paint that I need for spray finishing
32:08and my spray gun itself.
32:10I use a DeVilbiss GPG gun,
32:14which is absolutely wonderful.
32:16I would highly recommend it.
32:17I was recommended it by Rory of Taron Guitars.
32:20And then I've got my buffing compounds down there as well,
32:22hiding somewhere.
32:24Now we're moving to the center of the room
32:26and we've got my trusty bandsaw here.
32:29I do not have a bad word to say about this bandsaw.
32:32It's a very faithful hound
32:34and it's served me very well.
32:35I'm actually doing a bit of maintenance here
32:37because the emergency stop is causing me some issues.
32:40So I'm just sort of open that up and had a look.
32:42It's a great piece of kit.
32:44It needs to be maintained like everything,
32:47but I'm really happy with it.
32:49So that's great.
32:50I've also keep my humidity gauge on it
32:53and it is bang on 50% in here,
32:55which is why I never use my little dehumidifier.
32:58I've also got some stickers on there from my favorite people.
33:01So we've got Zyla's Scrap Panda.
33:04We've got a Zyla sticker.
33:05She went a bit nuts,
33:06which made me very happy
33:07because she brought loads of stickers to the workshop
33:09the other day when she was visiting.
33:11We've got Stumac stickers.
33:12We've got Kids Invent Stuff from Ruth at Kids Invent Stuff.
33:15We've got a Matt Essley sticker when he came to visit,
33:18which I love.
33:20Another Zyla sticker.
33:22And then Stumac stuff all the way.
33:25And finally, I'm going to talk about my workbench,
33:28which has coffee on it currently.
33:30I love this thing.
33:31It's great.
33:32I got it made by somebody
33:35who is called Nick Rhodes Furniture
33:38and just really easy to spec out.
33:41Really, really lovely process.
33:43I got it made because when I was in my last workshop,
33:47I didn't have the space or a table saw to make one.
33:50So I could have done, but it would have been very difficult,
33:52and I just thought it'd be nice to give somebody the work.
33:55We all appreciate, as independent makers,
33:57when people trust us with a project,
33:59so Nick smashed it out the park.
34:01It's really great.
34:02It's got this quick-release vise on it,
34:05and it's got some caster wheels on it.
34:10The floor in here is so uneven
34:11that I've only just figured out a system
34:13for keeping it straight,
34:15but it turns out during the shop move,
34:17a few of the bolts had come loose,
34:18so now it is rock solid again.
34:24It's also got an inbuilt router system,
34:26which is fantastic for when I didn't have space
34:29in my last workshop,
34:30but I'm sure I'll bring that back at some point.
34:32Underneath my bench,
34:34I keep a lot of my moulds and templates
34:37and apparently some shoes,
34:39and this little pipe bender from Stumac.
34:42So, yeah.
34:45And you know what?
34:46I kind of think that that is the whole shop.
34:48I think I've shown you guys everything,
34:52and thank you for coming along this journey with me.
34:56I better get back to work.
34:57Thank you for watching this video.
34:59I hope you enjoyed it,
35:01and leave a comment about anything
35:03that you think I should change,
35:04or anything that you liked,
35:06or if you have a suggestion or anything.
35:08Just drop it in the comments.
35:09I'd love to hear from you guys as per usual,
35:12and I'll catch you in the next video.
