• last year
A woman was left stunned when she discovered that husband was sitting on a small fortune - thanks to his childhood Pokémon card collection.

Madeline Brice, 31, had no idea that her husband Juan Pardo, 29, had been sitting on a treasure trove of rare cards.

Juan began collecting Pokémon cards at the age of five after becoming obsessed with the Pokémon show.

Now he owns 1,500 cards and has preserved them safely in a laminated card collection book.

Juan has used an app to scan the first 670 cards, which alone are valued at around £1.5k ($2k).


00:00Okay, what's your total at? $668. And how far in are you? That much. That's crazy, you have so much left to scan.
00:15You might get some good ones on this one. Let's see.
00:21Which one's the most valuable card you scanned so far?
00:25Oh, um, give me one second. It could be this one, this Ancient Mew card.
00:35Because on eBay, I think the last one went for like $50 maybe?
00:43So that one scanned in at $80.
00:48Oh my god.
00:52That one, scanned in at $100.
00:57That's the most expensive one I scanned so far.
00:59Sounds sexy.
