• 3 months ago
مسلسل حكاية ليلة,#مسلسل حكاية ليلة الحلقة 1,#مسلسل حكاية ليلة 1,#مسلسل حكاية ليلة الحلقة ١,#مسلسل حكاية ليلة الحلقة الاولى,مسلسل حكاية ليلة واحدة,#مسلسل حكاية ليلة,#ابطال مسلسل حكاية ليلة,#موعد عرض مسلسل حكاية ليلة,مسلسل حكاية ليله,#قصة مسلسل حكاية ليلة,#اعلان مسلسل حكاية ليلة,#حكاية ليلة الحلقة 1,#اعلان مسلسل حكاية ليلة 2,مسلسل حكاية ليلة الحلقة 1,حكاية ليلة,مسلسل حكاية ليلة الحلقة الاولى,#اعلان مسلسل حكاية ليلة الحلقة 2,#اعلان مسلسل حكاية ليلة الحلقة 1
بوراك دينيز,بوراك دينيز مسلسلات,بوراك دينيز مسلسل جديد,بوراك دينيز وهازال كايا,بوراك دينيز وديلان دينيز,بوراك دينيز وهاندا ارتشيل,بوراك دينيز مسلسل,مقابلة بوراك دينيز,بوراك دينيز معلومات,بوراك دينيز يتكلم عربي,بوراك دينيز والينا بوز,اجمل مسلسل ل بوراك دينيز,اجمل مسلسلات بوراك دينيز,مسلسل بوراك د ٢٠٢٢,بوراك دينيز جديد,فيلم بوراك دينيز,بوراك دينيز , مسلسل تركى,مسلسل هندى,مسلسل سعودى,مسلسل كروى,مسلسل اماراتى,مسلسل خليجى,بيت العنكبوت, الحلقه الاخيره, مسلسل
,اسماء جلال,التفاح الحرام ,مدرسةالروابى,السعودية,احمد عز,ارطوغل,هندى,سعودى ,المتوحش,المؤسس عثمان ,مسلسل تركي جديد,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة,المسلسل التركي,مسلسلات تركية 2024,مسلسل الانتقام,مسلسلات تركية جديدة 2024,مسلسلات تركية اكشن,أفضل مسلسلات تركية,نور الغندور,مسلسلات تركية , مسلسل تركى,مسلسل هندى,مسلسل سعودى,مسلسل كروى,مسلسل اماراتى,مسلسل خليجى,بيت العنكبوت, الحلقه الاخيره,مسلسل , 2024,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة 2024,مسلسل الإنتقام,مسلسل تركي جديد 2024


00:00:00Kürşat'ın kızı olamaz ya.
00:00:05Lan bu neyin işareti?
00:00:15Ben o savaşa kızmıyorum biliyor musun?
00:00:17Çocuk o.
00:00:18Ama o kilimci...
00:00:19Kürşat kilimci benim bu hayattaki en büyük düşmanım.
00:00:22Bugün düğününe geldiğin gelin ben mi?
00:00:25Kürşat kilimcinin kızıyım kızıyım.
00:00:27Hani iki gün sonra düğün?
00:00:29Bugün aldılar ne olacaksa o düğünde olacak.
00:00:32Orhan'dan duydum diyorum sana kendi kulağımla duydum ya.
00:00:34Babanın katiliyle karşılaşmaya hazır mısın evlat?
00:00:38Yapabilecek misin onu?
00:00:40Ben 21 senedir bugünü bekliyorum amca.
00:00:43Belki de bu düğün benim babama verdiğim sözü tuttuğum gün olacak.
00:00:47Ben de geliyorum o düğüne.
00:00:51Allah'ım ne yapacağım?
00:00:54Söyle nerede Cemfeza?
00:01:00Öyle ağlayarak baylarak kurtulamazsın elimden.
00:01:03Ya konuşacaksın ya da ben seni şuracıkta geberteceğim.
00:01:06Söyle nerede Cemfeza?
00:01:08Yemin ederim bilmiyorum.
00:01:10Yeter gari bırak kızı.
00:01:15Ana, anam sen söyle nereye gönderdin kızı?
00:01:19Bak nasibine gitti dedin.
00:01:21Yavuklusu bir şey falan mı vardı bu kızın?
00:01:23Birine mi kaçtı bir şey mi yaptı?
00:01:26Yav ana, Allah için söyle nereye gönderdin kızı?
00:01:30Yav hepimiz yanacağız.
00:01:33Bak Cemfeza'nın yerini demezsen bu Selin manyağı bu evde eşlikten beşiğe kim varsa öldürür valla.
00:01:40Cemfeza'nın yerini demezsen yok yere ölen masumların günahı da senin boyun ana.
00:01:45Belayı haneye kim soktuysa vebali onundur.
00:01:50Gayrı artık olan olmuştur.
00:02:06Yok yok diyor bir de.
00:02:08Vebalı gibi kaçtı resmen.
00:02:12Bekle ne ya korkak.
00:02:14Ne bekleyeceğim seni.
00:02:34Söyle düğünden kaçtığımı duyunca korktun.
00:02:37Başında bela olacağım diye korktun.
00:02:40Hani sözün sözdü.
00:02:41Hani bela göbek adındı öyle diyordun dün gece ne olur bala.
00:02:44Dün gece kim olduğunu bilmiyordum.
00:02:47Hem düğünden kaçmak ne demek?
00:02:49Manyak mısın sen?
00:02:50Her şeyin içine ettin.
00:02:52Ne diyorsun sen be?
00:02:54Dünyanından kaçırdığın manyakla evlendiriyorlardı beni.
00:02:59Anlatabiliyor muyum?
00:03:01Sen zorla ne demek biliyor musun?
00:03:02Nasıl bir şey tahmin edebiliyor musun?
00:03:07Seninle evleneceğim dedim.
00:03:10Seni adam zannettim lafımı iyi anladım kusura bakma.
00:03:17İstemediğim bir adamla evlenmeyi kabul etmedim kusura bakma.
00:03:24İki elim kanda olsa gelirim demiştin.
00:03:29Mesaj atıp keyfini kaçırdım galiba komiser bey.
00:03:35Nereye gidiyorsun?
00:03:36Sana ne?
00:03:37Bekler misin beni?
00:03:38Cemfeza durumu söyle.
00:03:39Ne yapıyorsun?
00:03:52Selim Bey.
00:03:54Kızın sevgilisiyle kaçtı değil mi?
00:03:56Lafını bil.
00:03:57Kürşat Efendi.
00:03:59Senin gücün Selim Allah'ımı rezil etmeye yeter mi sence?
00:04:03Dışarıdakilere ne diyeceksin şimdi?
00:04:05Hiçbir şey.
00:04:06Yiyip içecekler ağırlanacaklar kızım gelecek.
00:04:10Mal az önce çıktı.
00:04:14Nereye gidiyor?
00:04:15Ona sen karar vereceksin.
00:04:17Ya kararlaştırdığımız yere...
00:04:18Bak dışarıdaki düğün benim kızımın düğünü.
00:04:20Şeref, itibar benim itibarım.
00:04:22Seninle bir anlaşma yaptık.
00:04:24Bir gün mühlet ver bana.
00:04:26Sana bir gün daha mühlet vereceğim.
00:04:28Ya kızı getiremezsen?
00:04:30Malı denize dökersin.
00:04:33Malı denize dökersen bu iş seni öldürür.
00:04:36Ben kızımı bulup getirip nikah masasına oturtamazsam...
00:04:39...ne şerefim ne itibarım kalır.
00:04:41Zaten ölüyüm daha iyi.
00:04:43Bütün adamlarımı saldım.
00:04:44Fazla uzaklaşmış olamaz.
00:04:46Bir iki saate kalmaz bulacağız.
00:04:47Merak etme.
00:04:52Müdür Bey.
00:04:55Kürşat Bey.
00:04:57Doğru mu duydum?
00:05:00Ne duydunuz ki müdürüm?
00:05:06Kızın mı kaçtı?
00:05:19Bu evden kız kaçırıldı öyle mi?
00:05:23Nasıl olduğunu anlayamadım ama maalesef öyle.
00:05:28Şüphelendiğiniz biri var mı?
00:05:30Kim olabilir mesela?
00:05:32Yemin olmamakla birlikte şüphelendiğim biri var.
00:05:38Dün Can Feza Hanım ile merkezde restoranda yemek yerken de kaçırılmak istendi.
00:05:43Ben aynı kişinin kaçırmaya çalıştığını düşünüyorum.
00:05:46Restoranın güvenlik kameralarından kim olduğu çıkar ortaya.
00:05:50Kayıtları alabilir miyiz müdürüm?
00:05:53Sen hiç merak etme.
00:05:55Kayıtları alacağım.
00:05:57Bütün ekiplere de göndereceğim.
00:05:59Kayıtları alacağım.
00:06:01Bütün ekiplere de haber vereceğim.
00:06:04En kısa zamanda kızı bulacağım.
00:06:06Aman müdürüm bu olayın duyulmaması lazım şerefim. İki paralık olur.
00:06:10Tamam tesalanma. Gizli tutarız da düğünü ne yapacaksınız?
00:06:15Hiçbir şey yapmayacağız. İzzet ikramı yapılacak. Kimse bir şey anlamayacak.
00:06:22Gelin yok orada.
00:06:24Ben bugün Can Feza'yı bulacağım. Merak etmeyin.
00:06:26O düğünü yapacağım. O düğün bugün olacak.
00:06:41Haş mı kestin? Dilini mi yuttun? Nereye götürüyorsun beni? Söylesene.
00:06:49Polislere mi vereceksin beni?
00:06:51Yoksa babama mı götüreceksin?
00:06:58Konuşsam mısın? Kafamı karıştırıyorsun şu an.
00:07:17Düğündeki komiserin değil mi o?
00:07:20Ne yapacağız şimdi?
00:07:22Açmayacaksın değil mi telefonu? Açarsan çünkü hemen bulurlar beni babamın yanında.
00:07:42Niye durdun bak lütfen açma telefonu lütfen.
00:07:45Bak açma. Ne olur açma yalvarıyorum. Ne yapalım biliyor musun? Ben ineyim.
00:07:49Ben gideyim sen de beni hiç görmemiş farz et tamam mı?
00:07:54Niye kilitledin kapıyı?
00:07:57İneceğim bak yemin ederim sana kimseye söylemem tamam mı?
00:08:00Sen beni görmedin ben seni görmedim tamam mı?
00:08:02Aç kapıyı.
00:08:19Aç kapıyı.
00:08:34Kaçırılma. Bütün birimlerin dikkatine.
00:08:37Çağ Pezer kilimci. Kızın eşkâli.
00:08:44Benim bu.
00:08:49Niye kilitledin? Bütün Denizli Emek tarafından aranıyorsun. Kaçırılmışsın.
00:09:20Evlat değil gahır doğurmuşum.
00:09:25Hele öksüz yetime de kalkar hiç korkmadan.
00:09:29Gayrı artık ne Allah korkusu kalmış ne vicdanı.
00:09:37Sen bükme boynunu senin suçun yok ki.
00:09:40Üzülme sen.
00:09:42Hem yediğim dayağı değdi.
00:09:45O komiser var ya.
00:09:47O komiser var ya.
00:09:49Ne olmuş kız komisere?
00:09:51Düğünde yok nene. Gitmiş.
00:09:54Hani burada olmadığına göre birlikteler.
00:09:56Yani Feza masibine kavuştu çok şükür.
00:10:00Bırakma sen.
00:10:06Sen de mi beni dönmeye geldin Savaş abi?
00:10:12Can, Feza seni öyle geleyim gittiğine göre siz bu planı ikiniz yaptınız.
00:10:17Bak Kürşat beyden korkuyorsun biliyorum ama benden korkmana gerek yok.
00:10:21Sen hele bir de abicim bana Can, Feza'nın nereye gittiğini.
00:10:23Sonra bak sana söz ben onu koruyacağım söz.
00:10:29Ben de bilmiyorum ki.
00:10:32Ya vallahi bak kız Savaş abi plan falan yapmadık öyle bir anda oldu her şey.
00:10:35Kızım doğruyu de.
00:10:37Bak hayat nebat meselesi bu.
00:10:39Sen böyle sustukça Can, Feza'nın canını tehlikeye atıyorsun.
00:10:42Bak yerini biliyorsan gece olmadan söyle Sare.
00:10:45Onu Kürşat beyden önce benim bulmam lazım.
00:10:46Onu ancak ben koruyabilirim babasından.
00:10:49Ya bilsem demem mi?
00:10:50Vallahi bak bilmiyorum ben bir şey.
00:10:52Can Avni ile çıktı gitti işte.
00:10:54O da bilmiyordu nereye gideceğini.
00:10:56Sadece gitmeden önce ben haber ederim dedi yani o kadar.
00:11:02Ya bak ne aradı ne mesaj attı.
00:11:13Lan neredesin?
00:11:16Ulan Savaş.
00:11:17Ulan Savaş.
00:11:20Ulan herif gözümüzün önünde evden malı çıkarmış.
00:11:24Nasıl izin verirsin?
00:11:26Yemin ederim haberim yok.
00:11:28Ne demek haberin yok?
00:11:30Bunca adam ne işe yarıyor?
00:11:32Kuş uçsa haberiniz olacak demedim mi lan?
00:11:34Evde adam kaldı mı beyim?
00:11:37Can, Feza'yı aramaya dört yana salmadık mı hepsini?
00:11:40Sen niye gitmedin kızımı aramaya?
00:11:41Ne demeye buradasın?
00:11:43Ulan herif senin gerizekalı yüzünden o kadar malı çıkarmış götürmüş.
00:11:49Can, Feza'yı getirmezsem bütün malı denize dök dedim.
00:11:52Yemin içtim.
00:11:53Beyim ne yaptın?
00:11:54Ne yapacaktım herife karşı?
00:11:56Kurulumu ayaklar altına mı aldırsaydım?
00:11:58Koskoca Kürşat Bey kızına sahip çıkamadı dedirtmem.
00:12:02Çıkamayan adamların peşine düş.
00:12:04Can, Feza'yı birine geri getireceksin.
00:12:06Çık lan çık çık.
00:12:09Çık lan hadi.
00:12:21Şu sapayollardan birine gir bak gözünü seveyim ana yoldayız.
00:12:24Burada çevirme vardır yakalanacağız.
00:12:26Yakalanacağız derken?
00:12:29Sen ne yapmaya çalışıyorsun?
00:12:31İşimi yapıyorum.
00:12:33Polisim ya ben.
00:12:35Sen de aranıyorsun.
00:12:38Geri vereceksin beni.
00:12:40Geri vereceksin beni.
00:12:46Ben o adamla evlenmeyeceğim.
00:12:48İsterse babam dövsün beni, isterse o Selim vursun.
00:12:52Beni geri götürürsem ben hayır diyeceğim.
00:12:56Yahu madem öyle, baban seni niye evlendirmek istiyor bu adamla?
00:13:00O adam çok güçlü biri, babamın onunla bir hesabı var.
00:13:03Gerçi zaten babam hesabına uymayan hiçbir işi yapmaz da.
00:13:07Hayat memat meselesi dedi, ailemizin kurtuluşu dedi bilmiyorum.
00:13:14Bana yardım edeceksin değil mi?
00:13:17Canfeza bak.
00:13:21İpar yapılmıştım ama, her yerde eşgalin var.
00:13:26Benim arabamda bulunursam benim başım büyük belaya girer.
00:13:32Kaldı ki bana kaçtın.
00:13:34Sana kaçmadım ben.
00:13:35Canfeza kime kaçtın peki, ha?
00:13:38Mağarada evlenmenin ne demiyor muydun sen?
00:13:40O Umut Aşık'tandı.
00:13:42Sen kimsin ben seninle evleneceğim, sen benim dengim misin sanki?
00:13:47Sen tam olarak babanın kızısın, duydun mu beni?
00:13:50Sanki babamı tanıyorsun.
00:13:51Tanıyorum tabii, gayet tanıyorum.
00:13:53Nemrut'un teki kendisi.
00:13:57İnsanları kullanan, kullanamadıklarını da bir kenara atan biri.
00:14:01Öyle mi?
00:14:04Sana ne var gördüğüne bak.
00:14:06Şaşmamak lazım.
00:14:08Sersi bir haldesin be.
00:14:17Al, çevirme.
00:14:24Biraz insanlığın varsa şurada bir yerde indir beni.
00:14:51Eylem Üsad, Kimlik Kontrolü
00:15:03Eylem Üsad, Kimlik Kontrolü
00:15:08Kusura bakmayın komiserim, araç sevili olunca...
00:15:12...kaçırılan bir kızı arıyoruz da.
00:15:16Eyvallah, doğrudur.
00:15:17Hadi kolay gelsin.
00:15:18Sağ olun komiserim.
00:15:30Kalkabilirsin, tehlike geçti.
00:15:34Teşekkür ederim.
00:15:37Tamam mı? Teşekkür etme.
00:15:39Şimdilik kurtardın.
00:15:41Bir hata yapmak istemiyorum.
00:15:49Gülüyor musun sen?
00:16:11Bak gülme, sinirlerimi bozuyorsun ya.
00:16:13Tamam gülmem.
00:16:33Bela geliyor mu demez.
00:16:38Gelin kaçırılmış ha?
00:16:40Kaçırılmadı, kaçtı.
00:16:42Bize kaçırıldı diye bilgi verdiler.
00:16:44Tamam sen onu bunu bırak.
00:16:45Bana yardımın lazım.
00:17:21Var mı bir haber?
00:17:23Hiçbir şey yok Kürşat Bey.
00:17:25Şehrin her yerinde çevirmeler var ama hiçbirine girmediler.
00:17:29Sen düğünü ertele istersen.
00:17:32Sen ettiğin kadar çabuk bulamayabiliriz.
00:17:35Yok müdürüm yapamam.
00:17:38Arkamdan neler konuşulur bilirsin.
00:17:42Kaç saat geçti, akşam oldu.
00:17:45Herkes anlıyor bir şey olduğunu.
00:17:47Şu restorantın kamera kayıtlarından bir şey çıkmadı mı?
00:17:53Kameralar çalışmıyormuş zaten.
00:17:57İstersen damatla ben konuşayım, durumu anlatayım ha?
00:18:01Yok ben konuşurum müdürüm.
00:18:03Önce şu insanları bir yollayayım da.
00:18:06Nasıl istersen.
00:18:12Ulan Mahir.
00:18:14Ulan Mahir.
00:18:27Neden geldik buraya?
00:18:29Nereye gitseydik?
00:18:31Yolda adam başı çevirme var.
00:18:36Senin de hoşuna gitti galiba böyle ha?
00:18:38Heyecan oluyor sana.
00:18:40Tamam da ne yapıyoruz burada şu an?
00:18:49Komiserim mi?
00:18:59Ağabeyim çok özür dilerim.
00:19:00Acil bir işim çıktı.
00:19:02Mesajları gördüm.
00:19:03Gelin kaçırılmış.
00:19:04Arayacağım seni.
00:19:10Bari arabaya çalışın şu kaleferlere yak ya.
00:19:12Buz kestik.
00:19:15Müzik de açalım sonuna kadar.
00:19:16Ben böyle korneye de asılayım.
00:19:18Aynı anda cıvıl cıvıl tam burada olduğumuzu belli edelim iyice.
00:19:20Ne dersin?
00:19:21Mahir üşüdüm.
00:19:22Dondum resmen.
00:19:28Tehlikeye giremeyiz şimdi.
00:19:30Öyle bir mutluluk sağlamayız.
00:19:33Al şunu.
00:19:36Çek oradan.
00:19:38E sen üşüyeceksin.
00:19:39Sana ne benden.
00:19:43Böyle daha iyi.
00:19:49Evine gitsek?
00:19:53Orada kimse bulamaz bizi.
00:19:54Kimsenin aklına gelmez.
00:19:56Olmaz ev olmaz.
00:20:06Benim mi komiserim?
00:20:18İleride korucu kulübesi var.
00:20:21Önceden orada korucular vardı ama şu an yoklar.
00:20:23Böyle ava çıkanlar falan gidiyor.
00:20:24Bu yıkık bir yer.
00:20:25Oraya gidelim.
00:20:26Orada soba falan vardır en azından.
00:20:28Orada düşünürsün biraz da olur mu?
00:20:32Ya ne olur herhalde ama ne kadar uzak ya?
00:20:34Kaç kilometre yani?
00:20:37Ben kilometreden falan anlamam.
00:20:40Atla üç dakikası vardır.
00:20:44Ne atmış arkadaş ya.
00:21:12Bir kere daha tarih tekerrür ediyor Ağzıfa.
00:21:17Yine aynı aşirete bir söz verdik.
00:21:20Kızınızı alacağız dedik.
00:21:22Üstelik bu sefer...
00:21:24...karnında bir bebek de ortada kaldı.
00:21:27Biliyorum hatun.
00:21:30...Mahir'i getirmek zorunda olduğunu da biliyorsun.
00:21:35Otuz yaşında adam.
00:21:37Zorla mı getireceğim?
00:21:39Lüzum olursa zorla gelecek.
00:21:42Mahir gelecek.
00:21:44Mahir bize borçlu.
00:21:47Öfken, kinin...
00:21:49...senin vicdan terazini bozmuş hatun.
00:21:52Babasının suçunu...
00:21:53...Mahir'in boynuna asmak...
00:21:55...ona bedeline dönmek istiyoruz.
00:21:58Mahir'imize hiçbir borcu yok.
00:22:00Mahir'in babası yüzünden...
00:22:02...ben on üç yaşındaki oğlumu...
00:22:05...Sevde ile evlendirdim.
00:22:07Ferman'ı feda ettik.
00:22:09Beğendin bu mu?
00:22:11Yoksa Biricik oğlunun...
00:22:13...senin sözünden çıkmış olmasının kinini mi taşıyorsun hala?
00:22:17Biz bu torunumuzu tam otuz yıl yok saydık Afet.
00:22:20Mahir bizimle konuşması hakkıdır.
00:22:28...Gülzar'a bir ant içtim.
00:22:31O bebeği kucağına vereceğim.
00:22:34Mahir gelecek.
00:22:36Mahir'in nikahı altında sıra gelir.
00:22:40Bu eve bir bebek verecek.
00:22:53Evet geleceğim diyorum kızım ya.
00:22:56Halden anlatsana azıcık.
00:22:58Senin için şu an çok özel bir koku sürüyorum.
00:23:05Hem ben sana küçük bir hediye aldım.
00:23:10Gelince çıldıracağız.
00:23:12Bu gece çıldıracağız hazır ol.
00:23:14Her şeye hazır ol.
00:23:20Muhammed aşkına Sevde.
00:23:22Ödümü kopardın yavaş gelsene.
00:23:24Başlatma ödünden.
00:23:26Sen hayırdır gene alev topuna dönmüşsün. Ne oluyor?
00:23:29Ne mi oluyor?
00:23:31Ananla babanı konuşurken duydum.
00:23:33O babanın zerre gönlü yok gidip Mahir'i getirmeye.
00:23:36Ananın da tek derdi gelinine verdiği söz.
00:23:39Neymiş efendim gelinin kucağına torun verecekmiş.
00:23:42Benim sılamı düşünen kimse yok.
00:23:45Sıla kim değil mi? Ölsün benim sılam.
00:23:47Sevde, Sevde saçma sapan konuşma.
00:23:50Sen benim anamı tanımıyor musun?
00:23:52Sılayı öyle ortada koyma koskoca Afet Yılmaz.
00:23:54Ferman, Sıla sadece benim yeğenim değil kızım gibi.
00:23:59Ben ona hala olmadım ana oldum.
00:24:02Senin bana veremediğin evladın yerine koydum onu.
00:24:06Allah Allah, Allah Allah.
00:24:08Şimdi durduk yere bu davayı niye açıyorsun Sevde?
00:24:12Yani benim çocuğumun olmayışının konuyla alakası ne?
00:24:14Alakası ne?
00:24:19Asalım kaplanı.
00:24:21Bak ben senin için her şeyi yaptım.
00:24:25Senin kabahatini üstüme aldım, kısır damgası yedim.
00:24:29Ama şimdi sıra sende.
00:24:32Sen de gideceksin, babanla konuşacaksın.
00:24:35Sen de üstüne düşen yapacaksın.
00:24:37Benim sılam kucağında bebesiyle öyle ortada kalmayacak.
00:24:44La havle vela kuvvete illa billahil aliyyil azim Sevde.
00:24:47Sen benim üzerime niye geliyorsun kızım?
00:24:49Ben ne yapayım, benim elimden ne geliyor şimdi ya?
00:24:51Babanla konuşacaksın işte.
00:24:53Asaf ağa Mahir'den utanıyor, yüzü tutmuyor.
00:24:57Sen onu ikna edeceksin, konuşacaksın.
00:25:00O Mahir de gerekirse döve döve arabaya bindirin buraya getirin.
00:25:04Babam duymadan Sıla Mahir ile evlenecek.
00:25:09Eğer babam duyarsa, bu Sıla'nın değil Yılmazların sonu olur.
00:25:14Dünya hayatından da ilk seni eler.
00:26:17Burası üstümüze yıkılır, ben sana söyleyeyim.
00:26:20Burası çocukluğumdan beri böyle.
00:26:22Bugün yıkılacağı tutarsa bilemem tabi.
00:26:28Kilit asmışlar, buraya giremeyiz.
00:26:30Gireriz gireriz.
00:26:32Sen, geç şöyle.
00:26:47Ya bir dediğimde ilk seferde yap.
00:26:49Geç şuraya.
00:27:12Bekle burada.
00:28:10Gerçekten döküntüymüş burası ya.
00:28:13Isınır ama. Soba var, çatısı var.
00:28:16Telefon çalıyor.
00:28:21Bu konuşma dikkatini çekebilir komiserim.
00:28:27Doğru söylüyorsun, ben o zaman yakacak bir şeyler toplayayım, ısınmak için.
00:28:31Sen güzel güzel bekle burada, tamam mı?
00:29:16Yoksa Selim'den kurtulsanız bile, Boris'ten kurtulamazsınız.
00:29:19Ben onları bir şekilde hallederim.
00:29:21Can Feza'yı kurtarmam lazım.
00:29:22Ulan, kızı elde edeceğim diye ortalığın içine...
00:29:26Boris kim be?
00:29:29Ne de Boris çıktı başımıza?
00:29:35Ne oldu, hayırdır?
00:29:36Selim Bey çeyiz kamyonunu çıkarın dedi.
00:29:38Düğünden sonra çıkmayacağız mı?
00:29:39Çıkarın dedi lan, ben ne bileyim.
00:29:40Toparlanın, çıkalım.
00:29:42Sen de şoförü çağır.
00:29:55Ulan, ölümden kaçırdılar kamyonu.
00:30:05Ulan, bütün devlet Erkent'ten kaçırdılar kamyonu.
00:30:09Ne yapmak lazım?
00:30:12Ama bir yere ulaştıramadılar.
00:30:14Otelin olmak zorunda.
00:30:20Eve de getirmemiş kız.
00:30:33Bana bak.
00:30:34Mahir'in bütün telefon sinyallerini bulun bana.
00:30:38Hayırdır Anıl'ım?
00:30:39Yolunda gitmeyen bir şey mi var?
00:30:41Uzatma lan, dediğimi yap.
00:30:42Orhan, hadi.
00:30:44Baş üstüne amirim.
00:30:45Hemen ilgileniyorum.
00:31:09Yeni bir şey olursa bana bu numaradan ulaş.
00:31:26Ancak bunları bulabildim.
00:31:30Odun varmış içeride.
00:31:32Şuraya dizmişler, baksaydın görürdün.
00:31:40Ateşi nasıl yaktın peki?
00:31:43Yoruk kızıyım.
00:31:45Ateş de yakarım, avlanırım da.
00:31:52Evden kaçarken de bunları mı düşünüyordun?
00:31:55Ateş yakarım, avlanırım.
00:31:59Kimse de beni bulamaz.
00:32:01Pişman etmesini iyi biliyorsun.
00:32:03Öyle mi?
00:32:13Seni ilk gördüğümde...
00:32:19Ne yapıyordun orada?
00:32:22Dua ediyordum.
00:32:25Böyle dua mı olurmuş?
00:32:29Oluyormuş işte.
00:32:32Dua mı olurmuş?
00:32:34Dua mı olurmuş?
00:32:36Dua mı olurmuş?
00:32:38Dua mı olurmuş?
00:32:40Dua mı olurmuş?
00:32:42Dua mı olurmuş?
00:32:46Niçin dua ediyordun?
00:32:53Ben doğduğum gün...
00:32:55...babam çok büyük bir günah işlemiş.
00:33:00Ne günahı?
00:33:07Eline kan bulaştırmış.
00:33:09Yaptığı herhalde o kadar felaket bir şeymiş ki...
00:33:12...ben doğduğumdan beri nenem asla babamla konuşmaz.
00:33:18Tabii ben doğmadan önce oluyor bunlar.
00:33:20Sonra da ben çok zor doğmuşum zaten.
00:33:24Annem de ben de ölecekmişiz.
00:33:28Ben yaşamışım...
00:33:31...annem ölmüş.
00:33:34Babam da bakmış...
00:33:35Babam da bakmış...
00:33:37...karısı göçüp gitmiş...
00:33:39...oğlan beklediği kız olmuş.
00:33:41Böyle başını tutmuş, bu felaket nedir böyle demiş.
00:33:45Nenem de demiş ki...
00:33:47...bu senin döktüğün kanın bedelidir.
00:33:49Anlatma tamam.
00:33:53Anlatma istemiyorum yeter.
00:33:55Sordun anlattım artık.
00:33:59Anlamıyor musun?
00:34:13Öyle miyim?
00:34:14Öylesin eğer böyle bir insanoğlunu bilsem...
00:34:16...sana güvenip de mağaraya çağırmazdım...
00:34:17...kendi başımın çaresine bakardım.
00:34:19Baksaydın o zaman can peze, niye bakamadın?
00:34:23Ne oluyor?
00:34:25Bugün azardan başka bir şey işitmedim çok şükür.
00:34:29Senin benimle derdin ne, ben ne yaptım sana?
00:34:32Ben senin düşmanın mıyım?
00:34:35Sanki babanı öldürdün.
00:34:36Bana bak, çık şuradan.
00:34:37Çık git yardım falan yapıyorum sana, defol git buradan.
00:34:39Çık buradan.
00:34:41Git buradan, git.
00:34:42Defol, git hadi.
00:34:46Nereye gideyim?
00:34:47Gel cebin dibine!
00:34:49Çık hadi!
00:35:01Ben seni adam zannetmiştim.
00:35:12Can peze!
00:35:15Can peze!
00:35:17Gelme peşimden!
00:35:18Bekler misin?
00:35:19Gelme peşimden!
00:35:20Yahu dur bir!
00:35:21Can peze!
00:35:24İyi misin?
00:35:25İyi misin?
00:35:30Bu halde nereye gitmeyi planlıyorsun söyler misin?
00:35:32Ne yapmaya çalışıyorsun şu an?
00:35:33Git dedim ya!
00:35:35Kovdun ya beni!
00:35:36Sanki her söylediğimi dinliyorsun.
00:35:38Gel şuraya.
00:35:42Yahu yürüyemiyorsun, nereye gideceksin bu halde?
00:35:45Hadi dön kulübeye.
00:35:49Ne yapacağım kulübede?
00:35:53Onu sabah düşüneceğiz.
00:36:35Sinyalden haber var mı?
00:36:36Ben de onunla uğraşıyordum.
00:36:37Sinyal alamıyoruz.
00:36:38Telefonunu kapatmış.
00:36:40Ulan Mahir!
00:36:41Ulan Mahir!
00:36:43Biz bu Mahir'i neden arıyoruz?
00:36:45Kilimcilerin kızının kaçırılmasıyla Mahir ne alaka?
00:36:48Boş ver sen onu.
00:36:49İşine bak haydi.
00:36:54Gece vakti ardın yana yana buraya Mahir'i sormaya geldiysen bak.
00:37:04Bu Selim şeytanı kamyonu çıkarmış bile.
00:37:06Düğün olduktan sonra yoldan alacakmış kamyonu.
00:37:08Garantiliyor yani.
00:37:09Can feza gelmezse de malı denize dökecekmiş.
00:37:11O zaman bu düğünün muhakkak olması lazım.
00:37:15Hani sözün sözdü?
00:37:17Hani bela göbek adındı?
00:37:18Öyle diyordun dün gece, ne olur falan.
00:37:20Ben yüzümdeyim.
00:37:21Sen yüzüme bak.
00:37:22Sen yüzüme bak.
00:37:23Sen yüzüme bak.
00:37:24Sen yüzüme bak.
00:37:25Sen yüzüme bak.
00:37:26Sen yüzüme bak.
00:37:27Sen yüzüme bak.
00:37:28Sen yüzüme bak.
00:37:29Sen yüzüme bak.
00:37:30Sen yüzüme bak.
00:37:31Sen yüzüme bak.
00:37:32Ben yüzdüğümü, onu sadece benim nasipim olabilir.
00:37:35Ya bensem o?
00:37:39Şunu kafana yaz, evleneceğim ben seninle.
00:37:43Neden peşimdesin?
00:37:44Niye bana yardım ediyorsun?
00:37:46Urfa'nın verdiği sözü tutar.
00:37:48Beni tanımıyorsun.
00:37:50Daha adımı bile bilmiyorsun.
00:38:02Artık adımı biliyorum.
00:39:28Hadi kalk.
00:39:29Sabah oldu, gitmemiz lazım.
00:39:32What do you mean, grandpa? Are we going to stay here until the end?
00:39:37We have to go.
00:39:39I'm waiting for you outside.
00:40:03I'm ready. Let's go.
00:40:07Aren't you going to ask where we're going?
00:40:09I won't.
00:40:11Wherever you say.
00:40:32You know where your grandson is, don't you?
00:40:49I watched the sky all night.
00:40:54Is that so?
00:40:57What did you see?
00:40:59My grandson.
00:41:06Where is Canfeza?
00:41:11By the moon and the stars.
00:41:16Let him be wherever he wants.
00:41:19Either by the moon or by the stars.
00:41:23There's only one truth I know.
00:41:25And that's that he's going to sit at that table with me tomorrow.
00:41:27Is that so?
00:41:30If you're so sure, you should have stretched out your hand.
00:41:34You should have pulled it last night.
00:41:37But your strength is not enough for this.
00:41:40Don't make up your hand in vain.
00:41:42My grandson is not your destiny.
00:41:46No one can go beyond your destiny.
00:41:49It's what God says.
00:41:52That's not how things work here.
00:41:55What I say here is what I say.
00:42:02Oh, old man.
00:42:14You're going to get in trouble.
00:42:35You're on the highway.
00:42:37What if the police come?
00:42:39I need to get gasoline. It's running out.
00:42:54I'll go to the bathroom.
00:43:11I'll wash my face.
00:43:20Did you hear that?
00:43:21Come on.
00:44:21What are you doing here?
00:44:52Önce baba.
00:44:54Her şeydir önce baba.
00:45:21Sen bir aysın ben kara gelin.
00:45:50Nasıl olur bu kadar?
00:46:01Önce ben kara gelene
00:48:44You're a maniac, aren't you?
00:49:02Kidnapping Kürşat's daughter at a wedding. What does that mean?
00:49:06I dropped her off as if I kidnapped her. Her father must have found her already.
00:49:08Mahir, what are you trying to do? What are you up to?
00:49:12I've been trying to reach you, but I can't reach you.
00:49:19Uncle, I didn't kidnap anyone.
00:49:22By the way, the girl you mentioned is the one who shot me.
00:49:26The one in the cave?
00:49:27Yes, the one in the cave.
00:49:28She texted me while we were at the wedding.
00:49:30She told me to meet her as soon as possible.
00:49:33You went there, didn't you?
00:49:35I did. That's where I found out she was Kürşat's daughter.
00:49:40Then you should have brought her back.
00:49:42Don't you know how important this wedding is to us?
00:49:46I know, but I need time.
00:49:50What do you need time for?
00:49:53To make a plan.
00:49:54What plan?
00:49:56What plan?
00:50:02Are you stupid?
00:50:03If she doesn't get married, you can't get the goods out of the house.
00:50:05If there is no wedding, how will the dowry truck come out?
00:50:07That truck came out, son.
00:50:09Selim even took the truck out of the devil's truck.
00:50:11After the wedding, he was going to take the truck off the road.
00:50:13That's the guarantee.
00:50:14If Canfeza doesn't come, he's going to dump the goods into the sea.
00:50:16Then this wedding must happen.
00:50:18Otherwise, even if you get rid of Selim, you can't get rid of Boris.
00:50:21I'll take care of them somehow.
00:50:23I have to save Canfeza.
00:50:24I'm going to get the girl.
00:50:32It's him.
00:50:34We have proof that he is an informant.
00:50:36The man he talked to is Savaş.
00:50:38The man of Kürşat.
00:50:40I had to think about how to act.
00:50:43Because if I had brought the girl, they would have had that wedding.
00:50:46Still, we wouldn't have been able to get the goods.
00:50:48Because they moved to another place.
00:50:49You were going to take me at night.
00:50:52Why did you wait until this hour?
00:50:55To postpone the wedding.
00:50:57If I had brought it at night, they would have gotten married today.
00:50:59Don't worry, uncle.
00:51:00I planned everything.
00:51:01Until the very last detail.
00:51:04Tell me.
00:51:08I'm sorry.
00:51:10Now you cry for nothing.
00:51:14I kept my promise.
00:51:15You said I would bring my daughter to you, so I did.
00:51:22Shut up!
00:51:24Mr. Selim, take it easy.
00:51:26He's not that tall.
00:51:32What are you waiting for me to do?
00:51:34He humiliated me.
00:51:37Are you waiting for me to open my arms and say, welcome to Canfeza?
00:51:42He will be punished for what he did.
00:51:44I punished him as his father.
00:51:47You punished him as his father.
00:51:49I will punish him as his husband.
00:51:51You will be his husband, but tomorrow.
00:51:53Canfeza is still my daughter.
00:51:55You can't touch my daughter when she's under my roof.
00:51:59After the wedding, it's up to you.
00:52:02You can do whatever you want.
00:52:13I will punish him tomorrow.
00:52:20My mood is ruined because of the bad things that happened today.
00:52:24If you allow me, I want to go to my hotel and rest.
00:52:27You will tell me the time of the wedding.
00:52:41Go, girl.
00:52:49Go, go.
00:52:51I said go, Canfeza, go.
00:53:05You were standing behind me like a mountain.
00:53:08I thought I had a father behind me.
00:53:10I thought it was better to give me to that man.
00:53:13He can't touch me when he's under your roof.
00:53:15But I don't care what he does.
00:53:17This is your fatherhood.
00:53:18Shut up.
00:53:19You will sit on your knees until tomorrow's wedding.
00:53:23You won't try to run away.
00:53:25There's no one left to run away with.
00:53:28I didn't run away with anyone.
00:53:29I left on my own.
00:53:30Is that so?
00:53:31How do you think we found your place?
00:53:33That trustful dog you hanged on your tail told you where it was.
00:53:37He positioned it.
00:53:38He sold you.
00:53:39He left you halfway.
00:53:42Who is he?
00:53:44If he sold me like that, who is he?
00:53:45What did he say?
00:53:46I didn't learn your name.
00:53:49He said my daughter is here.
00:53:50He just put me in my place.
00:53:52You can't learn your name, dad.
00:53:53Because there's no one like that.
00:53:55It's obvious.
00:53:56Someone saw me in the gas station.
00:53:57He put you in my place.
00:53:58Either way.
00:53:59You're at home in the end.
00:54:00Where you should be.
00:54:02Tomorrow will be that wedding.
00:54:03You will leave this house with your manners.
00:54:06It won't happen.
00:54:08I won't get married.
00:54:09I won't say yes to that wedding tomorrow.
00:54:12Don't say that.
00:54:13I won't say my dear.
00:54:14I won't say my blood.
00:54:15I won't say my son.
00:54:16I'll squeeze your throat.
00:54:17It's a matter of a year.
00:54:19I won't say yes to death.
00:54:21I'm fed up with my life.
00:54:23I'm not afraid of anyone.
00:54:24I'm not afraid of you.
00:54:25I'm not afraid of the man called Selim.
00:54:30Nahir won't leave me anyway.
00:54:32If he were to leave me,
00:54:34he wouldn't put his finger on this ring.
00:54:45I've been looking everywhere.
00:54:46Everyone is looking for Mert.
00:54:48But nothing has come up yet.
00:54:50No, no, no.
00:54:51I was looking for him too.
00:54:53You can stop looking.
00:54:55We found Canfezay.
00:54:56How did you find him?
00:54:58Someone saw him.
00:54:59He put me in my place.
00:55:00He took refuge in the gas station at the entrance of the city.
00:55:03What are you talking about?
00:55:04What was he doing there?
00:55:06I didn't do much.
00:55:07I just got here.
00:55:10You did well.
00:55:11Good morning.
00:55:12You did well.
00:55:13Good morning.
00:55:15I hope so, sir.
00:55:17Can I ask you something?
00:55:19Who is he?
00:55:20What does he do?
00:55:21No, no.
00:55:22But I'll find out, sir.
00:55:23He doesn't know my daughter either.
00:55:24He's been harassed.
00:55:25He's been after her for a while.
00:55:27But I'll find him.
00:55:28When I find him...
00:55:29Don't do anything illegal again.
00:55:32No, no, no, sir.
00:55:33You know us.
00:55:34We are people who know the law and order.
00:55:37Of course, of course.
00:55:39Thank you for everything, sir.
00:55:41Come on.
00:55:42I hope nothing happens to you.
00:55:44Thank you, sir.
00:55:45Thank you.
00:55:46Thank you.
00:56:00Good day, sir.
00:56:02I hope you have a good time.
00:56:05Good day.
00:56:06Yes, aunt.
00:56:08What's up?
00:56:09Let's help.
00:56:19I think it's new.
00:56:26Here you go.
00:56:27How can I help you?
00:56:28Oh, hello.
00:56:29You must be the boss of this officer, right?
00:56:32I'm the commissioner.
00:56:33Oh, my son is also a commissioner.
00:56:35Is that so?
00:56:36How nice.
00:56:37Did you come to see him?
00:56:38No, I didn't come to see him.
00:56:40I came to see my husband.
00:56:41Who was your husband?
00:56:46It's so funny.
00:56:47No one knows.
00:56:50Excuse me, but who are you?
00:56:52Well, my son, I'm the commissioner of Denizli.
00:56:55Mehmet Yilmaz's wife, Süreyya Yilmaz.
00:56:59Everyone knows us.
00:57:02Okay, but our commissioner's name is not Mehmet Yilmaz.
00:57:09What is he saying, Suzan?
00:57:19Oh, I'm sorry.
00:57:22I couldn't get you out.
00:57:24Of course.
00:57:25You're welcome.
00:57:26It happens.
00:57:27It's a habit.
00:57:35My son.
00:57:36What are you doing here?
00:57:37Mr. Mahir, I couldn't keep him at home.
00:57:39He insisted that I go to the station.
00:57:41What is it, dear?
00:57:42It's like you're complaining.
00:57:44Can't I visit my husband's office?
00:57:47You can.
00:57:48Let's go to the room.
00:57:49Dad's room?
00:57:51Let's go to my room, mom.
00:57:53Good luck.
00:57:54Good luck.
00:57:55Orhan, take care of Suzan.
00:57:57Of course.
00:57:58Please come in.
00:57:59Come here.
00:58:01Like this.
00:58:02Come on.
00:58:04Come on.
00:58:05Come in.
00:58:06For God's sake, mom.
00:58:07Why did you leave?
00:58:08Why did you come here?
00:58:10I was worried about you.
00:58:11You didn't even come home.
00:58:12It's not the first time.
00:58:13I'm a cop.
00:58:15This is a business place.
00:58:16You can't come here as you please.
00:58:19That's good.
00:58:21Worrying about your son is also a crime.
00:58:24When you come back,
00:58:26we'll book an appointment.
00:58:32Let me see.
00:58:33Let me see.
00:58:36I'm sorry.
00:58:38I didn't mean it that way.
00:58:39I didn't mean to break your heart.
00:58:41We have an operation.
00:58:42We have a job right now.
00:58:43I'm under pressure.
00:58:45It's a stressful period.
00:58:46That's why I behaved like that.
00:58:47Don't get me wrong.
00:58:51Lying is a sin.
00:58:54What does your father always say?
00:58:56Even if it's a joke,
00:58:57he says you won't lie.
00:58:59And mothers are never lied to.
00:59:03Mahir, something happened to you.
00:59:04What happened?
00:59:07No, nothing.
00:59:08There is.
00:59:11Can my two branches be missing?
00:59:14I understand.
00:59:15I'm a mother.
00:59:16And you're my child.
00:59:18What happened, tell me.
00:59:23I had to leave someone halfway.
00:59:27I'm sorry.
00:59:29I'm sorry.
00:59:30I had to.
00:59:34Your father said the same thing once.
00:59:36You know?
00:59:37I had to leave them halfway.
00:59:46His family.
00:59:49That's what I'm talking about.
00:59:53There's no reason, mother.
00:59:54There's no reason.
00:59:56Would you like some tea?
00:59:57I'll make you some tea.
00:59:58Let it go, Mahir.
01:00:00Who did you have to leave halfway?
01:00:10You remember the poem, don't you?
01:00:20He'll be mad at you.
01:00:22He will.
01:00:24If he doesn't look at you,
01:00:25if he doesn't talk to you again...
01:00:28You'll burn like your father, my child.
01:00:30It's not that bad.
01:00:31It's not like that.
01:00:34I have a chance to make up for it.
01:00:35There's no question.
01:00:38Well, sometimes people...
01:00:39I can make up for some things.
01:00:42I think so.
01:00:43If things don't go as you planned,
01:00:45you'll lose that chance.
01:00:47I've thought about everything.
01:00:48Don't worry.
01:00:50My plans don't fail.
01:00:54God doesn't fail, my child.
01:00:58What do they say?
01:00:59He who makes plans, makes plans.
01:01:06I hope it doesn't happen.
01:01:08I hope it doesn't.
01:01:18I'll go and see your father.
01:01:23Mother, my father isn't here.
01:01:26Where is he?
01:01:29He's far away.
01:01:30My father.
01:01:37Come here.
01:01:40He's far away, my father.
01:01:41He's far away.
01:01:49I love you so much.
01:01:50Did you hear that?
01:01:51I love you so much.
01:01:52Did you hear that?
01:01:58I know.
01:02:00I love you so much, too.
01:02:11Look at me.
01:02:13I think
01:02:14if we talk to Suzan,
01:02:16maybe she'll take you out to dinner.
01:02:18What do you think?
01:02:24She wanted to go out.
01:02:27Is it possible to go out?
01:02:28It's possible.
01:02:29It's possible.
01:02:30Otherwise, we'll find a place for you.
01:02:35Have a nice day.
01:02:36Come on.
01:02:37Let's go.
01:02:39Come on.
01:02:40Let's go.
01:02:50Come on.
01:02:51Let's go.
01:02:52How many trays are left?
01:02:53The last two trays.
01:02:57I'll start with the tomato paste
01:02:59and the pepper.
01:03:00Oh, God.
01:03:01Don't say that, Sevda.
01:03:02We're getting distracted.
01:03:03We're losing our minds.
01:03:05Do you want me to get distracted?
01:03:08She can't get rid of her village habits.
01:03:12Look at this.
01:03:13Look at this.
01:03:15We're not in Europe anymore.
01:03:17Why are you putting tomato paste on your head?
01:03:20Why are you drying the mint?
01:03:21People are putting chardonnay here.
01:03:24But no.
01:03:26you brought the spices from the factory, didn't you?
01:03:28He's going to torture us.
01:03:30He'll do it every year.
01:03:31Oh, God.
01:03:33Shut up.
01:03:34He'll hear it.
01:03:36He'll hear it.
01:03:48Have a good day.
01:03:49Thank you, sir.
01:03:50Thank you, son.
01:04:01You made this with tulips.
01:04:03No, madam.
01:04:04Oh, my God.
01:04:05We added as much as two every year.
01:04:13Have a good day, ladies.
01:04:14Don't get up.
01:04:15Don't worry.
01:04:16Thank you, sir.
01:04:17Excuse me.
01:04:18Of course.
01:04:19Let's have a cup of coffee.
01:04:20Here you go.
01:04:21You made it easier.
01:04:22We made it easier.
01:04:23It's not a big deal.
01:04:25We're getting distracted.
01:04:35Thank you, Felek.
01:04:36Enjoy your meal, ma'am.
01:04:38Make it for us, too.
01:04:40If you don't have any questions,
01:04:41you can drink it.
01:04:42Of course, I will, ma'am.
01:04:43I'll make it right now.
01:04:46Make it for Ferman, too, Felek.
01:04:50The bird is singing to you.
01:04:52Let it know.
01:04:55The one you love is calling.
01:04:57Ferman, may God help you.
01:05:00How are you?
01:05:01I'm fine.
01:05:02How are you?
01:05:03Peace be upon you.
01:05:05And upon you.
01:05:11Why are you at home at this hour?
01:05:13Why didn't you go to the factory?
01:05:17I had no other choice.
01:05:22I'm in pain, dad.
01:05:23Oh, God.
01:05:24We're in bed.
01:05:26Don't be impatient, Ferman.
01:05:27I've been doing a lot of work lately.
01:05:31It's none of our business right now.
01:05:33Don't we have any other problems?
01:05:34For God's sake.
01:05:37Life goes on.
01:05:38We'll live.
01:05:40Didn't you ever hear
01:05:41that you won't die?
01:05:43I did, mom.
01:05:44But am I saying that?
01:05:45What are you saying, then?
01:05:47I swear.
01:05:48I swear.
01:05:52Tell me.
01:05:54What's going to happen to Mahir?
01:06:02Why are you looking at me like that?
01:06:03The days are passing.
01:06:06Aren't you going to bring Mahir?
01:06:08Is it his turn now?
01:06:10It's his turn, dad.
01:06:12I'm sorry.
01:06:13If you don't have anything to do,
01:06:14I'll bring Mahir.
01:06:15Is it your turn?
01:06:16Who the hell are you?
01:06:21I swear it's my turn.
01:06:22I swear it's my turn.
01:06:24Cleaning up my brother's mess
01:06:25was my turn when I was 13.
01:06:27I was your savior back then.
01:06:28I was the only son of your family.
01:06:31I never taught you
01:06:32how to talk to your father and your father.
01:06:36I'm sorry, mom.
01:06:38I have no respect for you.
01:06:39I have no respect for my father either.
01:06:40But it's come this far.
01:06:43My beautiful daughter-in-law
01:06:44raised Sıla like her own child.
01:06:46That girl is like our child.
01:06:48Do you realize
01:06:49what Sıla's situation is?
01:06:52You know, right?
01:06:53Don't make me say it.
01:06:56We know.
01:06:58We know.
01:07:01You know about the Urfa laws,
01:07:02then, mom.
01:07:04You know,
01:07:05they messed it up.
01:07:06It's a matter of honor now.
01:07:08What are you talking about?
01:07:09I haven't even laid the groundwork
01:07:10for my son yet.
01:07:17I'm sorry, dad.
01:07:20you're going to break your neck.
01:07:23I'm sorry, aunt.
01:07:24I have no respect for you,
01:07:25but what I'm saying is true.
01:07:26Get out of here.
01:07:27Don't bother me anymore.
01:07:29I'm not going, dad.
01:07:30I'm not going.
01:07:31Call Mahir.
01:07:32I'll talk to him.
01:07:33Or give me his number.
01:07:34I'll call him. I'll talk to him.
01:07:35I'll bring him here.
01:07:36He's not answering his phone.
01:07:37Don't you get it?
01:07:39Oh, my God.
01:07:40Okay, my beautiful father.
01:07:41Okay, I'm a victim.
01:07:42Then don't call me.
01:07:44Look, you know what we'll do?
01:07:45Let's pull the teams.
01:07:46Let's face him like Jilet.
01:07:48He's in Denizli.
01:07:49Okay, Denizli is over there.
01:07:50It's a five or six-hour drive.
01:07:51If we go now, we'll be there by night.
01:07:53No, why are you pulling the team?
01:07:56Let him know who he's dealing with.
01:07:58Let him understand our seriousness.
01:08:00Let him know who Ferman Yilmaz is.
01:08:03Let's hold him by the arm.
01:08:04Right, mom?
01:08:05What if he has a fiancee?
01:08:07What if he has a lover?
01:08:09Just because we wanted it,
01:08:11would he come and marry Sıla after 30 years?
01:08:13He hasn't even come and seen us yet.
01:08:15I swear I'm going crazy.
01:08:16I swear I'm going crazy.
01:08:18What's wrong with you, Mahir?
01:08:19Where does all this understanding come from?
01:08:20I don't understand.
01:08:21When was such a democratic structure established here?
01:08:25What does it have to do with us that you love him?
01:08:27I paid for his father's mistake in the past.
01:08:30Now there's no other Ferman Yilmaz.
01:08:32Let him pay his debt.
01:08:33I swear, I'm sorry.
01:08:48Look at what they did to you because of me.
01:08:50It hurts so much.
01:08:51Should we apply cream or something?
01:08:53It's okay, Feza. It's okay.
01:08:54It'll heal. Come on.
01:08:56It's already healed.
01:08:57It's gone.
01:09:03The commissioner put the ring on your finger.
01:09:06I swear, all my pains are gone now.
01:09:09You know what?
01:09:10I'll say,
01:09:11why are you here, girl?
01:09:13Did he put the ring on and leave you?
01:09:15He didn't.
01:09:18If he was going to, he would have left at night.
01:09:19After all, no one forced him.
01:09:22But he hid me.
01:09:23He protected me.
01:09:25And he put the ring on my finger.
01:09:31Do you know what this ring means?
01:09:33Mahir's promise to me.
01:09:35Actually, he was going to wear it when we got married in the cave.
01:09:37But then he gave up when he heard my name.
01:09:40Oh, coward.
01:09:41No, he's not a coward.
01:09:43He was just surprised.
01:09:44He thought all night.
01:09:46Where have you been all night?
01:09:49In the forest, in the shelter.
01:09:54Did you do something?
01:09:55Don't be ridiculous.
01:09:57He didn't even touch me.
01:10:00He hid me to protect me.
01:10:02Then I guess he made his decision while I was sleeping.
01:10:04I woke up in the morning, the ring on my finger.
01:10:07What does that mean?
01:10:08It means I'm going to marry you.
01:10:11What happened, girl?
01:10:12Then you came here.
01:10:13Where's Mahir?
01:10:14I don't know.
01:10:15We were at the gas station.
01:10:16He was waiting for me.
01:10:17I went to the bathroom and checked.
01:10:18He's not there.
01:10:19Did he go?
01:10:20No, he didn't go.
01:10:21Either he had a job or something happened to him.
01:10:23I don't know.
01:10:24After all, he's a big commissioner.
01:10:25Then he should have told me.
01:10:27He couldn't have told me.
01:10:28Because my bag, my phone, etc.
01:10:29It's always in his car.
01:10:30How could he tell me?
01:10:33Your father sent a message.
01:10:35Your daughter is here.
01:10:37Who sent it to him then?
01:10:38I don't know.
01:10:39I waited there for a long time.
01:10:40Someone on the way saw him.
01:10:42The people at the gas station recognized him.
01:10:43That's how they told me.
01:10:44After all, he's a big commissioner.
01:10:45He might even have a special mission.
01:10:46Can you give me his phone number?
01:10:47I'll give it to you.
01:10:48What are you going to do with the phone, girl?
01:10:49I'm going to call Mahir.
01:10:50What's the number?
01:10:51It's in my memory.
01:10:52My daughter, what did you memorize?
01:10:53Sare, I memorize everyone's phone number.
01:10:54Don't laugh.
01:11:27Kac symbol.
01:11:28My mantra.
01:11:30My mantra.
01:11:31The most powerful mantra in our school.
01:11:32That's right.
01:11:33Look at me for a minute.
01:11:34Care about me.
01:11:35Make me happy.
01:11:36I'm not directly appealing.
01:11:37There's something more fun.
01:11:38There seems to be a hole in your heart happened to me.
01:11:39Right now.
01:11:40I'm so scared of him.
01:11:41I don't believe it.
01:11:42Why did you go to Bersage? Are you okay?
01:11:48I took care of everything.
01:11:51We will get married tomorrow at 11.
01:11:55We will have a small wedding between us.
01:11:57The matter will be closed.
01:11:59Look, I found Can Fezai and brought him back home.
01:12:03You see, I keep my promises to you.
01:12:06Right, you do it even if it's late.
01:12:08It doesn't suit us to be enemies. We will be relatives.
01:12:12We need to re-establish the trust between us.
01:12:16Tomorrow is the wedding. You will take my daughter, but I still don't know where the goods are.
01:12:21I don't know if it's safe or not.
01:12:23Don't worry, they are safe.
01:12:26Where do you keep the goods?
01:12:28You come to the wedding. After the wedding, you take the goods on the way and leave us.
01:12:32What if you don't bring it?
01:12:34Didn't you say let's re-establish the trust between us?
01:12:37I keep my promises to you.
01:12:40I accept.
01:12:42We are waiting for tomorrow morning.
01:12:44Wait a minute.
01:12:45You just said a small ceremony between us, didn't you? I didn't mishear.
01:12:50Everyone knows the girl is sick.
01:12:52No one found out she ran away.
01:12:53I will give her a bite in the square tomorrow.
01:12:55I will inform her marriage.
01:12:56The world will shut up.
01:12:58But there is someone else who knows the girl ran away.
01:13:01The whole police force.
01:13:04Don't make a sound from the organization.
01:13:06Director Rashid is a solid man.
01:13:08I was disgraced by that organization, but my reputation is on the ground.
01:13:12If I'm going to marry your daughter, that wedding will be at the Rashid's concert.
01:13:17And everyone will learn this.
01:13:19No one can leave Selim Allame anywhere.
01:13:25What if we don't make it bigger?
01:13:27The event is already big, Mr. Kursat.
01:13:29You are afraid that your daughter will leave you halfway and you will not sit at that table.
01:13:34It happens once.
01:13:35Canfeza's hand is on the line.
01:13:37Then call him.
01:13:38Collect my reputation, which is on the ground, in front of all of them.
01:13:59Enjoy your meal.
01:14:02Welcome, sir.
01:14:03It's nice to see you often.
01:14:05Thank you.
01:14:08You left without eating anything last time.
01:14:10I'm sorry.
01:14:11What should I cook tonight?
01:14:12I left on duty.
01:14:13Bring me a soup from the front.
01:14:14No, no.
01:14:16By the way, did the camera recordings you sent to our director Rashid work?
01:14:21What recording?
01:14:22He asked us for the recordings last night.
01:14:24You came with the new commissioner.
01:14:26The recordings of that night.
01:14:28It worked, it worked.
01:14:30Look, it was good that you reminded me.
01:14:32Bring me those recordings.
01:14:34Well, commissioner, our friend turned it into a video, but...
01:14:38...he is available today.
01:14:39Shall I tell him to send a message?
01:14:41Okay, okay, Pasha.
01:14:42I'm sending the soup right away.
01:14:43Thank you.
01:14:54Mr. Selim sent it.
01:14:58Thank you.
01:15:05Oh, it's a beautiful wedding dress.
01:15:13Wedding dress?
01:15:17It's a shroud.
01:15:19I'll go get your dishes in the evening.
01:15:23They still think this is going to be a wedding.
01:15:28Look, Mahir saw the message.
01:15:30I told you five minutes ago.
01:15:32He didn't see it.
01:15:33It's not blue yet.
01:15:36Okay, look again.
01:15:37How many hours has it been?
01:15:43I'm going to the garden.
01:15:44I'm going to get some air.
01:15:45Girl, don't try to run away.
01:15:47Your father's men are not enough.
01:15:49Your father's men are not enough.
01:15:52Then where am I going to run away to?
01:15:55Don't worry, I won't do anything until I hear from Mahir.
01:16:10What's up?
01:16:20I'm Can Feza.
01:16:22Why did you go without notice?
01:16:24Are you okay?
01:16:26Someone told my father when you left the gas station.
01:16:29They took me home.
01:16:31They're going to marry that man.
01:16:33I told my father, too.
01:16:34I'll never say yes.
01:16:36If they want, they'll kill me.
01:16:38I don't care.
01:16:39You said you needed me.
01:16:42I need you.
01:16:43More than yesterday.
01:16:45You're the commissioner.
01:16:46You're the only one who can help me.
01:16:49Call me when you see my message.
01:16:51This is my friend Sare's phone.
01:17:07Are you still working?
01:17:09I'm working.
01:17:10I changed the turning points.
01:17:17These are not the turning points.
01:17:19I don't want Orhan to know that we're planning something.
01:17:22He won't understand.
01:17:31The girl's wedding is tomorrow at 11 a.m.
01:17:36Just before your father's wedding.
01:17:38But that's not the news.
01:17:41They invited me, too.
01:17:43They want me to come.
01:17:45Because the wedding will be a witness.
01:17:49You'll wait for me at the crossroads tomorrow.
01:17:53I'll let you know as soon as I get out of the wedding.
01:17:56No, I'll go to the wedding, too.
01:17:58Don't be ridiculous.
01:18:08Read it.
01:18:14The girl is waiting for you.
01:18:16She wants you to stop that wedding.
01:18:20Don't come to that wedding after this message.
01:18:23Forget it.
01:18:24I have to come to that wedding after this message.
01:18:27Don't you see what the girl wrote?
01:18:29Look, you don't even trust me that much.
01:18:32Don't you see how she trusts me?
01:18:34How can I not go there?
01:18:36Mahir, don't scare me.
01:18:38What are you going to do when you get to that wedding?
01:18:42Look, Mahir.
01:18:43I know you.
01:18:45Don't try to do anything without my knowledge.
01:18:48Otherwise, you'll ruin everything.
01:18:51Do you understand?
01:18:53I understand.
01:19:01What's going on?
01:19:03Did he kidnap the bride of the bridegroom?
01:19:07Of course, he kidnapped her.
01:19:09That's why my chief told me to find Mahir.
01:19:13What's going on, man?
01:19:16Mahir and Raj are doing something.
01:19:24It's summer tonight.
01:19:26Don't stay here.
01:19:27Come on, baby.
01:19:30I'm not cold, grandma.
01:19:32I'm not cold.
01:19:34I'm not cold, grandma.
01:19:36I'm burning inside.
01:19:40The fire that my father put in me is burning.
01:19:48Grandma, I'm going to ask you something.
01:19:50But you have to tell me the truth.
01:19:52Tell me the truth so that I won't wait for you anymore.
01:19:55I won't be disappointed.
01:20:01Is my moon and star Mahir?
01:20:05I think God knows, Canfeza.
01:20:08No human or creature other than the angels on duty...
01:20:13...can reach the house and safe where fate is hidden.
01:20:17Look at your heart.
01:20:20Because people know their fate.
01:20:24What does your heart say?
01:20:28My heart says...
01:20:31...that Mahir is the commissioner.
01:20:34Then what is his daughter?
01:20:41I wish it was a miracle.
01:20:44I wish Mahir came out of nowhere.
01:20:46I wish this marriage nonsense was over.
01:20:48I wish he took me away.
01:20:50Far away.
01:20:52Right there.
01:20:54It's very cold here, beautiful girl.
01:20:56Come on, let's go home.
01:20:58Come on, my dear.
01:21:00Okay, grandma, you go.
01:21:01I'll come later.
01:21:04I'll come later.
01:21:35I'm thinking.
01:21:36I'm thinking, but I can't think.
01:21:38Where was this girl last night?
01:21:40Who took her to that gas station?
01:21:43You've been asking me questions like it's the end of the world.
01:21:46I don't know, brother Savaş.
01:21:47I don't know.
01:21:48You know, Sare, you know.
01:21:49She'll tell you everything.
01:21:50Come on, tell your brother.
01:21:51Come on, tell him now.
01:21:52That's enough, Savaş.
01:21:53Leave the girl alone.
01:21:55Mom, he knows like the back of his hand, but he doesn't talk.
01:21:58They're getting the girl married.
01:22:00Are you kidding?
01:22:01Are you aware of the situation?
01:22:03We are aware of it, but are you aware of it?
01:22:07Know your place, son.
01:22:09Canfeza is getting married tomorrow.
01:22:11Know your place.
01:22:12Control yourself until tomorrow.
01:22:14Otherwise, I won't give you the right to be a mother.
01:22:33God, God.
01:23:04God, God.
01:23:07He was here.
01:23:10Why did he come in?
01:23:19Who are you?
01:23:20Where are you taking me?
01:23:21Say something now.
01:23:24Say something.
01:23:28God, help me.
01:23:33God, help me.
01:23:45This road goes to the forest.
01:23:50What are you going to do to me?
01:23:53What are you going to do to me?
01:23:54Why are you taking me to the forest?
01:23:56Open the door.
01:23:57What are you doing?
01:24:00Let me go.
01:24:01Let me go.
01:24:03Someone is waiting for you.
01:24:14Open the door.
01:24:16You can come in.
01:24:21Thank God.
01:24:24Thank God.
01:24:26Thank God.
01:24:43Welcome, beauty.
01:24:46Come in.
01:24:48It's cold outside.
01:24:50You'll get sick.
01:24:53I lit the stove for you.
01:24:56Come in.
01:25:12I think you're very surprised.
01:25:16Won't you look at my face?
01:25:19Look at my face!
01:25:26Very good.
01:25:27That's it.
01:25:30I should always surprise you from now on.
01:25:40How did you find this place?
01:25:41I always knew.
01:25:45What does that mean?
01:25:46That means...
01:25:48You were here with the commissioner yesterday.
01:25:52Did I do something wrong?
01:25:55I followed you.
01:25:57You did something to Mahir.
01:26:01I assure you that Mahir is healthy right now.
01:26:06I'm curious.
01:26:09I'm very curious.
01:26:11Why not me, but Mahir?
01:26:14I saw it in my dream.
01:26:17I knew it with my heart.
01:26:19You're a little girl living in the world of dreams and fairy tales.
01:26:26But there will be an end to this fairy tale.
01:26:29If you leave me alone again tomorrow at that table...
01:26:37Shoot, kill me, kill me now.
01:26:41Because you'll be alone at the wedding table tomorrow.
01:26:43You'll be alone.
01:26:47Mahir has nothing to do with you.
01:26:49This is not about you.
01:26:51This is about us.
01:26:52Even I'm not.
01:26:54Your father.
01:26:56Mahir did everything to catch us.
01:26:59Don't you understand that yet?
01:27:04You're a smart man.
01:27:07You're trying to confuse me.
01:27:10Maybe I'm not as smart as you, but I live with my heart.
01:27:17I trust my heart.
01:27:19My heart says Mahir won't leave me.
01:27:26I have an offer for you.
01:27:29We'll play a gamble with you.
01:27:33What gamble?
01:27:34A gamble on our future.
01:27:36I'll prove to you that Mahir is after us, not you.
01:27:45Like this.
01:27:47I'll take you home.
01:27:49You're free to do whatever you want until tomorrow's wedding.
01:27:53If you want, call Mahir. I'll help him.
01:27:56Until tomorrow's wedding, even if Mahir makes a single move to save you...
01:28:01I swear to you, I'll say no to that table.
01:28:07But if Mahir doesn't come and doesn't do anything, you'll say yes to me on that table.
01:28:15You or me.
01:28:18Until one of us dies, you can't get rid of me.
01:28:24I will never leave you.
01:28:28Do you accept?
01:28:34I accept.
01:28:36I accept.
01:28:50My legs, my legs.
01:28:52I'm so sleepy.
01:28:59Dad, this is the house.
01:29:07What did I tell you, dad?
01:29:09It took exactly six hours.
01:29:11Here we are. We're at Mahir's door.
01:29:16Dad, look, don't open your mouth. I love your eyes.
01:29:19Say what you have to say.
01:29:20If necessary, pull Mahir.
01:29:37Oh, thank God.
01:29:43What happened, Mrs. Suzan?
01:29:45A lot of black cars came to the street.
01:29:47A lot of men got in. They're all looking here.
01:29:52I'm sorry, but you're all glass.
01:29:55Oh, thank you, Mrs. Sureyya.
01:29:57When I saw him like that, I was scared.
01:29:59I don't like it at all.
01:30:01I don't like people who look through the glass.
01:30:03Then they talk behind your back.
01:30:05Besides, look through the glass.
01:30:07Mahir will come soon.
01:30:08Mehmet will come.
01:30:09They'll come hungry like wolves.
01:30:10Those pots are empty.
01:30:11Oh, I'll take care of it right away.
01:30:15I'll take care of it.
01:30:18No, I'll take care of it.
01:30:35I'll take care of it.
01:31:05I'll take care of it.
01:31:11Oh, Safa.
01:31:15Will you give us a moment, girl?
01:31:28I heard you lost your mind.
01:31:31But after all these years, since you know me...
01:31:35I'm here for you.
01:31:46I'm here for my grandson.
01:31:48I want to see Mahir.
01:31:50Mahir is not at home.
01:31:54Did you remember 30 years later, Mahir?
01:31:59I never forgot.
01:32:04But because of you, in this mortal world...
01:32:07I couldn't have a child or a grandchild.
01:32:11I hated you so much...
01:32:14I gave up my own child.
01:32:18Was I the reason?
01:32:21If you had come and seen, you wouldn't have wanted it, Mehmet.
01:32:23You wouldn't have wanted it.
01:32:24If you had come and seen...
01:32:27Still the same audacity.
01:32:30You haven't changed at all.
01:32:32If you forgot, let me remind you.
01:32:35Because of you, we left our place, our homeland...
01:32:38We moved to Istanbul.
01:32:40First from our child...
01:32:42Then you took us from our land.
01:32:46I didn't do anything.
01:32:48I didn't do anything.
01:32:50You wanted Mehmet to make a choice.
01:32:56And he chose me.
01:32:59Because you confused my son's mind.
01:33:02You bewitched him.
01:33:04You opened the gap between the child and the parents.
01:33:07You shattered a family.
01:33:09You took Mehmet from us.
01:33:11Mehmet died a curse to his parents.
01:33:19What? Is Mehmet dead?
01:33:21We couldn't even go to our son's funeral.
01:33:23Shut up now.
01:33:24Shut up, get out of here.
01:33:26Get out of here before Mehmet hears you.
01:33:29Mehmet is dead, woman.
01:33:30My son is dead, our son is dead.
01:33:33You don't have a place to sleep, Süreyya.
01:33:35How were we going to look for Mahir when you were here?
01:33:39Would you leave now?
01:33:42I'm not going anywhere without talking to Mahir.
01:33:49It's been an hour.
01:33:50It's been an hour.
01:33:52Should I tell my grandmother?
01:33:57Canfeza, you should have told me if you ran away.
01:34:04Canfeza, where are you?
01:34:08How did you get out?
01:34:10Sare, that man knows everything about you.
01:34:14Mahir, the hut.
01:34:16He kidnapped the men and took me to the hut.
01:34:18God, help me.
01:34:20What are we going to do?
01:34:21I made a deal with him.
01:34:23What deal?
01:34:25If Mahir takes a step to save me by the time of the wedding,
01:34:29Selim will release me.
01:34:33Really. He'll never come back again.
01:34:36What if Mahir doesn't come?
01:34:39He has to come.
01:34:41I dedicated my life to him.
01:34:43To him?
01:34:45Or will this maniac kill you?
01:34:47I wish he killed me, Sare.
01:34:50Or I'll have to marry him.
01:34:53I'll go. My life will end.
01:34:57Mahir saw the message, but he didn't call.
01:35:00Give me the phone.
01:35:12Someone told my father when you left the gas station.
01:35:15They took me home.
01:35:17They will marry that man.
01:35:21I told my father. I'll never say yes.
01:35:24If they want, they can kill me. I don't care.
01:35:27You said you needed me.
01:35:30I need you.
01:35:32Even more than yesterday.
01:35:34You're the commissioner. You're the only one who can help me.
01:35:37Sometimes I think I can fix some things,
01:35:41but if things don't go as you plan,
01:35:45you'll lose that chance.
01:35:47I've thought about everything.
01:35:48Don't worry.
01:35:50My calculations are accurate.
01:36:00Pick up the phone.
01:36:06Yes, Ms. Suzan.
01:36:09Hello, Mr. Mahir.
01:36:11Mr. Mahir, it's my mother.
01:36:16What's going on?
01:36:18Ms. Suzan, talk to me.
01:36:20She had a heart attack.
01:36:24We're going to the hospital now.
01:36:26We're behind the ambulance.
01:36:29Did something happen? Is she alive?
01:36:31They did something at home.
01:36:33She was alive when they took her to the ambulance.
01:36:36But they didn't take me to the ambulance.
01:36:39Okay, find a location. I'm coming.
01:36:48She's talking to someone else.
01:36:53You can call again.
01:36:55Come on, let's go inside.
01:36:57It's cold outside.
01:37:18What's going on?
01:37:26It's like she's coming from Pisa to sell her mother.
01:37:29We said she had a heart attack.
01:37:31I decided to bring you with me.
01:37:34Damn it!
01:37:36I'm serious, dad.
01:37:49She's here.
01:37:51I swear it was her.
01:37:54She's my brother's copy.
01:38:00What happened? Is your mother okay?
01:38:02They took Ms. Sureyya to the emergency room.
01:38:04She was fine in the morning.
01:38:06I don't know.
01:38:08A man came and they talked to him.
01:38:10Then he collapsed and bled.
01:38:12Calm down. Which man?
01:38:14Which man?
01:38:16That man.
01:38:45Why did you come here?
01:38:47You don't look like your father, grandson.
01:38:51It's like Mehmet was standing in front of me.
01:38:53Why did you come here?
01:38:55I've been looking for you.
01:38:57But I couldn't find you.
01:38:59Anyway, I told you not to call me when we talked.
01:39:02I had to come.
01:39:08How did you find us?
01:39:10I always knew where you were.
01:39:12I always knew.
01:39:14I never took my eyes off you.
01:39:19You never took your eyes off me?
01:39:23I was ten years old.
01:39:25I lost my father.
01:39:27My mother went crazy.
01:39:30She moved in with my grandmother.
01:39:32To Bursa.
01:39:34Was she right in front of us?
01:39:38My grandmother and uncle died in a car accident.
01:39:42My mother and I were left alone.
01:39:44We were all alone.
01:39:46Were you right in front of us then?
01:39:50We moved to the second floor.
01:39:52Eight years.
01:39:54It was very difficult.
01:39:56Could you see me in that dust?
01:39:58Could you pick me up?
01:40:04It's been 30 years.
01:40:08You never saw me.
01:40:10Why did you come to me now?
01:40:13Why did you come when I didn't need you anymore?
01:40:19You almost killed my mother.
01:40:24Why did you come?
01:40:27Tell me.
01:40:30I didn't mean to hurt your mother.
01:40:33But you did.
01:40:35I just wanted to talk to her.
01:40:39Stay away from us.
01:40:47Our family needs you.
01:40:49Our family?
01:40:51Mr. Asad, I have a family.
01:40:53They are in prison.
01:40:55My mother...
01:41:01No matter how much you deny it,
01:41:06your veins are still mine.
01:41:09The songs you listen to are mine.
01:41:12Your smell, your water...
01:41:14Even the things you say are mine.
01:41:17You are my grandson.
01:41:19And I am your father.
01:41:25I've been telling you for 30 years.
01:41:28You are your own son.
01:41:31You didn't come to your own son's funeral.
01:41:34Is it a lie?
01:41:36You didn't do it.
01:41:38He died alone.
01:41:39He died alone.
01:41:41What right do you have to come to me now?
01:41:43Say something.
01:41:46Your father...
01:41:48He married someone we didn't want.
01:41:52He put his family on the road...
01:41:55...for the sake of a funeral.
01:41:59But ever since your father died...
01:42:02...my heart is always dry.
01:42:05My heart is always burning.
01:42:06Do you want me to lose my father?
01:42:10Mr. Asaf.
01:42:13I am sorry.
01:42:15You didn't lose your father.
01:42:18You left my father alone.
01:42:22He was left alone in front of the whole tribe.
01:42:27He died with a broken heart.
01:42:29My grandson.
01:42:36Before he died, he always listened to Urfa Turkish.
01:42:40He used to look at your photo.
01:42:42He missed you so much.
01:42:44You know?
01:42:53What did my father do?
01:42:54What did he do?
01:42:58What did he do to make you so sad?
01:43:04He loved someone, didn't he?
01:43:08You left him alone because your father loved someone.
01:43:12Your own son.
01:43:14He died alone.
01:43:17I didn't want it to be like this.
01:43:19But it happened.
01:43:21None of us wanted it.
01:43:24You can't change anything.
01:43:26There's nothing you can do.
01:43:28I don't want to see you.
01:43:32Mr. Asaf.
01:43:34Go away.
01:43:37Don't come back.
01:43:44I won't come back.
01:43:49You deserve it.
01:43:55You're right.
01:43:58No matter what your father did,
01:44:01we should have protected you.
01:44:04You're the most innocent,
01:44:06you're the smartest.
01:44:09Your father's crime
01:44:11shouldn't be blamed on the children.
01:44:20We have an address here.
01:44:25Maybe it's too late.
01:44:27Maybe it's too early.
01:44:29God knows.
01:44:31But if you need anything,
01:44:33know that you have a grandfather, son.
01:44:54I love you.
01:45:24I have a grandfather, son.
01:45:54I have a grandfather, son.
01:46:23I have a grandfather, son.
01:46:49I have a grandfather, son.
01:47:13I have a grandfather, son.
01:47:40I have a grandfather, son.
01:48:07I have a grandfather, son.
01:48:34I have a grandfather, son.
01:48:59I have a grandfather, son.
01:49:26I have a grandfather, son.
01:49:55I have a grandfather, son.
01:50:19I have a grandfather, son.
01:50:47I have a grandfather, son.
01:51:17I have a grandfather, son.
01:51:47I have a grandfather, son.
01:52:11I have a grandfather, son.
01:52:41I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:04I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:31I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:32I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:33I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:34I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:35I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:36I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:37I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:38I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:39I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:40I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:41I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:42I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:43I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:44I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:45I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:46I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:47I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:48I have a grandfather, son.
01:53:50She'll be here soon.
01:54:05Don't worry.
01:54:11Come, my girl. Come.
01:54:42You've become so beautiful, just so you know.
01:54:52I think I won the game.
01:54:55What game?
01:55:00Don't. Don't you dare say I'm crying.
01:55:05I'll be sorry for your tears that fall like pearls.
01:55:07Did you hear me? Don't ever say that to yourself.
01:55:13Is there something I don't know how to say?
01:55:22The chief inspector is here, sir.
01:55:24The wedding officer. He came from behind.
01:55:27Don't keep him waiting. Let him in.
01:55:29They're getting out of the car, sir.
01:55:35Good day.
01:55:36Good day. Welcome, officer. Welcome.
01:55:38Thank you.
01:55:39Come, let me take you.
01:55:40Come, sir.
01:55:44Good day, sir.
01:55:45Good day, chief inspector. Welcome.
01:55:47Thank you.
01:56:35He's here.
01:56:45Chief inspector Mahir, right? Welcome.
01:56:54I brought chief inspector Mahir, without your permission.
01:56:58Not at all. Not at all.
01:57:00You've honoured me. Not at all.
01:57:14Chief inspector Mahir sent you the location of Can Pezan.
01:57:29Is that so?
01:57:30Chief inspector, if you found him, why didn't you bring him here?
01:57:41They heard about the announcement.
01:57:43I mean, I had information.
01:57:44The bandit was in my hand.
01:57:46I saw him waiting at the gas station.
01:57:48I knew he was kidnapped.
01:57:51I thought he might have run away when I saw him alone.
01:57:54If I had told him I was a cop, he might have known.
01:57:56So I called you.
01:57:57What have you done?
01:58:04Mr. Mahir.
01:58:06Mr. Mahir.
01:58:10Thank you very much.
01:58:13In return for your kindness,
01:58:16if I offered you to be our wedding witness,
01:58:20would I have been impolite?
01:58:23Chief inspector.
01:58:29With pleasure.
01:58:41Chief inspector Rashid is a witness.
01:58:43Let's take the concert.
01:58:45Chief inspector.
01:59:17We examined the application you made to our municipality for marriage
01:59:21and we saw that there was no obstacle to your marriage.
01:59:24Today, I would like to ask you again in the presence of witnesses and guests.
01:59:29Canfeza Kinimci.
01:59:30Without any pressure,
01:59:32do you accept Selim Allame as your husband?
