Honey Kisaragi is a high school student at Sainte Chapelle Girls' School. On her 16th birthday, when she returns home, s | dHNfU25CRFFZdU1yQ2M
00:00The flower is noble and beautiful.
00:06No matter what kind of storm of fate may befall it,
00:10it will never lose its nobility.
00:12The flower of Ichirin.
00:15The miracle maiden will now bloom beautifully.
00:19Honey Flash!
00:30Honey Flash!
00:41Look at this trendy girl.
00:44Look at this petite girl.
00:47Look at me, honey.
00:50I mean, I mean, I mean, come on.
00:56Please, please, don't hurt me.
01:02My heart is pounding.
01:09No, no, no, I don't want to look at you.
01:14Honey Flash!
01:22Please, please, don't come near me.
01:28My heart is pounding.
01:35No, no, no, I don't want to look at you.
01:40Honey Flash!
01:49Honey Flash!