• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:07Hi, Shia.
00:08If you're just watching, I thank you for watching.
00:11I'm going to try to download this video, Shia, on the camera.
00:17On the ring camera, I'm going to try to record it so that you can get a better quality view.
00:31So, in this video, I'm just going to tell you the notes.
00:39And, I'm also going to start recording on here, because there's less chances of the video being able to be deleted.
00:55So, when I have to show you the security camera footage, I'm going to show it to you on the laptop.
01:02But, I'm going to now record.
01:05And, I don't know why I keep looking at the camera, but it looks like I'm looking at the corner of the cell phone.
01:18I'm not really sure why that is.
01:21I think I have to actually look at the camera on the left here.
01:31So, yeah, that's what I have to do.
01:40So, I have to, um, they're trying to time this, Shia, to, like, build some kind of story that's not true.
01:47However, I got some information, and I have to explain it to you immediately.
01:54Well, I remember. And, wow, it's written down.
01:59So, I just want to explain to you real quick that ever since I have, it's not the best to have this cell phone going horizontal,
02:18because I can't look at myself in the video like it's looking at you.
02:27Like, with this camera, it's easier because it's right above, but this is over here.
02:33So, I'm going to have to get used to that.
02:49Okay, so this just stopped recording.
02:53So, the problem with this, taking the video on this,
02:58if I touch the screen, it doesn't have to be touching on the stop button.
03:06It stops.
03:08So, I wanted to record the video on this camera.
03:16However, I just cut off three minutes of it.
03:19So, I'm just going to record it on here.
03:22And I have to give you some information in this video, Shia, before I show you the security camera videos.
03:30And I know that I'm taking up a lot of your time.
03:32However, I want you to know everything, Shia.
03:34I really want you to know everything.
03:37So, I wanted to show you the backup.
03:41So, I wanted to show you the backup.
03:45I wanted to show you what I look like on this backup camera.
03:53So, I have to explain something to you, what's going on with my face and body and movements and how I act.
04:02And they've been building this synthetic AI thing for like 10 years now.
04:10And they've repeatedly said all week, now that I started the security camera,
04:22that the hacker is going to use AI to make me look like a family member,
04:29so that you are forced to feel like you are cheating on me and that you are attracted to that family member.
04:36This has repeatedly been said to me.
04:38It's been said to me like hundreds of times, hundreds of thousands of times this past year with V2K.
04:48So, the hacker and one of my female family members, not immediate family members, teamed up.
04:56She and her husband teamed up, but she teamed up with the hacker to steal my identity.
05:04Specifically, these past 10 years when I gained a ton of weight, when I was at 150 pounds,
05:11because the family member is or was, I haven't seen her, it was big.
05:20And so, they tried to steal my identity, trying to say, oh, well, you're her now, you're her now.
05:26And they didn't just try to like use my weight.
05:30They tried to like do my mannerisms, my actions, the way I talk or look or whatever.
05:36I actually don't really...
05:46This is actually, she's actually participating in creating a S-E-X-U-A-L affair with you
05:54by trying to steal my identity and change my looks and how I act into her.
05:59This is actually a crime.
06:02She's participating in creating an S-E-X-U-A-L affair.
06:07And she has agreed with the hacker to do this to me.
06:11And this has been going on for 10 years now, but it's gotten very, very worse this past year
06:16since I've been on the camera talking to you.
06:18And I have not said this on over the internet because I have not been allowed.
06:23So, in order to steal my identity, to give me pure humiliation,
06:30because this family member has been murderously jealous of my looks and the way I act
06:35and who I am my entire life.
06:37So, this was perfect for her to do this.
06:40And they're trying to blame it on the stroke.
06:43Oh, it's just a stroke. You're just like her now because it's just a stroke.
06:46Like the stroke's just kind of like turned you into her.
06:49They've actually used synthetic AI and artificial technologies
06:54to attempt to make me look and act and be her and move like her.
07:03I don't notice it all the time, but they constantly try to point it out at times
07:11and then remind me, well, we're forcing Shia to cheat on you by turning your family member into you.
07:22This is the same family member that created an entire fake affair to try to accuse me.
07:30Along with other family members, she and her husband tried to create a fake affair
07:36to make me look like I was stealing her husband away from her.
07:42The criminals that do things to other people and try to accuse them of doing it,
07:50they're the ones that do that type of thing.
07:52She's actually doing what she tried to accuse me of doing to her and her husband.
07:58She's actually doing it.
08:00She's actually trying to create a sexual affair by trying to attempt to steal my identity and turn me into her.
08:08Because of the level of possession I have, they can do that.
08:12So she is going to be tortured for this. She's going to be tortured for this.
08:19And this is pure sexual harassment and it's pure humiliation to do this to me for so long.
08:25It's been going on for 10 years.
08:27But this past, when I've been on the internet talking to you this past two years, it's been extreme.
08:37And they point it out to me all the time.
08:39So this is identity theft.
08:46And the hacker has also put computer ads to make me think, to continue to harass and attack me with it.
08:58And it's been only, I've never ever thought I'd look like her my entire life.
09:02It's just these 8 to 10 years to try to make it look natural because I got big, like all of a sudden I'm her.
09:09I never ever acted or looked like her. Never.
09:18And it got even way more obvious with the security camera.
09:22They're like really heightening it up, like acting like, no, no, this isn't you.
09:25This is your family member. This is your family member.
09:28And Shia's going to see you, like walk around and be like, no, that's Alyssa.
09:33Oh wait, but it's not Alyssa.
09:35So he's going to be cheating on me and having an affair because of what they're doing to Alyssa's body.
09:41And Shia, no, you're not cheating on me and having an affair.
09:45However, this criminal family member is sexually assaulting and harassing you by doing that and by participating in it.
09:55And she has agreed for this to occur.
09:58She has agreed and she's done it herself.
10:01So this family member has been murderously jealous of me my entire life.
10:07Now she's stealing my love.
10:10She's been murderously jealous of me my entire life.
10:13Now she's stealing my looks, stealing my identity and trying to turn me into her.
10:20Not only does that make me really sick to my stomach, that's fucking disgusting and filthy and gross.
10:26And she's, I've never like been jealous of her.
10:31I've never been jealous of her and there's a reason.
10:34I've never been jealous of her looks and her acts and the way she is. Ever.
10:41So, and by the way, this family member along with her husband is going to jail in the future.
10:49So, since I gained weight all of a sudden, I'm no longer me.
10:56So that's identity theft right there. That's identity theft. That's spirit and soul theft.
11:01They're using AI to make some of my looks, my mannerisms into that family member with AI.
11:09And then they try to point it out all the time and then they use extra AI when they're looking through my eyes
11:14to try to make me see that person and not me.
11:18This is the same family member that stole a hairdo and I haven't been allowed to wear a ponytail
11:26or else I'll turn into this family member.
11:29And this has been going on for maybe 12 or 13 years now.
11:35And I hate this family member. I hate her.
11:40I never really hated her until the hackers showed up and they all started ganging up on me.
11:46I didn't really, I was pretty neutral. We didn't really hang out a lot.
11:53Just family gatherings, I talked to her.
11:56This family member has agreed to do this to me.
12:02So she accuses me of trying to steal her husband with all these rigged, staged events.
12:10And it's 100% false. I never tried to do that or even liked her or tried to do that at all.
12:19I don't like her husband. I never liked her husband. I never wanted to steal her husband from her.
12:25And now she's actually doing what she tried to accuse me of doing.
12:33And she's doing it naturally. She's naturally doing it.
12:37She's trying to steal my husband by trying to change my looks and acts and movements into her.
12:43And this isn't a family member that's... I'm not going to explain it.
12:47And they're constantly saying to me, Shia, Shia is attracted to her, not you.
12:51Shia is attracted to her, not you.
12:53Because we're changing your looks and how you act and turning her into her.
13:00So Shia doesn't like you. Shia likes your family member.
13:05So this really has been killing my spirit, Shia.
13:09And they say, oh, it's all from the weight gain.
13:12And they say, oh, it's all from the weight gain.
13:15Because of your stroke, your whole personality has changed and you're her now.
13:22They have these artificial intelligent duplicates.
13:26Like I told you, sometimes I act like my mom because she's done a duplicate of herself.
13:34That doesn't really bother me because...
13:38She's my mom and it's completely different.
13:46She's not trying to intentionally steal you away from me.
13:52They're accusing you of being attracted to my family member.
13:59Because they're using AI to make me feel like they're forcing this synthetic AI personality.
14:08Not just personality. I have full body possession.
14:11They can do like movements and facial features or facial expressions or whatever.
14:17And they're trying to change me to make me look...
14:20And this person has had a serious problem with me these past 15, 20 years.
14:25Extreme problem.
14:27Along with her other family members.
14:30So this family member, among the other things that this family member has done...
14:35She is sexually harassing me and you.
14:38She is sexually assaulting me and you.
14:41And she's definitely sexually assaulting you, Shia.
14:46I don't care if this is synthetic.
14:49It doesn't matter if it's synthetic.
14:53It's not completely synthetic, Shia.
14:56It's not completely synthetic.
15:01Because they have intention behind it.
15:04She's intentionally doing it.
15:06And she intentionally wants me to feel like you want her and not me.
15:12Because what they're doing is stealing my identity.
15:15They're a bunch of fucking pigs is what they are.
15:19This same family member tried to build a fake affair.
15:23Like I wanted to steal her husband from her.
15:26I never wanted to steal her husband from her.
15:29This is...
15:33I hate these two. I hate them.
15:41These are the type of people...
15:43This family member, this female family member...
15:46She is the type of person that is doing this to me.
15:52She attempted to accuse me of doing this.
15:55By doing all these staged, rigged events that they did with other family members.
16:01To try to make me feel S-U-I-C-D-A-L.
16:04They really thought that I would K-I-L myself.
16:07And try to be fooled to think that I...
16:12They actually...
16:14I never did this to her.
16:16I never tried to steal her husband from her, Shaya.
16:19It was all a fake event.
16:22With possession.
16:25And I have...
16:27So I never did this to her.
16:29But this is what she's doing to me.
16:31And she's literally doing it.
16:33She's literally doing it.
16:35And if she's not doing it, she's asking others to do it for her.
16:40With the military-grade A.I. weapons.
16:45This same family member...
16:47I'm not going to say that on the internet.
16:54If I tried hugging the pillow one time...
17:00And like holding you...
17:02They spent like several weeks a month saying no.
17:06They spent like several weeks a month saying no.
17:09No, they'll turn you into someone else.
17:13And your husband will not be holding you, Alyssa.
17:20So there's more to this story, Shaya, that I'm telling you.
17:24This is very classic of a criminal.
17:27To accuse others of what they do to themselves.
17:30Based on her...
17:37Based on...
17:39Well, her parent was a cheater-cheater.
17:44So it's possible she has it in her to be like her parent.
17:49Her dad.
17:52She possibly has it in her to try to attempt to steal my husband, Shaya, from me.
18:00This is sexual assault, sexual harassment, identity theft, and probably many other things.
18:08However, this has been going on for a long time.
18:11And I've just been constantly just shot with humiliation and shame over and over and over.
18:15Like you're too embarrassed to tell Shaya this is awful.
18:18You can't...
18:20No, they've been possessing me and just attacking me over and over and over.
18:23And killing my spirit doing it.
18:26This makes me very angry, Shaya.
18:28It makes me extremely angry.
18:31They show me when they're doing it sometimes when I don't believe it.
18:35Because I don't like...
18:38It's not chronic 24-7, but they show me when they do it.
18:42This female family member is going to be tortured.
18:48She, along with others, is creating this situation.
18:53She, along with others, is creating a real, a real S-E-X-U-A-L affair.
19:01In an attempt to not only make my husband, Shaya, feel like he's forced to be cheating on me.
19:13And having an affair because I'm turning into someone else.
19:17This is a real affair.
19:20This is a real affair.
19:21This is a real, I'm stealing your husband.
19:23And I'm not allowing...
19:25I'm stealing your identity.
19:27I'm turning myself into you so Shaya likes me and not you.
19:31This has been said to me and this has been done to me for years now, Shaya.
19:41But they're claiming that they're using A.I. to make me look and move and act like her.
19:48And I've already explained to you all the other things that she's doing, so...
19:58I am angry, Shaya. I am angry.
20:00Because it just like really made, like, finally like...
20:04All these things happen to me and I finally realize like, wow, that's really obvious that that's happening to me.
20:11So I'm not going to use a straightener anymore.
20:13And I think part of why my hair is so thick is because the hair straightener is getting so high, it's damaging my hair.
20:20And it's scalding my fingers.
20:22They're burning, burnt to the touch.
20:25Your hair can start on fire if the hair straightener is too high.
20:31So, I'm not going to do that.
20:34I'm not going to do that.
20:37So, I'm not going to do that.
20:39I'm not going to use the toaster oven for more than a few minutes because that's also being tampered with and trying to explode, start on fire.
20:57So I'm not going to use that anymore because I looked it up.
21:07There's literally hundreds of thousands of things that these people did to me and do to me.
21:13I can't believe it.
21:15The amount of time and energy they've done to hate me.
21:18To hate me and attack me so much.
21:22I'm no longer going to keep the nightlight on either because the nightlight can be started on fire.
21:29So I'm not going to keep the nightlight on because I could burn myself.
21:34So I'm not going to keep the nightlight on because I could fall asleep and that nightlight could start on fire.
21:43And I really have to get one of those red things when you spray the water out of that red tank.
21:55Because if a fire starts over here and I'm blocked into this room, that's going to be very dangerous.
22:09So Shia, I wanted to show you the security video.
22:16Yeah, I'm going to show you the security.
22:20I woke up extremely tired, Shia.
22:24And by the way, who I showed you today about that person, it's very possible that there's a...
22:46It's an entity and there's a gay man inside her.
22:50And you've gotten more proof about what she did to me and I don't have any proof.
22:59And there was definitely ego gratification involved in stealing my power.
23:05That's what I got that you thought from what I told you.
23:13So I've gotten extremely tortured, Shia, today.
23:17And those are all the notes that I have.
23:19So now I'm going to show you the security recordings and...
23:31I will talk to you when I show you the security recordings in part two.
23:36Love you, Shia.
23:37Thank you, everybody, for watching.
23:38Thank you so much, Shia.
23:39Love you, Shia.
23:40Thank you, everybody, for watching.
23:41Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
