Mahahalagang tips para makapasa sa bar examination, alamin!

  • 2 weeks ago
Mahahalagang tips para makapasa sa bar examination, alamin!

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00:00Join us, Tuklasin, to see how being a lawyer can be a success in a field full of challenges and opportunities.
00:08Let's take a look.
00:13These are the people outside the Supreme Court,
00:16offices, and prisons whenever the results of the bar examinations are released.
00:21Are you one of those dreaming of becoming a lawyer?
00:24How hard is it to study law in the Philippines?
00:28How long?
00:29How expensive?
00:31According to an article published by an international education and legal blog,
00:36the Philippine Bar Examinations is the fourth most difficult bar examinations in the world.
00:42Its lowest passing rate in the country was recorded in 1999 at 16.59%.
00:50Meanwhile, in 1954, the highest passing rate was recorded at 75.17%.
00:57Aside from being difficult, it is also financially challenging to study law.
01:03Aside from four years in college, you need to study for another four to five years in law school.
01:10In the new curriculum released by the Legal Education Board,
01:13a law student needs to complete a minimum of 135 units.
01:18The tuition for private universities is estimated to be between Php 50,000 to Php 130,000 per semester.
01:27Aside from this, there are also allowances and books that you need to study.
01:31After that, you need to pass the bar exams.
01:34This process takes up to three days.
01:37It remains digitized and regionalized.
01:41Political law, public and international laws,
01:46commercial and taxation laws, civil law, criminal law, and others are aligned with the bar subjects.
01:50You need a 75% general average before you pass the exam.
01:56The score should not drop below 50% in all bar exams.
02:00According to Rule 1-8 of the Rules of Court,
02:03a bar candidate only has three chances to pass the bar.
02:08If he fails three times, he can still take the exam,
02:11but he needs to enroll again for the review subjects.
02:14It's not a joke to be a lawyer.
02:17Aside from the fatigue, time, and money it requires,
02:20you need to know the reason why you chose this profession.
02:25Aside from the title that will be added to your name,
02:29it is your responsibility to maintain the power of law and justice.
02:39The bar exam is one of the most important subjects
02:42for those who want to become lawyers in the Philippines.
02:45It is also one of the most difficult subjects
02:49that requires deep knowledge and dedication.
02:54In the continuation of the bar exam,
02:57to give us important tips on how to pass the bar exam,
03:00we will be joined by two talented lawyers and law professors,
03:05Atty. Dianne Lim and Atty. Roel Ilagan.
03:08Good morning and welcome to Rise and Shine Philippines.
03:10Good morning. Welcome to Rise and Shine Philippines.
03:12You mentioned the talented ones.
03:14In fact, during their law school days,
03:18Atty. Roel graduated top two of his batch in San Beda, Lututorian.
03:23Atty. Dianne is the first honorable mention top three.
03:26These are the ones who are really good at recitation in law school.
03:31They said that the preparation for the bar actually starts on the first day of law school.
03:37Atty. Roel, I want to know what did you do when you were still studying in San Beda?
03:42What really helped you in preparing for the bar?
03:44Definitely, the bar review starts not during the bar review season,
03:49but definitely it will start on your day one in law school.
03:52So me, instead of focusing on memorizing the legal provisions,
03:57I focus on understanding and grasping the essence of the law.
04:01So every time there are provisions, I think, why is the law like this?
04:05I always go back to the spirit and the reason behind the law.
04:08I always ask, if the law is like this, what is the reason behind it?
04:12Because if we focus on memorizing legal provisions,
04:15we have to understand, we have a short term memory.
04:17If we have a memory now, the following day we will forget.
04:21But we will remember the law if we know the reason why the law is like this.
04:26So I focus on that.
04:27So I brought it to the bar exam and even in practice.
04:30Okay, so find the wisdom in the law.
04:33You know that he understands the law.
04:35Not just memorization.
04:36Atty. Lim, how about you?
04:37For me, in addition to what Atty. Roel said,
04:40I have three things to live by during my law school days.
04:45First is prayer.
04:47I believe that your prayer should be specific so that the Lord will give it to you.
04:52So every day, my prayer is to pass my law school subjects on first take.
04:58Second, since I'm a working student, I have to study.
05:03So every time I have free time, I will study.
05:07And lastly, good deeds.
05:08Of course, whatever you plant, it will grow.
05:11So just help.
05:13Aside from the good feeling of helping, it will also come back to you.
05:18So pay it forward in law school.
05:20How about you, friends?
05:22For example, if you have food, do you bring your own food?
05:26Because sometimes, when we have a get-together, we bring our own food.
05:30That's true.
05:31Even when we have a family occasion, we study.
05:36Tell us about your bar exam experience.
05:40During those times, when the bar exam is nearing, you can't talk to each other,
05:45you don't get enough sleep, you're always at the church.
05:48What is your experience like?
05:51For me, it's always been my principle to strike a good balance
05:56between studying hard and also having a good life.
06:00So even during my bar exam review, I make sure that I also enjoy life.
06:05For me, it's very important that when you're a barista, you should have a good mental well-being.
06:11Because your ability to comprehend and understand what you're reading
06:15heavily relies on your mental disposition.
06:18If you feel tired, burned out, it will affect your performance.
06:22Instead of reading the material, for example, for one hour,
06:25because you're tired, you think life is negative,
06:28you'll read it for two hours.
06:30So it's important to me that I do self-care.
06:33After I work out or go to the gym, it's easier for me to understand what I'm reading.
06:38That's what I did, and it was effective for me.
06:41That is also what bar examiners should do.
06:44Because people think,
06:47okay, I'll watch a movie, I'll lose one hour, I won't be able to read 100 pages.
06:52But they don't think that it's important that you have a good disposition,
06:56you feel good about yourself.
06:58So your performance is better in studying the material.
07:01So they're mentally ready.
07:03That's true.
07:04So life should be balanced.
07:06The gym and work-out are in disarray during bar review.
07:10How was your experience at the bar?
07:12For me, that's right.
07:14You should be in the right headspace.
07:16I remember when I was reviewing, I was told by Dean Ted,
07:20the incumbent vice president,
07:22that I was even able to meet him at the mall.
07:24He said, you have a strong desire to go to the mall.
07:27I said, it's just a quick dinner, Dean.
07:29You have to have a break in between studying.
07:32That's what you need.
07:34So at least you have a fresh mind to read, to review.
07:39Can I add something?
07:41Do you do this on your own,
07:43or do you have the support of your family and close friends?
07:48You definitely need support.
07:50Your support group.
07:52Because you need it.
07:54Your experience with them is different.
07:56For example, you were brought during the bar exam.
07:58Of course, you need to be more confident.
08:00You need love and support.
08:03You need everything from them.
08:05I agree with that.
08:06So you have to have a strong support group
08:09that will tell you that you are not alone in this journey.
08:13Because it's so tiring to review.
08:15So first, you need to choose a friend who will motivate you.
08:19Because if you're surrounded by negative people,
08:22meaning all of you are like,
08:24I can't do this anymore, I'm going to defer next year,
08:26you're going to fail at the same time.
08:28So you need to choose your support group.
08:30Someone who will also motivate you to pursue your dream.
08:34That's right.
08:35Because when we cover the results of the bar exam,
08:38the family and friends cry.
08:41It's like you're with them in the hard times.
08:43Alright, I want to know,
08:44are there common mistakes that examiners should avoid,
08:47Atty. Roel?
08:49There are a lot.
08:51Because first of all,
08:53especially now, there are a lot of examiners for each subject.
08:57So the first thing that examiners think about is,
09:00who is the bar examiner?
09:01They will look for all the materials of a certain professor.
09:05There are a lot of materials.
09:07You can't finish your original materials.
09:10You will add additional materials.
09:13That will be the cause of additional stress to you.
09:15Especially if you can't focus.
09:17So my suggestion is,
09:18focus on the materials that you used during law school,
09:21bring them back,
09:23and then focus on the subjects that you are weak at.
09:26Because the bar exam really is about foundation.
09:29If you have a good foundation in law school,
09:31then the bar exam will be easier for you.
09:34How about you, Atty. A?
09:35I agree.
09:36Because right now, the materials are readily available.
09:40So while in the middle of reading a material,
09:45that professor will come out,
09:47they will switch.
09:48So in the end, they won't be able to finish the materials.
09:51Which will not be helpful.
09:53Because it's better to finish the syllabus,
09:55the bar syllabus,
09:56than to only study half of it.
09:59So you won't be able to focus.
10:01But again,
10:02that's the foundation.
10:03Your review starts on the first day of your law school.
10:07Do you have go-to food during the bar review?
10:09That helps you study.
10:10All coffee.
10:11Because usually,
10:13at Starbucks or other coffee shops,
10:16there are a lot of people reviewing.
10:18Yes, there are a lot of people studying.
10:19Do you have any activities to help you study?
10:23Do you have anything like that?
10:24Coffee and sweets.
10:26To wake up early.
10:29I spend half of my day at home.
10:31So what I do,
10:32it's also part of my routine.
10:34I relax.
10:35I make myself a cup of coffee.
10:38So last day of the bar exam,
10:40the Marvelous Bar on Sunday.
10:42Any final tips for those who will take the bar exam?
10:44Any message to them?
10:47To all the bar examinees,
10:49you are near the finish line.
10:52And this is the last week
10:53and probably the most challenging week for you.
10:56And if things will get difficult,
10:58as they say,
10:59you always go back to your big why.
11:02It means you always go back to the reason
11:04and your motivation for taking up law.
11:08So this is what you should hold on to
11:09and bring with you in this bar exam journey.
11:12And also,
11:13of course,
11:14as mentioned earlier,
11:15you have to pay it forward.
11:17As they say,
11:18to whom much is given,
11:19much is expected.
11:20When you become a lawyer,
11:22you'll be given a lot of opportunities.
11:24But you also must give back to the people.
11:28just to plug in,
11:30Integrated Bar of the Philippines,
11:31Quezon City,
11:32we have a lot of legal aid activities.
11:34So we conduct barangay legal aid caravan.
11:37So we will invite also the members.
11:40Now we provide free legal aid.
11:41Every week,
11:42we go to the barangay.
11:43We provide legal aid consultation.
11:45This is pro bono, right?
11:46Pro bono.
11:48So we have to give back.
11:50Pay it forward.
11:51Plus, you're also professors.
11:52You're also mentors.
11:53Attorney Day.
11:54To all Marvelous Bar Reviewees,
11:57you've already made all the preparations.
11:59All you have to do is believe
12:01that you will take the oath
12:03and sign the roll come January.
12:05Just my favorite Bible verse,
12:07Mark 11, 24,
12:09Whatever you ask for in prayer,
12:11believe that you have received it
12:13and it will be yours.
12:14So, good luck, future Panyero and Panyeras.
12:16Good luck to those who are getting
12:18from San Sebastian.
12:20Good luck.
12:21Well, thank you so much
12:23for your helpful tips.
12:24Not only to those who will get this year,
12:26even to future bar exams.
12:28They can come back
12:29so they can ace the bar examinations.
12:31Thank you,
12:32Attorney Dayan Liv
12:33and Attorney Roel Ilagan.
