• last year
Fugitivas En Busca de la Libertad Cap 54 Completo - Fugitivas En Busca de la Libertad Ep 54 Completo



00:06I have news for you.
00:08They found the car
00:09that they ran over Gabriela Martinez.
00:11He was abandoned on the Federal Highway to Puebla.
00:19Vamos para allá.
00:22Reportaron a una prófuga en la clínica 34.
00:24Debe de ser Natalia Santana.
00:25No me dijeron el nombre, pero debe ser ella.
00:27¿Qué esperamos? Vamos.
00:29Una menos.
00:35Mijita, ¿cómo estás? ¿Cómo te sientes?
00:38Bien, superiora. No se afliga.
00:41Lo que me pasó no fue nada grave.
00:44No hay nada de qué preocuparse.
00:45No lo creo.
00:47Pero no es momento de hablar de eso.
00:49¿Qué te dijo el doctor?
00:50Que estaba muy débil.
00:51Por eso me están pasando suero.
00:53Con unos medicamentos y que todo se debe al estrés.
00:57Pues sí, también es cierto.
00:59Has vivido cosas muy difíciles y no has comido bien.
01:04Desde que Dario nos descubrió se me fue el hambre.
01:07No duermo bien y la verdad es que sí estoy muy estresada.
01:10Eso lo entiendo.
01:12Lo que no creo es que las convulsiones sean por estrés.
01:16Debe ser por algo más.
01:18A lo mejor porque tengo algo de anemia, pero nada grave.
01:22No se preocupe.
01:25Buenas tardes.
01:27Ya tengo el resultado de sus estudios de sangre.
01:30Salieron con algunas anomalías.
01:33¿Qué anomalías, doctor?
01:34El número de leucocitos, linfocitos y plaquetas
01:38está por debajo de lo normal.
01:41¿Y eso a qué se debe?
01:43Debe ser seguramente porque casi no he comido en estos días.
01:47¿Y cuál es el diagnóstico, doctor?
01:50Disculpe, doctor.
01:51No me lo tome a mal, pero es que me gustaría hablar a solas
01:54con el doctor.
01:56¿Me podría esperar afuera?
01:58Pero yo...
01:59Ay, por favor, su periódico.
02:03Permítame hablar a solas con la paciente.
02:05Sí, está bien.
02:12Por lo que me di cuenta, no le ha dicho nada a su tía
02:14de la enfermedad que padece.
02:18Y le pido que usted tampoco lo haga.
02:21Hasta ahora lo he mantenido en secreto.
02:23Si sí lo quiere, lo respeto.
02:26¿Qué tratamiento está siguiendo?
02:29En una ocasión tomé medicinas, pero me sentí pésima.
02:32Andaba mareada todo el tiempo, con náuseas, con mucho sueño
02:37y sin fuerzas para nada.
02:39Y lo peor es que llegaba a la noche y no podía dormir.
02:42Me la pasaba vuelta y vuelta sin poder conciliar el sueño.
02:46No era vida, doctor.
02:48Me pareció que estaba pagando un precio muy alto
02:51por vivir unos cuantos años más.
02:54Quiero que lo que me quedó de vida lo pueda vivir
02:57lo mejor posible y ya.
02:59Es cierto que el tratamiento es muy duro.
03:01Me lamento decirle que si no lo toma,
03:03le va a quedar muy poco tiempo de vida.
03:06Podría probar con otros medicamentos.
03:08Hay cosas nuevas que pueden caerle mejor.
03:11¿Y me voy a curar si los tomo?
03:13Usted sabe que es muy difícil que su enfermedad
03:16se pueda revertir.
03:18Pero por lo menos le pueden ayudar a llevarla mejor.
03:20No creo, doctor.
03:22Prefiero vivir menos, pero disfrutando la vida
03:25hasta que las fuerzas me alcancen.
03:28Entiendo y lo respeto.
03:30Cada persona es libre de decidir
03:32lo que quiera hacer con su vida.
03:33Le agradezco su comprensión.
03:38Y ahora que ya sabe mi posición,
03:40me gustaría irme a mi casa.
03:42Lo siento, pero hasta que no la veo un poco más repuesta
03:45no la puedo dejar ir.
03:47Lo que le sucedió no es nada sencillo.
03:49Por favor, doctor, no me deje aquí.
03:51Estos lugares me deprimen.
03:53Le prometo que en cuanto la ve estable, la dejo ir.
03:57Pero por el momento lo que tiene que hacer es descansar.
04:00Con permiso.
04:21Hello, Flo.
04:23I'm here.
04:24Aren't you going to ask me what's wrong?
04:27What's wrong now?
04:28I'm fed up.
04:30Fed up of what?
04:32That Nicolás never listens to me
04:33because of his job.
04:35Do you know how long I haven't been with him?
04:37Like three weeks.
04:39It's not fair.
04:40He's my boyfriend.
04:42Just because I came to talk to your dad
04:43I was able to kiss him.
04:45What can I say?
04:46The job of the DA is like that.
04:47They don't have schedules, they're always stressed.
04:50Yes, yes, I understand.
04:51But what about me?
04:53I'm tired of doing the same thing every day.
04:55Work, go home.
04:57Work, go home.
04:59My routine is boring.
05:01Well, yes.
05:02That's how life is sometimes.
05:03But not having a boyfriend, damn it.
05:05That's what I can do the most.
05:08Let's go out to dinner.
05:09Come on.
05:10I need to distract myself.
05:11No, no, no.
05:12I don't plan to go out.
05:13Oh, come on.
05:15You need it too.
05:17You're just as lonely as I am.
05:19Yes, yes.
05:21Okay, let's go.
05:23Where are you going?
05:24To the pier, Angelo.
05:25I really want a pasta.
05:27Okay, I agree.
05:31Hey, you have to sign these documents.
05:33They're requirements.
05:35I'm going to book right now.
05:37At 8.30, okay?
05:49You're 40 weeks pregnant.
05:51What does that mean?
05:53That your baby will be from here to two weeks.
05:57Don't tell me.
05:58That's why he looked so complete.
06:01I saw his fingers, his hands, even his hair.
06:05Yes, that's right.
06:06And the other one they gave me last time,
06:08he barely looked like a bean.
06:10Would you like to know if it's a girl or a boy?
06:13Can I know?
06:14Yes, of course.
06:15Yes, I'd like to.
06:17But, Doctor, I really want it to be a girl.
06:20You'd better not tell me anything.
06:24It's a girl.
06:27Oh, no.
06:28Are you serious?
06:29That's right.
06:31In the ultrasound, you saw her sex perfectly.
06:38My little girl, I love you.
06:40I love you too.
06:41I love you too.
06:43My little girl, you're so little.
06:46I'm your mommy.
06:56No, no, no, no.
06:57I can't focus on anything without Frida's news.
06:59What happened in the studies?
07:00What did they do to her?
07:01I'm going to call the superior to see if...
07:03Let's see.
07:04If she hasn't called us, it's because she doesn't know yet.
07:06Don't bother her.
07:08Oh, my torture is over.
07:11I won't have to see Ms. Charo's face anymore.
07:13Tomorrow we leave and something else, butterfly.
07:17Lizeth, something terrible happened.
07:19Frida convulsed.
07:21She got very sick.
07:22We had to call an ambulance and the superior is with her at the hospital.
07:25Oh, my God.
07:26And is she okay?
07:27We don't know yet.
07:28The superior only sent a message saying that she is stable and that studies are going to be done.
07:34Oh, what a horror.
07:35And did they see her very badly?
07:37It's not the first time she faints or loses her mind.
07:40Besides, this time she convulsed.
07:43That's what worries us the most.
07:44Frida is hiding something from us that she has never wanted to tell us.
07:47It's not normal for her to faint.
07:49That she exhausts herself riding a bike.
07:51And less that she convulses.
07:53And for worse.
07:54From the hospital she will go to jail again.
07:57Because if they leave her hospitalized, it is a fact that they will recognize her.
08:01Monce, please.
08:02For once in your life, think of something positive.
08:05The reality is as I tell you.
08:07Don't tell me no.
08:08Stop it.
08:09Stop it.
08:10Does Dario already know?
08:12We'll have to tell him.
08:13The most likely thing is that with this we can't leave tomorrow.
08:16We don't want to tell him anything because we don't know how he's going to react.
08:19I hope we can do things as planned.
08:21Do you want us to leave without Frida?
08:23No, of course not.
08:24But we'll have to get out of here and find a place to stay while Frida returns.
08:28How long until the serum is finished?
08:32About three hours.
08:34Why so long?
08:35It's a slow drip.
08:36That's how the doctor determined it.
08:38And how important is it that it's finished?
08:40Because I feel good.
08:41It's very important.
08:43In the serum are the medicines you need to recover.
08:46In addition, right now it's your food.
08:48I don't want to eat.
08:49I don't want to eat.
08:50I don't want to eat.
08:51I don't want to eat.
08:52I don't want to eat.
08:53I don't want to eat.
08:54I don't want to eat.
08:55I don't want to eat.
08:56I don't want to eat.
08:57Right now it's your food.
08:59Excuse me.
09:11Were you able to rest?
09:13Yes, but I'm still sleepy.
09:16Are you going to believe me?
09:18Of course I believe you.
09:20It must be normal.
09:21What happened to you wasn't easy.
09:24Do you know who ran over me?
09:25Unfortunately, no.
09:27I asked Ismael to investigate.
09:29They were checking the cameras on the street where the accident happened.
09:33But you can't tell the face of the man who ran over you.
09:37And the plates of the car?
09:39It was stolen.
09:40He had an interposed complaint before he ran over you.
09:43Do you think that guy was going against me?
09:47Or was it a coincidence that he ran over me?
09:50That's what I would like to know too.
09:52How did you know?
09:53Who told you?
09:55A woman who took your phone and saw my number on the last calls.
10:00She was the one who called the ambulance and told me that you had been taken to Clinic 28.
10:05I'm glad there are still good people in the world.
10:08Do you want to see the contest's program, Take the Million?
10:11It's about to start.
10:13Okay, yes.
10:14Let's see if I don't end up sleeping again.
10:16Let's go.
10:19Be careful.
10:20Hey, this is a guy named Castro.
10:22He told him something about Castillo.
10:24Castillo asked Alejandro for it.
10:25Yes, I know.
10:26That's why I wanted to tell you.
10:27And what else did you hear?
10:28Marquez asked him what he wanted.
10:30And then he said not to worry.
10:32That a guy named Ramirez knew about the city as he ordered it.
10:35And that Castillo was never going to find him.
10:37And who was the guy he was talking to?
10:40And the guy named Ramirez that he mentioned?
10:43Castro is an attorney of Arturo Marquez.
10:45And the guy named Ramirez is the thug who works for him.
10:47We are sure that Ramirez hit Vilches
10:49to prevent him from reaching the appointment with the judge.
10:51Marquez sent him?
10:53But I'm tired.
10:55We will never be able to prove my innocence.
10:57That bastard always finds a way to get out of it.
11:17Let's go.
11:51I need to know the truth.
11:53How is my niece?
11:55What's wrong with her?
11:57I don't know.
11:59I don't know.
12:01I don't know.
12:03I don't know.
12:05I don't know.
12:07I don't know.
12:09I don't know.
12:11I don't know.
12:13I don't know.
12:15I don't know.
12:17I don't know.
12:19Your niece has low platelets.
12:22That's why she felt weak.
12:24But as soon as the serum passes, you can go.
12:27But she didn't tell me she has it.
12:30It would be better if she told you.
12:33You can come with her.
12:35Thank you, doctor.
12:39Come in.
12:45Good afternoon.
12:46Good afternoon.
12:48We are Detective Rojas and Inspector Ismael Domínguez.
12:50We came because a nurse reported having recognized a fugitive from justice.
12:55Yes, allow me. I'm going to look.
13:04It's them.
13:06Good afternoon. I am Guadalupe Zamora.
13:08I am the one who made the report.
13:10Thank you. Where is the fugitive you identified?
13:12She is in the emergency area. She is at the end of the corridor.
13:14I'll go ahead. I'm going to check the place.
13:16Will you come with me?
13:21What are you doing? Why did you get up?
13:23Because the doctor is already half way up.
13:25We can go.
13:27No, we can't go.
13:29The doctor just told me that you have to stay at least three more hours.
13:31What's going on, Frida?
13:33Are you hiding something from me?
13:35No, nothing. I already feel good. I want to go.
13:37Oh, my God.
13:39Excuse me.
13:41Superior chicken.
13:44What are you doing here?
13:46I came to see the doctor because my baby was not moving at all.
13:48We have to go. The police are here.
13:50And they're going to stop us.
13:53Where is Detective Rojas?
13:55I've been looking for her for a while.
13:57She left with Prosecutor Domínguez.
13:59Someone reported seeing a fugitive in a hospital.
14:01Ivonillo and Soto left with them.
14:06I was on my way out when I saw two agents talking to a nurse.
14:09And suddenly I came back to hide here.
14:11We have to go before they find us.
14:13Yes, let's go.
14:14No, but you're not in good condition.
14:16You're very weak.
14:18I don't care. I'm not going to let them catch me.
14:20Let's go, please.
14:22Did you leave too?
14:24You were so close to fulfilling your sentence.
14:26No, no, I didn't run away.
14:28They let me go the next day of the escape.
14:30Okay, then you and I have to go.
14:32But now the superior is not in any danger.
14:34Let's go, guys.
14:36Support me.
14:38Okay, let's go.
14:44It can't be.
14:55Comandante Rojas.
15:01I punctured a tire.
15:03Do you have a spare tire?
15:05Yes, of course.
15:07Let's see, I'll help you change the tire.
15:10Do you have a spare tire?
15:12Yes, yes, of course.
15:14Let's see, I'll help you change it.
15:16No, no, thank you. It's not necessary.
15:18Don't worry.
15:20I'm good at that, I'll help you.
15:22Okay, if you did so much, go ahead.
15:24Let's see.
15:34I don't understand what happened.
15:36She was here.
15:40She has to stay in the hospital.
15:42Tell Bonilla to look everywhere.
15:44Bonilla, do you hear me?
15:46Affirmative, what's going on?
15:48The fugitive escaped, look for her.
15:50It's easy to identify her, she's pregnant.
15:54Are you sure she was one of the fugitives?
15:56I'm sure, her face seemed very familiar to me,
15:58but I didn't know where,
16:00until I checked the alert you sent.
16:02Well, we have to find her, she can't escape.
16:04Where else can she be?
16:10Okay, two blocks away,
16:12there's a truck stop, okay?
16:14So let's go there.
16:26There's a taxi, there's a taxi.
16:28Okay, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
16:32Sir, sir, sir.
16:34Oh, I'm sorry, I'm very tired, please.
16:36Yes, oh, thank you very much.
16:40God bless you.
16:42There you go, there you go, there you go.
16:44I'm going ahead.
16:57Nothing, she's nowhere to be found.
17:00How is this possible? We had her!
17:02I don't understand how she disappeared.
17:04I shouldn't have left her alone.
17:06Don't worry, it's not her fault.
17:08We brought her here, she managed to escape.
17:10Where? Who helped her?
17:21You're welcome.
17:23It was nice to see you out of the work environment.
17:25Castillo, with all due respect,
17:28I consider you a very good lawyer.
17:32But lately you haven't been very polite, let's say.
17:36You mean Lorena Martinez?
17:38That's right.
17:40Your trial was full of irregularities.
17:42You were charged with false evidence,
17:44and although unfortunately I haven't been able to prove it yet,
17:47I'm sure you think the same.
17:49Tell me if you don't.
17:51Everything that happens around Lorena Martinez
17:53leaves a lot to be desired.
17:55There's that thing about Vilchis.
17:57Don't tell me you think it was a coincidence
17:59that just the day she was going to appear in front of the judge
18:01to change her testimony,
18:03a brutally violent hospital appears.
18:04Add to that the images you obtained
18:06where you see Ramirez Clarito
18:08and then he threatens me with his gun
18:10in a public place.
18:12They arrest him,
18:14and out of nowhere a renowned lawyer appears
18:16to defend him with a perfectly armed blockade.
18:19Come on, Commander.
18:21Just as you consider me a good lawyer,
18:23I know you're an excellent police officer.
18:25I highly doubt that I have believed you.
18:28Your silence is enough for me.
18:30I don't want to see you again.
18:31Your silence is enough for me.
18:34Let's look for justice, Commander.
18:36Let's work together.
18:38If you want us to work as a team,
18:41let's do things the way they should be.
18:44Tell Lorena to turn herself in.
18:47I'm sorry, but I can't.
18:50Thank you for helping me change the tire.
19:01There's something you're absolutely right about.
19:05Castro and Ramirez
19:08are very strange.
19:25What happened, Dad?
19:27Nicolas came to talk to me.
19:32I found him when he was leaving
19:34and he told me.
19:36What did he say?
19:38He came to tell me that he loves you deeply.
19:40What I find curious
19:42is that he's so in love
19:44when you told me that it was the first time
19:46something happened between you
19:48now that Vicente saw you kissing.
19:50No, Dad, that's not...
19:52Don't interrupt me!
19:54All I'm asking you to do
19:55is please, Florencia,
19:57find someone with more category.
20:01if you want to have fun,
20:03be more discreet,
20:05but not with this guy, please.
20:18The girl came because she didn't feel
20:20that her baby was moving.
20:22She had no idea
20:23how many weeks of pregnancy she had.
20:25So I gave her an ultrasound
20:27and everything is fine.
20:29The baby is due in two weeks.
20:31Did you see this woman leave?
20:33She's pregnant.
20:35I didn't see her leave, but I did when I came in.
20:37Was she alone?
20:41Have you seen this girl?
20:43I've been sitting here all day
20:45and I don't remember seeing her.
20:47Yes, I saw her go through the corridor
20:49that leads to the back door of the hospital.
20:51She was with two other women.
20:53Come with me, please.
20:56Excuse me for interrupting you.
20:58Are you sure you saw Natalia
21:00leave with two women?
21:02With two women?
21:04Yes, she was with a girl and an older woman.
21:06If I had known you were looking for them,
21:08I would have told you.
21:10The guard just told me
21:12he saw Natalia leave alone.
21:14Who were those two women she left with?
21:21Yes, sir?
21:23Do you have security cameras at the back door?
21:25Yes, sir, but the clinic's camera system
21:27is not working.
21:29The DVR broke down and they haven't come to fix it.
21:35Someone say something.
21:37I'm going to go crazy with this silence.
21:39Calm down.
21:41Don't get hysterical.
21:43We're all hands on deck.
21:45We have no choice but to wait for news.
21:47It's been a long time.
21:49Calm down.
21:58I'm glad you're here.
22:00We were desperate not to know anything about you.
22:02I'm also very happy to be back.
22:04I hate hospitals.
22:09what are you doing here?
22:11Well, you see,
22:13for my good luck I found Frida and the superior.
22:17In the hospital.
22:19It was because I didn't feel my baby moving anymore.
22:21That's good.
22:23You look very pretty with your belly.
22:25Do you know what it is?
22:27Yes, the doctor told me this morning.
22:29It's a girl!
22:31How cute!
22:33Are you happy?
22:35Yes, very.
22:37I wanted it to be a girl.
22:39Hi, Bebita.
22:41I'm Monse.
22:43Don't just stand there.
22:45Come sit down.
22:49Do they all live here?
22:51That's right.
22:53This is the superior's house.
22:55It's not mine.
22:57It's my son's and my grandson's.
22:59Oh, how cool!
23:01It's just like prison, but prettier.
23:03Hey, Frida,
23:05do you know what's wrong with you?
23:07Why did you get so sick?
23:09I don't have anything.
23:11It was just stress.
23:13Did you lose your consciousness and become convulsed because of stress?
23:14I think they went too far by taking me to the hospital.
23:17How can you say that, Frida?
23:19You were very sick. Did you feel it again?
23:21We were very scared.
23:23I'm sorry I scared you, but don't worry.
23:25I'm fine.
23:27All I need is to rest and eat a little more and that's it.
23:31Oh, I have to tell you that the police were about to catch me.
23:36Yes, I was leaving the hospital when I saw some cops
23:39and I came back in a hurry.
23:41I got into a cubicle
23:43and what was my surprise?
23:45Frida and the superior were there.
23:47We didn't have time for anything.
23:49We had to run away,
23:51looking for an exit that wasn't the main door.
23:54And thank God we got it.
23:56Otherwise, the three of us would have been back in jail.
23:59And what was the police doing there?
24:01I don't know, but I'm sure they were looking for me.
24:03Thank God you're here.
24:05Yes, damn it.
24:07But here you breathe pure tranquility.
24:09Have you been together since she ran away?
24:13Our greatest luck was to meet the superior.
24:15If it weren't for her,
24:17who allowed us to stay,
24:19we would still be on the street
24:21or they would have caught us.
24:23Yes, we are very grateful to the superior.
24:26And to her son, who worked last night.
24:28What good luck they have to be together.
24:31I'm envious, but good luck.
24:34And where are you staying?
24:36When I left,
24:37I went to a relative's house,
24:39but the police came to ask for me.
24:41Luckily, I had gone out to the store.
24:43If I hadn't, they would have caught me.
24:45I had to leave there.
24:47I wandered around the street for a while
24:49until I found an abandoned house.
24:51And there I have a mattress and some blankets.
24:56What will happen when Dario finds out
24:58that Poyito is here?
25:07I appreciate it.
25:09Anything keeps me informed.
25:11What did they tell you?
25:13There is no trace of Natalia
25:15in the perimeter of the clinic.
25:17And did you check the surveillance cameras?
25:19No, the system is not working.
25:21It can't be.
25:23From what the doctor who treated Natalia said,
25:25her son is about to be born.
25:27We have to reinforce the alert in the hospitals
25:29and show his photo to all the staff.
25:31So there will be someone who recognizes him.
25:33I'll take care of it.
25:35I can do it.
25:37Stay angry with me.
25:39Don't take it that way.
25:41It's annoying because we didn't capture Natalia.
25:43To tell you the truth, me too.
25:47How are you, Detective Rojas?
25:49How did it go at the operation
25:51where you didn't make me participate again?
25:53I went to look for him at his office and he wasn't there.
25:55What? Is that my fault too?
25:57I had to go out for a moment.
25:59But you could have called me
26:01or sent me a message to get me to the hospital.
26:03If you want us to work as a team,
26:04don't go out during working hours.
26:06I'm not your secretary
26:08to tell you what's going on in the DA's office.
26:10At least we captured her.
26:19How cute is Teo.
26:21I'd like to meet him.
26:23Of course.
26:25When you're recovered,
26:27I'll take you to meet not only Teo,
26:29but all the kids.
26:31They are very nice guys, very affectionate.
26:32Did you expect someone?
26:36I'm going to open.
26:42Good evening.
26:44Mr. Arturo.
26:46I just wanted to say hello.
26:48Am I interrupting?
26:50No, of course not. Please come in.
26:52Vicente is cooking.
26:54Vicente, your dad.
26:59What are you doing here?
27:00I wanted to come and talk to you
27:02because I was worried
27:04that you had left the house so abruptly.
27:06I apologize, son.
27:10Well, for judging you prematurely
27:12about your sister
27:14when you were right
27:16to have gotten mad at her for what happened.
27:18I'm glad you realized.
27:20Yes, I already talked to her
27:22and believe me, I totally agree with you.
27:24What worries me is
27:26why they left the house.
27:28Don't worry.
27:30Thinking about it,
27:32I think we're better off here.
27:34If I invited you,
27:36it was because I wanted Gabriela to be well taken care of
27:38and not be alone when you went to work.
27:40We're going to fix it, don't worry.
27:42Or do you think we're very complicated?
27:44No, not at all.
27:47Well, what are you cooking?
27:49Chicken fajitas.
27:51It smells very good.
27:53The truth is, I had no idea you cooked.
27:55There are many things about me that you don't know, dad.
27:57You've never bothered to get to know me well.
28:00The thing is, work has always absorbed me a lot,
28:02but it's never too late if you give me the opportunity.
28:05Do you want to stay for dinner with us?
28:08Well, if it's not a problem for you, I'd love to.
28:13Sit down, I'll set the table.
28:15Thank you very much.
28:17I'll help you.
28:28And whose idea was it?
28:32We wanted no one to recognize us while we worked at the bar.
28:34That's cool.
28:36And no one ever recognized you?
28:38Even if it's just a little bit?
28:40Of course.
28:42Once the prosecutor and the police commander came.
28:44No, no, no, we were super nervous.
28:46Yes, yes, yes.
28:48We have to talk.
28:50About what?
28:52What did I say?
28:54You have to be honest with me, Frida.
28:56What is it that you have?
28:58Oh, please, Superior, stop that.
29:00I have nothing more than what you already know.
29:02You're not telling me the truth.
29:04What happened to you was very serious?
29:06No, it wasn't serious.
29:08I already told him that I haven't eaten well
29:10and, well, having lied to Darío is very bad for me.
29:13And why didn't you let me hear what the doctor told you?
29:15Oh, Superior, because I know her, she was worried.
29:17I didn't want that to influence the doctor
29:19to send me to the hospital.
29:21No, no, no, no, no, no.
29:23No, no, no, no, no, no.
29:24I didn't want the doctor to send me to the hospital.
29:26All I wanted was to get out of there
29:28and I was very worried that someone would recognize me.
29:32Hey, do you need to get some treatment?
29:34No, no, no medicine.
29:36He just told me to try to eat well,
29:38to eat protein,
29:40and to try to sleep as much as I can.
29:42You're lying to us.
29:44I don't understand why you don't want to care
29:46about what happened to you.
29:48Ah, because what you saw happened to me
29:50since I was a child.
29:52Suddenly I pass out from stress.
29:54Once, in an exam, I got so nervous that I got to convulsing.
29:58The stress knocked me down.
30:00But there's nothing to worry about. I've learned to live with that.
30:05Enough, please. I don't want you to make a storm in a glass of water.
30:09Look at me, Superior. Do I look like a sick woman?
30:12No, no, not now. But when you got to the hospital, I thought you were going to die.
30:16But it happened. And with the serum they gave me and the medication they gave me, I was like new.
30:22I told you. The only thing the doctor asked me to do was to eat well and rest.
30:26And that's it.
30:32I don't believe you.
30:34Did you hear the doctor?
30:35No. Frida asked me to get out of the cubicle.
30:39And when I saw the doctor and asked him what was wrong, he told me to ask her.
30:43Don't you think it's strange?
30:45Very strange. Frida is not well.
30:48Nobody convulses because of stress.
30:50She's hiding something from us.
30:55The chicken was delicious. I didn't imagine you could cook so well.
30:58She cooks better than me.
31:00I see that I shouldn't worry about the food.
31:03But I'm sorry to insist.
31:05Who does the laundry for you?
31:06Do you clean the apartment or go to the market?
31:08If you like, I can tell Charo or the other girl who works at home to come and take care of you.
31:13No, no, thank you.
31:14I already told you that we are very well alone.
31:16Without luxury, but very well.
31:18That must be very difficult for you to understand that you have always had someone to take care of you.
31:22You're wrong.
31:23I was born in a very humble family with many shortcomings.
31:27Since I was a child, I had to take care of the house.
31:30What my father carried was very little and my mother was very sick and died shortly after.
31:37Why didn't you tell me anything?
31:39It was a very painful time for me.
31:42I preferred to close that chapter or I wouldn't be able to move forward.
31:46And how did you get what you have now?
31:50Playing soccer, I met Guillermo, Juan Pablo's father.
31:54He later became my great friend.
31:57I wanted to study a university degree and his father paid me for the university.
32:01So I had to move to Mexico City, get a part-time job to be able to study
32:06and then get a rooftop room to be able to live.
32:09And what happened to your father?
32:10I saw him when he was on vacation.
32:13Unfortunately, I had to separate from him if I wanted to grow up.
32:17If I had stayed in the village next to him, I wouldn't have gone from dog to dog.
32:21One day they called me, telling me that he had had a fulminant heart attack and well, he also died.
32:27How hard it must have been not to have been with him when he died.
32:29Yes, but sometimes you have to sacrifice things in life to be able to grow.
32:34Even if it's part of the family.
32:36And how did you come to found the construction company?
32:39I finished my engineering degree.
32:41Then Guillermo became an architect and together we decided to open our own company.
32:46So Juan Pablo's father was your partner?
32:49That's right.
32:50It's a shame that he tried against his life so young.
32:54Guillermo was like a brother to me.
32:58That's why I welcomed Juan Pablo as if he were another son.
33:03I can't believe we didn't capture Natalia.
33:06We were at nothing to achieve it.
33:08Don't worry, she has to go to a hospital to have her son.
33:11And we will be ready to stop her.
33:13Let's hope she won't give birth to a comadrona.
33:16Because then we won't be able to deal with her.
33:18Let's hope it's not like that.
33:21Don't you want to have pizza or pasta for dinner?
33:24I know a good place, what do you say?
33:26Okay, yes.
33:28I like the idea.
33:30By the way, it's forbidden to talk about work.
33:32I've had enough for today.
33:43And what do you live on?
33:44I clean the windows of the cars in Los Altos.
33:47And I put a few pesos together.
33:49How long before your baby is born?
33:52Today the doctor told me that I'm on time.
33:54It can be from here to two weeks.
33:56And where are you going to have it?
33:58Well, in the house where I live.
34:00Where else?
34:01I don't even go back to the hospital when I'm dead.
34:03No, I was so scared when I saw those cops.
34:06And what about the baby's father?
34:08Does he know you're pregnant?
34:11I never told him.
34:14When I was in jail, he went to see me once.
34:16And I never saw him again.
34:19Well, I have to go before it gets any worse.
34:23No, no, no.
34:24How could you?
34:25You're not going anywhere in that state.
34:27You're staying with us here.
34:31The new collection of shoes by Christian Rabiotto is beautiful.
34:35And they look super comfortable.
34:37We should go shopping this weekend.
34:40We could agree on that.
34:46What's wrong?
34:48It can't be.
34:55Good evening.
34:56Good evening.
34:58Good evening.
34:59Good evening.
35:02Detective Rojas.
35:03Nice to meet you.
35:07What are you doing here?
35:08The same as you.
35:10And why did you have to come right here?
35:12Because we felt like it.
35:20What the hell is Ismael doing with the detective?
35:23What are you worried about?
35:24You know the giraffe is a lesbian.
35:26That's what you think, but it's not true.
35:28Nicolas lied to you.
35:31What you heard.
35:32The giraffe, like you say, likes men.
35:39If Dario finds out we have another fugitive here, he's going to kill us.
35:43I'm leaving.
35:44I don't want them to have problems because of me.
35:47I thank you very much, Superior, but I have to go.
35:49No, no.
35:50You can't go anywhere in that state.
35:52They're going to be your baby at any moment.
35:54You can't be alone.
35:55Mrs. Marta.
35:59Who is she?
36:03You must be the Superior's son.
36:05Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you.
36:10Your mom kept talking about you in jail.
36:12Are you a fugitive too?
36:14Oh, but don't think I'm staying here.
36:16I'm leaving.
36:17I was just passing by.
36:19Let's talk for a moment, please.
36:21Come, Dario.
36:23I'm leaving.
36:24I don't want them to have problems because of me.
36:26No, no, no.
36:27Let's see.
36:28You wait for the Superior to talk to Dario.
36:33There you go.
36:34I didn't imagine the Superior's son would be handsome.
36:37Oh, well, ask her.
36:41No, no.
36:46You were right.
36:47The pizza is very good.
36:49I come often.
36:50I love this place.
36:51It seems that your wife too.
36:53Didn't it make you uncomfortable to see her?
36:56No, not at all.
36:57She's the one who still doesn't accept that we're not together.
37:01When we arrived,
37:02I thought of telling you to go somewhere else,
37:04but I would have been giving her the reason.
37:06Especially her friend, who is a bit intriguing.
37:08Don't tell me.
37:10Do you know her?
37:12The prosecutor Teaga and I went to dinner
37:14and she came in a rage.
37:16She made a scandal of those.
37:18She thought that you and Nicolás...
37:23Well, I can understand it.
37:24It's about you.
37:25That she felt insecure.
37:28But well, let's change the subject.
37:30We're not going to keep talking about them.
37:32Yes, yes.
37:33You're right.
37:34And we said no work.
37:37I only know you in that area.
37:39I don't know anything about your personal life.
37:41What do you want to know?
37:43I don't know.
37:45I don't know.
37:46I don't know.
37:49What movies do you like?
37:50All of them.
37:53Why don't we talk about my cats?
37:55I have two and they are my adoration.
37:59Would you have bet that you were more of a dog
38:01like most women?
38:03I like them a lot.
38:05I prefer cats.
38:06They are more independent.
38:08With dogs, you have to take them out for a walk every day.
38:11And well, with work, I don't have time.
38:14You're absolutely right.
38:15What are your cats' names?
38:16Tommy and Salami.
38:18I adopted them when they were just born.
38:20I've been with them for three years.
38:22What a shame.
38:25What is another fugitive doing here?
38:27Her name is Natalia.
38:28And we affectionately call her Chicken.
38:31We met her by chance.
38:34She just came to say hello to the girls.
38:36She was about to leave.
38:37I was the one who asked her not to do it.
38:40She's pregnant.
38:41The poor thing lives in an abandoned house.
38:43She has nothing.
38:44All she has is a mattress and a blanket.
38:47She cleans windscreens at traffic lights
38:49so she can survive.
38:51I beg you.
38:52Let her stay.
38:54At least until she has her baby.
