FULL MATCH - Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker- SummerSlam 2015

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00:00the best pure striker in the history of WWE.
00:05That man, Brock Lesnar, could be considered the best pure
00:09athlete in the history of WWE, something has to give tonight.
00:15And here's Lesnar, wasting little time going after The Undertaker.
00:19Wait a minute, it's been too long.
00:20It's been too long, it's been too long, it's been too long, it's been too long.
00:25And here's Lesnar, wasting little time going after The Undertaker.
00:28Wait a minute, it's meant to get started.
00:30While Brock Lesnar, who is left laying after a low blow by The Undertaker
00:34Monday Night on Raw, and Brock Lesnar going after the man who cost him
00:38the WWE World Title at Battleground.
00:42And the fight's underway.
00:43You think Brock doesn't know this is a different Undertaker?
00:47This is the Undertaker who ruled this yard.
00:49And the Phenom.
00:50Why do you think Brock goes after him like this?
00:52And there goes Lesnar, and Undertaker has Lesnar reeling.
00:56Brock knows this is a fight for the ages.
00:58I think you're exactly right, JBL.
01:02Uncharacteristic of Brock Lesnar.
01:05I think it's desperate times call for desperate measures.
01:08Undertaker weathered the storm.
01:10No one has jumped on Undertaker like that, no one.
01:13And survived.
01:14This is the Undertaker, I'm telling you, that we were fearful of.
01:19And they're talking about it all over the world using the hashtag Brock versus
01:24Lesnar pacing.
01:25Heyman barking instructions.
01:27Undertaker lying in wait.
01:30Boy, look at the look on Brock Lesnar's face.
01:32I got a funny feeling that The Undertaker is about to take a trip to Suplex City.
01:36New York City seeing their share of big fights.
01:39It's Suplex City and Tombstone City.
01:41And Lesnar, man.
01:42Straight double leg takedown.
01:44Did you see the contact?
01:45Lesnar went right to the ribs of Taker.
01:47By the former UFC champion, Brock Lesnar.
01:51Shoulders down by Undertaker.
01:53Here he comes.
01:54Undertaker with the right hand.
01:55Those hard elbows.
01:56Big right to Brock.
01:57Brock might be stunned.
01:58Brock might be stunned.
01:59Straight right to the jaw.
02:01Undertaker connected on the second and third.
02:04Right to the nose and the jaw.
02:05And Lesnar may be stunned.
02:07Tombstone City, Tombstone City, Tombstone City, Tombstone City.
02:11It's the knee change.
02:12Undertaker and Suplex City.
02:14John, did you see The Undertaker fighting out from the mat?
02:18The big rights to Lesnar.
02:20Back in control.
02:21Brock throwing those straight elbows straight down.
02:23And Taker caught him with a right hand flush on the chin.
02:27Undertaker going after that big arm of Brock Lesnar.
02:29Trying to take some of the power out of him.
02:30You know where he's headed.
02:32We are about to go a little bit old school.
02:35Ho, ho, ho.
02:37The move this man made famous.
02:39The legendary Phenom walking the ropes again to Brock Lesnar.
02:44Oh, my Lord.
02:45A five time.
02:46No, wait.
02:47That would have been the move.
02:48That was the move that struck the streak.
02:51Undertaker and Lesnar with a knee right to the midsection.
02:56I believe Undertaker was hurt initially at the box
02:59when Lesnar caught him in the ribs early.
03:01He was hurt.
03:02And there's a boot.
03:04That had to hurt Lesnar.
03:07Uh oh.
03:08Suplex City.
03:11Holy cow.
03:14Holy cow.
03:17Brock says he has it now.
03:20Heyman screaming, now we go.
03:21Belly to belly suplex.
03:24As tall as Taker is, landed right on the back of his head.
03:27Lesnar now has Undertaker in position for a German suplex.
03:34Lesnar so dangerous.
03:36Suplex City.
03:43This thing does not bode well for the Phenom.
03:46Are you kidding me?
03:47Not at all.
03:48I don't care who you are.
03:50If you could take the striking power away from the Undertaker.
03:54Brock Lesnar understands that better than anybody.
03:57You've taken the most potent force.
04:00Undertaker has.
04:01Driving Lesnar skull first into the turnbuckle.
04:06Not many people have any power at all when you're in Suplex City.
04:09But watch.
04:10This is the way you take a detour.
04:12That is ring awareness.
04:14Guys, this is 25 years of battle from the Undertaker.
04:19This is desperation time.
04:21Fight for survival.
04:22Snake eyes.
04:23Get ready.
04:25Big boot.
04:29That's vintage Undertaker right there.
04:33Hit Brock Lesnar right out of the ring.
04:35This is when you thought Brock was building up momentum with his suplexes.
04:38The dead man's turned it around.
04:40And now the fight spills outside.
04:42And you've got to wonder who it favors now outside the ring.
04:45Brock right above the left eye.
04:47Right above the right eye it looks like.
04:48Yeah, Lesnar.
04:50Brock has busted open.
04:51And Undertaker driving Lesnar spine first into the barricade.
04:57Right in front of us is Paul Heyman with a look of concern on his face.
05:01No kidding.
05:02We predicted we'd never see Undertaker again on television after tonight.
05:07This is 25 years of battles involved by the Undertaker against the young line Brock Lesnar.
05:14Paul Heyman cannot be feeling good about this.
05:16Concerned look on Paul Heyman's face.
05:19This is not the same Undertaker from 16 months ago at WrestleMania.
05:24I'm telling you.
05:25Undertaker became an Undertaker that was defending the street.
05:28This is the Undertaker we knew in the late 90s that people were afraid of.
05:32Yeah, and you hit the nail on the head, John.
05:34Nothing to lose.
05:36Let me tell you something, guys.
05:37You know this when you're in a fight and suddenly you see your own blood.
05:40It can do one of two things.
05:42It can take the fight out of you.
05:43Here we go.
05:44Undertaker with another classic move.
05:46The leg drop on the apron.
05:49Undertaker pulling out all the stops.
05:52The moves that made him a legend.
05:55This is Undertaker's first SummerSlam since 2008.
05:58His first pay-per-view outside of WrestleMania since 2010.
06:02Watch the Undertaker here.
06:04Look at this impact.
06:06That's a 300 pound man.
06:08John, this is the 16th SummerSlam appearance for the Undertaker.
06:12And he's got more wins than anybody in SummerSlam history.
06:16And now look at Undertaker jabbing Brock Lesnar.
06:19Undertaker wants to show he can stand up with anybody.
06:22Now Lesnar with the rights and lefts.
06:24This is a matter of pride by the Undertaker.
06:29Standing toe-to-toe with the beast tonight.
06:32Lesnar turns it into a jab.
06:36Going back to Surplex City.
06:42This is an incredible atmosphere in our main event tonight.
06:48Look at Brock Lesnar.
06:49That's a scary sight right now, guys.
06:52And it came out of Suplex.
06:54That's four.
06:59That's about as close as you can get to an animal that there is.
07:04Uncaged animal.
07:05A beast.
07:10Undertaker has defeated them all.
07:12He's defeated all the members of Evolution at WrestleMania.
07:14The one person that he hasn't is that young lion right there, Brock Lesnar.
07:19John, you've had the unique experience of being in the ring with both of these men.
07:22Uh-oh, look at...
07:24And Lesnar again.
07:25Going for another German Suplex.
07:28And he continues to wear down the Phenom.
07:31You can see the force with the back of the Undertaker's head when he hits that mat.
07:35F5 can't be far behind.
07:40Undertaker has been out there with all the giants in the past 30 years.
07:43No one has manhandled him like Brock Lesnar is doing right now.
07:47Undertaker just rolled out of the ring.
07:50Trying to regroup.
07:58Lesnar, I think, really wants to end the legend of the Undertaker tonight.
08:02Once you're out, you better realize that's a dangerous place to be.
08:06Anywhere here right now is dangerous.
08:08Undertaker caught him.
08:10Undertaker caught Lesnar.
08:12Hard elbow right between Lesnar's eyes.
08:15Undertaker was playing possum.
08:17Undertaker again.
08:18He's not finished.
08:20This is 25 years of battles and wars.
08:22No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
08:24Lesnar gonna go for a ride perhaps.
08:26But Lesnar with Taylor on his shoulders.
08:29F5! F5! F5!
08:33Through the announce table.
08:34That's it.
08:35A thunderous F5.
08:38He's done.
08:39Undertaker went right through the side of the announce table.
08:44Undertaker! Undertaker!
08:50A crushing blow!
08:51Watch Undertaker's ribs laying right on the edge of that.
08:54Right there.
08:55And we mentioned it earlier.
08:56The first blows out of the box were the midsection of the Undertaker by Lesnar.
09:00Then the countless suplexes by The Beast.
09:02And now the ribs to the announce table.
09:04Undertaker struggling to breathe out here.
09:06Brock Lesnar has been cut.
09:08Look at him with that big boot in.
09:10Undertaker could have a broken rib right now.
09:12This is a war of attrition.
09:14I don't think Taker can get up from this.
09:16Yeah, and you should see the...
09:18John and I just a few feet away from The Undertaker.
09:20The welts and bruises that are building up all over the back of Undertaker here at ringside.
09:27And watch this again.
09:29Pichetta's forearms section.
09:31Right there on the edge of that table.
09:36The count.
09:37Referee now.
09:38The count is at six.
09:40I think Brock will actually take a count out gladly.
09:43Undertaker can't make it back to his feet.
09:45He's got an official and a count in.
09:47Get in there, Taker.
09:48Get in there.
09:49Undertaker trying to grab The Undertaker again.
09:50Get in.
09:51Undertaker beats the count.
09:52Just beat the count.
09:53He's in.
09:54Look at Brock Lesnar.
09:55He's a mess too, guys.
09:56Well, he may beat the count, but I don't think he can beat The Man or The Beast, Brock Lesnar.
10:01John, did you see the look on Lesnar's face when Undertaker beat the count?
10:05A look of disbelief.
10:10That's not disbelief, Milo.
10:12I think that's hunger.
10:15That is Brock Lesnar realizing this is the fight of his life.
10:18And he loves it.
10:20And he is winning.
10:21And he realizes he's closing in on the end of the hunt.
10:24I'll kill you.
10:26Brock Lesnar defeats The Undertaker tonight.
10:28He is alone on the top of the mountain.
10:37Is Brock enjoying this or what?
10:39Brock Lesnar is savoring this moment.
10:42You're going to have to.
10:49A defiant Undertaker.
10:51A defiant Undertaker.
10:53What a wicked chokeslam.
10:54You sucked him in.
10:55What a chokeslam.
10:57Man, oh man.
10:59Look at that.
11:00Did you see the height?
11:03That almost blasted Lesnar out of his boots.
11:08And now Taker's back to his feet.
11:11Undertaker is pulling out every trick in the book.
11:15Lesnar's stunned.
11:17Tombstone City.
11:19Looking for a Tombstone Piledriver on Brock Lesnar.
11:24Undertaker with the leg.
11:26Tombstone Piledriver.
11:31Look at him bury the legend of Lesnar at SummerSlam.
11:36And Lesnar got the shoulder up.
11:40Can you believe that?
11:43No, I cannot.
11:45I thought it was over.
11:49Watch this.
11:50Watch this.
11:51Oh man.
11:52Undertaker has won seven world championships, 21 Wrestlemania matches.
11:57Tombstone Fist right there.
11:5922 now.
12:01Lesnar doesn't get beat by it.
12:08Both men physically spent.
12:12You got to imagine mentally spent as well after what they put themselves through.
12:17Especially the Undertaker.
12:18And look at Lesnar.
12:19Lesnar is laughing.
12:21Look at this.
12:23And the dead man's risen.
12:29Oh my God.
12:30Incredible moment.
12:31Incredible moment here.
12:34Undertaker and Lesnar exchanging rights.
12:38The old gunfighter.
12:40If he's going down, he's going down swinging.
12:42And Undertaker backing Lesnar up.
12:45Get on him, Undertaker.
12:48Oh, Lesnar.
12:49How quick is Lesnar?
12:50How quick is Lesnar?
12:55Indeed it is.
12:56I got goosebumps, guys.
12:57Watch his arm.
12:58Watch Undertaker's arm.
12:59The Kimura Lock.
13:00The Kimura Lock.
13:02Lesnar's broken numerous arms with this move.
13:05He's got Undertaker wrapped up in a rope.
13:07Break the hold, referee.
13:09He's got to break the hold.
13:12Get out of there, ref.
13:14He'll break his arm.
13:15Kill him, you idiot.
13:17Referee being extremely lenient in our main event here tonight.
13:21And Undertaker going to take Brock for a leg slide.
13:27Up hover.
13:29Lesnar again.
13:34Undertaker's eyes rolled back in his head.
13:36This is unbelievable.
13:38What has he got to do?
13:40The Phenom with a choke slam and a tombstone piledriver in a last ride.
13:49Man, this is an incredible, incredible moment.
13:51And don't forget, Undertaker's also taking his ass by him through the announce table out here.
13:56He could have a broken rib.
13:58I hope everybody watching at home realizes what this is.
14:02Two absolute legends in the history of WWE.
14:06Giving it everything they've got on the grand stage of SummerSlam.
14:10The two most dominant forces in the last 30 years here in the WWE.
14:15Lesnar with Undertaker up top.
14:18He's got Undertaker up top.
14:19Another second and five.
14:21This is what getting the Undertaker at WrestleMania.
14:25Undertaker kicked out.
14:32You just said you've got to be kidding me.
14:35I think Brock is getting angry and that is not a good thing.
14:39That was a look at disbelief.
14:43Heyman uncharacteristically quiet at ringside.
14:49Well, he is watching his meal ticket Brock Lesnar in the fight of his life.
14:55Lesnar trying to figure out, what do I do now?
14:57And he's diving through an announce table.
14:58High five in the middle of the ring.
14:59Had a Kimura lock on him.
15:00Still can't put away the dead man.
15:02No kidding.
15:04Not yet, but I think he may be about to.
15:06Yeah, he's thinking of something, isn't he, John?
15:08These two are the most storied careers in the history of WWE.
15:12And they are both in the fight of their life tonight.
15:16And again, Lesnar looking for a third F5 to the Undertaker.
15:19Right there in the middle of the ring.
15:22Oh, that's got to be it.
15:23Cover again on the Phenom.
15:25And again, the Undertaker kicked out.
15:27This match continues.
15:30Lesnar saying, what the hell do I do now?
15:32Lesnar looking to the heavens, thinking, my God.
15:35That is a look of disbelief.
15:40You said it, John.
15:41This is a different Undertaker.
15:44This is 25 years of wars and battles.
15:47Slaying giants and the biggest big men in this company's history.
15:51The Undertaker is pulling out everything tonight.
15:54This is amazing.
15:55A lot of questions going into this match about what Undertaker we get here tonight.
16:00We got the best one.
16:08The Undertaker.
16:10He's hurt.
16:11Yeah, he's hurt.
16:12He's hurt bad.
16:13Oh, look at this!
16:15He's second Brock in!
16:16Look at that hellscape!
16:17Submission maneuver!
16:18Is Lesnar going to tap?
16:19He's got it!
16:20Is Lesnar going to tap out?
16:21He'll have to!
16:22Can you imagine if The Phenom taps out Brock Lesnar?
16:25As you like to say, Undertaker just old-maned him.
16:27He just suckered him in.
16:30The Undertaker has Brock Lesnar!
16:32Lesnar's got nowhere to go.
16:33Lesnar may need to tap.
16:35Brock Lesnar's in trouble.
16:37Can you imagine The Beast tapping at SummerSlam?
16:42And Lesnar, though.
16:43And Lesnar!
16:46Go for the Kamara!
16:47He's got it locked in!
16:48And now Lesnar's turned the tables.
16:50Kamara lock, trying to break the arm of The Undertaker.
16:52Trying to get The Undertaker to tap out.
16:54Lesnar's got his legs wrapped around The Undertaker as well.
16:57He is in perfect position.
16:58The Undertaker has nowhere to go.
17:00Lesnar's got him right where he wants him.
17:04How much pain can The Undertaker endure?
17:09He can only go until that arm snaps.
17:13Brock's shoulders are down.
17:16Brock's shoulders are down, that's right.
17:18That's the count of The Undertaker.
17:20Look at that!
17:21Left shoulder's not down.
17:23Left shoulder is not down.
17:24Now it may be.
17:25Now they're down.
17:26Look at Lesnar.
17:28Swinging away.
17:29What the hell?
17:32What was that?
17:33What was that?
17:34He tapped him out!
17:36He tapped him!
17:37I didn't come for the bell!
17:39I didn't come for the bell!
17:41It was a count of one!
17:44It was those three.
17:45What are you talking about?
17:46You don't ring the bell.
17:47I come for the bell.
17:49What are you doing?
17:52It's not your job, I tell you, to ring the bell.
17:55That's not your job.
17:58What a blow from The Undertaker.
18:02The official didn't see it.
18:05Hell's gate.
18:06Hell's gate.
18:08Locked in again on Lesnar.
18:11I think the controversy was, was whether Undertaker tapped out or not.
18:14But that's a new point now.
18:16I thought the match was over.
18:19The referee, I think, waved it off.
18:20There was confusion there.
18:22Will Lesnar tap?
18:24Is Lesnar going to tap?
18:28Undertaker applying the pressure.
18:30What can Lesnar do here?
18:31Yeah, what does Brock do here?
18:33Oh, man.
18:34What can Brock do?
18:35Obviously, the match continues.
18:38Oh, look at Lesnar.
18:39A defiant Lesnar.
18:41A defiant Lesnar.
18:46But a Lesnar who's fading away.
18:48Brock Lesnar is fading away.
18:50Undertaker has beaten Lesnar.
19:00Ladies and gentlemen, your winner by submission,
19:05The Undertaker.
19:11Obviously, controversy reigning supreme here at SummerSlam.
19:15But the official decision is Undertaker with a win.
19:18Yeah, but if Brock had Undertaker in that Camara, there's a count of one.
19:22And the bell rings.
19:23And Brock lets the Camara go.
19:25John, I think the controversy was, I think the timekeeper was saying
19:29that he saw Undertaker tap out to the Camara,
19:33which he rang the bell on.
19:35The official, however, was checking the shoulders.
19:37The timekeeper can't ring the bell?
19:39Well, he did.
19:40And that was his step for his reason.
19:42And the referee has to call for it.
19:47John, that's what the timekeeper right here next to me was saying.
19:49I saw The Undertaker tap out and I rang the bell.
19:54But he stepped out of his job responsibility.
19:56That's the referee's job to call for the bell.
19:59Well, that's why the referee-
20:00Not the timekeeper going business for himself.
20:02That's why the referee continued the match.
