The Young and the Restless 9-13-24 (Y&R 13th September 2024) 9-13-2024

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00If it's okay, we'd like to join you. Wouldn't we, Kyle?
00:07Why not?
00:09Well, of course.
00:10Absolutely. We would like nothing better.
00:19Dammit, Kyle.
00:21Hey, it's me. Has Kyle called in yet today? Any idea where he might be?
00:34Nope, thanks. No, no, no, it's no message. I'll track him down myself.
01:21Well, now Billy boy, I've been thinking about you.
01:31Why would the great Victor Newman waste his time doing something like that?
01:35Oh, not a waste of time. More like a prediction.
01:40Oh yeah? You're psychic now? That's cool. So what's your prediction?
01:44That your latest venture's gonna fail.
01:49Wishful thinking doesn't make you a psychic, Victor.
01:55So why did I not get an invitation to the opening of Abbot Chancellor?
02:01Postponed? Was it cancelled or what?
02:03No, not postponed, not cancelled.
02:06Then what? Was it a failure? Failure to launch?
02:10You know, this is good. I've had a little bit of a rough day, but...
02:15Makes me happy knowing that one of these days soon you're gonna be eating your words and you'll have to admit that you were wrong about me.
02:22Billy boy, I've almost never been wrong about you, have I not?
02:27Oh, you're wrong about this one.
02:29Oh yeah?
02:30Gleefully lick your chops waiting for me to fail so you can swoop in and steal Abbot Chancellor from me, but that's not gonna happen because we're coming out swinging big.
02:37Oh, whoa, swinging big. I can hardly wait for that one.
02:41Good. You're not gonna know what hit you.
02:46You have a great sense of humor. Enjoy your damn French fries, okay? Don't choke on them.
02:50I will.
03:00Look at you going toe-to-toe, Victor.
03:04Wow. Impressive.
03:07That deserves a drink on me.
03:13You know, watching me go around or two with Victor doesn't warrant a free drink. I mean, I have very expensive taste.
03:21Oh, I know that going toe-to-toe with him, it's not easy. Trust me, I know from personal experience.
03:30Well, maybe I have a little more practice in you doing that.
03:34I'm not sure about that.
03:36Me too.
03:39Anyway, is he just looking for a fight with you or is it about something specific?
03:45No, it's specific. He's very upset that I am running Chancellor, which is officially now Abbot Chancellor.
03:53And he's even more irked that it's gonna be an incredible success.
03:57Yeah, I'm sure it will be. Abbot Chancellor. I like the sound of that. It's very nice.
04:04All right. So, um, these rumors about some shake-up, are they true?
04:12What rumors?
04:13Well, I mean, I don't know. I don't know.
04:17These rumors about some shake-up, are they true?
04:22What rumors?
04:23Well, you know, rumors, you know, just through the grapevine.
04:27You mean the grapevine that leads from Chance to Summer to you?
04:32Is it true that you got rid of Chance and Lily?
04:37It was for the best.
04:39Oh, wow. Wow. For the best.
04:43Well, you are gonna need a prime executive to jump into those positions for sure. That's gonna be tough finding them.
04:52Yeah, that's the plan.
04:58Well, you're gonna have to conduct a thorough search and that is daunting.
05:02Sure, especially when you're launching a rebrand for your company.
05:06Yeah, wouldn't it be amazing if that perfect person just fell from the blue straight into my lap?
05:10Wouldn't that be amazing? Oh my gosh, that would be win-win. What are the odds?
05:18You know, I didn't think this was really gonna be a free drink, but I didn't think you'd be this brazen about it.
05:28So, how is Harrison adjusting to being back at school?
05:32So far, so good.
05:34Well, you know him. He's so sweet and he has such a bright and inquisitive mind.
05:39It's good seeing him so carefree and happy.
05:42Thanks to Claire. She really brings out the best in him.
05:45Oh, I can't take the credit for that. It's the loving village that he's surrounded by.
05:51I love seeing how excited he is to go off to school and make new friends.
05:56You know, Kyle and I were in Canada when he was Harrison's age and he was the same way.
06:02It's a shame that we outgrow that trusting openness and positive outlook on life.
06:09Yeah, it is a shame when people have to face the real world and that trust and openness results in heartache and disappointment, especially when it happens too young.
06:20You know, in my experience, the real world isn't that bad when you're lucky enough to be surrounded by people who love you.
06:28Claire, it is so nice to see you out and about with Harrison back in school. I wasn't sure how much we were gonna see of you.
06:34Oh, Claire will be around. She's helping me find a new home. I'm counting on her to help me make kid-friendly choices.
06:42Looks like your business partner is waiting for you.
06:50Excuse me.
06:52I'll be right back.
06:57Thank you for letting us join you. I hope we didn't intrude on your lunch too much.
07:00Claire, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but healing the rift in this family is not easy.
07:06Claire, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but healing the rift in this family is a bigger task than any one person should take on, even someone as caring and determined as you are.
07:20What is so important that I couldn't wait until I got back to the office?
07:24I just came from Victor's office, and I cannot believe you would stoop so low.
07:28Okay, Audra, what are you ranting about now?
07:30I'm ranting about what you did. Victor asked me if I told him he was Glissade's anonymous investor, and you went to him with that tidbit, didn't you? You are blatantly trying to freeze me out.
07:41Sounds like you revealed confidential information after you were expressly told not to when Victor busted you, so don't drag me into this. That's on you.
07:48Oh, so you're denying that you said any of that? How stupid do you think I am?
07:53I'm not the one deflecting. And I really hope you didn't try that tactic with Victor. He hates when people don't take responsibility for their mistakes. Just compounds the issue. Look, I'm sorry you were fired for something so avoidable.
08:06Yeah, well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I didn't get fired.
08:12Not yet, anyway, but you royally screwed up this time, and shifting the blame won't save you now.
08:24Is everything okay?
08:27Yeah, everything's fine. We should get takeout and go. Sorry, we can't stay.
08:32What? Finally have a chance to have a conversation and you're leaving?
08:36There's something I need to handle. Is that so hard for you to understand?
08:39Well, I understand you want to avoid your parents, or is it just me?
08:42Mom, I don't—
08:43There's no reason for us to get upset here, okay?
08:46Yeah, we can have lunch another time.
08:48You know, I don't know why you're making such a big deal with this. It's not like we have plans that I'm walking out on. I don't have some vendetta against you.
08:56Well, I'm sorry. It just feels that way with you these days. I'm your mother. I mean, can't we talk about what's—
09:03Wait, what is there to talk about?
09:05Okay, this conversation is long overdue. Claire, could you please excuse us?
09:11No, no. Please stay. Fine. We'll talk, but not here.
09:18If you're going, I'll come too.
09:20No, no, it's okay. I can handle this.
09:26Sorry about lunch. Rain check?
09:28Of course.
09:30I can't believe you're mocking the idea of me working for you in a position that I'm overqualified for.
09:45I'm not mocking you. I'm just amused that I'm in the middle of a job interview for a position that I actually never advertised.
09:51You know, I'm amused too, because I didn't even think about it until this conversation right here.
09:57Gosh, Billy, but I would be so good for you. I'd be your right-hand man. You know, you need someone like me.
10:05You know, there, predicting your next move, even before you know it.
10:10If I actually needed that person, you're right. That would be a perfect person for me.
10:15I'm just trying to help you. You have huge holes in your C-suite, and that's a very bad look if you're launching a rebrand. It just is.
10:24It's a no-brainer that I work with you.
10:26Okay, well, I have a brain, and I'm not sure about this.
10:29You know who doesn't think you have a brain? It's Victor, and I disagree with him.
10:34Okay, Phyllis, why don't you pitch me, okay? What makes you so highly qualified?
10:43Well, I am intelligent and creative and innovative. I have owned and run many companies that have been successful.
10:56The Grand Phoenix, I turned that into a world-class hotel. I was the CEO of Jabot, Restless Style, as you recall.
11:05And I am a self-made prodigy in the tech world. I mean, that's impressive alone.
11:14I can catapult any business into the future. Most importantly, we know each other, and we work well together.
11:21We always have. I'm an asset to you.
11:25That's good. Paint a pretty picture.
11:29But I do have a problem. You very unceremoniously quit at Chancellor Winters, and you haven't worked since.
11:36You've left jobs before, and you know that I quit in solidarity with my son because he was unceremoniously fired by upper management.
11:48Okay, that's not exactly how that happened.
11:50Yes, it is. And you know what? And that job, that was beneath me, and everybody knows that.
11:54And I have a question for you about Lily. What happened there?
11:58I mean, did you guys finally realize you have very different management styles? I'm sure you butted heads.
12:04Okay, I'm not going to talk to you about that.
12:06Oh, okay. Well, I'm going to take my drink elsewhere. Obviously, this is not going well.
12:11Okay, stop. Don't go.
12:16Kyle, believe me, I don't want to fight with you anymore. Just please hear me out.
12:25Okay, when you were a little boy, and it was just the two of us, we were a team. We were inseparable. You were my world.
12:33And then everything that went wrong after that was entirely my fault.
12:38I made stupid, horrible mistakes. But in part, it was because I loved you so much that I knew you deserved better than what I could give you.
12:47Mom, we have been through all of this.
12:49I know, but I need you to be honest, as painful as it might be for me to hear.
12:57Tell me how you really feel.
13:00About what?
13:01Do you resent me? You know, deep down inside, are you not able to really forgive me?
13:07That's what you want to talk about? Rehash ancient history?
13:11Well, it's not ancient if it's still affecting our relationship now.
13:15How is that?
13:16Oh, come on. The fact that you want to move out of the house, your father and I are still hoping that you'll change your mind about that.
13:23Mom, I know you missed out on a lot of years of my life.
13:26But you can't make up for it by keeping me under the same roof for the rest of my life.
13:30Of course. It's just, it's just this distance between us is so wide.
13:37And I'm afraid if you move out, it will just get wider and then I won't be able to reconnect with you.
13:42Even now, you're making this all about you. I want to move out because that's what people do.
13:48They build their own homes with their own money.
13:51I want to move out because that's what people do. They build their own homes with their own families.
13:57Well, we're your family, too.
13:59Can you see? I want to move out so I can finally breathe without everything being about you.
14:12Hey, what's what's going on? You look upset. What's what's wrong?
14:17I can't believe Kyle. He pulled such a slimy move. That is spoiled brat. Tattletail sneak in the house.
14:24Slow down. Slow down. Come sit. Talk to me. What happened?
14:29You remember when I was worried Kyle caught your near slip up about knowing Victor is a secret investor?
14:37Yes. Well, I was right. He did. And he ran straight to Victor to rat me out.
14:43He painted me as some scheming executive who can't be trusted.
14:47He actually told Victor that you told me without any proof. Wow, that is that's pretty low. But you denied it, right?
14:55I didn't see how I could. Victor was already convinced.
14:59So I made a split second judgment call to come clean and defend my right to decide who I trust and who I don't.
15:06I imagine that didn't go over well. I'm not too high on Victor's list of trustworthy types these days.
15:13I don't even know why he insists on all the secrecy anyway. But now my position is in jeopardy because he is beyond furious with me.
15:23I bet.
15:24All because Kyle is a power mad, egotistical, insecure little bastard who can't be trusted.
15:32He's just out to prove that he doesn't need anyone's help.
15:39Diane mentioned Kyle's childhood.
15:43You know, I must admit that before I came to Genoa City, I spent a lot of time researching the Newman family.
15:50But I actually know very little about the Abbott's, even less about Diane and Kyle specifically.
15:56Oh, there's a lot to know. I assume you've heard about Diane's long term absence and her sudden miraculous return.
16:04Yes. Kyle told me some of it.
16:07Claire, I adore my wife. She is a testament to how much someone can change and grow and turn their life around.
16:15Oh, much like yourself.
16:17I know you both have suffered some dark times.
16:22A lot of it of our own making. At least in my case.
16:25Oh, that would speak for Diane too. But you've both come through it and opened your hearts to a new life.
16:31It's definitely not easy.
16:33I also know what it's like to be abandoned by your mother. And I know that isn't easy either.
16:41Your mother left you.
16:43Yeah, one day she just ran away and left three children behind.
16:48Years later, after we'd all grown up without her, she suddenly appeared and wanted, like Diane, to be part of the lives that she hurt and abandoned.
17:02How painful.
17:04It was also hard to make any sense of. But, you know, with time and patience, there was understanding. There was forgiveness.
17:16And now Kyle's suffering through something very similar.
17:20And I see that pent-up rage and anger and disappointment, and I know he can overcome it.
17:28So you're saying there's hope for Kyle and his mom?
17:32Perhaps that's making it too easy. I think my vision of their situation is colored by my own experience.
17:38You know, I managed somehow to forgive my mom, and I assume Kyle had done the same with his.
17:45But you suspect he hasn't.
17:47Diane is sure he hasn't. I'm starting to wonder.
17:52But right now I'm hoping the two of them are busy working things out, trying to somehow make things better.
18:01There it is, how you really feel about me. My mere presence is oppressive to you.
18:06Look at what just happened. We try to have a simple lunch, and all of a sudden it blows up into this huge fight about your hurt feelings.
18:14I'm not allowed to tell you how I feel?
18:16Mom, that is all you do. Your constant need for reassurance that all is forgiven, and even when I tell you that it is, it's still not enough.
18:24That is not true.
18:25God forbid I have a legitimate issue like the paranoia at Jabot.
18:30It immediately turns into this huge drama about how I'm trying to undermine you or stab you in the back, and that's why you felt justified in firing me.
18:39Oh, that was not paranoia, and you know it.
18:42See, you can't let it go. I have. I've moved on from what happened.
18:47Oh my God, I don't know if you're lying to me or to yourself.
18:51Can't you see the more that you smother me, insist that I not move, I want to go and stay away for good.
18:58All right, look, Kyle, the last thing I want to do is push you away.
19:03But I don't know how to talk to you anymore. All we do is argue, and your anger and your resentment towards me is so oversized.
19:13It makes me think there has to be something older and deeper going on.
19:17There you go again, always assuming the worst.
19:20No, maybe we moved too quickly to reconcile.
19:24Maybe we should have had professional help, and there's still time for family therapy.
19:28Well, look, that is your idea.
19:30Spend more time with you, sitting through sessions that'll be about you.
19:36That sounds like hell on earth to me.
19:39Diane, Kyle is right.
19:43You managed to get your hands on your husband?
19:45And now on your job task.
19:47Did you leave him alone?
19:56Why don't you sit down and you can tell me about this vision you have for Abbott Chancellor going forward, or was all of that bluster?
20:06Oh no, it's what keeps me up at night, actually.
20:10Thinking about the next big thing?
20:12Thinking about the next big thing?
20:17Listen, if I were to come on board with Abbott Chancellor, we would need to overhaul the entire IT system.
20:25I mean, you need to employ next generation IT tech, or, I mean, you're out of it. You have to stay ahead of the curve.
20:35If you don't, that's just a waste of money.
20:38Which is a waste of money.
20:40And then, we should shore up on cyber security to prevent internal and external threats.
20:50Most importantly, I would staff up on an AI division.
20:55Implement its use to the company's advantage, if you know what I mean.
21:03Maybe bringing you on board isn't such a crazy idea.
21:06What changed your mind?
21:08The fact that we both know you made that whole thing up, on the spot, but it was good.
21:15I'm persuasive.
21:21I think there's something else at play here.
21:28There's something going on at Abbott Chancellor, something that might change your mind about coming on board.
21:36Oh, what is that?
21:39We may be under attack.
21:42From Victor.
21:51Well, I have just dumped a whole lot on you. I hope it wasn't too much.
21:56I asked. Besides, you know my history. It's pretty hard to shock me.
22:00You know what, having you around the house as much as you have been and looking out for Harrison in such a seamless way, I think I've come to think of you as family.
22:10And I know you have a life of your own and that this is just a job.
22:14That's very nice of you to say, but it's actually not just a job to me.
22:19Being with Harrison has been really fulfilling. I feel like I'm the one who has learned so much.
22:25Like what?
22:26Like seeing how a real family operates, how they're constantly working at staying a family.
22:33It's all still really new to me.
22:35Suddenly I have parents, siblings.
22:40But I have no idea how to operate in that dynamic.
22:44Oh, from where I sit, I think you're navigating it all very well.
22:49And I am very impressed with what you've done with Harrison.
22:51Well, I can't take any credit for that. He is a great kid.
22:55Well, you'll get no argument from me there, but I am grateful for your presence in his life.
23:01And Kyle's. I've seen that you've had a calming effect on both of them.
23:06I hope you can stick around for a long time to come.
23:12No one can accuse you of repressing your anger.
23:15I just hate that Kyle has the upper hand now.
23:18I assumed that after all my years working with Tucker, I could spot a move from an adversary from a mile away.
23:24But somehow I missed this one.
23:26It happens to the best of us.
23:28You think my anger is intimidating?
23:31Incurring the wrath of Victor Newman is not fun.
23:34Which is just what I tried to warn you about.
23:37I'm really not up for the I told you so's right now.
23:41Then how about some insight from my dealings with the man?
23:44I've known Victor for quite a while.
23:45I think I have a pretty good idea about how his Machiavellian mind works.
23:49Tell me.
23:51Victor, Victor, Victor is notoriously ruthless and cunning to a fault.
23:57If you ever find yourself wondering what the man thinks, don't even waste your time.
24:03Just always assume he's calculating his next move.
24:07You see, Victor, he lives in a very moral place.
24:11You see, Victor, he lives in a very morally ambiguous world with rules of his own.
24:20I guess someone that wealthy had to break a few laws along the way.
24:24Just be aware.
24:26Because if you ever cross him, he won't hesitate to throw you under the bus in a heartbeat.
24:31And he'll hold a grudge forever. Trust me.
24:34Sparring with Victor is a dangerous game that has lasting repercussions.
24:41You shouldn't enter into his world lightly.
24:44It's a little late for that now.
24:47You make it sound so ominous.
24:52I'm just speaking from experience.
24:55See, the Newman's have a way of drawing you in and then before you know it you find yourself turning into someone you didn't want to be.
25:04This conversation is none of your business, Victor.
25:07We're dealing with a private family matter, so keep your two cents out of it.
25:12I happen to disagree with you, Diane Jenkins.
25:17Kyle is a fine young man. I've come to respect him.
25:22I suggest you do the same.
25:25Oh, don't bother playing your games with me.
25:28We both know that you're using Kyle like you always have.
25:32No one is using me. I can make my own decisions.
25:34You know what, Victor?
25:37Instead of giving me advice on how to deal with my son,
25:41why don't you focus on your family and your empire and leave my family and Kyle the hell alone?
25:48You were nice stroll, Diane.
25:53I guess I pushed a button or two.
25:57I hope you realize that I meant what I said.
26:03Look, I appreciate your support, but I don't need you to fight my battles.
26:07It's the kind of thing that'll make my parents even more certain that you're trying to control me.
26:11I don't give a damn what your parents think.
26:14They've made their choices. They have to live by them, okay?
26:17Can't argue with that.
26:19If I were you, Kyle, I would feel no obligation to them whatever.
26:23You live your life as you see fit.
26:27Whatever you want it to mean. That's the point.
26:29Remember that. You're on your own.
26:38Has Victor actually declared war?
26:42You know, Victor, all he has to do is throw around some vaguely threatening comments and underhanded digs and the battle lines are drawn.
26:50Huh. Well, what triggered him?
26:53Me? The fact that I'm in charge? A chancellor?
26:58He feels like his dear friend Catherine's legacy is being threatened.
27:04When Lily was still co-CEO, he said directly to her, get out.
27:09Before it's too late.
27:12Did he?
27:14Wow, he's protecting someone who's not a Newman. That's odd.
27:18If you're asking me, it's already in the works.
27:21Should I scare you off yet?
27:23No. On the contrary.
27:28I love a real challenge.
27:31And it doesn't get realer than defending myself and this company against Victor Newman.
27:38You're not threatened by him?
27:40No. I wasn't afraid of him before and I'm not afraid of him now.
27:45And you know I have no problem fighting dirty.
27:49No problem fighting dirty for something I care about.
28:05I take it things didn't go so well.
28:08I tried everything I could to get through to him. I even suggested going to family therapy.
28:13I just want Carl to see how sincerely I want to work things out between us.
28:17And he wasn't interested?
28:19Well, it just became another fight. And then to make matters worse, Victor showed up.
28:23What was Victor doing there?
28:25Eavesdropping. He had the nerve to offer his advice.
28:29And of course he immediately sided with Kyle and then the two of them ganged up against me.
28:33Where the hell does that bastard get off?
28:35Oh, I think we know exactly where.
28:38He's Kyle's secret new boss. Glissade's mystery investor.
28:42Taking every opportunity he can to whisper his vile nonsense into Kyle's ears.
28:47And now that Kyle's career is in Victor's hands, he has no choice but to listen to that poison.
29:01How did you know I was here?
29:04Let's just say it wasn't the first place I looked.
29:11Are you disappointed in me?
29:15Why would I be?
29:18I just know how much you want me to make up with my parents.
29:23I didn't think it would be fixed in a day.
29:26And the last thing that I want is to put any more pressure on you.
29:30Things are hard enough already.
29:38Just the sight of you makes me breathe a little easier.
29:41In fact, you make everything easier.
29:50I'm telling you, Audra, I got it.
29:53I got it.
29:55I got it.
29:57I got it.
29:58I'm telling you, Audra, I got out in the nick of time.
30:02I could feel myself being drawn into Victor's web of deceit.
30:06And I didn't realize how tangled up I got until I got out.
30:11Yeah, well, uh, my situation is completely different.
30:16Oh, you think so, do you?
30:18It's purely a business agreement.
30:22I'm not dating one of his daughters.
30:25So I'm not a threat to him on that front.
30:28Funny, but I prefer you not deal with that man on any front.
30:34Look, I appreciate your concern. I do.
30:38But I haven't been fired.
30:41At least not yet.
30:43And I'm also not just gonna jump ship.
30:46I don't want to give Kyle the satisfaction.
30:48No, I don't.
30:52As much as I don't love the idea of you working for that man,
30:56I totally believe you can handle it.
30:59And not just handle it, but knock it out of the park.
31:03You're brilliant enough to exceed all expectations.
31:08You've proven that over and over.
31:11You really do believe in me.
31:13I've seen you come up with the perfect fix on the fly to seemingly unsolvable problems.
31:20So, yes, I do.
31:21And Victor may have come up with the money needed to swipe Glissade out from under Tucker,
31:27but it would not have happened without you.
31:31You masterminded the whole thing because of your brains, your drive, and your straight up fire.
31:42You're right.
31:44I can do this.
31:46Of course.
31:47Of course.
31:49There's no limit to what you can achieve.
32:18You know, I do have one request.
32:22I haven't offered you a job yet. You're already negotiating a deal?
32:26You know, I'm always closing, I'm always closing.
32:29But in all seriousness, whether or not you hire me, it doesn't matter.
32:34I just want you to consider something for the good of Abbott Chancellor.
32:39Is this free advice, like my free drink?
32:42Go ahead.
32:43Hire Daniel back.
32:48You gotta hire Daniel back.
32:53Lily let him go. She's not there anymore.
32:56And he should come back to the company, the new company, of course.
33:00Bring Daniel back?
33:03Lily fired him.
33:05And we all know that was personal.
33:07It had nothing to do with his job performance.
33:09No comment there.
33:10Okay, well, it didn't.
33:12He headed up a very successful division.
33:16This is for the good of the company.
33:19Well, I can see the potential value there.
33:22Good. Then me and Daniel, Daniel and me?
33:25Oh, no. No, I'm not ready to, you know, hire a family twofer just yet.
33:30Okay. Well, you should consider it.
33:33I mean, don't sit on this one.
33:35Listen, I have an idea.
33:36I mean, don't sit on this one.
33:38Listen, I have another meeting that I'm late for, so why don't you quit while you're ahead?
33:44We'll talk soon.
33:55I really hope that wasn't what it looked like.
34:01Well, that depends. What did it look like?
34:04You, trying to position yourself in Abbott Chancellor.
34:10Um, listen, what you think you saw, it wasn't for me.
34:16Really, it wasn't for me.
34:19I'm trying to get Daniel's job back.
34:22That's all I'm trying to do.
34:24Yeah, I get that.
34:27I have said this to you numerous times, but I'm going to say it one last time.
34:32Billy Abbott cannot be trusted.
34:34Do not ever let your guard down with him.
34:39Well, I learned a long time ago, there aren't a lot of people in this town that I can actually let my guard down with.
34:47So, if I'm going to work with someone, it's got to be the devil I know, not some rando.
34:56Just not hearing me.
34:57Hearing me.
35:00So I'll be more specific.
35:04But this must stay off the record.
35:10So dramatic and mysterious.
35:13I'm serious.
35:16I think Billy's days there are numbered.
35:19What are you saying, that Billy could be out of his own company?
35:25With his name plastered all over the place? Really?
35:30I'm not going to say any more, alright?
35:33I just need you to trust me.
35:37You're not giving me specifics.
35:39What are you talking about?
35:41I'm not giving you specifics.
35:45You're not giving me specifics.
35:47What are you talking about?
35:50Well, that's all you get.
35:54What is this? You don't trust me now?
35:58Look, I shouldn't even have said that much, alright?
36:02But I don't want to see you get caught in the fall out here.
36:07I care about you.
36:09I want to make sure you're protected.
36:10So for the first time, like, ever, will you please just take something at face value and not argue with me?
36:20You know what I love about you?
36:22Is that you care about me and you're watching out for me.
36:27It's very sweet.
36:30But I can take care of myself.
36:32I'm not Sharon.
36:35It's not Sharon.
36:36I'm not. I'm not.
36:37I'm not.
36:39I can fight my own battles. I'm good.
36:42I am.
36:44But I better get ready because this might be a really big one coming.
36:52How could this happen?
36:54How could Victor Newman have more influence over our son than we do?
36:57And I'm afraid that Kyle's going to keep drifting farther and farther away from us.
37:01I promise you I'm never going to let that happen.
37:03Yeah, but how are you going to stop it?
37:04We couldn't even sit down for a simple meal together today.
37:08Every innocent comment I made was met with hostility and distrust and I just don't know what to do anymore.
37:20You have to get past what happened today.
37:23Don't let any expectations or demands weigh you down.
37:28Can you do that?
37:30Can you let it go?
37:34I can try.
37:37You make me want to.
37:58Week on the Young and the Restless.
38:00I am Abbott Chancellor's new COO.
38:07You and Sally were great together.
38:10But you and Mom, what you had, it was something more.
38:18What you were suggesting is repulsive.
38:23It's not my idea.
38:25It's all yours.
38:29It's all yours.
