• last year
In "MrBeast First To Rob Bank Wins $100,000," contestants compete in a daring and thrilling challenge where the goal is to be the first to "rob" a bank in a simulated environment. With $100,000 on the line, participants must use their strategic thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills to navigate through a series of complex obstacles and puzzles. The challenge is designed to be intense and entertaining, combining elements of risk, strategy, and excitement. As competitors race against the clock and each other, viewers are treated to an engaging spectacle of high-stakes adventure.


00:00There's over
00:02$100,000 inside of this bank vault and now that it's sealed this key is the only way to get inside and whichever one of these
00:09Guys touches the ball first gets what's inside
00:16Chandler's breaking through it. Oh wait, Chris is climbing over top. Oh
00:26I didn't really even do anything yet. Just pull on the handle
00:29You get
00:31Nothing. This was just a decoy ball
00:33Now the boys are gonna run through all the challenges and hope that the safe they win is the safe with the
00:38$100,000 prize for their dad
00:43Nolan go he's going Nolan. Watch out. There's one over your head right now. Oh
00:50I'm so scared. Watch out. Watch out. Watch out. I'm gonna go for it
00:59Cuz you're so skinny and lanky did your dad just win a hundred grand or next stage you have
01:07At least the mannequins very handsome he's so handsome welcome to my favorite room the city of red solo cups
01:14There's over 1 billion red solo cups in here. I just don't think that's true. Don't count
01:19What could you possibly find in here that would open a safe a key a key? I said it first a key begin searching
01:29This is so satisfying to watch I don't even feel like they're looking for the key
01:38Chandler found that key man
01:46Let's see, but your dad just won it if you win the $100,000 your dad also gets a Tesla now
01:54Yes, keep watching let's go to the next one
01:57I brought the boys to our next safe and blindfolded them so they couldn't see the garage door. That is now falling
02:03You got to make it under it go
02:08Carl touched it first. Come on. Show me a hundred grand. It's probably not a hundred grand. It's not a hundred grand
02:13But your dad did win $10,000
02:16Yeah, man, you don't care about your dad I tried I ran pathetic let's see if the next vote has a hundred grand
02:23This is a mountain of Legos and that is a key dangling in the air
02:26Look at it dangle whichever one of you uses those Legos to build to that key first gets what's in the vault
02:32Star stack and star stack you weren't even close. He's a rule-breaker Taylor. You have a good vertical
02:38Can you try to jump and grab it? Oh
02:40My ankle you see that and while the boys are trying to grab that key
02:44I want to tell you guys about current the future of banking with current you can do all your banking on your phone
02:49You can literally signed up send and receive money cash checks all from within the current app. You can also sabotage, you know that right? Oh
02:59This is the same company that sponsored this video and gave everyone that signed up $1 and 10 people $1,000
03:09Before you open that can you apologize to current for cutting off the red? I'm very sorry current what's in the safe hundred grand, baby
03:15It's not a hundred grand it is if you don't win the next challenge your kicks
03:20All this hard work to get nothing you pick the worst one to win if you don't win this next challenge, man
03:25Don't be so disappointed. We're back in the laser room and turn them on
03:29How are we supposed to make it through this as you see it disappears and then reappears?
03:33Okay, you have to cross in between the lasers when they disappear
03:36I need to finish telling you about current because Chandler interrupted us
03:38Sorry, the first 100,000 people that download current and use the code beast Bank
03:43I will literally deposit $1 into your current account. Wow, that's free money
03:47This is my current tag and I'm gonna be sending
03:49$20,000 in cash to random people that request money if you switch your direct deposit over to them you'll get
03:555,000 points which you can redeem for this sexy current. Mr. Beast hoodie click the link description download current right now
04:00And you can get this beautiful current card Chandler. Yeah, if you touch a laser you and your dad are out. I know
04:06It's gonna attempt it when it disappears. Okay, that's one and he'd do it again
04:13Hey, why aren't you guys joining him? Oh, what is this the Chandler challenge? Oh, he's over here
04:23That's it skinny boy, this is the last one Chandler this has the shortest duration between when it disappears it comes back
04:28Wait, I need to see the slow-mo he's about to do it
04:35There is no break in the laser he successfully did it
04:41Chandler what's in the bowl? Oh, it's upside down. I hope you're Chandler. Wait, how'd you know?
04:46I did this before you guys came in here. Oh you want nothing but at least you're not kicked
04:50This wall is protected by a bunch of electric wires
04:53The wires only react to metal so it's safe to touch but I tried to scare the guys with this little trick just to show
04:59You what would happen if you did touch?
05:03I thought it would look hilarious to watch the boys tiptoe around these wires thinking they were actually electric
05:08But Chris for whatever reason just had no fear and just ran straight through it
05:18Anyways Chris thought he won the guys thought he cheated so we decided to move on to the next room. Thank you, Chris
05:23Welcome to the next room. What the heck everyone take a stand you guys are gonna be voting for who opens the safe
05:29Maybe there's a hundred grand behind that vault. So what's the rule? We can't vote for ourself or something
05:33You can't vote for yourself. That is correct. Write who you want to open the safe. Who'd you vote for Carl?
05:39Yeah, baby, I voted for Nolan because I don't want him to win and he'll somehow find a way Nebraska Nolan
05:46And Chandler, who did you vote for Chris?
05:52I'm gonna get this. Yeah, I think this is it. I feel it. It's a hundred grand
05:57Next room you get to use a metal detector. What for inside this giant beach is a key. Let the challenge begin
06:03I think you can see why you want a metal detector. I can detect the key
06:07Stop I'm trying to find a key. Oh, what are you trying to use your metal detector? Why don't you detect this? Oh, I found it
06:18I got a rock. He thought the rock was the key. I got sandy for nothing
06:24Okay, I'm gonna be honest I found the key but it broke it doesn't count it does count. Yes
06:29Congratulations. I'm winning a $5,000 Home Depot gift card
06:34That's every dad's dream at the start of this video this bank vault was empty and we covered it with a black sheet
06:40But now we're gonna fill the same vault with the $100,000 cash prize. We're about to see whose dad wins a hundred grand
06:48As you can see you are back in the first room you put nails up there. Yeah, I don't want you climbing over it
06:54Remember whoever touches this first gets what's inside a hundred grand. Oh, I didn't say go. He didn't say go
06:59He didn't say go, but I just said go
07:08Don't kill me. There you go Chris. That was a good one
07:22Guys just break the glass. Hey, don't watch out
07:26Oh, no one touched it. Nolan the bolt is unlocked. Have at it. Hundred grand. Here we go. Yes, hundred grand. Look at all this money. Look at all of it. Look at that. You got a hundred grand.
07:41I'm so proud of you Nolan. You're the best bank robber ever.
07:44And if you haven't already hit that subscribe button because I'm gonna be giving away $10,000 in cash to a random subscriber
07:49I'll pick a winner in 72 hours. Hit the subscribe button if you haven't already. Goodbye
