• last year
#alvinandthechipmunks #cartoon #anime


00:00Watch out, cause here we come It's been a while, but we're back with style
00:12So get set to have some fun We'll bring you action and satisfaction
00:18We're the Chipmunks C-H-I-P-M-U-N-K
00:24We're the Chipmunks Guaranteed to brighten your day
00:30When you feel like a laugh Give us a call, we'll give you our all
00:36And if you feel like a song Tune into us and sing right along
00:42We're the Chipmunks Coming on stronger than ever before
00:48We're the Chipmunks Alvin, Simon, Theodore
00:54Do, do, do-do-do-do Do, do, do-do-do-do
01:00Alvin and the Chipmunks will return after these messages
01:06We now return to Alvin and the Chipmunks
01:10Maybe this'll hit home
01:15Let's say you have three apples
01:18And I take two away
01:20What's left?
01:22An empty stomach?
01:24Okay, everybody up, up, up!
01:26Alvin, what are you wearing?
01:29You've gone from chipmunk to chip punk
01:35The reason we haven't been getting the big digs recently
01:39Is because we're behind the times
01:43Just what are you getting at, Alvin?
01:46Our new image
01:49Put on your new costume
01:51We're going punk
01:53New costumes?
01:56I don't like changing our image, Alvin
01:59I think we're okay the way we are
02:02I mean, we're
02:05Theodore's right, this isn't a good idea
02:08The police raid punk concerts all the time
02:11Come on, guys, where's your sense of adventure?
02:15Take a look at this
02:17The easy road to new wave superstardom
02:20All we gotta do is go to the punk palace
02:23And win this battle of the bands
02:26Alvin, what does Dave think about all this?
02:29I haven't told him about it yet
02:32We'll let him know after we win
02:41Okay, guys, the coast is clear
02:50Oh, nice to hear from you, Ms. Mayor
02:53Coming here? Tonight?
02:57Good citizenship awards?
03:00For my boys?
03:02They'll be thrilled
03:05Fellas, I've got great news for you
03:09Simon, wake up
03:20Punk palace?
03:22Oh, no!
03:27Don't freak me out, man
03:30Your group is, like, late
03:33Unwind, Poindexter
03:35The world's greatest punk band is here!
03:38Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
03:41And never mind, they just showed up
03:46We're here to win your battle of the bands
03:49Hey, cruise control man
03:51Cause you're hitting ground zero before you can blink
03:54What did he say?
03:56I think he said we'll be on next
04:07We're not supposed to be here, but we don't care
04:10We should be doing homework, but that's too square
04:12They say that punk is junk
04:14Our futures all are sunk
04:15Our teachers say we're blunt
04:18But we don't care, no, we don't care
04:21We shave off all our hair
04:22The people stop and stare
04:23But we don't care, no, we don't care
04:26They laugh at Albus and the stone
04:27But we don't care
04:29They told the Beatles to go home
04:30But we don't care
04:31Cause we are in a company that can't compare
04:35No, we don't care, no, we don't care
04:38We like to dance or slam
04:40Make all the noise we can
04:41And if we get in a jam
04:42We don't care, no, we don't care
04:45We don't care, no, we don't care
04:48We don't care, no, we don't care
04:51We don't care, no, we don't care
04:54We don't care
04:55We don't care, no, we don't care
04:58We don't care, no, we don't care
05:01We don't care, no, we don't care
05:04We don't care, no, we don't care
05:07We don't care, no, we don't care
05:10We don't care, no, we don't care
05:13We don't care, no, we don't care
05:16We don't care, no, we don't care
05:22This is it!
05:23We never should have changed our image!
05:25We're going to jail!
05:49I don't want to go to jail!
06:03We've got to get out of here!
06:05Take it on the ram until things cool down!
06:14We can't go home!
06:16The police might come after us
06:18And arrest me, too!
06:19But we have no money!
06:21No change of clothes!
06:23No food!
06:24Leave it to me!
06:28But officer, my boys may be stuck in the Punk Palace!
06:32Okay, I'll let you go this time
06:35But remember, no more warnings
06:38I don't want to catch you speeding again
06:41Thanks, officer
06:48Okay, fellas, you're coming with me
06:50The mayor is...
06:52Oops, sorry
06:55Hey, wait a minute!
07:05The Beverly Ritz Hotel!
07:09The Beverly Ritz Hotel!
07:11The manager said we could come and stay anytime we want
07:15You just need friends in the right places
07:22Know any more friends, Alvin?
07:25Hey, what's the big idea?
07:27This is a respectable establishment
07:30We don't cater to the likes of you
07:33You obviously don't know who we are
07:35I don't know who we are
07:37We're the Chipmunks!
07:38The Chipmunks are a nice, respectable singing group
07:42Not a trio of little punks
07:44Besides, they're personal friends of mine
07:48Well, I say we're the Chipmunks
07:50And we're getting in!
07:52Call the police!
07:54The police?
07:57Can't you take a joke?
07:59Come on, let's find a less discriminating hotel
08:03Well, it isn't much, but it's better than jail
08:06That's debatable, Alvin
08:08The Constitution protects people in jail from cruel and unusual punishment
08:15What are you looking for? Dinner?
08:33What's that?
08:34Health inspection!
08:37Go on up
08:38There's only three tiny punks upstairs
08:41Gee, this cheese is delicious!
08:47I say we call Dave
08:49Open up! Police!
08:52They found us!
08:54They'll never take us alive!
08:56Come on, let's fire at them!
08:59Do you hear that?
09:06Look at the size of this pizza!
09:09We must have died and gone to heaven!
09:12No, we haven't
09:14We're riding on a pizza van
09:16Mmm, pizza!
09:19I'm starved!
09:23Maybe they've gone home
09:29Let's see
09:31A giant pepperoni pizza!
09:39Can I have one of these?
09:43Charge! It's a thief up the hill!
09:52Oh no! The police!
09:54We're doomed!
09:56We're doomed!
10:02Wait a minute
10:04We can't run forever
10:08I guess it's time to face the music
10:11You mean, turn ourselves in?
10:20We're sorry!
10:22It's all my fault!
10:24This punk business was my idea
10:26And now we're going to jail!
10:30Save it for the judge, guys
10:33Okay, Seville
10:35You didn't listen to my warning at the Punk Palace
10:38So I'm giving you two tickets now
10:41You mean the Punk Palace wasn't raided tonight?
10:45In fact, for the Punk Palace
10:48I hear it was a pretty dull evening
10:52Then we took it on the lam for nothing?
10:57Oh no!
10:59It's the mayor!
11:01I forgot all about her
11:03The mayor?
11:05I was looking for the chipmunks
11:07To give them their good citizenship awards
11:10We're the chipmunks
11:14We, uh, just got back from a costume party
11:18We all went as chipmunks from, uh, Mars
11:31Alvin and the chipmunks will return after these messages
11:36We now return to Alvin, that's me, and the chipmunks
11:42Singing telegram service, hold on please
11:44A birthday song for Farmer Johnson?
11:46Theodore, the chicken costume
11:48One chicken costume, coming up!
11:53You want us to sing for a baby shower?
11:55No problem!
12:00A wedding anniversary for the mayor?
12:03Theodore, do we have anything fancy to wear?
12:08How's this?
12:10That's fine, Theodore
12:12Hey, Simon, how are we doing?
12:14With these new jobs, we've got just enough money
12:17For Dave's surprise birthday present
12:19Great! Let's get these orders filled!
12:24It's Dave! Activate emergency plans!
12:28Why not, now we rehearsed it
12:36Boys, listen, have you seen my tuxedo coat?
12:39You mean this one?
12:41Yeah, that's it, Theodore
12:43I'm going to a fancy party tonight
12:45What? What?
12:47Theodore, give Dave his coat
12:49I need the hat, too, Theodore
12:53I'll be home later, fellas, bye now
12:55Bye, Dave
12:58That was a close one
13:00Theodore, give me the addresses
13:02Well, I, um, don't exactly have them
13:06They're, um, in Dave's car pack
13:10Oh, oh, no, this is awful
13:13Without those jobs, we can't get Dave a present
13:24Ringing telegram, Theodore?
13:26Sure we sing for birthdays
13:29A hundred dollar bonus?
13:31What's the address?
13:35Got it
13:36It's no use, Dave's gone
13:38There goes the addresses, the job, and Dave's present
13:42It's okay, we got another call
13:45And the job paid a hundred dollar bonus
13:48If we get there right away
13:50That's enough to buy the golf club
13:52What's the address?
13:54Uh, 99 6th Street
13:57Great, let's hurry
14:00Are you sure this is the right place, Theodore?
14:03Yeah, it's 99 6th Street, all right
14:08What a boring Saturday night
14:10Yeah, Rudy, it's the pits
14:19It's a three ring birthday salute to you
14:24We're here to sing you a song or two
14:28And we're not clowning, no sirree
14:32We're not clowning, no sirree
14:35A very happy birthday from Phil and Marie
14:39Well, how do you like our act?
14:41They ain't bad, eh Frankie?
14:44Then we get the bonus money?
14:46Bonus money? Are you...
14:47Well, I don't know
14:49Let me check with my partners
14:52This is gonna be a fun Saturday night after all
14:55Those clowns don't know they have the wrong address
14:57Hey guys, come here
14:59If you want that bonus, you gotta do a couple of more jobs for us
15:03But I thought all we had to do was...
15:06We'll do it!
15:07Now here's what we got in mind
15:12They really swallowed their story about the Gamma House fraternity football belonging to us
15:17Those little twerps will never get the ball
15:20Maybe not, but either way we get a good laugh
15:23There they are
15:25Wow! Those guys sure are big!
15:30And we have to get past them to get the ball
15:33I don't see why big guys like that would want to steal Rudy's football
15:38Forget it, Simon
15:40This is our last chance to earn the money for Dave's present
15:56Okay guys, you know what to do
15:59Why are we always on the bottom?
16:07I've had it! I do!
16:09It's me!
16:17Hey! That guy's got our game pool!
16:20Here you go, Alvin!
16:25Amazing! Those guys got the ball!
16:28Run! Run!
16:32Go down and out, Simon!
16:38Here, Theodore! Catch!
16:44Hey, Este! Look out behind you!
16:50Theodore! Watch out for that... egg
16:53Alvin! Simon! Help!
16:56Get him!
17:00Theodore's in trouble! Maybe not
17:08Wow! What a play!
17:11All clear, Theodore! Run!
17:13I'm coming! I'm coming!
17:17Let's get this to Rudy
17:19They got away!
17:21We got the ball!
17:24Hey! Those were some nice moves you put on, Bato
17:27Thanks! Does this mean our job's finished?
17:30Not quite
17:32Just one more little chore
17:34All the bad spots on the bell tower need painting
17:37Frankie? Yo, Frankie!
17:39Yeah! The dean'll love you for it
17:42He drives by every night
17:44Here's the paint
17:46Don't worry, it'll match when it dries
17:50Ring the bell when you're done
17:52Don't forget the hundred dollars!
17:57All done on this end
17:59I'm through
18:00Josh finishes up
18:02Theodore! Look at you!
18:04So, I like to get into my work
18:06The paint. It's dry
18:08They told us it would match when it dries
18:11Well, it sure doesn't match here
18:13Boy, have we been suckered
18:15I bet they lied about the football, too
18:18Those rose-down fraternity boys
18:21We're gonna fix them
18:23Here they come!
18:25Alvin! I'm coming!
18:28Don't get me! I'm up here!
18:31Don't move! We'll be right down!
18:36It's locked!
18:40What do we do now, Alvin?
18:44The clock works
18:46I've got an idea, guys!
18:49Now, let's see
18:51The big gears turn the little gears
18:53Which in turn turn the...
19:00Good going, Simon
19:02Now we've got some unfinished business
19:04With those fraternity boys
19:06Theodore, go ring the bell
19:08That'll bring them running
19:10We've got some more painting to do
19:17Here they come!
19:21Great job, guys
19:23Yeah, the dean's gonna love it
19:25We've got just a few more drips to cover
19:31Now the job is complete
19:37Look what you've done to the bell tower
19:40But, Dean, we didn't do it
19:42They did
19:44We didn't do it
19:45They did
19:46Those nice boys
19:48The evidence is all over you
19:50And since you enjoy painting so much
19:53You won't mind repainting the tower
19:56And the rest of the campus buildings
19:59And make sure they give back the football
20:02Well, they got what they deserved
20:05Yeah, but we didn't get the money for Dave's present
20:09How did we get into this mess anyway?
20:12Well, all I did was write the address on my car
20:16It was 99 6th Street
20:19Or, uh, was it 966th Street?
20:28I'd give anything to get Dave a present
20:33Singing telegram service
20:35A birthday song?
20:36Twenty-five dollars?
20:38We'll take it
20:40It won't buy golf clubs
20:42But it will buy golf balls
20:44That's better than nothing
20:46Let's hurry
20:51Singing telegram service
20:53Oh, yes
20:54Come in, boys
20:57There's the guest of honor
20:59This is his surprise party
21:01Read it to us
21:07What are you guys doing here?
21:09We, uh, wanted to get you a present
21:11But we couldn't, so
21:13All we have is the special birthday song we wrote
21:18Every 365th day of the year
21:23We tell you we love you and hold you so near
21:28We bring you presents and kids and good cheer
21:32Every 365th day of the year
21:37But we think you're special at least once a day
21:41Our favorite person, yes, that's who we say
21:46We may drive you crazy and cause you to fear
21:51But we love you 365 days of the year
21:59Fellas, that was the best birthday present I ever had
22:04Alvin and the Chipmunks will return after these messages
