• last year
00:00Hello in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame Shia. Hi Shia
00:04for those watching, I thank you for watching. This is going to be part one
00:09of two Shia and I'm going to try to look at the camera while I make this so my
00:15eyes are going to be sort of looking like they're over the spot. So I'm
00:22using the laptop as a backup. So Shia, something very very terrible has
00:28happened to me and I'm very very scared and the first, this is the first part I'm
00:35going to talk about the notes and I'm hoping that, so in regards to this
00:48family member attacking me using a synthetic duplicate, it's not just a
00:52synthetic duplicate, they're building some kind of AI technology. It hasn't
00:58just been a synthetic duplicate. They're building something and they've been
01:04doing it for a long time and it's been making me very very sick and she's been
01:09trying to turn me into her and this is, this is a very ghetto trash. This is pure
01:20ghetto trash. So I can explain a little bit. I'm going to show you a clip and not
01:29listen to my voice. This is from, says 16 years ago. My voice, this isn't what my
01:36voice really should sound like. This is how my body looks.
01:50Okay, let me show you me dancing. This is how my body's supposed to look.
02:04Wow, I think I was anorexic. I was anorexic.
02:21So I'll show you my lip too. I'll show you my lip how I had the stroke. You can
02:35see it, how my lip is drooping. Look at my lip, look at my lip how it's drooping
02:42on the side. I had a stroke. This, this was 16 years ago so 40, 20, 35, 40. I think
02:57that was 20, 20, 22, 20 or 21. So in C, this is Mars Mermaid and I'm very
03:08embarrassed about how I sound and in regards to my hair I'm gonna have to
03:14figure out a way to not look, not make my hair look like this. I tried to curl it
03:20with the bobby pins, let it air dry, put it, the fan didn't work. So they're doing
03:35something to my face in the facial expression. So what you see Shia is what
03:43you've been seeing in the security camera is not me and I told you, I told
03:47you repeatedly it looks like there's a man inside. I look kind of big like, like
03:51a bully. So I have to just kind of show you even though this is 16 years ago
04:04there's something that happened to my looks. They're trying to turn me into a
04:11family member and this is not just seducing my husband, this is loving my
04:18husband Shia. This is loving my husband Shia. So obviously my looks are gonna
04:26change over time and I can't really say this is completely me and I was
04:34extremely nervous, barely able to do these videos.
04:41Um, but see how feminine I look?
04:55There's something that this, and this is really scary and really grossing male
04:59Shia because I can see it. So I'm hoping that your family member can show you how
05:06this family member acts and looks and I've been repeatedly told, the
05:13telepathic supporters repeatedly told me this has been good, this is like a 10
05:20year project Shia of stealing my identity, my soul, my spirit and then
05:24turning me into her. This has been going a long, this has been going on a long
05:28time and the excuse was you're just, you're just fat, you're like you're just
05:35turning into her because you're fat now and you have a stroke. You've got a stroke
05:40so like you're just like naturally turning into her. So
05:54see the lip? I had a stroke, a very bad stroke back then and I went to the
06:02doctors and then didn't do anything for it. I think I may have to, this is one of
06:07my paintings.
06:22I can't stand my voice that's why I'm not playing it because it doesn't sound
06:26like my voice. They did a fake voice on me to make me sound like a girl and I
06:35I can't stand how bad I look and I just I'm so demonically possessed Shia they
06:41can do this so easily with AI make me look absolutely awful. So if you need to
06:51get an idea of like I hated that bird by the way I hate I hated that bird but
07:03if you could see the way I move my body this would be the way to know what I
07:08look like and I have changed a lot. This isn't just a walk-in and this is really
07:21bothering me because I haven't really looked at myself in the camera that much
07:29like or in the mirror because I'm I'm not I don't look at myself in the mirror
07:35a lot. I don't have any like I don't have any footage from the but see like how
07:48I'm moving like like heavy big and see how like much feminine I look. This
07:58bulkiness and heaviness is that family member and there's a man inside that
08:07entity and I'm going to show you some clips of it what she looks like. No, I
08:24So Shia, Shia you're not cheating on me she's forcing you to she's forcing you
08:34she's forcing you to like her by turning me into her. So this is a crime
08:41against you Shia. She's stealing my husband like my yeah my family members
08:46stealing my husband away from me and I'm not looking her up because I refuse to.
08:53If you do look her up you probably won't find any videos because she there's
09:02she's got a problem with the camera. So this is ghetto trash. She is ghetto trash.
09:15I am feeling s-u-i-c-d-a-l over it. I knew they've been telling me thousands
09:24of times we're turning her into you we're turning her into you are not you
09:28you're her over and over and over for years and years and they've kind of like
09:35kept it sort of a secret and like kind of like more subliminal but then they
09:40would tell me and I I refuse to believe that a cousin family member would do
09:46that to me. I refuse to believe. So by this isn't just a synthetic duplicate
10:02Shia this isn't just a synthetic duplicate and my hair is driving me
10:07crazy so I have to put it back. They've stolen my fashion they've stolen my
10:13looks they've stolen my hair my fashion my body now even my skin is changing my
10:20skin like it's like it's not just like it's like the spirit and the energy of
10:28this family member is trying to like take over my body. Honestly it's not 24
10:397 but it's obviously like extreme right now to try to get me to react because
10:44now that it's not a secret anymore and she's caught they're gonna have to keep
10:49doing it in order to attempt to try and kill me because it's it's it's no longer
10:54secret but she's this has been going on for a long time Shia and I haven't
11:02talked about it because I've been threatened that I'm going to be accused
11:06of being mentally ill and I don't know how I could not look any worse than I am
11:15right now. It's purposeful you don't like you don't like Alyssa you don't
11:21like Alyssa you like her family member. It's not a coincidence that they've been
11:28talking very loudly on the security camera today things that are not
11:33appropriate to say on the camera and what I look like do not trust that I
11:41look like this and I know that you know that I've had extreme full-body
11:51possession and now it just got it didn't get worse because now it's being exposed
11:58and I'm playing curing ruckus to try to stop it however this isn't gonna just go
12:08away Shia they've been building this synthetic duplicate with artificial
12:13intelligence like like an etheric metal like it's not just like the King Come
12:20and Go like they've been building it and I've been walking around feeling so
12:24fucking fugly because this family member is fugly I've never ever once in
12:29my life wanted to be her or act like her and I really been sick to my stomach I
12:34have I've been belching all morning over it so this is a very serious crime Shia
12:45a very very serious crime and what I'm seeing in my face right now is not me
12:49it's not me so what you're looking at Shia is a family member and other people
12:59and they steal my voice they've been turning my voice into that Mexican
13:03they've been stealing into the girl that stole your DNA my voice and mannerisms
13:08they're trying to make me talk now and like show off at the top of my teeth I've
13:14never done that my life so they're trying to make me look like that girl
13:18that stole your DNA I don't do that that whole facial expression it's not me
13:22so I'm not gonna stress out over it Shia because this this is an act of murderous
13:36jealousy and this is an act of killing me this is an act of murder so it please
13:42do not flip out Shia I know I've been repeatedly told that you really don't
13:52like what you're seeing and you know that I'm extremely demonically possessed
14:00I've told you though I don't look myself repeatedly and I'm trying to explain
14:07it's like this now I and I have a weight problem I have a weight problem I wonder
14:16whose weight problem it is I wonder what where these food cravings are coming
14:21from is it the walk-ins food cravings or is it the fat family members food
14:30cravings and they're stealing my hair color you can't have you can't have this
14:37hair color this is my natural hair color you can't have this natural hair color
14:42it's someone else's
14:46um it's really making me sick to my stomach Shia and you the telepathic
15:00supporter says she goes to jail and she's set up attempts and arranged
15:07attempts several times her and her husband and so that's how probably one
15:16of the most specific reasons she's going to go to jail so they're gonna with the
15:26security camera their plan now is when they want to talk really loud and
15:31aggressively through me they're going to say inappropriate things I can't say on
15:36put on the camera in order to cover it up
15:48and they tried to frame me this morning by talking really loudly and obviously I
15:52would want to show you how loud they talk like talk talk like that I'm not
15:57whispering but I can't kiss it's not appropriate
16:01they weren't trying to frame me so this family member is my looks have
16:11drastically changed Shia specifically like wicked obviously after the brain
16:18injury in 2022 it's gotten like way worse these looks these mannerisms I
16:25didn't completely notice it because it's not all the time however they could
16:32be blocking it with AI blocking my eyes from seeing it as well to try to keep it
16:37covered up so this this family member has attempted and is stealing my husband
16:48from me by changing my looks my personality and being and me changing me
16:54into her so that you will love her this is I wouldn't call it an affair you have
17:04never even seen me on a security camera so you wouldn't necessarily know I'm
17:10trying to think why I haven't noticed it I'm very confused Shia this is very very
17:16confusing it's very very confusing but I know I do not look like myself and
17:28I'll turn the volume off on the ones that I saying things that shouldn't be
17:33on the film
17:36but there there's a bullishness this is very bully kick Alyssa out of her own
17:47body I'm her kick Alyssa out of her own body and I'm her this is very very very
17:54bullish extreme bullish bully bully boss bully and you're about ready to
18:08cause trouble Shia I'm sure you cannot take this anymore this is just not only
18:15there's two there's two now stealing my husband I'm not allowed to be me in my
18:21own body so you can't love me this has been going on Shia for years this has
18:28been going on for years and this family member has done this to me for years but
18:33I'm actually seeing it very very clearly on the security camera because I'm like
18:41why it's been humiliating to walk to the bathroom and back and see that family
18:50member it's not just like she's it's like the energy and like the spirit and
18:55like the face like it's like it's not just a little bit of like identity theft
19:01and changing me into her it's not just a little Shia it's not just a little so
19:09this family member and this person that stole your DNA is stealing you away from
19:16me barely am I able to even think about you
19:26so this is ghetto trash she's stealing my husband Shia in my own body this is
19:37ghetto trash and you see it all over the news you see it all over the news all
19:43these cousins that steal their husbands or wives from them their other cut their
19:51cousins steal cousins husbands and wives from them you see it all over the news
19:54so this is pure humiliation Shia this is pure pure humiliation pure murder and I
20:09don't know how and there's nothing I can do to stop it Shia that's the problem
20:13there's nothing I can do to stop it
20:38see how my this is slanted it's my spine
20:48so there's not just a duplicate synthetic duplicate I they told me
20:54repeatedly they're building something they're building something and I was
21:00just kind of getting grossed out like wow I guess like family members look so
21:05much like no I never looked like her I never looked like her I never acted like
21:10her I never had her mannerisms I never had whatever else they're doing to me to
21:16make her me look and act like her and Shia if they want to frame me as
21:21mentally ill and this is all made up that's a crime and that's illegal and
21:25that's murder that's murder and that's what they did that's what they've been
21:32doing to me all along this whole time so the so this is this duplicate of the
21:41family member is controlling controlling me and controlling you and
21:50accusing you enforcing you well I don't I told you Shia I've looked fugly and I
22:01don't think you like everything that you see I don't you would not like her she's
22:06fugly she's fugly she's a big bully big boy big big masculine male entity
22:26and you're feeling telepathic supporter tells me you're feeling violated and
22:31you're feeling raped by this family member that's you're feeling violated
22:37and raped and so am I Shia this is this is sexual assault sexual harassment and
22:46you haven't liked it but you haven't liked everything you've seen Shia you
22:50haven't liked everything that you haven't liked everything that I've seen
22:57and I don't know if you're gonna find anything to try to figure out how she
23:03acts or looks I don't think I don't think there's anything so ask your look
23:17at the Mars mermaid how I used to be very feminine and
23:35but Shia you love me you don't love the possession you love me you don't love
23:40the possession you don't like you don't like you love my family member and I'm
23:45100% positive you would not like her and she is pure enemy to us and you know
23:51that and you see that and you don't like everything that you're seeing I do not
23:58when I watch myself on the security camera there's bits and pieces of me
24:03however most of it I'm really humiliated and ashamed because this thing this
24:15family member is a thing and a weirdo and she is
24:33kicking me out of my own body
24:39and not allowing not saying you shy is not allowed to know who you are shy is
24:51not allowed to know who Alyssa is
24:55and I am telling you it is making me very very sick and ill to watch me on
25:10the camera and it's very very sad it's very scary it's very sad it could
25:19actually it could actually kill me because it's like there's no me anymore
25:26it could kill me shy so I have to be careful with the security camera but I'm
25:31not going to stop I'm not going to stop playing I'm not going to stop reporting
25:34myself because this is this this is evidence this isn't demon possession
25:40all this artificial intelligence is getting exposed and this is going to be
25:45part of the trial this is gonna be part of the trial and I think I think I can
25:54log on to the website I think I can log on to the web the website on this to
26:03show you the videos and have this as a backup I need to remember that so I've
26:12got my adrenochrome stone all morning and I tried to stop with acupressure
26:15curing back his spiritual Zen body and brain yoga I rent tried to run the water
26:23in the bathtub to make the water running sound stop it and like the adrenochrome
26:29when it's stealing all of my nerves my whole body I get extreme nerves
26:42this is a not little little people not little crime little people not little
26:52crime and I'm a lumarian I don't this this type of thing does not exist in my
27:00world my life my lifestyle who I am I don't do this type of crime so that's
27:06why I'm shocked oh I think my cameras messed up there's some like specs in the
27:17on my phone this is a tragedy shy this is an extreme tragedy because I can I
27:26can see it shy that's not me I don't think it's all the time shy because I
27:31haven't noticed it all the time but this is extreme tragedy this is extreme
27:37tragedy pure fucking filth permanent spirit killing permanent spirit killing
27:44I haven't known you for 39 years these past seven years it's been a fucking
27:49fight no you don't get your husband no you don't get your husband you don't get
27:55your husband no I'm you I'm you shiny gets me try get your family member but
28:05at 39 years old I finally can show you a little clips about how I do my go my
28:11about my day do my things well no get tortured and it's not even what you see
28:17is not even my body in how I act and look I get I'm getting fugglier and
28:23fugglier by the day by the month day month week year I've been getting
28:28fugglier and fugglier
28:37I would like to know I would like to know how much time has been spent on
28:40this turning me into a family member I want to know how much time I want to
28:47know how much percentage of Alyssa's is all gone I'd like to know because there's
28:56been other people working on this with this criminal
29:01the hacker specifically
29:14how long how long has this been going on it's been going on for a long time it's
29:22been going on very noticeably since I started getting a lot of weight in 2018
29:282017 that was like the natural like excuse
29:40at a telepathic supporters mocking the family member bye-bye Alyssa shy's with
29:47me bye-bye Alyssa shy's with me 39 years old Alyssa's been waiting to be
29:53with her husband and she's sir as for her entire life back and then a
29:59telepathic supporters mocking the family member back the fuck off Alyssa he's
30:05mine back the fuck up he's mine
30:10another in another telepathic supporter mocking the family member I want your
30:16man to want to me I want your man to want me you hate her you hate her shy
30:24telepathic supporter told me I already know this the spells will break shy but
30:32this is a lot of AI technology and this is probably thousands of hours of work
30:37AI work building it so it's not gonna go away overnight so just know shy
30:46that I am extremely telepathically I'm extremely extremely demonic obsessed
30:53there's a ton of AI that and that's been killing me it's not hasn't just been
31:01some subliminal shy they tell me all along and then it's just kind of goes
31:05away and then another and more nothing everything rotates 24-7 all thousands of
31:13attacks verbal attacks will just constantly rotate and that's one of them
31:18that constantly rotates but it's constantly a part of the rotation attack
31:22of attacks daily or weekly
31:34but I can't believe they have the nerve to say you can't put this on the
31:41internet I'm going to sue you I'm gonna sue you if you put this on the internet
31:48like there's a power thing there's there's been a power thing the the I LL
31:56UMATI secrets but she's not just forcing you to to feel very uncomfortable and
32:07sick and shy don't get stressed out over it don't get stressed out over and sick
32:13please she's um this is cheating on her own husband by doing this but this was
32:25the same one with the parent the parent that went off with two women in
32:33different states and cheated on my family member
32:43and got a divorce and then was having two timing two girls and everybody
32:52already knows everybody already knows the good AI and nobody's supposed to be
33:00watching these videos if you are watching these videos you're gonna be
33:03accused of stalking spying on me
33:19and this can for anybody out for everybody's watching you can be a
33:25witness you can be a witness
33:31but this is not just stealing my husband this is cheating on your own husband
33:38because shy I do loving postures and when I'm like hugging the pillow I just
33:44look this this big fucking lump lump of someone else and it's making me want to
33:50fucking hurl and I can't fucking tell you or say anything because it's not
33:58just like the body like it's like the synthetic spirit like energy like it's
34:02it's really really like a lot like it's not like just like a little bit of
34:06identity theft and turning me into someone it's like a lot of turning
34:09someone into someone so she's like loving my husband she's she's loving my
34:14husband Shia
34:17big pig big pig regrets big pig regrets telepathic supporter she will have big
34:28big pig regrets with this and go ahead and try to get this video deleted go
34:37ahead and try it will be you will be accused of stalking me on the internet
34:44in deleting this and covering up evidence and covering up crime which
34:49you've done to me and my husband Shia and Shia you don't like everything that
34:55you see you don't really like everything that you see you know that I'm extremely
34:59ill and I've lost a lot of my looks and I've been saying this year after year
35:04after year I'm losing my looks I'm losing my looks I'm losing my looks yes
35:09I'm turning into someone else that is fugly fugly
35:25but I only googled the family members name and it popped up five posts and I
35:30clicked on it because it only had five posts I'm not going I'm not looking her
35:34up and seeing anything it would be a huge attack against me there's no way I
35:40will look at this person up I there's no way so if you want to ruin my steal my
35:48husband steal my body steal my identity and turn me into you there's um this
36:01isn't just like you're just going to go to jail for trying to set up murder
36:06attempts you're also going to get punished for loving my husband forcing
36:17my husband to be confused and uncomfortable and not understand who I
36:23am my husband would never Shia you would never like her you would never like her
36:30this makes me want to hurl makes me want to fucking hurl
36:51I I hope to God this gets proved in the court of law I hope to God Shia and you
36:57in there you have you're saving these videos Shia so if everything gets
37:01deleted we have proof on camera that these looks are not my looks that this
37:10is not me they're doing a flip they're doing these things I hope to God I hope
37:19to God this family member gets caught for trying to steal my husband and force
37:24and force force herself in your life like you're she's seducing you and want
37:33her and not me I hope to God this gets proven in the court of law
37:55so I'm going to stop this video Shia and 100% filth 100% pure ghetto trash this
38:07is pure fucking filth this is pure dirty
38:15this is a this is a crime
38:24so Shia I'm going to talk to you tonight and I'll show you some of these security
38:38camera recordings tonight
38:47please do not worry Shia please do not worry
38:54I love you Shia thank you everybody for watching thank you so much Shia for
