• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia. For those
00:06that are watching, I thank you for watching. In this video, this video may, um, is only
00:13addressed to my twin flame. Anyone else that's watching, the only people who are allowed
00:20to watch are the people who want to help Shia Lissa, not hurt Shia Lissa. And if you try
00:25to use this video against me, to try to frame me, you'll be sued or sent to jail. So, I
00:32am going to show you the video recording, Shia, and I want you to know, um, I have had,
00:43I just took a nap. I'm very depressed and S-U-I-C-D-A-L, S-U-I-C-D-A-L about the thing
00:55that's happening to my body that's been going on for a very long time. And specifically
01:03these past several years, they started mentioning it very frequently when I was living in Denver,
01:12I was living in Dunsmuir in that bed and breakfast Airbnb place, renting that room
01:21for like less than half a year. That's when the, uh, that family member started to be
01:30very, um, verbal about sort of, um, you, you can't hug Shia or, uh, touch Shia because
01:46we had a very strong, uh, astral connection, Shia, where we were really close astrally
01:53and spiritually telepathically, the part of your, uh, self in me. And that family member
02:01was saying, no, you can't. And then they use a very strong, um, AI mask. And when I went
02:10to approach to hug or kiss you, I would be turning into that family member. This happens,
02:16this has happened to me several times. That's when it started. That's when I remember that
02:20it started. So that was about seven years ago. So these past several years though, especially
02:29after the stroke, my body has been changing. And what they have told me is that it's not
02:38just an AI mask. They're actually taking the time to, uh, do like mannerisms, body shape,
02:49like the energy and like the presence and like the look of the family member. So we're
02:59both being extremely violated. We're being physically mutilated, but I'm being physically
03:04mutilated by it. Um, they're using the walk-in inside my body that I don't understand how
03:13this walking could physically survive in my body based on all of the lumarian channeling
03:18that I'm doing. It doesn't make any sense how this thing could still exist in my body.
03:23I've tried so hard to, uh, do exercise, exorcisms to get rid of it. So based on my looks, you're
03:35going to be happy when I come back because a telepathic supporter said, um, you've gotten
03:46some information about how this, um, criminal that has taken ownership and possession of
03:54my body and is trying to change me into her. You don't, you hate her and don't like her
04:01and obviously I hate her and do not like her. And I've gotten very, very sick from
04:10it. I'm very, very sick. Just, you can't, it's just something that I can't like remove.
04:16It's like permanent. They've built, they've spent like hundreds of thousands of hours
04:21trying to build like a clone of her in me. Like I turned into a clone of her. Has this
04:27ever been done? Uh, building a clone of someone else in a living body because that's what
04:37they're doing. They're mutilating my body and it doesn't help. The extra weight doesn't
04:43help because, um, this is being used against me. My hair color. I used to have blonde.
04:53I've dyed my hair blonde my whole teenage and twenties and late, early thirties. So
05:00having brown hair doesn't help because it's a similar hair color. Well, this is my hair
05:05color naturally. So I'm going, I, I'd like to dye my hair, but I can't maintain it financially
05:12and my hair's too not healthy and damaged to be able to color it. And also that's not
05:19going to break witchcraft spells to, um, have someone take possession of my hair color.
05:26Uh, which has been told though to me many, many times. So I have to, before I show you
05:33the videos, I have to tell you a few. It does stop. I was told you're getting, somehow you're
05:39finding a way of how, um, I'm turning into this criminal. You're finding out how she
05:48affects and body expressions. Uh, I'm looking forward to this demon to get out of my body
05:55and I'm looking forward to having my face and body and expression personality back because
06:00they don't just use this family member. However, this, this is different. There's like a whole
06:06like aura and feeling of this criminal. That's like, that's my skin is changing. Like the
06:15shapes of my body is changing my skin color, the energy in the way I move. Like this is
06:21very, um, complex. It's very deep. This, this form of possession that's going on in this,
06:30whatever they're developing, building in my body. And I've never felt uglier. Um, since
06:37I've started looking or acting, moving like this family member, I've never felt uglier.
06:43I've felt the ugliest in my entire life. Uh, she is the filth of the world and she
06:49is fucking fugly. She's fucking fugly. Uh, and this is incredible. This is incredible
06:57physical mutilation. This is also incredible humiliation. This is some form of I N C E
07:07This is a extreme form of perversion. I'm, I cannot believe that it's happening to me
07:14and it's been going on for a long time. But shy, do you see how over the course of the
07:20two years of me doing these videos for, for you, like all of a sudden, like I'll just
07:27like come out of like a fog and like every, like it's become so clear. No, they've been
07:34attacking me with this, this, um, family member with my body movement and facial expressions
07:42and like this, this isn't something that's going to go away overnight. They've been like
07:48building it. They like, this is a hundred percent. I am stealing your man, Alyssa. I'm
07:53stealing Shia from you. I am you and there's no you. So this, this is very permanent. It's
08:01going to take a long time to get rid of all this AI. I don't know how long it's going
08:05to take, but it's going with the hundreds of thousand hours that they've done to build
08:09and try to turn me into this family member. It's not going to be overnight overnight to
08:14change. And I cannot explain this to every second. This is not me. This is not me. This
08:19is not me. You know how a demon possessed I am Shia. And I have to, in order to try
08:25to stay alive, I have to kind of ignore it and act like it's not happening. And if you,
08:33if you try to get confused about what I look like, just remember, this is us Shia. We're
08:39the Gelflings. That's me. That's you. We're the Gelflings, Shia. This is what we really
08:46look like. And in the end, you saved me. And then we are happily ever after, Shia.
09:11So I know that part of me would just want to stay in bed and sleep because I saw some
09:20images of me laughing and I, I'm very afraid that I'm, I'm turning into like, I'm having
09:27mental retardation, like the looks of it. However, they can use AI to make me look like
09:35that. But you're saying, yes, unless it doesn't look like that because I don't like that.
09:43I don't like how she's looking. Yeah, I do not like it. I do not like the feeling of
09:50it. I do not like seeing it. This is torture. And it's been a secret because this is pure
09:56humiliation. And I haven't been able to, I've been, I have been too possessed to be able
10:02to tell you about it. And they've tried to, uh, force me to believe it's just the stroke.
10:10It's just a stroke. You're just naturally turning into her. It's a stroke. Like you're
10:14just, you're morphing into her naturally. Uh, but then this past 72 hours, you know,
10:24they've been building something for a long time. So the video that I showed you, Mars
10:34Mermaid account, that's all I have of the past of me. I have no other film footage of
10:39me from my entire childhood, young adulthood and adulthood. This is part of the crime.
10:47I've not, there's no footage of me. There's very little photographs after the age of
10:55like teenage or 20, early twenties. There's like no photographs of me, very little besides
11:01what I've taken and put on social media. But I was extremely shy in those videos from the
11:08like abuse and assault, kidnapping. That's why I was acting like that. Like I was so
11:12nervous. Like I could barely talk in the videos, but that's from the, uh, in having
11:18the kidnapped brain, how I was acting in those videos when I was 22 years old in Mars Mermaid
11:24Mars Mermaid account. I didn't even know I acted like that. Cause so that my brain has
11:29been kidnapped my whole life. And I was like, that's how I act. However, a little bit, a
11:33lot, uh, definitely a little bit of AI cause that's not completely how I act. It's my voice.
11:39It's, it's an accent. It's not my accent, but how I acted in that video when I was 22
11:47was not how I felt. I felt very ugly. If I have had, I had constant repetitive negative
11:53thoughts. I was severely, severely tortured, but that's like, like how my presence is though.
12:02Like my body. And I was, I was extremely nervous making those videos.
12:12I was just trying to get people to like me, but my hair has been dyed for a long time.
12:22So they've used the weight and they've used the hair color like against, against me in
12:27regards to how I'm morphing into this family member. This is, uh, trying to steal my husband.
12:33This is, uh, it can't, it's not an affair. You had no clue that she was doing it. And,
12:43um, as soon as I started the security camera, they're like, no, you can't, you can't show
12:50shy that you can't show it shy that you're your family member. You're, you look like
12:54your family member. You're in a walk-in talk and act like your family member.
13:00She's trying to, she's trying to take you away from me and she's not allowing me to
13:04be me so that you can love me. And she is basically, um, saying, uh, I'm, I'm Alyssa
13:13and you get me, but you get me the family member. You don't get Alyssa on her part.
13:20It's an, it's an affair. It's S-E-X-U-A-L affair on her part. On your part, um, you're
13:28a victim. You're a victim of the crime. And so am I. Uh, no one gave this family member
13:38permission to own and control my body. I can't believe, I cannot believe, uh, this. I can't
13:46believe that she did it and she agreed to do it and other people agreed to participate
13:50in it and creating it. I cannot believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I
13:56thought it was like a lot of AI masks and they were just putting it. I thought of a
14:02lot of things. I thought they were just making me see it through my eyes. I thought, wow,
14:09it really is a stroke. I'm really just bloated. Even though I was getting very sick to my
14:14stomach and seeing things that I didn't want to see in regards to, it's not just like AI.
14:20Like, they're doing something to my skin, my energy, my spirit, my facial expressions.
14:27Like, it's, it's very, um, like they're like literally building her inside my body. And
14:38it's not all like automated. It's manual. Like she'll manually do it, but we have to
14:45ignore it to try to stay alive Shia. And I don't see this changing anytime soon. I don't
14:52see this changing anytime soon. So we have to kind of ignore it and you have to just
14:57know and realize how possessed I am, how, how even, and physically, how physically possessed
15:03I am. I, we cannot take this stress Shia. So we have to ignore it. And I cannot remind
15:12you all the time. This is not who I am because they'll possess me to forget to tell you for
15:18one, but there's not, it's not just like, it's like a presence. It's like a presence
15:27of this family member. It's not like just, um, Oh, you just look like her. Like they're,
15:34they're like cloning the presence, the spirit, the energy. Um, it's very, very disgusting.
15:44This is very disgusting and filthy. I've, this, this is like, uh, basically a new way
15:52to steal your husband, to steal someone, someone else's husband. Um, this is a new
15:59torture method. I, I can't believe this. I cannot believe it, but it's been going along.
16:09It's, this isn't, this isn't just like now it's been going on for a long time and I've
16:15And they just, every time I like thought about it, at least past like a year, they would
16:22just be like, Oh no, it's just like, just family, just family. No, not just family,
16:30not just family. Uh, I'm, I never had any really resemblance. This is an identity theft
16:42and this person is a bully could kicking someone out of their own body and then turning them
16:50into them and then saying, mine, my husband, I get, I get shy and I'm 39 years old. I'm
17:0139 years old. This is like, I cried today more than a few times over it. I, I'm, I'm
17:12very, very sad from this. It's really, really sick. So my body personality and movements,
17:21it's not just all AI. It's like morphing into this family member and they just repeatedly
17:29say, it's a stroke. It's a stroke. You're just naturally turning into her. Um, because
17:36the stroke, I've been feeling very, very ill over it. I've been feeling very, very sick
17:43over it. I haven't been allowed to talk to you about it. Uh, not, they would just say,
17:49Oh, it's just too humiliating to talk about. You can't tell shy. I've been feeling very
17:55and very, um, ill and sick, but you know more about it than I do. And you know that
18:04this is very possible. It's going to be exposed, improved because, uh, this criminal has tortured
18:13you, trying to frame you and forcing you into feeling like you like what you see. You don't
18:21like what you see. And all of the underground centers are going to be exposed soon. And
18:29all that artificial intelligence is going to be proved that it's because all those underground
18:38centers wouldn't exist without AI. That's how these, uh, CNS operate. So, um, not, this
18:52is not, and they're just, they can't, they keep saying over and over and over, Oh, well,
18:57this is just God's plan. This is God's plan of how, of how, um, God takes down all the
19:04evil on the planet. And God takes, no, this is Satan's plan backfiring. This was Satan's
19:11plan backfiring. There's no way, uh, this is a natural way to take down Satan's AI and
19:21hive mind. So this is a physical mutilation. This is his membership shy. I, there, it was
19:31a few years ago when I, um, I'll show you when I bought this dress. This is when I started
19:41focusing. I bought this dress that I've, I've never worn. And I posted on the internet,
20:01my looks are changing. My looks are changing. I'm not letting myself go. I looks at not
20:09my looks are changing. I said, um, I'm losing my looks. I'm losing my looks. That was around
20:16when it's this, uh, body mutilation has started. And this body mutilation has happened around
20:2424, 25 when the hacker revealed himself, the body mutilation started. And I, I was having
20:37distorted body, huge stomachs. Um, the arm started getting all puffed out and big. So
20:53this is physical mutilation in this, having this family member like taking over my body
21:02and not, not necessarily seducing you. Um, uh, this is like, basically she's, uh, involved
21:11with you if I'm her, but this is a S-E-X-U-A-L assault against my own body. If I'm turning
21:20into her and she's owning and controlling my body, this is S-E-X-U-A-L assault and harassment.
21:29Uh, and having herself and whoever else involved building herself in my body. Um, it's, I've
21:47never liked her. I never wanted to be her like 0%, never liked her, never wanted to
21:53be her. I never, ever, uh, allowed this person to do this to me. But every time I notice
22:03it, I, every time I notice it, which is like kind of chronic at this point because it's
22:12being revealed to me and like, hopefully it's going to break the spells, that it's
22:21going to try to break the spells. I was going a little crazy with the Kiran Rakyas, the
22:27ones with, uh, Kiran Rakyas, uh, against family members that are doing black magic to me and
22:38things about cleansing the soul. But my stomach has gotten very sick. Like I feel like I have
22:44to throw up when I look at my own body and I've stopped really looking at my body for
22:50a long time now. Only when I go in, put my bathing suit on and look at the mirror and
22:56how ugly I look, I don't really have, I haven't been really looking at myself. Just, I, so
23:04I didn't really necessarily know that much completely that of what they were doing, but
23:11it, it really makes my stomach hurt and it's making me want to, it's made me want to, uh,
23:16feel like puking and I'm not a puker. It has also hurt my brain so when I see it, which
23:25is, it doesn't go away, Shaya, it doesn't go away. Now that I know, like, that they're
23:30like actually building something and it's like semi-permanent, well, until, until it
23:37gets deactivated and removed, uh, my brain shuts down thinking the thought that I am
23:43her and like her and the fact that you, there's nothing I can do about it and there's nothing
23:50I can really say to you. However, I'm not looking this family member up to try to find
23:58a video to show you. I hope that you have found something. If you haven't, I've been
24:03told that someone's going to use AI to try to show you how the person looks and acts
24:11and I've been told that it's going to stop because now you can see it and you have, you,
24:17you're able to know, uh, when I don't look like myself and I look like her or other people,
24:25but mostly. So it's, I think it's a little bit like, uh, I'm, I'm like the clone, I'm
24:35like a clone of her, I'm a duplicate of her. Like, this is an ego power thing, for one.
24:42Uh, this thing has no clue what she's fucking doing. The, the, she has no fucking clue what
24:49she's doing to do this to me. She has no fucking clue. So I did a lot of acupressure
24:57today, uh, changing my body and my mannerisms and expressions. I wouldn't, I, I really don't
25:05even know, well, maybe my personality. I don't really, I don't really have a personality.
25:10I'll, I'm basically just walking around and having people say shit through me all the
25:15time. However, I do kind of notice, I don't know. I don't know what I'm noticing. I'm
25:21a little bit too like brain-injured to be able to really like notice it. And if I do
25:28notice it, it does shut my brain down. So it is, it's killing me and murdering me. So,
25:36so she, she is, uh, attempting to mutilate my body. And this is, uh, and if you saw the
25:48Mars Mermaid account, I was 22 in that video. That's gonna prove that I was really not acting
25:5522 in that video. I really wasn't that age at 22. So it really was, uh, P-E-D-O that
26:04I did. And part of that underdevelopment was the kidnapping and also the brain kidnapping
26:15that happened at a very young age and the lack of education and information I was given
26:20in order to try to survive throughout my life and be a human being. I wasn't treated like
26:24a human being. So, but that, that is my voice. It's just not, that's not my accent. That's
26:38the A.I. accent in that, in those clips. And that's all I have of me. I don't have anything
26:44else. This was all, this was all cover-up, cover-up, cover-up the crime, cover-up the
26:49crime, cover-up the crime. No videos of Alyssa, very few photographs of Alyssa. But I was
26:56also told that you have full body possession and your looks are changing and there's someone
27:01that's changing how you act and how you are. And telepathic supporter was mocking you,
27:10saying, where'd Lissy go? Where'd Lissy go? I want Lissy. And I really want, I'm really
27:20sad, Cheyenne. Imagine 39 years old and you don't know and you're not allowed to be with
27:30me. You're only allowed to be with my family member and know who my family member is. And
27:40this is actually the first time where I've thought to myself, I don't want to meet you
27:46yet. I don't want you to meet my family member. I want you to meet me. So, a part of me, obviously
27:55I, obviously I want to meet you no matter what, any second. Like, if I could meet you
28:02right now. But a part of me is going to feel less like I have to get rid of this walk-in
28:11and I have to get rid of this family member AI, etheric technology that's in my body,
28:19that's been taking over for years now.
28:30I'm very, not just humiliated. This is like pure violation against me and you. It's pure
28:40violation against you, Cheyenne. It's pure violation against me. And this is extreme
28:50interference to try to keep you away from me. And I'm going to continue showing you
28:57the security cameras videos and you're going to continue seeing my family member and how
29:03with all the synthetic AI that they did. Because I'm not going to stop that. This is going
29:09to be part of the criminal investigation.
29:15But please don't stress out over it, Cheyenne. Please, please don't stress out over it. There's
29:21absolutely nothing we can do right now. All we can do is try to survive. And I have to
29:28come up with some more ideas besides cure and recuse and acupressure and body and brain
29:36yoga and spiritual zen frequencies. Because, however, I was told that it's all working.
29:45It's just very, very slow. And we could die if we pick up the pace of deactivating the
29:52hive mind and the AI. But this is, you think this is extremely sick. You know that there's
30:02going to be some karma involved with this and punishment. Building a duplicate, like
30:10not just like a synthetic duplicate that just comes and goes here and there from time to
30:15time. An actual building the walk-in or building in the walk-in. And the walk-in is like taking
30:23over and mutilating my body. Imagine having a family member like try to take over your
30:31body and like live in your body. I can't believe someone would do this. And I can't believe
30:41that they don't know the type of return to sender that's going to happen for doing this
30:47to me. So loving and seducing my husband Shia in my own body. This is this is like a new
31:00way to steal someone's husband. A new way to this is a new way to steal someone's husband.
31:09This is a new way to have an affair. And but I've told you repeatedly for a long time.
31:21I possess, I'm possessed, I'm possessed. My body's possessed. My body's possessed. I'm
31:26really ugly now. So I have given you a lot of hints. Shia, you've known. You know. But
31:35I'm feeling very, very S-U-I-C-D-A-L. I just want to sleep. That's all I want to do is
31:41sleep it off. I just want to go to sleep and have it all go away. That's all I want. It's
31:47not going to work. Just going to sleep. Unfortunately. But this isn't just an act of perversion.
31:59There's intentional seduction. You can't you can't agree to have me turn into this family
32:05member cannot agree and want and do and actually change me into her and then not find that
32:13like take being like loving and being with my husband in this way is not intentional.
32:19This is intentional. She's a pig. She's a pig.
32:29And I mean, it's just creating a more of like, it's not possible. Like, I don't know.
32:48So that's all I have to say about that. And I'm going to now show you the recording footage.
33:02I'm sorry. I'm not talking about you a lot Shia. I am so I am trying to I am saying a
33:13few things every few minutes shy about you. And how you feel so I was going to pull up
33:26the video recordings on here. However, you can't turn it this way and you can't expand
33:33it and I can't why can't I put the app on here? Oh, there's no storage. I really prefer
33:42not deleting storage and deleting apps because I want to use this as evidence criminal evidence
33:48and next month hopefully get a cheap track phone to use as backup and pull up the app.
33:56That's what I'm going to try to do in 15 days. So I'm going to talk to you in the next part.
34:04I love you Shia. Thank you everybody for watching. Thank you so much for watching.
