• last year
00:00Hello in this video this video is addressed to my twin flame Shia. Hi Shia. For those just watching I thank you for watching
00:06This is going to be only
00:07Some crime against me and my twin flame and it was and this
00:12Information may or may not be true. None of this can be used against me. And if you do you'll be accused of
00:23Illegally framing me and you'll be sent to jail and sued
00:28So shy this is my day some of my day I'm going to start off from most recent
00:40Most recent
00:57I don't have a backup, but I'm starting this an hour early
01:02In case I have to I didn't start everything I needed but I started what I could what I had time to look at for
01:10And I am getting tortured Shia. My root chakra is being tortured while I do this. I
01:17Didn't get a lot. I didn't get tortured a lot today. So I knew it's gonna start up eventually
01:26This is not completely me
01:30there is definitely a male entity in me that's making me look and
01:37hooked on to the entity that is mutilating my body a family member and
01:46This is part of the reason why I can't bear to really look at myself
01:54It's not just humiliating embarrassing. It's like
01:58doing something very bad to my
02:02brain and my soul and my spirit and it's making me so sick to think that you have to
02:10You haven't really been allowed to see how I like walk around do things in the moment that I show you
02:18It's not me
02:20And I wasn't completely allowed to like tell you it wasn't me
02:23So that was a real serious lie. So what you're seeing is not completely Misha
02:30But this is me
02:44Having six verbal attacks
02:50While I look at you I'm like someone else
02:56Family member that's stealing my body
04:07I'm recording. I recorded a clip
04:11You're gonna see this face like you this is fucking gross all the time now
04:22Because I see it so clearly now and I know it's not like just an AI mask once in a while
04:29Or like an AI body mask. It's like
04:32built in me
04:34You're gonna see like I'm getting now I just showed you that
04:41So this is me looking at you and they're making it like
04:45The family member is looking at you and watching you
05:28So I was watching a video and they're telling me the whole time
05:33No, you're not watching
05:36Your twin your husband your family member is
05:40So it's gonna get worse. It's not gonna get better. They're gonna use against me even more
06:05Recorded that on loop because I want to listen to it on loop. It's like the introduction of the
06:19Power of cure on video
06:23That has the
06:29Recorded this the first few minutes on it of it because I like the intros and I want to listen to it on repeat
06:41This one
06:45The first few minutes of it I recorded it so
06:58So you're gonna see me looking very sick
07:04And sad and depressed
07:17This is me
07:20Doing body tapping I did the body and brain yoga face
07:25Tapping like for like 40 minutes
07:31I'm gonna try to put this and hold it. So it doesn't
07:41Let me see if this will happen
07:44See if this falls on the keyboard this can turn off my computer so I can't
07:50I have to find another way
08:01There I am talking or they're talking through me I'm talking
08:07They interrupt and talk through me all the time whenever I'm doing it doesn't matter and
08:14They make me laugh while I eat to try to choke me
08:20They try to they make me laugh while I eat all the time to try to choke me
08:31Eat all the time to try to choke me
08:40This is this soul rakhya, so I tried to get the face acupressure going
08:50And I'm not explain this well cuz I'm in a lot of pain right now
08:58All this torture is going to be returned back to the center Shia
09:02So they can feel confident and happy and like they're winning
09:08They're not they're not winning. It's all gonna be returned back
09:12And it's gonna be worse punishment. So I walked for 30 minutes
09:23Yeah, my body is looking really bad
09:26Worse than typical and
09:29And it's possible because I'm on the security camera
09:35They want to make my body look worse
10:01Don't know why I'm showing you this one. Oh, I have to open up to the notebook. So
10:13In 15 days, I'm gonna decide oh
10:17Look what dropped as usual
10:20I'm gonna decide whether to change to dye my hair
10:23Because it might break spells if I turn my hair
10:27Into a lighter color. I've never liked this color on me, but I've dyed my hair darker than this in the past
10:36I've never really liked this hair color on me and they're using this against me to say that I'm the family member and this is
10:43her hair color I
10:46Don't I don't know if I will for sure because
10:50It might not help
10:53I've spent years trying to grow this out. You might like this hair color
10:58I can wait until I'm with you Shia and see if I should dye my hair
11:04So I'm not really sure why I started this. I think I wanted to show you
11:10Just that I walked a little bit indoors today
11:18So all it's a problem with writing these times down they're all not in order and confusing and
11:27It's really annoying to have to
11:31Sift through it
11:35But I'm not really sure why I started these ones
11:48I'm not really sure
11:52So this is me on my bed and I have to do some strength training because my legs are looking really like no muscle and
12:00From the paralysis. It's looking like I really need to do some strength training on my legs. They just look wicked like gross
12:17So I'm getting torture and my face is all red
12:37And I have had this double chin on and off
12:42It comes and goes for years now I
12:46I have to be careful with it. But at this point with my health issues
13:01So this one
13:07I'm not really sure
13:36And we're talking they're talking through me
14:11There's a hair on my sock
14:16But clearly I'm not looking good
14:29I mean I already had a brain injury
14:31This lethal stroke was not supposed to happen people have to go to jail for it
14:35You have to go to jail for it. This lethal stroke should not have happened. I
14:40could technically I
14:43Well, I already knew I had some kind of brain injury, but I don't want to have symptoms of a mental retard
14:50I really don't I really hope that it's AI and it's not true
14:57So this is me eating
15:01I had some Asian vegetables with the noodles today, and I'm still full from it. I
15:07I have you know, I don't eat a lot. So this weight could be a lot of puffed-out bloatedness
15:13from the infection from paralysis
15:17from AI
15:19They have the ability to blow out blow out people's body with AI and be fatter than they are
15:28However, I have the ability to eat large large portions and I never really used to eat large portions
15:36And I thought it was the it's the entity but this isn't them interrupting me eating
15:43interrupting my eating
16:32I'm just flicking the crumbs off and I rinse it under the bathtub water
16:39Am experience what what is being done to my body and mind is insane
16:45It's wicked and insane what these criminals are doing to my body and mind. So when it stops, maybe I won't have
16:53Maybe I won't be looking like I have retardation
17:17I'm not as
17:19Interested in showing these recordings because I can't not stop seeing the family member, but this is
17:26Not the whole reason why you have to see this is so that you can collect more and more evidence
17:32But this is happening to me because there this could all go away I
17:38Have too much possession to have backup data. I can't spend 10 20 30 hours backing up on my data
17:45Doing duplicates renting storage and putting everything in storage. There could be a fire and everything will go
17:53There is proof everywhere. I am told
17:58I'm told there's proof like everywhere. It doesn't have to come through what I have
18:05So this is me eating and they're talking while I know they're making me laugh while I eat
18:28The food didn't taste that good
18:39I've actually this is now. This isn't the one
18:49I'm just too like tired to look at all the confusing times that are like all in different places
18:57This is this is the one they're making me laugh
19:02While I'm eating to try to choke me
19:32Marians don't let me choke and it continued. I continued
19:44So that was the one I want to show you
19:49I'm doing acupressure on my face and using the rock
19:56On my belly button or under my belly button
20:07While getting tortured as usual
20:25This is showing my scoliosis and my back and I am doing body and brain yoga
20:30I really am trying to make myself look a bit better Shia and my spine
20:42But you can see it right here you can see that
20:46It's all over the scoliosis. I was all over the back
20:50You can see that
20:52It's all over the scoliosis. I was all over this top of the spine below lower the spine
20:58When your muscles contract it throws out your spine and because the root chakra torture
21:05I'm clenching 24-7 and letting go like
21:09After several minutes or when I remember in that clenching can throw off the spine
21:15Also the paralysis my muscles are weak
21:18There's numerous things
21:21This is me
21:24taking a nap with
21:30My my Shia's blanket my little baby Shia's blanket
21:46Luckily I was able to I
21:49Always get rewarded
21:51Like I get a little bit of less torture when something like extremely tragic
21:56Happens or when I find when something extremely tragic happens, and I feel very very weak
22:01They'll try to block out some of the torture so that I can like take an hour nap. It's like such a luxury I
22:11Really should turn this fan on
22:22I'll be back in torture
22:24Extreme torture soon. However, I did get your extreme torture today. I take extreme torture. I actually cried
22:36And but they were trying to tell me it was the family member crying through me or it was my mother that was crying
22:41Through me. It wasn't me crying. I'm not allowed to cry
22:44I'm not allowed to be the one that cries
22:52This is me crying
22:55Looking at myself and thinking that you're not seeing me. You're seeing someone else
23:17I'm actually I can't cry that much
23:21Marriage will stop it. I'm not supposed to cry to kill me
23:24The grief and the sadness is so strong that crying could take could kill me
23:35I hope that you're not crying Cheyenne. I
23:38Get it figure out something with my hair
23:41It's it's this is what it looks like. I
23:45Tried to do the bobby pins, but it was wicked annoying me
23:49Like this is what my hair kind of looks like
23:54So basically I can't use styling products I'm allergic
24:06Could try spray bottling my hair and scrunching it but it always looks pretty bad if I do that
24:13This is where I
24:15This is where I I I'm scared
24:21It's possible this is AI to make me look like a retard it's and
24:26Why am I so expressive about it?
24:29About like wow, I'm a mental retard. I look like a mental retard
24:34I've had a brain injury
24:37Asphyxiation at birth
24:39Fetal alcohol
24:41Syndrome at birth. I had a stroke when I was a teenager in these past seven years. I had
24:49Dozens of eye skimming strokes and then a lethal stroke in 2022. My brain
24:55Is in a very bad state. I am NOT proud of it. I'm hoping it will go away
25:00I'm hoping I won't stay like this
25:02However, this shy you have to know the level of condition so that like you have to know the seriousness of my brain
25:09And how bad it is? I know you and I know that you
25:13You know how you probably know how bad it's more than I do
25:24I'm gonna start laughing involuntarily
25:36I'm just watching myself when I was
25:4022 in those YouTube videos
25:44Look at that laugh
25:50That's not healthy though, that was painful to laugh like that
26:03And they're continuing to make me laugh look at that
26:07Look at that face that that doesn't look like me
26:14That looks painful and it looks like there's some kind of
26:18Retardation I hope that it's AI I really hope so
26:41Not me laughing painful painful
26:45It's painful
27:04But it comes like it comes and goes where like I can see like my face
27:10Not being like myself
27:19So this is talking out loud
27:22Well, I'm trying to do
27:25Get my hair set. However, I don't like the feeling of the bobby pins weighing on my hair hurts
27:44So to have them constantly talking through me is very very painful
27:49There's just so many different ways that they're making me feel so tortured
28:01Is that it that's all I have to show you no, that's not it
28:06So here I'm twisting my hair and it's not really working out
28:22I think I'm gonna try to take a bath early at night because the problem is
28:31When I go to bed with my hair wet and now I can't style it with the straightener
28:50But this is a very unflattering shirt, it's not my style Shia
29:03Here there is again and I'm gonna turn this down
29:09Whether talking through me while I'm trying to
29:17Put the castor oil
29:27I can't let you hear what I'm saying
29:33Because they're trying to say inappropriate things now
29:52But that's like they do this all day long talk through me it's
29:56It's very painful and then I'm eating
30:04I'm laughing. This is me
30:11Watching myself and seeing
30:17The synthetic duplicate and being really grossed out
30:54Well, I'm laughing I'm kind of smiling inappropriate like this is
31:01It's so awful
31:05Like sometimes you have to make that expression to like make it be less like attack me
31:13So that's not everything that I should have shown you
31:30So Shia, I know I'm not talking about you enough and
31:36It's bothering you and I'm it's all about me. However
31:40That's it could be part possession to hurt you and attack you and I'm not trying to attack you and hurt you Shia. I
31:50You're in just as much pain and torture as I am in
31:58Have to get rid of this walk-in and all of this
32:05Thing that's happening
32:10I know that you're extremely angry and you're gonna do something to try to stop it and
32:18You believe that a
32:21A prison is going to be what happens
32:28To this because this is this is like crime after crime after crime. This is like
32:34multiple crimes
32:36That's being done to both of us through what through the family member trying to take over my body
32:43And I'm not allowed to be with you. You're you're only allowed to be with my family member
32:48I'm not allowed to be with you Shia. You're not allowed to know me
33:01So unfortunately too I've been possessed my whole life so
33:09However, it got much significantly worse in my mid-twenties got significantly worse that the personality
33:29Now, you know
33:31Now you can stop it. You know that it's not entirely me. You know that
33:36This is
33:38Beyond sick and beyond crime. This could be time Shia
33:43To kill us so we have to ignore it and not stress out over it and just know Shia's been going on for a long time
33:50It's just now it's like they're like making it really more extreme and more obvious
33:56that my like I'm like
33:58Leaving my body and my family members taking over
34:01And it's claiming that you two are together because you can't take control over someone's body
34:10and it not be
34:12Stealing my husband away from me and like an affair and it's not you are a hundred percent victim Shia to this
34:20You're a hundred percent victim Shia
34:23And I'm not allowed to be with you
34:25You are a hundred percent victim Shia to this you're a hundred percent victim Shia
34:39Please Shia do not get stressed out over it. I'm going to try to do some resting
34:46Hopefully I can rest
34:53I'm a little depressed because I feel like there's going to be less of a possibility that we're going to be together soon
34:58now that this is a card and now that I'm like, not me and so this is more of a
35:05We can't be together because
35:09of this
35:11Possession walk-in slash family member taking over my body and
35:18Forcing me to be her and
35:21Forcing you to
35:24Like it
35:26Wish you don't and I've told you Shia how ugly I've gotten. I've told you many many times
35:38I played your voice. I played your video Shia on loop. I'm going to
35:44Try to go to bed early tonight. I have to figure out something with my hair because it's at a really awkward length
35:53It's not like easy to
35:57Style and now I can't straighten it because of the electrical outlets
36:03It's actually not that awful. It's not that awful. I
36:08I think layers look better on me and all of a sudden
36:14I've wanted like this blunt cut these past
36:18well many many years
36:22Since I
36:25I'm pretty sure it's
36:27Starting when I was living in my car. I really wanted this
36:33Straight cut because I thought it looks good. However, I
36:38Think I really need a hair color change
36:41However, there's so many reasons why it really bothers me and my hair is already damaged
36:48I really don't want to have I really can't have my hair break
36:56On top of it sitting and falling out
36:59So but I have to start I I really I think some spells are breaking and I can start trying to make my hair
37:06Look better
37:09Because this is just not gonna happen. I already look I already like really
37:15Feel so depressed and ugly
37:19This hair is not helping
37:24When it was long, it was so damaged
37:27It was constantly snarling and the snarls if it like just touched a place of my body and like I turned it would pull down
37:34It was yanking on my scalp. It was hurting so bad
37:40But I'm not gonna do anything with my hair shy until I meet you and we can both
37:46You can see if you think I should dye my hair
37:50so I'm going to
37:53I'm gonna be thinking about you shy. I am I am
37:58Very very sad
38:00I'm I've been grieving today. I've been very very sad
38:05There I've been very very sad
38:12But I'm going to just continue doing what I'm doing and you are too
38:17Of the different healing techniques and
38:24I mean, I don't know if things could get worse at this point
38:32It's possible things get worse. So we have to ignore it shy of lock it out and not let it bring us down
38:39As much as possible
38:42So I'm going to
38:45It's hard work just to stay alive at this point so having all these emotions and
38:52Like this anger. I've been doing a lot of acupressure on the liver point
38:58That's been helping a lot
39:02Well, I
39:03Can't say it necessarily has been helping I can't really tell but sometimes shy when you can't tell something's working
39:10that means
39:11It's they're trying to cover up to make it like it's not working so that we don't do it again
39:18for some of these specific points
39:23And but I I'm thinking about you shy I'm not going to be talking about this
39:29Possession and this family member what this family members doing to us
39:36I'm going to have to
39:39Obviously if they use AI to make to remind me and make me sick
39:45And when I watch showing you the video recordings, I'll remind you that this is not really
39:54Who I am
39:56Like obviously this is some of me however, I
40:01told you the walk-in possession got really really bad and
40:05now with their
40:08Being a little bit more quiet with the walk-in, but they're doing other things with the walk-in that has made it
40:14Well, I would say it
40:18Equivalent to worse at this point
40:21I'm building family member in me and turning me into her. That's
40:28I'm not going to that their AI is they're trying to just make me say things right now. I'm trying
40:35But the pendulum says it stops
40:39You are finding out you're finding out about
40:43How she's act look actual expresses or it looks hopefully like
40:49so we can show you a I or I don't know, but
40:54This is a one of the worst things that could happen to me
40:58This is one of the worst things that could happen to a person
41:05Worst that is the family member
41:07I'm going to just shy. Just hang on do not die from this. Don't don't don't let it kill your spirit Shia
41:14Don't let it kill your spirit
41:18Do not let it kill your spirit Shia and because I'm not letting it kill my spirit
41:24I'm not gonna let it physically kill me
41:27I'm not gonna let it physically kill me
41:29I'm not gonna let it physically kill me
41:32And because I'm not letting it kill my spirit
41:35I'm not gonna let it physically kill me either
41:38So this is body mutilation physical body mutilation
41:43So, please Shia
41:46Do not be upset and stressed and ignore it
41:50And know that what you're looking at because I've been so demonically possessed
41:54You've known all along that they've been using AI on me to change who I am the whole time
42:02But so just know that you you know that you know that
42:09So not and I'm not gonna keep talking about this over and over and over I spent like
42:14Four or five videos talking about this. I'm not gonna talk keep talking about it
42:19So I'm gonna talk to you tomorrow Shia. I love you Shia
42:24Thank you everybody for watching. Thank you so much Shia for watching
