• last year
Sharing what we plan to do can be more detrimental to our plan than we realise. We often don’t get to do everything we plan out, especially in a new year, so showing and doing what we want, and failing, is better than dreaming of what we wish to do.

Post: https://macjunky.com/post/show-dont-tell
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00:00We all know the saying show don't tell the problem is whenever a new year comes around
00:07everyone talks about the things that they want to do in that year and oftentimes it doesn't get done
00:16and I think the reason is because the the idea of wanting to do something kind of trumps
00:23actually doing that thing so often it's more beneficial for you to actually just do something
00:33rather than think about doing something you probably have a ton of things in your to-do list
00:38you probably tweeted a bunch of stuff you probably stuck loads of stuff on facebook and linkedin about
00:43how you want to what you want to do in this coming year but you'll probably find that half of it if
00:50not I would say all of it you probably won't get done so this thing about showing and not telling
00:58I think really comes down to getting stuff done getting on with it just doing it if you fail
01:08well you've you've tried it because failing is a good thing a lot of people talk about
01:12failure as failure fail I've learned so much by failing over the years being in business
01:20that I've learned those mistakes and not to do that stuff again I'm over 50 now so I've made
01:27so many mistakes that where I am now I'm happy with where I am I am successful as to what I'm
01:36doing because I just did stuff and failed and then learned from those failures so don't tell
01:43anyone what you want to do just get on with it and show what you're doing let them follow your
01:49journey and I hope I hope that you'll follow my journey or our journey wolf is here somewhere
01:56a wolf this coming year anyway have a great day and I'll see you in the next one ciao