• last year
(PS2) Yakuza 2 - 10
00:00All right, I'm back guys! Short and sweet, we're back to full health. I have saved, and even more,
00:08I think I should actually do a save state here as well, just in case something funky happens.
00:12You never know. Maybe the restoration patch will fuck up somewhere again.
00:22I should have actually switched some of my settings around for the monitor
00:27too, like maybe not have it so sharp. Where is the image enhancement?
00:39Let's see if that makes things a bit better, maybe less sharp.
00:45So, we're going to continue on with the main storyline. Let's do some story this time.
00:51We can go to the bottom, the bottom exit, check sheet.
01:02We've cleared our boxes, all of our stuff. I should really get health,
01:09but I think we'll just gun it and see how it goes.
01:15I hope this is all the way up, which is fine.
01:45Oh, he's been having health problems. He's resting now with family.
02:15Finances have gotten awfully tight lately. Yeah, we've got to get money. Ever since Kazuma-san's
02:24death, the orphanage has been less important to the clan. I know the Tojo have a lot on their plate,
02:32but the poor children are... Suddenly I changed my voice.
02:39Peshawagi-san does his best to do right by them all, of course,
02:44but he's a busy man and sometimes slips through the cracks.
02:50If you found yourself with change to spare, might you consider making a donation, sir?
03:00Sure, I owe a lot to the orphanage. I'll do what I can, but not a lot.
03:06Oh, thank you. Anything at all would be wonderful. I come out here a lot, just let me know anytime
03:15you're able to make a donation. Or you can transfer funds directly into our account via
03:19any convenience store or ATM. Alright, I will. Well, thank you again. How much do you need?
03:28I got some money. I got some money here. Oh, yes, of course. Thank you.
03:36I'm gonna give her... There is a specific amount, but I can't remember. This is 30 bucks.
03:45Thank you so much, Kiryu-san. You're a blessing to those children. I'll be any time you can help.
04:00Let's see if this speaks or not. Thank you, Kiryu-san. You're a blessing to those children.
04:06I'll be any time you can help. Come on!
04:12It's something wrong. Oh, Kiryu-san.
04:15It's Hayato-kun, one of our boys at Sunflower. He's just about Haruka-chan's age. We've had him
04:25with us for a little while now, but he hasn't really made any friends yet. He hasn't opened
04:31up to the other kids at all. The other kids are doing their best to include him, but he shuts
04:37them all out. What do you think? Talk to him. Give him an activity he enjoys. Leave him alone.
04:49Do you know of anything he enjoys doing? Maybe something he's good at.
04:54Well, you might be right. That could be a way to get him to open up some.
05:00I remember reading his file that he took care of class pets at his old school.
05:09He may like animals, but we don't have any pets at Sunflower.
05:17Animals? Hmm. What could we do about that?
05:27Where is it?
05:30Is it the dog? I don't think it's the cat.
05:34I can't remember where it is. We might just have to run into it
05:39back to the end. Apart from that, let's get on with the main story.
05:47Oh, something tells me I need to go to the cafe place as well, which I totally forgot.
05:54Cafe starts at 660 yen, sir. Way to go. Let's go to the Tojo Clan.
06:03Yes, Tojo Clan HQ. I won't ask any questions, sir. Hop in.
06:12Oh, I should get off screen. Oh, that one.
09:14need to talk to you. It's personal. Wait for me in the front lobby by the door.
09:23She always said that she had something to talk about. I should go see her.
09:30Uh, hmm. What will we do that?
09:36Front lobby by the door. Is there some place that we can go or check?
09:43I don't think that they stick keys in here.
09:53By the front door. Hmm.
10:05Kagami, this is not the time. Yes, Kagami, you're on duty tonight. Come by the club ASAP.
10:12Understood, sir. Not right now. I gotta check for some keys.
10:20There might be keys around here.
10:27We never ever came around here in this game, did we? But we did in number one.
10:38This is looking pretty clean. I mean, of keys.
10:43Scroll painting of a person.
10:45Scroll painting of a person. You can open this thing up. I think we need a event driven up.
10:57I don't think there's a key around here.
11:05Or is there? Or is there?
11:10There is no key.
11:12There's no key, dang it.
11:22Definitely no key.
11:26There's no items as well.
11:30All right, let's go talk to the woman.
11:35Where should I go around the back? Let's go check around the full side. We're already here.
11:39We might as well.
11:53You never know what you might come across.
12:00We all know now that the answer is nothing. You get nothing.
12:10What do you have to say?
12:16They say back in the days of the first chairman, they kept the dogs here.
12:20A whole bunch of dobermans just left to roam around this courtyard.
12:25But the third chairman hated dogs, so...
12:30So he ate them.
12:40Yeah, don't scheme it like that, sir. They say the first chairman executed
12:46traitors to the clan out here. The place has got to be haunted.
12:51Put yourself together, man. You don't know about the Tojo clan. Grow up.
12:56Yes, sir. I'm sorry. I'll take this place with my life.
13:10Let's go. I really want to check around the other side though.
13:17Look at this. There's a door here that leads to here when you can go absolutely around it.
13:27That's a very strange place for a place with an open door.
13:30Is anything in here? This is the toilets. I'm not into the toilets.
13:37There's no key around here.
13:40Okay, I'm satisfied.
13:55Kiryu, I want you to take this.
13:58There's a key. There you go.
14:00I've been meaning to give you this key for a while now.
14:04A key?
14:07It opens a room here at headquarters. Why give it to me?
14:12Tesshawagi mentioned something earlier. He said the personal effects of the people
14:18who left the clan last year are still here. He said that Terada had them all hidden away
14:23someplace here at Tojo headquarters. Why would he do that?
14:28I can't say for sure, but my guess is to keep orders as the fifth chairman.
14:35He may have been trying to keep the men from dwelling on the clan's past. I never knew.
14:41Anyway, you might want to find something that will help the Tojo get through this.
14:47Take a look around and find that room.
14:49Got it. I'll do that.
14:51Okay. We know exactly where it is.
14:55Don't ask me what's in there, though, because I can't remember that piece.
15:00That's why it's good to play all these old games.
15:03And I think I actually want to play a lot more of these old games, because...
15:08Oh, give me a second.
15:09What's up with the XP up here?
15:14Uh, because I can now play at a higher frame rate, which makes things look so much cooler.
15:22So much smoother.
15:27A keyhole. Maybe that keyhole yellow gave me the work.
15:37Let's see.
15:40Oh, underground.
15:43What in the...
15:46I've never heard about any hidden room here.
15:53There's something here.
15:55Substitute stone.
15:58Okay, let's take it.
16:01What's this one?
16:03There's something here.
16:06It's like underwater.
16:10Yeah, what's this one?
16:13This dagger. I've seen this pattern.
16:17With the demon fire dagger.
16:20Anything else?
16:22I think that's really all.
16:23Oh no, I'm lying.
16:25There's something here.
16:27Black belt.
16:30Yes, this is for throwing.
16:32There's more?
16:34There's something here.
16:36Iron breastplate.
16:39There's actually a lot more stuff here.
16:46Miracle... white miracle tonic.
16:53I think we've cleared out the place.
16:57We've looted it.
16:58So before we do anything...
17:02The substitute stone.
17:04It said that it will take your place when you face death.
17:07So when you die, you revive.
17:09This improves your throwing ability.
17:12I have to replace one of these.
17:15Both of these do the same deeds.
17:20This gives me defense up.
17:23And it also reduces damage.
17:25Oh, nice!
17:26Okay, that works out well.
17:30Let's go.
17:37Actually, let's have a look at the dagger as well.
17:40Because I don't think we look at the dagger really.
17:44Familiar looking dagger.
17:49Okay, back to Yayoi.
17:54We're already playing up to nearly 20 minutes already.
17:58So fast.
18:14Judging from Shinto's attitude,
18:16I think the Nishikiyama family might split from the Tojo.
18:21Losing the Nishiyama family right now would mean losing half of the Tojo's manpower.
18:30The Nishiyama family has gotten that big.
18:34After what happened last year,
18:36Shinto took in four members from the Shimada family.
18:40They were already the Tojo's two biggest groups.
18:44Now they're one massive family.
18:47The Gouryuu could invade Komorujo any day now.
18:51And now this.
18:54We won't last long against Kansai if we can't even hold the clan together up here.
19:00What if we brought him back?
19:05I can only think of one man who could fight on an even footing with the Gouryuu.
19:12You can't seriously be thinking of...
19:16I'm dead serious.
19:19Are you sure?
19:21He's not going to come back quietly?
19:25Well, I'm well aware of the risk, skill, the Tojo needs him now.
19:32If you are sure, head to Purgatory.
19:35He hangs out there?
19:38In a manner of speaking, yes.
19:41Things have changed in the last year, you'll see.
19:44The entrance is still through the public restroom.
19:48There's no other way in.
19:49Be careful back there.
19:52I will.
19:57It would be good to say...
20:02There could be a key in the...
20:04I think, I think I know where a key may be, if it still exists.
20:11It should be in the garden area.
20:18No, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
20:22Maybe not in this game.
20:28Yep, we can't go through that way.
20:29What about in the car park side?
20:31I will be laughing at like I'm just missing the click spot for it.
20:50I didn't check up here, this is just the front section of where the door was to the other area.
20:56And there's nothing, there's nothing here.
21:01Totally nothing.
21:03Okay, time to go to Purgatory and see good ol' Majima.
21:12There's literally nothing here.
21:14Wait, no, that's just a door.
21:18Okay, what are these things I'm supposed to say?
21:23I got a dispatch saying there was a ghastly cure.
21:28That's why I'm here.
21:30Is it going to be fart?
21:32I haven't heard anything about a ghastly.
21:35Get out of here.
21:39I can't just ignore it, I'd lose my job.
21:46Fine, I guess I've got no choice.
21:51What the hell are you?
21:53Hey, are you okay?
21:56I knew he seemed fishy.
21:58Get back here.
22:00The hitman's got into the compound.
22:02I've got to do something.
22:08I think this is one of the fast guys.
22:14Oh shit, he's got a gun.
22:15No wonder I got a breastplate.
22:21The guy is fast.
23:17Come with me.
23:29That man must have been sent by someone from the Omi Alliance.
23:44Who the fuck was that?
23:46I'll beat it all out of them later.
23:49Thank you for your help, Chairman.
23:51No problem.
23:52You know, people are going to be coming at the Tojo from every angle.
23:58You boys need to stay sharp.
24:00Keep security tight.
24:02Yes, sir.
24:05Okay, see you later.
24:08I should probably get back to Konrucho.
24:11Your turn.
24:13Let's see.
24:14I might need to get a drink.
24:25Oh, Sayama.
24:26What's up?
24:29What's up?
24:30Oh, I'll tell you.
24:32You don't seem to understand the position you're in.
24:35Is what's up?
24:37Run off like that again and I'll...
24:40You're unconscious.
24:41Do you want me to carry you around?
24:46I'll make an exception this time.
24:48Where are you now?
24:50I'm in Konrucho.
24:52That's perfect.
24:53Do me a favor.
24:55What do you want?
24:57Will you pick up a few things for me?
25:00What do you need?
25:04Think you can manage that?
25:06Woman's underwear?
25:07Are you serious?
25:10Look, I didn't know I'd be staying with you in Tokyo.
25:14That makes two bucks.
25:16Oh, and while you're at it, grab me a beer.
25:19I got some torii beer.
25:22Underwear and beer.
25:23Got it.
25:26Hold it.
25:26Why should I?
25:28Anyways, gotta go.
25:30See ya.
25:32And we got mail.
25:33You have mail.
25:38This Sugana.
25:40Suuunaga told me.
25:42Remember that puppy last year?
25:44If he's still around, maybe we can keep him at Sunflower.
25:47What do you think?
25:50I agree.
25:53I can't remember where the dog is though.
25:55Okay, we gotta go to Don Quixote and go get some underwear.
26:09What could we do about that?
26:11Are you serious?
26:14Are you serious?
26:18Where are we?
26:24Oh, there's a key here.
26:25A woman's underwear.
26:28It's so expensive.
26:30And I think the Suntory beer is fine.
26:32We don't need to push this.
26:37I'll take that.
26:39Please, come again.
26:40I'll be taking this key.
26:43Something here.
26:44Equinox key.
26:45Take it.
26:48Key number 12.
26:51I need to sing over this music cause it's copyright.
26:55Don't copyright me.
26:58Why is it somewhat...
27:01Wait, why are there so many people in black up here?
27:14Sayama or...
27:16Before we do Sayama, let's go back and do...
27:21The Papi Aruka Saber is here.
27:24Wonder where it is now.
27:27Holy gnomes.
27:28I'll give him a call and see.
27:35This is Kiryu.
27:37Master Kiryu.
27:39Been a while.
27:40Something up, sir?
27:42Remember the doll from last year?
27:44Sure, yes.
27:46I've actually got the little guy with me now.
27:49Aruka said she'd be interested in taking it off your hands.
27:52What do you say?
27:54Here's an angel.
27:55To save me the trouble.
27:57Meet you in front of the theater in five.
28:01Sounds good.
28:05Let's get the puppy.
28:08That guy is trying to start a fire.
28:14What are you doing?
28:20Stop him!
28:21Somebody, please, help!
28:24Come on, come on, come on.
28:26Let's go.
28:26Get him.
28:28Come on, Kiryu.
28:33I'm talking to you, kid.
28:36What the hell do you want?
28:38You were trying to light that place on fire.
28:42N-no, man.
28:43I got some real fresh mackerels in this morning, see?
28:47I was gonna grill it.
28:54I'm gonna grill it with a big stove fire.
29:00Oh, there's coffee in here.
29:04Let's go.
29:11You missed, Kiryu!
29:14What the?
29:14Why can't I grab you?
29:33We're gonna go do the...
29:34The date scene.
29:37Back to Adam.
29:38I wouldn't do that.
29:41I'm sorry, okay?
29:43You're coming with me.
29:50I'm sorry, boss.
29:51I'm sorry, boss.
30:15700 bucks.
30:16You're a good man.
30:20But no points.
30:22There could be a key inside the cafe place.
30:25But I won't go in here.
30:30Let's go.
30:32It's gonna be puppy time first.
30:35Here's theater school.
30:39Yeah, this guy's gonna start a fight with me.
30:42We want the EXP, so let's do it.
30:45You always want EXP because by the end of the game...
30:49You'll have all your stuff.
30:52It's like, you really cut it close if you don't do all the fights.
30:56You like, obtain everything.
31:21I... I give up.
31:36Take this.
31:37Okay, thank you for the money.
31:39I'll need this later.
31:41Now, where is the dude?
31:43He should be around here.
31:48Oh, hey.
31:49Thank you for the poor man.
31:50Oh, it's on you.
31:52Where is he?
31:56What do you have to say?
31:58Hmm, I should ask her if she'd work at Marietta for us.
32:03What are you staring at?
32:04If you're trying to hit on me, the answer's no.
32:07Ever think of working at a Kareemus?
32:11The answer's double no.
32:15Where is the guy?
32:17I'm working with a puppy.
32:19Oh, he's over there.
32:24Good to see you, sir.
32:27This pup was innocent until he passed.
32:31I've been looking after him ever since.
32:34I'm sure Wachitaro here would be happy with Haruka-chan, though.
32:46Yeah, this little guy is a stray, right?
32:48People usually just call them something like Wachio, Taro.
32:54So we call him Wachitaro.
32:56Please, take care of- take him with you.
33:01Well, thanks.
33:05I do, just chuck him in my pocket.
33:10Goodness, who's this little guy?
33:13Think you and the kids could take care of him at the orphanage.
33:18You don't mind?
33:20Of course not.
33:22Well, thank you.
33:24Oh, this is going to make the kids so happy.
33:28All right, uh, they shot me back down here again.
33:34You know what?
33:35Let's level up.
33:37Let's level up.
33:39Where's that diesel?
33:42Let's go.
33:44Oh, those are gonna use up everything.
33:49Okay, quick stand 2.
33:52I like quick stand.
33:53That's 30.
34:03Who is this?
34:04Oh, this is Haruka.
34:06Thank you for finding Wachitaro.
34:08Hayato-kun is so excited.
34:09He said he loved dogs.
34:11We just walked in.
34:12I like the little dogs with the big heads.
34:23Ah, let's go.
34:25I want to check it out.
34:28This should be...
34:31Not a, not a key.
34:35Let's take a soil art.
34:37Why not?
34:38I'll take it.
34:39It doesn't do much for me.
34:41There it is.
34:43There's the key.
34:44I knew it.
34:47Ah, shitbox.
34:48Didn't know what it just said.
34:55There might be a key on the other one down below as well, but we're not going to go there.
35:09So, we gotta get a girl for whatever place.
35:16Ah, let's do it.
35:20Let's go find the girls.
35:24They're gonna shoot us back at Adam.
35:28Hmm, I should ask her if she'd work at Marietta for us.
35:34Can I, uh, help you?
35:36What do you think of working at a cabaret place?
35:41A cabaret club wants me.
35:43If you're interested, sure.
35:45The club is called Marietta.
35:48Oh, I know that place.
35:50It would be inside though.
35:51What's it like?
35:53The people working there are all nice.
35:56Well, that's good.
35:58Oh, no, that's...
36:00Well, that's good.
36:02Hmm, a cabaret, a cabaret.
36:05And you think I could cut it there?
36:09Absolutely, you're quite cute.
36:12Uh-huh, thanks.
36:13Well, hmm, um, sure, why not?
36:20Yeah, my name's Ran.
36:21By the way, thanks for the job, I guess.
36:27Ran joined Marietta.
36:32Okay, I don't want to go to Marietta yet.
36:35I want to see the guy, the punch guy that's not here.
36:42Okay, that's fine.
36:44We're going to have him, no, Adam.
36:47We're going to have him to do the job.
36:52Let's go do the detour.
36:54Let's see if I can answer properly.
37:09Not throw it up.
37:11Oh, what are you?
37:14Yo, oh, Dynamo Jin.
37:16Yo, yo, yo, been looking for you, bro.
37:19Part of town, man.
37:21All the way to Kamrucho.
37:24All through Kamrucho.
37:25Not that I mind now.
37:27I just go with the flow.
37:30Why am I looking?
37:31Oh, I think you should know.
37:36This guy is, uh, ready to start a fight with me?
37:44Just breathe.
37:45Oh, shiz, more than one person.
37:48All right, let's go, punks.
37:51Oh, you've got, uh, no fine.
38:07Dude, for God's sake, man, fine, please.
38:45I got, like, no weapons.
38:50Oh, can I pick one of these guys up?
39:05And they all run away.
39:11Oh, yeah.
39:19Oh, what?
39:19Are you serious?
39:29He saw that whole pipe go right through him.
39:33Are you serious?
39:39Should have cleared out all three of them.
39:42Huh, man, I guess I'm the one who should have known.
39:47So, what's your story, anyway?
39:49Some dudes hanging around came crying about a guy.
39:53They said what's putting the squeeze on them.
39:55Some Yakuza type.
39:57So, I went to look for.
39:59Wait, what?
40:01They pick fights with you?
40:03Sorry, man, I shouldn't have listened.
40:06Here, let me apologize for this.
40:09Use it to buy yourself some bandages.
40:17All right.
40:18That's a, that's a weapon.
40:25Let's see.
40:26Hello, sir.
40:31Getting close to that now.
40:36It's D-time.
40:46Here we go.
40:48Hey, customer, I'm gonna give you another chance.
41:00This is the last one.
41:04I'm going to put you at Takaya's table.
41:07He's our number one host.
41:08They'll have the same customer as before.
41:10Okay, boss.
41:11The quote is 30,000.
41:13Until you can make more than that, you won't be a poor fledged here.
41:17Got it?
41:18Got it.
41:19At any rate, I told you to keep the conversation going, right?
41:24If you piss them off, they'll leave.
41:27I'll be careful.
41:29For my advice.
41:31This customer is a hostess.
41:32She comes here to blow up steam.
41:35That's sort of really poor flattery.
41:39I see.
41:40Give her your undivided attention and keep the conversation going.
41:45I understand.
41:47I wonder if we're just safe-stated here.
41:53Or should we just gun it?
41:54We can gun it and keep doing it until we get it right.
42:00Let's see.
42:01I'll start off with a beer.
42:03I know, okay.
42:08What did you do yesterday?
42:10Spent all the time sweating it off at the gym.
42:12I thought I saw you walking with some girl.
42:15Yeah, yeah, yeah.
42:16This is his mother.
42:26You're as handsome as ever today, Takayu-kun.
42:29Oh, stop.
42:30You're such a sweet talker, Yorichan.
42:33I'll do anything to make sure you stay number one.
42:38It'd be great to be number one.
42:41You two are quite a pair.
42:43You must really be into Takayu-kun.
42:51It'd be great to be number one.
42:52You must really like Takayu-kun.
42:59Let's go for this.
43:01I'm here to be helpful to Takayu-kun, yeah.
43:03So, I saw you.
43:05If you knew how much money I spent on Takayu.
43:09Is that right?
43:10I'm just Yorichan's sweet huggy bear.
43:18Yorichan, you look even lovelier than usual today.
43:22Oh, Takuya-kun.
43:24You flatter me.
43:25But when I'm with you, I feel like a fresher fresher is.
43:29Yeah, like a freezing cold wind.
43:32Ah, okay.
43:33So it's definitely not this one.
43:34This doesn't sound right at all.
43:42Yeah, that's not nice.
43:45Saying I'm cold?
43:46What's wrong with you?
43:49It was supposed to be a joke.
43:51It's not funny at all either.
43:52I don't think it's a joke either.
43:54I'm sorry, Yorichan.
43:56That was a mood killer.
43:57I apologize, Yorichan.
44:00I'm very sorry.
44:01These days, customers will take overnight buses from the countryside to come here.
44:10Yeah, they do.
44:11What do you think of that?
44:13Well, I think it's nice.
44:17They do research and come all the way to see.
44:21It's kind of a trend now.
44:25It's all they talk about these days.
44:28I see.
44:29Yes, they're probably true.
44:31The clubs are all over TV these days.
44:34It might just be a trend, but the good clubs will stick around.
44:39Like this one.
44:41I sure hope so.
44:42Ah, that's a neutral answer.
44:46All this talk is making me thirsty.
44:50How about yours, Yorichan?
44:53What should I get?
44:54Let's see what happens if we go for gold.
45:00Don't be unreasonable.
45:02What to do?
45:05Let's see.
45:07I'll have... yeah, Kugasa Green.
45:08Still the same.
45:10That's cool.
45:16You want to extend?
45:16I know you are.
45:22Yorichan, have you ever cheated on a boyfriend?
45:27Why do you ask?
45:28No reason.
45:30I was just wondering.
45:32Cheating is a part of our culture.
45:34I bet she does it all the time.
45:36This is how a top host seduces a woman.
45:40Is this how a top host seduces a woman?
45:48This would be the worst thing to say.
45:52Cheating is a part of our culture.
45:55Hey, you're onto something there.
45:59I don't really, you know.
46:01And if you were my boyfriend, there's no way I'd cheat.
46:09Say, Kazuma-san, are you a heavy drinker?
46:13To an extent.
46:14Well, what about you?
46:21I need more.
46:22Okay, no problem.
46:23All right.
46:30What do we do?
46:33No problem.
46:34Oh, then let's see.
46:47Gochisousama desu.
46:49Thanks for the drink.
46:53I'd expect nothing less.
46:57You know what today is?
47:02Oh, I don't know.
47:05It's not my birthday and it's not Christmas.
47:08Today marks the 30th day you've chosen me.
47:12I have a present for you later.
47:15You remembered that stuff?
47:17I'm so happy.
47:20Now, that's an outstanding memory.
47:25For you to be so pushy.
47:28It must be tough to have so many anniversaries.
47:32Now that's an outstanding memory.
47:34Yeah, a good memory is important.
47:37I remember everything.
47:39From Yuri-chan's favorite color to her shoe size.
47:43You're amazing, Takuya-kun.
47:48Yuri-san, what do you like to do on your days off?
47:53I like to go shopping and I go out to eat a lot.
47:57I think probably the same thing as anyone else.
48:00What about you, Kazuya-kun?
48:04I'm a businessman.
48:06I do volunteer work.
48:07I'm on trips to find myself.
48:11What was she like?
48:13I think I go to...
48:15So, you go on trips, then?
48:21What have you found?
48:23Not much yet.
48:25Ah, this is pretty boring.
48:29Even though it's winter,
48:31it's so hot today.
48:33How did you mention that?
48:35We should replenish our liquids.
48:37It's so hot!
48:39It's so hot!
48:41We should replenish our liquids.
48:43Let's see if she'll go for the heavy stuff.
48:45Water, come on.
48:47What should we have?
48:49Champagne is kind of watery.
48:51I want to see you drunk.
48:55We'll go.
48:57Let's go with this.
49:01Is she going to go for the white?
49:03Because that's so green.
49:05Or the silk...
49:09I have zero idea.
49:17We're out by...
49:1910 bucks.
49:21Is that 10 bucks?
49:23We're out by 10 bucks.
