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►ACTIVE Inspiration chrétienne, vidéo de motivation, encouragement chrétien, vidéo de motivation
Discours de motivation, vidéo d'inspiration, motivation chrétienne, inspiration de Jésus, inspiration de Dieu, conférencier de motivation, conférencier d'inspiration, animation chrétienneLA CLOCHE DE NOTIFICATION !


00:00We would like to welcome you all to our channel, dear subscribers and viewers.
00:16May God bless you.
00:18If you are a Christian and you love prayer, this video is for you.
00:24Make sure to watch until the end so as not to miss anything.
00:54We would like to welcome you all to our channel, dear subscribers and viewers.
00:59Make sure to watch until the end so as not to miss anything.
01:02Make sure to watch until the end so as not to miss anything.
01:14Sit down, my sister. How are you?
01:17You don't look happy.
01:21Yes, I am not happy.
01:24I don't understand anymore, I love God so much.
01:27I pray a lot, but I don't get results for my prayers.
01:33I understand what you feel, don't be discouraged.
01:39Please, I beg you in the name of God.
01:42Please, teach me the right way to pray at this stage.
01:47I know I made mistakes.
01:50I know that with your love for God, you certainly pray a lot.
01:55But I think you are probably making some mistakes.
01:59But don't worry.
02:01I will explain to you.
02:03Yes, sir.
02:05Please tell me.
02:08Prayer is a powerful and essential tool in the life of every believer.
02:13It is our direct line of communication with God.
02:17It is the way in which we align our hearts to his will.
02:19But sometimes, we can involuntarily approach prayer in a way that limits its power.
02:27Or its effectiveness.
02:29But listen to me carefully, while I explain the mistakes that people make at the NCE that concern prayer.
02:42Too often, people treat prayer as a buoy of salvation.
02:46And they only turn to it when they have no choice.
02:50Or are faced with a crisis.
02:53If it is natural to seek God in times of despair.
02:57Prayer should never be our last resort.
03:01It should be our first line of defense in the foundation of every decision we make.
03:07Imagine how different your life could be, if you started each situation, big or small,
03:14by prayer, instead of using it as an emergency rescue plan.
03:19Philippians 4 verse 6 underlines this point magnificently by saying,
03:23do not worry about anything.
03:25But in each situation, by prayer and supplication with action of grace,
03:30present your requests to God.
03:32This verse highlights two important principles.
03:36First, we must bring everything, not just our emergencies, to God.
03:42Secondly, we must approach prayer with action of grace.
03:46Have confidence that God is already at work before even seeing the result.
03:51It's true, we use prayer as a last resort instead of letting it come first.
03:58Hum, I knew I had done things wrong.
04:01I didn't know how to fight them back.
04:05I couldn't stand it anymore.
04:10Use prayer as a first response rather than as a last resort.
04:14Also change our state of mind.
04:16Instead of considering God as someone to whom we turn only when we are in difficulty,
04:22we begin to see him as our guide, constant companion and source of strength.
04:27This change of perspective deepens our relationship with God
04:31when we invite him in all aspects of our life.
04:35Not just in times of crisis.
04:37Consider the example of Jesus throughout his life.
04:41Jesus has demonstrated the importance of giving priority to prayer,
04:45especially before decisions or important events.
04:49Before choosing his twelve disciples, Jesus spent the whole night in prayer.
04:55Luke 6 verses 12 to 13.
04:58He would regularly retreat to quiet places to look for the Father,
05:02even in the middle of a busy ministry.
05:05If Jesus, the Son of God, saw the need to pray constantly and as a first action,
05:11why should we do it?
05:14Yes, sir.
05:17Everything is fair.
05:19I was wrong.
05:21By making prayer our first response,
05:24we recognize that God has control and that we trust him to guide us in every situation.
05:30This act of abandonment removes the pressure to understand everything by ourselves
05:34and allows us to rest on the wisdom and providence of God.
05:38In addition, praying before a crisis allows us to build a solid base of faith
05:42that can lead us through difficult times.
05:46When we constantly seek God in the small moments of everyday life,
05:50it becomes a second nature to turn to him in difficult times
05:54rather than panic or run away to find answers.
05:58We can face the challenge knowing that God is already at work
06:01because we have been in regular communication with him.
06:05One of the greatest advantages of praying first is that it opens the door to God
06:09to work in a way that goes beyond our understanding.
06:13Proverbs 3, 5-6 reminds us to trust the Lord with all your heart
06:18and not to trust your own intelligence.
06:22Submit all your ways to him and he will flatten your paths.
06:25When we pray first, we essentially submit our plans,
06:29our thoughts and desires to God, giving him space to direct our steps
06:33and lead us towards what is best for our life.
06:37So, please do not make the mistake of using prayer as a last resort
06:41but rather a priority, a daily practice and the first answer to each situation.
06:46Invite God into your decisions, challenges and victories from the beginning
06:49and watch how he guides and transforms your life by choosing to pray first.
06:53You build a deeper relationship with God.
06:56Make the experience of more peace in the midst of the storms of life
06:59and open the door to his power to act.
07:02In all areas of your life trust him,
07:05seek him and let prayer be your first and most powerful action.
07:14One of the most common mistakes people make in their life of prayer
07:18is to give up too early.
07:20It is easy to be discouraged when we do not see immediate results,
07:24especially in a world where we are used to instant gratification.
07:30However, impatience can lead us to stop praying
07:34just as God is about to act.
07:37The Bible is full of examples of people
07:40who persisted in prayer even when it seemed that nothing was happening.
07:45Jesus actually told the parable of the Persistent Virgin
07:48in Luke 18 verses 1 to 8 specifically
07:51to remind us to always pray and not give up.
07:55The story of the Persistent Virgin is a powerful example
07:59of the way in which perseverance is paid in prayer.
08:04In the parable, a virgin continually approached a judge,
08:08unjust to ask for justice.
08:11Although the judge initially ignored him,
08:13he finally granted his request, not because he was just,
08:18but because of his perseverance.
08:21Jesus used this story to emphasize that even if an unjust judge
08:26answered the persistent request, how much more would a loving and just God
08:30respond to the persistent prayers of his children?
08:34Another mistake God, please forgive me.
08:38I knew it.
08:41We learn every day.
08:43Perseverance in prayer is not about exhausting God
08:46or convincing him to give us what we want.
08:50It is about demonstrating our faith and our confidence in his promises.
08:55When we continue to pray, even when we do not immediately see results,
08:59we show that we trust God's calendar and his plan.
09:04We recognize that his voices are higher than ours
09:07and that he works behind the scenes even when we cannot see him.
09:11Prayer is not just about getting answers.
09:15It is about growing in our relationship with God,
09:19developing patience and learning to fully rely on him.
09:23Often, the delay in receiving an answer to a prayer is not due to the fact
09:27that God ignores us or withholds his blessings.
09:31It is rather because he prepares us for the answer.
09:35There may be things in our character, our faith or our circumstances
09:39that must be refined before we can receive what we ask for.
09:44Sometimes, the waiting period is a time of growth when God strengthens our faith
09:48and prepares us for the breakthrough.
09:51It is not because the answer has not yet come that it is not.
09:55It could simply mean not yet.
09:59In the Bible, we see many examples of people
10:02who had to wait for the moment chosen by God.
10:05Abraham waited 25 years for God's promise to be fulfilled,
10:09that he would have a son.
10:11Joseph waited more than a decade after being sold as a slave
10:15before seeing the fulfillment of his dreams.
10:18The Israelites waited 40 years in the desert before entering the promised land.
10:24In each of these situations, waiting was a crucial part of God's plan.
10:30He worked behind the scenes, orchestrating events
10:33and preparing his people for what was to come.
10:36Another aspect of perseverance in prayer is to recognize that the battle
10:40is not only in the physical domain, but also spiritual.
10:45In Daniel 10, the prophet Daniel prayed and fasted for 21 days,
10:49seeking God's understanding.
10:52An angel finally appeared to him and explained to him that Daniel's prayer
10:55had been heard from the first day, but that there had been a spiritual opposition
11:00that had delayed the answer.
11:03This story reminds us that sometimes the delay we experience is due to the spiritual war
11:07and that perseverance is necessary to break this resistance.
11:12Yes, sir.
11:14I totally agree with you.
11:17It is important to remember that perseverance in prayer does not mean
11:21repetitive or stereotyped prayers.
11:24It means constantly presenting yourself to God with a heart of faith and confidence,
11:29even when the answer is delayed.
11:32Jesus himself was a model of this type of perseverance.
11:37In the garden of Gethsemane, the night before his crucifixion,
11:41Jesus prayed several times asking the Father to remove the cup of suffering from him,
11:46if possible.
11:48Yet, he submitted himself to the will of God,
11:51trusting in the perfect plan of the Father.
11:55So, how to cultivate perseverance in prayer?
11:59First of all, we must develop a state of mind that considers prayer
12:03as a continuous conversation with God and not as a punctual event.
12:08Continue to present your concerns, your hopes and your needs to God
12:13and trust that he listens to you.
12:16Secondly, remember the past fidelity of God.
12:20Think about the moment when he answered your prayers or came to your rescue
12:24in an unexpected way.
12:26These reminders will strengthen your faith and encourage you to continue to pray.
12:33One of the most important mistakes you can make in your life of prayer
12:37is to pray without faith.
12:39Prayer, by its very nature, is an act of faith,
12:43a statement that you believe in a higher power that hears you,
12:47cares for you and is able to act for you.
12:50The Bible clearly indicates that faith is the foundation of an effective prayer.
12:55James 1, verse 6 to 7 specifically warns us.
12:59But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt,
13:03for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea,
13:05blown and swung by the wind,
13:07this person must not expect to receive anything from the Lord.
13:12Without faith, prayer can easily become a routine or a ritual
13:16rather than the powerful, transformative experience it is supposed to be.
13:21It's like sending a letter without an address,
13:23as beautifully written as it is.
13:26It is unlikely that it will reach its destination.
13:30Faith is what carries your prayer from your heart to God's ears.
13:35It is trust and belief that God is not only able to answer,
13:39but that he is actively involved in every detail of your life.
13:43It is indeed an education in prayer.
13:47Several times we fall into the trap
13:50of praying by obligation or habit,
13:53but not fully committing our faith.
13:56We can say the right words,
13:57but deep down we doubt that God will really manifest.
14:01It is easy to pray in despair or in the hope of change,
14:05but true prayer requires something more.
14:09It requires confidence in the power and promises of God.
14:13Faith does not mean that you are always sure to get the answer you want.
14:18It means that you have confidence that God hears you
14:21and will answer in his wisdom and his perfect timing.
14:25When you approach God with faith,
14:27you do not just speak in vain.
14:30You engage with the Father Almighty
14:32who has the power to move mountains in your name.
14:35And that's where the change happens.
14:38Faith transforms the prayer of a wish
14:40into an act of alignment with the will of God.
14:44Faith also requires patience.
14:47It's not just about believing in the moment,
14:50but about clinging to that very belief
14:52when the answers later seem difficult to perceive.
14:56Many people give up too soon,
14:58thinking that because they do not see immediate answers,
15:02God does not listen,
15:03but faith says that I have confidence in God's timing.
15:06Hebrews 1 says now,
15:09Faith is the assurance of what we hope
15:11and the assurance of what we do not see.
15:13Faith persists even when the result is not yet visible.
15:18It supports you,
15:19reinforces you and gives you the ability to continue to pray with hope.
15:24It is important to remember that God's answers
15:27do not always come as we expect.
15:30Sometimes, his answer is not yet,
15:32or even known because he has something better in reserve.
15:37Faith allows us to have confidence
15:39that even if our prayers are not exalted as we wish,
15:42God's plan is always good.
15:45Esai 55 verses 8 to 9 reminds us that my thoughts are not your thoughts
15:49and your voices are not my voices,
15:51as the heavens are higher than the earth.
15:54So my voices are higher than your voices,
15:56and my thoughts than your thoughts.
15:59Uh, I see.
16:01When you pray,
16:03do it with an unwavering faith that God is not only capable but willing to act.
16:09Say your prayers with authority and confidence that come from knowing who God is.
16:14Faith is the key that opens the door to divine intervention.
16:18Without it, even the most eloquent or long prayers cannot be enough.
16:23But with faith,
16:24you invite the power of heaven into your situation
16:27believing that God will respond in his moment and in his perfect way.
16:31So do not pray only with hope,
16:34pray with confidence.
16:36Have confidence in God's ability.
16:40Have confidence in his timing
16:41and have confidence that his plans for you are always good.
16:45A prayer filled with faith is the kind of prayer that moves mountains and brings heaven to earth.
16:53One of the most common mistakes we make in prayer is to treat it as a one-way conversation.
17:00We are often prone to presenting our needs,
17:02our problems and our desires to God,
17:04filling our time with prayer requests,
17:07confessions and statements.
17:10However, we rarely stop for long enough to listen to God's answer.
17:16An effective prayer is not just about speaking to God.
17:20It is about cultivating a relationship where we also take the time to hear what he wants to communicate to us.
17:27Psalm 46, verse 10, reminds us of the importance of silence.
17:33Be calm and know that I am God.
17:36This verse carries a deep truth.
17:39It calls us to step back from the noise of our thoughts
17:44and our environment
17:45to silence the incessant flow of our requests to simply be calm.
17:50Silence creates space for God to speak to guide and comfort us.
17:56But how often do we rush into our prayers without ever waiting for an answer?
18:02Another big mistake.
18:04I always do that, it's so exact, sir.
18:08Oh my God!
18:10Prayer is at the heart of communication.
18:14Just like any significant relationship.
18:18Communication with God must be a two-way path.
18:22Imagine trying to build a friendship
18:25where a person speaks all the time and never listens.
18:29This relationship would quickly become superficial and unsatisfactory.
18:34The same principle applies to our prayer life.
18:38When we do not stop to listen,
18:41we miss the richness of God's voice in the depth of intimacy.
18:47When you pray, do it with an unwavering faith
18:51that God is not only capable but willing to act.
18:55Say your prayers with authority and confidence
18:58that you just know who God is.
19:01Faith is the key that opens the door to divine intervention without it.
19:06Even the most eloquent or longest prayers can be insufficient.
19:10But with faith, you invite the power of heaven into your situation
19:15believing that God will respond at the right time and in the perfect way.
19:19So do not pray only with hope, pray with confidence.
19:24Have confidence in God's ability,
19:27have confidence in his timing
19:29and have confidence that his plans for you are always for good.
19:34A prayer filled with faith is the kind of prayer that moves mountains
19:38and brings heaven to earth.
19:40One of the most common mistakes we make in prayer
19:43is to treat it as a one-way conversation.
19:47We are often prone to present our needs,
19:50our problems and our desires to God,
19:52filling our time with prayer requests, confessions and statements.
19:57However, we rarely stop for long enough to listen to God's answer.
20:03An effective prayer is not just about speaking to God.
20:08It is about cultivating a relationship
20:10where we also take the time to hear what he wants to communicate to us.
20:15Psalm 46, verse 10 reminds us of the importance of silence,
20:20be calm and know that I am God.
20:23This verse carries a deep truth.
20:26It calls us to take a step back
20:28in relation to the noise of our thoughts and our environment
20:31to silence the never-ending flow of our requests
20:34and to be simply calm.
20:37In this silence, we create space for God to speak,
20:41guide us and comfort us.
20:43But how often do we rush into our prayers
20:46without ever waiting for an answer?
20:49Another big mistake.
20:52I always do that, it's so precise, sir.
20:56He wants to share with us.
20:59God speaks to us in various ways.
21:02One of the most common ways is through his word.
21:06After praying, spending time in the Scriptures
21:09allows God to speak to you through the passages you read.
21:13The Bible is filled with wisdom, encouragement
21:16and answers that God uses to answer our prayers.
21:20If you rush out of this moment,
21:23to calm or close your Bible,
21:25after presenting your requests,
21:27you may miss the answer you were looking for.
21:31Another way God speaks
21:32is through the inner incitations of the Holy Spirit.
21:36These can take the form of sudden ideas,
21:39little touches of sweetness or feelings of peace and clarity.
21:43When you calm your heart after praying,
21:46you give the Holy Spirit the space to move and guide you.
21:53These moments of calm can be when you feel a sense of comfort,
21:57a new perspective or the answer to a question you are debating with.
22:02God also speaks through circumstances and other people.
22:07Have you ever experienced a situation where everything seemed to align
22:10just after praying to get advice or direction?
22:15Or maybe someone gave you a word of encouragement or advice
22:20that corresponded perfectly to what you asked of God.
22:24These are not coincidences.
22:27God often uses the world around us as a means of communication.
22:32However, to recognize these moments, we must listen and pay attention.
22:37Now, I understand the art of prayer better.
22:41Listening to God does not only help us to hear his advice.
22:45It deepens our trust in him.
22:49When we take the time to listen,
22:51we recognize that prayer is not about controlling the results,
22:55but about giving up the wisdom and timing of God.
22:59It is an act of faith that says,
23:00God, I trust you to speak in my life and I am ready to wait for your directives.
23:07This changes our perspective,
23:09from the attempt to bend God's will to ours,
23:12to the alignment of our heart on his plans.
23:15Listening in prayer brings a feeling of peace that goes beyond understanding.
23:21In silence,
23:23even if we do not immediately hear a clear answer,
23:26we can rest by knowing that God has heard us and that he works in our favor.
23:32This practice of silent listening helps us to go from anxiety and impatience
23:38to confidence and peace,
23:40knowing that God has control.
23:43But how can we cultivate the habit of listening during prayer?
23:49It starts with intentionality.
23:52After presenting your needs,
23:54take a few moments to sit down quietly,
23:57resist the urge to move on quickly to something else,
24:00or fill the silence with more words.
24:03Instead, let your heart and mind calm down.
24:08Ask God to speak to you, then wait.
24:12You may not hear something right away,
24:15but it does not matter.
24:16Sometimes, it is in the days that follow your prayer
24:19that you will feel his direction through his word,
24:22your circumstances or the inner incitations of the wonderful spirit.
24:29My dear, let's continue next time.
24:33I have to get ready early to go to church.
24:36Please come and see me so that we can conclude this discussion.
24:42Yes, Pastor, thank you very much.
24:45Prayer is really an article.
24:48I will never be able to pray in a bad way again.
24:52Yes, I do not doubt it.
24:55Your life is already transformed.
24:58Go and do exploits in the name of Jesus Christ.
25:01Yes, Pastor.
25:04My prayers will certainly produce results from now on.
25:12Do not forget to support us by liking,
25:14sharing and subscribing to our channel.
25:18May God bless you.
25:20See you soon in our next video.
