Pelajari Hal Ini Untuk Kebebasan Finansial Mu Robert Kiyosaki Edukasi
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00:00You know, the biggest complaint about my generation is millennials know all the answers, but they
00:11can't do it.
00:12That the school system was hijacked by the ultra-rich years and years ago to never teach
00:18people what I know.
00:20So they'll never teach you this in school, and there's a reason for it, to keep you working
00:24harder and harder and harder.
00:31Most millennials, they want a high-paying job, they want to be able to pay the rent,
00:34eat, and all that stuff, and then you dream of the big house, a nice car, and all that.
00:40But that's why 99% of Americans are broke, because their heads are in the wrong spot.
00:47And so when Kim and I met, we had nothing.
00:49It took us 10 years to go from nothing to financially free.
00:53But that's the power of focusing on assets versus liability.
00:59Most people are so busy working for money, so busy trying to pay their bills, and so
01:06busy buying liabilities that they think are assets.
01:09So my first gift to Kim was the counting game to get her head in here, and today we're financially
01:16And it's all free.
01:18So everybody can do it.
01:20It's a matter of putting your head into the right column.
01:23And then for me, it was in 73, I took my first real estate investment course here.
01:29I'm free.
01:30And then there's government money, which is fiat currency, which is the dollar, the yen,
01:34the peso, the euro, the yuan.
01:37And everybody's working hard for it.
01:40It's like eating fake food.
01:42That's why people are getting sick financially, because they're working for fake money.
01:46And then there's fake assets, which is another part of the millennial, the fake generation
01:53If you look at what happened with the fake central bank, the purpose of the central bank
01:57or the Fed, or all, you know, the Japanese, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank,
02:04they pump out fake money.
02:06The purpose of central banks like the Fed is to protect the banks, not you.
02:13They're a criminal operation as far as I'm concerned.
02:17In school, they compensate for risk by telling you to memorize the right answer.
02:22So in other words, these kids leave, young people like you leave school think, oh, if
02:26I know the right answers, then there's no risk.
02:30And it drives old guys like me crazy, because everybody's talking about millennials, what's
02:34wrong with them?
02:35You know, millennials are the most highly, in many ways, the most highly educated generation
02:40in history.
02:41They have the cell phone.
02:42They didn't get educated in school.
02:43They got educated on social media.
02:46They know all the answers, but they're afraid of doing anything.
02:49You know, the biggest complaint about my generation is millennials know all the answers, but they
02:56can't do anything.
02:57The reason they can't do anything is because you might hurt somebody's feelings, you might
03:01make a mistake.
03:02You know, and that just keeps you guys just trapped in this little box.
03:07So that's one of the reasons I think millennial money is such an important point here, because
03:12if you're going to come into my world, old guy's world, or the information age, you've
03:18really got to understand what is risky and what is not risky.
03:22If you play it safe, that makes you stupid.
03:27Because if you don't take risks, you don't get smarter.
03:30So you may know the answer, but you can't do anything.
03:34And one of the best things I had is I went to military school and I went to flight school.
03:40I had such great teachers, you know.
03:42All of them could fly.
03:43You know, so my flight instructor could fly.
03:46What a novel idea, you know, a flight instructor can fly.
03:51But when I was in high school, most of my teachers were terrified.
03:57They're all cowards, you know, job security, don't make mistakes, just memorize the right
04:03answer and you'll be safe.
04:05And that's why most school teachers aren't rich.
04:09Because if you're going to be successful, you've got to take some risks.
04:12When you look at this financial statement up here, that's what your banker wants to
04:19Your banker doesn't care about your grades.
04:21Banker doesn't care what school you went to.
04:24I mean, so many people say, oh, my banker won't give me any money.
04:27Because what, because you don't have one of these.
04:30And when you look at most of the politicians today, they don't have one of these either.
04:35The U.S. government doesn't have one of these anymore.
04:38They stopped doing this because of the U.S. government.
04:41The budget is so out of balance, they can't do anything.
04:44So that's why, you know, 22 years ago, in 1996, I created the cash flow board game.
04:50The purpose of this so people could teach people what our school systems will never
04:54teach you, never, because they don't know it.
04:59Because evidence is now coming out that the school system was hijacked by the ultra rich
05:05years and years ago to never teach people what I know, what my rich dad taught me.
05:11So you're going to depend upon the government to take care of you.
05:15That's crazy.
05:17One last thing, which I think most millennials understand, is, you know, in Rich Dad, Poor
05:22Dad, I wrote about Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald's.
05:27And he was teaching at the University of Texas, the MBA program.
05:31And Ray asked, and most of the MBAs are going to come out here.
05:35So Ray Kroc asked him, he says, what business is McDonald's in?
05:38And everybody yelled and said, no, no, no, we know you're in hamburgers.
05:43And Ray says, no, we're not, I'm not, McDonald's is not hamburgers.
05:48McDonald's is in the business of real estate.
05:51And the money McDonald's makes buys the real estate.
05:56The formula I follow personally is McDonald's.
05:59We have an education company that buys real estate, which means we make a lot of money
06:05and pay zero taxes, legally.
06:08So they'll never teach you this in school, and there's a reason for it, to keep you working
06:13harder and harder and harder.